A New Life: Part 6

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Five horny feline shapeshifters, four of them mated to each other, two pregnant, and one Troy feeling left out. Can Vance help her old friend find a way to fix her neverending heat?

Troy opened her eyes, the now-familiar need cutting through the soft cushion of sleep.

With a groan, she ran her hand across the fur on her belly, not stopping until she reached the hot, wet opening between her legs. Two fingers went in, then three. It wasn't enough. With a hiss of frustration, she sat up to give herself better access, and then shoved as much of her hand as she could fit into her pussy. Her tail lashed back and forth behind her, colliding with her pillow and sending it flying across the room to land on the bed next to hers. One of its occupants immediately sat up.

"W- What..." came the drowsy, feminine voice of Troy's best friend.

Vance picked up the thrown pillow, then looked around in confusion. Troy barely noticed, all her attention focused on trying to quench the fire that raged inside her. Her fingers probed her in her most intimate place, back and forth, back and forth. The pleasure was intense, and she couldn't help but lean her head back, eyes closed, and let out a long, blissful moan.

She could already feel her orgasm building up with every thrust of her furred fingers. She'd become very good at getting herself off over the past three weeks. She'd had to, seeing as how nobody else would do it for her. Vance had Myrr and Katie had Blair, but who did poor Troy have? Who cuddled with Troy during the long, lonely nights? Who was there to love Troy in a deeper, more intimate way than a mere human could ever understand? Who...

Who was there to put a child in her?

It had been three weeks since this had all started. three weeks since Vance had convinced Troy and the others to abandon their humanity and join the Feln, a race of feline aliens who were on the verge of extinction. Become a Feln, help repopulate their race, live a happier and more fulfilling life than earth could ever offer. And Troy didn't regret her choice. But when Vance had been mated to Myrr almost from the moment they'd met, and Katie and Blair had been a couple for years, it was hard for Troy not to feel left out.

Feln culture is very open, Myrr had explained. Just because they were mated to Vance, and Katie to Blair, that didn't mean that they were limited to each other. They could all fuck--and impregnate--whoever they wanted. And, for the sake of the Feln species, that was exactly what they intended to do.

But Myrr hadn't taken into account that Troy would be left without a mate. Not that that should have prevented her from getting the sex she needed to get pregnant, but things regarding Feln pregnancy had turned out to be a bit more complicated than it had originally let on.

With Vance pregnant, she was stuck in female form until she gave birth. Myrr still had the ability to change genders and knock up any willing female, but they had revealed that in Feln culture, once a child is conceived, the father would abstain from sex until the child had been born in order to provide for his mate and to be a father for his new children.

That still left Katie and Blair, of course. Two more Feln who were under the same enhanced hormones that Myrr had passed on to them, ready and willing to fuck as both males and females. But as it turned out, those hormones weren't for nothing--less than a day after Vance's pregnancy, Katie had become pregnant as well. That left two of the five Feln stuck as females, and their mates unwilling to so much as touch another woman until their pregnancies had run their course.

Not that I had much of a chance with Blair anyway, Troy thought as she furiously jilled herself off. She could still clearly remember what had happened the last time she'd propositioned the former lesbian.

"You were obviously a man before you changed," Blair had yelled straight into Troy's face. "You think that just because we're both Feln that I owe you sex!"

"What? No!" Troy had protested. "But Myrr said that all Feln can--"

"I let Katie have sex with Vance because she had to. And I fucked Myrr for the same reason. But now that that's done with, we aren't interested in sleeping around like a couple of sluts!"

"But I just..."

Blair had sneered at her. "I guess a man is a man, even if he's a woman. You might look like a cat now, but all you really are is a pig!"

And so Troy slept alone, relying on her hand to give her the pleasure the others denied her. She would cum soon--already her breathing was getting heavier--and that would make things better for a while. But it would come back. That burning, unignorable need. Not just to have a big, fat dick stuffed inside her pussy, but to be bred like the fertile female she was. To join Vance and Katie in knowing that new life was being created inside them. Before Vance and Myrr had changed her--back when she had only been a him--Troy would never have thought that the prospect of being a mother would have brought her so much joy.

Or that being denied it would hurt so much.

But it had consumed her. Ever since Troy had first been changed, she had been in female form almost the whole time. Every minute she was a male, or even in her genderless form, was a minute that she could have been taking a male's seed and turning it into a baby.

"I want it!" she whispered to herself as she brought herself closer and closer to orgasm. "I want it soooo bad!'

"Maybe I can help with that."

Troy froze in surprise as Vance got out of bed. Feln pregnancies were much faster than human ones, Myrr had explained. After three weeks, the other Feln's gray furred belly was noticeably rounder, and the way her breasts had grown a size or two never failed to make Troy burn with jealousy.

"I- I'm sorry," Troy said, yanking her fingers out of her sex. The orgasm she had been working herself toward faded, and she sighed in disappointment. The need burned even hotter after being denied what it so desperately wanted. "Did I wake you?"

Vance smiled and walked over. "Yeah, but that's all right. Why'd you stop? Your not still embarrassed by things like this, are you?"

"Maybe a little," Troy admitted, blushing beneath her fur. Vance sat down next to her, so close that the fur on their hips brushed together. "But I haven't exactly had as much practice getting used to this as the rest of you, you know?"

"I know, and I'm sorry about that." Vance looked over at her mate, who was still sleeping soundly. "I don't think even Myrr expected me and Katie to get pregnant at the same time. That kind of threw a wrench into their plan to...er, recruit more Feln."

"What's it like, Vance?" Troy asked, not for the first time. "Having a child--your very own child--growing inside you?"

As she always did when Troy asked her that, Vance took Troy's hand and placed it on her belly. For a few seconds there was nothing but the warmth beneath her fur--but then there was a little kick, and Troy felt her heart do a somersault.

"It's amazing," Vance answered. "I can't compare it to anything, because there's no other feeling like it. I haven't met my baby yet, but I already love it so much that even I can hardly believe it."

"I want to feel that," Troy whispered, looking into her friend's eyes. "I want to feel it so, so bad."

"You will!" Vance promised. "It's just taking a little longer than expected."

Troy closed her eyes, and tears spilled down her cheeks. "And it's not just that! I want what you and Myrr--and Katie and Blair--have. I want a mate who'll love me more than life itself, and I'll love just as much!"

"Actually," Vance said hesitantly, "that's why I came over here."

Troy looked at her in confusion.

"There's no reason you can't at least look for a mate of your own," Vance explained. "If you had one, then you wouldn't need to wait until Katie or I gave birth to...well, you know."

"How am I supposed to find a mate if I'm stuck in here?" Troy argued. "You know as well as I do that Myrr said nobody is allowed to leave while you and Katie are pregnant."

The order had been a smart one, Troy knew that. Letting Vance and Katie outside would put their babies at risk, and their mates needed to stay close by to take care of them. And Troy, as the only Feln without a baby or a mate, was too inexperienced with her Feln abilities to go out by herself. Feln could disguise themselves by projecting mental images into the minds of anyone who looked at them, but all it would take was one slip up to reveal them all. And so, for three straight weeks, they had all stayed inside the ship.

"There might be another way," said Vance. "Did I ever tell you how I met Myrr?"

"You said she lured you out to her ship by telepathically speaking to you."

"Exactly! She spoke directly into my mind! That means that even though we'd never met, we were already mated!"

"And," Troy said slowly, "how does that help me?"

"Well, there's the problem," Vance admitted. "I don't know exactly how it works. What I do know is that, if you can figure out the trick Myrr used with me, there's a chance you could find your own mate without leaving the ship and bring him here."

Troy paused to think about it. "But," she finally said, "I don't have any other friends like you and Katie. Nobody's going to want to go through this unless they know and trust me."

"You'd be surprised how strong the connection is between mates," said Vance. "I'd never met Myrr before I came to the ship, but I immediately trusted them."

"That's true, but..." Troy hesitated.

"But that can be a problem for tomorrow. For now," Vance reached out to embrace Troy, "let's get you taken care of."

The thought of sex with her best friend made Troy's heart race with excitement, but she forced herself to shake her head. "I don't know. No offense, but you don't really have the...you know...equipment to take care of me right now."

Vance grinned. "I don't need a dick to make a beautiful lady feel good."

Then she leaned down and took one of Troy's breasts into her mouth. Troy immediately gasped in ecstasy as Vance's rough tongue ran across her nipple. Her body was crying out for a male, but it wouldn't say no to some passionate fun with another female. The need would still come back, of course, but at least Vance would make it go away longer than her hand could.

Vance eased Troy down onto her back, switching from one breast to another every minute or so. Troy purred from the sensation. As a man, she could never have imagined how amazing having breasts--and having them played with--would feel. The way her nipples hardened from Vance's attention felt like having two tiny erections on her chest. She raised her own hands, running them up and down Vance's furry waist, then over her swollen belly. The baby kicked again, but for now Troy was willing to forget about that and focus on her time with Vance. She began to fondle her friend's breasts as well, running her claws delicately over the nipples, making Vance murr happily.

Then, still sucking on Troy's tits, Vance ran her hand down Troy's belly and between her legs. Her pussy was burning with so much need by now that Troy spread her legs even before Vance's hand had reached her soaking wet sex.

"Yesssss," she hissed as Vance's claws brushed her clit.

Vance didn't waste any time teasing her. She knew how badly Troy needed it, and she gave it to her, pushing her fingers deep into Troy's womanhood. Her inner walls quivered with the contact, and seemed to be trying to pull Vance's fingers in ever farther. Vance drew them out a few inches, and then thrust them back in again, causing her friend to cry out in pleasure. Vance paused, worried that she had woken the others, but all Blair did was yawn and roll over. Then, feeling more confident, she began to thrust in and out more quickly.

Troy gently put her hands on Vance's cheeks and pulled her away from her breast and up to her face, where she kissed the other Feln with the ferocity of a wild feline. Their mouths opened, their tongues dancing as Vance brought her best friend closer to her climax. Troy pressed her body against Vance's. Her breasts were mashed against Vance's slightly bigger ones, and she slowly gyrated, rubbing their nipples together in slow circles that made both of them moan into each other's mouths.

Then Vance broke the kiss so abruptly that she left Troy with her tongue sticking out. Before Troy could complain, Vance pressed her tongue against the fur just below her collarbone, and began to move downwards. Troy sucked in a breath as that rough feline tongue passed between her heaving breasts, across her belly--pausing for a moment to circle her bellybutton a couple times--before finally reaching her burning, soaking crotch. Vance withdrew her fingers, making sure to rub against just the right spots to make Troy arch her back, and then bowed her head to run her tongue across her opening. Troy bit her lip to keep from crying out, but she couldn't stop the purr from rumbling inside her chest--a sensation she still hadn't gotten used to after three weeks.

"Mmmm, Vance," she moaned softly as the other Feln tasted her quivering sex. "Vance, I...ooohhh, Vance...Vance, I love you!"

"I love you too, Troy," Vance said, raising her head just long enough to look her best friend turned lover in the eye. Even without a psychic connection, Troy knew she was telling the truth. She did love her back. Not as much as she loved Myrr, and Troy didn't hold that against her. They were mates, after all. Practically married, even though no such concept existed for the Feln. But the love was there, and the amazing sex they occasionally shared was only part of that. It went back farther than when they'd become Feln, back to the childhood they had spent together. Of course, both being boys without the slightest inclination of being gay--ironic, Troy thought as the other woman continued to lap at her pussy--those feelings had been purely platonic. But now, with their human inhibitions cast aside, it astonished Troy just how quickly those feelings had turned into...well, into this.

"Don't you dare finish me yet," Troy snapped as her orgasm began to build up yet again. Vance paused, confused, and Troy gave her a wicked grin before beckoning her forward with a finger.

Vance's eyes immediately lit up, and she got up onto all fours, looking for all the world like a real cat for a moment, and crawled back up the bed. For a few seconds they were face to face again, and Troy leaned up to give her another kiss. Then, with feline grace, Vance turned around on the bed. Troy found himself looking, not at Vance's face, but at something equally as beautiful. Vance's own pussy hung in the air, mere inches from Troy's face. Her tail lashed back and forth in excitement at the thought of what would come next--and then she lowered herself down onto Troy.

Reaching up, Troy palmed Vance's ass cheeks and gave them a squeeze. The smell of Vance's sex was overpowering. Even though her chemically enhanced heat had ended the moment she'd become pregnant, that didn't stop her from being aroused--very, very aroused, if Troy's nose didn't lie to her. The scent filled her mind, and Troy couldn't have held back any longer if she'd wanted to. She licked Vance's clit, smiling when the other Feln's hips immediately bucked a little, and then happily stuck her tongue as deep into Vance's womanhood as it could reach.

As soon as she did, she felt Vance's tongue do the same, penetrating her with its wetness and its warmth, and she moaned right into Vance's pussy. It was only made even more powerful by the taste that suddenly coated her tongue. The taste of Vance, more intimate and exciting than even their kiss had been. It electrified her, demanding that she lick even more, lap even harder, like an animal dying of thirst who had just found the only source of water in a hundred miles.

Vance began to moan as well now. Vance's pussy was tight, but not so tight that Troy could touch every inch of it at the same time. She did her best to make up for that, running her tongue in and out, up and down, and side to side so quickly that it almost seemed to vibrate. And without stopping, she ran her hands further up Vance's backside until she found...

"Oh, GOD!" Vance hissed when Troy's hands wrapped around the base of her tail. "You'll make me cum in seconds if you do that!"

Troy grinned and withdrew her tongue. "That's the idea, hot stuff. Let's cum together!"

Vance didn't need any more encouragement, and immediately plunged her tongue back into Troy's pussy. By now, the walls of Troy's womanhood were quivering, eagerly anticipating the one thing she'd wanted, needed, since she'd woken up. Vance was more than happy to give it to her, and Troy was more than happy to return the favor. Vance didn't need it like Troy did, but best friends were supposed to share everything--and tonight, that included orgasms.

Troy's tongue found Vance's g-spot focused on it, frantically massaging it with her tongue while her hands moved up and down on Vance's tail almost like it were a cock and she was masterbating it. She knew all too well that it was Vance's weak spot, because it was hers too. She just hoped that it would be enough to make Vance cum at the same time as her because she couldn't...hold on...any...more--

White hot pleasure exploded in her pussy like someone had set off a stick of dynamite, and it quickly spread to the rest of her body. Pulling her tongue from Vance's sex, she opened her mouth to cry out--but found she couldn't. All she could do was lie there, her body spasming out of her control, and suck in breath after exhilarated breath. Vaguely, she was aware of the fluids erupting from between her legs, splashing onto Vance's face and matting her gray fur. Somewhere in the back of her mind, though, she couldn't help but feel disappointed that she hadn't managed to get Vance to--

Vance let out a long, drawn out moan, and Troy suddenly found her own face drenched with hot, delicious smelling juices. Vance was shaking too, and she gasped when Troy licked her again to clean off the drops of cum that still clung stubbornly to her opening.

"St- Stop it!" Vance said, rolling off of her. Troy tried to follow with her tongue, but Vance put her foot on her forehead and pushed him away. "I'm too sensitive!"

With her heart still racing, Troy's senses slowly began to come back to her. The burning need was finally gone, at least for now. In its place the calming contentedness that always followed an orgasm washed over her, and she laid down on her back with a happy sigh.

"Thank you," she said in between gasps to catch her breath. "I really...really...needed that."

Vance smiled at her. "I could tell. This hasn't been easy for you, has it?"

Troy shook her head.

"Well, I'm going to help you," said Vance, putting one hand on Troy's breast, though for once the gesture didn't seem sexual. "As soon as everyone else gets up, I'm going to talk to Myrr about finding you a mate."

Troy smiled back at her, and she couldn't stop a tear from rolling down her cheek. "I would like that. A lot. Thank you."

Vance turned to rise from the bed, but before she could, Troy's hand shot out and grabbed hers. She looked back at her friend in surprise.

"I know I'm not your mate," Troy said quickly, "but could you...you know...sleep here for the rest of the night? With me?"

Vance blinked. "Troy, I--"


Vance hesitated, but then laid back down. Rolling over so that her back was to Troy, she said, "All right, but just for tonight."

Troy didn't waste any time cuddling up to her. Spooning against the other Feln, one hand on her breast and the other on her belly, she sighed again. Vance wasn't a male. Not right now, anyway. She wouldn't be able to put a baby in Troy's belly for a while yet. But for tonight, Vance was warm, Vance was soft, and most importantly--Vance was there.

The child in Vance's belly gave another soft kick, and Troy smiled and closed her eyes, falling instantly into a deeper sleep than she'd had in weeks.