Ch. 1 The Silver Eyed Devil

Story by Brotherwolf3030 on SoFurry

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#1 of GunWolf

The following story contains adult content that may not be suitable for some readers. Please do not read unless you are over the age of 18. But if you do I can't stop you XD. All characters belong to me unless asked to be used by another fur. Names may be similar to other characters from other furs stories, comics, or artwork this is all purely coincidental and I have no intention to copy anyones work. Please rate, comment, and Enjoy!!!


Ch. 1 The Silver Eyed Devil

The streets' of Chiver were empty one Monday night. All of the shop's in town were closed, and the owners had all gone to the only lit building on the wide gravel roads. Tom's saloon was the only place open. It was still early in the night so furs were still coming in from there long day at work. Inside the festivities were in full swing with furs: dancing, drinking, gambling, or trying to seduce Irene in letting them be the first one of the week. Sheriff Sims was there as well. Since everyone in town came to Mel's at night, all he had to do was make sure nobody got into a fight.

The place was nice for being a boomtown saloon. The floor was made of nice sturdy pine planks. The tables were made of fine oak with fancy decretive inlays. With the profit being pretty good Mel thought it was time to put in some game tables. He had one nice green felt faro table, and two poker tables. There was also a pool table in back of the saloon lit up by a single overhead lantern. The bright kerosene chandelier that hung from the center of the ceiling, brilliantly lit up the dance floor. The only place that wasn't lit up, however, was the space under the overhang of the upstairs balcony where Mel, Irene, and Tom stayed.

The bar was big and ornate. Mel put a lot of money into making it the center piece of the saloon. It had several brass nozzles in the center that dispensed beer. Behind it there was a huge shelved wall that had many different brands of whisky and wines. At the far end of the bar sat Mel's Player Piano that he inherited when his mother died. The piano was very old, maybe even older than Chiver. Mel put a lot of work into making sure that it stayed tuned, and in mint condition. Even though it could play on its own Mel really loved playing it himself.

Mel Thompson was a short Beagle barely reaching most furs shoulders, but he was heavy with lean muscle. Back before he decided to settle down and build the saloon he made his money boxing. He had grown up in Chiver ever since it was a boomtown. His brother Tom gave him the idea to start this saloon nearly twenty-one years ago. Both of them built it from the ground up using all of their money. They were so excited when they were finished with everything that they opened before they had named the place.

The first night it was open everyone was having a great time, before tragedy struck. A drifter came into the saloon and began playing cards. He had lost all of his money in a single hand of poker, and got angry at one of the other furs at the table. He was accusing him of cheating. He pulled out a gun and tried to shoot the other fur. Tom intervened and amongst the struggle, he was shot. Mel leaped over the bar to aide his brother. The drifter shot Mel in the leg and he fell. Before dying in Mel's arms, Tom's last words were "Give this place a name".

Everyone was so struck by the sudden death of Tom, that the drifter was lynched that very night. Everyone in the bar over powered him and tied him up. They took him outside of town to the highest oak tree they could find, and hung him from the highest branch in the tree. His neck didn't snap when they dropped him off the edge of the wagon. He dangled there suffocating as everyone watched. They then threw his body out in the middle of nowhere to feed the buzzards.

Mel named the bar and his new born son after his brother. He raised his son by himself with Sheriff Sims acting almost like a grandfather. The boys mother was a drifter and only stayed in town because she got pregnant. She ran off two days after Tom was born.

Tom Thompson grew up like any other boy did in Chiver. It turned out that he was like Mel's brother more than just by his name. He had the same Beagle fur pattern and the same cow licked hair the old Tom got hassled about. He even acted like the old Tom. The furs of Chiver ended up giving him a nick name, Little Tom, so they could distinguish him in conversation. His nickname was ironic since he ended up growing very tall. The height was the only thing he had gotten from his mother. He was nearly half a head taller than Sheriff Sims so his nick name continued as a town joke. He didn't mind though, he liked it. He looked and acted like the old Tom so much, that Mel would sometimes joke that his brother came back from the dead. Sometimes he believed it.

Sheriff Jimmy Sims was an old Irish terrier who also lived in Chiver since the town had begun. He was a deputy back then, and had one of the highest arrest records. He became Sheriff when the previous one had been killed in a gunfight with some outlaws nearly thirty years ago. He loved being a law fur and on several occasion risked his life to keep others safe. He felt that Chiver was too small of a town to risk anyone else's life except for his so he didn't hire any deputies to lighten the already light load.

He had watched Mel grow up since he was a pup. They had became as close as family after Tom's death. He didn't intervene with the lynch mob when they hung the drifter either even though the law said he should have. He said he would have done the same thing. In his mind it was justice anyway. Spending time with Irene, the only whore in town was one of his favorite hobbies. Not in bed, they just liked to talk. He liked talking to women, and Irene has very talkative so they enjoyed each other's company very much.

Irene Cutter, came to town about a year ago looking to settle down. With some negotiations she and Mel worked out a deal. She would do her business only one night a week and she could keep all of the profits from that night. Mel didn't want anything in return he just didn't want her abusing herself. She also got her own personal room on the upper floor of the saloon as part of the agreement.

She was a very attractive Schipperke with solid black fur but with a hint of a silver glow to it. She had a very lean, toned body with very muscular attributes but still retained her feminine looks. Nobody knew how old she was, even though there were defiant signs of age. Even so it did not hurt her success with the men or women. She had experience and that is what made her popular.

Unlike other whores, Irene had a system. She knew that this business carried risks so she set a limit of two suitors for her work night. She would also make them take a bath before they did anything. She gladly accepted the conditions of one night a week because it gave her time to rest up so she could be at her peek when she performed. She found it odd that Mel didn't ask anything of her than just to keep herself safe.

They all worked together to make Tom's Saloon the best that it could be. It had become widely known in the region. Sometimes they would get traveling parties come into town just to join the furs of Chiver in their merry making. Tonight, they had enough out of town patrons that the festivities poured out into the streets.

Mel and Tom were busy at the bar serving the first round of the night. Most furs ordered a bottle of whiskey to lessen the hassle of serving the huge crowd. Tom was taught from a pup how to be a bartender and was fluidly dashing back and forth getting their customers their drinks. At one point, Mel just stood back and watched his son take over. Mel smiled as he saw Tom do his job flawlessly even when the crowd got bigger.

Mel could see that things were under control, so he thought it was time to add some music. He walked over, and sat down at his piano and began to play an upbeat tune that he wrote a few years ago. His fingers skipped across the keys as the fast paced notes gave the saloon a lively atmosphere. Furs cheered as the music began to raise their spirits. They began to dance together in a big organized mosh outside in the streets.

Sheriff Sims just arrived outside, and was fighting his way through the crowd of furs. Hearing the piano begin to play he knew that he was a little late. He quickened his pace trying to hurry. He eventually found the double swing doors and walked inside. The crowd inside was less than the one outside which puzzled Sims. Usually it was so packed inside the saloon that he wouldn't be able to move without bumping into others. Right now there were only a few guys playing pool, and a couple groups at the faro and poker table, and twelve furs sitting at the bar.

He walked over to the piano were Mel was happily swaying side to side keeping rhythm with the tune. Mel's smile brightened when he looked up and saw Sims leaning up against the piano. Looking up at him while continuing to play Mel said, "You're late."

"I know," said Sims with a rough voice. He cleared his throat before speaking again, "It was hard just getting near this place. I think this might be our biggest crowd yet."

Mel shrugged his shoulders, "Could be."

Sims laughed slapping his hand on the hard wood frame of the piano.

"What's so funny?" Mel laughed, not knowing what he was laughing at. He continued playing not missing a note.

"Your modesty, be proud and enjoy your success a little," Sims said chuckling. His chuckle ended with a nasty cough. Sims quickly pulled out a rolled cigarette from his chest pocket and shoved it between his lips. He then began patting himself down for his matches.

"Right vest pocket," Mel said. Sims stopped to look at Mel with a confused look.

"Right vest pocket," Mel repeated pointing at where he was talking about with his chin.

Sims then reached into his right vest pocket and pulled out his box of matches. He raised an eye brow looking at the matches then to Mel.

"Looks like old age is catching up with you," Mel said as he looked back down to watch the keys.

"Looks like you are becoming a better wife too," Sims said. Mel tried not to lose his focus as his body shook with laughter, but he ended up hitting a wrong note.

Sims took a match from the box and struck it against a nearby support column. He lit his cigarette giving it a big draw as he threw the match into a spittoon. Sims let out a long breath of smog with a very content smile on his face.

A haze started to build up around Mel and Sims as he finished with the cigarette. He took one last puff before throwing it away into the same spittoon he threw the match in. He looked around the saloon and frowned. Mel looked up and saw that he was concerned about something.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Where is Irene?" Sims asked looking over his shoulder still trying to find her.

"I don't think she has come down yet," Mel said.

"It is not like her to be late like this," Sims said adjusting his hat.

"She is probably just still sprucing up for tonight," Mel assured him. Sims nodded in agreement.

"Have you seen any gun tooters?" Sims asked. Mel shook his head.

"Not this time. It will be a quiet night Sheriff. You can relax," Mel said.

Sheriff Sims smiled, "I hope it stays that way."

Tom was still hard at work serving up the last of the first rounder's. A break in the line let him catch his breath. He took a rag from underneath the counter of the bar and began to wipe it down. One of the furs at the bar raised a finger up above his slouched head. Tom quickly grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured another shot for the fur.

"Hey Tom," a mutt yelled from the other side of the bar.

Tom walked over to the mutt and slung the rag over his shoulder. He propped himself up on his elbow and said, "What can I get for you sir."

"How about one of those Flying Shots I keep hearing about?" the mutt asked. Tom smiled.

"Hey Pa," Tom yelled over his shoulder.

"Yes son," Mel responded still playing the piano.

"This gentleman right here would like a Flying Shot. May I oblige him?"

"Go ahead son."

Tom then brought up a full bottle of whiskey and took the cork out. The mutt smiled at him. Tom smiled back then threw the bottle up into the air. He caught it when it came down and threw it up again by the neck which made it spin. He quickly grabbed two shot glasses from the back counter and threw them up as the bottle came back down. Without spilling a drop he began to juggle the shot glasses and bottle. The mutt's eyes had widened as he watch this high flying act of liquor. Tom was actually drawing in his own small crowd, around the bar. He ended the show with slamming both shot glasses down and then catching the bottle in the perfect position to pour the drinks from.

The mutt was so stunned by the display that he had forgotten he ordered the drink. Tom took both of the shots in his hands and handed one of them to the mutt. The mutt snapped out of it and took the shot. Tom held up his own shot of whiskey to propose a toast. The mutt smiled and tapped his glass against Tom's. They both threw their heads back as they swallowed the shot.

Applause came from the crowd that piled up to see Tom's performance. Tom smiled and threw up his arms, "Who else wants one?"

The whole crowd cheered as they began to order there shots. He began to twist, spin, and juggle multiple bottles and shot glasses. Each time he poured he made each new attempt more complex and showy.

"Hey boy you better be careful now," Mel yelled over from the piano.

"Yes sir," Tom said as he juggled another set of shot glasses.

Sheriff Sims had another lit cigarette dangling from his mouth. He was puffing on it keeping it firmly between his lips as he watched Tom show off. A small pile of ash had formed at his feet. Mel was bobbing his head up down along with music again. He glanced down for a second and saw the pile of ash on the floor. He didn't like having a dirty floor and this irritated him a little.

Mel cleared his throat and said, "You need an ash tray?"

Sims diverted his attention away from Tom and looked down at Mel then to the ground where he was looking and saw his pile of ash.

"Oh sorry," Sims said as he kicked the pile with the side of his boot making the ashes disappear into the air. It left a big black streak on the wood floor. Sims saw this and tried to rub it out with his boot, only making the black streak into a blotch. Sims looked back at Mel. His face had a very ungrateful frown on it.

"Uh....Sorry again," Sims said. Mel rolled his eyes and went back to playing.

He played for a few more minutes before Sims asked once more, "Where is Irene?"

Mel stopped playing the piano. He stood up to look over the piano as he scanned the saloon. Mel sat back down and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know," he said.

"Maybe you should go see if she is Ok." Sims said.

Mel looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. He thought about it then nodded his head.

"Alright then," Sims replied with a mischievous grin as he bummed another cigarette.

Mel had then turned around and went up the stairs that were behind the bar. It was dark at the top of the stairs as he came up to the balcony. Mel had never put lanterns up there because it was usually lit during the day through a window at the end of the balconies walk way. His room was the first one to his right with a heavy oak door that he bought. After that was Tom's room, then the guest room which was used usually for really drunk out of Towner's who were willing to pay for it. At the end of the balcony was Irene's room. The door was decorated in several frilly scarves that she never wore and a few love notes tied between them from several love drunken furs.

Mel walked up to the door and knocked.

"Irene?" He said loud enough so it could have been heard through the door.

Mel knocked on the door again. He still didn't get an answer.

"Irene? Are you ok?" He said with concern in his voice. Even though she was a whore Mel still cared about her. She had lived under his roof for the past year and she had been very kind and gentle to everyone she encountered. He felt it was his duty to make sure that everyone in his saloon remained safe.

He knocked louder making the door rattle. He waited for a few seconds with his hands on his hips. Growing more worried more than impatient he decided it was time to go in.

"Irene, I am coming in," Mel said as he opened the door. A wall of thick perfume hit him as he walked inside. The room was lit with only one lamp sitting on the makeup table on the left side of the room. On the right was a huge clothing rack with several different types and colors of frilled skirts and Basques. A huge queen sized bed was positioned in the middle of the room with night stands on both sides of it. Rings bracelets, and a bottle perfume were scattered on both of them.

There was a bath tub in the back room that used to be a closet. It was a good spot for it sense working with the plumbing was hard enough on the outside. Irene had bought all the necessary parts to get a shower made which Mel helped put in.

Mel looked around but couldn't see Irene. He smelled the air to see if he could pick up her scent. All he got was a nose full of perfume. Something though caused him to become aroused. He had smelt Irene's perfume many times but it never made him feel like this before. He took another deep breathe through his nose trying to sort out what it was.

The faint aroma was being masked by the perfume and was causing Mel's pants to become tighter with a growing bulge. The more he tried to find out what it was the more he became hypnotized by it. He stood there, no longer trying to find out where Irene had gone, lost.

The smell was getting stronger and stronger every time he inhaled. His body became more aware he could feel the fur under his shirt become more sensitive. The scent suddenly spiked with intensity as skinny arms wrapped around Mel's waist. Mel nearly melted as at the sensation of being mysteriously touched made his body shake.

"I am right here, honey," Irene whispered into his ear. She began nibbling at the base of his left ear causing him become even more stimulated by the situation. She rubbed her hands up and down his belly. Mel sunk into her arms a little as she continued to explore his body. Irene pulled up on his shirt un tucking it from his pants.

Mel snapped out of it and quickly turned around and pinned her arms and put her up against the door. He hung down between his extended arms with eyes closed. He started breathing heavily through his mouth as he tried not to breath in too much of the ecstasy that had filled the air. Collecting his rational mind he looked up at Irene's gorgeous smiling face. She was about the same height as him. He looked down at his hands that were squeezing her arms and took them off of her and placed them on the door on either side of her head.

"It's about time you got up here," she said with a seductive tone. The sound of her voice just made Mel's pants grow tighter.

"What are you doing?" Mel asked as she began to group his bulge.

"What do you think I am doing," she said smiling.

Mel shoved her hand away with one of his hands keeping the other on the wall and shook his head, "Stop that."

"What's wrong?" Irene said with her smile fading.

"I don't want this," Mel said while fighting back his urges.

Irene eye's watered up as she walked over and sat at the foot of the bed. She wrapped her arms around herself and sat down. Mel stayed where he was, still trying to clear his head. He inhaled deeply forgetting about the scent. Right then he knew what it was.

"You're in heat aren't you?," Mel softly asked. He turned around and was leaning up against the wall looking at Irene sitting on the bed.

She was wearing her favorite black and purple lace Basque with her purple grader around her thigh. Her tail was wrapped around her waist along with her body curled up slightly with her feet resting on the edge of the beds frame.

Looking away from him she nodded. She sniffled as Mel walked over, and sat down next to her. He rested his elbows on his knees and looked ahead at the door.

"I'm sorry Irene," Mel said. Irene turned her head to look at him. Mel did the same and gazed into her pleading eyes. He then asked "Why me?"

"Because I am tired of living this way," she explained, "I started this cause I wanted to be loved, so I used the sex as an allusion. Over the years I enjoyed myself but now recently after living with you it just isn't working."

"What are you saying?" Mel asked.

Irene locked eyes with his and said, "Mel, I am in love with you."

Mel eyes widened as looked away from her. He stared down at the floor bewildered at this news. He couldn't think straight. Irene grabbed his arms and rested her head on his shoulder. He could feel her tears soak through his shirt.

"I know how you must feel about me and what I do but I have not done it in almost two months. I actually paid them to say we did it. I didn't know how to tell you this. That is why I set this whole thing up with Mr. Sims. I was hoping you felt the same about me, but I guess I was wrong. I should be the one sorry for doing this to you," Irene said sobbing through Mel's shirt.

Mel continued to look at the floor as he tried to sort things out. He did care for her, but he didn't know if he loved her. She said she wanted to be loved and had given up her profession. He had not tried to be with a woman since Tom was born and was still a little torn up about the whole ordeal. Maybe it was time to start.

Mel pulled his arm free of Irene's grasp and wrapped it around her bringing her in a tight embrace. Irene hugged him around his body and held on to him tightly as well. They stayed cuddled together for awhile before Mel spoke up.

"To tell you the truth...," he paused as he tried to find the right words, "...I do carry feelings for you it is just that... I can't open up. I guess it's from the first time with not marrying Tom's mother and her running out on me."

Irene had never heard this before. She had always assumed that Mel's wife had died. She felt sorry for him now she wanted to make him happy but didn't know if he was going to open up to her. She was even more relieved to hear that he did feel something, so she knew that it wasn't hopeless. She just had to find a way to make that feeling stronger.

"I wouldn't," she whispered. Mel's heart nearly leaped out of his chest as he heard her words. He held on to her tighter not wanting to let go of this chance.

Mel began to run his finger through her hair. He felt her settle down and relax in his arms. He looked down, and watched her for awhile. Seeing Irene this way made his feeling for her even deeper. He decided on what he wanted.

Mel pulled Irene out from his chest. He took her hands into his and looked into her eyes.

"Do you love me?" Mel asked. Irene nodded.

"Say it please."

"I love you Mel," Irene said. Mel then quickly kissed her. Irene was shocked at the sudden action that she didn't return the kiss before he broke it.

"That's a start," he said before kissing her again. This time she returned the kiss.

They shared the desire of their kiss as their tongues wrestled with one another. Irene used her free hand to massage his lax bulge. With very little effort she felt it become rigid again even through his heavy denim pants.

Mel decided to do the same thing with her. He began with rubbing her leg not wanting to seem quick before brushing her tail aside to gain access to her nether region. Her thighs were soaked with her juices as he slid his hand down in between them. She then opened her legs a little to let him in. To his surprise she wasn't wearing panties. Mel rubbed her tender swollen lips with his fingers together. She began to moan as they continued kissing.

Irene broke the kiss and hopped off the bed. She got down on both knees as she turned around to face Mel. She walked on her knees to get in between his legs as she started undoing his belt and pants. Mel scooted up for her so she can do her thing. He pulled off his suspenders and started to unbutton his shirt.

Irene finally unbuttoned his pants setting free his sheathed member. She marveled at the size of it. There was no doubt Mel would be the biggest one she had ever had. She began to rub up and down his sheath massaging the base with her thumbs and squeezing the meat with her hand. Mel leaned back and groaned with pleasure stopping with his shirt. His cock suddenly enlarged in her hand popping out of its sheath. The now even larger cock stood proudly in her hands. She couldn't help but marvel at its own self beauty. This was going to be a challenge for her. The way she liked it

Mel sat up and asked, "Why did you stop?"

Irene looked up at him and squeezed his cock causing Mel to grit his teeth.

"It feels better with the wait," she said with a grin, "Just enjoy OK honey."

Mel leaned over to watch her begin licking the head of his huge cock while she rolled his engorged balls around in her other hand. Mel enjoyed the teasing of her warm wet tongue and soothing touch of her play. She began to pump up and down his member lubricating it her saliva.

With another squeeze from her hand came a considerable dribble of pre-cum from the tip of Mel's shaft. Irene quickly licked it up before it slid down his length. The salty taste made her body shiver with excitement. She could feel herself becoming wetter as she rolled the pre around her mouth savoring it. After she swallowed the pre off her lover she squeezed his cock again in hopes of more. With several coaxing squeezes she was able to get four more samples of his seed.

The air was becoming thick with Irene's heat causing Mel to be even more stimulated. He jerked with every lick to his increasingly sensitive shaft. The burn in his loins turned into fire when Irene took his cock into her mouth. She then began to bob her head up and down still massaging his balls. The sensation was nearly painful for Mel having pent it up all of it for almost twenty-two years. He gritted his teeth and clenched the beds blanket between his fists.

Irene tried to get as much as she could of him into her mouth. Keeping this pace she would gag and she didn't want to spoil the moment. She decided she was going to try something she had never done before.

She ignored her gag reflex and slowly slid his shaft down her throat. Even then she couldn't get his entire length in. Mel groaned loudly never the less as he put his hand on her head and closed his eyes. He then unintentionally shoved his cock even further down her throat. With enough encouragement from Mel, Irene soon had all of him.

With her new found trick she began to bob up and down again with his entire member. Mel was beginning to buck his hips meeting up with her pace. Irene concentrated on her loves pleasure more than her own slight discomfort. He forced her down one last time as his cock began to throb violently. Huge shots of cum hit the back of her throat and filled her mouth. She tried to keep as much as she could in her mouth but a little started to leak onto Mel's balls. She swallowed as much as she could with him forcing her down like he was.

After the throbbing stopped, Mel opened his eyes and quickly took his hand off the back of Irene's head. She brought her head off his cock and licked the cum off his sac and the rest of his shaft that still had some. Mel fell back on to the bed with his arms sprawled out. He felt a little numb from the experience and was breathing heavily.

Irene crawled up on top of Mel and slowly kissed him all over his chest, neck, and lips. Mel was so worn out that he just closed his eyes and enjoyed the attention. He almost fell asleep before Irene took him in a deep kiss. Mel felt weird to taste himself as she rolled her tongue around his mouth. Irene grinds her smoothly shaved nether lips against his shaft. It was getting soft as she rubbed up against it. She had to get him aroused again. She couldn't bare her desire for him to be inside her.

Irene helped Mel crawl up the bed so his head lay on the pillows. She straddled his belly so he could have a good view of her show. She caressed his cheek. "I want you to see this," She whispered in his ear.

Mel opened his eyes to see his new found lover undoing her Basque. It slipped off her slender her body letting her beautiful breasts fall free. Her breasts were round and plump with the nipples peeked and hard. She groped her breast and closed her eyes making a seductive face. Taking one hand off a breast, she slid it down her body and played with her clit. Soft moans escaped her lips when she slipped a finger in her steamy wet pussy.

Mel felt vigor return to his cock as he watched Irene's erotic display. Drips of her juices fell on his belly as she fingered herself. The smell of her heat overpowered his nose giving him the energy to pull himself down the bed so her pussy was in reach for his tongue. He grabbed her hips to pull her in closer and began to lap up her flowing juices.

Irene braced herself against the headboard and let out a loud moan as Mel seduced her with his tongue. Her claws dug into the hard wood of the head board as she came close to an orgasm. Mel's cock was fully erect again but he continued to lick Irene's pussy.

After he was satisfied he scooted out from underneath her leaving Irene with burning need for a release. He positioned himself behind her and placed his cock at her entrance. He had to push himself in with considerable amount of strength to his surprise. Irene whimpered as she was stretched by his girth. A huge wave of pleasure washed over her sending over the edge. She let out a muffled squeal as her juices poured from her giving Mel an easier time hilting himself inside her.

Mel slid his way half way out before going back in with every powerful thrust. His pleasure was still dulled from his last orgasm but his actions were now driven by a desire to give Irene the pleasure and love she needed instead of his own. He could feel her walls tighten around him as she experienced another orgasm.

Irene's mind was in pure ecstasy. She panted with every quick thrust as the waves upon waves of pleasure caused her to experience several more orgasms. The bed sheets were becoming soaked with her sweet nectar.

Mel felt the pleasure grow inside his loins once again. The fire had died down from before but it was there. He quickened his pace out of instinct causing Irene to scream out his name, "OOOOOH Mel... OOOOOH Mel... Yes Mel.. Yes."

He pulled her off the head board into firm embrace. His hands grabbed Irene's soft orbs intensifying her enjoyment. Mel squeezed them hard enough to give a grip he rammed into her harder and harder. Quiet smacks began to sound in the room as Mel's knot formed. It wanted to find its way in but she was barely containing what she already had.

Irene grabbed Mel's head and brought him down into a kiss. She placed her other hand on top of his. She forced him to squeeze her breast harder. Mel followed suite and squeezed the other one as well. Mel didn't want this moment to end so he slowed his pace to a crawl. Smaller waves of pleasure hinted to an orgasm with each slow push Mel made but never succeeded.

Irene broke the kiss and whispered into his ear, "I want... It all... my love... Every.... Last.... drop."

Mel didn't know what came over him. He mercilessly began to pound into Irene faster and harder than before. This sudden amount of force caused Irene to experience a massive orgasm soaking her walls with her fluid. With this extra bit Mel was able to force his knot in her tight pussy. Her walls began milking his shaft as he deep fucked her. His orgasm soon came with a final hard push.

Mel groaned loudly through his teeth and fell back onto the bed bringing Irene with him. Hot ropes of his seed filled her awaiting womb to its full capacity. Her walls continued to milk his shaft making him shudder. Both of their breathing was heavy but slow in tune with one another. Irene turned her head and kissed his cheek

"Thank you," She said in a quiet voice.

Mel asked, "For what?"

"Thank you, for showing that you really do love me."

"How do you know I won't just leave you?"

"I just do," She said as her breathing slowed even more. She had fallen asleep in his arms.

Mel rested his head back and waited for his knot to go down. Once it did he slid out of her making her squirm a little. His cock went back into its sheath as he got up from the bed. He dressed himself in silence watching her sleep. He turned to leave but stopped and turned back around. Irene had curled up and looked like she was shivering.

Mel couldn't leave her like. He picked her up and laid her back down on the bed so she laid on it correctly. Then he pulled the blankets over her and tucked her in. A smile formed on her lips as he finished tucking her in. Mel couldn't help but smile as well. He kissed her forehead. He walked out of the room and headed back down the stairs to get back to work.

Sims greeted him as he hit the bottom of the stairs with a slap on the back. Mel had remembered what Irene had said when she tried to seduce him. Sims was in on it but it looked like he knew that Mel knew.

"How is she?" Sims asked.

"She is sleeping," Mel said quickly.

"That good huh," Sims said with a low chuckle.

Mel shook his head and walked behind the bar to join his son who was cleaning some shot glasses. Tom gave him a glance, smiled then quickly went back wiping out the shot glasses. Mel raised an eyebrow at his son's odd gesture. It only took him a moment before he realized why.

"Geeze," Mel exclaimed as he rested his arm on the bar and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"What?" Tom said letting a small laugh out of his mouth.

"You were in on it too?" Mel said looking at him.

Tom nodded quickly with a huge grin on his face. He put down the shot glass he was cleaning and pulled out another clean one from under the counter along with a fresh bottle of whiskey. It wasn't the usual cheap stuff that Mel sold. It was a very expensive whiskey called Crimson Bullet. It was only sold one bottle at a time cause that's the only way most people could pay for it. Mel was surprised to see such high class liquor be in his bar. Tom easily popped the cork and poured the blood colored beverage into the two shots.

Sims sat on a stool on the other side of the bar. He cleared his throat when he saw that there was only two glasses on the counter. Tom quickly got another glass out and poured another shot. Mel couldn't help but start to laugh when his son gave him one of the shots. For some reason his life seemed to be getting even better after his event with Irene. Even though it had only been two minutes ago it still felt that way.

All three toasted and drank the shot of superb whiskey in celebration of Mel's success at love. They soon realized why it was expensive its flavor was as strong as its burn. Tom let out a sigh of relief as he finally swallowed his shot. Both Mel and Sims simply made the same face of agreement at the quality of the drink.

"Give me another," Sims said putting his glass on the counter and flicked it toward Tom a little.

"Me too," Mel said doing the same. As Tom poured their second round, Sims suddenly remembered something he had in his pocket.

"Oh hey, I got a new wanted poster for you to put up outside Mel," Sims said as he pulled out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket.

"Another one," Mel said unfolding the poster. He read it shaking his head as he went.

At the top it read WANTED in huge letters that went across the entire poster. Below that was just alias: The Reaper of Renedowa. The picture was just a sketch wasn't much help telling what the fur looked like either. It just had badly drawn shoulders with a crude muzzle sticking out from underneath a hat pulled down over the face of the villain.

Mel looked up at Sims who just threw back his second shot.

"This isn't real informative Sheriff if you don't mind me saying," Mel said.

"Keep reading," he said.

Mel raised an eye brow and kept reading the poster. Underneath the so called picture was a description of the individual's crimes. It read: _Wanted Dead or Alive for the killings of no less than 387 settlers, and the destruction of the farming town of Renedowa. Assailant is well armed and very dangerous. Said to be a very tall Wolf, wears black, has several henchmen, and carries a BIG gun. _

_ _ Mel's eyes widened as he read the description. They nearly popped out of his head as he saw the reward amount.

"Se... Seven hundred thousand dollars for this guy," he said astonished.

"Yuup," Sims said.

Tom grabbed the poster from his father and quickly read it. His eyes widened as well. He was nearly speechless but he we able to get some words out.

"But..... How..... Impossible!" he barely said.

"Rumor has it he got angry at a fur for calling him a coward. He went "Wild" and began killing everyone in sight. He didn't even use his gun on all of them. Gutted a few women and crushed kid's skulls in with his boot," Sims told. Mel took his shot and quickly drank it shaking his head.

"That's horrible," Tom said.

"Yeah son it is," Sims said, "They don't know for sure but could be the infamous Wild Wolf everyone keeps talking about."

"Isn't that the fur who is supposedly fast as the bullets he shoots and meaner than a drunk bull?" Mel said.

"That's him. They say it was him cause of the him going insane on the matter on calling him a coward and all with the Wild Wolf known to have a temper."

Mel shook his head and said, "Go put it up outside."

Tom nodded and grabbed a hammer and few nails from a drawer made into the shelves of booze behind the bar. He hopped over the bar making Mel fuss at him and exited the saloon quickly.

"I know that it isn't real specific without a name or a pick but from what I've heard is that he is a viscous and cruel sumbitch. You would know it if you met him," Sims said. Mel nodded his head in agreement.

Outside the crowd had dispersed. Probably most of the out of town folk heading back to their own homes. The few who were left were still dancing to the music of the piano resonating from the saloon. Tom wanted to join in but he had to do his job.

Just to the left of the doors was a spot where Mel put all the Wanted Posters. It seemed like every month he kept on adding more and more to it than taking them down. Tom couldn't find a spot so ended up putting it up on the frame of the door way. He tacked it in with one of the nails to keep it in place as he set in more in each corner.

His hammering muffled the sounds of heavy footsteps walking on the porch. Tom didn't notice the stranger until he was right behind him looking over his shoulder at the posters.

"Must be tiring work nailing up all them posters. So much evil going on in this world," said the stranger in a deep slightly gruff voice. A chill went down Tom's spine as he listened to the strangers words. "A fur can't be too care full nowadays, huh," the stranger finished with a pat on Tom's shoulder felling like a lead weight.

The stranger walked past him and opened the batwing doors before Tom could get a good look at him. All he saw was a stream of black snake into the saloon. He looked back to the poster and reread the description again. The words Wears black, haunted Toms thoughts.

What if it was him? Chiver was smaller than then Renendowa. No one, not even Sheriff Sims would be able to defend the town if he went nuts. It took all his courage to bust through the door knowing that the Wild Wolf could be on the other side.

His entrance was rather loud making every one there including the stranger in black turn to look at him. He stumbled on the slight step that you had to take to enter the saloon sending him sailing and causing him to hit his head on the edge of the counter top. He slid down the side of the bar holding his forehead and groaning. He opened his eyes to see the tall stranger giving his hand.

"Got to watch your step," he said with a small friendly laugh.

The laugh was the last thing Tom expected to hear from such an evil thing. He looked up and waited for his eyes to focus from the blow he took. The stranger was indeed tall, wore all black, and looked very Wolf like but there was a sort of soothing aura around him. Like a preacher wearing his cassock. His expression was that of amusement. He didn't look at all like he would do anything to harm anyone.

Tom took the strangers hand and was pulled up with enough force to lift him completely off the floor. Tom was dazed at the fast motion and fell forward into the stranger's arms.

"Looks like you got hit harder than we thought," said the stranger as he helped Tom sit down in a stool close to wear Mel and Sims were.

Tom fell into the seat and leaned over the counter with a massive headache. He rubbed his head feeling a small trickle of something wet between his fingers. He thought it was sweat at first, but it wasn't hot in the saloon so he looked at his hand to see a red smudge on his fingers. Mel saw the blood and grabbed a rag that was lying on the counter and wiped the blood off of his head. Tom poured himself a shot of Crimson Bullet to settle his headache and quickly drank it ignoring the strong burn.

"Hey boys," said Irene as she came around the corner from the stairs wearing a white robe. They all looked at her with some surprise except for the stranger who touched the brim of his hat and said hello. Irene smiled at the reaction she gave her masculine company. She found the wolf like stranger to be very handsome fur but new she shouldn't think like that. There was something about his pale blue eyes that sent a little pulse of arousal when she looked at them. Diverting from the Stanger she saw the blood on Toms head and rushed to the other side of the bar to his side looking at the cut with motherly attention.

"What happened to you hun?" Irene asked as she looked over the small cut on Tom's head.

"I tripped over that damn step at the door," Tom complained.

"Oh hun, you have to be much more careful than that," Irene snickered.

Sims and Mel began laughing. The stranger didn't laugh but a small smirk formed on his face. Tom was getting a little irritated, but just focused on settling down his headache with another shot of Crimson.

Sims took a break in the laughing to look the stranger over. He seemed to be a friendly guy even though he looked exactly like the description on the Wanted poster. He scanned his body language to see if it was an act but it there wasn't any evidence of such a thing.

Sims was just about to drop his guard when the stranger raised his arm to order his drink. He could see the hammer and grip of his gun just inside his long black leather dusters. Sims wasn't about to let this stranger just carry a gun in the saloon. He was going to honor the rule Mel set in place. He got up from his stool and walked up to the wolf slinging his thumbs from his belt buckle.

"Excuse me sir," Sims said to the stranger. The stranger turned to face him. Sims tensed up when he noticed the stranger looking at his Silver Star badge before acknowledging him.

"Sheriff," said the stranger while tipping the brim of his hat like he did with Irene but keeping his face covered partially. At that point Sims felt an immediate fear that this could be the Reaper of Renendowa standing right in front of him

"There are no guns aloud in the saloon," Sims explained, "I am going to have to ask you to hand yours over. You will get it back when you leave."

The stranger quickly looked up when he said this. Sims saw that he had a scar running horizontally across his left cheek that made him look mean and menacing. The thing that Sims noticed most though was his eyes. They were like piercing blue knives shining in a hot sun. There was something behind them and yet nothing all at the same time. It was as if he was hiding his true nature from him.

"I have a better idea," said the stranger.

Everyone at the bar froze expecting a shoot out. All the patrons in the saloon left in a hurry heading outside. Sims instincts told him to draw and gun him down but his rational law mind kept his hands were they were. Even then he felt like the stranger was reading him like a dime novel.

The stranger opened his duster slowly so that the Sheriff didn't react to a sudden movement. He took his other hand and went for the belt. Sheriff Sims went for his gun when he saw this. A soft snap sounded between them along with the ruffle of leather. The strangers hand was on the Sheriffs preventing him from drawing his pistol. Sims was struck with fear, but then realized that the stranger had taken off his gun belt. He eased off of Sims hand and rolled his gun belt up so it was just a neat bundle of iron, lead, and leather.

"I will just give you my entire belt how about that," said the stranger as he handed Sims his belongings.

Sims looked at the strangers belongings and then back to the stranger. The stranger seemed to be a different fur. His eyes were now calm and soothing with his smile making him look completely unthreatening. Even his scar made him look more humble and gentle. Sims then began to settle down and collect his nerves.

The stranger grabbed his bottle of whiskey, a shot glass and said, "I will leave you fine furs to your business. Thanks for the drink," He turned to Sims, "Happy to cooperate Sheriff."

The stranger walked to a table that was against the wall in the dark spot underneath the balcony. He sat down and poured himself a drink, propped his feet up on the table and pulled down his hat looking completely relaxed.

Sims watched him the whole time just wondering what the hell he just saw. It was as if two different furs were in the same body and had stirred the more evil one out of its prison. It struck him odd that this stranger would be so much like what he has heard of and yet just give up his gun belt so easily. It didn't make since.

"Hey, you all right Sims?" Mel said. Sims turned to look at him and handed him the stranger's gun belt. Mel set the heavy load on the counter to his right.

"Yeah," Sims said softly.

"What was that about," Irene said holding a washcloth to Toms head.

Sims sat down and rested his arms on the counter, "I don't know."

"He looks just like the description doesn't he," Tom said taking the washcloth into his hand from Irene to turn and look at Sims. Sims nodded in a agreement.

"There is no way that is him," Mel said leaning down. He helped you up and gave you his gun," Mel said pointing between Tom and Sims, "You said it yourself that you would know it if you met the fur. That fur didn't strike me as a vicious or cruel."

Irene looked over her shoulder at the stranger and then back the three males that were blabbing on about someone. She had a feeling that they had a secret conversation about the stranger, which she found to be rude to be talking about someone behind their back.

"Who are you talking about?" she spoke up, "Not that nice fur that just came in. There is no way that guy would hurt a fly."

"You didn't see what I saw Irene," Sims said.

All three of them quickly looked at him then gave a glance to the stranger who was drinking from his glass to notice them doing so. They huddled around Sims with Mel asking, "What do you mean?"

Sims looked up at them and began, "I don't know exactly what I saw. All I know is that there is something about him that I saw for just a split second that made me afraid of him."

All of them looked shocked at this statement. Glancing back at the stranger again, only this time getting caught but instead of a nasty look or a sneer they got a polite smile and a wave.

"Maybe old age is taking its hold on you after all," Mel said pouring him another drink and sliding to him.

"I hope so," Sims replied.

"I still have no idea what you are talking about," Irene said. Mel explained to her about the wanted poster and the atrocities made by the fur known as the Reaper of Renendowa. A look of horror set upon her face as he told the tale. Once Mel said the name Wild Wolf she gave him a strange look.

"Then it couldn't possibly be him then," she said relieved.

"How so," Sims said with an eyebrow raised.

"He has got blue eyes," she said quickly. Sims and Mel looked at her funny. "Wolves don't have blue eyes."

"What? Since when," Tom snapped.

"Since forever, honestly have you ever seen a wolf with blue eyes?" Irene barked back. Mel laughed a little when his son looked down in defeat.

"She's right come to think of it" Sims said, "Blue eyes are found in domestics not the wild ones. Only wolf pups get the blues but they quickly change to he must be some sort of mutt."

Sims said this but it didn't make feel any better. He just hoped that Irene was right and it was just another stranger staying a little longer than most would. He looked over his shoulder to see the stranger swaying his head back and forth. He was already drunk. Sims was relieved now that he knew, even if he was the Wild Wolf that he wouldn't be a threat without his gun, and now on top of that he is drunk.

A loud roar of a gun was sounded from outside sending everyone running and screaming. Sims drew his gun immediately and ran to the door of the saloon. He pressed himself up against frame and peeked out from overtop the batwing doors. He couldn't see anything but knew that there was some sort of trouble out there but it was probably just a drunk with a gun since he didn't turn it in when he came into the saloon. He slowly opened the door and walked out the doors with his gun ready.

Mel, Tom, and Irene watched in fear, as Sims walked out the doors. There was a haunting quietness that had fallen upon the town. They all watched, hoping that nothing would happen, and that Sims would come back fine and unscathed. A long quiet time passed with nothing happening.

Tom looked over at the stranger just to check if he was still there. He was hunched over with his face lying sideways on the table passed out. The bottle of whiskey he was drinking was now empty along with his glass. Tom couldn't help but laugh at how fast this fur passed out drunk. His laugh caused both Irene and Mel to jump.

"Thanks son, I may never have the hiccups again," Mel said. Irene giggled along with Tom at how skittish Mel was acting.

Another shot rang out along with Sims flying through the double swing doors of the saloon. He landed hard several feet from the entrance holding his right shoulder yelling in agony. Irene rushed to his side trying to calm him down.

Three scruffy looking furs barged into the saloon. Two were mutt dogs carrying revolvers and the other one was a Tabby with a double barrel shot gun. One of the mutts with a chewed ear ran up to Tom and put a gun to his head yelling, "Hands were I can see them."

The Tabby raised his shotgun to Mel on the other side of the bar with a crazy grin on his face while the other mutt pointed his gun at Irene and Sims.

"Put all the money that is in the safe in this," said the mutt pointing his gun at Tom as he threw Mel a big white sack.

"Make it snappy," said the Tabby in a high psychotic laugh.

Mel looked at the one with the chewed ear with a scornful look. "My money isn't here. I keep it in the bank."

The mutt looked at him with a disbelieving look. He peered over the bar counter hoping to spot Mel's safe he kept underneath the floor boards in his room. Mel just hoped that they wouldn't want to go upstairs.

"Damn it," said chewed ear," He looked around at his other two accomplices trying to get an answer from them.

"I say we kill'em. Leave no witnesses," said the crazed tabby.

"We do that we get a price on our head," the mutt pointing his gun at Irene said, "Control yourself Sid. We don't need heat like the boss does."

Chewed Ear looked around and spotted Irene. A wicked grin came upon his lips. "Well, we are going to get something out of this," he said, "The whore is going to pay us back every penny. What do you say Dale?"

The mutt pointing his gun at Irene and Sims gave Irene the same wicked smile chewed ear had.

"Only if I get the first go," he said grinning down at Irene.

Irene looked up in horror. Her heart stopped as she thought about these evil men having their way with her. She was really upset, especially since this night was supposed to be a night to remember. It was now turning out to be a night to forget.

Tom leaped out of his chair when chewed ear turned his head to watch the mutt named Dale approach Irene. He tried to tackle chewed ear but chewed ear was faster than Tom thought. Chewed ear quickly reacted to Tom's attack, and struck Tom across the face with the butt of his revolver sending him to the floor. Mel jumped over the bar to help his son. He was quick enough to push his way past Sid the crazed tabby. Chewed ear saw him coming and timed the second attack. Once Mel lunged for him chewed ear sidestepped dodging him and hitting him in the back of the head with his gun. Mel landed next to Tom holding the back of his head. Sid recovered from his hit with Mel and ran up next to chewed ear pointing his gun at them.

"Tried to get the jump on us," Sid said with sadistic smile on his face, "I should blow your filthy mongrel head off. Can I Hull? Please. Please."

"No Sid. Don't make me hit you upside your empty head. Boss said to only shoot if they take one of us down," Hull the chewed ear said.

"Come drag this old worthless Sheriff out of my way. I want some private time alone with this bitch," Dale said to Hull. Hull walked over leaving Tom and Mel in the guard of Sid. He pried Sims from the grip he had on Irene by grabbing his wounded shoulder and squeezing hard. Sims yelled in agony as he was drug by his shoulder and thrown down next to Tom and Mel.

"I tried to stop them, Mel. Aaaaaagggh, I tried," Sims said grabbing Mel' shirt.

Mel rolled over to meet Sims face to face. He tried to hold him down so that he wouldn't keep bleeding out.

"Sims you did your best. Just settle down so you don't die on us," Mel said holding Sims down by his arm and looking him dead in the eye.

Tom rushed to his side as well and put his hand on the gunshot wound to apply pressure. Tom looked over to see where the hell the stranger was. He was nowhere to be found. His whiskey bottle and shot glass were all that was left of him. Tom wondered how the hell he had made it out with not running into one of these psychos. Sims began to settle down and he stopped moving with his breathing heavily erratic.

"Time for some fun," Dale said taking off is gun belt.

Irene tried to crawl away from him but was stopped by the bar. Dale reached down pulled hard on her robe exposing some of her nude body. All Mel and Tom could do was help old Sims. Mel told Tom to look away and don't watch. Both Hull and Sid had their backs turned to Dale covering their hostages. Dale struggled to get Irene's robe off with her tugging against him keeping it covering her. She shut her eyes not wanting to watch her struggles.

Irene heard a breaking of glass along with a grunt, bringing a stop to her struggle with Dale. She opened her eyes to see Dale sprawled out on the floor before her knocked out. Mel and Tom looked between the captors legs to see the downed mutt. Hull turned around to see what the commotion was. His eyes went white with fury.

"What the hell did you do to him you bitch," he yelled as he stormed toward her.

Irene cringed in fear watching her death approach. A black blur flashed before her out of nowhere. To her surprise it was the stranger coming to her rescue. He struck Hull in the gut with his bare fist. Hull had no time to react to the stranger disarming him and twisting his arm him making him turn around. Sid with his itchy trigger finger turned around and fired not worrying about his accomplice's safety. The spread hit Hull in his shoulder protecting the stranger.

The stranger threw Hull to the side and rushed over so fast that Sid wasn't able to adjust his finger to the second trigger to fire again. The stranger batted the barrel of the shotgun away sending the muzzle pointing away from him. Sid's finger hit the trigger after the stranger hit it away shattering several bottle's on the shelves behind the bar. The stranger grabbed the gun muzzle and banged the barrel against Sid's nose leaving him bloodied and unconscious. He hit the floor with a loud thud letting go of his gun. The stranger finished his rescue with disassembling the shotgun and throwing the parts across the saloon.

Irene was shocked at how fast the stranger single handedly took down all three of the want to be robbers. She looked up at him and saw an evil look in his eyes like fire. She blinked not believing what she saw and looked back. His eyes were now blank and calm looking down at her.

"Are you OK," He asked. Irene nodded.

"You son of a bitch," Hull yelled out, "You are going to be sorry, you messed with the wrong furs."

"Judging from what I have seen, I don't have to be very sorry then," The stranger said smugly.

"Just you wait. BOSS!" yelled Hull.

Heavy loud footsteps echoed in the saloon as a huge shadow passed the window to the right of the batwing doors. The Stranger turned his eyes to Irene once again and stepped forward.

"Get behind me," he barked at Irene. She then quickly ran behind him and went to Mel's side kissing him as she feel into his arms.

A huge Wolf walked into the saloon wearing a black shirt. His eyes wide with anger and his teeth bared. Mel was instantly overtaken with fear as the behemoth Wolf stared them down.

"What the hell are you doing lying down on the job," The huge Wolf said.

"Boss, I am shot. Need help with this guy," Hull said weakly. The boss Wolf looked at the stranger. His face became heavily contorted with fur.

"You are weak. You let a nobody mutt kick all three of y'all in the ass," the boss Wolf snarled.

"Boss he is good he just surprised us. Won't have it again," Hull said nearly whimpering.

"No you won't!" said the boss Wolf as he pulled a big lever action rifle with the stock sawed off and the barrel shortened from his holster. For any other fur the gun would be oversized and heavy but to the Boss Wolf it was a compact handgun.

He lowered the gun to Hulls head.

"Boss what are you doing?" Hull exclaimed.

"I'm tying up a loose end." Boss Wolf said.

"What are you doing? He is one of your own," the stranger yelled.

The gun roared in the Boss Wolf's hand splattering Hull's head into little red and white chunks. A smirk appeared on Boss Wolf's face.

"Not anymore," he said coldly.

The stranger was distraught at the act of violence he just witnessed. Mel had pulled Irene's head into his chest so she couldn't see what just happened. Tom was shaking in horror, as every detail on that wanted flyer towered before them.

"H-How could you do that? How could you kill one of you own?" The stranger yelled not showing an ounce of fear to the Boss Wolf.

"Don't make him angry stranger. He might be the Wild Wolf," Tom whispered loud enough to let the stranger hear him. The stranger gave him a quick glance.

"You think it's him," he said. Tom nodded his head. The stranger's anger surged through his body as he got ready for a fight. He had found his prize and wasn't about to back down.

Ha Ha-Ha, I am The Wild Wolf," the huge Wolf boomed, over hearing Tom and the stranger, "Glad you made such an observation boy."

"Why did you kill him?" said the stranger as he interrupted the Wild Wolf.

"Ha. Why not kill him? He was weak. He had no room to be in my crew," said the Wild Wolf as he holstered his massive gun.

"That doesn't mean he deserved to die," said the stranger balling up his fists.

"Maybe not but it made it easier on me HA-HA-HA-HA," The Wild Wolf laughed sadistically, "Besides who is going to stop me? That pathetic Sheriff? You? HA-HA!"

"Maybe," the stranger said, "Let's see just how well the Wild Wolf lives up to his reputation. Bet you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn."

"You questioning my skill boy?" snarled the Wild Wolf, "I am faster than the bullets I shoot. You really think you can beat me?"

"Prove me wrong," said the stranger.

The stranger put his arms out getting ready for the showdown. His hands were ready to go for his gun. Mel looked up on the counter to see that stranger's gun was still on the counter. His eyes' widened in fear of what in the hell the stranger was getting himself into. Did he even know he didn't have his gun, or does he have a death wish?

The Wild Wolf glared down the stranger. The stranger pulled his hat down to hide his face again. He wasn't scared of this fur but for some reason his stance made him uncomfortable. The Wild Wolf waited for any sudden movement to initiate the draw.

The stranger didn't go for his gun instead he just looked up and locked eyes with the Wild Wolf. Instantly the Wild Wolf was stricken by fear. He couldn't understand why he felt this way. It was like he was staring into the very depths of hell with the Devil looking back at him with a vengeful silver flame. He was afraid for his life, so afraid that he instinctively drew his weapon. He quickly lined up the notch of his rear sight and fired his massive hand-rifle.

The stranger disappeared from sight. Tom, Mel and Irene didn't know where he went neither did the Wild Wolf. He was fidgeting around looking back and forth for the stranger. His nerves were on edge and he was becoming even more afraid.

"Were the hell are you," screamed the Wild Wolf. Not knowing the stranger was standing right behind him.

"Right here," said the stranger from behind the Wild Wolf.

At that very moment the Wild Wolf eyes widened in shock. He quickly swung around to hit the stranger with his gun. The stranger easily stopped the massive wolf's arm from colliding with his head with one hand. The Wild Wolf tried to force even more power into his stalled blow but his arm didn't budge.

"Is that all you got?" said the stranger, "I was expecting better."

The stranger quickly used his free hand to deal a devastating uppercut sending the Wild Wolf tumbling back. He landed just feet from the clustered group of amazed furs. The stranger walked up beside the Wild Wolf and straddled him standing up. The Wild Wolf quickly tried to raise his gun to shot the stranger. The stranger caught his arm before it fired and twisted the gun in the Wolfs hand using the lever to break all of his fingers. The Wild Wolf let out a scream of fear and pain. He clutched his broken fingers in his hand as the stranger ejected all the bullets that were in the gun. He threw it on the other side of the bar.

"Throw me my gun," the stranger asked of Mel.

Mel reached up the counter and grabbed the bundled gun belt. He quickly gave the gun belt a look over. The handle was black stained oak wood with a silver inlay of a Celtic cross. The leather of the belt was thick and sturdy and had no signs of being worn down. There were not that many bullets in the bands, only about twenty or thirty rounds. After he was done with his peek he threw the belt to the stranger. The stranger caught his gun belt and in a fluid motion slung it around his hips.

Sims shoulder stopped bleeding enough to allow him to stand up. With help from Tom, Mel and Irene got up together slowly watching the strangers actions. Irene stayed close to Mel for her protection as the stranger drew his big black metal pistol. He unlatched the stop and loaded one bullet in to the empty cylinder. He spun the loose cylinder and after a few seconds he pulled the hammer back.

"I have been looking for you for a long time," the stranger said, "Now that I have caught up with you, you will pay for your crimes."

The Wild Wolf cringed as the stranger brought the gun to his head.

"Time to die Luscious," The stranger said in a cold tone.

"WAIT," cried the Wild Wolf, "I am not the Wild Wolf. I am Bradford Jones. I am not Luscious. Please. Please don't kill me. I am sorry. I don't want to die. Please."

"Sheriff," said the stranger.

"Yeah," Sims struggled to say.

"Do you know of this Bradford Jones?"

"Yeah he is a ruthless train robber from around here."

"Is this him?"

Sims looked down at the cowering face of Jones and nodded. "Yeah that is the sniveling sumbitch."

The stranger sighed and released the hammer and holstered his gun. He bent down and pulled Jones up by his shirt to get face to face with him.

"Do you know anything about Wild Wolf? Since you dressed up like him and used his reputation you must know something." growled the stranger.

Jones nodded and said, "A town out West there was a fur that went by the name Luscious. I think the town was named Chapel Hill or Chapel Grove or something. Please don't kill me."

The stranger let him fall to the ground getting tired of the big whimpering wolf. He sighed and said, "Looks like I got to keep moving."

He turned to walk out the saloon, but was stopped by Sims barking out a question.

"Hey wait right there. Who the hell are you son?" Sims asked.

The stranger looked over his shoulder to gaze upon the sheriff with burning silver eyes.

"Name is Phil," he replied.

"That's it?" Tom blurted.

"Yeah," Phil said nodding.

"What was all that about?" Sims continued.

"I am looking for someone who needs to be brought to justice." Phil said quickly.

"Are you a bounty hunter?"

"More like an avenger."

All four of the local Chiver furs looked amongst themselves in wonder and astonishment.

"If he gives you any trouble just fire a shot in the air I will hunt him down for you," Phil said harshly making sure Jones heard him.

He walked out the double swing doors and walked down the main road out of town heading west to continue his quest.

"That fur," Jones mumbled hysterically, "It was like fighting the Devil himself."

Sims listened to his ramble for a few seconds before coming to his own conclusion. A fur who could fight like the Devil and had piercing silver fire in his stare that could make the bravest furs tremble and could the swoon the most stubborn of virgins. I fur like that, good or bad deserved a name worthy of such abilities. Sims thought for a moment and smiled at the name he decided to give the stranger that just saved their lives.

"There he goes," Sims said out loud, "The Silver Eyed Devil."