TMNT Hot Nights in Fallujah

Story by Leonardo199 on SoFurry

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TMNT: Hot Nights in Fallujah. A Gay Story

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Leonardo199/Leonardo

Summary: Leonardo's world is turned up-side down, when he meets up with a young F.B.I secret agent, who claims the Purple Dragons will break into a warehouse in Fallujah, Iraq for their own personal gain, and needs his help, and his help alone.

Disclaimer: We won nothing....

Chapter 1: The Meeting

Story by: Leonardo199 & ScoopGirl

The morning sunlight cascaded through the sewer manholes of the New York streets. Fresh rain had just finished falling across the black pavement, as each remaining rain drop dripped down into the sewer streams. Heat rose from the water, into the atmosphere, flowing into the turtle's lair, making it a lot warmer that day.

Raphael couldn't sleep that morning, as the heat got to him. Leaving his room, he headed towards Leonardo's. Leo had allowed them to sleep in that morning, after late night training.

Heading into his room, he saw Leo turn over, "Hey bro wake up?" Raph questioned, as he watched his tired brother groan, and then slowly ster.

"Yes, what is it Raph?" Leo questioned in a grogy voice, not wanting to move yet, but slowly turned to face his hot-headed brother.

"Well I am just wondering if you are going to check out the news that just came on," Raph wondered, as he watched Leo get up and stretch his sore body.

"Yeah, I'm planning on it. Why something bad happen?" He asked his red-clad brother.

Raph leaned on the wall near the dress of Leo's room, "No." Raph said, "But I was just wondering if you knew when the Purple Dragons would strike next," Getting somewhat excited, as he waited for Leo to put on all of his gear on.

"I haven't heard anything yet on the Purple Dragons Raph, but I'm sure they will turn up sooner or later," Leo assured him.

"Well could you at least look up the information online, and see if any news came in on their next attack. I'm not really good with computers, I'm better at cars and bikes, so that's more your style," Raph reminded him, as they headed out of his room and into the main lair.

"Alright Raph, I'll check it out," Leo assured him, and headed towards Donatello's lab.

Leo spent a good hour researching information that Donnie had collected of the Purple Dragons from over the cores of the year that would indicate, what their next plan would be, and why they were doing it. Lately, Raphael had been itching for a fight with Hun, and Mikey just wanted to be in on the action. Donnie wanted something else to do, since all his works for the month was pretty much done, so he had been starting projects early for the new month, and was happy Leo requested help.

"So far, I've composited all our records from the whole year of what the Purple Dragons have been doing," Don explained to him, as he pushed his glasses up on his beak, "They have been breaking into high priced banks during the year within the states, and now; they are doing it in other countries." Don finished explaining to Leo, as he took a page and read them.

"Awesome, Donnie, thanks." Leo smiles, and takes the papers Donnie had, and ran off to give them to Raph.

As Leo headed into the lair again, his shell cell started ringing. Looking at the caller I.D., he didn't see who it was, and answered, puzzled by not knowing the number.

"Leonardo Hamato here...," Leo suddenly felt his voice become nervous. He didn't know why, but he waited for the person to answer on the other end. Only a few people knew their numbers, and he didn't know who could have gotten a hold of it.

"This is Leonardo199 secret agent from the federal F.B.I. We have been following the investigation that you and your brother's have been getting involved with. We have information on where the Purple Dragons will strike next, and I need you to meet me in private to hand out that information." The federal agent told him. Fear suddenly rose in Leo, remembering Bishop and the government kidnapping them.

Regaining his composter he answered, "Are you in the same division as Bishop?" Leo asked making sure he didn't have to worry about running into that man.

Leonardo199 could feel the tension and unfaithfulness with the F.B.I. from a past he knew nothing about. Sure he knew Bishop, but hated him with a passion.

"Bishop runs in another division. I have met him, and worked with him in the past, but I despise the man, and hate the way he operates," He pauses, "I assure you he will not be involved in this case. It will just be you and me, and the ad of your brothers, when we need them." Leonardo199 assured him, "We've gained information about your family from video tapes within the Purple Dragon grounds a few years back, and have been keeping a record on all you since then," Leonardo199 explained further.

"I would like to meet you Leonardo Hamato, in person and alone, before we go any further in this investigation. Could you meet me tonight at the back of April O'Neil's apartment, and we will discuss our plans from there," Leonardo199 made his offer, and waited for Leonardo on the other end to respond.

Leo was taken aback from this F.B.I agent that new a lot more about his family than he liked, but he seemed sinser, and compassion for his family than Bishop ever did, and there was something else in the mans voice he noticed to, but couldn't detect what it was yet.

"Yes, I can. What time?" Leo asked.

"Meet me at eight o'clock," Leonardo199 answered.

"Will do," Leo assured him, and hung up.

He looked at the time, and saw that he only had twenty minutes before meeting the man. Hearing Raphael working out in the dojo, Leo headed that way.

"Raph," Leo announced his presence.

Raph stopped bunching the bag, and looked his blue-clad brother.

"What did you find out?" He asked wondering.

"We found out that they've been targeting banks and other warehouses around the world. Now I've got information on their next move." Leo told him.

"Really, where," Raph asked.

"Unsure, but I'm going to find out," Leo told him. He started to turn around and leave looking at the time, only fifteen minutes left before he had to meet Leonardo199.

"I'm going topside for a while," Leo said, and started leaving the dojo. Raph rushed up and grabbed his hand forcing Leo to turn around, "Are you meeting someone?" Raph asked wondering with worry behind his voice.

"No...," Leo lied, and shock his hand away, and left the lair with a confused Raphael in the dojo.

Within ten minutes Leo saw Leonardo199 hiding within the shadows behind April's apartment.

The shadow had a tall frame, and muscle from the street light hiding the man. Jumping down to street level, Leo now had a full few of the man than his eyes, as sunglasses covered them.

"Hello Leonardo Hamato, at least we meet," Leonardo199's voice rang like a song over to Leo. His voice chilled him down to his groined. His voice was intoxicating and he wanted the man to speak again.

"Did anyone follow you?" Leonardo199 asked.

"No," Leo replied looking at the tall man who stood before him, he sniff the air around him, and smelled the man's pheromones. They were sweet.

"Why did you call me, and only want me to come alone?" Leo demanded feeling his voice become forceful.

"Because you're the leader, because I can trust you over your brothers, and because you can make them trust me," Leonardo199 responded moving forward towards the turtle, his blue bandana blowing in the soft wind.

"Okay, so what is this classified information you have on the Purple Dragons that we do not have?" Leo asked Leonardo199.

"The Purple Dragons will be hitting bank in Fallujah, Iraq." Leonardo199 said, "I need you and you alone Leonardo to help me track down the Purple Dragons. I know that you have good tracking instincts." The man complemented the blue banded turtle. Leo felt himself blushing.

"Will you help me track them down," Leonardo199 walked closer.

"Yes," Leo agreed so fast, Leonardo199 was speechless on why he agreed so quickly.

"Alright, now I must get a DNA sample from you," Leonardo199 said huskily his voice rang out, hitting Leo like a hot volcano exploding.

He held out his hand, thinking the man would need a sample from his arm, "No, I need to take somewhere else from you," Leonardo199 looked at him in the eyes. Leonardo199 slowly cornered Leo against the wall of the building. Leo felt his heart beat faster, and became slightly nervous, and went to go grab his sword.

Leonardo199 saw this, and didn't want to scare him. He moved fast, faster than Leo estimated from the man, as his arms were grabbed and held against the wall, as he felt the man's lips touch his silencing him.

Leonardo199 didn't want to scare the turtle away. He had been dreaming of this moment for a long time. After researching the leader of four, he became in love with him, and wanted him more than anything. He could tell that the blue clad turtle smelled this, and was somewhat afraid, "You're gay?" Leo asked, after the man let up from his lips, as one hand held onto his hands, and the other went to his slit, making Leo almost forget his question as the man rubbed him coxing his penis out.

"Yes, I am Leonardo Hamato, and I need your D.N.A. to keep track of you, in case we are separated, or you get captured by anyone we will know where you are." The agent said, as he rubbed his slit faster, "I need your D.N.A from your very hard organ," Leo199 purred into his ear, as he kept rubbing his slit. He felt Leo become nervous about the whole ordeal seeing this, Leo199 kissed him, "Relax, and breath," He ordered, and kept a grip on his wrist, and leaned down and licked his opening.

"Nahh..." Leo breathed out, as his penis fell into Leo199 awaiting hand. Leo199 pumped it hard and fast, as he nuzzled and kissed his neck. "Umm...," Leo moaned, and arched forward wanting more of that feeling, and felt the man lean down and lick his cock, taking it his mouth, Leo199 could tell the clad blue ninja would be coming soon, and sucked deep and hard.

"Ahh...," Leo yelped, as he came. Leo199 held his cum into his mouth, released him, and took a hold of the glass tube to place the cum into it for D.N.A. analysis researchers.

Leo199 kissed Leo again, feeling his soft cold lips against his. He had dreamed of taking this turtle, claiming this turtle as his own. He was lucky to do this to him so fast and so willingly. He could now tell he liked someone to dominate other than himself. A grin came across his face, knowing he'd get his wish soon enough.

"Leo, we will leave tomorrow around one o'clock, but you will stay with me," Leo199 told him.

Leonardo stood against the wall, and looked at him, "I'll need to tell my family," Leonardo started, but then Leo199 walked up to him and cupped his face, "I can tell your putting a lot of trust in me, and I'm happy for that. For that you must stay with me. It's almost sunrise, and I know you don't like being out in the daylight," Leo199 reminded him, seeing the sun cascade through the skyscrapers hitting Leo's shell.

Leo grumbled, knowing the man was right, "I will come with you on this trip, and stay with you, but we must tell my father that way he can give the message to my family," Leonardo said firmly making it clear he didn't want to leave his family again like he did before without writing or calling after a year.

"Fair enough," Leo199 replied, "Follow me," He ordered, as Leo followed him to a limo parked on the side alley way. Leo's heart bounded. He had never been with a man. He knew that Raph and Mikey both have, he had yet to know what that was like himself, and finding a man willing to ravage him like this man did would be hard to find. He had to take the offer. Seeing the black limo, he got inside with Leonardo199, as they headed out to his place.

End of chapter one

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