The Easter Virus, Chapter 1

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Easter Virus

Chapter 1

By William W. Kelso

Things changed forever; for the whole world, because of a series of small unrelated accidents in a laboratory. No one's sure exactly what happened to cause the outbreak of the so-called 'Easter Virus', but they have a pretty good idea. The original virus was designed to affect only one species, but somehow it mutated. That's the problem with viruses, they don't behave themselves, they're the juvenile delinquents of the micro world. There's no telling what they'll do. Tell them to do one thing, they do another. Most likely the original virus; which had been around for a long time, was accidently exposed to X-rays or some other outside influence that caused the mutation. As to how the first humans were exposed, well, the virus had been around for a long time and was supposed to have no affect on humans; we were supposed to be immune. By the time anyone realized it had even happened it was way too late to contain it. Within a week over one million people were infected, in two weeks it was close ten. One good thing was the virus was short lived, and in a month there were no new 'cases' of infection. But the virus didn't make you sick, it made you...different.

I was one of the first as I was working at the actual lab where the outbreak occurred. We didn't really do research so much as storage. If you needed a virus we were the place you shopped, place an order and we'd cook you up a batch. The virus, L-22, was considered benign and harmless, so minimal precautions were taken in handling it. It was an old and tried strain, so it came as a major surprise when it decided to go 'feral' in a rather unique and totally unexpected way.

The first signs of being infected were similar to a nasty flu, with the usual aches and pains, headaches, fever, and in general feeling crappy. A few people suffered from nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, but not many. That was one reason it wasn't spotted right away, plus it was the flu season, so it went unnoticed for far too long. It was when bloodwork started showing some unusual signs; that and the fact you started growing fur, that finally alarmed doctors and the CDC. After the fur came other; more drastic, changes. But by then it was way too late to contain it, Christmas and Easter had come and gone, and it was one of the most traveled times of the year. The 'carriers' had spread it to almost the entire world. It was named the 'Easter Virus' as the first cases were identified during that holiday.

I remember my shock when I realized I was growing fur, real fur! It started as peach fuzz like growth over my whole body, a little thicker on the upper arms, chest, and back at first. But it spread rapidly, and soon I had an actual pelt of soft warm grey fur, everywhere. And at first it scared the Hell out of me. I mean, think about it. It may sound 'fun' in a story, but in real life it was traumatizing. Some people committed suicide, convinced they were becoming some sort of ravening monster. It couldn't have been farther from the truth. The infected people became hares, though most people insist on calling us bunnies. In short, we became anthro human/animal hybrids of the genus Lepus, in short, Lepus europaeus, or the European hare. Believe me it was as much a shock to us as 'normal' people. Actually when we realized what we really were becoming it was kind of a letdown, but a rather nice one. The rest of the world was relieved as well, bunnies were one thing, werewolves were another.

The fur was the first obvious sign of the reconfiguring of our genetics into a totally new species. It took about six months, and was relatively painless after the initial 'flu' period. There was some discomfort, mainly cramping and dull aches, as our bone structure and musculature changed, and some rather nasty flatulence and bouts of diarrhea as our internal organs changed and we adjusted our diet. The worse was in the legs and jaws when our muzzle formed. When it was finally over we were no longer recognizable as human, but we weren't animals either, not exactly. It took some getting used to though, to say the least. Frankly I was greatly relieved I hadn't changed all the way into a giant normal hare; that would have sucked. To our intense and great relief we retained our memories and awareness; we were still 'us', but were different too, our outlooks on life tempered by the instincts and needs of our animal gene 'donor'. We were a new species, both physically and mentally. They came up with a new name for us, Lepus Sapiens.

Of course there was panic around the world; people freaked out, the infected even more so, but it died down some when it became obvious it wasn't a 'Night of the Living Dead' kind of scenario, and we didn't grow fangs and start eating people or develop a craving for brains. Vegetables weren't safe however. At first quarantine was tried, but it was a waste of time, there were just too many of us by then, and the infection didn't become obvious right away. Since I was among the first diagnosed with the 'Easter virus', I ended up spending several weeks in a rather unpleasant military detention facility along with fellow 'bunnies'. The upside was they took pretty good care of us; we were after all not terrorists or anything. After the change was over we were finally released once the virus died out. It just proved to be a waste of time and resources to try and lock us all up and quarantine us, there was just no way, plus we were no longer infectious. I think it helped that most of the personnel of a few major military bases were also 'infected', as well as some very high ranking military officers and civilians including senators and representatives.

The greatest amounts of infected people were centered in the USA, UK, South America, and to lesser extents the Middle East and Asian countries. Australia and New Zealand had 'pockets', Africa seemed to have the fewest. Peoples reactions varied considerably from country to country. In the US and UK it was fairly benign; with a few hysterical incidents, but in other countries it was the exact opposite. In Muslim countries the infected people were almost wiped out, the Mullahs declaring them 'abominations' and 'satans', and it was the duty of all good Muslims to kill them on sight. Some managed to escape, others were rescued, but most were butchered or stoned to death. It was the same in Africa, what wasn't understood was destroyed. The more civilized the country, the better the treatment of the infected. In Japan they became something of celebrities from the start, in China their treatment was a little more reserved. North Korea didn't have any, which was good as they probably would have eaten them.

The virus died out for some reason after about a month, and no new cases were reported. In the end over 400 million were infected worldwide. Of those five million died; or more correctly, were killed. A few committed suicide, the rest died at the hands of panicking humans. It was a slaughter of unbelievable proportions, and the majority of humans were appalled. Especially when it turned out we were pretty harmless, and so darn cute. However it would turn out later that we weren't as harmless as we looked, first impressions can be deceiving. But at first even we didn't know it. At first we were pretty traumatized, and as scared as most other people. It took some getting used to, for both bunnies and humans. The problem was, what to do with us?

I remember the day I was released from the detention facility, with a letter of apology from the President, we all got one on fancy stationary and I still have mine. I thought it was a nice gesture. We all got a nice little check for 'compensation' as well, which was also very nice as my job was long gone. The rather generous funds would come in handy. It was summer by then and my winter fur had shed, so all I had on was shorts. With a hole cut in the back for my cute fluffy tail. The females wore shorts too, as well as tank tops to cover their breasts, and the extra nipples on their lower bellies. I didn't wear shoes, bunnies don't need them. Our paws have thick tough pads, and the way our toes and ankles bend when we walk make any kind of footwear pretty much impractical. But it doesn't bother us, even in wet weather. We shed water pretty well, and our extremities seem to be able to endure pretty wide temperature variations without much discomfort. Ever hear of a rabbit, or hare, getting frostbitten toes? Plus with our claws it would have been uncomfortable as Hell. So I 'walked', a kind of short bobbing waddle/hop, out the front gate of the base to where a bus was waiting for the newly released bunnies. I got onboard with others of 'my kind', and we looked at one another nervously, noses twitching, as the bus got underway. I could smell the fear and uncertainty. Now that we were free again, what would we do?? How would be able to make a living, or even 'get along' like this?? I know I had mental problems; we all did, as we 'adjusted'. It had helped that the change was so slow, if it had been fast it would have been a lot worse. As the change progressed we'd had time to adjust.

My apartment had long been rented to someone else, and my job had gone bye-bye along with those of the majority of bunnies. Lots of people were still scared of us, and didn't want to work with an 'animal'. I can't say I really blamed them all that much. I resented it, but could understand it. I ended up moving in with my brother and his wife, who had also changed, probably infected by me; much to my distress, but they never said anything. We were lucky, he owned his own business, and his employees; those not infected, had kept the company going. In a way it was kind of funny as he owned a landscaping & mowing service, and it turned out bunnies were ideally suited for that kind of work. We have a 'natural' talent for it. Let us loose on a yard and we'll have it looking great in no time, we can even eat some of the weeds, they're delicious.

I got a nice big room above the garage, and moved in with my rather meager possessions. In fact all I had was a few changes of 'military issue 'bunny shorts', which were just GI issue shorts with holes cut in them for my tail. Other than that a cheap alarm clock, toothbrush & toothpaste, and some military issue towels were about it. There was a full length mirror on the bathroom door, and I stopped settling in and looked at myself, it was still something of a shock, even after all this time.

I was looking at the refection of a large grey and white male hare, or 'buck', which was the 'proper' term, with black highlights. From the waist up I was pretty human like, my chest being a little narrower with a slightly more pronounced sternum, my arms pretty much human like, but of course it was all covered in fur. My head was bestial, the head of a hare in every way. Wet nose, whiskers, 'hare lip', large eyes, and of course the big floppy ears. The ears are extremely mobile, I can lay them down flat, turn them almost all the way around, and my hearing is incredibly sensitive. And my eyes, they're large and slightly protruding, and my range of vision is almost 360 degrees now. I can see behind me, which took some getting used to. They're the ears and eyes of a prey animal, designed to give me enough warning to get away. But there is one difference, my eyes are blue. It's from the waist down that the changes are most obvious though. The large muscular legs that bend wrong, the large 'paws', and the hairy balls and penis sheath. And don't forget the fluffy tail. My stance was almost awkward looking, like I was starting to fall over, or getting ready to break into a run, but my sense of balance was excellent, and it wasn't uncomfortable. But I can go to all fours if I want to without any discomfort, and can run just as fast as a quadruped. With a soft squeak like sound I turned the light off, and curled up on top of the bed. Didn't need any covers, and slept curled up tightly in a ball. I had ever since the change had entered the third month, and the last stages. I could still cry, and did for awhile before falling asleep. It was all still so damned strange, and I was still adjusting to my new life, we all were.

The next morning I woke early, and remained perfectly still for a minute, nose and ears twitching. It was amazing how fast the shift from asleep, to wide awake, took. I somehow knew that remaining still was a survival instinct; to check out the immediate area before moving and giving away my location. My morning 'toilet' was simple; I licked my paws and smoothed the hair on my ears and face a little, put on a pair of shorts, and went downstairs to the main house. I didn't take a shower; hares aren't much for that kind of thing. Drying out all that fur is a pain, plus it compromises our natural ability to shed moisture. My brother John, and his wife Tina, were already up and about too despite the early hour. We don't need much sleep I guess. John had mostly brown fur, but Tina looked like me. I entered the kitchen, and we all just looked at one another for a few seconds, noses twitching. Then I 'hopped' over to a chair, and sat down at the table. Tina put a bowl of fresh vegetables on the table, including bundles of grass & clover, and we ate. And yes, carrots too, we love them. There was no meat; we can't eat it anymore. It makes us sick, as do other things we used to love. Sugar is bad for us, as well as coffee. Our preferred drink is water, or fruit juice as long as it has no artificial sugar added. It was long time before anyone said anything. Finally I broke the awkward silence.

"Thanks for putting me up John, I really appreciate it."

"No problem, John replied, how's the room?"

"Great, I said, it's really nice."

I stuffed a radish in my mouth, and crunched it with pleasure, the starchy flavor was delicious. My sense of taste was much more acute now, as well as my sense of smell. For one thing I could smell that John and Tina had been mating last night, but politely ignored it. It was none of my business. I'd already mated with several females while I was still at the center; we'd done it because we needed it. Sex was still the same for us, but different in some ways as well. The females had been in heat, and frankly it was impossible to resist responding to their 'need'. At first we'd been rather embarrassed after each coupling was over, but not ashamed. It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time, and the pleasure was incredible. Our sex drives were incredibly strong. We soon got used to it as it seemed perfectly natural. Some humans think we're sex crazed, but screw them.

"So, I asked, what are our plans for the day? You said something about me being able to get a job with your company?"

"Yep, John said, but first I need to take you by the Police Station to register as a 'resident Lepus'."

"You mean like a sex offender, or something?" I replied angrily.

He twitched his ears my way, and said "No, they just want to keep track of us in case of a...cure, or something. It's for our own good."

"Yeah, I'll bet, I said. They kept me locked up for over four months for my 'own good' too."

"The President made a speech saying how sorry everyone was." Tina said.

"Considering there's close to fifty million of us in the States I guess he figured he'd better. It's cheaper to let us run around; then to keep us all locked up." I snapped back.

"Come on, John said, that's not fair. They didn't lock all of us up, and look how other bunnies were treated in foreign countries. They killed almost all of us in Africa and a lot of the Middle Eastern countries."

"I hate that word, we're not fucking rabbits, I said, we're Hares! And if hear anymore Bugs Bunny or Easter Bunny jokes I will absolutely freak out and go postal on someone's ass!"

"I know the feeling." John replied dryly. "And I'm getting sick of hearing the Bunny Hop on the radio too."

"You're kidding." I said, and started laughing, a kind of low, almost purring rumble interspaced with squeaks. Our vocal cords are different, we can talk fine, but certain sounds; like laughter, are beyond us.

"Nope, John chuckled; it's made a big comeback."

"Well, there's no accounting for taste. Tina said, I always hated that stupid song even...before."

I gave a final rumble, and wiped my nose with a paw. The laughing had lightened the mood a bit, and John and I said goodbye to Tina for the day as we left for work. We went in a company van, and in the heat left the windows down. We didn't sweat though, just panted a little. We could still sit in chairs and vehicle seats, thank goodness, though it was more comfortable with our tails tucked. Leave them up and it gets uncomfortable after awhile. I noticed John had had the pedals modified, moving them farther apart due to his large paws. Plus we had to keep our ears folded at least partially, which is hard to do. We can control them consciously, but once we stop concentrating on it they tend to swivel around on their own, usually towards the nearest noise. Loud sounds could hurt; and tended to be startling, until we got used to them. We got a few looks, but we saw other 'bunnies' as well, some driving, but most walking. They tended to be in little groups, we seldom saw one alone. Frankly, humans scared us a little. We knew it was irrational, but we couldn't shake it. They don't smell very nice either, too many chemical and artificial smells. We don't like the smell of perfume and deodorants very much, and hairspray makes us sneeze.

We pulled into the rear parking lot at John's business, and getting out went inside. A human woman looked up as we entered, and gave John a smile.

"High boss, she said, who's your friend?"

"Hi Ruby, John replied, this is my brother Peter. He's living with Tina and me for now, and I'm going to put him to work until he can find a better job."

"Hi Peter; Ruby said, welcome to the insane asylum. It'll be great having some more help; half our employee's quit, the, um, human ones anyway."

I almost got mad, the way she said 'the human ones', but I'd gotten used hearing statements like that. I still found it so hard to accept that I wasn't human anymore. I didn't really know what I was, and most people; human and 'bunny' felt the same way. So I kept my cool, at least she didn't seem to mind working with 'bunnies'. I'd seen signs on some business's that said 'Bunnies need not apply.'

"Hi Ruby, I said, nice to meet you. You smell nice." Then I flicked my ears in embarrassment, oh, I did NOT just say that! To my intense relief she just smiled, and said,

"Why thank you Peter, what a nice thing to say!"

"Any mail?" John asked.

"Oh, yeah, Ruby said, and handed him a stack of envelopes. And boss, we had more people calling and canceling our service."

"Damn it, John squealed, ears laid back, if we get many more we'll go under! It's a good thing some employees quit; we don't have enough work for the ones left!"

I followed him into his cubbyhole of an office, and he sat down in his chair with a snort, nose twitching angrily. I looked around as he sorted the mail, and noticed a lack of any photos on the wall, but could see where they'd been. That was common, most bunnies didn't like to be reminded about how they used to be by photos, so most took them down and put them away. We hadn't taken many new ones either; we were still a little camera shy. John got more and more solemn as he read the mail, and then muttered something. I flicked my ears toward him, and said,

"Sorry John, did you say something?"

"I'm sorry, I was just mumbling, he replied. This letter is from a lady whose yard I've been cutting and landscaping since I started this business; almost twenty years, she says she's letting us go as she wants to give the work to a 'human'. Damn it, doesn't she realize I'm still ME!! I'm NOT a fucking animal!"

I got up and walked around the desk, and putting my paws on his shoulders I rubbed them gently, and nuzzled at his ears a little bit. It's how we comfort one another, we like to have someone near when we're upset or unhappy. No taboos about having a male hug or comfort you either, there's nothing sexual about it and we don't consider it 'unmanly'. Someone named it 'nubbling', and it caught on, we do the same thing when we're courting a doe, but for different reasons obviously. He was quiet for a little while, ears drooping dejectedly, then he shook himself, and said,

"Well, time to get to work I guess. I need to go and check on some ongoing landscaping projects, do you mind staying here and helping out Ruby around the office? I know you're good with computers and stuff, and she'd been having problems with our system since our other secretary quit. It keeps freezing up, and it's really been a pain."

"Yeah, sure, whatever you want me to do. I said, and John, thanks for everything. You and Tina wouldn't be in this...fix, if I hadn't visited for Christmas."

He snorted, and said, "Hell, you don't know that. A lot of folks in town got sick about the same time you did, so no telling how we caught it, and it's not like you knew anyway. But I'd have let you stay even if we were still...normal. You're the only brother I got."

"Well, I got stuck with the best brother in the world." Was all I could say.

He snorted again, and said gruffly, "Well, come on, we won't make money yapping our muzzles off. I'll be back for lunch; we'll go to a new place that recently opened. It's owned and operated by bunnies; and just serves our kind of food. NO meat!"

"Sounds great." I replied. I meant it too; just the smell of cooked meat makes me feel nauseas. How could I ever have eaten it?? Just the thought made my stomach twinge. I'd only been to one restaurant since I'd been released, and I had to leave before I got sick. I knew some big chains like McDonald's had new 'Veggie Meals' designed for bunnies, but for the most part we used the drive through, or just ran in, grabbed them, and then ate outside. The super markets increased their supplies of produce too, with so many 'new' customers whose diet was restricted to mainly raw vegetables they even started carrying produce humans wouldn't, or couldn't, eat. This included grasses and leafy plants most people would consider weeds. They didn't do us any favors on the prices though. But everybody bitched about that, humans didn't like paying so much for stuff like cucumbers and carrots anymore than we did, but of course they blamed us and not the stores. But that's capitalism for you; there was a profit to be made. We were just glad the stuff was available as we needed it to stay healthy. But honestly, if we're really hungry we can find a vacant overgrown lot and pig out. We could save money that way too.

I waved as John hopped (literally) into a van and drove off. He had a human and another hare with him. I snuffled the air, it was warm and smelled pretty good despite all the decaying buildings in the old business district, and then I turned and went back inside. The AC felt nice, but it tended to make the air too dry and dry out my nose.

Ruby had been watching at the front door, and said "He's great, isn't he. Best boss I ever had."

I guess I was kind of in a bad mood, because I said, "You don't mind working for a bunny?"

She thought for a second, and then replied, "No, why should I? Like I said, best boss I ever had. Before, and now."

That made me feel like a jerk, so I said, "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for."

She smiled, and said, "What was uncalled for?"

I decided I liked her, a lot. "If you'll show me the computer I'll see what I can do, John wants me to take a look at it."

"Oh, that would be great! Ruby said, I think the damn thing hates me! Our other secretary did all the PC stuff, I'm lucky if I can get the stupid thing to turn on."

I laughed, chuffing, "I know that feeling, I said, sometime I think they're smarter then we are, and are just messing with us."

"Oh, I'd believe that!" Ruby said, holding the door open for Peter. She caught a whiff of his scent as he passed her, kind of musky, but not unpleasant. She resisted an urge to reach out and run her hand through his fur.

"Hmm", I mused, as I looked the system over. The PC was pretty new, but the printer was junk, too old and clunky for the new computer. It had been a good one in its day, but was obsolete now. I'd have to tell John to get a new one. I worked for a little while longer, my claws tapping on the keys, and deleted a bunch of garbage, updated some drivers & their anti-virus service. At least they had a good one. And it turned out there were a lot of spy and malware programs that had been slowing down everything else. Once I ran a scan with the updated anti-virus program most of those were eliminated. It would probably take a visit from a PC wizard to get rid of the rest. I also rerouted some of their programs, added a few shortcuts to save time, and dumped old cookies and other crap.

"Ta-da! I said, all better! Let me show you a few things that will save a lot of time, and make it easier to run the computer. It should be a LOT faster now, and not freeze up all the time. You need to have a good PC repair man come in and go through the system to get rid of a few of the nastier bugs though. And I'll bug John about getting a new printer."

Ruby had been standing behind Peter and watching him work, and was impressed by his competence and skill. He really knew what he was doing. She liked just looking at him too; she thought he was, well, beautiful. She loved the color of his fur; it was dark to medium gray with black highlights and white chest and belly fur, his big bright friendly eyes, and he was nice too. It was still kind of a weird feeling to be talking to what looked like an animal, but she didn't mind. She just didn't understand why so many people didn't seem to like; or were actually afraid of, them. Frankly she was fascinated by the 'bunnies', as everyone called them. Fascinated, and...intrigued.

She had been what they called a 'furry' all her life, and her persona was, of all things, a bunny rabbit, a black one with a white blaze on its chest. She'd even had a 'suit' made for her, going for realism as opposed to the fluffy toy look, and she never wore anything under it. She always gotten lots of compliments, and was very popular at the furmeets she went to. She'd never told anyone about, other than her furry friends, and they didn't even know her real name. Once she put on her bunny suit she became Dora the bunny girl, period. She knew her family wouldn't have understood, nor her 'normal' friends. She'd actually hoped she'd catch the Easter Virus at one point, and still wasn't sure if she was glad she hadn't, or not. She had watched as Peter had gotten down on all fours to check the cables, and like that he'd looked even more like an animal, as instead of getting down on his knees he just balanced on his paws as he bent his legs in what looked like a very uncomfortable way, his cute little tail flicking as he rooted around under the desks. If not for his shorts he looked just like a bunny rabbit in that position. She thought of the old Peter Cottontail book, and almost giggled. She knew the bunnies were touchy about those kinds of things though. Just like being called bunnies. She'd asked John about that once, and he said it was kind of like how humans might feel if they were called chimps. Though close, a hare was NOT a rabbit.

As she watched him finishing up on the computer she hesitantly reached out her hand, God she wanted to feel his fur!! But she pulled it back before it went that far; she didn't want to take such liberties. Then to her surprise, Peter said,

"Do you want to touch my fur?"

"I...I, I didn't mean...I'm sorry!" She stammered.

I chuffed, and said, "I don't mind, you need to remember we have almost 360 degree peripheral vision, it's because of where our eyes are on our heads now. You can't sneak up on us. I saw you reaching out a few times. If you want to touch me, go ahead, I don't mind."

"Are, are you sure?" Ruby asked nervously, embarrassed. But she still wanted to touch him so very badly.

"Yes, I'm actually kind of flattered. I'm pretty plain for a Hare, you know."

No you're not, Ruby thought, and slowly she reached out and put her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her with his bright blue eyes, and twitched his nose. It was as warm and soft as she'd thought it would be, and she slowly ran her fingers through his pelt, on his shoulder, then down his back a little. When she brought her hand back it went against the grain of his fur, and it ruffled some, and he gave a funny little squeak. She pulled her hand back, and said,

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"No, no, I said, that felt nice. It's just when our fur gets rubbed against the grain like that it...tickles a little. Would you scratch my back for me? I've got an itch I can't reach; it's been driving me crazy." Actually that was a lie, there was NO place I couldn't reach with my hind legs or hands, Hares are very nimble and can contort much more than humans. I can scratch my ears with my hind paws with ease. But I didn't tell her that, I wanted to feel her fingers in my fur again. It felt...wonderful.

Ruby grinned as she rubbed and scratched Peter's back, and he made those adorable little chuffing and squeaking sounds. She'd run her fingers against his fur, then back down again smoothing it back out, and she could tell he was really enjoying it.

I closed my eyes and chuffed in pleasure, oh man that felt good! The feel of her fingers running through my fur, tousling and then smoothing it back down, was divine. It was the first time I'd been touched by a human female since my change; my old girlfriend had dumped me the second she found out I was 'one of THOSE now'. We hadn't been that close though, but it had still hurt, a lot. I'd needed someone, and she'd dumped me without even doing it in person. I was also very aware of Ruby's scent, and she smelled even nicer close up. She was pretty too, just because I was a different species now didn't mean I still couldn't appreciate a pretty human female; you bet your ass I still could. I was enjoying myself so much I almost missed her question; and snapping out of my reverie, I said,

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What did you say?"

Ruby giggled, "I think you were asleep."

"Almost, I said, you have no idea how good that feels."

Not as good as it feels for me, I'll bet, Ruby thought. "I said, what's it like?" She repeated.

"Being a 'bunny'?" I said softly, tucking my ears a little.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I understand, Ruby said. I didn't mean to pry. It's just, I'd like to know."

I sighed, it WAS kind of a personal question, but I found I didn't mind. She was just honestly curious, and I liked her. "It's not so bad, I said, but it is...different. At first; when I realized what was happening to me, it was terrifying. Did you know I was actually working at the lab where the virus originated, and was one of the first infected? No one knew how far it would go, and my; our, relief when we found out we weren't going to turn all the way into animals was incredible. You have no idea what it felt like to know you were going to keep your identity, your mind, your awareness. I think if it had become obvious my mind would devolve into an animal's I would have killed myself, some of us did anyway. There was some pain and discomfort; especially when my legs and head started changing, and when it was over we had to learn to cope with our new bodies, needs and instincts. We're as intelligent as we were as humans, but we're NOT human anymore. Please try to understand that, we are NOT people in furry costumes.

Ruby giggled, but when she felt Peter stiffen and tense she realized he was insulted. "No, no, I'm sorry!! She said quickly, I wasn't laughing at you, it's just what you said about 'people in furry costumes!'" When he gave her a confused look; she could recognize that even on his nonhuman face; muzzle really, she thought, oh well, guess I'll have to tell him. "Do you know what a 'furry' is?"

"Um, yeah, I said, I am pretty furry, and I've heard some people call us furries. Personally I think that's better than bunnies, or beasties."

"No, not that, Ruby said. It's people who like to dress up as animals, or mythical beings, or other things. They get together at conventions, and form clubs and stuff. It's lots of fun."

"Oh, OH!" I said, yeah, I HAD heard about them. It seemed a little weird, but pretty much harmless. "Yeah, I've heard about them. I thought they were kind of, oh, I don't know, er,..."

"Strange, weird, perverts?" Ruby finished, and it was Peter's turn to look embarrassed. "Some of that's true, she said, and yes, sex is part of it, but when is it not a part of anything people do?? Anytime groups of people get together for a while there's going to be sex, unless there's something wrong with them. Mostly we just like to become something else for awhile, put on a different skin so to speak. Live out our fantasies."

She didn't tell him a great big furpile was her most favorite thing in the whole world, that and getting her brains fucked out at the events she went to. Her bunny persona had a reputation of, well, fucking like a bunny. She wasn't ashamed of it either, but didn't tell her 'normal' friends she liked to dress up like an animal and get humped as often as possible, by as many different partners; both male and female, as possible. She wasn't THAT stupid. She knew where the borders of fantasy and reality met. But the best sex she'd ever had had been at FurCon's. The fact it was somewhat impersonal and 'bestial' had really turned her on. She always wore her suit, and insisted her 'mates' did too.

I thought about it for a second, and said "I can understand that. I used to do living history and Civil War reenactments, which some people thought was pretty strange. What kind of, er, animal did you like to dress up as?" I asked curiously.

Ruby blushed, and said, "Promise you won't laugh?"

"Sure." I said.

"A rabbit, a black bunny rabbit." Ruby said shyly. Then a second later, "You promised you wouldn't laugh!! Stop it!! It's NOT funny, they're beautiful animals!"

"Ur-ur-ur-eeeek!" I chuffed, I couldn't help it! "I'm, I'm, chur-ur-ur, sorry! It's just, eek-eeeeek!! I'm sorry!" Finally I managed to get myself under control, and saw Ruby was almost in tears. "Look, I'm really sorry, it's just that, well, under the circumstances it IS kind of funny. But actually I'm kind of flattered, and you're right, rabbits are cute, I should know." Then I started chuffing again, I just couldn't stop. But this time Ruby started giggling too, and soon we were both cracking up. I was squealing in hilarity, and she was laughing so hard her eyes were watering. It was the first time I'd had a really good laugh since the change.

Ruby was kind of mad at first, she'd told him her innermost secret, and he was laughing at her!! But when he tried to explain, she realized that from his point of view it probably WAS pretty funny, and she started giggling herself, and before long they were both helpless with laughter. Suddenly, on an impulse, she bent over and put her hands on his shoulders, and kissed him on his cute little nose. He froze for a second, and then nuzzled at her face, his lips and wiggling nose tickling her.

We laughed for awhile and it felt wonderful, but then she suddenly leaned over and kissed me, on my nose! And that felt...wonderful too. I snuffled at her face, enjoying her scent and taste, so nice and very female. I felt a stir in my sheath, but had learned to control that response. It might be appropriate and acceptable with a doe; a female hare, but not with a human female. Showing your sexual interest to a doe was one thing, a male can't hide it anyway as our scent gives us away; and vice-versa, but we had to control ourselves with a human female. With a doe it wasn't considered improper or inappropriate, but I'd been human once and knew how women could respond to blatant sexual interest from a male. But I did enjoy nuzzling her, it was nice.

Ruby loved the feel of his soft warm wet nose nudging at her; his whiskers tickling a little, his lips rubbing against her face. She ran her fingers through his soft fur, she loved the silky smoothness, and reaching up ran one of his ears through her hand, the thin flesh warm. He made a kind of soft chur, and nuzzled at her ears, hair, and back of her neck, nibbling at her in a way she found very sensual. She felt her sex grow wet, and gave a soft moan as his warm fur rubbed against her face, his lips nibbling at her ear.

I flared my nose as I scented her suddenly growing arousal, her scent had been nice before, but this sudden 'interest' and 'offer' on her part was nicer still. It was one thing to show arousal in front of a female who wasn't interested, but quite another to do it in front of a female who definitely was, even if she was from a 'different species'. But still, I had to be careful. She wasn't a doe, and I wasn't a man. Despite her scent of sexual arousal I couldn't just assume she wanted to mate with me. But I hoped.

I pulled back from her, and said 'Are you sure? I'm not human you know, not anymore. If you want to stop I won't be...offended."

"I...I mean, was I that obvious?" Ruby asked.

I smiled, which means I kind of scrunched up my nose and lips. "Yes, I said, your scent gave you away. It's very...nice, by the way. You smell...different from most humans, and I mean that in a nice way."

"What do you mean by 'different'?" Ruby asked curiously.

"You don't smell like chemicals, I said. Perfume, hairspray, and stuff like that makes a human, well, stink. We don't like chemical smells."

Ruby smiled, and said, "I'm allergic to something they put in most of those kinds of things. So my deodorants and stuff are limited to strictly 100% natural ones."

"Well, I like them very much, I said and sniffed softly at her hair, your hair smells wonderful, so clean and fresh."

"Thank you, Ruby replied, what a sweet thing to say. Then she took a deep breath, and asked "Are you...interested in me? I mean, as a...mate? I don't know if hares are still, you know, interested in humans that way."

"Oh God, yes! I replied truthfully, you have no idea what it was like when you started giving me that lovely grooming, in hares that's a rather...sensual kind of thing. So yes, I'm interested, very much. You're a beautiful, desirable, female."

"Am I as beautiful as a female bunny?" Ruby asked, and immediately wished she hadn't.

I paused, that was good question! "I, you're...I mean, damn it! That's a hard one Ruby. But, yes, and no. You're a beautiful and desirable female, God knows that's true and I want to make love to you very much. But with doe's, it's, well, different. For one thing, we can't be mates, that is, have any offspring. Hare's can't breed with humans anymore then with normal hares. I know, they tried it. On the positive side, no protection is necessary; as far as human females go we shoot blanks."

"How is it different, except for no babies?" Ruby asked.

Another good question! "Well, it's more...animal like in some ways. Don't get me wrong, we don't just rut like animals, we do make love. It's just that there are different...kinds. A doe can have sex with a buck in two ways. Just for pleasure, or to breed. "

"That's not much different from humans." Ruby said,

"Tue, I replied, to a certain extent. But when a doe has her period; or in our case goes into heat, she really doesn't have any choice. If she has a mate; a husband, there's no problem, if not she'll seek out the nearest buck to take care of her...need, and he probably won't be able to refuse, he won't want to. It's the pheromones; they drive us kind of crazy for awhile. But afterwards we don't consider it...binding, the male has no obligation to the female or her young. But if he can the male will use some sort of protection, condoms work fine for us too. However, birth control pills have proved pretty much useless with does. They're just too...fertile. But quite often, if the male and female like each other; other than just for , the sex, they'll stay together. We're still learning though, even we don't completely understand our 'new' selves yet."

"That is kind of...different, Ruby said. Don't get me wrong, I know I get horny as Hell at certain times; like at furcons she thought, but I don't just grab the nearest guy, though I admit it does kind of lower my standards a bit."

"Like I said, we're not human Ruby, not anymore. I'M not human. Please try and understand that, it will make our...relationship easier for both of us. If you still want to have one, that is."

Ruby reached up and rubbed his cheek, and said, "Oh, I still do, very much so. This is kind it a dream, come true."

"The furry thing?" I said. She nodded, looking a little uncomfortable.

"Do you think that's...wrong?" Ruby said.

I reached over and gently rubbed her cheek with one hand, "No, I said. Maybe if I was just a dumb animal; no more intelligent then a normal hare, but we're two intelligent beings who are...compatible. " I'd never had sex with a human before; at least since the change, but knew some hares who had, and some even live with humans. They seemed perfectly happy with the arrangement. And I must admit, I still find human females very attractive, that hasn't changed. "But you need to understand, many humans would consider it little more then bestiality."

"Do some hares think sex with a human is bestiality?' Ruby asked.

Damn, I thought, another good question! She's one smart lady. "Not that I'm aware of, I replied, we just don't think of mutual pleasure with a human like that, after all there can be no children. Plus we all used to be human, so I think that makes a big difference. "

Ruby reached up and held his hand as he stroked her cheek, "Your hands is a little rough, she said, but I like it."

"Oh, I said, pulling my hand back. Was I touching you too hard?"

"No, I mean the texture of your palm, Ruby said, it felt kind of, well, rough."

I looked at my hand, and it was really more of a hand/paw as it has characteristics of both. The top of my hand and fingers are covered with fine fur, and the palms and undersides of the fingers are rough because they're almost pads. And; same as my hind paws, they have genuine claws (which I keep filed down to nubs). It makes it easier to go on all fours. But it's a soft roughness, kind of like suede. Ruby took my hand and held it one of hers, and I let her, watching as she inspected it.

Ruby was fascinated by his 'paw', the fur, the strangely soft skin, smooth if you rubbed it one way, rougher if you rubbed it the other. She lifted his hand a little and rubbed her face against it.

"I like that, she said, it feels...nice."

I don't think she had any idea of how I felt as she examined my hand, and then rubbed it against her face. I was breathing faster, my own arousal starting to peak. Leaning over I lipped her face a little more, and she kissed my nose again. God, what a turn on!! In hares the nose is an erogenous zone, it's so incredibly sensitive. The feel of her lips, and her scent were absolutely wonderful, and I licked my nose to taste her better.

We talked a little bit more, but I was becoming more and more aware of the scent of her arousal. It really affects a male hare, to scent a female in a sexually receptive condition. It's not as intense with human females, but we're still very much affected; after all we are still part human. We have to be careful around a woman having her period; we might mistake it for sexual interest. There had already been some unfortunate 'misunderstandings'. Finally I couldn't stand it any longer, and leaning forward we 'nobbled' for awhile, and I ran a hand under her blouse and bra and gently squeezed one of her nice big breasts, and she made a soft 'mMmmm' sound.

Ruby giggled as his nose moved over her skin, and his whiskers tickled. "What are you doing??" She asked, and then gave a little squeal as he nipped her neck playfully."

"It's called 'nobbling', I said, someone came up with the term and it caught on. I think it's based on the word 'nibbling'. We don't really have the right lips for kissing, so we lip and nuzzle our lovers, and nip and nibble at them. I love it, you're so sweet."

"Well, it IS nice, Ruby admitted, as long as you don't try to suck my blood!"

"Bleh, bleh, I said, I am Count Hareula, look into my eyes, I want to nibble your neck!

"Eeeek, vampire bunny! Ruby shrieked, and as he gnawed on her neck and made sucking noises she squealed in laughter, and hugged him. Soon she was kissing him while he 'nobbled' her face and neck; and she gave a moan of pleasure, ohh, that felt so nice! His lips and tongue were warm and soft, and the way he brushed them over her was...erotic as Hell, not to mention the way he was kneading her breasts. She ran her fingers through his soft warm fur; her whole body tingling, she wanted to feel that wonderful fur next to her naked body!

As I nobbled her some more; enjoying it immensely, her scent of arousal became even more intense, and our touches grew more intimate and urgent. Finally I pulled back a little.

"Where?", I asked, a little throatily.

"Here, now!" She replied, also throatily.

That caught me a little off guard, and she must have picked up on it.

"Not in the office of course, Ruby said, we'll use the employee lounge, no one even uses it but John and me, and the door locks, from the inside. Besides, I doubt we'll be interrupted, and I'll put the answering machine on for now. But I want you Peter, now!"

How could I say no? I mean, I'm not stupid.

Once we reached the lounge things speeded up. I watched intently as Ruby took her clothes off, nostrils flared as her scent increased. God I wanted her, needed her now. With a hare it's a little different, our need is much more intense, and it becomes our center of attention. When a hare is interested in a female, nothing else matters to him but her, she becomes his whole world.

Ruby was a very pretty woman; her breasts were large and they sagged a bit once they were freed from her bra, but in a most attractive way, making the nipples turn up. She was a little stocky, her waist not a whole lot narrower then her hips, but she most definitely wasn't fat, though losing a few pounds would have worked wonders. Bucks tend to prefer lean slender females, at least in does. On the other hand a nice plump doe can be...wonderful. I flicked my ears as she slid her panties down; revealing her ample pubic thatch, and felt my already hard erection get harder. I looked down and the bulge in my shorts was obvious, as was a stain at the point as I was leaking pre. Ruby stepped out of her panties, and stood before me wearing nothing but her earrings, a belly button ring, and a smile. I just stared, mesmerized.

"Well, what do you think?" She said.

I didn't answer, just undid my shorts and kicked them off. That was all I had on; no undies for hares, too damned uncomfortable. Hell, at home we usually go naked; males and females, but when you're covered in fur it's a little different. I stood up, my erection jutting and rampant, my gaze fixed on her sex, nose twitching, and I could smell her own arousal like a beacon. I was also a little, well...not scared, but nervous. I'd mated with does since my change, but not a human. What if things didn' out? What if I left her needy, or if she changed her mind at some point, freaked and started to see me AS an animal? Could I stop?? Would our attempt at making love end up being rape? I twitched my nose nervously, I wanted her very much, but was afraid to take the first step.

Ruby watched as Peter shed his shorts; she'd already been very much aware of his arousal, it was pretty obvious, but his genitals weren't exactly what she'd been expecting. She'd thought they'd be pretty much human, but they weren't. Oh, they weren't weird or anything, just...different. She was surprised how big his balls were, the fact they were held snuggly between his legs in a furry scrotum; and inline instead of dangling side by side, was different enough, but it was the sheath that really drove home the fact he really wasn't human. The tube started at the top of his balls, went up onto his lower belly, and his penis jutted from the furry tunnel. There was no doubting that rigid organ for anything else, it was a dark pink color, and while longer then most human males she'd had sex with it was more slender, the tip pointed, the corona not as pronounced, merely a swelling giving the head of his cock the appearance of a spear point. As she watched a large drop of pre formed, glistening. He was watching her intently, his ears flicking a little, nose twitching. Damn, it was SO cute, AND arousing! And he was most definitely a male, very much so, he was very well endowed, his cock had to be at least a good eight inches long from where it emerged from its sheath and his balls twice as large as an average mans. Licking her lips she walked over to him, and knelt down to get a closer look at She liked what she saw, and reaching up gently fondled his large furry balls, and he gave a soft squeal that excited her.

I watched Ruby intently; my lust so intense it was making me a little giddy, as she knelt down in front of me and started to touch me. Doe's sometimes did that, but as a general rule weren't much into foreplay unless they weren't in season. A doe in season only wanted one thing; and that as soon, and as often, as possible until her need faded. So it was very nice as she cupped and gently squeezed my balls, and ran her fingers up and down my sheath. I grunted happily, ohhh, that felt wonderful! I reached down and ran my fingers through her soft fragrant hair, and squealed in pleasure as she touched my penis, first with her fingers, then her tongue as she licked the head, and then moved down the shaft, my body shuddering a little bit. Doe's sometime lick my penis, but seldom take in their mouths; I guess our sharp teeth and razor sharp front incisors make that a little hazardous, but Ruby DID take me in her mouth, ALL of me! I almost lost my footing as she began to suck and tongue me; my body trembling from the incredible feeling of her warm mouth and lips, this was the first time this had happened since my change, and honestly it had only happened once before when I was still human, but this was WAY better. With a squeal I started humping her face, and a short time later gave a guttural grunt as I climaxed, my cum blasting deep inside Ruby's throat as she had swallowed my whole eight inches and had her lips around the opening of my sheath as she sucked and tongued me, her hands fondling my balls. The pleasure was incredible, and with a squeal I pulled out, and reeling back sat down on the couch.

"Ohhh, eeek, chur-r-r-rrrr." I moaned.

Ruby gently fondled his balls, and she could feel the heat coming off of them. His scrotum was quite thick, and she gave each orb gentle squeezes, and looked at his visibly throbbing cock, the tip rising and falling as he squealed and breathed heavily, drops of pre dripping from it. He's really enjoying this, she realized with a smile. Bet he likes this even better, and gently gripping his slick almost rubbery feeling cock she started licking the head, his pre sweet and salty. Then she wrapped her lips around it, and started swallowing, caressing the head and shaft with her tongue. She loved oral sex, both giving and receiving, and liked a man, well, male, who wasn't afraid to 'eat her out'. His penis tasted different from a human cock, but it was a nice different. And boy was he hard! She kept sucking until his whole shaft was inside her mouth and she was 'kissing' the opening of his sheath and fondling his balls, and he held her head gently and started mouth fucking her; which was great, but she was caught a little bit off guard when his cock suddenly pulsed and she felt hot blasts of cum fill her throat, and swallowed instinctively. Then he suddenly pulled his cock out of her mouth, and staggering, sat down on the couch, his eyes were closed as his squeal of pleasure slowly faded away. She was a little disappointed; she hadn't expected him to blow his wad quite so soon. Damn it! She hoped he had enough left for her, or at least for her pussy.

I leaned back in the couch, blissfully catching my breath. Oh man, that had been fantastic, my first blow job as a hare, and the best ever. "Ruby, I gasped, that was...was nice!"

"Glad you enjoyed it", Ruby said, a little peeved. She could taste his cum in the back of her throat, but it tasted good. Not as bitter as human cum she'd tasted. She hoped he wasn't through.

As she sat down beside me I turned to face her, and started fondling her magnificent breasts, her nipples hardening under my licking tongue. I licked her all over her breasts, and worked my way up to her neck, nuzzling her hair, nipping gently, and licking her ears and the back of her neck like I would a doe. The whole time my hands were exploring her body, and I gave little chuffs of pleasure as she ran her fingers through my fur, and fondled my ears. Ohhh, what a turn on, hares LOVE to have a female play with our ears! I slid a hand between her thighs and rubbed her mound, her hair moist, and pressed against her lips, and finding the knob of her clitoris I gently squeezed it, and she gave a little moan of pleasure. I started to slide off the couch, keeping my tongue busy on her lovely breasts, gently nibbling her nipples making her gasp softly.

Ruby moaned as his long wet warm tongue licked over her breasts in a most erotic way, spending a lot of time with her nipples, before moving up to her neck and face, he even licked and 'nobbled' her ears and hair, and it was...nice, very nice. He was gentle and took his time, it wasn't really kissing, just licking and nibbling, but she liked the feel of his wet nose as well as it explored her body, his breath warm against her skin as he sniffed and nuzzled her. When his hand slid down her belly to the junction of her thighs she spread her legs for him, and he rubbed and fingered her sex, tweaking her clitoris causing her to moan. Then when he began to move lower with his tongue, she gasped,

"Ohhh yes, please!!" And he was only too happy to obey.

I examined Ruby's pussy with intense interest. It was a little different from a does, a bit larger and with more pronounced lips and a larger clitoris plus it was a little more forward between her legs. It was a fantastic view, and I felt my cock get even harder, which I would have thought was impossible. As my intent became clear; and she approved from her sounds, I pressed my nose to her sex and took a deep breath, ohhh lovely, and began to lick her nether lips, caressing them with my tongue while I squeezed and rubbed her clitoris, then I slid my tongue into her wet juicy sex, and her vaginal muscles sucked eagerly at the intruder. My tongue is much longer then a human one; and I slowly pushed in deeper and deeper, the taste and scent of her sex making me quiver in delight, her pheromones heady. To a hare scent and taste is a whole different realm of pleasure, and I was in heaven. As I tongue her and she squealed and moaned I could smell her scent changing, and her flow of juices begin to increase and I knew she was close. But not yet, so I slowed down a little and she gave a low guttural moan. She was gently holding my ears, and tugged on them a little, causing me to give a muffled squeal of pleasure myself. She had NO idea what that was doing to me, having my ears fondled and pulled like that! I sped up my licks again, lapping eagerly at her sex, and felt a hot flood of fluids wash over my tongue and into my mouth as she climaxed, and she yanked on my ears and gave a deep moan of ecstasy.

Ruby grunted and moaned as the hare's head bobbed between her legs, she'd never had a tongue so deep inside her before!! He really knew what he was doing too, he'd bring her to brink, then back off, then do it again, and again. She grasped gently at his head, his fur so soft and warm, and ended up holding his equally soft warm ears, tugging at them every time she felt herself nearing her orgasm, then loosening her hold when he would back off again. His muffled squeals of pleasure helped turn her on even more; she liked a lover who was vocal about it. Then when she couldn't stand it any longer his tongue suddenly sped up, and he started squeezing her clitoris, and she felt her orgasm explode in one of the most pleasurably intense ones she'd ever experienced, and gave a hard tug on his ears as she bucked and arched herself, moaning deeply as he kept lapping and sucking her nether lips.

"Uggggh, guuhhhh, O-O--AHHHHHH!!" Ruby gasped, grasping at his ears.

That last tug was more then I could take; that and her sexual juices flooding my mouth and throat, overwhelming my senses. I felt total lust wash over me and I lost all control as I went into rut, and with a guttural squeal I pushed her back on the couch, and sliding on top of her I managed to get the angle right, and with a snarling squeal of lust I mounted her as she gave a surprised gasp, and I started thrusting as hard as I could, and slid in fairly easily, but with about two inches remaining I felt the head of my penis pushing against an obstacle. I thrust again, and felt it give a little as the pointed tip of my penis found a small opening, then I gave another powerful lunge and felt my penis penetrate her again; deeper inside, as I hilted, and she gave a deep guttural yell and clawed at my back, kicking her legs frantically. Then I started fucking her with fast steady thrusts, grunting and squealing in pleasure. The position was a little awkward; and I had to stretch out my legs quite a bit. Hares are not really made for the missionary position. But I managed, oh yes indeed I did! I managed quite well, to our mutual ecstasy.

Ruby gave a surprised squeal as Peter suddenly stood up, and then pushed her over onto her back. As he slid on top of her she realized his intentions. No, no, she thought, no yet!! It's too soon! Then she gave a loud gasp as his penis pressed against, penetrated, and then slid into her slick wet sex which was still quivering and incredibly sensitive from her recent orgasm. With a loud yelp and guttural moan she adjusted herself a little better, spreading her legs more. He's so big, so long! She thought, and then suddenly felt the hardness inside her press against something. Then just as suddenly, with another lunge, she felt him push through the obstacle, and it hurt some, at first. My cervix, he just penetrated my cervix!! Oh my God, he's in my womb, she realized, she'd never had that happen before!! It felt like she was being penetrated twice!! She arched herself to make his penetration easier, and clawed at his back.


I squealed in pleasure as I serviced her, oh it felt so incredibly good to be inside of her! She felt different then a doe, but it was a wonderful different. Once we mount a female we have a less control then a human male; our need to reach release is just so intense; especially if a doe is in heat. It's probably a carryover from our Lepus genes, the need to mate quickly to avoid being caught by a predator in an 'awkward' situation. But the pleasure is also more intense, almost painful sometimes. At least for the first few times, but once we've worked the edge off our lust it gets less...desperate. But this time it was as intense as it had ever been, this was the best sex I'd had in a long time. And sooner then I wanted I came with a guttural squeak of pure ecstasy, and Rudy groaned under me as my hot cum flooded her sex. But she didn't climax herself, though I think she did cum a little bit.

Rudy moaned and arched herself under Peter's thrusts, she'd never been penetrated so deeply, and as the initial pain faded the pleasure just kept increasing and increasing. With a grunt she wrapped her legs around him, trying to pull him in even deeper. She could feel him penetrating her cervix again and again as he would pull back and then thrust, and the feeling was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. She groaned in pleasure and wrapped her legs even tighter around his slim furry waist, the soft warm fur feeling so incredibly erotic against her hot flushed skin. He was humping her so fast it was like a piston, her whole body shuddering from his thrusts. Suddenly he gave a funny high pitched squeak, and she felt spurts of hot cum deep inside her body. No, she thought, not yet!! I'm not ready!! Then she gasped, as after resting for a second he started fucking her again, just as fast as before, chuffing softly in her ear. She grunted and drummed her heels against his furry rump.

"Oh, ohhh yesss!! Ruby sobbed, don't stop Peter, OHHHHHH, don't STOOPPP!"

I had no intention of stopping, not for a long time. That's the thing about hares, we, well, fuck like bunnies, and I was only just getting started. We might cum faster, and more often, then a human male, but we cum a LOT. I think it probably has something to do with our wild 'cousins' who try to mate with as many females as possible during breeding season. Ruby had wanted to know what it was like to mate with a hare, well, I'd show her. She was in for the ride of her life. A short while later I squealed in ecstasy as I climaxed again; but hardly slowed down as I kept fucking her. So...much...pleasure!! It actually took me longer to reach orgasm with her as her pussy was not quite as tight as a does.

Ruby moaned in pleasure, he'd already cum twice, and was still fucking her, and she was close, oh so close! He sped up again, and she arched and gave a guttural scream as a massive orgasm washed over her, cresting again and again as she felt him climaxing as well, his hands gripping her tightly, head resting on her shoulder, his hot breath on the back of her neck where he had his muzzle tucked in her hair, his squeal of ecstasy loud in her ears.


Ruby moaned and gasped in ecstasy as he kept fucking her, his soft fur rubbing her incredibly sensitive breasts and nipples. How can he keep this up, she thought in amazement, he'd already cum again! What did that make, four or five?? She'd only cum twice; once when he ate her pussy, but was fast approaching a third massive orgasm, her whole pussy quivering in anticipation. He'd pulled his head back and; what did he call it?? Nubbled her some more, yes, that was the world! His nose, tongue, and lips gently caressing her breasts and face, his whiskers tickling her deliciously as he nibbled and licked her. She gripped his back and shoulders, running her fingers through his sleek soft fur, kissing his nose and licking him in return, despite the occasional hair. She giggled a little, hare hair! Then she felt her vaginal muscles clench around that sleek hardness giving her such incredible pleasure, and she clasped him as close as she could as the most incredibly pleasurable orgasm she could ever remember having made her gasp and close her eyes from its intensity, and it almost doubled as his hot cum suddenly filled her again and he gripped her tightly, gasping and grunting.


I squealed into her shoulder as I came again, my whole body trembling from the sheer ecstasy, and she gripped me tightly and hissed as she writhed under me. And it seemed to last forever, until finally she let me go, and I pushed myself up and looked down at her. Her hair was sweat matted, and she had a dreamy grin on her face, her eyes closed. I kissed her nose by rubbing my own against it, and her grin got bigger. Even a hare has his limits, and temporarily satisfied I pulled out of her with a squeak of pleasure, and slid off of her. She sat up and I hugged her, and she hugged me back. We were both very tired, but happy. I could tell from her scent she was more than satisfied with my services, and I certainly know I was satisfied.

"Well, Ruby said, that was...was..."

"I told you it would be different." I broke in.

"fantastic." Ruby finished. "Yes you did, and you certainly didn't lie." She added.

"Did you really enjoy it?" I asked.

"Oh God yes! Ruby said; it was absolutely wonderful. I've never been...serviced so well, or for so long! Is it always like that, I mean, for hares?"

"Pretty much, I said. Of course doe's cum a lot more often too, almost as often as a buck does."

"Lucky doe's!" Ruby giggled, and he chuffed in amusement.

We rested for awhile, leaning contentedly against one another, and then I ran a hand up her stomach to her breasts, and began to fondle them.

"Again? Already?!" Ruby said.

"Not too soon, is it?" I asked, pulling my hand away.

"Oh NO, not at all! Ruby said, taking his hand and putting it back on her breast, and she gave a soft moan as he leaned over, his tongue licking at her still rigid nipples. She tenderly ran his ears through her fingers, making him squeal in pleasure. No, it definitely wasn't too soon!

This time I gently took Ruby's shoulders and turned her away from me, and she knew what I wanted. She leaned over the couch to brace herself, and with a squeal of pleasure I mounted her from behind. Oh yes, I thought, much better! When hare's mate the buck almost always mounts a doe from behind, it's more 'natural' for us, plus we're built that way. It's actually easier to fuck a human female in the 'missionary position' then a doe. Doe's just aren't comfortable in that position, their pussy is harder to get to, and bucks don't care for it either. In fact I'd never mated with a doe in any other position them from behind.

Ruby moaned as she felt Peter's weight settle onto her back, and felt his now familiar hardness slide deep into her, and he hilted much sooner, and this time there was no pain, only incredible pleasure. He started fucking her with fast rapid thrusts, and she gasped and grasped at the material of the couch. Ohhh, it felt SOO good!! His warm fur sliding up and down her back, his breath on the back of her neck, it was unlike anything she'd ever felt before, exotic and erotic and intensely wonderful. She smiled as he squealed and climaxed; his cum blasting into her, but she wasn't worried, she knew he was just getting warmed up. As he nuzzled and lipped her hair, making soft sounds of pleasure, she moaned in ecstasy. Sex had never been this good for her before, never.

At this point I was able to control myself more, and slowed down the speed of my thrusts. I slid my hands around her body and fondled and kneaded her tits as the jiggled back and forth in rhythm with my thrusts. I buried my nose in her hair, my eyes closed in pure sexual bliss, lipping her gently, lovingly. I shifted my hind legs a little, and with a grunt thrust a little deeper into her, the tip of my sheath actually sliding into her pussy for about an inch, and she gave a loud gasp and groaned in pleasure. I sped up my thrusts, my cock throbbing as I neared another orgasm.

Oh God, Ruby thought, when will he stop?! He'd already made her orgasm twice, but he never stopped, only slowing down before speeding up, again and again! But she didn't WANT him to stop! She'd never been fucked so well; or for so long, by a single lover. She'd been gang-banged a few times, but this was even better.

"Oh-OH, uggGGGHHHH!!" Ruby sobbed, oh God, I'm going to cum again!!

I clenched my teeth and eyes shut as I kept fucking her, gasping though my teeth, as I felt another orgasm approaching. I was nearing my limit, and as I felt my balls strain, and my cock quiver and pump I gave a shrill shriek of excruciating ecstasy, and bit her gently on the back of her neck, and she gave a wail as I felt her hot juices wash over my aching cock and soak my thighs.


Ruby threw her head back as she felt hot cum blast into her again, and the most incredibly intense orgasm wash over her shuddering body. Oh God, is he biting me?? She wondered, and then everything disappeared into a blaze of ecstasy.


It had been over an hour since I'd mounted her, and by the time I'd finished Ruby had had three orgasms; I had lost track of how many I had, and we were both finally exhausted, spent and mutually satisfied. I dismounted and stood up, my penis sliding back into my sheath. Man, I'm a mess, I thought, my belly and thigh fur was drenched with cum and sexual juices. Ruby looked pretty disheveled too. I sat back down, gave her a gentle nuzzle, and she kissed me -on the nose again! Then lifting one leg I lowered my head and began to groom myself, my tongue licking over my fur.

"Ewww, Ruby said, isn't that, um, unsanitary?"

I stopped and looked at her, and she smiled, and said, "Oh, right, it's a hare thing." With an amused chuff I went back to grooming myself. I guess from a human standpoint it was kind of gross, but it came naturally for me, and I actually enjoyed the taste of our mutual pleasure. If she'd been a doe we' d have groomed each other, all over, but I wasn't sure how she'd react to that.

"Oh SHIT! Ruby suddenly said, look at the time! We've been fucking for over three hours!! The boss will be back any minute! SHIT!"

I hurried with my grooming, and then hopped up and slipped my shorts back on. All done and presentable; at least by hare standards. Ruby was panicking, trying to clean herself and get dressed at the same time, and messing everything up, so I grabbed her shoulders, nuzzled her nose, and said,

"Calm down Ruby, let me help."

I took some paper towels and cleaned her up as best I could; using my tongue too of course, I couldn't resist; and she seemed to enjoy it, while she combed her rather frazzled looking hair, then I held her clothes as she slipped them on. I was disappointed to see her covering up her beautiful body, but then humans can't run around in public almost 'naked' like hares can. What a shame.

We got back to 'work' just minutes before John got back, and Ruby hardly even looked up as he came through the door. She typed furiously on her keyboard, and just waved when he said,

"Hi Ruby, hi Peter, did anything happen while I was gone?"

Somehow I managed to keep a straight face, and Ruby just hunched down and typed faster.

"Nope boss, I said, been nice and quiet."

John started to head for his office, but then paused, and raised his head a little and snuffled at the air. He looked at me, and I still managed to keep a straight face; or muzzle. He raised his eyebrows, and then gave an amused smile, and went on into his office.

I knew he knew perfectly well what we'd been doing; the whole office reeked of human/hare sex. But he understood, and approved. What a great brother.

The End


The Easter Virus, Chapter 2

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! The Easter Virus Chapter 2 By William W. Kelso As we left the office at the end of the day, and were driving home, John finally said. "Well, how was it?" "How was what?" I innocently replied,...

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The Damned, Chapter 1

My stories are copyrighted, so NO...

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Vulva's Night Out

My stories are copyrighted, so NO...

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