Hypnovember - Day 27: One for All

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#27 of Hypnovember 2022

Day 27 goes to justacritic

Adamos is being under the control of the goat demon Azazel since the moment he put a cage on his cock. He had endured his torture for over a month, and now he can see the light at the end of the tunnel. All he gotta do is find the right key to gain his freedom...

"Almost out!"

By Patrick D. Lambert

Commissioned by Justacritic

How did he get himself into that mess? Somewhere during the course of the month, Adamos forgot the motivations behind the demon contract that had left him--and his cock--at the mercy of the horny and ruthless demon named Azazel: an 8 ft tall soot grey goat attired in an impeccable white suit with red highlights and a blue tie; the cloth clung perfectly to his solid muscles, making it look as its skin. His demonic red eyes stared at him in a demeanor way, as he had been doing since the moment he caged Adamos' cock.

How did he get himself into that mess? On his knees, Adamos wondered about it with the few drops of will he managed to squeeze from his corrupted soul. Was it money? Power? He couldn't focus with the golden key swinging before his eyes. It went from left to right, tempting him to snatch it from the demon's grasp. His cock begged for it. The silver cage around it had forbidden any type of self-stimulation for over a month--a spell on it also stopped Adamos from reaching climax, forcing him to edge whenever Azazel decided to play with him. All he wanted was to jerk off.

How did he get himself into that mess? Him, a grey raccoon that didn't present a threat with his 5'10" ft of height and slender body. His hair and fur were all soggy after sweating so profoundly in the small dungeon-like room in which Azazel had held him for hours, just teasing him with his magic and the promise of freedom in the shape of a swinging golden key. A key that Adamos couldn't stop looking moving from left to right.

"Are you feeling dizzy, my little cocksleeve?" The demon asked in that deep, seductive voice he had been hearing for weeks.

His words hit like a hammer. Adamos sunk deeper into a trance, but never deep enough for him to be completely under his control. He fought during the first days, but as the month went by, he was more and more convinced that the demon was stopping before he could be completely under his control--was he really gonna respect their agreement or he was doing it for pure fun? Adamos couldn't tell, and the question was driving him mad.

"Y-yes... Master..." he replied in a drowsy tone

How did he get himself into that mess? He was indeed dizzy. And tired. And horny. He felt so horny. Azazel had that effect whenever he talked to him. That smooth and seductive tone penetrated his head and filled his mind with an endless showcase of lewd images from things they already did and others he wanted to do. He couldn't resist his charm or his lust. But he also kept a small fraction of his judgment and sanity, enough to be aware of what the demon was doing to him. It was sick and twisted. And a part of him loved it.

"Are you feeling horny?"

"Yes, Master."

"How does this key makes you feel, pet?"

Hopeful. He thought that was the right word. From the first day, Azazel promised the key would end the contract. "Just take off the cage", he said. And Adamos wanted to believe in that promise. But there was also another thought slowly blooming in his head, one that Adamos refused to acknowledge...

"Look at the key, pet. Follow it as it swings before you. So close to you. You feel confident and encouraged by its glow. It's the light at the end of the tunnel. And you are almost there. As you follow the swing of this key, you know you're about to get your freedom. And you are gonna do anything to get it. Right?"

"I am gonna... do... anything... to get it," Adamos dragged the words. He felt heavier. Dizzier. Hornier. He couldn't escape from his voice. And he was aware of his control.

"Yes, you are gonna do anything, as you have been doing so far. And you will continue doing anything until you get it. Follow the key. You are not gonna stop until you get it."

No he won't. Adamos decided to escape from his grasp and go back to his life--or to whatever was left of it. That key was proof of it, and he wouldn't stop until he got it.

"Make me cum and it will be yours," the demon announced.

Azazel pulled down his zipper and presented his cock to the encouraged raccoon. Its musk was so intense that it stunned him for a moment. But seconds later, his lips closed around the thick humanoid shaft. Its shape and smell had been already carved in his mind after all the times Azazel made him suck it. The raccoon shivered as the demon's manhood invaded his throat one inch at a time, overwhelmed by an intense flavor of dark chocolate. With his gag reflex already trained by then, he deepthroated the demon with ease, involuntarily shedding some tears in the process, a sight that still delighted the demon, who didn't doubt to start fucking his mouth ruthlessly.

How did he get himself into that mess? A demon was fucking his mouth. His musk and his flavor were so intense and intoxicating that it worsened his dizziness, sinking him more into the trance. He was balancing at the edge of his sanity, held by an invisible hand that didn't pull him back. Adamos drooled as the demon humped at a pace that allowed him to take enough air so he wouldn't pass out. He wasn't sure if the movements of his tongue or the lips pressing around the shaft were doing something to please the demon, but he continued doing so, hoping for Azazel to be pleased if he acted as a hungry slut.

What he got instead was a facefuck that could've very well lasted 5 minutes or 5 hours. He could no longer tell how time worked on that place. But the sore jaw was enough for him to have an idea, and a part of him found it very exciting. It was the same part that had his cock dripping like crazy through the cage, already at the edge of an orgasm he couldn't reach.

He heard other hooves coming from the shadows. The loud clack against the rock ground managed to get through the slurps of his mouth taking Azazel's cock, but he couldn't see anything besides the crotch of the demon. They were getting closer, and he started to hear their hoofs too. And the musk filling the room became even more intense.

Azazel put both hands over Adamos' head. It was time. His promised freedom was almost there! The demon forced him to choke on his cock as he reached his climax and shot his load straight into the raccoon's throat. Adamos only felt how strong it throbbed before the cum filled his throat and mouth, getting out through the side of his sealed lips and even through his nose, a perfect display of how slut and dirty he was. An image he, for a moment, enjoyed more than he should.

The demon grunted and huffed for the duration of his climax, and then pulled his cock abruptly before it ended so he could get some cum on Adamos' zonked face. The little raccoon looked at his Master with an involuntary gratitude as he received the rest of his seed with his sore mouth open and his tongue out. He was glad to serve him, and he was doing everything he could to gain his freedom.

When it ended, Azazel let out a long sigh of relief. His cock got flaccid on his hand, and he gave a wink at the raccoon, whose face showed his eagerness for the reward promised.

"You can't even let a man enjoy the moment, huh?" With a snap of his fingers, a lit cigar appeared between his lips. Then, he dropped the key in the expectant hands of the raccoon.

Finally! He was finally free! The moment he had been waiting had finally arrived! With his heart racing and his hands trembling with excitement, Adamos tried to put the small golden key in the hole of his cage... only to see the key turn into dust before he could even turn it.

His disbelief was only interrupted by Azazel's loud and sick laugh. Still on his knees, he looked up at the demon, who displayed a long and devious smile on his perfect face.

"I said I would give you the key. I never said that was the right one."

He snapped his fingers again, and when Adamos blinked he found himself tied to a sex sling that had appeared in the middle of the dark room. Azazel was still there, sitting on a throne made of bones and with a skull on each armrest. His cock was already hard again and being stroked by the horny demon.

"We're not done yet, my pet. I have some friends eager to meet you."

From the shadows appeared other goat demons similar to Azazel, with only their fur being of a different tone of grey. They were all naked and hard, sharing the same demeaning look from Azazel in their eyes. Not a single word came from their mouths, only loud huffs. But what really terrified Adamos was the golden keys hanging on their necks. The demon said the words Adamos was begging not to hear.

"One of them has the right key. Make them cum and it's yours. Find the right one and you're free."

Hanging from the sex sling, with both arms and legs tied and raised by black and red tentacles, Adamos had no other choice but to see the demons approach and take positions. Azazel was twisted enough to return him control over his body just so he could watch him squirm.

"Remember, slut. You. Are. Gonna. Do. Anything."

Anything... anything for his freedom. Adamos clenched to his sanity and accepted the demon's challenge if that meant being free from his grasp. His freedom was there for him to grab. Only one more night.

The demons didn't wait for him to gather some courage. One forced his cock inside the still sore mouth while the other was considerate enough to put some lub on his loose hole before shoving his cock in. The raccoon felt a sting of pain that quickly faded into pleasure when the duo began to thrust. They were as horny and ruthless as Azazel, thinking only of their own pleasure as they used the poor raccoon. Two heavy and sweaty balls impacted against his head. The wet sound of each thrust on his ass sounds like a hammer in his mind. But he endured it. Adamos endured the intense pleasure that tried to distract him from his goal: getting out of there.

He caught a glimpse of the other demons jerking off around him, probably getting ready for their turn or simply enjoying the show--a show in which he was the star. A little sexy raccoon being fucked by horny demons, what a dream. No, no! Adamos fought those thoughts and concentrated on the important. No matter how good those cocks were, he had to remember why he was doing that. He would do anything to gain his freedom.

The room got even hotter by the second. Adamos and the demons were completely covered in sweat, and the mixed musk got so strong it was intoxicating. He got hornier as the scent filled his lungs and fogged his mind. Adamos resisted, but it was getting harder.

Then, the demon fucking his hole finished. His grunts echoed across the room and his seed filled his hole. Adamos indulged himself in enjoying the climax, hopeful that he had the right key. But when the demon pulled his cock out, the key around his neck turned into dust. Adamos didn't have a second to feel bad before the next demon took his place, eager to enjoy some sloppy seconds.

The gangbang continued, with Adamos in the middle resisting the onslaught. Because he decided to do anything to get his freedom. They wouldn't win. The raccoon was still conscious, he still had energy. He would defeat that nasty demon. So he clenched his fists and resisted.

But each thrust drained his energies. And the pleasure slowly became too much for him to handle. Adamos held his hope and sanity as a torch leading him out of that tunnel, but the involuntary twitches from his body were proof of how much he was truly enjoying the gangbang. The demons sweated and drooled over him. They fed him with his cum and put another litter in his hole. He felt the cum falling over his chest from those who were jerking off. And he saw the keys turning into dust with each orgasm. And still, the raccoon resisted. He would do anything... for his freedom.

His cage was an absolute mess. The pre coming out of it truly looked like an orgasm by then, and it continued spurting more out of the tip with each thrust that pressed his prostate. The climax was right there, but the spell prevented it no matter how hard the stimulation at his prostate was. And that orgasm denial was one of the many things driving him crazy. But still, he resisted... Adamos resisted. Because he would do anything... anything for his freedom...

How did he get himself into that mess? He wasn't sure the answer would make any difference. He didn't have time to think about it anyway. Adamos couldn't focus on anything. The pleasure was getting so intense... so unbearable... so... so delightful. Each thrust pushed him deeper and deeper, and away from that light. The torch carried got extinguished by the sweat and saliva and cum falling over him. He could no longer discern reality from fantasy, and time had become a meaningless term. He was fighting for something... for freedom, was it? His memories were fuzzy. The pleasure was so good he didn't want to think of anything else.

The keys faded with each climax. He barely had time to swallow and breathe before the next cock went inside his mouth. A giant puddle of cum had formed under him from all the seed that had leaked out, and they continued putting even more inside him. The poor raccoon didn't notice he was being fucked by the same group of demons, with a new key appearing on their necks after the previous one disappeared.

Because there was no key. Still stroking his cock, Azazel got drunk with the intense musk mixed with the scent of a soul being crushed. The demon carried with him the key Adamos had been fighting so hard to get, but it was never his intention to give it to him. He fed from the raccoon's desperation as he struggled each day to gain back the freedom lost from the moment he signed his contract. He kept him balancing at the edge of the abysm, holding him but not pulling him back. After all, he had the power to hypnotize him immediately, but where was the fun in that? Azazel wanted his pet to jump voluntarily.

How did he get himself into that mess? Because he wanted to be in the middle of that mess. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, only infinite darkness. And with nothing left around, he embraced the pleasure caused by the hoard of horny demons taking turns to fuck him. Cock after cock. Load after load. And the delightful madness from a climax he couldn't and didn't want to reach. Adamos jumped in an endless vortex of madness and pleasure that erased from his mind every thought, every memory, every little piece of him--even his own name.

What was left was nothing but a mere servant, a slut willing to please his Master and his minions. Cock after cock. Load after load. And the vision of a golden key swinging from left to right with each thrust given by the demon fucking him. The real key. The raccoon felt relaxed as he followed his movement.


And encouraged to do anything.