Oh Teacher, Teacher part 2

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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Sam raced around David's apartment! He tore through different clothes that he wanted to wear, with David sitting on his swiveling computer chair with his face in his palms.

"Which one looks better on me? The black or the red?" Sam asked, barely able to breathe.

"Red," David said, not even looking up.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked him again. "Because I like how the red contrasts my fur, but the black seems to be much more mysterious, and the red also makes a sharp--"

"Sam! Samuel, Sammy-boy...listen carefully my young padawan..." David stood up from his chair, picked up Sam, and then plopped him down on his bed. "Ok...number 1, Ms. Marlow will not be constantly assessing your wardrobe...number 2, if you go to see a classy lady like Dina Marlow acting like you just shot heroine, she is going to eat you like a shark with the munchies...number 3, you look great! So don't even worry about how you look, play it cool and you'll be just fine ok?"

"Yea...ok," Sam sighed and then took a deep breath. He was ready. It was 6:30, and yet...Sam was still a tad edgy! After all, this was the love of his life and he was just about to meet up with her like she was an old friend!

"Y'know Sam, there are other ways to help you calm down," David finally said from the couch. Sam looked up at him.

"Yea? Like what?" he asked. David reached in between the cushions of the leather couch into which he was so comfortably wedged. He pulled out a small bag with a green substance in it. "What's that?"

"Just something to help you be more...chill," David tossed the bag over to Sam. It landed in his lap and Sam picked it up and looked it over.

"David what the...is this...is this weed?!" Sam asked. David chuckled.

"Oh Sam...so innocent," he laughed. He stood up and went over to his closet. He opened the door and reached into the back, the way back of the closet. He pulled out a red and orange heavy duty Sherlock bubbler. It was gold-fumed glass with a small pair of wings on the neck. David walked over to the sink and filled it up halfway, then walked over to the couch and sat down. He motioned for Sam to come over. Sam, baffled by the beauty of this new object, could not disobey...

He sat down on the floor in front of David.

"What I hold before you is someone that will not exist after she has served her purpose. Not even Dmitri knows of her existence! Her name is Phoenix; she is the Queen of all Marijuana-related smoking tools. Her mighty wings will carry you higher then you've ever been before, and then even higher! And now...her plumage..." David pulled the bag from Sam's hand and pulled it open, pulling a bud from the mass of green and packing it into Phoenix's bowl. "This is called Snow White. She accompanies Phoenix wherever she goes. Maybe someday I'll introduce you to her sister, White Widow...but for now, we'll start you off with this..."

"I don't know about this Dave...I promised myself I wouldn't let drugs take control of my life..." Sam said and looked away. David face-palmed again.

"Touch the ground with your index finger," he said casually. Sam looked at him with one eyebrow raised and touched his right index finger to the carpeted floor.

"Yep you're still in control of your life," David said and put the bubbler against Sam's lips. David fired up his lighter and held it up to the green pack in the bubbler. Sam looked shocked but then inhaled and was immediately sent to a different world...

He didn't feel very different, he just seemed a bit more...light...and everything seemed slightly humorous now! He giggled a teeny bit, then exhaled a huge lungful of smoke. David looked impressed.

"Hey Mikey I think he likes it..." David said and chuckled. Sam's eyes were almost completely bloodshot! David saw and walked hurriedly to the bathroom to get eyedrops. He brought out a container of eyedrops. Sam was giggling the whole time and kept looking around like he was trying to find something, but was failing miserably. David administered the drops and Sam looked fine again! He stood up, blinked a couple of times, and then shook his head.

"How ya feeling?" David asked him. Sam smiled a goofy smile and then cracked up.

"I feel just fine...now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go out on a date with the most gorgeous woman on the face of planet earth!"

"Hey, relax with all of that date stuff ok? This isn't a date just yet...don't play it like one or you might not get a chance..." David warned. Sam nodded.

"Ok, I see what you mean and I promise to play it cool, ok?" Sam said reassuringly. David stood up.

"You deserve her more than anyone Little Brother," he said and gave him a spine-breaking hug. Sam gasped for air and patted David on the back. He released his smaller friend and let him slip down to the ground. Sam smiled and looked up at him.

"I'm glad I have you on my side," he said and hugged him back around the waist. Sam walked over to the door and opened it. David pushed him out the door.

"I'll be with you in spirit! As for now though, I have a date of my own...it was frightfully rude of me to leave poor, sweet Phoenix sitting there with three quarters of her plumage unruffled...I think I shall tend to her!" he said and closed the door. Sam was left out in the hall.

"Be able to unlock the door when I get back ok?" he called. There was no answer. "I'll take that as an "I'll get around to it."

He walked down the hall and then down the stairs and out the door of his dorm building. He stepped outside, feeling the cooler night air brush against his fur. He felt better than he ever had before, slinging his jacket over his shoulder and taking a seat on the steps in front of the building. He felt perfect.

He checked his watch. 6:59...

He looked around, there were no cars coming down the street and no cars on the road in front of the building either. There was a beep from his watch. It was exactly 7:00. He looked down at his watch, and then looked back up to see a red Porsche sitting right next to the curb! The car beeped its horn and a hand came out of the open roof area, waving.

"Goddamn this crazy magic..." Sam said and laughed a little as he stood up and started walking towards the car. When he reached the car, he looked in and saw Ms. Marlow's gorgeously sculpted figure sitting in the driver's seat. She wore a red, low-cut dress that stopped at her thighs. The front of the shirt was mainly left open, her center chest and tummy region exposed, the dress covering her breasts on their way up to grip her shoulders. It was sewn with sparkled fabric, making it glimmer and shine. Sam had to stop and gawk for a moment!

"Hey stranger, looking for a good time?" Ms. Marlow said and winked at Sam. Sam blushed and immediately became glad that he had worn jeans! If he hadn't he would've had to explain to Ms. Marlow why his pants had just shrunken four sizes! "Hop in!"

Sam wordlessly grabbed the door handle and tried to open the door, but found it was locked. He looked at Ms. Marlow quizzically. She giggled.

"I said hop in, you didn't think I was kidding did you?" she laughed. Sam laughed and then looked down at the car.

"So...how do we go about doing this?" he asked himself. Ms. Marlow laughed again.

"Need a hand there?" she asked.

"Nah I got it," Sam said determinedly. He put his hands on the car door and the back of the car, then hopped up into the air and landed right in the passenger seat! Ms. Marlow clapped.

"That's alright dear, you'll get used to it," she said and put the car in drive. "So, you don't have any medical problems right? No heart conditions? No panic attacks?"

"No, not that I know of," Sam said and then looked at her. "Why do--"

The Porsche's engine suddenly exploded with life and the car raced out of the campus grounds! Sam was pushed against the back of the seat! Ms. Marlow looked over at him and laughed.

"Feeling ok?" she yelled over the blaring winds. Sam looked over at her and nodded shakily. "Wanna go faster?"

"I don't know if I want to die so soon, Ms. Marlow?" he yelled back. Ms. Marlow laughed.

"Call me Dina, hun!" she called over the wind. Sam would be so turned on if he wasn't so concerned for his life! He watched Dina reach down and turn on the radio. "Drop the Bombshell" came on blaring, fitting the scene perfectly as Dina floored it past a soon-to-be-red yellow light and straight through a stop sign intersection! Sam was both terrified and strangely aroused at Ms. Marlow's psychotic driving! Ms. Marlow looked over at him and giggled, then looked forward and gasped when he saw a police car parked just to the side of an upcoming intersection. The light was red and Dina was still pushing 95 in a 40 zone...

"Ms. Marlow! Dina!" Sam yelled. Dina looked over at him.

"What's up hun?" she asked as the intersection became ever closer! Sam shut his eyes and curled into a ball in his seat. Dina laughed and punched it right as the light became green, blasting her Porsche through the intersection, Dina even blowing a kiss to the officer in his car. The officer was so stunned he didn't even react...

Sam opened his eyes and looked back.

"What the fuck?!" he shouted over the roaring wind. Dina laughed and playfully jabbed him in the shoulder.

"Don't worry about it sweetie! We're here anyway!" she shouted and pulled a sweet-ass drift, screeching to a halt smack-dab in a parking square! Sam looked around, still panting and having a mini-heart attack...

"Goddamn this crazy magic..." he whispered over and over again as he let out a laugh of happy relief. Dina looked over at him and winked.

"Like I said, you'll get used to it!" she giggled and opened the door. She stepped out and stretched. Then she patted the side of her car with a smile. "You're still golden baby."

Sam shakily stepped out of the Porsche. He looked around, he was in a part of the city he had never been in before, but he had heard stories about it...it was one of the less friendly parts of the neighborhood. Sam moved closer to Dina, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Are you sure being here right now is such a good idea? I mean, I've heard some bad stuff about these places at this hour...I hear people get, *gulp* well y'know...killed in these neighborhoods..." Sam muttered.

"I know, it's got a bad rep. But don't worry sugar, just stick by me and you'll be safe as a bird in its nest! I have lots of friends down here, they wouldn't let anything bad happen to me or any of my friends," she assured, running her finger along Sam's chin and the flicking his bottom lip. Sam was immediately assured, all his fears forgotten with Dina's seductive promises.

"Oh...ok!" he said and followed her. They walked down the block and up to a huge line of people. They were waiting to enter a large, warehouse-sized club with a neon sign on top. The sign read "The Spiderweb".

"If your names not on the list, forget about it!" a large, black-shirted gorilla yelled out over the crowds of people gathered at the doors. Dina looked back at Sam and grabbed his hand, squeezing it once and then pulling him along through the crowds.

"Name?" the bouncer asked when Dina and Sam reached the front doors.

"What? You don't recognize me Harvey?" Dina laughed. The bouncer looked up at her and then laughed heartily.

"Wildcat! Hey, what's up baby? Where you been?" he asked and shook her shoulder.

"Here and there, you still got hands on my favorite hotspot?" she asked and held out her hand. The bouncer slid his sunglasses down his nose and looked her over, smirking lustfully.

"I wish I had hands on all your hotspots baby," he chuckled and reached into his back pocket, handing her a small key. Dina walked past him and jumped as the bouncer slapped her ass! She leaned back and whispered into his ear.

"Can't you see I'm with someone, Harvey my dear?" she whispered and tenderly nibbled his ear, the big ape looked back at Sam, who was staring wide-eyed at Dina. The ape slid his glasses back up his nose and scoffed. Dina motioned for Sam to follow her. He stood there for a second, but then jumped to life and nervously raced after her, eagerly ignoring the growls made by the ape at the double doors. He entered the club and immediately a bath of cold air washed over him. He was desensitized by the loud beats of the bass and the bursts of color from the multicolored laser lights. He looked around, completely lost.

He stumbled around a little bit, trying to find his way through the crowds of furs dancing in the center of the room. He stopped right in the middle, looking around like a lost child...

Then he suddenly felt two arms come up from underneath his arms and wrap around his waist! He looked down to see two black-furred feline arms with dark red nail polish clasped around him. He turned around and looked into a pair of icy bright blue eyes.

"Ms. Marlow!" he cried and hugged her! She laughed and hugged back.

"Jeez I didn't think you'd miss me this much!" she laughed and put her hands on his lower back. "Wanna dance?"

Sam muttered and stuttered for a few seconds, blushing like crazy before Dina took his hand placed it on her rear...

"Now that I've broken the ice, you've got do the rest lover-boy," she whispered in his ear. Sam just looked at her...astounded...

She laughed and then squeezed him.

"Fine, I'll lead!" she said and swung Sam around, grinding her hips into him and wrapping his arms around her chest. She swung and bounced gracefully, dancing to the beat of the catchy rave music. Sam started smiling and finally let loose, he tried to make a masculine mockery of Dina's sexy movements, succeeding in a way that he didn't look like the odd man out anymore. Dina noticed and stepped it up, making her moves much more 'contact-oriented'. Sam couldn't hide the fact that he was getting seriously aroused, and the fact that Dina was brushing against him every thirty seconds was like putting a match in a powder keg...

Eventually she would realize...then he had no idea what she would do...but it was getting more and more difficult to dance with his embarrassing situation...

Sam thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick!

"Hey Dina! Show me that hotspot you were talking about with the guy at the doors!" he called. Dina turned around and looked at him for a minute, then winked and grabbed his wrist. She again pulled him through the crowds of raving furs and out of the fray, to a less populated section of the main floor.

"Are you sure hun? It can get pretty wild in there," she warned. Sam made a cool-guy face and leaned against the wall, his back facing Dina. What he was really doing was making sure she couldn't see his huge erection under his jeans, but it seemed like he was trying to pull off the suave macho-man look...

"Pfh...only when I get there," he said as though he were the star of a secret agent movie. Dina doubled over laughing for a few seconds. Sam's plan had worked like a charm...

By the time she straightened herself up Sam was completely in the clear...

"So, where's that room of yours?" he asked.

"Follow me, and don't look anyone in the eyes, keep walking straight and eyes forward or down," Dina advised. Sam nodded once and smiled. Dina kissed her finger and then pressed it to his lips. "No talking either sweetie."

She took his hand and led him up a flight of stairs to the second story. Sam kept his eyes on the floor, but even like that he couldn't deny the fact that the place was getting weirder...

The lights became a plethora of reds and dark purples, abandoning the usual blues and greens. The aura around the place became heavier as the smells of marijuana and alcohol overcame Sam's nose, but he kept his eyes down and just continued walking. He could hear the sounds of whipping and sexual moans coming from certain points around him, accompanied with the sound of flesh against flesh and loud panting. This was definitely a weird club...

Dina stopped walking and turned around to look at Sam, who had his eyes down. She held his chin up and then looked at him, smiling.

"Here we are honey," she giggled and opened the door, inviting him in. "Entre vou."

"Ladies first," Sam retorted. Dina raised an eyebrow and one corner of her mouth.

"I insist," she said.

"No no, after you," Sam shot back.

"Oh damn...you ARE a charmer aren't you?" she said and giggled, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in with her. The room was dark until Dina flicked a switch and then the room was illuminated with multiple spinning blue lights and a number of other chemical lights.

Sam looked around and saw a large couch in the middle of the room, across from a huge, wall-mounted plasma screen TV. Sam gazed at the room with his jaw wide open. Dina walked by him with two shot-glasses and a big bottle of whiskey. She tapped his bottom jaw with the glasses.

"Better watch out sweetie, cat might just get your tongue..." she giggled and walked over to the couch. As she was setting down her stuff, she discreetly knocked one of the glasses off of the low table and onto the floor.

"Oops, clumsy me," she said and then bent over slowly to pick it up. As she did, her high-cut dress rode up on her legs and revealed more of her beautiful thighs, catching Sam's attention like a bug-zapper...

His eyes widened as Dina quickly rose again and straightened her skirt out, pulling it down to its normal length again. Sam's eye was twitching and he was beginning to drool...

"You...you did that on purpose didn't you...?" Sam stuttered. Dina looked at him innocently.

"Why, whatever do you mean Sam?" she said angelically, a slight smirk on her face.

"You totally did...you TOTALLY did! You're coaxing me!" Sam said and pointed a finger at Dina. Dina giggled and held up her hands.

"Alright, you got me detective, you can drop your weapons," she said and winked. Sam blushed and put his arm down, but Dina still kept her hands up.

"I...I put my guns down," he said and chuckled. Dina laughed.

"You put one of them down..." she said coyly. Sam looked confused for a second...then it dawned on him.

"No...no...no no...no no no..." he whispered in his head. He looked down. Yep, he was hard...

"NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO!!!!!!" he screamed inside his mind.

Dina smiled and walked over to him slowly as he fumbled with his jeans and tried to alleviate the problem. When he looked up, Dina was right there. She reached down and undid the button and zipper on his jeans. Sam's eyes widened...

"I just thought that this would make things a bit more personal," Dina chuckled and walked back over to the couch. Before she sat down, however, she wasted no time in sliding her little red dress off...

Oh, Teacher Teacher Part 3

Dina wiggled her hips out of her tight red dress and let it fall to the floor. Sam watched in utter nose-bleeding amazement! "Ms. Marlow..." Sam muttered. Dina turned around and looked at him, revealing her full body. She wore a tight, black,...

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New story test beta

A black SUV sped through the streets of downtown Sentinel City. It was clearly on a mission. There were five men inside it, all wearing some form of...

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"Swade! You got a visitor!" a low booming voice called through the metal door into Dameon's cell. Dameon looked up from where he was drawing a picture of an anime-style ladybug. He walked up over to the door and looked through the slide after...

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