Chapter 1: New Beggining

Story by Nosmo on SoFurry

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#1 of Nosmo & Kerbey

[/><br /> <br /> I have traveled many lands and seen many sights in my day... it seems I am forever traveling and can never find a true home. I was banished from my home... for being a half-dragon and for being homosexual. I came from a very rich and well known family. My mother was the queen of that land... the land of Emmanuelle. My father was the king, a dragon. I am a Draconian, or a Half-Dragon. I had most of my father's features... I looked dragon all over but had the stature of a human. I was black all over, with a blue chest, slim built, two hornys on my head. I stand at about 5](%5C)

One night the snow fell frow the sky without remorse... it was so very cold. I had nowhere to sleep. Absolutely nowhere to go. These dark lands were eating away at my insides. The snow causing my body to go numb. To my good fortune I saw a figure in the distance as I fell to my knees. I saw another figure as well. They were two foxes approaching me. One male and one female. They approached me closer and closer.

"Who are you, dragon who suffers here in the cold?" asked the man.

"We should help him out, honey. He looks frozen!" said the women.

"My name is Nosmo. I beg of you, please take me in for the night!"

I was shivering evermore. I was shaking so badly. I was almost crying. The couple came up to me. The man grabbed one side of me, the women the other side. I passed out from the cold.

As I awoke I was covered in a warm blanket in front of a fireplace. I looked around. The lady came out of the kitchen.

"I made you some hot soup, dear. You were near death out there!"

I sat up as she handed me the hot liquid. I drank it down in a second. The man approached into the living room. He was about 5"8 roughly, a nice slender build. He had red and white fur, nice black eyes, and he was wearing no shirt. I found him to be quite attractive.

"So dragon, where are you from?" the man asked me as he sat down in the chair next to me.

"I don't have a home... I am a traveler. My family was all killed... simply because my mother was human and my father was a dragon."

The two looked each other in the face.

"Aww that is terrible... sweety, you can stay here as long as you want!" said the women. She was sweet... she had black and white fur, was about 5"4, and slightly overweight.

"Stay here as long as you want." said the male fox.

"And by the way, my name is Kerbey." said the attractive male fox.

"My name is Merei." said the female fox.

"I have work early in the morning. I'll let you two boys get acqaunted with one another."

She reached over and pecked Kerbey on the cheek.

"Goodnight sweety, I love you."

"Love you too." he said back.

She retired to her room for the night.

Kerbey just kind of sat there. He seemed very antsy... almost like he had itches all over his body that he just couldn't scratch. It was silent for quite sometime. The silence was very awkward and made me feel uneasy. After about 15 minutes he finally spoke up.

"So... you have a girlfriend or anything at all?" he asked me.

"No, I am gay." I answered him.

"Oh... really?" he retorted.

"Yes... is that a problem?" I asked back.

"No no not at all... I have a friend who is gay... well. I am going to bed for the night. Nice meeting you, Nosmo."

As the fox went off to bed he was staring at me. It made me feel sort of uneasy at first. Like I was a freak. But as the days went on, the homosexual innuendos became more obvious. After my 3rd day at the residence I was taking a shower and Kerbey happened to "accidentally" walk in on me.

"I am so sorry!" he then slammed the door shut... like he had planned it out all along.

"So, are you enjoying your stay here?" Merei asked me at dinner my 6th night of residence at their house.

"Yes, I greatly appreciate you taking me in."

She smiled sweetly. "It is our pleasure. I have some errands to run. I'll be back later boys!" she then took off again. It seemed she was hardly ever home. She left so often.

"I um, have somewhere to go." he stated as he headed towards his room. Frustrated a charged at him and pinned him up against the wall.

"What is your deal?" I asked him demandingly. He started to shake and sweat terribly.

"Get off me faggot!" he screamed at me as he went to his room and slammed the door shut.

I planted myself on the couch... confused now more then ever. I just laid down and fell asleep. The next morning I woke to the sound of fighting. They were arguing very loudly.

"Why are you gone so much then, Merei??? YOU ARE NEVER FUCKING HOME!!!" he pounded his fist.

"I am busy TRYING to get the bills paid! Where the fuck is your job??? YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!!! YOU ARE FUCKING WORTHLESS!" she screamed in his face.

"I HAVE BEEN TRYING!!!" he screamed at her.

"NOT HARD ENOUGH!!!" she then slammed the door as she walked out. He laid down on the ground and started crying. I got up off the couch, to see if I could help. I had noticed he was not wearing a shirt. He hadn't been wearing a shirt since the night I came in. He loooked up at me.

"Now I see why you are gay..." he said to me. "Maybe I should be gay."

I picked him up off the floor.

"Come on. Don't give up like that. How long have you two been together?" I asked him.

"5 years... 5 long years. Thing were excellent up until about 6 months ago when I lost my job. I am only 24 years old, and I have had 50 different jobs... I don't know what to do, Nosmo. I am lost." he cried to me.

"5 years is a lot to just throw away though... you must have loved each other at some point." I said to him.

He looked at me questioningly. "Why are you gay?" he asked me.

"Because, well, I like men. I don't like women. Never had a fancy for them." I explained to him.

"What is it like? The feeling I mean..." he asked.

"The feeling? Of what exactly?" I asked him.

He then lunged at me and started to kiss me. I admit, it caught me off gaurd and I came in my pants. I then reached out to slap him.

"Why do you tease me like this!?!?!" I asked him. "I have feelings for you... but you're straight why do you torment me like this!?!?!"

He looked me right in the eye. "You kissed me first you homo!" as he reached out to hit me I grabbed his fist. I planted my tongue right inside his mouth. We then started to make out. Our make-out session moved to the couch. My lips departed his.

"Pretty good for a homo?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "Excellent for a homo... hey, lets go somewhere a little more private and romantic."

I was led to his bedroom. It was very nice. He lit up two candles. I was overcome with sudden lust. I grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him on the bed, feircly making out with him, as we removed each others clothes. We were both naked. We kissed for a very long time as we rubbed each others growing members. We were both very hard by now. His cock was 6 inches... not too big. Mine was about 9 inches though. When he saw it he became very aroused as did I. I flipped him over on his back.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"You'll find out..." I responded. A smile covered his face.

I opened up his cheeks and began to feast upon his fleshy anus. My tongue was swiftly gliding around the ring. He was moaning very loudly... almost screaming. Like that it was almost too much pleasure to bear.

"Do you like that, huh?" I asked him.

"HELL YES!!!" he screamed.

I then stuck my hard penis into the hole of his anus... pre lined the inside of his hole.

"Oh baby. I love you inside me." he screamed.

My cock went faster and faster in and out of his hole. I was mounted over him, massaging his cock at the same time. His moans of pleasure were a huge turn on for me. Got all 9 inches up his ass. He screamed louder and louder as my 9 in. cock was going in and out of him. I then started biting his back. I bit it repeatdly, over and over again. He loved it.

"Keep biting me baby it feels so good!" he screamed.

As my cock was going faster I was about to release my seed into him. The orgasm was enormous. It took me 20 seconds to ejaculate all of my semen into him. After my cum was in him I moved my head to near the head of his furry red penis... I proceeded with biting the head of it. I was chewing on it... like bubble gum. After about 2 minutes his load was descending into my stomach. He screamed my name loudly as he commed. Both of us extremely tired, not thinking of what Merei would discover in the morning fell asleep in bed together. She did discover us.

"So this is how you pay me back for taking you in, Nosmo? Sleeping with my husband?" she scorned me. as I was half alseep."

She stared us both downs. "You two are sick perverts. I want you both out of this house by tonight. You can go be faggots somewhere else. Not around here, not around me." she vacated the room.

"What now???" Kerbey asked me. "Where do we go?"

I shrugged my shoulders in indecision. "I don't know." He reached over and leaned on me with his arms around mine with a tear of sadness and joy in his eyes at the same time... he smiled up at me and pecked me on the cheek.

CONCLUSION: I know, this is a somewhat short chapter and I apologize. I haven't written in quite sometime and I am just a bit out of practice. It is not very good, but it is a little yiffy... but anyways, I hope you enjoy this first chapter... there are many more chapters to come! (no pun intended :p)