Forest Spirit

Story by Duke The Wolf on SoFurry

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By DJ Rowland, idea by Kitts

In a world of Sword and Sorcery, lived two wolves, twins, by the names of Arin and Aeria. They were 16 years old and had the job of hunting monsters ever since they were 12. In the town of Terrethia, they had a reputation of getting the job done right. But now, they have met their match...

Arin happily accepted the resident's money as behind him, Aeria was smiling. "Thank you for you exterminating that monster in the basement; I greatly appreciate your work!" Arin nodded. "Our pleasure! If you ever see a monster like that again, call us up and we'll be on it on the double!" Aeria nodded. The resident smiled and closed the door. "So, how much cash did we nab off this one?" Aeria asked, looking over Arin's shoulder at the stack of money. "It looks like about $42." Aeria sighed. "We should go back and request a better pay." Arin shrugged. "At least it's somethin'"

Meanwhile, in the Forest of Grief, the large, muscular kitsune stretched out on the ground. His name was Kahmori. He was labeled as the "Forest Spirit" His job was to make sure that no evil creatures made it into town and made meals out of the inhabitants. Kahmori wasn't actually the forest spirit; he had been playing the role for countless years. He was exceptionally skilled at combat, and had a touch of magic within himself. Although he's not really what people think he is, Kahmori takes it very seriously.

"Hey wait, Arin, I wanna grab the daily word!" The daily word was the local news of the town of Terrethia. It didn't cost a cent, but contained plenty of useful information to the residents. "All right go grab it real quick I wanna get home." Arin said. Aeria jogged over to the stand, grabbed one, winked at the handsome fox running the stand, then jogged back to Arin. He gave Aeria a devious grin. "You totally love the Daily Word stand guy, don't you?" In a second, Aeria's cheeks were red as last week's monster they killed. "Well, he's just so cute..." Arin laughed loudly. "All right let's see what's going on lately...

The main article read; "Sacrifice season is here!" All the residents knew what that was. Due to all of Kahmori's hard work, he would request an annual sacrifice, something he would look forward to all year long. The sacrifice always had to be one of Terrethia's people. No one ever knew what became of the sacrifice, but everyone just assumed that Kahmori would simply cook them up and eat them then it was over. Everyone was wrong by a long-shot though...

This year Kahmori had requested that every 13 year old boy in the town had to be the possible sacrifice, and there were only 5. They were Michael, a poor kid, Brendan, a middle-class kid, Colin, another middle class kid, Rex, the snotty rich kid, and finally Duke, the mayor's son. All five of them had been called to town hall to draw straws; the shortest straw would have to be Kahmori's sacrifice. All of the boys were friends, but not with Rex. "I can't believe that foul Kitsune would request such a thing!" The mayor said. "Well, it is what it is," Duke said to his father casually. "I just know it will be one of you losers!" Rex said, sticking his tongue out at all the other boys. With a frown, the mayor held out his paw with the five straws. All of them appeared to be even, but one of them was the short one. All five of the boys covered their eyes and picked a straw...

Everyone gasped, and the mayor fainted as they found out who picked the short straw. Duke, the mayor's son himself. Duke collapsed to his knees and started crying. "I...don't...believe it..." Rex shrugged. "I knew it wouldn't be me!" Colin took a swing at Rex, knocking him out. Michael put a paw on Duke's shoulder. "I'm really sorry, I wish I could do something to help, but this is destiny, and no one must mess with it. You are to be brought to the sacrifice post at once."

The sacrifice post was the farthest one could get away from town and still be safe. It was right on the edge of the Forest of Grief, and monsters could still attack you if Kahmori was taking a nap. All of the boys, but Rex walked with Duke in sorrow. Then, Duke and Michael did one last knuckle touch as they tied him up to the post. "Bye guys... I wish I could say 'till next time, but..." Michael shook his head. "You're wrong, we will meet again, I promise." Duke just looked down, everyone was ordered to return home and leave Duke behind, leave him for Kahmori.

A day had passed. The first thing the mayor, as well as Duke's friends did was call up the monsters hunters. They were gonna bring back Duke. The three boys, the mayor, and the monster hunters all met at the center of town. "This will be a rough mission, but we have faith. We need you to trek into the forest, and bring back my son Duke." Arin stepped forward. "Shouldn't be a problem!" The mayor frowned. "But it's not that simple. In order to complete this mission, you need to eliminate Kahmori, the forest spirit." Aeria now had a troubled look. "You want us to kill him?" Aeria was never too keen about killing things. Arin put a paw on Aeria's shoulder. "Oh relax; we can do this, no sweat!" All of the town had confidence in the two, but also doubt. Arin and Aeria went back to their home to make plans...

After hours and hours of planning, they finally came up with a great plan. "Okay, let me go over this one last time before we head out. You are gonna tie yourself to the sacrifice post and be a 'second sacrifice' while I hide in nearby bushes, with weapons. Then, when the idiot comes to claim you, both of us grab the chance and kill him!" Aeria looked down. "I'm scared." Arin sighed. "There's no time for fear, we're courageous! We're the best in town! What would the mayor say if he knew you were scared?" Aeria looked up. "You're right, let's get going." And the two set out.

Arin tied Aeria up to the post, but not tight at all, so she could get out easily and attack. "Okay, he'll probably be here in an hour or two, so I'll be right here in the bushes. Remember to stay calm but stay fierce!" Aeria nodded and looked ahead while Arin hopped into the bushes. Arin got down into a nice crouching position, ready for battle yet not making a sound.

After over two hours of waiting, Kahmori finally arrived. Arin was just itching to ambush when he saw Kahmori walk up confused. Kahmori looked at Aeria, who was about to pee herself. "What's this? Another sacrifice?" Then, in the blink of the eye, Arin jumped out with a battle cry. Kahmori just smiled and pinned him to the ground. "Ah-ha, a trap set up just for big ol' me!" Arin grunted. "How did you defend yourself so quickly?" Kahmori winked at Arin. "Tons of practice." Then, Aeria gathered her focus and pounced at Kahmori. "You better not harm my brother or you're in for it!" Kahmori smiled again. All the twins heard was a crack noise, and Arin was motionless. Aeria landed on Kahmori, but then got off immediately to make sure Arin was okay. "Arin, wake up!" Then she turned to face Kahmori. Aeria was completely shocked at his looks. He was just dashing, with his long black hair, his long pointed ears, jeans that appeared to be too big on him, and his awesome looking shoes. He wasn't wearing a shirt, which made him even hotter to Aeria. He had all three of his tails tied together, making it look like one massive one.

Aeria thought to herself oh man, he's even hotter than the Daily Word stand guy... But then she snapped out of it and got back into her battle self. "What have you done to my brother?!" She demanded fiercely. "I simply knocked him out cold with an ancient technique. You're next, brat." Aeria gasped. Before she could even make a move, he flashed his technique on her and she was out like a light. "Ah, I can't wait to bring these two dung bags back to the den, Duke will find it amusing." And he carried the twins back to his den.

Arin's eyes slowly opened up. He looked around, everything was a blur, and his head was throbbing like crazy. Beside him, he found Aeria knocked out. He put his paw on her back and shook her. "Aeria, get up, we're in danger!" Slowly, Aeria's eyes opened. "H-huh?" And then, when she saw her brother's face, she sat up and squeezed him tight. "Oh, you're alright!" Arin frowned. "We're alright, but not for long, unless we escape." They found themselves no other choice but to get up off the floor and look around. "I really hate to admit it, but this man has a nice place," Aeria said. When the two entered another room, and found Duke, sweeping up dirt off the floor. "Oh, you're alive, that's good to hear," Arin said, approaching Duke. Duke smiled. "Actually, Kahmori's a really nice guy if you get to know him. I think you two just pissed him off." Aeria frowned. "What is he planning on doing with us?" Duke frowned as well. "Bad things..."

Then, Kahmori walked in. "Ah, I see the two twits have woken up." Both of them frowned, but Duke smiled. "Please, let us go, we just needed to find out if Duke was safe!" Arin shouted, obviously lying. "Then why did you attack me?" Kahmori demanded. "Well... we were ordered to kill you." admitted Aeria. Kahmori became angry. Then, all the sudden he had a casual look, but his eyes turned a more green shade. He bent down and looked directly into the twins' eyes. "I'm going to do sexual things to you, then eat you." The twins nodded. "Duke, stay in here and finish cleaning up, I'm going to take these two into the punishment room." Duke nodded and continued his sweeping. Then, Kahmori walked off, and Arin and Aeria obediently followed...

"Here's how it's gonna work. You're first, boy." Kahmori said, pointing at Arin. "We're gonna get it on, I hope you like it!" Arin nodded. "First, I need you to slip those clothes off." Arin nodded, and took off his boots, then his socks. Then, he slipped off his thick long-sleeved shirt. Then, he proceeded in taking off his jeans. Now all that was left was his boxers, and he took those off too. Now, he was naked in front of both Kahmori and his own sister. "Alright, now give me a sec to get my own clothes off, said Kahmori, sitting down to get off his shoes and socks. Then, his pants and under garments. Arin was surprised at how huge his cock was, about a foot long. "Now bent over so I can mount you like a horse!" Kahmori commanded. Arin nodded and got down on all fours. Kahmori grinned and got down on him, shoving his massive cock into his tail hole. "Aaaauuuuugh!" That was the only sound that left Arin's maw. Then, Kahmori thrusted even harder, and Aeria just watched in amusement. Then, After about half an hour of that, Kahmori was finished. "Alright, you're done, wait over there." At this point, Arin was bruised, and had cum all over his fur. But now, it was Aeria's turn...

Kahmori gave Aeria a horny look. "Now it's your turn, girl." Aeria stepped forward and awaited her command. Arin stood back obediently. "Now, I want you to kneel down and suck on my cock!" Aeria nodded as she kneeled down and engulfed his cock, sucking on it passionately. After about an hour of that, Aeria had swallowed gallons of cum. "Alright, you're done." Aeria stood up, licked her lips, and stood next to her brother. Now, Arin had cum near his tail hole, and Aeria had it all over her head. Kahmori stood in front of them, grinning. "You two both did a great job, so I'll finish you both off painlessly. I'll just swallow both of you and let you digest!"

There was no reply from the twins. "I'll start with you, boy." Kahmori said, taking a step toward Arin. Kahmori wrapped his arms around Arin and lifted him up into the air. Arin didn't do a thing about it. Then, Kahmori tilted him upside-down and opened up his maw. Now, Arin was looking down into Kahmori's maw."Bottom's up!" And at that, Kahmori slowly lowered Arin head first into his drooling maw. Arin just kept his mouth closed and didn't say a word. Now, Kahmori had Arin's head in his maw. Kahmori pushed more of the teenage wolf in deeper, and now the whole upper half of his body was engulfed. Letting gravity help, Kahmori tilted his head upward and Arin slid in deeper. Now, Arin was going through his gullet. Now, all that was left were his legs and tail. In one final gulp, Kahmori triumphantly swallowed the rest of Arin. Arin quickly slid down the rest of the way and was deposited softly into Kahmori's slimy, wet, warm stomach...

With a burp, Kahmori then looked over at Aeria. "You're next, girl." And he stepped forward toward her. "But first, you get to hear your brother's pain!" And he put her into a bear hug and forced her to listen to the digestive noises her brother was causing in the stomach. "Guuuuurgle... glooorb..." And then he lifted her into the air. Without saying any last words, he lowered her into his maw and swallowed her up to her hips. She didn't make a movement or a sound. Then, he swallowed down the rest of her and she went quickly down his gullet, being far skinnier than her brother, who took a bit longer to go all the way down. Then, she was dropped into the stomach, on top of her brother...

"The hypnosis spell should be wearing off right about now!" Kahmori said evilly, rubbing his now bulging belly. Then, he knew it was true when there was a sudden screaming and lots of wriggling. Kahmori burst out in laughter. "That's what you get for messing with the Forest Spirit, you pests!" Then he let out a huge belch that Duke could hear from the other room.

Meanwhile, in the stomach... "Aeria, what's going on? Why does my ass hurt, and where are we?!" Aeria screamed. "I-I think we're in his stomach!!" She screamed, hugging her brother. "We're doomed, aren't we..." Arin said sadly. Then Aeria licked her lips again. "Why does my mouth taste like cu- dammit!!" Aeria knew what he had done to her, and she hated it. Eventually, the two struggled until the horrible stench of the stomach knocked them out. Soon, they suffocated...

Then, after another loud belch, and a fart, Duke walked in. "Um, I see you've consumed the two." Kahmori chuckled. "C-mere Duke." Kahmori said kindly. Duke walked forward with a smile. "What is it, master?" Kahmori stepped forward and kissed Duke on the cheek. "I have a question, do you love me?" Duke gave a puzzled look. "Well... of course! Why wouldn't I love you?" Kahmori smiled, and lay down. "Here, put your head to my belly and listen to them digest." Duke nodded and did so. Duke found the digestive sounds very delightful. "Aww, thanks Kahmori!" Then, the two fell asleep on the soft floor...

In town, Duke, Arin, and Aeria were never heard from again. The town grieved for a few months, and then practically forgot completely about the monster hunters, but Duke was never forgotten. Duke and Kahmori lived together happily until Duke died. (Kahmori never died because he's immortal but he never found a way to make Duke immortal.)