A Thing for Star - Chapter 1

Story by Kahedro on SoFurry

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#1 of A Thing For Star

Chapter I: Star - Stray Rabbit like No Other

It was a warm summer day. I was stumbling around a meadow that was shadowed by the nearby mountains that housed my cave and hasn't a plant doing well in sight. I then heard some rustling in the bushes and curiosity got the best of me. I went to go check it out, and I saw a quirky, young stray rabbit. I had seen other rabbits out here before but there was something different about this one. His bare chest was neither fat nor muscular. His legs were scrawny, but sturdy. His face had an aspect of innocence to it, yet it maintained a mature look. His fur glided ever so gently in the mild summer breeze. But his eyes - his eyes sparkled like a star.

I was only a child then. I knew my two dads wouldn't approve of keeping a stray rabbit, so I decided to follow him to his home so I could visit him. After 3 hours, I realized he must be homeless, so I made him a house myself down not too far from the mountains. It was on the other side of the river so I was sure my parents wouldn't find him. I checked up on him twice a day to get him food, water, and toilet paper. I loved him like a brother. I decided to call him Star. Then one day, I saw him in the corner, looking like he needed help opening a can of peas I brought him. I approached him to help, but I saw the can was in the corner. Once again, curiosity got me. I asked him what he was doing.

"N-nothing...." Star said while he quickly blushed and looked away. "C-can you come back some other time?"

"No, really?" I asked. His shame had sparked my interest and he noticed it on my face.

"W-well..." he started. Then he reluctantly decided to show me. He grabbed my penis and started stroking it. I was not expecting that and started blushing. Star saw and asked "Do you want me to stop?" I debated to myself for a minute, and asked what would happen if he went on. "Usually I make milk, but it tastes kinda funny".

"Milk? That's odd...." I thought to myself. "Sure, keep going". He kept going for half an hour but nothing happened. "It's getting late," I started. "Maybe I should just go home and try again tomorrow".

"No, don't!" Star insisted. "I'm sure I can get this to work". He started going faster, but he was pulling too hard.

"Ow!" I screamed. "Stop, stop!" But Star kept going, and he kept going faster. I tried to get away, but that even hurt more, so I couldn't move. I was on the verge of crying when I felt a chill go up my spine, and I felt he had stopped. I looked down, not knowing what to expect. "You were right - milk" I said, overcame with awe. After sitting there for a good 10 minutes, I said "Well, I guess I should be getting home now." Star nodded in agreement, but before I left he leaned in and kissed me. I blushed, and ran away hiding my face. When I got home my parents were asleep, so I quietly walked into my room thinking about what had happened.