A White Christmas Knight

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In a world where things seem bleak there's always a glimmer of hope, the white knight upon his Valliant steed, even if that White Knight's armour needs a little polish.

Enjoy this tail of how a soldier falls for a young escort and finally gets to spend Christmas with someone instead of being alone.

The ship began its decent towards the landing platform, the low hum of its engines and the chatter of soldiers were the only sounds to be heard. Outside the windows, were the lights of the city twinkling like stars in the night sky. Snow-capped buildings in the distance with more snow falling, it reminded me of one of those snow globes. The ship's landing gear hits the solid ground of the platform, and the doors are opened for us to disembark. I pick up my bag and sling it over my shoulder before stepping out into the crisp, cool air and take a deep breath, damn it was good to be home again.

As we walked down the metal gantry there was a group of children singing Christmas Carols, dressed in clothing, that reminds you of those Christmas cards you get of Carollers from that time...Victorians that's it, waste of good credits. The sound of their voices fell on deaf ears having them splayed against my head due to the cold; I walked to the end of the dock and stood in a line with the other soldiers as we waited to be seen by a group of men in long black coats, most likely admin staff from command. They stood behind an old Badger sat at an old oak desk that they'd clearly brought with them just for this.

"Name, rank and serial number?" The old badger asked when I stood before him.

"Blackivar, Commander, 14729610."

The badger didn't look up at me, instead he ran his sausage like fingers through the book in front of him.

"Ah you mean Captain, Blackivar, seems you have been promoted whilst you've been away, card number 613 Lieutenant." The badger said as he looked to the Stoat dressed in a long, black overcoat standing with a box of cards in his hands. He reached in and pulled out a green envelope and handed it to me.

"Take this to a postal office to receive your pay Captain."


I took the envelope and put it into a pocket inside my own overcoat, I looked around the docks some more before picking my bag back up and started making my way into the city. Promoted huh, wonder what I did to deserve that, heck I often wonder what I did to deserve any of my promotions, I do not think I did anything much different from the other soldiers I served with.

As I walked through the streets, snow crunching and slush sloshing under my paws a few folks patted me on the back telling me things like, "Well done, good to have you home, good job."

I have no idea what the media feeds these folks, from what I remember about the war, there wasn't much to congratulate about, the navy did most of the work we just mopped up what was left.

I walked into the postal office and fortunately they weren't closed yet. Walking up to the wooden desk, I brushed some snow from my shoulders, before handing my envelope, over to the mole that sat behind the desk. He adjusted the spectacles perched on the end of his snout to see better and then said, "Oh, another soldier come home eh, have to admit much more have come home than people expected."

I watched the old mole potter around his little office, before he took a large, green leather, book from a drawer and came back to the desk; he wrote in the book then turned it to face me.

"Just put your signature here and here." He said handing me the pen and pointing with his long claws.

I signed away on the two lines and he disappeared below his desk and came back up with a brown envelope.

"There we are your pay is all up to date."

I took the envelope and slipped it into my coat pocket and walked out the door.

"Merry Christmas" I heard from behind me.

Merry Christmas indeed, from what I remember there's never anything merry about it, just another day spent at home, alone.

I continued to walk the streets for a while passing everything from Christmas shoppers to drunks being kicked out of bars. One ended up bumping right into me. "Oh...s...sorry...a... about that."

I brushed myself down and walked on ignoring him as he called on behind me. As I turned the next corner to head towards my home, I spotted a rabbit by the looks of it, standing against a wall with next to nothing on. Ice blue hair, white fur and pair of denim short shorts and a black crop top of some sorts, were all that was covering him, at least I was sure it was a him either that or a female with little in the way of breasts.

As I walked past I couldn't help but notice him shiver, it was pretty cold out here and despite how much I don't like Christmas I couldn't let him freeze to death, so I took off my long, winter, overcoat and wrapped it around his shoulders. The rabbit flinched and protested but I won out the argument and began to button up the overcoat when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you going to be paying for that?"

I turned my head to look over my shoulder and saw a Weasel standing in a long white fur coat with a cigar between yellowed teeth.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked

"Are you interested in the slut?" He asked as he blew smoke from his cigar in my face.

"No I'm not, he was cold, so I loaned him my coat, I'm sure even you don't want to lose your customers due to dead employees." I snorted.

"Oh a wise guy huh, thinks you know me eh, well we don't need your fucking charity soldier boy, so why don't you take your coat and piss off before you get hurt?"

This weasel was so in need of a good punching but I wasn't in the mood for getting into a fight.

"Keep the coat." I said to the rabbit as I stood upright and snarled down at the Weasel and walked towards my home. I looked back and saw the rabbit looking at me as the Weasel dragged him away.

I sighed and opened my door; the house was dark and cold. I walked over to the fireplace and got a fire started first before I turned on the lights. I walked up to my room and started the fire in there too and took the dust covers off all the furniture in the house. Heading back downstairs I went to the front door and opened the mailbox, only to have a ton of letters fall out of it. I sorted them into neat piles and set them atop of the desk I had sat next to a chair that I kept near the fireplace.

I found one from my housekeeper informing me that my payments to them had stopped and they could no longer work for me, I guess that explained the cold house.

After I had finished with the post I looked around in the cupboards in my kitchen and found them completely empty. Sighing I pulled my other coat on and went back out into the snow, I walked around several stores getting things when I bumped into an old friend.


"Oh Sabre, how is it going?" I asked and shook hands with the Alsatian

"Yeah not too bad thanks, just home from tour huh?"

"Yeah pretty much, a lot has changed in six years."

Sabre nodded and cocked his head a little, "You fancy a quick pint and a chat?"

"Uh yeah, sure just let me drop this lot off first yeah?"

"Heck let me give you a hand." He chuckled and took three of the bags from me.

We walked back to my place passing by where I had seen the rabbit earlier, except he wasn't there this time.

"Something wrong?" Sabre asked me

"Nah, not really, just thought I'd maybe see someone on the way back here that's all?"

"Oh, you mean the rabbit; yeah he's always hanging around out here selling himself I think" Sabre replied with little to no tone in his voice.

"You don't approve?"

"Well it's just like you said mate, a lot has changed in six years, personally I think it's sad that a kid has to do that line of work."

"Like ours is any better?" I quipped

"Perhaps not but at least its clean living."

I nodded in agreement as I opened the door to my home again and we put the groceries away in the cupboards.

Once the kitchen was once again well stocked, I joined Sabre for a few drinks and we talked about the days we served together in the military. Sabre like myself had been a career soldier except he found the one thing that I could not, love. He fell in love with a pilot, a Husky by the name of Rusty, the pair got married the same year they met and within a few more years the pair took early retirement and set up a family.

"So how is the family?" I asked as I downed the rest of my Whiskey.

"Oh fine, Rusty is babysitting tonight, I swear the kids are so hyped up about Santa coming, I do not mind telling you Midnight but this year it has been really hard. Finding decent work and money these past few weeks has not been good for an old soldier."

"I'm sure between you both you'll make it work." I say trying to be reassuring

"Yeah well...Rusty has been offered a job that would tie us over for a good few months except it means he wouldn't be home for Christmas and that would just kill the kids."

I nodded, "What kind of job is it?"

"It's a long haul flight with four or five stops between Christmas eve and Boxing Day."

"Damn that sucks."

"How about you, you still in?" Sabre asked looking into his drink.

"Not for much longer, my retirement begins in a weeks' time."

"Fine thing to get out when you can." Sabre said as he downed his drink.

"Got time for another?"

"Yeah why not, guess we should celebrate your retirement."

After a few more drinks with Sabre he walked me half way to my home.

"I'll see you around Midnight."

"Sure thing Sabre, you and Rusty take care yeah?"

"Will you be joining us for Christmas?"

"Uh, well maybe, I'll see what I'm up to."

I started walking back to my home when I heard someone shouting, as I rounded the corner there was no one around the street was completely empty. Shrugging it off I went back they way I had come and continued my way home. When I arrived, I let myself in, shed my heavy, snow-covered coat and went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. Coffee in hand I sat down in front of the fireplace. I must have dozed off though because the next thing I knew, someone was knocking on my front door. I looked up at the clock and noticed that it was three in the morning. Getting up I took my service pistol from the bureau drawer and went to the door. Opening the door, I saw the rabbit from before except he was covered in snow, bruises, scratches, and blood. Looking around I looked for the Weasel, it did not take a genius to figure out who had done it.

Seeing no one else around and no footprints to follow I wrapped the rabbit in my long coat and carried him inside. I laid him down upon my couch and got a cloth and a bowl of warm water, I started cleaning up some of the cuts and blood from his nose and ear where it seemed like there was a piercing missing. He groaned and moved a little, I stopped and waited to see if he would wake up, but he did not, so I continued to work on him.

I rolled him over and slowly started washing his butt; however, when I parted his cheeks to get between them, well I do not know what happened. I guess he must have woken up because the only thing I remember is waking up on the floor with a bloody nose. I wiped my nose on my sleeve and looked over at the couch where the rabbit was curled up in the corner holding his knees close to his chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I thought that maybe...."

"It's fine, that's some kick you've got, guess I shouldn't be surprised."

I stood up slowly and wiped my nose again,

"Well since you're awake now, it means you can wash yourself, come on, the shower's this way."

I helped the rabbit up from the couch and led him to the bathroom. The shower I had was made up of three marble walls with jet nozzles all at different heights and angles to ensure that water covered you in all directions.

"Wow, this is a really fancy looking place."

"It's comfortable."

"You don't like it?"

"It suits my needs."

"You don't really talk very much do you?"

"Not really, no, I'll get you some clothes you can wear although they will probably be a bit big on you." The rabbit nodded and stepped into the shower which turned on automatically.

I closed the door to give him privacy as I searched through my drawers, for clothes I could lend him. I found a T-shirt and a pair of shorts that would have to do; everything else I had would be exceedingly too big for him. I walked past the shower room but could not hear the shower running; I looked into the bathroom and noticed my guest was no longer there. When I went back downstairs I noticed the rabbit standing in front of my log fireplace with the towel wrapped around him.

"Ah, there you are."

"Sorry, did you want me to wait for you in the shower room?"

"No no, I just thought I would be finished before you were, uh here these are for you, they will be a bit big but they should do for now." I said as I handed over the clothes.

He looked up at me and smiled slightly and then tilted his head to one side as if waiting for me to do something.

"I'll let you dry off and get those, I will go into the kitchen and see about some food, I'm sure you must be hungry, even a little." I took myself to the kitchen and set about making a meal that I figured would be suitable for a young rabbit, carrots, and the likes.

Soon enough he had dressed himself and had joined me in the kitchen as I finished chopping up some more vegetables. Sure, enough the clothes I had picked out were at least three sizes too big, but they covered him at least, also I could not shake this idea that he looked cute like that.

"This is most likely very stereotypical, but I do hope you enjoy it." I said as I laid the bowl down before him.

"It's more than enough, thank you." He smiled and picked up a fork and began to eat.

I took out a plate of cooked chicken from the fridge and popped a few pieces into my mouth before making my way back into the lounge. I sat down in my chair, yawned, stretched my arms above my head and then started going through the rest of my post. As I opened another envelope, I became aware of the rabbit's presence and looked up.


He smiled and nodded before letting out a deep yawn.

"You must be exhausted, come on let's get you into bed." Upon saying that the rabbit froze up and I looked at him with a sort of curiosity. That was until it hit me.

"Oh, right no, I uhm, what I mean is, a bed for you to sleep in, just you."

The rabbit seemed to settle once more and I held out a hand to lead him to his room.

He gingerly took my hand as I led him upstairs and took him to one of the many spare rooms, when I opened the door there was an icy chill in the room. Shaking my head, I turned around and took him to my own room. When I opened my own door, we were greeted by a blast of warm air that was much more appealing. I stepped inside first and pulled back the duvet cover and gestured for the rabbit to get in.

He looked around the room as he stepped into it before he stopped before the bed.

"Wait, this, this is your room."

I nodded

"It is what of it?"

"I can't take you room, your bed, it wouldn't be right." He said as he stepped back a step.

"You are my guest and I will choose where you sleep, now please, get in."

He looked at me with a curious look on his face, like he was wondering where this was going or what the catch was going to be. However no sooner did his head touch the pillow he let out a deep yawn and was fast asleep. I pulled the covers over him and picked up a quilt from the closet, I would sleep on the couch tonight and make sure there was a fire lit in the spare room tomorrow. As I passed one of the mirrors in the room, I caught myself smiling and could not think as to why.

The next morning my nose twitched as my senses filled with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and toast. I opened one eye and saw the rabbit standing beside me holding a silver tray and a huge smile on his face. I think I smiled back and sat up as he sat the tray down,

"I just wanted to do something for you, to say thank you for last night and to say sorry about keeping you from your own bed."

"Don't worry about it, but thank you."

He smiled again and pottered back through into the kitchen, I brought the coffee up to my lips when my nose twitched again.

"Did you put something into the coffee?"

"Mhmm, cinnamon, it's really good, makes coffee taste great." He chimed from the kitchen.

I wrinkled my nose but took a sip, my taste buds exploded as the flavour river danced on my tongue.

I wouldn't admit it but it did taste fantastic.

"It's not bad, listen I've to go out and do some errands, do not open the door to anyone unless I say so, alright?"

"You're keeping me here?" he asked as he poked his head round the corner from the kitchen.

"For the time being, it's for your protection, not to keep you hostage, you can walk out that door anytime you like."

He nodded and went back into the kitchen.

After finishing off the coffee and taking a few bites from the toast I headed out. A few days passed by just like this, the routine changing very little, I learnt that his name was Jesse and that he had become homeless a few years ago, when his parents passed away in a house fire. That was also when he met up with the weasel, I had met the first time I came across Jesse. Nothing really changed as we spent time together, well maybe except for my getting used to being around him and having company. He was cute there was no denying that, heck I even had dreams about him leaving my room and joining me in the spare one.

He would come in and crawl under the covers and put his arms around me and beg me not to leave him. I cannot deny that the thought of him being alone as I was tugged at my heart strings, but could I honestly allow myself to fall for him, could he, truly, understand me, heck could he even put up with me. I guess time would tell, we talked quite frequently about all kinds of things, our conversations were usually brief, but suitable for my needs. It was good to have him around and he did make good coffee.

One night when it was particularly cold, he cuddled himself into my side and pulled a quilt around himself. I looked down at him but kept my arms folded against my chest and just continued to watch what was on the television that night. As he fell asleep he started to nuzzle my arm and mumble in his sleep.

"Please...mmh...hold me....just once."

I did consider putting my arm around him but at the same time, he was a guest in my home, not my friend or even my lover.

The afternoon of the following day whilst Jesse was asleep on the couch and I was going over my retirement papers, someone started hammering on my door.

I got up from my chair and answered the door opening it up to that same weasel from before.

"I here you have something that belongs to me." He said as he smoked away on another cheap cigar.

"Not to my knowledge." I replied looking down at him.

"Don't play dumb with me soldier boy, I mean the rabbit slut I want him back."

"Really...you miss your little play toy, your little punching bag?"

"Don't screw with me man I know he's here."

"Oh he's here alright but he does not belong to you." I growled.

"Oh so you've had him too huh?" He asked snidely

"Don't insult me you spineless little creep."

"You know if you're fucking him, you're racking up quite a bill and I can't have you tapping him for free, so...if you won't hand him back, I'll just have to come in and take him." He pulled out a small switch blade and pointed it towards me. This guy was a complete joke, he spent all his time talking when he could have stabbed me already and been inside.

With one quick movement I grabbed the wrist of his hand with the knife in it and twisted his whole arm around and up his back where with another quick twist I broke his wrist and watched the blade fall from his fingers as he screamed aloud.

"You bastard, you bastard you broke my arm!"

"Two pieces of advice, one never draw a blade unless you truly intend to use it and two never use force unless you are sure you will win." I let go and kicked him down the steps to the snow on the pavement.

"Now get lost and I don't want to see your snivelling little face here again do you understand?"

"You'll regret this soldier boy; I'll get him back just you watch!"

I did watch, I watched him scurry away into the dark and turned around to see Jesse standing before me with tears streaming down his face.

I stepped forwards but he turned and ran upstairs, I sighed and stayed downstairs until it was time for bed. I popped my head into my own room and found he wasn't sleeping in my bed, I figured it was easier for me to take the spare room and leave him to continue sleeping in my room.

When I went to the spare room I found him asleep in the bed, I sighed and went back to my own room and lay down. My only problem, I could not sleep, no matter what position I lay in I could not get to sleep. The next morning, I could not stop yawning and I could not find Jesse anywhere either. I went into the kitchen and made myself a coffee, which was nowhere near as good as the coffee that Jesse would make. After drinking the coffee and getting something to eat I decided to go out for a walk and came across Sabre and Rusty with their kids.

"Hey you guys."

"Midnight, you're up awful early." Rusty smiled as he picked up one of his kids.

"Yeah, been getting up early the past few days actually."

"Did you find what you were looking for that night?" Sabre asked

"Uhm yeah you could say that."

"Oh yeah, come on then spill, you got someone special, have you?" Rusty quizzed

"Midnight's got a thing for that bunny we used to pass by." Sabre smirked

"Really, well I guess there's no acquiring for taste."

"Rusty, that is mean!" Sabre quipped.

"Look, it's not like that I just, he was at my door, he was hurt, and I took him in."

Rusty smiled and patted me on the shoulder,

"You don't need to explain yourself bud whatever makes you happy."

We laughed and I stayed with them for the rest of the day, we visited a few places and did some Christmas shopping for their kids with some help from my wallet. Not that I minded, I was not going to spend much of it, and it was not like I had anyone to spend it on. I was not keen on Christmas, but I would not see Rusty and Sabre's kids go without presents.

I left them after around eight o'clock I think; when I approached my home, I could see lights twinkling from the window. I got into the house and found Jesse standing in front of a Christmas tree and was putting ornaments upon it. The rest of the house was also decorated, he must have heard me because he jumped and turned around to look at me.

"Uhm what have you done?" I asked

"I thought, since it was so close to..." He said as he put down another bauble

"You don't like Christmas do you?"

"No, I don't."

"Why not?"

"Why, because it's the only holiday where I feel truly alone."

"Yeah but, I'm here now."

"It's not quite the same thing though is it?."

"You mean because I'm a whore and who could love a whore right?"


Jesse dropped the box of baubles and ran out of the door in a flood of tears.

"Jesse, Jesse wait!"

I chased after him but I quickly lost him amongst the crowds, cursing I slammed my fist into a wall with a loud thud.

Letting out a sigh I marched myself home and flopped down into my chair, I looked up at the tree and then down at the coffee table and saw a steaming cup of coffee. The smell of cinnamon wafted from the mug and I growled in disappointment in myself.

I got up out of the chair and went to bed; maybe he'd be back in the morning.

That night was one of the worst of my life, I spent hours tossing and turning again trying to get to sleep and when I finally did I was plagued with weird dreams and nightmares. In one of them I was sat upon the couch with Jesse, the fireplace was lit, there was a Christmas tree and a few young bunnies running around, opening presents, taking their stockings down from the fireplace and sharing their treats. I cannot deny but it was a good feeling, the next was a nightmare, all that happiness melted away and all I could feel was anger and despair as I watched the Weasel drag Jesse from home to hotel to motel making him sleep with all sorts of men, all of them horrid and harsh towards him. The whole time he'd cry and call out my name, I would watch him be used as he looked around the room for me and I'd be at home, sat in my chair in the dark with my pistol at my temple.

I sat upright in a sweat and panted; I threw the covers off of myself and ran through to the spare room. He was not there, I ran downstairs, the tree was still up and unfinished; there was no smell of coffee, no smell of Cinnamon and no smell of rabbit. I rested my back against the kitchen doorframe and sighed before I looked over at the tree and remembered how happy Jesse seemed when he was decorating it in those few seconds before I had disturbed him.

My memories continued as I looked over at the couch and thought about all the times Jesse had snuggled against me and I had just simply ignored him. I felt a tension around my heart that I could not explain, I stepped forwards and picked up the box of baubles and placed one onto the tree and felt the tension lessen slightly. I finished decorating the tree and stood back to look at what I had done, the tension on my heart loosened some more. I needed advice, grabbing my coat I went out and took myself to Sabre and Rusty's place.

"Midnight, this is a bit early for you." Sabre said as he answered the door with one of his pups in his arms.

"I need some advice!"

"What about, your little rabbit friend?" Sabre teased a little

"I think it's much more than that."

Sabre's face softened more than normal and stood aside to let me in.

"Rusty sweetie, put the kettle on."

"Ok, sit down and tell me everything."

I explained everything to Sabre, how we'd met, the nights on the couch, the Weasel when he turned up and the whole incident with the tree.

"Oh Midnight you daft mutt, is it not clear that he really likes you, you save him, you give him a place to stay and then despite how you went about it, you stand up for him and he wants to make you happy, Midnight, he loves you."

Rusty nodded too as he agreed with Sabre

"Dude you need to get out there and you need to find him."

"Did you finish the tree?" Sabre quizzed

"Why do you ask?"

"Just answer the question, did you finish the tree?"

"Yes, I had like images of Jesse standing there doing it himself and I don't know what happened I just started feeling this tightness in my chest."

Rusty giggled slightly and I growled at him.

"Oh come on buddy, it's obvious you're in love with him too."

I smiled softly as I left their home and went home; I got my personal side arm from its cabinet and strapped it inside a holster to my side, pulled the collar up on my long overcoat and stepped out. I walked around for what felt like hours until I came across a group of hookers standing outside a club.

"I'm looking for a rabbit."

"Well sir I'm sure we can find you one, one way or another." A slender Collie said.

"I'm looking for one called Jesse, a Weasel was his pimp if you want."

"Oh you mean Dave, yeah he owns Jesse." Replied a blue Panther.

"Where can I find them?" I demanded

"Oh looking for something specific, are we?" They all teased.

"Please, do not tease me, I am not in the mood for any games, I want to know where they are and I want to know now!"

"The City Hotel, you'll find them at the City Hotel." Replied the Collie

Without another word I ran further into the city and found the City Hotel.

"Evening soldier." The door attendant said as I passed him by.

I marched up to the reception desk and growled at the Deer behind it.

"I'm looking for a Weasel and a Rabbit."

"Well sir, we don't have any of those, but we do have rooms." The Doe replied.

"Let's get serious, I am looking for a Weasel and a Rabbit who may have checked in here."

"Uhm no, no Weasel and Rabbit, there was an important looking Horse and Rabbit came in here thought."

"Both males?" I quizzed her.

"Well I uhm, I'm not too sure I can release that kind of information."

"Don't test me miss, were they both male and what room number?"

"Well yes they were both male but I can't say which room number, it's against company policy."

"Fine I'll make this easy for you." I growled as I reached over her desk, grabbed the keyboard, and turned the computer screen to face me.

"Sir!" The Doe protested as she stood up.

"Sit down!" I barked.

"Room 205, thanks for your assistance." I growled as I tossed the keyboard back at her and stormed towards the elevator where three porters tried to grab me. I spotted them and grabbed the one on my right by the shoulder and threw him across myself and into the other two before stepping into the lift and pressed the button for the 6th floor.

"Come on" I muttered as the elevator took its time to get to the 6th floor.

When the doors opened I wasted no time in finding room 205, I sorted my coat and pulled my weapon from its holster and cocked it before putting it back into the holster and knocked on the door.

"Go away!" I heard coming from the other side of the door.

I knocked again.

"I said I didn't want to be disturbed." Came another reply.

I knocked once more.

"What did I just say?" The horse opened the door and groaned before my fist connected with his jaw.

"Room service!" I snarled as I kicked the equine back into the room, the large male went tumbling backwards and fell on his ass.

I strode into the room and stepped over the half-dressed horse.

"Jesse?" I called into the room.

"Midnight?" I heard from the bedroom.

I wasted no time in going into the bedroom and found Jesse inside the bed with the bedcovers wrapped around himself.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"Why do you care?" Jesse grumbled as he looked down


"Don't Jesse me, why do you care if I'm alright or not, you know I could tolerate men being mean and cold towards me when I was being paid in the end, it wasn't much after Dave's cut but it was a living but you, frith knows why, but for some reason I let you be mean and cold towards me for free and you know what, it stung, I actually let it get to me, I mean, what was I thinking, did I truly think that someone like you could honestly fall for someone like me, I must have been deluded, well you won't need to concern yourself anymore, now if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to conduct some business here."

"I...it's because...I miss you, I'm sorry, I didn't realise how much I would miss your company, how much I appreciate you."

His eyes softened and his ears flattened against his head.

"I...I love you Jesse, I don't know why it's taken me so long to notice it, to say it."

Jesse sighed,

"You don't love me, you think you do but you don't, look, I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble, I'll pay you back for any costs whilst I was living with you but honestly, I think it's best we don't see one another anymore."

My ears perked when I heard something move behind us and I looked back to see the horse getting back on his feet and rubbing his nose.

"How dare you." He grumbled as he stood up to his full height.

I growled I stepped forwards squaring up to the horse when he landed one good punch to my jaw and then another to my stomach.

I dropped to the ground and coughed before looking up at the equine.

"My turn." I smirked as I swept his legs out from under him and let him fall back against the floor and stood one foot upon his chest, drew my pistol, and pointed it towards his head.

"Midnight what are you doing?" Jesse squeaked.

"Midnight...as in Commander Midnight, as in Midnight Blackivar?"

" As a matter of fact, it is Captain Blackivar these days and I know who you are too, Lieutenant Liborne. You are an absolute disgrace to the uniform, now then, you are going to get your clothes and you are going to walk out of here and you will get to leave with your life intact. Also, I will not speak a word of this when it comes to your next promotion do we understand one another?" I growled as I ground my foot paw into his chest.

Jesse had gotten out of the bed as we had started to fight and he now stood between us,

"Stop it, you don't love me, you're just getting in my way, please, just leave." His ears were flat against his head, and he would not look at me.

My heart burned, I had missed my chance, I should have told him how I felt so much sooner, I should have put my arm around him, I should not have shouted at him for putting up the tree. Sighing I holstered my pistol, took my foot off Liborne's chest, and allowed the equine to stand up again.

"I'm sorry Jesse." I said and walked away from the room.

"Yeah, me too." He replied before closing the hotel room door.

I walked from the hotel into the Christmas market, I stopped off at the mulled wine stall and knocked back four glasses before they asked me to leave. I walked around the other stalls looking at the hand-crafted gifts on sale. I was not entirely sure why I was here, I guess a part of me was trying to get me into the "Festive mood." A means to prove Jesse wrong.

That is when I heard it, from behind me,

"Midnight, Midnight wait!" I stopped and turned around, I could not see very well through the crowd of people and the mulled wine sure was not helping but slowly he came into view. Jesse was squeezing his way past people to get to me.

I started to make my way towards him too and soon enough we met in the middle of the market.

"Hey." He panted as he stopped in front of me.

"Hi." I replied clumsily.

"Midnight, did you mean what you said, like I mean truly mean it, do you love me?"

"Yes." I could not think of what else to say, though my brain and heart wanted me too.

"Liborne told me you saved a general's son, is that true?" Jesse asked.

"Yes, it's true."

"Why did you save him, Liborne also said that the general hated you."

"He did and I save his kid because that was what I was ordered to do, it was my job."

"Is that why you saved me, I'm a job you need to get done?"

Jesse would not look at me, so I put a finger under his chin and tilted his head back so that I could see into those beautiful eyes.

"Do you know what I found out the day you left?" I asked and Jesse shook his head,

"I discovered that I make really shit coffee." Jesse looked at me confused,

"Cinnamon, when you added cinnamon to my coffee it tasted amazing, you are my cinnamon, Jesse. On my own, I'm awful, I'm dark, thick and nasty but when I'm with you, I'm different, I know it's taken a long time to show, I guess I wouldn't allow myself to believe I was changing for the better but I was, I was better because of you."

Jesse stood in front of me for a few moments looking me up and down as if judging what it was he was going to do next. Then he raised his arms and came closer towards me, I was not about to let this second chance slip away, I met him halfway and brought him into my arms and held him tight.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't say something sooner, I'm sorry I shouted at you about the decorations, I know now that you were only trying to help."

Jesse smiled a little and looks up at me, I decided it was not a clever idea to ignore my urges at this point and leaned down pressing my lips to his and felt his press back against my own. A shock ran down my spine and my tail bristled. How could I have nearly turned this sensation down. Time slowed down around us and nothing else mattered in this moment except him. Then suddenly everything sped up as my ears twitched at a familiar sound, a shot. People had begun running and screaming to get out of the way, I searched around the area quickly trying to locate the shooter.

I heard another shot, followed by a thump, my shoulder began to throb, and I turned around and saw the Weasel coming towards me gun drawn. I reached for me own gun and yelled for Jesse to get behind me and take cover. The Weasel shot again but it missed though it did shower me in splinters, I fired back and got off two shots.

"Give me that slut!" He screamed.

"Over my dead body!" I yelled back,

"Works for me soldier boy!" He called back and fired again.

"That little tart just walked away from my biggest score of the year, I actually had to give him a refund, can you believe it, bastard had a gun already drawn on me, so now, I'm going to take what's mine, put it to work and get all my money back before the new year, hell I might even have enough left over to get me a new coat, or maybe, I'll just take your's."

He walked closer and closer towards where Jesse and I had taken cover as he talked. I could hear sirens in the distance, and I could feel the warmth of my own blood running down my arm and dripping from my fingertips.

"Midnight, you're bleeding." Jesse exclaimed.

"I'm fine, just stay down." I replied and peered over the top of the stall and saw the Weasel searching the Christmas Market.

"Stay here." I told Jesse and moved around to get a better shot, I saw the Weasel stand up from behind another counter and I had the best angle I was going to get at this point. I stood up and pointed my gun towards him.

"Drop your weapon!" I yelled.

He fired two shots, the first missed, the second slammed into my shoulder again. My body moved with the force, but I was able to remain standing.

"Die soldier boy!" The Weasel yelled just as I raised my gun again and then put five bullets centre mass into the weasel.

The Weasel dropped his gun and slid into a heap on the floor, I made my own weapon safe and put it down on the Mulled Wine, counter and waited for the police to arrive. Jesse sat beside me as I held a towel to my wounds.

"Back at the hotel, would you really have shot him?" Jesse asked.

"Who?" I asked back.


I nodded, "If he had hurt you in some way, then yes, I would have shot him and yes I would have killed him, Jesse I'm not just pretending to have these feelings, I was angry that anyone would want to treat you that way."

"Why, surely you were going to do the same thing weren't you?"

"Actually no, initially I didn't have any interest of that kind in you. If I had I would have preferred it was on your terms, not on mine and mine alone."

"You really don't care about my past?" Jesse asked

"Your past is maybe what you had to do in order to stay alive, but you don't need to live like that any longer I want you in my life Jesse."

Before he could say anything, the police had arrived, we were separated for a bit until we bother gave our version of events. Fortunately for me, despite most people running away some had stuck around and had gotten most of the gunfight with the weasel on their phones so everything I said was backed up by video evidence. The police called an ambulance for my wounds and whilst I waited for the medics to finish Jesse came back over.

He observed my bandaged shoulder with the two red marks seeping through the material. He smiled for a moment but then his smile dropped.

"You're not exactly very good at this White Knight stuff are you, please tell me you did a better job of rescuing that general's son."

"Nope, I got shot way more."

"You're kidding?" Jesse asked.

"Nope, two in my left leg, one in the chest and one in my left leg." I replied.

Jesse looked at me with a curious look on his face,

"You said left leg twice."

"Mulled wine." I replied simply,

"Besides, I'm not really much of a white knight, my armour needs some major polishing, I'm more of a grey knight."

Jesse chuckled and shook his head,

"What am I going to do with you?"

I shrugged my shoulders lightly which caused me to wince and both of us chuckled. The ambulance crew finished patching me up and allowed me to go home. Jesse came with naturally and we spent the night together in my bed.

The following morning my nose twitched to a familiar scent, one that I was happy to smell in my home again, cinnamon coffee. I winced as I tried to sit up in bed and felt a gentle hand upon my injured shoulder.

"No, you'll just open your wound again, here, let me help." Jesse said as he stood beside me and helped me to sit up in bed before handing over one of the steaming hot mugs of coffee. I took a sip, and a smile came to my face instantly.

"As good as you remember?" He asked.

"Better." I replied and gave Jesse a kiss on his cheek.

For a few days I stayed at home to rest and heal, I had introduced Jesse to Sabre and Rusty, it was pretty hard not to considering my little skirmish with the weasel had become newsworthy. Jesse was spending his time helping Rusty and Sabre look after their kids when he was not at home nursing me.

Once I was fit enough to start walking around again, I took Jesse shopping at the fanciest shopping centre in the city, I started by going from store-to-store picking things up and occasionally checking Jesse's size for reference.

"Uh Midnight, what exactly are you buying that you need my sizes?"

"uh uh, not telling until Christmas day." I smiled

"But...I thought..."

"I was wrong about that too, now come on help me pick out a nice big chicken, uhm you are ok with chicken, right?" I smiled when Jesse nodded and took him by the hand into the grocery store, his face must have been a picture from the number of ladies who occasionally awed at the sight of his hand in mine.

As we were making our way out of the centre we stopped by a cart selling mince meat pies and mulled wine next to a group of carollers.

"I'll have two of each please." I said and paid the Polar Bear staffing the cart.

"Midnight, you've spent so much already." Jesse protested when I handed him the pie and the glass.

"Listen I've got much more where that came from and if I can't spend it to help make someone special happy, then what is the point in keeping it?"

Jesse smiled and shook his head slightly at my question, we got a taxi home due to the many bags we had, when we got inside, we put all of the presents to one side and put the groceries away into the fridge, freezer and cupboards. It was late now and Jesse walked towards the spare room when we went upstairs but stopped when I cleared my throat.

"Why don't you spend the night with me tonight, it is really cold and I didn't get any logs for the fires."

His eyes seemed to sparkle when he smiled and quickly bounced into the room and dove under the covers giggling.

That night sharing a bed with Jesse had to be the most peaceful night's sleep I have ever had in my entire life. No worries, no stress, no nightmares just bliss and a cute rabbit snuggled in at my side.

The next morning I woke up to find the bed was empty, I rubbed my eyes and checked again, sure enough Jesse wasn't there, perhaps it had all been a dream?

"Ow!" Nope there is the pain from the bullet wounds so that part was very real. It was whilst I nursed my shoulder that my ears twitched to the sound of giggling children and movement downstairs, then that scent hit my nose like a freight train, Cinnamon.

I turned my head and there on the bedside was a mug of steaming hot coffee and an envelope. I sat up and opened the envelope and found a thank you card inside. I sat the open card in my lap and took a sip from the mug of coffee.

"Dear Midnight, thank you so much for everything, there are few people in this world who would do what you have done for me, you have given me hope, joy and in a small way love too. I've enjoyed staying with you but because you won't allow me to repay you, the way I would normally repay someone, I've found it hard to think of what I could do to show you my gratitude, so meet me downstairs when you're ready."

I blinked and closed the card before looking up to see a new bathrobe on the chair next to a lit fire place. That seemed a little odd since I had not bought any firewood last night or took the time to light a fire. Getting up I put on the new bath robe and made my way slowly downstairs where the smell of cooking was unmistakable. When I reached the bottom step, I was almost knocked over by two young Huskies who apologised as they ran past me.

"Sorry uncle Midnight." They called out

I walked into the kitchen and saw Rusty standing over my stove looking very hot and busy.

"Midnight how many times get out of my kitchen when I'm cooking."

"Uhm I hate to bust your bubble fly boy, but I think you'll find this is my kitchen."

"OUT!" He growled and pointed with his finger.

"Ok, ok no need to get so...wait what are you even doing here?"

"Ah let me explain that bit." Sabre mused as he put his hands on my shoulders and walked me away from the kitchen and towards the lounge.

"You see Midnight, your little bunny friend is sociable unlike your good self, and he told us everything."

"Everything?" I asked feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Everything, you still can't shoot at close range for shit, can you?" Sabre teased.

"So Rusty, Jesse and I had an idea and here we are."

I was always bemused when Sabre spoke at speed but as I looked into the lounge I saw Jesse standing next to the tree in a very cute little Santa outfit, most likely fitted for a girl but he pulled it off amazingly. He looked up with those dazzling blue eyes and held up a present in his little hands.

"Merry Christmas, Midnight."

I looked back over my shoulder at Sabre, "You set this up didn't you?"

"Actually the outfit was Rusty's idea but the rest is mostly me, the other half is your little Bunny's brain child."

I stepped forwards after handing Sabre the mug of coffee and placed my hands over Jesse's and held onto the present with him. He smiled and the pair of us began opening the wrapping paper and took the lid from the box to find mistletoe in the box. I sighed and laughed as did Jesse when we both looked at Sabre.

"What I'm a classic romantic."

Chuckling through my embarrassment I took hold of the mistletoe and held it above our heads before I kissed those soft lips once again.

"I actually have a present just for you, well two actually..." I said as I fished around in the pockets of the bath robe and produced a small parcel and handed it to Jesse.

"Here, Merry...Christmas, that still feel a little weird by the way."

"When did you have the time to wrap this?" Jesse asked.

"Never mind that, come on, open it."

Jesse beamed and tore into the wrapping before lifting the lid on the box and looked up at me in disbelief and then back down at the box.

"This...isn't some kind of joke, is it?" He stammered.

Putting my arms back around his lithe waist I shook my head.

"No Jesse, that is a key to this front door, I want you to stay with me but I also want you to come and go as you please."

"Midnight...I...I don't know what to say..."

"Thank you will do..." I smiled.

Jesse practically pounced me and I groaned slightly as it hurt my shoulder a little.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, it's fine, I'm glad you're happy, I just have one more gift, just for you."

"You do?"

I nodded

"I will waive any sense of repayment you think you owe me if you will answer me one simple question."

"Uhm ok, I think." He fumbled around with his outfit seeming very nervous about the question.

"Jesse...will you...be my mate?"

Jesse just stopped dead and starred at me, I began to worry, wondering if perhaps I'd over stepped some sort of line.

"Midnight....yes...yes a thousand times yes..." He threw himself at me once again and cried into my shoulder. I gritted my teeth at the slight twinge of pain but held him there none the less.

"From now until the rest of our lives Jesse, this will always be your home and I will always be here for you. "

(Please Read and Review)