Mistaken Night

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Winter can be a lonely time of year, and it is better shared with a friend, but a quiet misunderstanding leads to crossed lips and excited yearning. A mistake is not always a bad thing.

Winter flowed over Lungmen in shades of deep gray and white. Thick clouds meandered over the nomadic city covering the moon entirely while flakes of snow trailed downward to frost concrete buildings and sidewalks alike. The crowds from above traveled in tight groups wearing heavy coats and scarves, clothes keeping them insulated from the chill of Winter. Even in the cold, the people in Lungmen continued with business as usual. Neon lights trailed through the commercial districts providing no warmth, but a little direction toward the little places where folk could find what they needed. Steam flowed from kiosks, stalls, and carts selling the local flavor of the streets and providing warmth to whoever sat down for a little word or two. Lungmen bloomed even in the snow, life pulsing even in the quietest corners. A feline wandered through the crowds at a steady pace, no one disturbing her as she weaved through the thicket of people. She wore rounded glasses covering amber eyes, a long coat cloaking most of her form while heavy boots padded through the snowy sidewalk and streets. There were a few people in the stalls who waved to her, and she gave a small smile and nod in return while passing by. She wandered over bridges with a drunken man about to tip over into a body of water, and she caught him right before he fell with one hand. As she pulled him onto his feet and dusted him off, she lectured him until the red of his cheeks had faded just a little bit, but even then he simply laughed and thanked her before trotting off with a little stumble. With a sigh, she ran a hand through her tousled hair to get rid of the snow from the orange, black, and white before she turned her tail and continued walking. The stores were brighter than ever this time of year, the warm lights pouring out of the windows glowing against the snowflakes falling all around. Mr. Lee had told her to go out and enjoy herself while he took care of business for a few days, but that had left her with very little to do. She liked working, and she enjoyed training, but his express instructions had been to take a break. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate the consideration, at the same time, she didn't like being idle. No classes. No detective work. And Mr. Lee had even told her to take it easy on the sparring, so no training. She might've appreciated the vacation a bit more if Mr. Lee had been with her to ease some of this boredom, but he had to go off by himself on something she could have been helping with. Of course, she wasn't bitter, not even a little, but she couldn't help but pout internally just a bit. Hung and Aak had decided to have a lazy day, and evening, and she had gotten restless even trying to keep up with that amount of nothing, so here she was. Out and about walking through Lungmen hoping to find something to do.

With a sigh pointed toward the heavens, she found herself ready to go back and force her friends into any sort of activity at all when she heard a crash from around a corner. Her ears perked, her pupils honing in on the direction of the sound before they grew. Waai Fu moved quietly, the snow barely disturbed under her steps as she rounded the corner into an alleyway. She kept on moving down the long alley, the only light a single lamp hanging above a door. Her steps stopped at the edge of the corner, her ears poking out slowly before her eyes looked out toward the scene unfolding before her.

A cart sat near a wall glowing with a few warm lights hanging above it. The smell of clean oil and fried seafood wafted over to her, but what she noticed most was the fact that there were several men standing in front of the cart that did not look like customers. One of them stood at the front of the cart obscuring the view of the owner, one hand holding a knife, the other slammed onto the metallic surface of the cart. Her eyes narrowed as she leaned around the corner just a bit, the voices becoming a bit more clear as her ears focused on the words trailing through the air.

"Whose your boss? A suspicious lookin' fella like you out in the dark must be doin' something shady. Either way, this territory doesn't belong to you, and you need to pay up if you want to operate here." Came the gruff response of the tiger making the threats.

There was a response from the owner of the cart too quiet for her to hear, made even more difficult to hear as the tiger slammed his hand on the cart again.

"Just selling food? The fuck you expect us to believe that when you picked such a shady location while lookin' like that? So, how about you put down your knife and pay up for doing business in our neck of the woods?"

That was all she needed to hear. Violence between two rival gangs could not be allowed to go unpunished, and more so if one of them was trying to impersonate a regular food cart. What would happen if someone stumbled on this expecting food only to find drugs, or who knows what? Waai Fu could see Mr. Lee chiding her with a wagging finger and a small smirk already, and could hear him clearly saying that he had told her to take a break, but justice did not rest. She opened her coat and pushed her hands through the inner pockets to pull out a pair of knives with knuckle dusters rounding her fingers and without hesitation, Waai Fu charged into the fray.

"The fuck you mean just a chef's knife? That thing looks nastier than the little pig sticker I got in my hand right now!"

A loud crack interrupted the conversation, Waai Fu's boot connecting squarely with the tiger's chin sending him sprawling across the floor. Everyone in attendance stood in shock before they began fumbling in their pockets for weapons. She darted through the small crowd and smashed a fist into the gut of a woman pulling out a crossbow before she turned to duck a bat being swung by a slab of yelling meat. She leaped into the air with her knee raised and struck him in the chest and he crumpled to the floor wheezing now instead of yelling. The others looked shaken after three of their own had been taken down, but a rather brave girl with a short sword came charging in. Waai Fu ducked and darted, raising her fist to deflect a few blows with her knives before she returned fire with a flurry of her own. She couldn't let any of them recover, couldn't let any of them realize that she was only one girl in the middle of a bunch of thugs. Her leg lashed out as she turned while avoiding a vertical slice, her heel colliding with the girl's cheek sending her crashing into the cart. When she turned again, the rest of the group were picking up their wounded and dragging them away. This was her element, this was where she thrived, and already it seemed like it was over. That being said, this wasn't for entertainment, this was a genuine street brawl and one that she needed to take seriously. She relaxed for a moment only to tense as she turned in time to watch the girl get up, before the sword flew from her hands landing harmlessly in the snow. As the final assailant fell over, she prepared herself to face the one that would be brave enough to help her knowing that no amount of help would be enough to stop her from doling out justice. A kindness could be repaid with a word or two at the very least. As she brought her fists up into a stance and peered at the visage of the owner of the cart to address whoever it was, her entire body froze. She frowned, the expression dipping lower as she relaxed and put away her weapons.

Waving at her with a meek little arc was a very familiar face, half of which was hidden by the neck of a coat. She took a deep breath and while she buttoned up, exhaled, "I see. So at the center of trouble I find you, again, in a dangerous little corner just asking for everything to go wrong."

A little smile peaked over the collar of the coat as her friend Jaye replied quietly, "That seems to be the case. All I came here to do was sell a little food to the workers that come out the warehouses nearby. Figured they'd appreciate it, and they did."

Despite herself, Waai Fu smiled while leaning over the cart, "And you got mistaken for a shady individual again."

He rubbed his head, his tiny smile fading beyond her sight while his silver eyes peered elsewhere. Jaye was a humanoid ursus with pallid skin and hair like rain clouds rounded by two ursine ears shaded in a similar color. His eyes were always underlined with dark circles, and even now in this jovial conversation, he had a quiet and somehow dangerous aura about him. Was it the fact that his neutral stare looked so piercing? Or the fact that he held a chef's knife in a manner that suggested he had some martial training? Regardless, Waai Fu knew that he was an honest fellow with honest goals in mind, but that certainly did not stop him from getting into trouble.

"So what brings you around?" Jaye said, cutting through the silence.

Adrenaline fading from the initial encounter, she pushes her boot through a pile of snow while sniffing, "Oh, you know. Mr. Lee gave me a bit of time off, and so I figured I'd take a walk around and see if anything interested me in the shops."

Jaye set his knife down and set his arms at the edge of the cart, "So you're bored?"

She frowned and thought about arguing with that, before she simply sighed, "Yes. Entirely. I don't like being idle. Mr. Lee is probably going to tut-tut me about fighting on my day off, but sitting still doesn't suit me unless I've done something to warrant it." She then scoffed, "And the nerve of him! He told Rhodes Island I was on a week of rest and relaxation so they won't sign me on for any missions." Her arms crossed while she shut her eyes and muttered her last bit of irritation, "He even went off on his own on a job telling us that he'd handle it on his own."

A hum escaped her friend, one of her eyes opening to peer at him, "Must be lonely without Mr. Lee around. Aak and Hung must be feeling the same way on the inside somewhere. You four are pretty tight-knit, after all."

Jaye's passive face and small smile made it difficult to argue and fuss, so instead, she blew out, "Yeah, you're not wrong. If we're taking a break, then he should be too. I'm more worried when he actually takes the initiative instead of just leaving it to us, because usually that means he's handling something that he thinks is bigger than us. That, and well, yeah. He's kind of like family. They all are."

"And you're bored out of your mind without something to do because the other two are lazing about." Said Jaye with a nod.

Despite her mounting irritation, she smiled while responding, "Yes. I'm extremely bored." While tilting her head and looking toward her friend, she notes aloud, "And I can't help but notice that you aren't all that busy right now."

Jaye looks down at his pristine-looking cart and tools before nodding, "I just got done cleaning everything before I got mistaken for a criminal again."

She rubbed at the back of her head while looking away, "Hm, well, I saw a little cafe a few blocks back out of this corner. Would you want to go?"

For a moment, Jaye froze before beginning quietly, "Just us two?"

"Yes. If Mr. Lee really wants me to take it easy then I might as well enjoy my evening with someone, and well, relax at a nice place." She said with a sigh.

Jaye rubbed his neck while muttering, "Guess that sounds nice does seem a bit like a--."

Waai Fu claps her hands together before he could finish, "Perfect. Now then, let's get going before your friend sleeping next to your cart wakes up."

She motions toward the unconscious woman and the discarded short blade while Jaye nods slowly and pockets his knife in his coat before stepping around the cart. That was one reason why people thought Jaye was a bit suspicious. Even when he wasn't at his cart, he had his knife with him at all times and that thing did look sharper than any chef's knife had any right to be. If only it were just the knife. Jaye didn't just know how to cut and clean fish with that thing, he knew how to use it as an effective weapon in a manner that suggested he had been trained. Even she respected his skill with it, but Jaye seemed oblivious to this fact, making her wonder if the one who had taught him had done it without his knowledge somehow. Regardless, to her, Jaye was just another life in Lungmen trying to get to where he wanted to be, another innocent soul that belonged to these streets. He was a good friend, and she would treasure this evening with him, even if he seemed a bit flustered right now for some reason.

As they stepped back over the bridge and headed onward toward the stores and lights surrounded by little crowds, Waai Fu began sifting through something Jaye had said. Lonely. Yeah, she was a bit lonely. It always felt that way when Mr. Lee was gone, always felt that way when any of her loved ones were away, but there were certain things that simple friends could not satisfy. She wanted to wake up in the arms of another during this type of cold, to sip something warm while leaning against another bare body while occasionally parting from the mug to share little kisses. Typically, she had her work to focus on, had university to worry about, and without any of that, she could spend time on overthinking. She would rather not be found drunk in Mr. Lee's office again bemoaning her absent bastard of a father, and she didn't want to bother Mr. Lee with her small problems, so she would find her own way to break through this loneliness even if she was annoyed with him for leaving without giving her the chance to follow. In truth, she didn't know many people that she could relax with on a more intimate level. The Rhodes Island folk were nice but she didn't know any of them in that manner, and well, Aak and Hung were like family to her and it would be extremely embarrassing to go to either of them with this. She wouldn't hate it, but her pride was a fickle and stupid thing. Even now she could have asked Jaye on a proper date, but instead, she had just asked if he wanted some coffee. Now that she thought about it, Jaye probably would have been into the idea of doing something more intimate if she asked, but asking for something like that out of the blue would make her seem desperate, and it would embarrass her to no end.

Her thoughts must have been leaking into her expression. It surely must have been because Jaye's voice soon appeared with a gentle touch on her shoulder, "Hey, hey there. You okay? You've been staring blankly into the sky this entire time."

Hm, so she had. Perhaps she was just a little bit too into her own thoughts, and so she decided to break out of them and breathe out, "Sorry about that. Just thinking about how dull this Winter has been."

"Must really be that dull for you to fall asleep while standing up. You're a bit more alert than that, aren't you?" Jaye muttered.

She looked toward him with a sharp frown, her arms crossed, "I did not fall asleep while standing up."

A small smile peeked out the collar of his coat as he pointed with a thumb toward something outside of her vision, "Yup, you fell asleep while leading the way."

Waai Fu followed the direction of his pointing thumb to see the cafe standing in front of them. She placed a hand on the glass door and huffed, "Like I said, I was lost in thought, not asleep. If something had happened then I would have been perfectly alert."

Jaye chuckled quietly, "I know. Anyone walking with you is always safe. That's never a concern, but I did worry that you might hit your chin if you kept on looking up. Wanna talk about what's on your mind?"

She looked at him and thought about it for a moment, thought about actually saying it outwardly, but instead, she brought a finger up to her glasses to straighten them before pushing through the front door, "I'll think about it."

The interior of the cafe was awash in styling from far-off cultures. The floors and walls were made of darkened woods, the tables a lighter sheen. Lungmen welcomed anyone regardless of who they had been or who they were, and this place was no different selling coffee from Bolivar. Alongside the scent of roasted and rich coffee, were the sweetened smells of various pastries that were displayed near the front behind a veil of glass. She could hear cups being set down, clinking with their tinny noise joined by the general buzz of people carrying on quiet conversations. This wasn't a fancy restaurant, but even then there was a tiny woman with canine ears there to take them to a table with a big smile, and a menu each. They sat by the window together, and her eyes peered out toward the snowy gloom for a moment before she turned her attention toward ordering something.

Their steaming mugs came not long after they ordered. For herself, she got something sweet and yet bitter, filled with chocolate and covered by a layer of cream making her wonder if it was coffee at all, but when she pulled it up to her face she could clearly smell that rich flavor waiting for her to take a sip once it cooled a little bit. She raised her eyes to see that Jaye had a similar mixture, but even from where she sat she could smell something like cinnamon. Oddly enough, there was something off about him still. He had seemed flustered when she asked him to go to the cafe, and though that had faded during his little moment of concern for her, his eyes were averted and his cheeks were flushed with just a little pink yet again.

When about half of their mugs had been drained, Jaye asked quietly, "So, what were you thinking about?"

Her ears twitched, and her eyes shut as she held her mug in two hands, "What was I thinking about? Guess you're watching me just a bit too closely, huh?" When he began to mutter out an excuse, she smiled and cut him off, "It's fine. I'm glad that you're paying attention, and that you care enough to listen even when I'm not saying anything. We already talked about it briefly."

As she opened an eye to peer at him, Jaye set his mug down, fingers tapping the rim as he hummed, "Bored and lonely, was that it?"

Waai Fu didn't mention what else she had been thinking, but she nodded with a sigh, "Yes. That's all. Although, I'll say I'm glad to spend time with you. There aren't many people that I can just sit with. Most seem to be intimidated by me, and even if you were, you certainly don't show it."

Jaye shrugs while peering away, "Can't say that I don't know what it's like with people being intimidated for no reason, but uh, well. You're a good friend. You've sat with me while I've sold my goods, talked with me, and helped me run the cart a few times too. It isn't just helping me out with people harassing me. You're a good person and well, I'm glad we have this chance even if I feel a bit awkward about it."

She blinked and tilted her head, "Awkward, why would you feel awkward about this outing?"

Their eyes met for a moment, and she set her mug down slowly as he reached over to grab her hand, squeezing gingerly. He got up from his seat while muttering, "Maybe you're right."

Her entire body froze, the fur of her tail frizzing as he clutched her hand tight and leaned in close enough that they were just mere breaths apart. He stopped for a few seconds as if thinking about what he was doing, before he set his lips against hers. Thoughts burned through her mind fast enough that she could not process them, her heart thumping quicker for each second spent locked in this warm embrace. His thumb passing over the top of her hand added a mild electric addition to the kiss that had her trembling for just a second before she reigned it in. When he pulled his mouth away, they watched each other for a few seconds before the fluster returned to his face, red and bright.

"Was that too much for a first date?" He asked quietly.

Waai Fu realized the implications that he had been suggesting before, but now it was too late to make any corrections. Even then, she should make some sort of correction. She opened her mouth a few times before finally shaking her head, "Not at all, but Jaye. I think you need to understand that I didn't take you out on a date. I just wanted a bit of company." Before he pulled away, she held onto his hand and leaned up while whispering, "But that bravery of yours is something I will treasure this evening."

And their lips locked again. Firmer this time, her own passion pushed into it now that she wasn't surprised. Her other hand moved to touch his cheek still warm with the heat of the mug she had been holding. She could taste cinnamon and coffee, heat and quiet desire, salt and sugar mixing together in the loveliest of ways. Their lips finally parted with a thin clear line snapping between them. Every single sound had been deafened in the cafe during their kiss, and as they had parted, each sound began to come alive again, making her realize where they were.

She leaned back in her seat as Jaye returned to his. Jaye unbuttoned his coat and fidgeted a few times as if uncomfortable from the sudden warmth of their interaction. She brought her mug up to her mouth and peered out the window while wondering just how stupid she was for taking it that far. He thought it had been a first date, and he thought that it would be their first kiss together, and now she had tainted it with something a bit more heated than that, but even still she wanted more and found herself smiling from the energy building within her. Honesty was the best policy. She continued to smile as she finished the rest of her coffee, setting it down slowly before she made a decision aloud.

"This isn't a date, I never meant for it to be that, but I did think about asking you for something more intimate than that."

"More intimate than a date?" He muttered quietly.

She shrugged, a small smirk on her lips despite the warmth on her cheeks growing, "Like you said, I'm lonely and bored tonight, and like I said, I don't know many people who aren't intimidated by me. So I was hoping to ask for something that could keep me entertained until the morning, but I might've been a bit too embarrassed." Waai Fu then winked, "But that little kiss of yours ignited something within me."

Jaye looked down at his mug, parsing what she was saying bit by bit until recognition spread across his face in the form of a crimson fluster, his mouth opening to utter, "You'd really want to do that with me?"

Waai Fu nodded, "Why not? We've known each other a while, and you're a good friend of mine."

"And you're too embarrassed to ask Hung or Aak." He added bluntly.

Her smirk turned into a small frown as she crossed her arms, "They'd never let me live it down." She then breathed out as she relaxed, her hands again touching the rim of her mug, "So, will you play with me tonight?"

His answer came in the form of his hand atop hers again for a brief moment. Jaye got up from his seat, fingers working to get the buttons of his coat back on, and she rose to join him. Together, they paid for their drinks at the front before stepping out in the cold again. It felt just a bit more intense thanks to the heat of the cafe, and the warmth of the moment that had visited them. They stood for a little bit just outside the cafe hand in hand, his warmth pulsing against her digits. So she had popped the question, he hadn't given her a proper answer, but they were standing here hand in hand.

"A hotel?" He asked quietly.

She nodded, "That'd be perfect, but--"

When he raised a brow toward her to see what she meant, she squeezed his hand just a bit tighter and brought him around the corner of the cafe and into a darkened alley. She pulled him just enough so they were out of sight before she clasped his face in her hands and pressed his mouth to hers. The heat that she had felt from just those two short kisses had been too much. She needed something right now to satiate her appetite before they kept on moving. That taste of cinnamon again ran across her tongue, their lips melded together as his hands began to grope and grasp along her coat. He found his way just under her coat where her hips awaited, her tail flicking back and forth as he pushed back against her kiss and dipped his tongue into her mouth. What warmth she secured was not enough.

Both of her hands moved up along her front to undo the buttons of her coat, letting it open as she pressed closer to him. His eyes peered open wide for a second before turning back to those same tired half-moons she knew so well. Tongue to tongue, lip to lip they remained for a few more seconds before they parted once more to breathe. Her shoulders were tensed, her chest rising and falling. His hands were still at her hips trembling just a bit while her digits drifted to begin unbuttoning his coat the same way she had done for her own, and he remained still while she kissed his cheek and ear, a purr escaping her. When she opened his coat, she let her hand drift between his legs to press against the firmness of his arousal, her digits tracing the length of that growing bulge while she allowed the heat to take her.

Coats opened, gazes locked together; she breathed in and then out. Waai Fu kept her fingers between his legs, but she took a step back and blew out, "Sorry, I got a little bit carried away there."

Jaye's hands remained on her hips while he caught his breath, words in between huffs, "Apology not required, but I mean, it seems a bit risky, right? Just doing it out here like this?"

She had to smile just a bit, her cheeks burning a bit more as she muttered, "Did you think I was going to go all the way out here?"

He grimaced and looked away while muttering, "With how intense you were, yeah, kind of."

Fingers tightening around his bulge, Waai Fu purred, "And would you have tried to stop me?"

When he didn't say anything at all, mischief and passion began to rise inside of her as she began working the fly of his pants. The zipper came down slowly, and yet, he did not stop her. Next, her fingers pulled apart the button locking his fly together before she spread it all apart. She dipped her hand into his pants and hooked onto his boxers tugging it down to let his cock out into the cool air between them. He shuddered while she did this, while she stared at his throbbing shaft, and her heart raced. This was an act of pure indecency, but her passion had gotten the better of her, her excitement burning to new heights as she found someone to meld with. It wasn't just that either. Jaye was normally so passive, so quiet, but his cheeks were in full bloom, his mouth ajar letting little puffs of steam out into the air.

Quietly, she muttered, "Ask me to suck your dick. Don't chicken out now."

Jaye's ears perked, but instead of faltering, he breathed out, "Get down and suck my dick before someone sees us."

A small smile curved at the corner of her mouth as she crouched down, a few words escaping her with mock irritation, "Such a pervert making me do this out in the open. Any other requests before I get this over with?"

"Lift your sweater and show me your chest." He said without faltering.

It seemed as though he had regained enough composure to return to that quiet and calm disposition even in this situation. Perhaps he thought she wouldn't do it. Breathing out mist and lust just a few inches away from his cock, Waai Fu fidgeted with her coat and the sweater underneath, getting her arms through and her hands behind her to unhook her bra. She could feel the sounds of the world growing more intense, the steps outside of the alley crunching just a bit louder as she slipped her arms through the loops of her bra. As she tugged her sweater up and pulled her bra away, her chest fell free against the chilly air. Waai Fu's breasts weren't huge, but they were perked and just big enough to fit in the palms of someone's hands.

The mist flowing from his mouth seemed to increase, one of his arms tucked under his chest, the other jutting upward with his hand holding onto his mouth as if he could stifle the heat flowing from his lips. His cheeks were scarlet, his eyes peering down at her with an intensity that she had not expected. Her hand slowly grasped onto his shaft, her mouth planting a kiss on the tip.

And with that kiss, she purred, "There's no need to hold back. I'm strong, remember?"

Though he shuddered again, one of his hands moved to loop digits through her hair at the back of her hair while she began her work in earnest. One claw lowered his boxers just a bit more to reveal his balls while her mouth began planting kisses along the side of his member. Each inch of heat was traced by her mouth until she got to the base. Her tongue slipped out, mist flowing from her maw as she trailed all the way back up to the tip of his cock before heading back down again. She repeated this a few times before heading down to his balls. Each orb was lifted by her tongue before she suckled on them, the silver fuzz of his sac doing nothing to deter her as she drank in that warmth radiating off of him. His fingers tensed through her hair as she did this before tightening further as she grabbed hold of his cock to begin stroking it gingerly. While her fingers moved, she pressed her nose to the base of his shaft around the side while her tongue idled against his balls letting drool serve as her lube for his pleasure. At the same time, she used this slow pace to observe his shaft and take in every little detail. Not the biggest she had, but the girth pulsed against her hand and she wondered how much he would stretch her. At the same time, she drew in the heat of his cock through her nostrils, that warmth bubbling in her core as she kept her nose to his shaft. Rich scents of coffee still lingered around him, but there were hints of salt and work there on him, of the kitchen clinging to him even under his clothes. His work ethic had always been respectable, and catching it clearly even hints of his scent made her smile as she continued working his shaft.

The movements of her hand were slow and deliberate, gentle before squeezing at the tip. She repeated these motions even though they were out in public, even though her heart was beating just a bit faster because of that fact. Sure, it added a little bit of intrigue to what they were doing, but for her, it was Jaye's reaction that sold this. She peered up on occasion to see him fidgeting about, the mist of his breath flowing as he turned his head to the opening of the alley before peering back down at her. Once more he looked away, and with that, she decided to speed things up a bit just for him. Her hand moved off of his shaft, her lips crawling to the tip of his cock bit by bit. She closed her mouth over the tip and shut her eyes, her body trembling while her hands moved between her legs. Button and zipper were taken care of easily, her digits sliding along her crotch to head down and between her legs to slide inside her heat to pleasure herself as she bobbed her head down to take half of his cock into her mouth. The throbbing of his warmth against her tongue sent shivers through her body while her fingers dug deep inside of herself. Two, for now, slid inside rolling and twisting against her inner walls producing little pulses of pleasure. While her eyes were closed and while she moved her mouth over his thick shaft, she couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to have him inside of her raw.

Waai Fu brought a few more inches of his shaft into her mouth, a part of her wanting to pull away to ask if he'd like to dip his cock inside of her cunt instead of her throat, but instead, she kept on bobbing her head back and forth with her tongue pressed firmly against the bottom of his shaft. His breaths came with little gasps and huffs, his hand at the back of her head tensed and moved around one of her ears to grip tightly before he tugged. Her nose met his crotch earlier than she had expected, but she didn't gag, and certainly wasn't complaining as she kept her eyes closed. Slowly, she brought her head back before starting a steady rhythm, that rhythm interrupted whenever he grunted and yanked her head back down again. Each one of those yanks was rewarded with faster movement, a line of warm pre painting her tongue making her wonder just how close he was. That little emission drove her fantasies as she thought of getting up right now and bending over for him, as she thought of the possibility of pushing him down and riding him until he blew his load inside of her. The right thing to do was to suggest a condom, but she already knew what she liked, and what she enjoyed was being filled to the brim with heat and passion alike.

The same accounted for what was in her mouth. Waai Fu loved the heat of his shaft throbbing against her tongue, loved the feeling of his hips occasionally pushing, his fingers tightening before tugging on her ear and hair. Her pace stopped as she found her head being held in place, his cock twitching wildly against her tongue. Was he about to finish? Instead, he pulled her mouth up and away slowly, his hand moving to her cheek. She kept her tongue out against the tip of his shaft, warm drool dripping onto it. One eye opened to peer up at him, to see that one of his hands was pumping his cock against her tongue. With her fingers digging deep inside of her, with her legs shivering from the pleasure as he prepared to paint her mouth and tongue; she could get up right now and ask him to paint her insides instead.

Right now, she needed to get up right now, but as her desires rose above common sense, his climax began. Heated cum painted her drooling tongue, her eyes growing wide before simmering shut. She shuddered, her fingers moving into her cunt faster while she collected every drop of his seed onto her tongue. Her mouth was open wide toward him, her drool dripping to the ground below them while her chest rose and fell quickly. When he finished, she looked up at him with hazy lust in her eyes. Slowly, she closed her mouth and swallowed that sticky warmth that clung to her throat, and then she rose. She stood while her fingers continued working inside of herself, her mouth clamping over his for a firm kiss that was harder than she intended. His hand remained at her ear, but the tightness could not stop her from getting a kiss to ease the burning inside of her for just a moment.

When she pulled away with a sticky smack of lip on lip, she breathed out, "Little bit more and I would have asked you to fill me."

Jaye shuddered, his hand cupping her cheek before his thumb slid over her lips. As she closed her mouth over his thumb while purring, Jaye breathed out quietly, "Still want to head to that hotel, right?"

And with one more shared glance, they separated. Clothes were fixed in haste. The cold of the evening kept away by hands held together and bodies pressed close as they stepped out into the evening again while doing their best to appear as unflustered as possible. In truth, the heat was almost unbearable now, the gentle chill of the Winter night now an icy kiss wherever she was exposed. Soon that icy kiss ended as they found a hotel to stay at. It was a bit more expensive than she had expected, or wanted, but upon seeing Jaye the worker at the lobby gave them a heavy discount. This time, it wasn't because Jaye seemed like such a frightening fellow. No, it was because the man simply appreciated eating Jaye's food after getting off work. A warming moment for a heated evening, but one that held little interest to her as they got into the elevator of the tall building. Twenty floors before they would get to their suite.

They were alone under a buzzing light, alone with the cold of the Winter gone and the heat of their bodies pulsing. The second floor came at such a slow crawl, part of her had to wonder whether or not the elevator was defective as it lumbered onto the third floor. Quietly, she leaned against the wall while her tail twitched, her mouth held in a firm line while she tried to repeat to herself in her mind that patience was a virtue. That being said, Jaye seemed to be holding up just the same. His foot tapped on occasion, and his eyes occasionally darted toward her before pointing at the doors. They passed the third floor and then eventually the fourth floor, and she pressed the back of her head to the wall and looked up seeking strength in the lights. Jaye's attention was fixed on the door now, but the tapping of his foot had become a regular twitch, and she wondered just how wound up he was. The kiss they had shared had been enough to make him hard again, and she couldn't help but grope a few times while they were walking through the crowds.

With a small smile, her hands began trembling down toward her pants as she leaned back against the rail of the elevator. Lust and heat dominated her thoughts as she unbuttoned her pants before unzipping them slowly. Jaye turned his attention toward the sound and his cheeks flushed scarlet as she lowered her pants and underwear enough to show the white fluff of her crotch, and the warm slit waiting beneath. She trailed a finger against the slickness, showing him the glisten of her arousal before spreading to show her darkened insides glowing against the light hanging above.

"All that heat." She began with a breath, "Every drop of what you poured onto my tongue could have gone in here instead." Her digits dipped inside of herself again, one and then two as she shuddered, "I don't think I can wait twenty floors for my own pleasure."

Jaye remained flushed, his words coming with the same quiet calm despite the red of his cheeks, "And did you want me to help, or should I just watch?"

She blinked, expression neutral before she smiled. Had that been a little mischief in his tone? Regardless, she answered with a breathy sigh while pushing her fingers deep inside of herself, "You should be able to take initiative for yourself. I don't need to tell you what to do."

Her fingers twisted and rolled inside of her, grinding against her inner walls before slipping out, repeating the same motions to work the right spots while Jaye watched. Part of her expected him to pull out his cock right now, and in fact, she wanted to say that he should, but what little pride she had left kept her lips clamped shut while she pleasured herself. The sound of the elevator reaching another floor came with a dull chime, that noise sending shivers down her spine as her fingers worked just a bit faster. She pulled her digits out and spread her insides for him, repeating this over and over again whenever she pulled out before she got to work again. As dangerous as it was, she needed more room to maneuver, and so she pushed her pants all the way down to her ankles along with her panties. Her fingers dipped back inside, spreading within before pulling out again. Another dull chime and her heart jumped into her throat as the doors slid open. Both of them jolted with their eyes facing the open gateway to a floor that they didn't need to step out into, but luckily for her; no one was there. Her chest heaved, and her breath released as she pulled her shaky fingers out of her cunt and leaned back with her head pointing upward.

"P-perhaps I should stop and think about what I'm doing." Her voice stammered and shook into the air.

As she drew her head back down to focus on fixing her pants, Jaye was suddenly at her front with his hands on her inner thighs, his words muttered quickly under heated breaths, "Let me help then."

She opened her mouth to protest, but already he had moved a set of digits to hook inside of her, to push and drag at her inner walls while his lips were planted to her neck. A curse escaped her, back arching as she grabbed onto his back and dug her claws in. She made a little mental note to get him a new coat after all of this was over, and groaned as her insides were dug into. A sudden turn had him stopping, her body shuddering trying to figure out what was happening before she watched him lower himself. His mouth struck her cunt, warmth blossoming throughout her body as his tongue slid out and along her heat. His fingers still moved inside of her, a thumb pressing through the top to roll around in little circles. She could feel the pressure building, her hands that had been on his back now grasping onto his head to bring him closer, to grind out that pleasure that she so desperately needed. At the same time, embarrassment barreled through her alongside the lust. If Hung, Aak or even Mr. Lee saw her like this then she would perish on the spot, and at the same time, she knew if she were ever in this position near any of them that lust would have taken over her and embarrassment would be a far off concern.

The pressure within continued to rise, her toes clenching, one of her legs tugging back hard enough to free itself from her pants boot and all. She wrapped that leg around his shoulders and brought him in closer, groaning aloud her approval as her orgasm gushing and tightened around his fingers. He continued licking without complaint, his tongue moving to her crotch now smoothing over fuzz and leaving a cool trail of spit mixed with her arousal.

"Ah, I can't believe we did that." She purred aloud.

Her hold loosened as Jaye slipped free and cleared his throat, "Same. Maybe next time we could wait until we have some safe privacy, though? Not sure my heart could take it time and time again."

Waai Fu brushed strands of hair from her eyes before working on fixing her pants, struggling a bit with the leg while she grunted, "No promises, but honestly, I think you should be a bit more adventurous. You have a young lady here in such a lustful state that she's embarrassing herself non-stop. As a hot blooded ursus like yourself, you should be making a few more commands and acting on your own desires."

As she zipped her pants up, she looked toward Jaye who was simply smiling just a bit, "I always find it hard to keep up with you, so I don't think I can meet your expectations on that one, but I have the endurance to keep going with whatever you want every single time."

She crossed her arms, her tail curling around the elevator room's rail while she hummed, "I suppose I'll have to be the hot-blooded one as usual."

Jaye looked toward the door and shrugged, "Just be careful about going overboard."

Despite the tease, she smiled and settled next to him, shoulder to shoulder while they both waited for the twentieth floor to come for them. They arrived at a hall with a long stretch of dark carpet waiting for them to cross. Their steps were quiet but quick, her own heart thumping just a bit faster as they approached the room. The door opened with a beep as they presented their card to the reader near the door, and they stepped inside. She shrugged out of her coat and tossed it to the side while peering around the room. A bed near the center, a screen hanging on the wall. The lights flicked on with the same warm glow as the rest of the hotel's lighting, and the floor was soft carpet. When the door shut behind her, she grasped the hem of her sweater to start stripping.

As she tossed her sweater down to where her coat was, she turned and looked toward Jaye, "Come on, let's get this started."

Boots were kicked aside along with the socks, whatever else she wore following all cast aside revealing her toned form. Jaye gawked with wide eyes, but as she crossed her arms and smirked, he began stripping as well. Every little article of clothing was removed until he stood in the nude firm and at attention. His body was just as trained as her own, with firm muscle here and there only interrupted by the softness of his stomach. She knew that there was strength under that as well, and all of it was formed out of hard labor. There had been a few times where they had worked together with Rhodes Island on missions, so she knew that his body was for more than just show, but even still she admired the fact that this form of his was entirely for the purpose of being a simple street chef.

Again, she would have loved it if he had a bit more fire in him, but she still cherished every second of this. She stepped toward him once he stood fully in the nude, her hand touching the top of his already firm shaft before she moved her digits to grasp his hand. Their lips met for just a second, for a kiss far too brief, and she parted while stepping back toward the bed inviting him for an evening together hiding from the Winter's chill.

Waai Fu sat back on the edge of the bed before leaning all the way with her arms holding her up. Jaye followed over her with his hands grabbing onto her legs, his lips moving over the top of her foot to plant pulses of ginger warmth that crawled upward as his mouth moved toward her chest. He grabbed onto one of her breasts, the other one peppered with kisses before his lips trailed to her mouth. She purred under his gentle attention, her hand grasping his cheek. Right now there was no rush, there was no need to push for an ultimate heat. They were behind closed doors and had all night to enjoy one another, but that didn't mean she wanted to take it entirely slow.

A gap between the embrace of their lips formed. Enough for her to nip on his bottom lip and pull just a bit, enough for her to breathe out, "Make me warm."

Sweat beaded her body, but the heat on the surface was nothing compared to the emptiness she felt within. She longed to be filled, longed to have his body pressed against her. To let this be known, she wrapped one leg around his waist and hooked her ankle at his lower back, her other leg spread while her hand dipped between them to feel the length of his shaft waiting to enter her. Jaye locked lips with her again, both of their hands guiding his cock to her cunt. She had already said that she had wanted him to blow his load inside of her, so there was no need for discussion right now. The tip of his shaft met the folds of her heat, pressing and pushing until she parted for him. Both of her hands moved to his shoulders, her claw pressing to his cool skin while she purred. Her insides spread bit by bit, every inch of his shaft being fitted in slowly, far too slowly. She dug her claws in a bit and he thrust forward to get the rest of his shaft inside, her breath flowing out in a hiss. He began moving at a steady rhythm, his hand at her chest squeezing gingerly. The pace was sweet and loving, gentle and ginger in a way that had her buzzing with ambient warmth. His lips made little smacks along her own, pecking and dipping closer before pulling away to breathe in and out together.

She brought her hips up to drag him deep inside of herself, her claws moving along his shoulders and up toward his cheeks where she cupped each while muttering, "Harder."

And so he obliged with a jolt of his hips, his chin resting on her shoulder while her hands moved around to his back. She tugged him close, both of her legs curling around his waist. His hips had started to move properly now, each thrust sending little waves of pleasure through her that grew with every movement. That raw shaft twitched and bounced against her inner walls, her cunt tightening on him as if she were trying to milk him. At the same time, she still wanted more and so she whispered to his ear.


Again he began thrusting faster, began using more of his strength, but even then she could feel his nature in each movement. He was a sweet and kind sort that wouldn't hurt a fly. He pushed with most of his strength and jolted her body with every thrust, but he still had more to give. Was there some way she could tease it out of him, make him move as if he were fighting for tooth and nail? Probably not. She loved this heat regardless, and her own hips worked to make up the difference, his body shuddering against her. At this point, she could feel the twitching of his shaft growing a bit more violent, a steady drip of pre staining her insides. His hips finally began to move with a bit more force, his hands clasping her body close as he breathed out against her shoulder. The movements were exactly what she had been hungering for, but still there was something so sweet, so cool about them that she had to wonder what would it take to set Jaye's passion ablaze? He leaned back for a moment, stopping while looking down at her. His hands grasped her thighs, his hips jerking forward again as she groaned and clung onto his arms. Again she cried out for more, again he kept giving her what he could. The more he thrust, the more the anticipation built, the more her desire for his seed grew.

Just as her toes began to curl inward, just as she felt her heart begin to race, Jaye slowed down and began to pull out. As his tip slipped free, Waai Fu rumbled, "Need a different position?"

Jaye looked down into her eyes full of hazy lust and hunger before he muttered, "I figured I should at least ask."

Leaning up and grasping his cheeks, she planted a firm kiss on his lips. She dug her claws against his skin, pressing just a bit as their lips pulled apart and as the words spilled from her mouth, "Cum inside of me."

He blinked, cheeks red, words tripping out of his mouth, "I know you said that before, but isn't that a bit--"

Emboldened by heat and lust, Waaifu hooked both of her legs around him and put her arms behind her head as she leaned back and watched him with narrowed eyes and a small cut of a smirk. He looked at her for a few seconds before he planted two digits atop his cock to ease the tip back down. Once it was pointed back at her pussy, he dipped inside again and stretched her apart. This time she didn't mind that he was taking his time, didn't mind that he was going slow, because she knew that he was doing it now with the intent to keep it inside of her. Both of his hands grasped at her outer thighs, his body shuddering as he rooted every inch of his cock inside of her. Breathing out, he leaned down to lick her chest, his tongue catching stray drops of sweat while his hips began to pump back and forth. It started with a steady rhythm, but that steadiness shook and rocked as he started pouring more strength into it, as his thrusts became quicker and shorter with every inch of his cock bouncing inside of her.

A few more sweetened thrusts, a few more pushes that had her insides grinding just right, and warm cum began flooding her insides. At first it was just one shot of the stuff, one heavy load that pooled inside of her. A few twitches passed as if he were holding it all back, his hands squeezing at her thighs as he grunted and lunged forward again, each new twitch producing thick seed that had her groaning in delight from the heat filling her. Both her arms moved upward slowly as she stretched, her legs letting go of him slowly as she reveled in the fact that she didn't need to hold him there. Even still, she wanted more.

Jaye pulled out slowly and sat back on the bed, head tilted upward as he breathed out. A little break? Hah, didn't he say that he would at least be able to keep up with her endurance-wise? With a small smile, she crawled forward from her position, moving over his lap with a hand pressed to his chest. He opened his mouth and jerked his head up to ask what she was doing, but stopped as she wrapped her tail around his thigh and bit down on his shoulder. He winced but didn't move, her tongue passing over the little indents she left where her fangs had touched his skin.

Quietly, she breathed against his ear, "I'm not done yet, and I'd like to go at my pace now."

He gave her a crooked smile, one of his hands groping her rear while he muttered, "Seems like fun. I did tell you that I could at least keep up in endurance, so I'll follow your lead wherever you go."

She planted a soft peck against his lips and began to grind her slit against his limp shaft. Bit by bit she could feel the pulse of it growing again as their mouths met again. Both of his hands grabbed onto her rear cheeks, squeezing and kneading them, spreading them slowly as he allowed her kiss to take him. When he was fully hard again, she brought her hips up and eased the tip against her cunt, pushing the head inside before slamming her hips down. She shuddered as she felt every inch of his cock inside of her, grinned as she heard him grunt. Waai Fu began bouncing on his lap with her lips secured to his. Her claws drew lines along his back before stopping at his shoulders to knead and press gingerly. She took the pace in the direction she wanted, quick and rough, fast and without mercy. Her insides were plowed and driven apart, her body shaking as pinpricks of soreness and delight crashed against her gut. Already she could feel the mounting pressing pounding at the back of her head, but she did not slow down. He tried to move his hips as well to help out with the efforts, and although she appreciated his attempts; Waai Fu was in control right now.

Jaye gasped as she clutched his shoulders and held him down, her hair falling just inches above his face as she breathed out against his lips and drove her body down with all of her strength. Each movement sent colliding pleasure rocketing through her, bouncing it all about as she stopped only to roll her hips before getting to work again. Even as she felt her climax racing up her spine, even as she felt her insides tightening and growing that much more sore; Waai Fu continued to jolt her hips up and down atop his lap. Each time she bounced another loud clap echoed through the room along with a sticky smack from their combined arousal mixing inside of her being churned, the noise a testament to how much they had been going at it already, but still she wanted more.

"I'm getting close again." Muttered Jaye.

His words seemed like such sweet and quiet nectar and she moved her mouth over his slowly and whispered, "Then let it all out."

And as she captured his lips, he blew his warmth inside of her again. Her digits grasped his cheeks to hold him in place, her sweat dripping onto him to collect with his as his cock twitched out the last portions of his load. Her hips still moved to milk more of that love from him, to take more of his seed from his body into her own, and she purred as that heat settled deep within her. When she pulled her mouth away, she watched him pant, watched his hazy eyes, and she leaned in to kiss his neck and purr.

"That'll do, for now." She said quietly.

Even though she still had energy, Waai Fu figured that a bit of rest would do both of them some good. They capped off the evening with a shower, Jaye leaning against the white tiled wall while touching his chest feigning true exhaustion. She caught his smile with a frown of her own and gave his side a pinch before rolling her eyes. That being said, she kept her tail wrapped around his leg as they allowed the water to wash away the pleasant weariness of the evening. Next came rest, and one that she appreciated as she could feel his warmth against her the entire time. There were so few people who could handle her, who could really challenge her in any way, but spending time with Jaye was comfortable. By his existence she seemed to cool the flames of her heart, and even as she watched him sleep into the world of dreams, she found that she couldn't help but smile. The next morning she awoke stretching her arms out, the sun just peeking through the windows of the hotel room. She looked toward Jaye and saw that he was still dreaming quietly. Her thoughts turned to groping between his legs, to riding him awake since it seemed cock was up before he was. Instead, she leaned over and kissed his nose gently. He really couldn't keep up with her, but she appreciated the attempt and loved the fact that he would let her drag him wherever. During these lonely Winter days she knew that she wouldn't have to stay by herself so long as she could find Jaye. That being said, she would still scold Mr. Lee for forcing her on this lonely break, and for not spending said forced break with her and the rest of the agency. Maybe she'd wring him dryer than she had Jaye, or maybe she'd just give him the colder shoulder a bit until his smugness cracked. Either way, those were thoughts for another time.

She planted another kiss on Jaye's nose, and he sniffed before muttering the words, "G'morning."