The New Store Mascot

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|| Hope you enjoyed the story! ||

|| Inspired by some pieces by Icaron on Furaffinity ||

A little belate upload here.

The New Store Mascot

By Visperus

Entering the store a cool breeze runs through your fur, making you shiver a little. Youd seen their Job Ad for a modelling session, their store needs a mascot and they want a volunteer that would be encased in resin, as a sort of base for their new mascot statue that would then be displayed in their store. Naturally youre a bit perplexed by this, after all how would that work, and how long would they need you? But your curiosity got the better of you. What would that be like to be encased in resin? Immobile, On display, for everyone to see? Well, here you are, a fuzzy Cinderace stepping into a store to become their Resin encased Mascot.

The atmosphere in the store is quite nice, a cool temperature and some really nice music playing. Looks like a nice place really. With a few excited steps you walk past the different parts of the store. A section for stuffed toys, a section for statues and other decorations, a more risque section and the Clothing section which has the register close to it. You head through the Clothing section, looking at the clothes, a few nice dresses and shirts here and there. A red dress catches your eyes, worn by a nice Lucario themed mannequin, quite tight and accentuating the curves. Another glance around makes you slightly impressed, the store has a lot of different mannequins, a Lucario, a Zoroark, a Dragon and a Horse are immediately obvious to you, it looks like the store is really trying to appeal to a broad demographic.

Well enough of windowshopping, youre quite excited already for this "job"~

Reaching the Register, you ask the Fox which is behind it. " Hello, excuse me but im here for the modelling session. ", the fox perks up and gives you nice smile. " Oh yes, youll want to see the manager, shes in the backroom, here, ill get her!". The employee walks through the Staff only door and returns a few seconds later, " Here you can go in, shes almost done setting up the modelling area! Good luck!" You walk in and navigate around some shelves filled with boxes and other stuff, finding a Gardevoir rummaging through a few paintcans. " Oh! " the Gardevoir turns around when she noticed you, " Hello there! Are you the applicant for the job? " she asks you. You nod " Yes!". She gives a slight grin and guides you to small resin pedestal, instructing you to stand atop it. A few warm lights are pointing at you. " Good, good.. A Cinderace like you will make a good Mascot for our store! Now what pose would be good for you....?"

Just standing on the small pedestal makes you blush, are you really doing this?

Letting some store encase you in resin? Not knowing when theyll let you back out?

Refocusing you try out some poses and both of you eventually settle on one, a confident one, left hand on your hip and your right leg raise on a small resin block and your right arm outstretched holding a small sign, a good pose, truly. " Good! Thats perfect, now hold still~" she says, opening a can of clear resin.

You stand there keeping your grin and only lightly moving your head to look after her, dipping a brush in the open can and approaching you. With a smile she starts painting around your paws, making sure to get every detail with the resin, tickling you a small bit. Fur being flattened a bit by the goopy pressure of the resin. Carefully she affixes your paws to the pedestal below, painting inbetween your toes with precision. Her brushestrokes are almost soothing as the cool resin slowly encases your paws, rising higher with every nice stroke. You doze off a little just enjoying the feel of the resin, clinging to you and hardening lightly already thanks to the lights. Thickening with every layer that she brushes on you. A slight pressure building around your legs as the resin tightens a small amount as it hardens, quite comfortable and... supporting. Its getting easier for you to just stand there and pose as the resin holds you in place.

Reaching past your thighs , she runs her wide brushe over your hips and crotch, making you blush, but since your crotch was easily and quickly covered by the large paintbrush , thered be no naughtiness for you, just a sleek surface with a fuzzy, warm core. Though also a naughty mascot wouldnt be suited for new job. But its undeniable that the coating and immobility arouses you~ Now its time for your handpaw, covered and in resin and stuck fast to your hip, moving it is difficult, but still possible. The resin runs inbetween your fingers and underneath them, quickly, adhering your paw properly to your hip. But you are quickly reprimanded by the manager, as the resin dries fast and you shouldn't mess with the pose. Another can opens and your belly is next, tickling lightly as the resin forms a nice shell around your furry body, an quite enjoyable feeling, on display in a clear resin shell that wouldnt budge for you under any circumstance. Your chest becomes heavy as the resin encases it tightly and restricts your breathing a slight amount. Looking down feels surreal, unable to move even a tiny bit below the resin and just seeing that thick resin shell move closer to your head. Reaching up past your chest, she gives your right shoulder a few extra coatings, to ensure your arm will be nicely supported even without your direct help. Your left arm doesn't need extra coatings, already encased in clear shiny resin and unmovable for you now. With every added bit of resin on your extended arm you feel the extra coatings help more and more, as the weight of the sign aswell as the resin is quite sizeable.

Coating your right handpaw she ensures that it wouldnt get stuck to the signs rope, allowing someone to even swap out your sign! Huffing and blushing heavily due to the quite incredible encasement of your body your mind wanders, youd be stuck for.... How long? Nows your chance to actually ask that still. Speaking the first word in over an hour you ask her " Oh, excuse me but how long would I be encased again? ". She perks up lightly before continuing to brush your neck with resin," Silly, we didn't specify a time, youll be our statue for as long as we need it~ " she chimes happily. You blush, and try to object, only to be asked to smile again, afterall shes about to brush your face with resin and you wouldnt want to be frozen without a good grin for your pose. You obey and smile, its not like you could do anything now, encased as you are. A quick brush and your grin is coated, frozen and perfect for your pose. Dutifully she paints over your nose and eyes, the resin strangely allowing a slight movement to look around, but it takes a while for the resin to clear fully and allow you almost normal vision. During that time she encases your big ears in resin, slowly and steadily so they stay nicely in place, your hearing growing a bit muffled as a result. A few more touchups and youre done, staring out from your shell blushing and completely inanimate save for your eyes, though noone would notice the small movements that the resin allows. On display as the stores new Mascot, congratulations youre hired~

She starts cleaning up around you as the lights cure and harden the resin, tightening considerably around your body and making absolutely sure you don't break your pose. A few minutes later and she brings a large mirror in front of you. " There! You look very good~ Hope you enjoy your position~". Looking into it, you see yourself, posing proudly with a sign... just encased heavily by clear resin. Every feature is visible underneath it, but none of your struggles, not even a twitch in your form. Taking in your new form, you have to agree with her, you do look good~. Soon she changes the sign in your hand, a welcome sign to greet the customers~

With some help from the Fox employee and a dolly, they move you outside, right next to the entrance. Youre just standing there on full display and yet completely stuck. You watch as new customers look the new mascot statue up and down and comment about how nice it looks and how many details it has~ You blush with pride and embarassment.

Youre starting to think you might enjoy this job~