Building the Hub (2/2)

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A continuation of An Unconventional LAN party, the alien creatures have encountered a set back when it comes to their plans of spreading and it shakes one of the first in a way that their kind had never felt before. Meanwhile the others begin to experiment and finds new ways of keeping the aliens connected so that they can share information and convert others much faster.

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The next morning the sun dawned on the city once more, or at least it would have were it not for the thunder and rain clouds that moved in early on. For most it was an indicator to stay inside their homes and work areas, which meant that most shops either had very few shoppers or none at all. That applied double to stores that catered to the night life and as Ramon sat there idly flipping through the magazine he had brought with him he wondered why he had opened at all. The sex shop was a few blocks away from the mall and tucked away far enough that he could take advantage of the foot traffic without drawing too much attention to his wares as he looked around at the toys and gear that lined his walls.

The falcon didn't consider himself as a mere sex shop owner; he fancied himself an artist, and while normally he took advantage of the slow time in order to try and make something for one of his custom orders the weather report had made no mention of rain in the forecast. At this point he was just glad that he had brought some form of entertainment that wasn't one of the porn movies that were stocked on his shelf, which as most people knew was not well-known for their entertainment value. Part of him had just wanted to close up for the day but as he heard the boom of thunder and the rain pattering against the roof above he decided it would be more hassle to leave than to stay. Eventually as the day started to wear on however he had flipped through the magazine twice and with no customers he contemplated running to the nearby electronics store just to get a cheap tablet to play with when eh heard a knock on the back door.

Ramon frowned slightly as he looked over at the back door; he wasn't expecting any deliveries and there was a sign outside that specifically stated that customers weren't to use it. When he called out to see who was there however there was no response and that caused the avian creature to slowly get up while also taking the taser out of the compartment underneath the register. He once more shouted for whoever was out there to answer him and when he got no response he steeled his resolve and grabbed the handle of the security door before pulling it open. There was a loud flash of lightning that seemed to accompany the action and it caused the feathers of the falcon to ruffle slightly as he leveled the taser... nothing.

Not completely nothing, as Ramon looked down he saw that there was a small cardboard box that sat there in front of his door. As he bent down and picked up he saw that it had no address on it and definitely wasn't from his usual vendors as he took it in and shut the door behind him. It was somewhat heavy and when he got back to his desk and put the taser away he used his beak tip to cut the tape and see what was inside. When he got the top open he blinked a few times when he saw a dildo that laid inside it along with a card.

Definitely not from his usual vendors, Ramon thought to himself as he took the dildo and set it aside before glancing at the card to see if he could get any clues from it. "Ramon, had been thinking about you lately and thought that I would make you something so that you would do the same for me," Ramon read out loud. "I know it's probably not the same quality as the toys that you make but I thought I would give it a try, let me know what you think of it and hopefully it reminds you of the times we spent together. Blake."

That devilish leopard, Ramon mused as he once more took the dildo and examined it. Though it had been a while since he had last seen anything like that he could tell that it was the feline's cock and couldn't help but giggle slightly. He remembered that while Blake was a bit romantic he was mostly just a horny feline, and while this certainly would be in his wheel house he hadn't expected something like this at his doorstep. It was a shame that they hadn't stuck around, Ramon thought as he continued to examine the firm but still somewhat squishy texture of the dildo, he would have told him what a good job he did. There weren't any seams or anything that made the falcon wonder how he had managed to get such a smooth finish as he went over to the front door and locked it.

It wouldn't be the first time he had pleasured himself in his own store and if someone wanted Ramon there was still the buzzer that they could ring in order to get his attention. There was little chance that anyone could be coming out anyway and just the sight of it made his arousal build. As he looked at the area on his counter that had lube he thought about just grabbing one before he squeezed the tip of the dildo and found that there was a little that came out of it. The falcon couldn't help but be impressed since he knew that it was hard to make them that self-lubricated as he rubbed the thick black goo between his fingers.

With there being no windows and the shop door closed Ramon decided to be a little extra naughty and stripped down right behind the counter, putting the dildo on the stool that he usually used to sit on while he got naked. It had always been a fantasy of his to plug his own hole and serve customers while riding on top of one of the toys, his tongue licking his beak as he imagined the ones whom he was serving look and see his hole stretched and perhaps if they have that model in stock. He and Blake had also had sex in the shop sometimes, though the falcon eventually banned him when he found out that he was stealing from his register while they were being friends with benefits. Though he would never think about taking the leopard back there was at least one part of him that he didn't mind letting into his life once more as he finished stripping down and kicked his pants to the side.

Once he had been properly prepared the falcon took his butt and lifted his leg up against the counter while taking some of the slippery goo on his fingers and pushing them inside of him. As the substance coated the inner walls and muscle of his tailhole Ramon found the substance to be just as exquisite as the dildo itself and it made him wonder if perhaps Blake was trying to get back into his good graces again. Though it was something to think about there was only one thought in the bird's mind and when he felt himself relax enough he lowered his rear down on the tip of the rubbery toy. The sensation of it starting to stretch open his lubed hole made his own cock start to harden and as the naked falcon continued to slowly push himself down he used his free hand to stroke himself.

It took a bit of maneuvering but eventually Ramon started to get a rhythm of bouncing up and down in order to get more of it inside of him since there was no leopard attached to it to help push it. That was just fine for the avian man though as he let out soft sighs and gasps while he went at his own pace. Just as he got about halfway down and was starting to let gravity do the work he felt something that caused his inner muscles to clench, and when it did he yelped when something clearly squirted out of the dildo into him. At first he thought it was just more lube, and when he looked at his stool to see it dripping out of his stretched hole, but as he started to try and pull himself up there was a squirming sensation within him that caused his legs to give out.

Ramon let out a loud squawk as shifting his weight back had caused him to sit completely down on the dildo, pushing the rest of it inside of him and causing his own erection to spring forth. But even with him being completely stretched out the hawk still had a feeling that something else was going on, and when he looked down at his feathered stomach he saw the bump that was dildo pressing up against his belly along with something else. He could feel himself starting to pant as whatever was there had started to shift about, but when he thought about trying to call someone those thoughts immediately began to evaporate as the creature crawled about inside of him. Soon all Ramon could do was think about the dildo inside of him and when he tried to pull himself up again he got about half-way before he found himself dropping back down on it.

What the falcon didn't know was that what he thought was lube had already entered into his system, which with the parasite that was hiding inside the molded dildo was causing his body and mind to get assimilated as a node. Ramon didn't understand anything that was happening to him though and as he found himself still stroking he couldn't get his arm to stop as mental images began to float up in his mind. He realized that they were memories; times that he and Blake had slept together and as he grew increasingly distracted the parasite continued to infuse itself into his system in order to take control. It also didn't help that every time he thought about getting up it would just cause him to thrust himself back down on the dildo and cause even more pleasure to rock through his body.

Eventually Ramon managed to get a hold of himself enough to merely tip the stool forward, causing it to fall out as the dildo slid out of his tailhole and landed on the floor. When he looked back he could see that the tip had been stretched open as he began to lose sensation in his hands and fingers. With the sex toy no longer inside of him the tendrils caused by the spreading alien parasite could be seen spreading out from his midsection, already wrapping around his spine to incapacitate him and also upload the information that was stored within it into the new convert's brain. The falcon managed to crawl about two more steps before his body finally gave up and flopped to the floor, his erection still throbbing between his legs as black goo began to leak out of the nostrils of his beak.

For about an hour the falcon man laid there on the floor with his body only occasionally twitching or spasming, but then his fingers and toes began to curl before the rest of his limbs followed suit. A loud groan escaped from the beak of the man as he slowly got into a sitting position and stared up at the ceiling for a bit as small lumps could be seen traveling up his neck. "Ahhhh, not too bad," the creature that had been Ramon said as the edges of his beak curled up in a smile and he looked down at himself. "Feathery... that's new to the network, and nice and lean too."

The alien falcon cracked his neck and slowly stood up, one of his scaly hand starting to run up and down his chest while the other looked around. Though it had taken a while the parasite that had been hidden in the dildo had finally managed to assimilate the mind of this creature that owned the shop that he stood naked in. There were other things in his mind but they were... blurry, like half-developed pictures that he couldn't make out what they meant. There were two things however that were clear in his mind however, the first was that he was going to meet Blake and the second was that he would find him at the mall on the third floor.

"A devilish leopard indeed," the new Ramon said with a chuckle as he took a few minutes to clean up before putting on his clothes. "Hopefully the storm has let up so I can thank him properly for the gift..."

While the storm did continue to blow through the city it didn't stop the avian creature from making his way to the mall that was a few blocks away, eventually getting inside before the winds managed to carry him off into the horizon. The sound of bland music could be heard as despite the weather most of the shops were still open even though they weren't catering to anyone that was inside. That didn't matter to the alien falcon though as he went to the third floor and the shop that had been implanted in his mind. When he walked inside he saw that there was someone that was there, a large, muscular rabbit man that was dressed only in a pair of shorts and was looking over a large container of whey protein.

"Excuse me," Ramon stated as he continued to display the emotions of the creature he had taken over. "Would you happen to know if a Blake is working here? A leopard, kind of lead, gorgeous eyes."

"Just the name would have been fine," the rabbit replied. "I believe that he's expecting you, are you here in order to pick up the set of ten fifteen-pound barbells?"

Before the falcon was about to answer his entire body trembled and for a moment he stood there blankly before he looked at the rabbit with a smile on his face. "Actually I'm here for the seven five-pound barbells," Ramon replied as the information was fed to him. "I believe he has them in the back?"

The rabbit man just nodded with a grin and began to lead him towards the door that was in the back of the shop. As soon as they got through to the other side the façade of the helpful rabbit and curious falcon dropped away from both their faces to reveal the passive alien creatures underneath as Ramon looked out over the room for the first time. "Ah, there is my sex toy expert," Blake called out, which caused the falcon to look over at him. "Considering that you knew where to find me I see that my gift made it to you."

"As well as your gift within a gift," Ramon replied as he looked around in awe at the black shiny rubber that had started to make the back room look increasingly alien. "I think, yah, I think I saw this before. Is this where I came from?"

"Indeed you did," Blake replied with a grin as he went over to a table that hadn't been assimilated by the alien material and produced a few pictures to show Ramon. "One of the reasons that I converted you was because I was hoping that you would work out the chastity device that one of our nodes wear thanks to their owner. If we can figure out how to crack it without them knowing then we can get a better idea of what's going on in Ivan's place."

"I see..." Ramon replied as he thumbed through the print-outs before he looked up at Blake in slight confusion. "But wait, I'm getting the sense that you could just give me the information through sex, why are you showing me pictures?"

"Because the full download of knowledge into your node will take some time," Blake replied as he came up behind the falcon and began to rub down the feathers of his chest just the way he knew Ramon liked it. "Our transfer parasites are still extremely limited in their capacity and there were only a few things that we could put into it before we loaded it into that dildo I made for you. The fact that it worked brings me great joy in that we can start trying to produce more, but while I'm more than happy to bring you into the network with everything I know I was hoping that we could get a jumpstart on you identifying the manufacturer of that chastity belt.

Ramon nodded and went to work for the hive, though as the falcon node began to examine the pictures more closely he was interrupted when he felt a cock similar to the facsimile he just had inside him start to push up against his hole once more. With his physiology already altered it didn't take much for the leopard to push into him and as he began to pump his hips back and forth in a slow and steady rhythm he could feel more information being uploaded into his new mind. The sensation was intense but as Blake had said it was taking some time and there were very few images that related to the pictures that he went back to studying.

After about ten minutes Blake had wrapped his arms around the lean chest of the falcon and was still slowly sliding in and out of the tailhole in front of him, and though both nodes were enjoying the stimulation as well the successful full conversion of Ramon a sigh escaped from the beak of the man in front as he put the pictures down. "We have a problem here Blake," Ramon said as he tried to turn to face the leopard only to have their positions shifted about so that he was suddenly on his back on a table with his legs spread open while the feline continued his thrusts. "I do recognize the work that's on the deer note, and I'm afraid that he's someone who's far more skilled in the erotic gear arts than I."

"What does that mean?" Blake asked between huffs. "Though I'm looking forward to getting all that sexy knowledge stored in your head the sooner we hash this out the better."

"It means that the key isn't going to be something that we can just order off a website since they usually are all the same," Ramon explained. "Every key that goes to one of this particular artist's work is completely unique and his locks are almost impossible to pick without causing some sort of damage, which means that unless you can get us to the continent he lives on so we can convert him I'm afraid you're not going to get this off stealthily."

"Damn," Blake said with a slight snarl. "That was our best shot to try and get a layout of the place and any knowledge of Ivan, but if he sees that we tampered with his toy it will be unlikely that Fawn can get close enough to infest him or any of the other men there." Though the download continued and it made the alien leopard's mind cloudy from the information pouring into the other man his mind was racing on what they were going to possibly do to try and prepare for the encounter with Ivan...

"Hey, I do have one question for you," Blake said as he stopped, looking down at the alien falcon with his maleness completely buried inside of him. "When is your lease up in that old place of yours?"

The next few days had every node that could be spared focusing on what they were going to do when it came to the party that was coming up. While the supplement store had managed to get in a few more creatures that they converted into aliens none of them particularly had any skills that would help them with inviting themselves into a private sex party with a reclusive millionaire. The only thing they had to go on to help them out was the catering company that Ivan used for his parties and that was almost as hard to find as any of the others that were invited to the place. With the days ticking down the only thing they could do was continue to create the hive that they had, which became even more spacious as Ramon moved his shop into empty one that was next to them.

One thing that was going rather well though was that their node within the university had started to get them quite a few more of the younger college men, most of them athletes, by making sure that they knew that there was a place that would give them sharp discounts on things. It had started with the rabbit that the orca had approached before he had been converted to help him work out, and once he had been brought into the fold the two of them were able to whisper such things to a lot of the athletes who had scholarships riding on their prowess on the field. One of those men was a hybrid of a wolf and a bear that had made him quite big while also fairly agile that had been a boon for him on the football field, but as his times had started to slip and he saw others starting to pull ahead he decided to indulge in the rumor of a place that offered a complete rejuvenation.


The hybrid nearly dropped the bottle of fish oil pills he was looking at as he turned to see a smiling cheetah walking up to him wearing a varsity jacket that was similar to his own. "Reggie, didn't expect to see you here," Sam replied with a sheepish grin, which only grew when he saw that there were four others that had walked into the door behind him that also had the same jackets as him. "Hey, I recognize all them, they've been starting to inch closer to breaking school records in the last few weeks."

"Yeah, we've all taken on the program that Chaz started here in this store," Reggie said as his grin grew wider. "I know what you're thinking, it's weird that a supplement store that is next to a sex shop would have what I need in order to tear up the field, but since I've started coming here every day I've taken nearly four seconds off my sprint time. If they can do that for someone like me I bet they could make a stud like you an unstoppable powerhouse."

"Ah, thanks, but I'm just looking for now," Sam said with another nervous chuckle. He was a bit surprised at being come on to so openly like that with the others, especially since he thought that the up and coming track star had a girlfriend... or did he just recently break up with her? "I'm sure if I have any questions I can ask someone though about this program, thanks."

The cheetah just gave him a wink and nodded before he headed back to the group of four and high-fived the rabbit man that stood head and shoulders above all them. He was quickly being known as one of the best basketball players coming up in the teams and they figure by the time that the season starts he'll probably be on varsity himself. Swimming, track, basketball... these guys were all rising stars in the college, and they were all coming here? It made him wonder what their secret was, and as they saw them start to head towards the back door that was marked as the training area he found himself trailing behind.

As the five laughed and joked when they went in Sam suddenly paused while he watched them go inside. It was none of his business what they were doing, he thought to himself, and there was no way that they would be doing something as dumb as doping up or something while all together and while in a mall. But even as he tried to tell himself it was just some sort of fitness program or something the back of his mind still wondered what they could be doing to making themselves so good at what they do. The thought alone was enough to keep him moving forward and eventually he found himself past the last row of power drinks and walking down the small hallway while looking about to make sure no one saw him.

When the coast appeared clear Sam carefully opened the door and peeked inside to see what the five were doing. While the wolf-bear had been expecting to see a small gym or even some sort of health center all he saw was shiny black all over the place. It looked like a barrel of oil had exploded everywhere and when he saw the guys standing there the jovial looks they had when they came in were completely gone. Instead they had looks that he originally thought were sullen and serious but the more he looked at them the more it was like there was nothing there at all, like someone who might have been put under a trance in some sort of hypnotist show. He started to wonder if it was something to do with those mental training exercises that's supposed to improve your focus, though his confusion soon turned to complete bewilderment when he saw them begin to take their clothes off.

That was not something that he expected, Sam thought to himself as he saw their lean, toned, and for some very muscular bodies standing out in the light. Once they had all stripped down they just continued to remain standing there in a line, and though a voice in the bear-wolf's mind told him to run he found himself unable to move from the spot as someone new came in. The muscular lizard man was also completely naked and had a body that looked like it was carved out of marble, and even though he wasn't someone that appreciated the male form in that manner he couldn't help but admit that the man was handsome as he seemed to be inspecting each of them. One thing that Sam had managed to avoid looking at up until that point was the junk that the men sported but as he saw them getting fondled he found himself gasping as he realized that they were all incredibly well hung.

"See something you like?" a voice hissed behind him, which caused Sam to jump as spun around to see a python man and a bull security guard standing there behind him.

"Oh, no!" Sam said as he quickly let the door he had been peeking through close as he waved his hands in the air, only to watch as the eyes of the two men looked down at his groin that was completely tented while he covered them up. "I mean, I didn't see anything, I don't know what's going on here but I think I should probably be going!"

"Why rush when you only got to see the first part?" Nathan asked as he motioned his head towards the bull, who took the bear wolf by the shoulder and turned him around. Though his first thought was to try and run the security guard was an absolute beast of a man and he probably wouldn't have made it out of the store. "C'mon, I'm sure Chaz has room for one more and I'm sure he won't mind you sitting in."

Before Sam could say anything he was shoved through the door and saw all six men turn towards him at the same time. "I think that maybe we got off on the wrong foot," Sam said as he continued to wave his hands in the air, only to see the other guys from the university quickly come up and move towards him. "Guys, please, I promise that I won't tell anyone about this, you keep doing whatever is your doing and I won't say a word!"

"We know you won't," Reggie said as Sam suddenly saw the cheetah in front of him, the naked man fully erect as he licked his lips. "Soon you will join us and the hive, and then we can have someone from the football team that will help to recruit the others. Plus you will be the best player in the team, Chaz will make sure of that once we're done syncing up."

Sam felt himself swallowing hard as he had no idea what the cheetah was saying, but even with his strong build he was no match for five muscular men... especially not ones that seemed to possess an inhuman strength as he was quickly stripped of his clothes and brought down to his knees as the lizardman came up to stand in front of him. "So, how would you like to be converted?" Chaz asked the stunned hybrid. "We can either do it the standard way and I'll just have these five cocoon you until you are properly assimilated, or you could join them and have some fun along with getting all the perks that the cheetah node just mentioned... either way I'm flexible, but if you don't decide now then we'll pick for you."

As the bear-wolf attempted to get up not only did he fail to push up from where he was held by his shoulders but he could also feel the rubber of the floor starting to stick to the shaggy grey fur of his legs. His mind raced as he tried to figure out what was happening to him, which was not aided by the fact that he was standing there in the nude among equally naked men, and as he looked past the muscular lizard his eyes widened as he saw several others that were up against the wall. It was clearly what they meant that by being cocooned as he could see the other men were squirming about while trapped in what looked to be a pod of rubber that was suctioned around their bodies. With the faces of the others staring at him it felt to Sam like his brain was smoking as it sounded like he was being inducted to a cult or something, but when he felt something rubbery start to slither up his inner thigh he blurted out that he'll join the others.

"Good choice," Chaz said with a small nod. "Now I trust that you won't try to run off so the others can have their fun as well, not to mention that with Gerald here you probably wouldn't escape anyway and then you go straight against the wall. Do we understand each other?"

Sam found himself swallowing hard as he nodded his head back, then felt the weight of the others lifting off of him as they went back to their previous positions. Even though he had no intention of disobeying the rule of the lizard that had went back to them in order to continue their inspection he did try to lift up his legs experimentally. He found that even if he had the mind to run he probably wouldn't have been able to as the rubber had completely enveloped his legs and kept them to the ground. As the others knelt down one by one he saw that the same thing happened to them as they stared blankly ahead and waited patiently.

Once they had all been thoroughly inspected and were kneeling in the slightly gooey rubber floor the lizardman stood back and another took his place. Though the others remained completely unfazed Sam found himself gasping as he realized it was the orca that had been telling the football team about this place, which as the hybrid thought about it made sense. The aquatic creature was also naked and was rather fit himself, save for the gut that he clenched onto as he moved forward to the cheetah that was in the middle of the group. All Sam could do was watch as Reggie dropped down on all fours and presented his tailhole while Arthur took his rubbery cock and pushed it in, the hybrid's jaw dropping as he could see it start to wiggle inside the exposed hole while something was squirming around in the gut of the one that stood behind the feline.

The others also quickly dropped down into the same position and as Arthur began to gurgle the wiggling mass inside him spread out over his muscular body. As the orca continued to thrust forward a second cock suddenly pushed its way out of his slit, followed by several more until there were five rubber tentacle cocks with four of them waving about in the air until they started to slither towards one of the other four men. The others didn't even flinch as they were penetrated, but their bodies did start to twitch and they let out soft gasps and growls as it seemed like something was being pumped into him. As Sam continued to watch the tentacles inside the orca were not done as his tongue stretched out until it was long enough to push past the lips of the man in front of him, which was quickly joined in his maw by several others that stretched out the throat of the quivering man so that once again each of the players were sucking on a tentacle tongue.

As black goo began to ooze out of the maws and tailholes of the five muscular men being taken from both ends by the same tentacle orca he suddenly saw Chaz in front of him once more. "Don't worry, we didn't forget about you," Chaz said as he stood there while stroking his own shiny black member. "But it takes a while for Arthur over there to generate another set of tentacles to hook you into the network and plus you need a little primer in order to make sure that you can be useful to us in your current position. Now are you going to open up for me or will you just wait until your taken by Arthur over there without any prior preparation?"

Sam wearily glanced back and saw that the tentacles that were pumping into the bodies of the five were rather girthy and could only imagine what it would be like to have something like that inside him... only to realize that he actually was. The mental image had come unbidden to his brain and without even knowing the alien thoughts had been slipping into his psyche. There was a hunger there, a need to assimilate, and the more he had watched the orca take the other members of various teams the more it imprinted on his own psyche. Without even realizing it he had started to open his own mouth and as it did he could feel something start to push into it.

The second the head of the lizard's cock passed his lips he felt something coat his tongue and inside his mouth, and once it did he suddenly started to see a completely different set of images in his mind. If the bear didn't have several inches of throbbing shaft inside him he would have gasped as he saw each of the other men come in to the store and be helped by Chaz, only to eventually be completely disrobed and have his cock shoved up their tailholes or down their throats. Each of them had been tempted by the allure of being faster, stronger, better, and all of them ended up as alien creatures assimilated by the parasitic goo that was being fed to them at that moment to the point where their stomachs started to distend. It also made Same realize that this was his face, he was about to become just like them...

Except without even realizing it he already had, his eyes becoming glassy and vacant as his ursine muzzle bobbed up and down on the thick shaft that was starting to push down into his throat. Had he been watching the others he would have seen as their own cocks lengthened to the point where they were almost touching the floor and as they hovered there the rubber reached up and engulfed them. Each man twitched and quivered slightly as their huge sacks or bulging internal glands started to pump the alien substance they produced into the goo that was starting to creep up their bodies, keeping them there for the hive to feed off of and grow. In turn the rubber would engulf and stimulate them so that they produced as much as they could, aided by the fact that their hosts were healthy and virile young men like the bear-wolf that began to have the same shiny black substance start to leak from his mouth and ears.

It wasn't long before the backside of the hybrid had its own tentacle pushing into it, linking him with the orca node that had all the information that was brought into the hive deposited to him. It had been the idea of the lizard to have a type of hub that could spread to multiple people at once and though the process was slow they could see that the orca's tentacular body was in the throes of pleasure as his twitching tendrils pumped information and goo into the six men. Though Chaz was downloading his own information into the hive incubator and producer in front of him a cough from Nathan caused the lizard to pull out, though the dripping mouth was quickly replaced with another tentacle that quickly slid down into the vacancy in Sam's throat. Soon the flesh of his stomach and neck bulged up and down with the appendage inside of it as Chaz went over to Nathan and Gerald, whom motioned for him to come over to the back room of the other shop.

The other side of the room was still technically under construction, but as Blake and Ramon were standing there the three saw that there were a number of papers that were sprawled out on a table. "Thanks for coming so quick Nathan," Blake said, and though all of them had dropped their façade the python could tell that there was a sense of dread in the air. "Look, we came across something when Ramon was leasing out the space for his sex shop here, and I don't think you're going to like it."

"Not the way you're talking about it right now," Nathan replied as he was handed a sheet of paper, his eyes scanning down it before he looked up at the alien leopard and falcon. "The mall is bankrupt?"

"The company that ran the mall is bankrupt," Blake explained as he took the paper back. "The mall is being foreclosed on. Now the good news is that it seems that there are already a few eager buyers looking to snatch up the property, the problem is that if someone else buys it they're probably going to want to do a full inspection."

"Which means the secret's out," Ramon stated as the other nodes looked at the two in shock. "From what Blake has shared with me even if we start to dismantle the hive now there would be no way to erase all trace of our presence from the area, not to mention we're going to have to find a new way to update all the nodes we created and how are we going to create another hub?"

As the others began to argue back and forth Nathan looked at the documents that were still in front of him trying to find a way to solve their problem, and when he noticed something in particular he whistled to get the other nodes to stop. "Look, if someone pays the full price for the mall they can basically just take it without the need for inspection, right?" Nathan said as he showed the paper to Ramon, who nodded his head in response. "So we just need to buy the mall, if we do that not only do we keep the hive safe but it greatly increases our ability to expand."

"Well, considering that we all use Hammond as our financial node I think we can safely agree that we don't have the money for that," Chaz said as he brought up their fox accountant, the others nodding their heads in agreement.

"Then we assimilate someone who does," Nathan replied. "I had Hammond hunt down the connection between Ivan and the caterer and he thinks he may have found out where they operate from, complete referral business. If we take them we can infiltrate the party and help Fawn assimilate him."

The others looked at one another, then at the determined alien python. "You want us to hang everything on getting Ivan?" Blake asked. "The final foreclosure date is the day after the party, if we go there and fail then we've left everything out in the open for others to potentially find."

"I realize that this is a big risk to hang everything on a node that we can't even be sure we can reach," Nathan said. "But we did not build up this hive just to have it taken down because someone didn't have the money to keep this place going. In case it doesn't work we can leave Chaz, Blake, and Ramon here to stay with Arthur and the others while I take Daniel and Hammond along with Fawn, and if we don't somehow pull it off then you remove the other components from the hive and burn this place to the ground if you have too."

The others continued to give each other wary looks as they knew that removing the components, which were the cocoons on the wall along with the six men pumping alien rubber into the floor on a temporary basis, would be a daunting task all in themselves since they were attempting to evolve their hosts. But as they continued to discuss they also knew that if they lost the mall it would be a massive setback to their operation and one that would be tough to recover from as their nodes became scattered. Even with the technology to keep in communication in a non-alien fashion they would have to constantly be careful that they weren't being monitored, and that would hinder the plans to spread even more. Eventually they all came to the same somber conclusion; it was either convert Ivan or destroy everything and put their hive building back to square one.

After taking a bit to discuss their game plan the group decided to break for the night and restart fresh in the morning, hopefully with a better idea of where to go as their financial fox node was on the case. Blake agreed to help since he had assimilated the most information from the other alien and Gerald agreed to stay with Chaz in order to protect the hive along with Ramon as he set up his shop. As Chaz and Nathan walked back to the hive the aliens looked out at what they had done so far and could see the tendrils of rubbers spreading over the ceiling and lights, terraforming the room to suit their needs as they could see the six outlines of the men with tentacles sticking out of them pumping more fluid into the hive. They had just considered branching out into the next area over, which was a rather large movie theater, and as Chaz had mentioned that Nathan had an idea and asked how many parasites they could feasibly create inside their current peripheral components...

Two days later a raccoon man rode the escalator up to the third floor of the mall, looking around a bit before he saw the small budget theater that took up most of the space near the back. As he walked up to it he also saw a familiar face in the shark man that was just about to go up to the ticket booth until he heard the raccoon's voice. "Chef Jacques!" the shark said as he turned just as he was about to give his ticket to the man behind the glass. "I thought that you weren't going to make it."

"Turns out I was coming into the city after all," Jacques said as he hugged the shark man. "So what is this then Timon, some sort of company retreat?"

"Actually our client took us out," Timon replied. "You know, the one that we're about to make the food for his private party for? Apparently he wanted us to get some rest before we came in to work for him during the next week and sent us all free tickets to go to the movie. I'm kind of surprised he sent us here, guy with that kind of money would easily be able to afford that big megaplex a few blocks down."

"Well rich people don't stay rich by splurging," Jacques said as he went up to the ticket taker and gave his to the smiling leopard man. "I say beggars can't be choosers, and there are worse ways I can spend a few hours while waiting for my car to get out of the shop then go to a movie with my fellow chefs."

The shark nodded and also handed in his ticket, which as they were taken the two were informed that they were also given free concessions by their mysterious benefactors. As the raccoon made his way towards the theater door he suddenly heard the shark call out and turned to see him getting a large soda and popcorn from the wolf man behind the counter. "Hey, you're not going to get anything?" Timon asked. "It's free."

"Ugh, I don't think so," Jacques said. "Last thing I need is to be bloated all week."

"Aw come on," Timon replied as he walked up to the man. "What happened to beggars can't be choosers?"

"In this case I am not begging," Jacques stated simply, prompting the shark to laugh as they went into the theater. It was clear from the number of familiar faces that they saw that everyone in the rather small room was someone that came from their catering business and that all of them appreciated getting something from their client as much as they did. Since most of the front seats were taken the two opted to take one of the rows that was less crowed in the back.

The two had arrived not a moment too soon as the lights dimmed and the movie projector started up. While Jacques was not a big fan of movies the shark that was next to him happened to know what they were about to watch just from the title credits. It was some sort of sci-fi alien blockbuster that had already went through the main theaters and though it was clear that Timon had already seen it he seemed keen to do so again. While it wasn't the raccoon's cup of tea necessarily the chairs were soft and the theater was air conditioned, though the air smelled a bit funny to him it wasn't enough to bother his experience.

In the first twenty minutes of the movie everyone was explaining their characters and Jacques found that the comfort of the theater was starting to have a slightly different effect on him, his head nodding down slightly before it would jerk back up. While he didn't want to snore or something and ruin the movie for anyone else he was having a hard time trying to keep his eyes open even as the action scenes began. The others seemed to have their eyes glued to the screen though and he wondered if anyone would even notice if he left. After about thirty minutes he decided that he would either have to sneak out or take a nap, and he opted for the former as he started to get up from his seat as quietly as he could.

Unfortunately in his attempt for stealth he failed to notice that Timon had put his cup right down next to him, causing the contents to dump all over the ground. As he cursed silently he was about to whisper an apology to the other man only to see that the shark didn't even notice that his soda had been spilt. He quickly knelt down in order to try and pick up what he could when he noticed that the drink Timon had been consuming didn't even look like soda, or at least not the bottom as he shifted the cup and saw the dark black viscous fluid slowly spread around. It looked like molasses or something and the raccoon reminded himself it was why he didn't drink the stuff, though he was so preoccupied with cleaning up and then sneaking away that he hadn't noticed that the shark had stuck his hand down his pants and was starting to pant.

As Jacques got to the door he attempted to open it silently, only to find that it was locked from the outside. That was strange, he thought to himself as he tried a few more times before the doors just rattled from his efforts, why would they lock the doors when there were people inside? It seemed like a fire hazard to him and just sighed as he knew he would have to go to the front and cross the entire theater in order to get out from the other side. As he made his way down the aisle though he noticed that two of his sous chefs at the edge of the row were just staring blankly ahead, and though at first he thought that they were just staring really into the movie as he tapped one of them on the shoulder they slid down in their seat and dropped the soda that they had been holding.

Others were starting to make noises in the theater as well, though it was hard to hear with the explosions starting to go off, and as Jacques backed up against the wall he saw one of the waitstaff stumbling forward before falling to the ground. As the raccoon went to help him up he quickly dropped the man after turning him over while seeing something shiny and black slide into his muzzle, the last tendrils of it wiggling in the air before it pushed itself into his maw. Jacques found his eyes widening as the screen lit up and he could see that several were either like that or had similar lumps inside of them while others had what looked like tentacles wrapped around their bodies or shoved into their ears or mouths. It was like the movie was coming to life and as he tried to make a run for the door he stopped short when it opened and a number of naked muscular men started to swarm in and pounce on those that were restrained or didn't look like they had passed out.

As Jacques made his way back up the theater steps he saw that out of the twenty or so people that had been in the theater all of them were in a compromised state, even Timon was no longer watching the movie as a naked wolf man had gotten on his lap and was riding his exposed cock while sticking his tongue into the shark's maw. Though the raccoon had no idea what was happening he had no intention of finding out, and instead of waiting to be taken by the growing number of men that were flooding into the theater he made a run straight for the door. Since there was no need for stealth he put all his force into bashing it over as he made a running start. Whatever had been holding it shut was smashed as the wood cracked and he tumbled out into the light of the lobby, but Jacques didn't wait for a second as he bolted out of the theater and back into the mall.

Once he had gotten into the light of the main building Jacques could feel his mind racing at what he had seen just now. It looked like some of his coworkers had swallowed something while others were being accosted by the naked men that had come in, though strangely it looked like they were all enjoying it despite some of them being married and many not being gay. While he was himself it still didn't mean he wanted to participate in some bizarre alien-themed orgy or whatever that was, though when he remembered the waiter and the thing that crawled inside him it snapped him out of his thoughts and put him into flight or fight mode. He had to find someone to help, and when he looked back to see that he hadn't been followed out of the theater he tried to find the first person that he could get to do something about it.

It wasn't long until he saw someone that was walking around the balcony of the third floor with Jacques seeing that he was one of the security guards. "Hey, security!" Jacques shouted, prompting the bull to look up and point to himself as the raccoon waved at him. "Yes, you, I need your help immediately!"

As the bull man rushed over to him Jacques suddenly realized he didn't know what he was going to say, especially since he was still unsure of it and what he did remember was something he didn't care to repeat. He also didn't want the other man to go in there and suffer the same fate they did but with his escape it allowed the door to be open and when the guard finally did get up to him he went for broke. "You have to call the police or the hospital or something," Jacques practically shouted as he pointed back towards the theater. "There's... something going on back there, these guys, they just came out of nowhere and these things were crawling all over people or something!"

"Whoa, hold on, slow down," the security guard said as the raccoon began to hyperventilate. "You're going to pass out! Here, let's get you into the office, you'll be safe there and we can call emergency services while checking the cameras. My name is Gerald by the way."

Jacques nodded and tried to get his breathing under control as he was led to a different part of the mall, the raccoon trying to figure out what to say in order to get this man named Gerald believe that what was happening in there was really serious. The two quickly made their way through the utility hallway and eventually got to the security station, which other than them there was only one other person that was on the monitors. "I'm telling you that there's something wrong in the theater," Jacques said as Gerald sat him down. "Everyone just started... having sex, or something, I don't know..."

"Alright, calm down," Gerald said as he as put a hand on the shoulder. "I'll have my friend Nathan over here look at the cameras for you and call anyone that we deem appropriate while I try to get some sense of where you're coming from. Now, were you at the theater alone?"

"No... no I was with a group of my co-workers," Jacques replied as he glanced over at the camera monitors. "Can't you see them? It was like some sort of zombie movie!"

"He's watching," Gerald stated as he quickly got the focus of the raccoon back on him. "Now what is your occupation?"

The raccoon looked at the bull in question and shook his head. "I... don't know why this matters," Jacques said with a nervous sigh. "But I'm the head chef at an upscale catering company." The entire time he talked he continued to look over at the monitors and as he saw movement in one of them he gasped and stood up. "That's Timon, they're escaping!"

Before Gerald could say anything Jacques rushed out of the chair and went over to where the python sat, nearly pushing him aside as he saw that the camera pointed at the lobby did have the shark walking out of it. To his surprise it looked like he was... normal, like when he had walked inside as he joked and laughed with one of the other chefs that were walking out. There were a few others that came out that way and the raccoon found himself backing away in disbelief. They all looked like they had just come out of a movie and none of them were some sort of ravaging sex zombie or whatever he thought he had seen.

"That's... impossible," Jacques stammered.

"Look, maybe you just fell asleep and the movie inspired a nightmare," Gerald said as he patted the raccoon on the back. "Now I have a few more questions to ask you before we have you rejoin your group there. Now when Ivan invited you to the theater did he do so personally, and does he usually do this in exchange for services?"

"Well no, I... wait..." Jacques found himself trailing off as the absurdity of the situation started to replace the fear and horror he had been feeling, and with it came a sense of clarity that he obtained as he looked at the bull. "I never told you the client's name that bought us tickets to the theater."

Gerald looked like he was about to say something else, but then just chuckled and took the hat off of his head. "That you didn't I suppose," Gerald said as the raccoon gasped as he backed away from the security guard only to see the other one give him a smirk and start to take off his shirt. "Now in all honesty even if you hadn't figured that out we couldn't let you leave anyway, not with you being the head chef. You see, we need you in order to get to Ivan and unfortunately circumstances dictate a rather rushed assimilation to make sure that your entire crew is on board."

As Jacques saw the two continuing to undress themselves it was clear to the raccoon that he was in an even worse position than when he had escaped from the theater. There was only one door and the two were between him, not to mention that it was made out of metal and no doubt locked as soon as they had walked inside. "So... you're going to do to me like you did to the others in the theater?" Jacques asked as he swallowed hard, his eyes trying not to gaze at the rather nice bodies and especially the hardened muscular form of the bull's form. "I suppose you can drop the act, are you trying to kidnap Ivan? Poison him?"

"You will see soon enough," Nathan said as he took the lead, stepping forward and holding out a hand in a reassuring gesture. "Now since we're not just to get an entire group of people under our sway we can potentially enjoy ourselves, plus you can see that we're not so bad. You can choose to either ride the bull or let me slither about you since its clear that you enjoy our look."

Jacques shook his head and continued to try and wrap his head around the situation. It was clear that this wasn't just about the sex, especially given what he saw with one of his wait staff, but when he tried to bring that up the two just said that it would all be revealed to him soon enough. The two were patient enough but it was clear that they weren't going to let him leave, and considering how bold they were with getting naked right in the mall security station that he wasn't going to be able to wait them out. Admittedly the bull had caught his eye even when he was shocked at what he had seen in the theater and when he finally pointed to Gerald the two just gave each other a smirk.

Nathan commented that he always wanted to know how to cook and though it caused the raccoon to tilt his head in confusion he suddenly felt the presence of the rather large bull man behind him. As Jacques looked down and saw the rather thick shaft pressed against his outer thigh he swallowed hard as he stated that he had never taken anything that big before. The response was feeling a pair of fingers slowly sliding inside of his pants and pressed between his furry cheeks, which caused the man between them to twitch. Though he hadn't expected to have sex with two guys inside the guard room of a mall compared to what he had seen in the theater this was an almost tender encounter, like something he would have set up as the tip of the finger popped inside of him that caused him to yelp.

The python quickly undressed the other man when he sensed that the raccoon was ready to submit, and while the original plan hadn't been to lure the head chef of the catering crew into their grasp it certainly turned out to be rather fortuitous that they had left Gerald in front of the theater. He hadn't expected that anyone would actually burst out of the area they had taken over before inviting them all into their trap but Blake did and he was going to have to thank the leopard later. Having the head chef in his clutches would allow for better planning and he was actually glad that the somewhat lean raccoon enjoyed the beefcake that flexed his body and made Jacques practically swoon. The original plan was to just upload all the information and have them take care of Ivan, but with this man quickly warming up to them it gave him a different idea of how to do things and especially when he asked if Ivan knew him personally which prompted the raccoon to shake his head.

As Gerald got right behind the raccoon and started to lift him up Nathan surprised Jacques be getting in front of him and grinding his scaly hips against him. The alien python imagined that for the chef this is potentially a dream scenario for him, he certainly was hard as a rock as the bull continued to get his hole ready for his cock. While the assimilation and conversion was paramount the mission had been complete and for some reason he was excited at the prospect himself. Was this just the fact that they were getting closer to Ivan and saving the hive, or perhaps there was something else as the idea of being able to cook had stirred something in him that he didn't expect.

It didn't take long before Nathan took the cock of the racoon and began to push it into him, which was mainly helped by the bull behind that man starting to do the same. Since he hadn't been assimilated at the moment the alien python got nothing but the pleasure of the stretching of his hole. He could already sense the tendrils of their influence starting to affect the man and since their lusts were the easiest to transmit he found that this was pretty close to what the guy between them considered to be a great scenario... and it turned out that he had something similar in the walk-in of the place where he worked. Seeing the raccoon getting it on with two of his co-workers only seemed to spur Jacques on even more, especially when his insides were getting stretched open by the bull behind him.

With Gerald preparing his hole ahead of time it allowed him to get several inches of his cock in at once, and as the alien ooze began to flood the man between them the information finally began to flow into the python that had gotten nearly the entirety of the raccoon inside of him. Nathan gasped not only in pleasure but also in amazement as he found himself finding out a lot about the occupation of being a chef; everything from temperatures to cooking styles to even how to present were absorbed into the parasitic brain that he had while the one he was getting the information from was introduced into their network. The three went on like that for a while before it got to the section of data in his mind that was partitioned strictly for his client Ivan, and as Nathan learned more and more about what was going to happen his face fell even as the bull was practically thrusting the raccoon's cock into him.

Despite what he had just discovered Nathan continued to enjoy his time downloading everything he could from the new raccoon chef node and when he was done he pulled himself off of the other man. Since there was much more for Gerald to transfer into Jacques the python told him to make sure that he was fully assimilated since they would need him, then put on his regular clothes and started to make his way back towards the hive. Since he had seen most of the crew leave it meant that they had wrapped up in bringing them enough into their alien selves that they could get a bigger update later, though the orca had been in the theater audience and had managed to push his tentacles into the maws and tailholes of probably everyone that was in there. When he got to the back room he could see that the orca hub was still in his transformed state and he looked more like a mass of tentacles than he did his former self.

Daniel and Hammond were waiting for Nathan to come back up along with Blake who immediately asked if he had managed to get the head chef after he had escaped from the theater. "Yeah, you were right about having Gerald keep an eye out on the lobby," Nathan said as he sat down with them. "I actually managed to get the download of his information, so if you ever need to flambe I can make it happen."

"I'm sure that will be great for the next time we host a mall party," Blake said as the other two leaned in. "So does this mean that we know how to get to Ivan now? We can help get Fawn into position so we can infest this white tiger and save this place?"

"Well there's good news and bad news," Nathan said with a sigh. "The good news is that with the information from Jacques I can pretend to be him; Ivan has never seen the raccoon or his crew, so we could all easily slip in without him knowing if you happened to take his sous chef. The bad news is that the reason that he doesn't know any of their names or faces is because Ivan doesn't let any of them actually serve at the party."

"Wait, they don't let them serve their own food?" Daniel asked in slight shock.

"Yeah, this man is as paranoid as he is reclusive," Nathan replied. "The catering crew just comes in and sets everything up, then tells the staff what to do before they leave for the night. Each time they make a meal they get everything from the previous meal already washed and cleaned for them so they can just pack it up and get out, in fact the only time Jacques has even seen the guy was when he did his initial inspection when they first got the contract."

"Well that's nice for them but terrible for us," Hammond said. "We've done all this work and we're still in the same situation with our only node that has any sort of shot of personal contact with him being completely alone. How are we supposed to get onto the state and help infest the other members of the harem or Ivan himself when we're going to be on the property for a grand total of ten minutes?"

Nathan found himself unable to answer that question, which prompted the other nodes to try and discuss among themselves what they were going to do. When it was clear that they were getting nowhere the python prompted Blake to come with him and told the others that they still had a few days to plan and to get some rest, they had just converted a lot of people between the lot of them and the parasites they had created beforehand and everyone was probably exhausted. Though there were still quite a few worried looks among the alien creature they all agreed and went their separate ways with Chaz staying behind in order to maintain the hive and to wait for Gerald to finish up with Jacques. That left the python and leopard to go back to his place and as soon as they got there the two got naked and went to the bed.

Since Blake had helped take care of the chefs in the theater and he had all the knowledge that came from the chef the alien python wanted the two of them to work in tandem in order to try and come up with a solution that didn't involve leaving Fawn exposed but without forcing themselves into the estate. The two sat on either side of one another and had started to stroke their cocks, the leopard and python licking the sensitive flesh before they draw it into their maws at the same time. Almost immediately they began to feel the information flow between them and it wasn't long before they were completely in sync with one another as they began to bob their heads up and down. With their minds synchronized they were able to think with one another in real time, while also enjoying the pleasure that came with it.

It didn't long before the information that had been absorbed from Jacques was seen in their mind's eyes, processing everything they could from the memories that were given on the property and protocol when it came to all the times that they had went out there to cater his extravagant parties. Though Blake had gotten a bit of information from those that he had assimilated in the theater the raccoon was the gold mine as they got to see the contracts that were signed and the menu that was prepared ahead of time. As he looked through all the details Nathan and Blake noticed that for this particular party there was still some time to change a few aspects, though they were stumped on just how effective they could be in swapping out menu items. There had to be something else that they just weren't looking at, the two thought as they settled their maws at the base of the other's throbbing member so that the pleasure wasn't as distracting, and Nathan decided to have them comb through the knowledge of the chef to see if there was something that they could substitute in that would help them.

As the images of various lavish parties that the catering company had thrown for other clients flowed through their minds, some of the names Nathan remembering for other potential nodes later, he suddenly stopped the stream of consciousness as one in particular popped up. The alien cobra could feel the head of his feline counterpart tilt slightly as the image of the spread was shown to both of them and as the idea was laid out before them both creature realized that they had found something there. With the new idea blossoming in their mind the two could have decoupled from one another, except that the lusts they felt pushed them further as they began to suck each other off in earnest. As Nathan pushed a finger into the tailhole of the alien leopard he suddenly felt the cock inside his maw throb hard before the concentrated parasitic goo flooded his maw, and when he also felt the other man practically suction against him it caused him to do the same.

The two remained like that for a while until the orgasm of their host bodies died down, and once they had the two got up and shuddered slightly. "It's worth a shot," Blake said as the mental link between them was broken. "But we're going to have to hope that Ivan even goes for the idea this late in the game. If he says no then it's back to square one."

"No harm in asking," Nathan said. "Plus with Fawn on our side the deer node could potentially lend a bit of extra whispering in his ear to make it happen. You go back to the hive and download the information into the orca hub so it can be dispersed to the rest of the hive, I'll take care of the phone call and see about wrangling up the new nodes to try and make sure they get all on the same page."

"Perhaps it would be prudent to turn Jacques into a hub as well," Blake suggested as they went to put their clothes back on so they could go back outside. "Chefs are known for multitasking and I think that we could overclock him in the dissemination of information far faster than Arthur."

"That might not be a bad idea, but for the moment I think we're going to have to do it old school so that we can be ready for this party," Nathan replied as he gave his cock a squeeze to emphasize the point before slipping it into his pants. "If everything goes according to plan we'll have a shiny new hive and a potential fallback point if things get out of hand in the city, plus save the hive in the mall. Let's just hope that nothing else happens along the way..."

As the two left the house they were unaware that there was a car parked in the streets a few houses away, the komono dragon watching them with a pair of binoculars as he watched them get into Nathan's car to head off. Once he saw them leave he took out a cell-phone and dialed a number on it, waiting for it to connect as he scratched the scales of his face. "Yeah, boss, it's me," the man said once he heard the call complete. "I found the other one, looks like they're planning something just like you said and I noticed that they hang out at the mall quite often, what do you want me to do?"

"Just keep following them for now," the gruff voice on the other end of the line said. "They're more dangerous than they let on, so make sure you and the others wait for my signal."

"You got it boss," the komono dragon said before he hung up and turned on his car to follow.

Meanwhile in a prison facility on the other side of town the receiving phone hung up as well, the man quickly taking it and hiding it under his bed before taking out a cigarette. It had been lights out for a while and with some strings that the inmate had managed to pull he currently had a room all to himself as he sat back in the shadow of the bunk bed. As the lighter sprang to life it illuminated not only the face of the warthog but the opposite wall that had a number of pictures on them, most of them of Daniel the wolf while others had started to include the python that he had been with on the day of his incarceration. As he leaned forward the smirk on his face turned to a grimace as he practically crushed the end of his cigarette with his seething.

"You think you two are going to get away with whatever it was you did to me," the warthog said as he got up and looked at the picture in the middle of the board which was the python and the wolf leaving his former café. "But I got your number now, and I know that there's something going on with you two that you don't want the rest of the world to know, but mark my words..."

The warthog took a deep drag of the cigarette before he crushed the tip out on the face of the python and wolf. "...the rest of the world will soon know."