Black and White

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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So I wrote this story in an hour just now. It's raw and unpolished but I set myself a goal and achieved it. I also tried a slightly different style of writing.

The difference between the two wolves was as startling as the difference between cheese and chalk, summer and winter, night and day, cliched comparisons and original literature. Since the universe follows the rules of opposites attracting, or more likely people thinking it's a universal law and therefore arranging matters so it follows as such, they ended up being put in the same classes, the same sports teams, the same social groups. But they hated each other with a icy disaproval.

I said they were different right? Well of course one was black, his fur as dark as a moonless night. A least it was until he got some head, shoulders and tail to clear up his dandruff THEN he was as dark as a deep pool of water at midnight. The other was as white as a wolf could be without being an albino and only the fact that the first person who called him that ended up in hospital with a fractured arm stopped everyone else from giving him that as a nick name.

You see while they were different on the surface they were also different deep down, which shocked everyone. How dare they disobey the laws of narrative, they should be best friends!

Everyone had expected the darker wolf, Shaun, to be the violent, moody, jock type one. His father had been a wild child, a star track runner, a gambler and a smear of blood and fur across the road when he went flying off his motorcycle. Shaun went against these expectations though. He was good at math. He did his homework. He was also six foot five naturally muscly and as such didn't get teased for the fact he could read without moving his lips.

Kennedy, the white wolf, on the other hand had been raised with the idea that he would take after his father, a meek accountant who was going no where in his job and hadn't satisfied his wife sexually in three months. Kennedy smoke, swore, snarled and performed all kinds of other unsavory activities that begun with s. He was also short, lean and wiry. The fact that he had been suspended three times for breaking someones bones meant that he wasn't bothered too much about his smaller frame.

They also lived next door to each other. Unlikely huh? Well they lived in a small town and Shaun's dad's widow was left a nice fat settlement after he decided to reupholster the road. Anyway, who's telling the story here?

I thought so.

So the two of them lived next door to each other which meant they both had to catch the bus together. Usually they sat on opposite ends of the bus, Kennedy in the back sprawled out and macking on some chick who thought they could tame the tough guy and Shaun in the front reading a book. One day though Shaun was late from helping his math teacher pack up and Kennedy was late since he had to bash up some younger kid to get cigarettes out of him. The end result was that they had to sit next to each other.

"Your a fucking pathetic loser you know?" Said Kennedy as he lit up a stolen ciggy. A dark glare at everyone else stopped any protest about smoking in the bus.

"And you're a thug who thinks he's so impressive because he smokes and skips class all the time" Shaun replied without glancing up from his book.

"Yeah" The white furred wolf grinned "I am pretty awesome huh?"

"You keep telling yourself that." The black wolf said evenly.

Shaun wasn't violent, when you're built like a brick shit house you generally don't need to be. Kennedy though knew several ways he could get even with the larger wolf and was about to do so when the nerdier wolf snapped his book shut and stuffed into his bag. A larger muzzle pressed against his ear and then was gone as the Shaun walked down the bus, stopping and helping a little old lady on her way.

Kennedy growled and bit the filter off his cigarette as the last words echoed in his ear.

"Cassie definitely didn't call you awesome at kissing"

He couldn't be having with that now could he? So he spat out the cigarette and chased after the larger wolf. He had to thump the doors back open and could barely keep up with the dark furred wolf. Years of smoking and not enough exercise does that to you, so you know... kids, don't smoke!

He finally caught up with Shaun in a small park. The white furred wolf huffed and puffed as he reached the park bench Shaun was sitting on. Without any warning he grabbed the book from the wolf's large black paws and flung it away. Shaun didn't react to Kennedy's provocation and just smiled as he looked into the furious eyes looking at him.

"What the fuck have you been talking to Cassie about huh? You fucking prick!" Kennedy snarled out. Usually when he got angry, got up in peoples faces like he was doing now, people tended to either shy away or get angry back. Kennedy was finding it quite difficult to be angry at what was effectively a brick wall.

"Oh this and that. Gotta pass the time in study hall someway" Shaun said, his tone conversational and friendly as though he didn't have five foot something of angry wolf up in his face. "But mostly about why her hot stud of a boyfriend can't seem to keep it up in the bedroom."

"She said what?" Kennedy replied. So maybe he'd had a few occasions where he couldn't get it up. And by few of course he meant all but he wasn't going to admit that to himself.

"She said that she wants you to fuck her so hard she can't walk and you can do is give her a finger bang." Shaun replied. He kept the same tone that infuriated Kennedy to frustration. He opened his mouth to scream at the dark furred wolf and suddenly found his mouth pressed against something hot and moist.

Black and white in a perfect circle, ying and yang, ebony and ivory. Shaun kissed Kennedy for long moments while the white furred wolf stood there in shock and then found himself pressing forward with a moan. Moments later both wolves had separated and Kennedy had the problem of a very large bulge in his pants.

"You want to come back to my place?" Shaun said with a grin as he spread his legs revealing a larger bulge in his trousers.

"I'm not a fucking faggot" Kennedy replied. He was trying to think of a way out of this. A way to deny the fact that the dark furred wolf had turned him on more than any woman in his life had and he had done it with one kiss.

"Well I'm going home to deal with this" Shaun said as he stood and gestured to his groin, the bulge even more prominent now. He didn't wait for Kennedy's reply, he just turned and started walking. He wasn't surprised when Kennedy was next to him not five seconds later, his hands thrust deep into his pockets to try and hide his erection.

"This doesn't make us friends" He said.

And it didn't. It took five more times for that to happen. The tenth time saw them as a couple and as far as I'm aware they are still together now. Shaun still reads anything and everything, Kennedy still smokes and slacks off but both of them are happy enough. So maybe opposites attracting is a universal law afterall. You decide.


So this story is one I wrote ages and ages ago. I wrote it to submit it to "Heat" magazine. However it got rejected. So lucky for all you smut lovers out there you get it for free! Please, as always, fav or leave comments! It's what lets me know you...

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You can leave any time you want

Water cascades along the rabbits body as he stares blankly at the wall in front of him. It's Friday again and he's here in the same showers again. To get fucked. Again. He doesn't know why he's here again, he's lost count of exactly...

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Can’t keep your eyes off me

EDIT: A big thanks to Toonces the Driving cat who pointed out the tense problems I missed. I have gone through, fixed a lot of them and can't see any more. If you do find them let me know and I'll fix them. Oh also, his stuff is...

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