Horror Vale - ch 11

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#11 of Horror Vale

The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

_ NOTE: This story is a NaNo project, written by MasterAaran and myself. Each Chapter is actually a day's writing._

Our goal, since we are co-writing, is 100,000 words by the end of November.

Our word Count for each day will be posted, as well as a running total for the month.

Word Count - Day 10 ~ 2274 words

Word Count - Month ~ 38956 words


Deryck's eyes popped open and he sat up, his mind trying to place his location. He had dozed off after a half an hour of waiting, and it took him a few seconds to realize where he was, and what he was doing. He stretched, yawned with a faint whine, and then snapped his neck to the side to work out the kinks. It was just after dark, the sun having set maybe an hour ago at the most. He stepped from the car, the autumn scents assailing his nose and filling his lungs as he breathed in the slightly chilly night air. He closed the door again, and then set his nose and sight toward Bayleigh's house, just visible through the trees. He jogged off into the woods, his muscles flexing as his legs pumped the sleep out of his body.

The house he was jogging towards was a large two story white house on a large piece of land in the Beacon Hill/South Park area of Seattle. Large Red cedar, Big leaf maple and Dogwood trees kept the path he had between the park and the house in dark shadows, whilst closer to the house, a single European mountain-ash, a variety of Dove trees and Persian ironwood trees kept the backyard shaded during the heat of summer, and dark during the night. Deryck had no trouble keeping in shadows as he drew closer to the house.

Just inside the back door, a young brunette had just finished dinner. The news earlier today had her worried. She had gone to Holy Names Academy before moving on to the University of Washington. Bayleigh washed her dishes, then made sure the front door was locked, then headed to the back door, about to lock it, when it flew open in her face.

Framed by the door was a large creature that looked like one of the horror movie stereotype werewolves. He stood on two legs, but had a fur coat and a tail between his legs. The wolf-man shook himself, the fur on his head sticking out a bit as he growled and his muzzle rippled with the sound. His teeth gleamed in the light from inside, and he was silhouetted by the moon on the outside. The force of his entrance had caused her to gasp and jump backwards, back to the wall just inside the door, eyes wide with fright and hand on her chest. Her breasts were rising and falling rapidly, her breathing coming in ragged gasps. He was in the house before she could make a sound, the door closed behind him. He was almost upon her when she let out a terrified shriek and tried to push past him. The one thought in her head was to get out of that house, she had to, she just knew that he was going to kill her.

He laughed deeply. The location of her house was perfect for masking any sort of ruckus that was caused. It was the only one on the road, the closest other being a block over, and also surrounded by trees. The rumbling sound of his laughter followed her as surely as his footsteps, stalking behind the scared girl as she frantically tried to reach the front door.

She flew through the kitchen and into the front hall of her parent's home. Her shaking fingers fumbled with the door lock, but it wouldn't unlatch, and she suddenly realized that she could no longer hear his footsteps or his laughter. The house had gone deathly quiet. A breeze wafted down the stairs from the second floor, a window left open to admit the night air. A curtain shifted, a cricket chirped, then nothing. She gulped, trying to calm her breathing, wondering if what she had seen was a figment of her imagination, or was it all too real?

She stepped back towards the lights of the kitchen slowly, her throat trying to swallow the lump that had risen in it. She wanted to get to a phone and call her best friend, wanted to ask if she could stay with her this evening. As she was about to enter the warm light of the kitchen, it suddenly went out. She had left only one other light on in the house, having intended on going to her bedroom after dinner, so she was plunged into complete darkness.

The shadows seemed to press in around her and her skin turned clammy. All at once, she heard a growl behind her, and a soft breath fell on her neck. A choked sob came from her lips, her hand moving to cover her mouth.

"Oh God...please no...." The breath came again, and on her arm, the light brush of fur as his fingers traced her soft flesh from her elbows up to her shoulders.

Bayleigh shivered as she felt his fingers tracing so lightly over the silken soft flesh of her bared arms. "Please....Oh God. Please don't hurt me..... You can take anything you want from the house, but just please....don't hurt me....". She turned in the darkness, unable to see him, but as she turned, her face brushed against his hard, furry chest. Gasping, she backed away, her eyes wide with her terror.

Remembering the breeze she had felt earlier, she kept backing away, making him follow her step by step. She worked her way out of the kitchen again, then raced up the stairs, forcing him to give chase to catch her. She ran into her bedroom, and slammed the door closed, but before she could lock it behind her, he crashed through her bedroom door.

She screamed as he advanced on her, his eyes gleaming in the light of the room, the only light still on in the house. She ran towards the balcony, but he was faster. He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off her feet. He carried her with ease to her bed, and flung her down, immediately following her down onto it. He ripped her clothes off her, stripping her as much as he could while pinning her beneath him, baring her beautiful skin beneath him. He then grabbed the serum filled needle, holding it above her naked tit. Her eyes widened in fear, but before she could say anything, he injected the serum into her nipple making her scream in pain.

Before she could do anything, he pulled his cock out and brushed aside the shreds of clothing still left over her pussy, then rubbed himself against her bared cunt. "Mine". He snarled at her, shoving his cock into her.

The pain...Oh the pain... her mind could think of nothing else, her body convulsed under his as the giant girth penetrated her virgin slit. She had never even masturbated, let alone put anything inside there. Sure, she knew about sex, but had never had any need, or desire, to do anything about experiencing it. This was something out of a nightmare for her... rape. She began to sob, tears streaming from her eyes, as he began to fuck her.

She was so tight. Nearly as tight as Roaz had been on his first time with her, his red cock being died even darker by the fresh blood now pouring from her pussy. His penetration had ripped away her hymen, letting the blood flow freely, not letting it clot as his precum began to lubricate her tight tunnel. Every thrust she let out a shriek, and every retreat caused her to whimper and try to push his body from hers.

"Please....Just....Go....". She squeaked out between thrusts as he began to pick up speed. "Don't do this.....".

"You are mine now, my possession, my property, my slave... I'll do with you what I will.....". He pulled almost all the way out, and then slammed back in with full force. "Bitch".

Her voice rose again as he rammed her, a wordless noise coming from her throat as her fingernails clawed at his shoulders, and her fists pounded at his chest. Her cunt was contracting around him, the skin and muscles flexing reflexively as he thrust. He only laughed at her, and then drove his muzzle down at her mouth. She shook her head, seeing his maw open above her face, this was it, she knew it....He would kill her, rip her throat out. He didn't though, as she opened her mouth to scream again, he drove his tongue inside, licking her own and the roof of her mouth, then swirling around and forcing her screams to be muffled.

He was neither gentle nor compassionate with her. Treating her as nothing but a piece of meat as he pounded her, a tool for him to get off in, and to continue his experiments on. He felt his cock begin to swell slightly, but so did his knot. He had wanted to push it inside of her, but now it was too big, and he knew that he would be cumming much less than normal, and not inside her womb. He growled in anger, and gripped her tits with his claws, the sharp points digging into the soft flesh, the skin bulging around his fingers. She shook and screamed again into his mouth, feeling as if here breasts were being torn.

His rod throbbed, and he felt himself cum, one, two, three spurts of cum flooded into her cunt, but no more, nothing like the amounts that would fill her when he knotted her. He released her mouth and moaned as he felt the throbs subside. She too felt the cum from his cock, and tears began to streak her face, retracing their lines again from her earlier sobs. "No... I can't get pregnant...No.....".

He laughed deeply, a rumble that sounded something like thunder. "You can if I say so...., but I'm not finished with you yet, my bitch.... I would be worried about other things than having a kid". He growled, dragging her from the bed. Her knee's were weak from her struggling, but she tried to fight him off, even if it was in vain. She tried to kick at him as he went down the stairs, to knock him off balance, but he would not be stopped. When he reached the bottom, he shook her viciously.

"You stop your struggling or I'll give you more where those came from!". He growled, pointing to the blood on her tits.

She nodded, sobbing again as he draged her to the back door. He wasn't going to risk letting her escape from him on the jog back to the car, so he shoved her into the corner, and held her there while he fished in his backpack for the rope he had brought. It was quickly found, and he wrapped a piece around her ankles, and tied it to her hands behind her back.

She stayed motionless while he did this, absolutely terrified that he would hurt her more. He also tore off the last bit of her clothing, leaving her stark naked. Her torn panties he used as a gag, shoving them into her mouth, and covering it with a piece of tape. He then hiked her up on his shoulder, and took off at a run from her home, across the yard and through the trees.

Again, he stayed entirely in shadow, afforded by the massive trees of the park as he ran. His car was waiting for him, and he opened the door, not the back this time though, but the front. He sat her on the passenger seat, her ass landing on the cold leather as he then closed the door and locked it.

He quickly jumped in the driver's seat, and started the engine. He didn't turn on the headlights until he was out of the park and heading down the road. It was a few long minutes before he reached the highway that would take him on his drive to Black Diamond, but he felt much safer once he reached it. There was something about knowing that he was blended in with all the other cars, that gave him the ability to relax as he drove. He glanced over at Bayleigh, her eyes were looking this way and that, and he knew he should have blindfolded her. Between her legs, a small puddle of his juice and her blood slicked the seat, and he chuckled.

"Just wait... there's much more spunk where that came from". He growled.

Her eyes widened, as if pleading with him to reconsider this whole thing, but he was totally indifferent. At an hour away from his destination, he pulled into an empty parking lot of a building and reached into the back seat for his chloroform. He held it up, letting her see what it was, and she frantically shook her head. He just soaked a rag in it, and clamped it over her face, then took it away as she slumped to the side, resuming his trip.

Just as dawn was breaking the horizon, he again pulled into the garage of the abandoned house. It was exactly the same as he had left it, nothing different that he could see. He got out of the car, and closed the garage door, then came around and got her from the passenger side.

She was breathing deeply, heavily sedated, and didn't even make a whimper as he carried her inside. He briefly considered taking her back to the basement, but then shook his head. No, he would rape her elsewhere in the house. He took her to the bathroom, put her in the tub, and waited.....
