Alternative Lessons: Chapter Eight

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Alternative Lessons

Chapter Eight

"You'll go on, you'll go back home, back to your Brother. You'll go to school, you'll go out with your friends, you'll do everything you used to. With one major exception. You'll belong to me."

Fawn knelt at the foot of the plush bed, sitting down on her hind paws and thighs. Her tail was curled slightly, lying behind her on the bed. Both paws sat in her lap, as the nude kitten kept her attention fully on Athena.

The canine still wore her robe, pacing back and forth in front of her bed. Her bushy tail draped out from under her robe, occasionally swishing as she glanced to Fawn and explained the way things would be "You'll be at my call. You'll do as I tell you, without complaint or exception." She paused in her pacing, stepping forwards to the bed's foot, leaning closer to Fawn "Everything I tell you. Do you understand me?"

Fawn nodded her head slowly as she shrank back from the canine "Yes...I...I think I do..."

"Yes, I think I do Mistress." Athena stressed the final word "You will address me as Mistress or Mistress Athena, without exception. When I speak, you will reply with your response and my name. Without exception." Again, Athena stressed her words, leaning further over the feline as Fawn sunk away "Y-y-yes Mistress Athena..."

"Good girl." An onyx paw stroked Fawn's cheek softly "Your need is my need. Your pleasure will be from myself, only, unless I state otherwise. Your body, your mind, they both belong to me. No one else will touch you unless I state otherwise. No one." Athena drew back with that, padding back a foot from the bed "You will do whatever I say, and you will allow me to do as I please with you. Your body is my play toy." The declaration left Fawn quivering faintly. She would have blushed, were she not already bright crimson "If you ever disobey me, I will punish you. Do you understand me Fawn?"

"Yes...I understand..."


"Mistress!" Fawn spoke up quickly, her head dropping down, expecting another slap "I understand Mistress Athena!"

"Good girl." A paw touched Fawn's cheek softly, lifting her head back up, her muzzle tilted into Athena's as the canine kissed her firmly. The touch sent a tremble down Fawn, her eyes closing partially. She looked embarrassed, shamed still as the canine pressed her down onto the bed once again "'ll feel the pleasure your Mistress can bring when you're a good girl..." Paws touched at Fawn's knees, pulling them slowly apart to a squeak of the feline. She tried to keep them closed, speaking up quickly "No Mistress..." the words made Athena pause, leveling a stern gaze on Fawn "You do not tell me no, slave. Open your legs."

"Please Mistress, I...I'm not ready..."

"I do not care, slave. Every part of you belongs to me, including your pussy. Open your legs." She stressed her words with a hint of a growl, Athena pulling the feline's knees apart now, easily overcoming Fawn's resistance. The white around the kitten's folds glistened faintly as Fawn squirmed, turning to hide her face against the sheets. Athena's stern look was lost at the antics of her pet, giggling faintly while her head dipped forwards. Pink slide out between black lips, touching the pink within with fur, slowly licking up Fawn's nether lips, tasting her excitement. Fawn let out a moan as she felt the wet length slither between her thighs, legs pressing back together, leaving Athena's head trapped there. The canine minded not, her tongue beginning to lap in earnest against her sex now, Fawn's calls of pleasure a pleasant by-product to her tasting. Slowly, each lick probed inside until Athena's muzzle pressed against Fawn's sex, kissing her mound as her tongue probed deeply within. The kitten shuddered as her Mistress pushed into her, paws weakly setting against the canine's head, halfheartedly pushing at her. Athena ignored the attempt, tasting the feline as she pleased.

The pair remained there, Athena kneeled at the foot of the bed, her head pressed between Fawn's thighs as the feline shook before her, feeling that length rolling along her inner walls, pleasing her as she never felt before. The attentions paused only a minute to let Fawn hear the voice between her thighs "Didn't know it could feel this good, did you pet?"

" you mean?"

"I told you Fawn..." Athena's head lifted slightly, letting Fawn find that self-satisfied smile on her again "I know everything. I know you've never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend...I know you've never had sex...and I know you're still a virgin..." The feline would have blushed deeper again, had her cheeks not already lit up from the feel of the tongue lapping inside her "That will belong to me as well, pet..." A gasp shot from the feline as she felt that wet length slide between the cheeks of her rump, tongue circling her tail hole before drawing back up over her folds. A cold, wet nose touched her clit, sending a jolt through Fawn before the nose nuzzled at her nub, leaving her twitching back and forth "Nooo! Not my ass...that's dirty..."

"Mmm, is it?" Athena murred softly as the feline complained, her paws pulling apart those white cheeks, tongue licking against the pink bud once more "How about this then?" Fawn's eyes pulled back open, her head leaning down as she felt something pushing at her pucker "N-no!" Her complaints cut off with a groan as Athena pressed a digit into the kitten's behind, pumping the full furry length inside her "Yes, so dirty...but you're a dirty slave, aren't you Fawn?"

"N-no, I-"

"Don't lie to me, Fawn." Athena snapped, quickly cutting off the kitten's denial as her stern gaze lifted, letting Fawn glimpse it "I know you crave it." Her finger twisted with its thrust, leaving the kitten with a quiver while she lifted her lower back off the bed, insides squeezing that digit as it lodged full within her rump. Fawn began to whimper again, a few twinkles of tears running through her white cheek fur again "Please, not back there."

"You'll beg me for it soon enough." The tone itself sent a shiver down Fawn's back, looking back down to find that self-satisfied look once more. Another twist of the digit jerked her head back, Fawn's eyes shut tight once again as she squeezed it still "Please Mistress..."

"Good girl." Athena spoke, pulling her finger from the kitten. As she stood up, Athena's paws caught Fawn's knees, stopping her as she went to close her legs "I didn't say move, pet. Do you want me to punish you again?" The sting of the whip surged across Fawn's back, running through each tended cut there with that word. Her head shook with her panicky look "Please no Mistress!"

"No pet, misbehavior must be swiftly dealt with." Athena sat with her body facing away from Fawn on the foot of the bed while she smirked back to the feline "Move. I want your ass over the edge of this bed, facing towards the headboard." A headshake got another swift slap across Fawn's cheek, her head jerked to the side, tears again running their trail over her cheeks. Sobbing, she complied. Her paws grabbed onto the blanket, face burying against its plush surface as her legs dangled, hind paws just setting down to the carpeting "Move your tail slave. Keep it against your spine." The white length obeyed as an onyx paw stroked the surface of Fawn's rear, gentle, loving in the caress. Athena took her time; eyes settled not on the behind, but the entire form of Fawn, watching her shift and wobble with anxiety.

The lift of Athena's touch let a moment pass before it returned roughly, a strong slap across both cheeks of the tiny feline's tiny rump, jerking Fawn forwards against the bed's edge, forcing a shout. It all received a giggle from the canine, fingers starting a tease with that, tickling through the fur, across the faint throb where the slap had hit. Fingers left a moment before another slap returned, spanking firm across both cheeks again.

Fawn began to scramble following her second shout, the efforts met by a firm paw on her back "Do not move, slave. Or else I'll make this hurt." Fawn was left confused, glancing past her shoulder to meet the canine's watch "What you mean? It does hurt..."

"Does it?" Athena replied in an enigmatic tone, her paw stroking delicately across the behind once more "Or do you only think it does?" The left the kitten further confused before a pair of quick spanks landed on her behind, one on one of her cheeks, the second the other. Her ass was trembling now under the loving strokes of that paw, leaving her confusion deepening, the mixture laid on her of pain with a tender caress. As Athena's touch left once more, Fawn tensed up, her eyes shut tight again, behind clenching, even her tail's tip curling up.

Several seconds passed this time, and no pain touched the feline. Once again, her confusion set it, relaxing her muscles while glancing once more to the canine. That was the moment the forceful strike hit both cheeks of her rump, strength lifting her barely from the bed, sending a high-pitched cry out of her muzzle. Fingers clenched onto the blankets, mussing them while she pulled. Her face was back in their plush surface, nuzzling back and forth, trying to stem the feel of hurting. The gentle touch of the canine offset the throbbing yet again, onyx fingers walking through the white pelt, their tips pressing into the pliable flesh, working a precise massage. It calmed her gradually, the squirming leaving Fawn's motions before she was gathered into Athena's lap. The firm embrace of the canine surrounded Fawn, pressing her into the downy robe and the shapely body beneath it. One paw traced Fawn as the other arm held her, the palm curving along her shoulder, tickling carelessly at her neck before stroking down to her back "Such a good girl." Athena spoke serenely in her ear, the wet nose nuzzling softly along both as she cradled the kitten in her lap.

Alternative Lessons: Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine Fawn glimpsed around the room while Athena cradled her, trying to find a clock, a calendar, anything for her to find the time, the day. She was becoming desperate to find how long she had been there with the canine, left so confused...

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven: Fawn awoke to the feel of warmth surrounding her once more, though it was different this time. It was fluffy warmth, coating over her body while the rest of her felt warm still. She blinked her eyes slowly open once more, finding...

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Six

Chapter Six: Heat washed over the white feline, Fawn snapping back to consciousness as she dipped slowly beneath the bubbly surface. Her gaze was blurry, picking out the faint details, the white walls, the matching colored tub she was submerging...

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