Alternative Lessons: Chapter Nine

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Alternative Lessons

Chapter Nine

Fawn glimpsed around the room while Athena cradled her, trying to find a clock, a calendar, anything for her to find the time, the day. She was becoming desperate to find how long she had been there with the canine, left so confused by the contradicting actions Athena placed on her. The look was not lost on the canine, something she had seen many times in those held in such a position "What's wrong Fawn?" Came the closest thing to an innocent tone the canine could muster.

"How...long have I been here?" The feline paused before quickly adding "Mistress?"

"It's Monday, if that's what you wanted to know." Fawn's worried look grew "What...what about my Brother? He must be really worried about me now-"

"You're at a friend's house." Athena interrupted the feline once more, squeezing her softly; her body squished a little more against the strong canine "I've called him each morning. And since there's no class this week, you needn't worry about that either. Anything I missed?" Again, Fawn found herself surprised once more, this time it was the canine's thoroughness " planned all this out?"

"I told you, I've been waiting a long time for this, Fawn." Athena's muzzle held a smirk, her paw stroking back up through the white pelt, catching beneath Fawn's muzzle and tilting her head back. Their muzzles touched softly, tenderness again finding the little feline from this big canine "I needed the perfect opportunity to take you pet. Is it so surprising that I'd pick such an open time?" Athena spoke softly into the kiss, lips touching; sealing several more seconds "I didn't want to disrupt your life. Well...not beyond what couldn't be controlled."

"So..." Fawn's soft voice broke the kiss as her muzzled inched back "What now?"

"Now?" Athena seemed amused by the question as her paws wandered along the white kitten in her lap "Now you can go home, if you'd like. Well," One paw reached upwards, tapping a finger tip on Fawn's nose "After one more thing."

"What's that?" Fawn questioned, gazing up to the canine before she quickly added "I mean, what's that Mistress?"

"That is that I want to feel my kitten wrapped around me..." The canine murred her words softly into one of the kitten's ears, tongue parting the furry lips for a quick lick into that ear "What?" A confused expression shown from the kitten as she was brought down onto her back on the bed, Athena crawling atop her "What do you mean?"

Athena regarded her kitten with a silent smile as her paws touched on Fawn's drawing them up into her robe. Letting out a gasp, the white feline glanced down, catching sight of the pink flesh now held within her paws. The perplexed gaze met Athena's to another soft chuckle from the canine. She pulled her own robe away, depositing it off the side of the bed, leaving the toned body of the canine revealed. Her breasts were full, their patchwork fur dotted by the onyx circles of her nipples. Down the firm abs of the canine, the pink length that had baffled the feline hung, stiff, excited, the ample endowment full out from its sheath. While hidden to Fawn's gaze, beneath that, the canine's furred sac dangled, obscuring her soft folds behind it.

"Do you like it, my pet?" Athena murmured, her tongue gliding through the fur of Fawn's cheeks "See why I'm so popular with the girls now?"

"You...have...a penis..." The stunned voice make Athena laugh, her body lowering, pressing down atop Fawn, pinning her against the bed "Yes I do kitten...I guess I'm just lucky..." Athena shifted, her breasts pressing down firm on Fawn's own as the canine's paws reached back and parted the kitten's thighs "Ready?"

"R-ready? Ready for what?" Fawn squirmed as she felt those paws before the realization struck her "W-wait a second! I haven't ever done this! S-stop!" Her paws were trapped down beneath Athena, pinned by the canine's weight while she moved; touching her shaft's tip against Fawn's folds and nestling it slowly in "Stop it!" As Athena settled her knees between the kitten's legs, both paws caught hold of Fawn's wrists and pulled them up, over her head, trapped them above her to the bed "That'll be a punishment for telling your Mistress what to do." The kitten started to sob softly as the canine held her down, leaving Athena with a surprised look "Did I not tell you that you belong to me, Fawn?" Her voice was soft, soothing as usual "Every part of you belongs to me, every part, including your pussy, pussy..." She teased softly, a slow push leaving the head of her cock within the sobbing kitten. Athena's muzzle pressed softly to Fawn's, quieting her for moments before whispering "I'll be gentle...I don't want to hurt something so precious to me..."

The words managed to calm Fawn, sobbing reduced to sniffles as she nodded. Athena pressed slowly into the kitten's tightness, amplified by the difference in size between the pair. Her paws released Fawn's wrists, sliding up slowly, interlacing their fingers. In a pair of parallel arcs, their paws drew down the bed. Fawn's elbows bent, leaving both paws clutching each other near the kitten's shoulders as Athena's push paused "This will hurt, Fawn." The kitten blinked, but couldn't voice her confusion before Athena shoved forwards, tearing away the feline's virginity as she buried fully inside her. A groan from the canine mingled with the yell of the kitten, paws holding tight as Fawn trembled underneath Athena.

The canine began a slow rhythm with her hips, rocking an inch back and forth from the kitten underneath her. Athena's muzzle parted to a low moan, feeling Fawn's tunnel trembling around her shaft, so tight, so warm, each motion of her hips causing the canine to shiver. She took a tighter hold of those soft, white paws, her muzzle pressing tightly against Fawn's, their lips parted as the canine's tongue probed within. The pink flesh ran along the feline's teeth, tracing each with its touch while Fawn's own rough tongue played with Athena's.

Fawn shuddered beneath the canine, her legs gradually embracing Athena's waist in a tight squeeze. As the pace deepened, each motion of Athena's hips pushed a deeper moan out from Fawn into her kiss. The canine's knees shifted upwards, leaving Fawn's rear cradled partially into the lap of Athena. Thrusting more firmly, her low moan gave undertone to the heightening sound of the kitten's pleasure.

The squeeze of her new pet's walls, the tightness and warmth, the growing moistness all pleased the canine heavily. She felt each time her sac slapped against the kitten's backside, felt each tremor within Fawn's walls "Ready, my Fawn?" She spoke in a husky voice, heavy with her pleasure. "R-ready-" A moan cut off her voice before Fawn added "F-for what?"

"My cum..." Athena groaned softly, paws squeezing Fawn's tighter as a sudden, terrified look came to the kitten "Wh-what? No! You can't!"

"I can...I can do anything I wish with you..." Athena huffed back, hips thrusting harder against the feline beneath her "Every part of you belongs to me..." Her lips pressed firmly to Fawn's again, tongue parting them to deepen the kiss further. Her pace only hastened as the canine felt herself close, one final, rough thrust given to push the full size of her shaft into Fawn before her sac tightened. The canine's shaft began to throb, her knot, the only portion of her shaft kept out by the kitten's tightness, throbbing with it while her cum began to pulse into Fawn's depths.

The kitten's legs squeezed Athena's waist almost painfully, eyes shutting tight as she felt the final thrust of her Mistress, squeezing a tear from their corners. The feel of heat pulsing in blasts into her sex made the kitten gasp, those bright eyes snapping back, wide open. Athena's weight restrained her still, those paws on her own trapping them against the mattress. The canine's hips ground into Fawn's rump, still cradled in Athena's lap, as her climax prolonged. Athena's low moan prolonged with it, sounded into her kitten's lips, the kiss only broken as her release trailed off to a dribble.

Fawn's head rolled to the side, cheek pressed onto the mattress as she sniffled softly. The reaction left Athena surprised, squeezing Fawn's paws as she spoke in a low soothing voice once more "What's wrong, Fawn?"

"I...I told you not to...wh-what if I...get pregnant?" The kitten sounded almost like the release had physically hurt her, but the words only make Athena giggle softly "Well then, my lovely kitten and I will have our own litter." She murred to a white ear, tongue slipping out, curling along its perimeter "I have morning after pills you can take, silly." A soft nuzzle of her wet nose touched Fawn's cheek as the kitten met her gaze once more "I told you, I don't plan to disrupt your life that much kitten." Her voice was soothing again as her tongue curled along Fawn's cheek "Not until you're ready, do you understand?"

"H-how..." Fawn whispered as her eyes twinkled with that faint look of innocence that excited the canine to no end "Will I know when I'm ready?"

"I'll know, my pet. I'll know." Athena kissed her softly, shushing her before adding "Do you want to go home now?" Her tongue curled along the feline's muzzle before tracing Fawn's lips "Or stay a little while longer?" The kitten was quiet a few seconds before whispering "A little longer, Mistress..."

So that's my story! Well, that beginning of my story. Mistress and I have been through a lot since then, but...well, that's a story for another time...

Alternative Lessons: Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight "You'll go on, you'll go back home, back to your Brother. You'll go to school, you'll go out with your friends, you'll do everything you used to. With one major exception. You'll belong to me." Fawn knelt at the foot of the...

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven: Fawn awoke to the feel of warmth surrounding her once more, though it was different this time. It was fluffy warmth, coating over her body while the rest of her felt warm still. She blinked her eyes slowly open once more, finding...

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Six

Chapter Six: Heat washed over the white feline, Fawn snapping back to consciousness as she dipped slowly beneath the bubbly surface. Her gaze was blurry, picking out the faint details, the white walls, the matching colored tub she was submerging...

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