Bred by a Warlord

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Fuck writers block. This was just a small horny story to motivate me to write more. Might be a little rough around the edges. But it's Christmas and family is exhausting so fuck it. Higher quality content soon. Including a sequel to Effective Diplomacy. Happy holidays!

The Skadil warrior gasped as the rope yanked at his jaw, causing him to stumble forward. The mane running down his spine was oily and matted. His tail lay limp against the furs on the floor. And his four scaled legs shook with the effort of supporting his exhausted body. But he managed to lift his snout to look at his captor.

The Skadil warlord was laid back on a mountain of soft summer pelts. A wicked grin coated his blunt, scarred snout. One claw held a length of rope wrapped around it while the other rested on his plump underbelly. The wide thighs of his hind legs framed a fat sheath and balls that hung low enough to cover his tailhole. His tail swung back and forth slowly, causing the scent of his sweaty taint to waft towards the snout of the captured warrior. Who couldn't stop his gaze from lingering on those plump, seed-filled balls

"So warrior, what is your name?"

Joren snapped his gaze up to meet the larger male's eyes and offered a response through gritted teeth.


A strong gust of night wind tore at the flaps of the small conical tent they were in. The chilled air whipped under Joren's legs and along his underbelly like a ghostly river. He shivered, his weak body struggling to keep him warm.

The warlord didn't flinch at the shock of cold, but his smile grew as he saw the reaction of his captive. The coarse rope rubbed against Joren's jaw as he was pulled forward, stumbling limbs barely managing to keep up. His foreclaws were now planted on either side of the swaying tail, whose furry tip brushed against his hind legs.

"Tell me Joren."

The warlord twirled the length of rope around one of his digits as he spoke, slowly pulling the warrior closer.

"How many males have you had between those legs."

Joren crept forward as the rope strained against his jaw. He gave his answer in an embarrassed glance at the warlord's weighty sheath. Then he returned his eyes to the furs on the floor.

"Hmmm... your first then?"

A sudden yank on the rope caused Joren to trip. He failed to catch himself with his claws, instead finding his snout lying on the tail of his captor. Full balls were tail-tips from his nostrils. The edges of his vision were occupied by wide thighs. He gulped.

His claws had managed to find support, one sunk into the furs that formed the warlord's throne. And the other, to Joren's mortification, grasped one of the large male's hindclaws. The scales on his snout burned red, but he held on to the warlord's foot like it was his anchor to the mortal plane

"No one in the former Haxai clique ever shared in your interests?"

A claw tip snuck its way under Joren's snout and tilted his head up so that he met the hungry eyes of his captor.

"Don't worry my warrior. My name is Shai, and I will show you the way."

He slowly let Joren's snout fall back down onto his tail


He moved his claw to cup his balls, which barely fit in his grasp. Then he lifted them up, exposing his sweaty taint and tailhole.


The heavy male musk flooded his thoughts. The scales under the warlord's balls were small and fine and a lighter blue than the rest of his hide. They also circled his taught tailhole, which leaked the dominating, invisible scent of an alpha male.

Joren's nostrils burned. His tongue salivated. His grip on the warlord's hind foot tightened as he struggled to hold on to reality. His breath came in quick, nervous intakes, like a starving beast threatening to choke itself as it rapidly ate a fresh kill.

A sharp yank on the rope leashed around Joren's neck dragged his snout forward. An involuntarily whine escaped his snout as his already sore jaw was pulled. But this noise was quickly silenced as he found the tip of his snout less than a tail-tip away from the warlord's tail-hole. His wide eyes stared at the puckered ring with a mixture of wonder and hunger.

Without another thought, Joren stuck out his wide, forked tongue and licked. The taste of sweat and musk coated more and more of his tongue as the licks continued. A heavy claw suddenly grasped the scruff of his neck and pulled his snout the remaining distance forward. When Joren's snout met the wet hole with a 'smack' he heard a grunt from above him.

Joren stuck his tongue back out and began kissing the hole. His nostrils could barely take in breaths, pressed against the scales of his warlord's taint as they were. But he keep working his tongue against the ring of taught flesh. The intermittent grunts from above motivating him to increase his speed and ferocity. The claw on his neck pushed at the back of his head. Pressing his snout against Shai's tailhole until he could no longer breathe.

Joren couldn't lick effectively anymore. But, still desperate to taste his alpha, he pushed through the ring of soft flesh until he broke through. He pressed his tongue as far as he could into the tight canal then snaked it back into his mouth. The raw masculine flavor of sweat and musk caused his hind legs to shiver violently. Finally, as his cock pushed suddenly out of his own sheath, his inability to breathe finally caught up to him, and his leg muscles failed to keep him standing.

As Joren collapsed, the grip on his neck was released. He fell on his side, tongue lolling and gasping for air, cock sticking out from between his haunches. His vision was blurred, his body numb. Conscious thought was pushed from his mind, replaced by the smell and taste of male.

"What a fantastic display of loyalty."

Shai's voice sounded deeper, like one of the southern mountain gods had suddenly manifested itself.

"But we have not finished yet."

Joren's eyes blearily tracked Shai's movements as the warlord sat up and stood over him. The alpha smiled down at him, his plump belly swaying slightly, and his fat sheath hanging between his hind legs. Joren locked gazes with the dominant eyes of his alpha. He rolled fully onto his back, exposing his erect cock. Then whimpered once, softly, barely audible. But it was all Shai needed.

The warlord's jaw locked with his warrior's. Their snouts twisted so that their respective tongues could throughly explore the other's mouth. Joren melted into the aggressive kiss. His cock jumping each time the forked tongue forced its way into his mouth. His own appendage battled weakly against it's opponent.

Joren's claws suddenly grasped both sides of Shai's jaw as the alpha pushed his tongue deep into his warrior's throat. Joren gagged once, twice, trying in vain to push Shai away. Then, with a final choking gasp, the warlord pulled his snout back, leaving Joren a gasping, whining mess, his cock dribbling precum now.

Joren's eyes were glazed, he stared up at the tent ceiling for what felt like hours, but could have only been a minute. His cock occasionally jumping as his thoughts whirled with all these new sensations.

Joren was snapped back to reality as he felt a freezing liquid on his tailhole. He tried to stand up but a heavy claw on his chest held him down. And the soothing words of "shhhh, Joren, shhhh." Calmed his nerves.

He watched intently as Shai poured more of the liquid out of a small glass bottle and onto his other claw. Then pressed it against his hole, his own balls and stiff cock hid the sight of it. But Joren could feel the soft circles those digits made over his ring of flesh. When Shai was finished rubbing the fluid in, he moved to stand over the vulnerable male. His dominant gaze held Joren's slightly nervous attention. But as the snout of his alpha came down to meet his own once again, his nerves dimmed. He thought of the teeth locked with his own, the battle of tongues going on inbetween and the warm belly that pressed against his cock. The soft scales rubbing back and forth across his tool caused him to croon, multiple times. But there was one place his thoughts failed to account for.

With a flex of his hinds, Shai threw his wide haunches forward. Joren wanted to yell, to cry out in pain. But his jaw was locked with the male above him and the claws suddenly on his shoulders kept his own claws from retaliating. His hinds and tail were frozen, trying to minimize the pain. All he could do was flex his rear, trying in desperation to push the head of the fat cock out of him. 'Too big!' He wanted to say, wanted to scream. But the alpha held him there, his hips now still after their sudden attack.

After more aggressive kissing to reassure his warrior of his good intentions. Shai's hips began to move again. Slow, grating movements, like the calculated stalk of a predator. Joren instinctively clenched back down hard on the cock tip that penetrated him. But the alpha's movements caused his belly to sway, back and forth, against the still very erect and sensitive cock of his warrior.

When Joren started to croon again, Shai broke the kiss, thick strands of saliva breaking apart between their distancing mouths. They made eye contact, but Shai kept the other male sufficiently distracted by the rubbing of warm belly scales against his trapped cock.

"Joren, you are mine." He whispered harshly, grasping hold of Joren's submissive instincts with the glare of a starving beast. Then, like a bird of prey would snatch up a cowering creature of the earth, Shai's jaws snapped down on Joren's throat. No drawn blood, not enough to stop airflow, but enough to pass the primal understanding of breeder and breed. Joren felt a numbness radiate from that aggressive point of contact. His body going limp, hind legs spread and moving with the motion of Shai's hips. The only sensations left were the sharp fangs clutching his throat, the belly scales rubbing against him, and the cock of another, waiting ever so patiently to breed him.

A tail flick later, and his alpha's hips slammed against his own. Joren cried out, half-moan half-pain. His insides felt torn apart. Yet at the same time there was a welcome pressure, pushing against all his walls at once, and very warm. It didn't stay for long. Shai pulled out and slammed back in with one quick, fluid motion. Then again and again. Each time Joren cried out, but there was less pain in his voice with every thrust. The fangs at his throat encouraged him to relax and be breed by this alpha male.

What was left of his resistance faltered as his cock was stroked by the back and forth motion of Shai's swinging belly. The wide hips slamming into his ass would've shoved him across the ground if not for the weight of the belly on top of him and the fangs at his neck.

There was a growl as the thrusts became faster, the constant motion causing Joren's hinds to swing along with it. The pressure in his tailhole made him gasp out a moan each time it hit him. His whined as it left only to be shoved back in with force. He felt balls slap against his tail, eager to fill him with seed.

The pleasure kept building with the pressure. The pressure of the fangs on his throat, the belly on top of him, the fat cock in his hole. All of it built on each other until he felt himself fall over the edge. His moans cut off by a desperate plea,

"Please... ah! Breed me! I want your hatchlings, make me yours! Breed me Shai! My alpha!

A final slam filled his hole with immense pressure, his walls felt like they would burst. He couldn't moan, could barely see. He was about to cum, so close to release. His alpha removed his fangs from his throat. And make a few flicks of agonizing eye contact, before diving back in to clamp his jaws around his warrior's throat. Then he ground his hips, up and down, against Joren's ass, his fat cock as deep as it could go.

Joren cock spurted cum against the belly of his warlord. But his moaning was cut short as the jaws around his neck squeezed, cutting off some of his air. Then the alpha came. Hips' jerking with each fire of warm cum deep inside the eager hole. A deep growl vibrated through Joren's body. He was numb, taking shallow breathes threw his tight windpipe. But still cumming against that warm belly. He felt himself being filled with seed, like a hot meal filling his gut

Bred and happy, he passed out.