Spencer's not-so-secret secret

Story by trigger12 on SoFurry

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Story done as a half of a trade with soulman1 from FA

Saturday, October 30th

It was one of those dimly street lit new moon nights, on Halloween eve. It was festive early, with small suburbs holding parties at the biggest house in the neighborhood. One in particular, would house a super hero, doing it for different reasons of everyone else, whereas everyone dressed up for pretend, where as he, would do it because he could walk around in his real persona.

Plus, he didn't have any other costumes to get into either

This Dingo's names: Specter, A.K.A. Jason Kavoc.

Jason was one the few in the city with one of the largest single house, so he invited a few friends over. And one of them, dressed up in a demon nurse outfit for the party, was far more than just a friend. Little did he know that she knew more about him and his other self than anyone else did. This fennec fox's name was Alice, and she was about to enter Jason's wonderland. Hilariously convenient, was it was a sign he made just for putting on his now 'haunted' house.

His house was huge alright. Two floors, the lower one would be used for the sound system and the TV set and games. The one above would make good use for relaxing, and enjoying the snacks, though the guests would have to climb the stairs for them. The house owner couldn't fit the table downstairs anyway, and he got a chuckle out of this anyway.

The music blared, and the base was heavy and throbbing. Yellow security tape decorated the bathroom, for a few chuckles. Various snacks were severed. Hot pizza, nachos, carmel popcorn and apples, and a few lollipops, as well as soda and beer.

Alice danced along with the crowed somewhat, not really digging the music that much, nor caring since she had something else on her mind, and that was Jason, who was dressed in his 'Specter' outfit, and just about to head upstairs when she gave him a tap on the shoulder. That barely startled him when she did that. However, it did startle him when turned around to see her costume.

"Wow, hey there Alice!" He chuckled. "You make that rip yourself?"

Alice laughed quietly at that remark. "Of course I did. It adds a bit of a dark feel, don't you think?" She finished off with hugging her well proportioned breasts, which the cleavage was well exposed. He swore if she wasn't careful one of them would flop out.

"It does..." Jason lingered. "Are you enjoying the party so far?"

"Yes and no." She admitted, releasing her breasts for a minute, and continuing before he could say anything. "I like it, but it's not exactly why I came here." She gave him a wink.

"Well your snuggle-man is here for you. You wanna go somewhere else?" He asked.

"Yeah, the roof this time though."

"You got it." He smiled to her, and they both walked up the stairs. There was another flight stairs which led to the attic, and then the roof through a trapdoor. They both lay down and relaxed, looking up at the sky. Thankfully the roof wasn't steep at all.

"It's nice up here, you know? It's quiet, tranquil, and it has one hell of a view." Alice noted.

"Yeah, sure is..." Jason sighed. He liked how she admired his house like that.

While he wondered on to other thing, Alice made her move. She rolled over, and went to straddle his hips, giving a few rubs with her own as she reached down, undoing the skirt of her devil nurse uniform. All remained there were her panties, which were soon filled with her hand, right in front of him.

This surprised him. "Wait....you want to do it...on the roof?!"

"Why not? It would seem something specter would do... I mean, you're wearing his costume." She retorted seductively.

"Well, I couldn't think of anything else... he's one of my favorite super heroes you know." He remarked, thinking about what would happen second from now. "Sure, why not?" he licked his lips, pulling her devil nurse skirt up, and panties down, but in doing so, caused his hat to fall off and roll down and off the roof. He didn't seem to care though, since he was already on the attack.

Alice looked down some more, noticing the oh-so-familiar hairstyle Jason had. It reminded her of the last time his hat fell off when he was specter. She had had been walking down an alley one night, and noticed him landing on one of the rooftops above, and accidentally, his hat fell off. It must have been the wind. He had leapt down to get it back, as she wasn't even noticed.

Alice rubbed herself on the head, smiling at the tortured face he made as she teased him, before slowly beginning to lower herself, and soon felt him slip inside her. She gave an evil smirk to him, grinding her clitoris down against his pubes. She stayed still for a long moment, gasping at the sensation of being so full. She began moving slowly, just an inch or two up and down, setting a rhythm. He was watching her almost not believing that this was happening. She leaned down to kiss him, rubbing her breasts against him, letting him feel her hard nipples.

With that out of the way, she sat back straight and began to move faster. He groaned as he rested his head back. She was riding him like a rodeo now. However, he felt his dick slip out of her. He looked down to see what was happening, and saw she had just turned around, showing him her bootylicious ass for him to see. He grabbed himself, and spread her vaginal lips once again.

Minutes later, of clenching, and just sitting up and staring at that beautiful ass was enough to set Jason off. On her end, she was riding out each wave of pleasure with just enough intensity as she felt. They built up to a feverish point, and when she gave a groan of her own, clenched down on him hard and released herself as well. It was so intense; it made him cringe, while his seed spilled out longer then it usually would. And it wasn't their first time either.

"H.....holy..Shit!" He trembled as he stuttered those words, pulling out while hearing her moans, and nearly passing out from it all. "Mmmmmm....."

Minutes later after catching her breath, Alice crawled over to his side, licking his cheek and resting beside him.

"Was it good for you too?" She joked at him. His response was a simple grumble. "Guess it was." She chuckled, resting her head on his chest. She knew who he really was, and for now, that was her secret to keep.