Outcast- Chapter 7

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#4 of Outcast

Sorry this took me so long, I was getting caught up in another, two-part story that I'm going to be releasing once I get this series finished. :)


When I woke up in the morning I looked over to see the couch were Tevin had fallen asleep empty. I stood up and stretched, smiling as Seth groped around on the bed unconsciously, searching for me. I put a pillow there and he pulled it to his chest, snuggling into it happily. "Awww." I said. I picked up his phone from the bedside table and took a picture of it quickly.

I tucked him in and kissed his forehead before standing up and walking to the door. I opened it and walked downstairs to see Tevin sitting with Seth's mom on the couch. She had made him breakfast, and he was eating it ravenously.

Seth's mom was smiling at him and wiping food off of his muzzle occasionally. Every time she did he blushed and looked down but smiled and said thanks. Seth's mom looked up as I walked in and said, "Good morning."

"Mornin'," I said, smiling. I sat down next to Tevin and wrapped an arm around him, noticing the jealous glance that Seth's mom threw at me. "Have fun last night?"

He smiled and said, "Uh huh. Thanks for letting me stay over Mrs. Gernwal."

She nodded and said, "It's been a joy having you over."

He blushed and turned his head back to the plate of food on his lap. "This is really good," he said.

"Thank you," she said.

I grinned and rubbed his cheek before going to the kitchen and pouring myself a bowl of cereal. I went back into the living room where I sat on the couch next to Tevin. "Whatchya watchin'?" I asked them.

"Some cartoon," Seth's mom said.

"I said she could watch whatever she wanted but she insisted," Tevin said, blushing.

I laughed and ruffled his head fur and said, "Heh, someone has to baby you." I winked at Seth's mom and she pretended she hadn't heard what I said. Tevin looked at her and I thought I saw a slightly hopeful look on his face. From what I read on Seth's mom's face, she saw that look too.

She picked up Tevin's empty plate and said, "Do you want more?"

"No thank you." He said, smiling.

She stood up and went to the kitchen and I followed her. I leaned against the counter next to the sink as she ran dishwater. I put my empty bowl and spoon down and smiled at her. "Think you could run a child abuse case against my parents?"

She looked at me and sighed and said, "I guess I should've known you would figure out."

I grinned and said, "How could I not?"

"I don't think I could win. He isn't abused. He isn't technically neglected either. I don't have any evidence against them. The only thing that's clear is that he's unhappy." She said.

"I wish that was enough." I said.

"I wish it was too," she said, "I would love for Tevin to be my child, even if he would be just an adopted child."

I put a paw on her arm and smiled at her, "One day. They'll slip one day, just hope it's soon."

"We're hoping for your parents to abuse Tevin," she said with a watery chuckle, "are we horrible people."

"We're hoping for them to abuse him for a good cause." I said, smiling.

"A selfish cause," she said.

"I think them abusing him would help him more than them not abusing him." I said.

"Which is kind of sad." She said.

I looked over at the living room door and smiled, "I honestly can't imagine living in a house with him and having him not ignore me."

"He used to ignore you?" she said.

"The only reason my parents don't hate him," I said, looking at her. "They would hate my sister too, but she's "Daddy's Little Girl."

"Ahh," she said, "That whole thing. Always happens like that."

"Yep," I said, nodding my head. I sighed and said, "I honestly don't want to take him home."

"I don't want you to take him home." She said.

I shook my head, "I have to though. The cops will care about him running away. He's got no good reason for it."

I walked back into the living room where Seth now had Tevin in a head lock and was giving him a noogie, with Tevin whining much under his arm. "Seth!" I said.

He stopped instantly and with Tevin still under his arms he said, "Oh, hi hun."

"Let Tevin go!" I said.

He grinned and let go of Tevin who glared at Seth and fixed his head fur before walking over and hugging me, sniffing. I laughed and said, "Oh, don't pull that whole puppy dog face. You did something."

"He was torturing me!" Tevin said.

"What did you say to him?" I asked.

"Nothing!" he said.

"What did you say to him?" I asked again, using a more stern voice this time.

He whined and flattened his ears to his head and I said, "It's not going to work."

"Fine, I was taunting him about you." He said.

I grinned and said, "Why did he put into a headlock over that? It's probably true."

Seth grinned and wrapped his arms around Tevin from behind. "I'm just bugging him. He's your little brother so he might as well be mine. I think I have rights to give him a noogie occasionally."

"Just don't overdo it," I said, patting his arm. I kissed Tevin on the cheek and said, "He wasn't hurting you."

"I guess not," Tevin sighed. I sat down and pulled him into my lap, nuzzling his neck. He blushed but settled back into me. Seth sat down, letting me lean into his side. Tevin's head ended up on his chest and Tevin was uncomfortable enough to move.

I grinned and rubbed Tevin's stomach, "What? Don't want to have your head on Seth?"

"No," Tevin said, "I'm straight."

"Uh huh," I said, nuzzling him, "that doesn't make you get off my lap."

"You're my brother, there's a difference." He said.

I laughed, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

He glared back at me. "Oh, and I hate to tell ya Tevin, but you're going to have to leave soon." Seth said.

Tevin's head whipped around so he was looking at Seth. "Why?" He asked. He sounded really disappointed.

"It's not you, believe me." He said, "I have some friends visiting from out of state that I haven't seen in a long time and I don't trust them to not go for you. They've been known to worry about getting themselves off before worrying about anyone else."

"Oh," Tevin said.

"How come this is the first I'm hearing of these friends?" I asked him, glaring.

He blushed and said, "I thought you might get mad."

"Why would I get mad?" I said.

He looked down and shrugged, "One of 'em has been after me for a while now."

I crossed my arms across my chest and said, "I'm more mad that you waited until now to tell me about these friends"

He looked down and then back up at me and said, "I'm sowwy." He wrapped his arms around me, pressing his face against my neck and sniffled.

I sighed and said, "I can't stay mad, unfortunately."

"Yay!" he said.

"Yay what?" his mom asked, coming back into the living room, drying her paws on a towel.

He snuggled against me and said, "Cody can't stay mad at me."

"Well when you use that kitty cat face who can?" she asked.

"You," he said.

"I'm your mother, there's a difference." She said.

"Not much," he grumbled.

"Excuse me?" she said, raising her eyebrow. "I went through three hours of labor to give birth to you, I better be different."

He blushed deeply and turned to me, burying his head into my neck like a child who had just pulled a prank, without the snickering, anyways.

I wrapped my arms around him and said, "Aww, my poor kitty."

"She's being so mean to me," he said, his words muffled by my neck.

I laugh and nuzzled him, "She is not. When are they going to be here, anyways?"

"Around six." He said.

"What brought this talk around?" she asked.

"Seth said that Tevin would have to leave before his friends get here." I said.

"Tevin doesn't have to leave," she said, smiling at Tevin, "we can take him home to get his school stuff tomorrow and then take him."

"Really?" he said, "That would be wonderful!"

"Great," she said, smiling.

"Well," Seth sighed, "better start getting ready.

"Can't wait to meet these friends," I said, "as long as I'm not going to lose my kitty." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That could never happen." He said. He pressed his lips to mine with a smile.


We sat in the living room later with his friends. There were four of them. A fox, a horse, a German Shepard and a wolf.

David, the fox who was supposedly after Seth, had black fur and green eyes. From what I could tell his fur was well taken care of and would be soft to the touch. He was a cute boy with a quick smile that lit up his face and made his eyes sparkle. His laugh was kind of high pitched and slightly annoying, but as far as I could tell, that was the only problem with him.

The horse, a tall seventeen year old with the build that you would expect to see on a high school quarterback. His name was Thomas and he had black and white fur, which was amazingly good together on his body. His eyes were a deep brown, and they were so soft and caring you would expect him to hug and kiss everyone he saw. He was actually a brute with a cruel sense of humor, though he seemed to be fun to hang out with.

The German Shepard was the customary black and brown you would expect to see. His name was Paul, and shockingly, he seemed to be the most submissive of the group. He just smiled and played off the joking insults they shot his way. It was amazing. Most of the time being called a "cum-loving cock whore" would make someone angry.

The wolf, Jeffery, had pure white fur and electric blue eyes that you could expect to be shocked by. They seemed to see right through you. He was probably the cutest one of the bunch and I found myself staring at him occasionally, even though he still had nothing on Seth.

I had been distracted by him again just now, but then I heard Seth say, "Oh shut up Paul, we know you love comparing our cocks to ones you've sucked before..."

I cut him off there with a swift smack on the arm, "Don't say things like that." I told him, glaring.

"It's ok Cody," he said, smiling, "He knows I'm just playing.

"Yeah Cody," Paul said, "It's alright, it's probably the truth anyways." He winked at Seth and Seth laughed.

"I don't care, I don't want to hear my kitty using words like that." I buried my head into his neck, rubbing my head under his chin. I saw the flash of jealousy in David's eyes and I couldn't help but feel triumphant.

"Honey," he whispered into my ear, "can you not cling on me so much right now?"

"You don't like me clinging to you?" I asked him in a whisper.

"I love you clinging to me," he whispered back, "just, in private, or in front of my family only. But these are my friends hun," he nuzzled my neck, "I love you, but you gotta give me some space occasionally."

I sighed and pouted but said, "Alright."

I scooted a bit away and we smiled at each other. I wrapped an arm around Tevin who had been sitting awkwardly between me and Thomas, who occasionally let his paw drop onto Tevin's thigh. I pulled Tevin closer to me and glared at Thomas as Tevin looked at me with a grateful look. Thomas blushed and shrugged. "Sorry Cody, your little bro is hot though."

I glared. "He's off limits bud, sorry." Seth said, smiling. "He's young, and he's straight."

Thomas sighed and threw his head back, "I know I know. But you know, my boyfriend back home hasn't been putting out."

"Don't whine," Seth said, rolling his eyes, "Cody only just started putting out for me."

I hit him. "Ow! What was that for?" he asked.

I glared as I stood up. I hit him again and Paul laughed and said, "You don't talk about having sex with your boyfriend IN FRONT of him. That's rule number one."

"Aww hun," Seth said, standing up, "Calm down."

I glared at him and walked upstairs and into his room. I sat down on his bed and waited for him to come up, like I knew he would. It took him a minute, but he did come up. "Honey," he said, closing his door, "I'm sorry. I didn't think about it."

I crossed my arms and glared at him, "It's going to take more than an apology."

He sighed and walked over, he sat down and wrapped an arm around me and pressed his nose against my neck. "How can I make this up to you?"

"I don't know," I said, "I'm still trying to think of something."

"If you don't even know how I can make it up, why are you mad at me?" he asked, seeming frustrated.

I sighed and put my head against him. "You can't talk about having sex with me in front of your friends."

"I couldn't help it, it just popped into my head and I said it." He said.

"Well, I need you to work on that. We both have our problems and one of yours is that your impulsive." I said, "I love you to death, and I'll love you after death, I just can't stand you always saying the first thing that comes to mind."

"I'm sorry," he said softly, not even trying to use his baby voice. He knew this was serious at least.

"Just let me sleep on it," I said, putting my head in my paws, "I'll be over it by tomorrow."

"Alright babe," he said, pressing his lips to my cheek. He stood up and left, closing the door behind him softly.

I stood up and walked around the bed until I was on my side. I laid down and curled up under the covers. A moment later the door opened and Tevin walked in. He got onto the bed and under the covers and pushed himself into my arms. "What?" I asked him.

"It looks like you need a teddy bear," he said, pressing his head against my chin.

I laughed softly and kissed the top of his head, "I love you buddy."

"I love you too," he said.

He laid there, letting me hold him, until I drifted off into a surprisingly pleasant sleep.


Not one of my best pieces. Sorry guys :( I wasn't feelin it this time.