Snakeskin Redux 6

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It's party time! We have Rico and Sam getting into the spirit both figuratively and literally as they share in the alcohol brought to them by their possessed frat brother. As the party rages the two dragons thank their hosts with giving their guests something as well, and while not all can be dragons there is more than enough rubbery love to go around.

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The frat house was alive with activity as Rico continued to hook up the sound system, getting ready to host what he hoped would be the party of the year in lieu of a traditional spring break. While normally they would be out with the others on some tropical getaway the grades of the entire house hadn't been exactly up to par, in fact most of them were getting close to failing. That meant extra classes and no going off-campus if those that had scholarships wanted to keep them but Rico wasn't going to let that stop him. As he finished up with the last of the sound system he found his frat brother Sam coming in with a huge box of chips along with a few other supplies.

"Damnit Rico, do not rattle the windows again with that thing," Sam said as he put the chips down on the nearby table with a soft thud. "I know there aren't many people on the campus but the last thing we need as Hanson and the others coming down on us even harder because we're throwing a rager after nearly getting expelled. You may not care but my parents will actually kill me if I get kicked out of here."

"Relax Sam," Rico replied. "I already learned from last time, why don't you put out your chips and leave the entertainment to me." Sam sighed and rolled his eyes, but Rico knew that his best friend trusted him. Plus he knew that not only were they essentially alone but that most of the staff was either ron break themselves or in the central library area having some sort of meeting.

As Sam was about to start making the punch their heads perked up when they heard the door open. At first they thought that their first guest had arrived but when they looked up they saw the familiar face of their fellow frat mate Devon walking in with a large cardboard box. "It's about time you got back Devon," Rico said as he stood up after plugging the system and causing the speakers to practically hum. "So what's this idea that you have that required you to run out in the middle of party prep?"

"Well I figure that we needed something more than just beer and chips," Devon said as he set down the box on the already mostly full table. "I also saw that there was a really big sale going on with this new product so I thought w could make some special punch." The other two just looked at each other as Devon started to pull out bottle after bottle of a clear liquid that didn't have a label on it. When Sam asked what it was Devon explained it was a new kind of vodka, which as he opened one of them and took a sniff could definitely tell it was alcohol that had a fruity smell that was identified as dragonfruit.

As Devon set about making what he called his special punch Sam took the bottle he had opened and decided to take it for himself, calling Rico into the kitchen to help with the rest of the party food. As he did he decided to sample some of the new liquor that their friend had brought and when he couldn't find any clean cups just took a swig straight from the bottle. He expected to have the usual bite that cheap vodka would have but instead it was sweeter and definitely tasted the dragonfruit. If it wasn't for the tingling in his mouth and the warmth that it created down his throat and stomach he might have almost thought it was flavored water.

Rico took the bottle when offered to him and took a drink himself, and after doing so he looked at the bottle and couldn't find any information on it he wondered just what the alcohol content of it was. Sam just shrugged and found him taking the bottle back for another swig. He had originally intended on just taking a few drinks and giving it back to Devon but the taste of it was quickly growing on him. From the way that his friend eyed up the bottle it was clear that he was enjoying it too and they reasoned that there were so many bottles already it wouldn't hurt to just take one for themselves. As they finished up the last of the preparations he found himself drinking more and more until nearly half of it was gone with most of it down his own gullet.

Despite the copious amount of alcohol Sam felt buzzed, though he could feel his mood growing lighter as the time for the party grew closer. While he was glad that his enthusiastic drinking didn't get him completely drunk there was something else that was rising in him as he rubbed his palm against his groin. While he had a somewhat high libido he found himself growing increasingly horny, like when he had taken a Viagra on a challenge. There was also something else that was happening that he was less aware of, whether due to the liquor or he feelings of arousal he found himself licking his lips which started to gain an unnatural luster to them...

Meanwhile Rico continued to move around the kitchen to set the last of the snacks up, unaware of his friend leering at him. While he had only taken a few drinks of the strange liquor he was also starting to feel slightly tipsy, giggling a bit to himself as he put the chips into the bowl. He had imbibed quite a bit before but while he considered himself to be a happy drunk he found himself feeling almost euphoric. It made him wonder if there was something else slipped into the drink, though as the grin grew on his face he was happy for whatever it was as he found his hand slipping up into his shirt to rub his bare flesh.

Except that as Rico looked down at the serving platter he saw that both his hands were still on the counter even as he felt a pair of fingers tweaking his nipples. The shock was tempered by his inebriation and as he became aware of the presence of Sam right behind him it caused him to gasp. "Whoa, Sam..." Rico said. "What are you doing..."

"What comes naturally when I see someone as cute as you," Sam replied, his already assertive tone becoming even more dominant than before as Rico felt himself getting groped almost possessively. As he was leaned against the counter and felt his shirt being taken off what surprised him more than his formerly straight frat brother coming onto him so strongly was how much he was enjoying it. But even with the pleasure coursing through his body he noticed that there was something very odd when it came to the touch of the other man; it felt like Rico was wearing gloves even though it had been skin on skin contact moments ago, and when as his shirt was pulled off it looked like it too when he saw gold rubber mitts that made his fingers look puffy and that he had claws on the ends of them.

"That's really kinky," Rico said in a huff, though it turned to a gasp when his shirt was completely removed and those shiny fingers made their way to his pants. "Wait, Sam, we're in the kitchen."

"I locked the door," Sam stated, a slight growl in his voice being heard in Rico's ear as he pressed against the back of the other man. Was he wearing a rubber shirt too, Sam thought to himself, but his mind was growing increasingly distant from his wavering thoughts as his pants were pulled down. "If they do come in let them watch, show them how two sexy men can have fun."

Once more the trepidation that Rico felt at being exposed like this melted away, even as his maleness was fished out of his underwear and brought out into the open. The warmth of the alcohol that he had previously drank was spreading through his body and as he felt the increasingly eager man start to grind against him it was causing him to grow hard. "H-hey, wait a second, don't you need lube?" Sam said as he felt something press between his cheeks, the sudden realization that he was about to be penetrated bringing him back to the present. "Wait, are you wearing a condom already?"

"I got everything we need already," Sam replied as Rico felt the head of the other man's maleness start to push between his cheeks. "All you have to do is relax, and I think I know how we can help that along." Before Rico could ask what it was he found one of the hands slide up his bare chest and put a hand underneath his chin while the other put the half-empty liquor bottle to his lips. The feeling that the other man was wearing rubber gloves was second to the liquid being poured into him, his throat swallowing it down as the sensation of the cock still pushing inside of him kept his mouth open in both pleasure and surprise.

Though there was a bit of sputtering at first Rico began to gulp down the contents of the bottle, not realizing that the hands holding it and him had grown claws and that golden rubber scales had grown all the way to Sam's elbows and were still spreading. The transforming man was practically drooling in lust as he knew that soon his friend would share in the same gift he had gotten as his chest rubbed up against the back of the other man. It wasn't just his hands that had started to change either as his time drinking steadily had caused two gold nubs to push out past his hair, which had started to turn a silvery sheen while growing longer, and as his cock disappeared into the other man it was also a shiny gold color just like the rubber lump that had started to grow over his own backside. But while the transformation was slower and more corruptive to the mind of Sam he saw that as the last of the liquor drained into his friend he saw the lips that were wrapped around the bottle starting to travel up the neck of it as Rico's face swelled and began to have a shiny silver sheen to it.

The sudden imbibement of nearly half a bottle of the liquor had caused Rico to suddenly feel a spike in his libido unlike anything he had ever felt before, and even as he was drinking it he could see something happening to his stomach. As his belly bulged out slightly the skin started to glimmer with a silver sheen and as the cock of the other man behind him pushed further into him the tight ring of muscle yielded more easily, though it nearly caused him to choke from the pleasure as he felt a bizarre sensation spreading through him. It was more than just the buzz of drunkenness or the lust of being horny, it felt like he was being filled in both mind and body as he began to eagerly gulp down the contents. As he began to see something silvery push out into his field of vision as the last of the bottle drained into his gullet he realized it was his tongue that was not only the same silver rubber as what was spreading on his face but also able to practically push itself completely into the opening.

But there was no satisfaction there and as he let out a growl Rico knew that there was another place that he could get more of the liquor he craved, and it wasn't from the other bottles outside. To the surprise of Sam he turned around and hopped up on the counter while the throbbing member was still inside of him, leaning back and wrapping his legs around the other changing man with a sneer on his face. "Are you going to fuck me or not?" Rico growled as he took his silver-tinted hands and pulled Sam's shirt to bring him forward. "Hurry up and fill me, I need more!"

"Someone is eager," Sam replied with a snarl of his own, one of pleasure as he pushed himself in deeper and watched his friend start to open his mouth to groan out of his new muzzle before clamped it shut as rubber slid over rubber. "Quiet now, no ruining the surprise, just let it all in. It shouldn't be long now..."

Though Rico was so horny that he was starting to stroke his own cock, which was gaining a silver sheen just like the gold one disappearing deeper into him, now that he was face to face with Sam there was a look to him that caused him to rise above the thickening haze of drunken lust. Even with the silver flecks starting to form in the whites of his eyes and the rubber horns pushing out of his skull there was something else there, an alien gleam in his eyes that was even more unsettling then the tongue that was past his lips. This was not his friend that he was looking at, Rico realized, though as a pair of his own horns identical to Sam's began to push out and the liquor reached his found that thought to be correct...

...this was not his friend, this was his mate.

A purr escaped from the increasingly silver throat of the rubber creature as the creature inhabiting Sam saw the smile form on the partial muzzle while he licked the lips of his own. The two alcohol dragons had possessed the two as soon as they took the first swig of the liquor that made up their essence, and since there were two bodies for them to inhabit at the same time they were more than pleased to watch as one corrupted the other. Since Sam had drunk the most the dragon within was able to mentally convert more of the creature as his nearly identical counterpart had a more drastic physical transformation to start, his hands sliding through the silver synthetic mane of the growing creature as he thrusted his hips forward. As the changes continued they could both hear a sloshing sound and looked down to see that the rubber of their stomachs had become semi-translucent, revealing the liquor that was forming within while the gold dragon pumped more of what he had created into the silver to catch him up.

As Rico felt the pleasure suffused through his system he could also feel himself losing grasp of his body, a sensation akin to blacking out after drinking enough as he saw his feet that were up in the air begin to twitch as they morphed into draconic rubber paws. "W-wait," Rico said as he managed to regain some semblance of control, the smirk he felt on his growing muzzle turning to shock as he felt his spine stretching to form a tail underneath the heavy cock sliding deep into his augmented body. "We're not... we're not mates... what are you..."

"Shhh..." the corrupted creature said as he leaned forward, though it was partially to let his wings push out of the golden rubber of his back as he saw similar appendages starting to grow from the confused human. "We just need your bodies for a little bit, just ride the pleasure and feel how good it is to be us. Trust me, once we're done here you'll be begging to be a rubber dragon, just let my mate caress your mind like I did with this one."

It didn't take much for Rico to succumb to the power of the nexus, the frat targeted for its sexual promiscuity anyway. It hadn't taken much for them to shift their desires from women to one another and after removing the initial hinderances they took to their new forms like fish to water. The need to party, the desire to entertain, all that was wrapped up in the creatures that possessed them like warm blanket as the gold rubber dragon pushed forward and caused the silver counterpart to be pushed up against the back of the counter and the cabinets. It wasn't long before their muzzles met in a deep kiss, the gold one stretching and growing to catch up with the silver that had plunged its tongue down his mate's throat while being plowed into.

A short while later the gold dragon pulled off the clothing that had remained on him, the two creatures finally separating themselves as their long tails unwrapped themselves from one another. Even if the two humans had still been in control the lust that came from their transforming bodies would have continued to provoke their sensual stroking of one another. By this point most of their flesh had turned to semi-translucent rubber with a similar liquor sloshing around inside of them, waiting for others to drink it as the identical creatures save for their swapped color palettes engaged in a deep kiss. While both couldn't wait to share their new special drink mix to others they were more than content for the moment with giving it to one another; the thick throbbing draconic rubber cock plunging into the synthetic hole of the other creature pumping his sweet booze into his mate and causing his stomach to swell, only to feel the long tongue slithering into his throat giving it right back...

Meanwhile the frat house was steadily starting to fill with guests, unaware of the rubber alcohol dragons that were in the kitchen as the music was started. Though for Allen this wasn't usually his scene there was very little to do on the campus and he had been bored to tears just sitting around in his dorm all day. When he had heard through the grapevine that those left in frat row were going to try and throw a rager he was in, and even though he had arrived somewhat early in the night he could see that people were really getting into the spirit... both figuratively and literally. Almost everyone had a drink in their hand and when Allen took his turn to get a ladle full of the punch that sat in the corner he could smell the alcohol that was in the multi-hued drink.

Just as he was about to take his first drink he heard a commotion near the living room and Allen frowned when he saw two people gulping down the punch in a beer bong. The rather large man was Samson, someone that was the leading linebacker for the football team, unfortunately for the college he was also as dumb as a football too and it was threatening his scholarship, and though he wasn't sure he guessed it was his equally air-headed girlfriend Danielle. While normally he couldn't care less about such things he had the misfortune of being assigned to try and help get Samson's grades up so that he could still play, which resulted in many lost nights trying to teach him when he could have carved the information into a rock faster. The result was not only that he was catching flak from the school for his lack of progress but also having his own studies suffer because of it.

Just as he watched Danielle finish a rather extraordinary amount of the alcoholic punch while the group cheered Allen had a plan start to form in his mind. He put the untouched drink down on the table, which was promptly snatched up by another that started to chug it with one hand while the other was down his pants, and grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket. If he could get footage of Samson in a drunken state he would get kicked off the team for sure and then he would never have to deal with his oafish behavior again. When he got the app open and ready though he looked up and saw that the two were no longer the center of attention, and as Allen looked around frantically he could see the guy leading his girlfriend up to the second floor just before they disappeared out of site.

At first Allen thought he might have lost his chance when he realized that an even better one might be presenting himself. Given the somewhat absurd morality clause the school had if he could film them getting it on like it looked like they were about to do then Samson would be in even bigger trouble. He quickly climbed up the stairs, brushing past people who were getting drunker and rowdier by the second, and got to the second floor landing after passing by a guy who just took off his shirt to reveal what looked like red sunburned skin underneath. Allen paid it no attention though and instead was about to turn the corner to where the rooms where when he stopped and ducked back upon hearing the two just on the other side.

After taking a moment to compose himself Allen peaked around to see that the amorous couple was making out rather passionately even before they got into the bedroom. He quickly hit record on his phone and brought it up to film; which as he watched Danielle start to undress Samson as the guy reached clumsily for the door handle there was something peculiar that he found off, and as he continued to watch through the phone realized that the girl peeling the shirt off her boyfriend looked different somehow. With her own top coming off he found that her bra sort of hung on her chest, like someone had taken the stuffing out of it... but as he looked down he saw that where she lacked there she had more than enough of below as he saw the fabric of her pants twitch. Now that was a development, Allen thought to himself as the door was finally opened and the two went inside, though it didn't matter in the long run since his entire goal was merely to get him kicked off the team as he went to the door.

All he needed was about a minute of footage, Allen thought to himself as he could hear the two starting to get very hot and heavy, and then he would finally be rid of Samson for good. Fortunately in their haste they had left the door somewhat open and as he got into position he could see that the football player was on the bed and that she was on top of him. But the angle was terrible and he could only really see a bit of their heads, and if he was going to do this he was going to make sure it stuck. Very carefully he slid into the bedroom and got to a place where he would at least be partially hidden, even though the two were far more occupied with one another, and finally held his camera up to catch them in the act.

What Allen saw on the screen though caused him to nearly drop his phone; on first glance he thought that Danielle was just wearing some sort of green workout top or something but with her bra practically falling off of her body he realized that was actually her skin! It shined unnaturally and had a scale-like pattern to it, and as she arched her arms up in the air it revealed a lithe chest that as she bounced up in the air was filling out to be more masculine by the second. As the phone trembled slightly it caught that the slightly lighter green cock of the man beneath her, who also had patches of similar shiny skin on his muscular form, was being pushed up between her swelling cheeks as her spine began to bulge just above it. If it had just been that Allen might have thought it was some bizarre costume, but after she had stretched she arched back and revealed the thick, shiny cock that rested on Samson's stomach as he took his clawed hands and grabbed the shifting hips above him to thrust harder.

Even as the stunned man continued to sit there the changes weren't just confined to their skin or Danielle's gender, which it was clear Samson was staying male as his shaft seemed to be growing even bigger while disappearing inside her. The bump on her back stretched and grew into a tail as a pair of horns peaked out from her hair, which was rapidly shortening as she leaned back forward and grabbed onto the similar ones that grew from Samson's scalp. The linebacker's body was also changing and though he was still quite muscular he was losing the stocky build that had allowed him to dominate the field, and as he was pulled towards the cock of his former girlfriend Allen could see that as he tried to lick his tongue out to the shaft both it and his face were starting to stretch out. Allen couldn't believe his eyes as the rubber spread over their bodies until the thickly set linebacker and his buxom girlfriend looked like a pair of latex-covered reptilian twinks as their feet that hung over the bed stretched and popped into a more draconic configuration.

As Samson's new muzzle finally was able to engulf the throbbing shaft of the one that was riding his own dick Allen had seen enough. This was no longer about getting someone kicked off the team, especially since that guy had become some sort of rubber lizard guy as he snuck his way back towards the door. With the air filling with the sounds of their latex bodies rubbing together it didn't take much for him to get to the hallway and he found himself breathing a sigh of relief when he made it out. As he got to the corner and back towards the party however his eyes widened as he quickly found that the changes weren't just confined to the bedroom he had escaped.

A red rubber creature that Allen had passed by moments ago was stroking his own erect cock as he watched others disrobing, though as some people lost inches of height they just allowed their clothes to fall off to let their new tails or erect cocks out into the air. While there had been a few woman that he had spotted before as Allen looked at the increasingly lustful scene below there were only men left, potentially having gone the same route as Danielle did as several pinned others to the wall or floor to shove their throbbing rubber members into them. Some were transforming more slowly than others but even when he saw a few with confused looks on their faces in only took a kiss or grope from the others to have those horns start growing and their feet dangling out of their shoes as they joined the orgy. When Allen looked down at himself however he saw that he wasn't changing, and as his eyes went to the nearly empty punch bowl he reasoned that it was spiked with more than just alcohol as he turned to go and find another way out.

Unfortunately in the time Allen had been standing there in awe it allowed two others to come up behind him, and when he ran into the muscular rubber chest of one of them he thought it was Samson until he felt the body squish slightly like a water balloon. "Leaving so soon?" Rico said as Sam grabbed him by the shoulders to keep him there. "You can't leave without a nightcap, and I have something special for you straight from the source."

Before Allen could say anything in protest the rubber dragon in front of him leaned in and kissed him, which as soon as what he thought was saliva was pushed into his mouth by the thick tongue of the creature his mind immediately began to fog over. Without being diluted by the punch the effect of the alcohol was nearly instantaneous as they could see his eyes practically roll back in his head and his pants begin to tent. It also helped that the one between them was quite interested in what he saw amidst the shock of their transformations, Sam reasoned that if this was just normal human men having an orgy this one would have dove right in as the two began to methodically strip the human down to expose his somewhat thin frame. Fortunately he didn't, the one possessing Rico mused, after all they had created a lot of kobolds and could use another dragon to wrangle them as he guided the lust-drunk man to his groin.

"I see this one is a lightweight," Sam said with a chuckle as they watched Allen open his mouth to lick at the cock presented to him and get more of the sweet substance that it was leaking. "It's time to up his tolerance." Rico merely nodded and as he reached down he was already able to grab onto a pair of horns that had started to push out of the short black hair of the enthralled human whose lips were brushing against his shaft. This wasn't going to take long at all, he thought to himself as he began to feed the head of his cock into the human's increasingly shiny lips that began to swell outwards.

It didn't take long before Rico had the head of a rubber dragon exactly like his own sucking him off, his cock stretching out his lengthening throat as bronze rubber with silver highlights swept over the human's flesh. On Sam's side his cock only had to rub against those cheeks a few times before they started to fill with muscle and more importantly assimilated to rubber. As the synthetic shaft sank into Allen he let out a muffled grunt that turned to a snarl of pure bliss as his stomach already between to hang down lower, the two alcohol dragons pumping him full of the transformative fluid so a third would soon join their ranks. As they stretched out the maw and tailhole of the new dragon they could hear cheering going on, the two smirking as they watched the kobolds they created watching their masters in earnest even as they stroked one another while praising them and Renzyl...