Female-on-Male Tickle Rape: Charizard.
Charizard is training in the mountains, fighting and improving his skill as a Pokemon. His roars echo to the sky, his breath blew fires, and flies to the sky and then back down. Nobody would be able to defeat the legendary Charizard...... Or would...
Female on Male Tickle Rape: Guilmon
Guilmon is now at his own home relaxing, as he sits on his chair looking at the beautiful view outside resting his hands behind his back. ''\*Sighs\*... What a nice day.... I think I should talk a walk.'' Guilmon said. He gets out of his chair and...
Female on Male Tickle Rape: Impmon
It was a beautiful day outside. The trees were still growing, the birds were terping, and the flowers were still yellow and beautiful as ever..... Buuuut there is a digimon who just sits on the ground. ''\*Sighs\*......Maaan.....I am so BORED!!! There...
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Hunter.
The members at the ship are now enjoying themselves, as the other members seemed to enjoy playing poker. Blitz, Exile, and Muzzle are all showing their cards. ''Alvright, vat's your decision?'' Blitz said. ''Uuuuuuh...... I think call.'' Exile said...
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Caroo
Caroo is now walking on the forest, as he enjoys the beautiful view. The bird singing, and the flowers are there. Caroo himself also has earphones on as he listens to his music. But as he continues to walk....... Someone is apparently following him....
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Fenrikk
Fenrikk has been the shadow thief in Haa........ He was been stealing golds and goods from all around the town...... And he's also a best friend of Z'nth, thought he just loved tickling him...... But he also has a crush on Roh, his mistress and...
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Boldr
In the land of Haa, there was another hero, well...... The hero who fights for glory and gold anyway..... That has been defeating all the monsters, gets all the ladies, and of course, extremely ticklish as well........ Boldr was at his own bedroom as...
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Dragonnus
As Dragonnus was walking around town, he was whistling to his music, and he even has an exciting thought in his mind. ''Ohohooo man! This is going to be GREAT!!! I can't wait to go to the dojo to train my karate moves!'' He thought. As he continues...
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Sheldaar
Our story begins with the dragon named Sheldaar. He is a normal dragon who enjoys his life, as he walks in a street having a nice day. As he walks in the bridge like road, he hums his tune. ''Hmhmhmhmmmmm~ What a beautiful day it was! Oh how much...
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Blitz
It was a great day here in the spaceship, everyone was relaxing, Colleen and Hunter are still living together as couples, and Blitz...... Well..... ''UUUUUUUGH!!! Why can't I even impress Colleen? She's always going to reject me every time, and she...
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Butterscotch
It was a normal day here in Equestria. All the ponies were walking in the street, and Butterscotch was walking being a little shy himself. As Butterscotch continues to walk himself home, he felt a sensation that he's being watched. ''Uuuuh..... Hello?...
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Ty
Ty was sleeping on a bed........ He was probably dreaming about how sexy he was and how he loved being with Jeff, the male shark..... However that dream ended when an alarm clock suddenly makes the noise, waking him up...... The noise then stops in 5...