The Knights tale...

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#31 of A shameful secret

A certain young Jaguar Knight, makes an appointment at the blacksmiths

Arkana belongs to Twilght Wanderer

The Knights tale...

The homely old Donkey shoveled fresh coal into his empty forge, Trev had cleaned the ash and soot out the night before. Twenty seven shovels full to fill it, and then he carefully spread the coal out over the entire bottom of the forges. And then lit the hard wood he'd placed down earlier, pumping the bellows slowly to feed air into the fire. Foul greenish smoke slowly starting to rise up, into the overhead vent above the forge. It was a bitterly cold morning, a cold wind had came down off the mountains in the night. So the air in the chimney was cold and heavy, the rising smoke had to force its way through. Glancing outside Dunlup saw that the mountains were silvery white, snow was on the way to the valley. As the coal began to burn, it took some time and more than a little effort. But he was well experienced at it, and soon the coals were glowing hot as he pumped air into them. Soon the smithy was balmy warm, as the heat from the forge radiated out into the work space. The old Donkey pumped the bellows a few moments longer, thinking about how welcomed the heat was in this weather.

Once that was done he moved over to his iron supply, picking through the iron billets for the materials he would need. A local stone mason had asked him to make him a new set of chisels, so Dunlup wanted to use the best iron he had. Next he sat out the tongs and hammers he would need, finally he pulled on his batter old leather apron over his plain wool work clothes. Just then he felt a blast of cold air, his long pointed Donkey ears picking up the sound of his shop door opening and closing. The fat old Onager glanced over his shoulder, expecting to see his big Mule assistant Trev. And so was surprised when he saw the big black Jaguar standing there watching him from just inside the door. The big feline was dressed in tight black leather trousers, a dark quilted arming coat was mostly covered with a grayish chainmail shirt. A dark green cloak was wrapped around his shoulder and hung down his body to just below his knees. Turning all the way around Dunlup looked the newcomer over more intensely, noting the sword hilt jutting out from the felines left side. A hefty dagger could be seen on the right side of the Jaguars belt, from his ramrod straight stance it was plain this fur was a warrior.

"Mornin'..." Dunlup grunted in greeting, as he lay the iron billet in his hands aside. "Who are you? And what can I do for you?" The old Donkey asked curiously, spotting the look of embarrassment on the felines handsome muzzle. The blush making that nose darken, and pulsing as the big Cat inhaled deeply. A lesser male would have been panting in panic, but this fellow was a fighter who was use to control emotions. Now Dunlup had done work in the nearby predator kingdom in the past, not that long ago the old Donkey had neutered a noble born Cougar. And the way this handsome predator was reacting, Dunlup was certain there was something naughty that needed do. As he looked the warrior over, Dunlup spotted the chivalrous symbol on the hilt of that sword. The order of the Ermine was a rather famous and very strict predator Knightly order so seeing this fellow out of the ordinary. It also helped explain the handsome felines nervousness and rather shy appearing manner.

"I am Sir Arkana." The big feline introduced himself, moving into a oily bow that made the older Jack snicker. No one ever bowed to him here, it was something the preds took much more seriously. "As for what you can do for me..." Once again the big Predator looked embarrassed, shifting his weight from one foot paw to the other as he struggled with that question for a long moment. "Uhum would you sharpen my blade... it had grown rather dull." The big feline blurted, drawing his dagger from its sheath and handing it over to the old Donkey.

"Of course..." The old Donkey grunted waddling over to take the blade, testing its edge with his thumb as he moved back over to his work bench. The dagger was about as sharp as a blade could get, still if he thinned the edge a bit he could get it sharper. Taking out a smooth stone, he wet it slightly and began working the blade across it. "So why are you really here Sir Knight?" He heard the big feline gulp behind him, but didn't look back at the Cat. Because he knew some males had a hard time talking about stuff muzzle to muzzle, so he just worked that blade and waited.

"Well you see..." There was a shame pause, plainly this upright highly honorable Knight was nervous and shy about the subject. "I've come to talk to you about..." The tall sexy black feline moved up beside Dunlup, the old Donkey could see the spots in his dark fur in this light. He could also see the sudden thick bulge in the cats tight black leather trousers, as he stammered on with his explanation. "About a special private job I want you to do." Dunlup's reply was just a grunt, inviting the other fur to keep talking since he really hadn't explained anything so far. "I have always been... virile." Sir Arkana admitted in a tone, that was at the same time both proud and ashamed of his lustful appetites. "However that virility has lead me into scandal and vice..." Plainly the proud Knight was trying to be delicate, yet a part of him wanted to brag about his sexual exploits. "I have trespassed in other males gardens... sired on females both high born and fallen." Dunlup smirked it was a flowery way of saying the feline had put his offspring in other males wives... and whores which for a Knight of the order was a very scandalous thing indeed. "The head of my order has warned me, that if I want to advance in the order I have to stop." The old Donkey smirked as he heard that, it didn't take much thinking to figure out why he was there. "So... I'm gonna need for you to... to..." There was a long pause this time, as Dunlup noticed that bulge in the Jaguars trousers throbbing and flexing as the Knight struggled to get the words out.

"Snip yer nuts off..." Dunlup supplied with a wicked smirk, as the handsome felines eyes took on a faraway look. Obviously his mind had wandered off to a distant pleasant memory, most likely one where he was enjoying some females supple body.

"Yeah... I heard about you neutering the Baron of Corula and Earl Tristan." The Jaguar panted breathlessly in explanation, it seemed word of Dunlup's doings were getting around the pred kingdom. The old Donkey chuckled lewdly as he set the work aside, reaching over to examine the big feline warriors throbbing crotch bulge with his rough fingers. The tall handsome Jaguars powerful body jumped in shock, a breathy gasp of surprise escaping him as the other male touch him there. Plainly Sir Arkana hadn't been expecting the common born Equine to be so forward, so starred down at that rough soot stained hand in shock and horror.

"It feels like a sizable job..." The Blacksmith observed with a lustful leer, turning to the Jaguar Knight who was looking over at him in shock. "Think I'm gunna need to get a better look." The big feline was normally a fur of action, but as the fat old Jackass grabbed the waistband of his trouser the Jaguar froze. Dunlup snickered but didn't say anything, just silently unbuckled the Jaguars trousers letting them drop to the shop floor. Before pulling up his chain-mail shirt, to fully expose his fat erection and fuzzy feline balls. The old Donkey smiled gloatingly as he bent down to examine those naked goodies, unsurprised to see the Jaguars thick cock jutting up out of his furry sheath. "Real nice... good and hefty." The Smith chuckled, as his rough hands fondled those heavy orb's before moving up to tease that exposed cock as it drooled pre-cum. "Hahah so yer excited by the thought of getting cut huh?" At that question the felines cock jerk up, bouncing so excitedly it made the old Jack laugh out loud.

"Errr well... maybe a bit." Arkana admitting sheepishly, as those strong callused fingers explored and stroked over those aroused male organs. The big sexy black feline spreading his legs, thrusting his hip's forwards to let the grinning older male tease his pulsing organs. "Honestly... listening to those stories kinda got me thinking about certain things..." The tall feline warrior confessed, while he panted for breath as Dunlup's admiring hands pushed him deeper into sexual need. "I want to be tied up and forced into it..." Arkana moaned breathlessly, his strong hip's starting to make short half hearted thrusts as that big hot hand stroked his throbbing erection. "As in strapped down..." The feline Knight moaned, gesturing to one of the set of stocks that the Donkey sometimes locked resistant Horses into. "Pants cut off, balls removed and then fucked into total submission by huge Donkey cock." The strong young Jaguar moaned weakly, bracing his paws on the top of the bench. As Dunlup moved around behind him, the nasty old Jack's other big hand slipping up under that feline tail. "Would... Uhuuhu..." The Jaguar moaned weakly, as he felt those thick fingers caress the tiny hot star of his feline tail hole. "Would have to be later in the week though..." Arkana whimpered, as he felt one thick finger push hard against his tight butt hole, wiggling inside of him as those strong hip's rocked back and forth. Fucking his slippery pre-cum covered cock in and out of the grinning Donkey's callused fist, as the big Jaguar leaned over with his paws braced ion the edge of that work bench. "I've got certain duties for the order I have to attend to."

"Hah..." Dunlup laughed lewdly, as he finger fucked the kitties tiny little pink ruthole. "Yeah you be a good boi and get yer chores done, so I'll cut yer nuts off!" The horny older Jack kissed and nibbled at the back of the young warrior furry neck, as his finger roughly opened up that hot velvety soft butthole. "Break in this little gelding cunt for ya afterwards... I personally fuck every gelding that I make." Dunlup snickered into the young Knights round little feline ear, as that big blunt finger twisted and pushed deeper inside his taboo orifice. While that other big rough hand squeezed the felines throbbing cock, as the wicked Jackass stroked it faster and faster.

"I... I'll bring a satchel of clothes... to replace the ones you cut off." Dunlup smirked at the elaborate fantasy the young predator had worked up, it certainly worked for the old Donkey. "RREEEOOW!" The big feline yowled out loudly, as that thick equine finger tip found the Jaguars pleasure button. Pushing it roughly for a second, before starting to caress it slow and roughly.

"Sounds like a plan... pretty puss." Dunlup laughed as he working that soft tail hole, and jacked that stiff feline cock with his big soot blackened fist. "Why don't you come by on Friday. Afternoon would be good, I'll have everything ready to go for you then." The old Donkey grunted with a smirk, obviously the Smith was looking forwards to unmaling the Knight.

"Oh my gods... oh my gods." The big warrior moaned out breathlessly, as that finger tip rubbed in tiny circles on that quivering sissy gland. "It... its real... the sissy boi button." That whimpering moan making Dunlup chuckle, plainly the big Jaguar had some experience stimulating other guys sissy gland. And just as plainly no one had ever put anything up his ass, something the nasty old Jackass planned to correct in the near future. The Jaguars firm round rump was eagerly pushing back now, as the young Knight moaned and howled in delight as his pleasure button was mashed. Releasing his grip on that rock hard feline cock, Dunlup slid his hand down Arkana's furry sheath to those fluffy feline balls. Gripping tightly around the neck of those potent male seed sacks, pulling and twisting them roughly... as that thick finger rubbed on the warriors sissy gland intensely. "Uhu uhu uhu..." The young feline moaned, realizing for the first time why those fem-boi's he had fuck loved his hard cock inside of them so much.

"This is good practice... after Friday this is the only way you'll be able to get any sexual pleasure." The chipped toothed old Donkey taunted, smashing that finger in and out of that hot rut hole even the faster. "Consider this a training session... for the sissy kitten you're going to be." Dunlup snorted chewing roughly on the back of the sexy young warriors neck, as the cat yowled and snarled meekly as if he were going to resist.

"Uhu uhu uhu..." Arkana moaned hotly as his clenching tail hole was finger banged savagely, while that strong hand brutalized his balls painfully. The pleasure and pain blending together, leaving the handsome young Jaguar whining and moaning as his neglected cock jerk up and down. Only Dunlup's firm grip yanking down and twisting those fluffy balls hold him back a few moments longer. Still the combination of the Donkeys mocking taunts, along with that finger probing and rubbing over his sissy button sent the big feline over the edge. Arkana's claws dug into the wood of the work bench, as his thick fucker tensed rock hard. And then spurted once, twice, three, four times, that creamy predator spunk splashing onto the smithy's dirty shop floor like so many other males seed had been wasted. Millions of potential little Jaguars wiggling and squirming in the dust, only to die without ever finding the egg they lived to fertilize.


It had not been a easy week... Arkana was unsure if it was knowing what was coming or just that some higher power like to torment him. But the lustful Jaguar had felt a intense arousal, and what was even worse was that opportunities to vent his desire seemed to pop up all around him. Opportunities that he had never had before just seemed to spring up at every turn, a nobles daughter whom he'd been ordered to protect suddenly offered herself to him. The pretty young wife of a older politician, who Arkana had been commanded to take home after the old fellow had drank too much. Almost raping him after they had put the old drunken fellow to bed, dragging the Jaguar into a empty guest room her paws diving into his trousers. That one had almost got him, she had taking his cock out exploring it with her soft paws. Having her stop went against all his natural desires, against his male instincts to breed every chance he got. Next had been a house maid of one of the orders leaders, the big Jaguar had almost believed she had been ordered to tempt him. The young Knight had really struggled with these advances, knowing that if he indulge in these affairs his career in the order was over. It had almost killed him to leave these ladies unsatisfied, luckily a fem looking young courtier had offered him a chance for some relief.

The slender effeminate young Cheetah had a slender body, with a lush bubble butt that the bigger Jaguar found very appealing. They had met in the taproom of a road side Inn, Arkana had a sense about those kinds of submissive lads. A few drinks later and they were heading up to the Cheetahs room he had already rented for the night. It was the perfect solution for the young Knight, sharing the courtiers bed meant that he didn't need to rent one of his own. And it assured that the Jaguars sexual needs would be taken care of, rutting sissy boi's was something Arkana had done hundreds of times. And yet this time something was different, even while the two of them removed their clothing the Jaguar felt it. Each sexy feline paused admiring the body of the other, in the dim golden lamp light of the cheap Inn room. Arkana move forwards slowly, wrapping his long arms around the smaller males slender spotted form as the Cheetah leaned in planting a surprisingly aggressive kiss on his lips.

"Ummm wha..." The big Jaguar was unused to this, normally he took control of these fem males taking his pleasure from them with little resistance. However something had changed within him, ever since his visit to the Smith ever since that old Donkey had finger fucked him to orgasm. It wasn't anything that he could put a finger on, yet even this soft little sissy fem boi seemed to sense it. Thinking back, Arkana realized it had started the moment he'd left the old Donkey's smithy... strolling down the street a group of Rats had pushed him off the sidewalk. Rodents had always fled from him, or at the very least had cowered back against a wall when he walked past. With a growl the big Jaguar pushed himself against the smaller male, kissing that mouth savagely and eagerly as the skinny Cheetah reached down. Small soft paws fondling those big balls, as Arkana's thick pink cock spilled from his black furry sheath. The tall feline Knight grunted in pleasure, those warm little paws felt really nice as they rubbed and caressed those big potent organs.

"Alright get up there..." The big Jaguar snarled, pushing the slinky little spotted feline back onto the bed. Quickly Arkana pounced on top of the sissy little Cheetah fem boi pinning him down, kissing that blunt little muzzle as he ground his own fat erection against the silky fur of that sexy rump. "I'm gunna fuck you soooo hard... you wimpy little slut." The big black Jaguar grunted overly aggressively, even as the sexy little Cheetah flashed him a taunting smile.

"I'd loooove that." The sissy little Cheetah purred, acting all horny and eager... but the big warrior could hear the implied 'To see that' part. Scowling at that malicious disparaging look on his fuck toys muzzle, Arkana reached down hooking his forearms under the courtiers legs. Lifting those long shapely feline legs up, and bending them back over the sexy little Cheetahs naked body. The courtier reached over to his discarded clothing, taking out a small bottle of scented oil. Holding it up like he had uncovered some kind of treasure, just the way he did it made the big Jaguar snicker derisively.

"Lube it up slut... so my cock can make you scream." Those smalls paws hot as the rubbed the oil over Arkana's floppy cock, as well as the Cheetah's tiny little pink pucker. Both of them aware that the tall Knights organ, hadn't yet managed to reach the stiffness that his rut boi's had already. Those soft paws moved back up to grip that fat organ, rubbing and stroking as they tried to tease the warrior to full erection. Arkana grinding their bodies together, struggling to get fully erect but for some strange reason he could seem to manage. A the pent up grunt and disappointed sighs coming to Cheetah making the Jaguar feel more and more frustrated. Smacking those paws aide, he gripped hard around the base of his floppy semi hard organ. Pushing that floppy semi stiff organ against sissy felines tight little pink boi-pussy, it should have sank in easily he'd done this hundreds of times over the years. And this was the very first time it had proven a challenge, every other time he had just rammed his throbbing hard on inside no matter the resistance. This was not one of those times, his floppy cock flexed and bowed up as he pushed it against that taut tail hole. And with each failed attempt at penetration, the slender Cheetah's grin grew more contemptuous and haughty.

"Come on... I thought you were going to make me scream." The soft sissy male whispered with ridicule, as he sneered up at the bigger male on top of him. Even as the big warrior pushed and strained, sensing that the other male was clenching closed to purposely make him fail. The limp-wristed little faggot enjoying humiliating the big powerful warrior, the normally pusillanimous little feline acting surprisingly impudent. "Here I thought you were going to wreak my ruthole." The small courtier snickered derisively, pushing his soft hot asshole back against that faintly pulsing cock head.

"Shut yer mouth... and open yer ass slut." Growling down angrily Arkana gripped the lesser males throat with his other big paw, squeezing it roughly as the sissy Cheetahs eyes bulged out. Fear should have gripped the smaller male, yet the look on his muzzle was still one of defiant scornful mockery.

"AGAK... Maybe... maybe I can help..." The smirking Cheetah choked, as the paw on his throat squeezed harder for a second before relaxing. "I know a trick that I bet will get you hard enough." The smaller feline promised with a smirk, looking up into the big Knights eyes asserting his authority over the bigger male. "I don't know if you know about this..." The grinning Cheetah teased, as Arkana felt a slippery finger pad touch his tail hole. Instantly the big Jaguars tail popped up, as he let out a grunt of shock that powerful body freezing. Just like it had when the ugly old Donkey had violated that virgin orifice, the look on the bigger males muzzle telling the Cheetah all he needed to know. "Hehe you've had something in here before." He laughed mockingly, was the tall Knights eyes half closed while his mouth gaped open as he panted for breath. "Good that makes things easier..." The courtier purred gloatingly as his finger rubbed around the rim of that tight pucker, and then dropped down to push hard against the center. The little Cheetah actually shocked, at how easy it was to get inside the so called top Alpha males taboo orifice. 'Butt-slut.' The smaller feline snickered under his breath, even though it was plenty loud enough of the stronger male to have heard him.

"Uhuuhuu... I don't think this is working." Arkana moaned as his butthole swallowed that small finger, his already weak hard on softening even more. Making the other feline burst out laughing, the big Jaguar blushing even harder at his erection wilted even more. Arkana grimaced upset at what the Cheetah had whispered, as well as being laughed at by the smaller male. And then that questing finger tip brushed against it... making the big Jaguar squeal as his eyes flew open wide. At that touch his limp organ surged to life, quickly growing stiffer than it had been before the Cheetahs finger penetrated him. "Ohoo... gods the... the..." Arkana squeaked in a high pitched voice, even while that leathery finger rubbed over his hidden pleasure gland more intensely. Each feathery stroke making his cock throb a bit harder, until at last he managed to thrust his weak erection past those inviting anal gates. Both of them moaning at once, as that fat organ sank into the smaller felines depths. The big Jaguar let out a gasping grunt, as that hot velvety flesh gripped his trembling rut stick. He began to hump and thrust pretty quickly, leaning down to kiss the Cheetah's mouth again trying to take back the dominant active role. But every time that finger pad stopped moving, Arkana's cock would start to go soft within that tight rut hole.

"What's the matter... can't keep it up... even when your cock in this sweet ass." The pretty Cheetah boi taunted caustically, even as the big Jaguar struggled to keep shoving his softening cock up that sweet little tail hole. "And here I thought I was going to be screaming out..." The courtier chuckled in sardonic amusement, as he watched Arkana trying to keep fucking him. "Of course I was hoping I'd be screaming in ecstasy, rather than need and unsatisfied desires." The sexy Cheetah boi rolled his eyes dramatically, sighing as that thick cock went softer and softer within his ass. "Here I thought I was getting a stud... but it turns out you are just as big a butt slut as I am." The handsome spotted feline snorted, looking deep into the Jaguars eyes until Arkana looked away in shame at his failure.

"Please..." The tall feline Knight whimpered, wiggling his rump around on that finger that was still buried in his tail hole. But the grinning Cheetah kept his finger pad from touching that pleasure gland, making the proud warrior whine and moan in need.

"Alright... I'll give you what you need... but you better give me what I need." Shoving his furry finger deeper into that ass, thumping hard against that sissy gland. Chortling as he felt the Jaguars cock fill out inside his rump, throbbing and pulsing eagerly with every stroke of his finger pad. Arkanas mouth hung open in pleasure, his big eyes going glassy as that finger worked within his boi pussy. Every thrust within that needy ass, forcing another moan or whimper of delight from the big Knight.

"Ammm fuck yeah... Oho fuck.. Oho fuck don't stop rubbing that." Arkana pleaded breathlessly as his hip's pumped and strained, that fat feline cock doing for the Cheetah what the sissy's finger pad was doing for him. The two predators bodies entwining in a lustful dance, moaning and starting to yowl as their pleasure grew. A casual onlooker would have thought the powerful Jaguar in control, but the truth was far different and they both knew it. Over the next thirty minutes, the grinning Cheetah expertly worked the larger males sissy gland keeping him on the verge of orgasm. Until that pounding cock at last made the smirking little Cheetah blow his wad, spurting out a thick gooey load onto his own silky belly fur. Once he had finish cumming, the small feline lay back and stopped pushing that button.

"Wha... wha... please I need to cum so much." Arkana moaned in desire, his hip's thrusting away like mad even as his erection began to wane. "Please we had a... a deal."

"I'm changing our deal... lick the cum off my belly fur." The smaller male ordered imperiously, watching in cruel delight as the big Jaguar lowered his muzzle. Lapping up that thick cum like it was a saucer of milk, whimpering in need as the Cheetah withheld his finger a moment longer. "HAHAHA... Damn you really are a sissy slut." The anonymous feline laughed, as he quickly used his finger to bring the big Knight to orgasm.



Arkana slowly ran his paw over the old clothes he worn, the big Jaguar had rented a room at a local Inn near the smithy. Carefully he packed clean new clothing into a small bag, his armor was stowed in the rooms trunk. Once he had everything that he felt that he needed in the satchel, the sleek handsome black feline paused to look at himself one last time in the mirror. The battered and stained old leathers were wearing thin in places, the woolen tunic was downright ratty with a few holes worn in it. Only his cloak, sword belt and dagger sheath looked new, since those had been gifts for his order. Standing there starring into the glass he looked just the same as he always had, yet the big Jaguar knew that he was already different than he had been. And today his outsides were going to change, to match the way his insides already were. That thought sent a shiver of dread racing down his spine, for a long moment he considered chickening out. But then his well trained mind pushed that fear down, taking a deep breath the big black feline picked up his satchel.

"Time to go..." Arkana grunted turning around to stroll out of the room, outside the wintery weather had gotten even nastier. The streets were clogged with knee deep snow, and huge downy flakes were lazily falling as he walked down to the smithy. Above it he could see smoke and heat raising, the rough double doors were closed to the cold. Walking up the big predator grasp the melt handle, tugging one of those doors open he moved inside. The shop was warm and well lit, both by the fire in the forge and the oil lamps that lined the walls. Taking off his snow covered cloak the big feline hung it on a hook, along with a couple of other cloaks and leather aprons.

"Damn you really came back." A gruff guttural voise snorted in amusement, the big feline almost jumped out of his skin. As he spun around to look at the huge Mule who had spoke to him, unsure how he had missed seeing him before now. The huge Mule was standing there grinning at him wickedly, plainly this heavily hung stud couldn't believe any male would willing give up his nuts. "I was bettin' we'd never see ya again... looks like Dunlup was right again. Heh." The huge Mule smirked darkly, as he leaned back against the double doors Arkana had just came in through. "He always is..." Trev snickered as he watched the predator unbuckle his sword belt, hanging it and the weapons on it on the same peg his cloak was hanging from. The big pred wasn't exactly unarmed, his paws concealed those deadly hooked feline claws after all.

"I say what I do... and I do what I say." The Jaguar grunted looking around the room, spotting the Blacksmith over by the forge working the bellows slowly. The tall black feline also spotted a slender gray Rat, who was cleaning a number of nasty looking tools that were laid out on small table. The Rodent smiled broad and gloatingly, as he looked up at the big handsome spotted black feline. Arkana didn't like the idea of a Rodent watching him get cas... Errr... having his ball... watching him get neutered. The big feline shifted comfortably, as his erect organ pressed against the inside of his worn out old leather trousers.

"Heh... yeah that's what all ya preds say." Trev snickered as he watched the felines trousers bulge, even as the big warrior edge slowly closer to where Dunlup and Merl stood. "We'll see how much balls ya got... once it comes down to it." The big Mule taunted cruelly, as the sleek warrior looked at Merl in disgust. A kind of sick look on his handsome muzzle, as he watched the grinning Rat fondling those wicked looking gelding tools. That sight sending a cold shiver running down his spine, like most felines Arkana disliked Rodents more than anything else. They were so nasty and lowly, while even the commonest feline was sooooo much better. So he didn't like the idea of one watching his unmaling, knowing that a big noble born predator like him was being conquered in away.

"Good day Smith... it is Friday afternoon." Arkana growled, surprised at how angry and aggressive his voice was suddenly sounding. The big Jaguar had been sure, that he had come to terms with his own emasculation in the past week. But now he was struggling more than he had expected that he would, maybe the Mule was right and he was losing his nerve. Glancing over his sweaty shoulder, the fat old Donkey flashed him a clip toothed grin.

It's a fine day..." Dunlup grunted letting go of the bellows, as he turned to look at young Knight over with delight. "Well not outside..." He admitted with a rueful grin, the blowing snow was falling all the harder as a blizzard smash the valley. "But in here it's a day for the things we are going to get up too." The amusement and pleasure was plainly written on that homely old muzzle, this male truly loved doing this kind of work it seemed. That knowledge sending yet another shiver of fear and dread through the big predators powerful young body. "I take it you've got yer clean clothes in that satchel." The old Donkey grunted, making the Jaguar glance down at the bag in his paw. He had totally forgot about carrying it, and just nodded numbly as the Smith remarked on it. "Merl be a good lad and put that up someplace safe, until he needs it later." Dunlup ordered making the Rat scurry over to the big feline, Arkana having to work hard to suppress his repulsion and instinct to pounce on the Rodent.

"I'm looking forwards to watching this." Merl snickered softly, his family had fled the pred kingdoms years ago because of the way felines treated them. Carefully he took that satchel out of the noble felines paw, and them looking him right in the eye the grinning Rat tossed it over his own shoulder. The bag flew across the room landing on the shop floor, those clean clothes spilling out into the dust and dirt. It made his feeling about the big feline plain, as well as making Dunlup and Trev laugh out loud. Arkana clenched his big paws in rage, at being insulted by a Rat in such a manner. If they had been in the Pred kingdom, the Jaguar would have been in his rights to beat or even kill the commoner for that kind of insult.

"Pick that up..." The noble Knight grunted shocked by his own reaction of arousal, the Jaguar was trying to act angry and aggressive. But he was feeling just the opposite, excited and submissive to the smaller prey fur.

"Shut the fuck up puss... yer in a different country now." Merl was glaring up at the bigger male unafraid of him, that only making Arkana's erection push harder into his tight leather trousers. "I can't wait to watch him cut your balls off... Ya know I see colts dragged in here all the time, kicking and fighting, struggling to keep their junk away from the anvil." Merl's pointed Rodent muzzle split into a huge gloat smile, even as the big predator began to have second thoughts about what was going to happen. "They are horrified that they're about to losing their little treasures... and will never ever get to mount a female." The wicked Rat chuckled then, his voice dripping with vile delight at the idea of Arkana losing his balls. "It's so... unexpected to see a grown, handsome male like you... come in here to give them up voluntarily! I mean from what I hear... you're the kind that will rut anything will a hole." The big Jaguar let out a kind of yowling groan, as his mind was suddenly filled with memories of all the females he had fucked.

"Speaking of nutting..." Dunlup smirked, moving up to wrap one sweaty arm around the handsome black felines shoulder. Understanding that Merl's teasing was making the Knight reconsider, Dunlup wanted to get him locked in before he could cause trouble. "I think it's about time we got you in tha stocks." He advised turning the big feline, guiding him towards those heavy wood and metal restraints. Noticing that the predators eyes were growing bigger and bigger as they approached, the old Donkey raised his other hand gesturing for Trev to assist him. Even as Arkana legs began to push back, toe claws scraping loudly on the stone shop floor. The big predators mind might be willing, but his body was suddenly resisting like crazy. Luckily the old Donkey had two advantages, one he was decidedly bottom heavy... and secondly years of daily hard labor had strengthened the muscles hidden beneath his fat.

"No... No wait I've changed my mind." The big predator squealed bucking and twisting, fighting to get away from the fat older male. Of course Arkana had certain advantages... that feline body was strong and supple as he twisted and turned trying to escape. Years of fighting and struggling both on the practice fields or real life deadly battle, both unarmed or with swords. Made it so that it was all the old Donkey could do to hold onto him until Trev could get there to lend a hand. Of course the moment that second set of equine hands touched him, the powerful predator began to fight even harder. The claws came out at that point, one raking bloody runnels across Dunlups big belly. While the other stabbed into Trev's huge forearm, making the big Mule curse loudly in pain. Suddenly Merl popped up in front of the big feline, the tall Rat grinning wickedly as his small pink paws unzipped the Jaguars leather trousers. "Wait wha... wha are you doing?" Arkana choked in shock, as the smirking Rat shoved those paws down into his pants.

"Ohoh, you've got some very nice balls, for a feline..." Merl snickered as his soft pink paws caressed those fluffy feline nuts, the Jaguar looking down at him in shock as the Rodent's fingers teased those organs. "So big and firm, they feel so nice in my paws." The smirking Rat chuckled, watching how the struggle within the warrior just seemed to melt away. "Come along now." The smiling Rodent ordered softly, one paw taking a firm grip on those big feline nuts. As that other soft pink Rat paw moved to rub and stroke along the length of that barbed feline cock. Slowly Merl pulled the stunned predator forwards, moving him along without much more struggle into those stocks. Dunlup and Trev forcing his limbs into place, closing and locking everything down as the Jaguar panted and moaned. And then just like that the big feline Knight was helpless, suddenly those teasing paws were yanked out of his trousers. And the tall gray Rat stepped back sneering, as the feline warrior jerk and struggled at the restraints desperately. "That is what you get... for always thinking with your male bits." Merl taunted shoving his pointed muzzle right up against that wide feline nose, feeling the heat of the big predators blush of humiliation. "Well once the Smith is done with you... your gunna have to learn to think with something else... Dumbass!"

"Now... now Merl, no need to be abusive." Dunlup snorted, rubbing some healing balm onto the bleeding claw on his soft round belly. Before moving over to treat the bloody wounds on Trev's forearm, neck, chest and muzzle.

"Abusive... he aint seen abusive yet, just wait until I get a hold of him." The big Mule was known for his explosive temper, and his draft Horse size cock. "I'm going to rip that pussy tail hole of his open so wide, Merl will be able to crawl inside and build a nest."

"Hahaha... well if the way he reacted when I fingered that hole is any indication... he's going to lllooovvve that!" Dunlup laughed, as the struggling Jaguar whimpered in shame at the truth in those taunting words. "I wasn't so sure about snipping him at first, but when I saw what a rump slut he was..." The homely old Jack pulled the small table of tools over as well as that blood splattered bucket, looking over the wicked implements slowly for a long moment. "Hehehe, I knew that was exactly what he needed... no more chasing tail when puss puss was so good at taking it up the rump." The fat old Donkey frown, shaking his head as he decided that this job needed something a little bit different. Turning around, the hefty older Jackass waddled over to where Arkana's weapons belt hung on the wall. Drawing the Knights long dagger from its sheath, strolling back over to where the Jaguar hung in the stocks. "I went to all that trouble of sharpening it... be a damn shame not to use it at all." Both of them understanding the irony, the dagger had been a gift every Knight got when he joined the order. "After all you're doing this for your career in the order..." The homely Donkey tested the edge, satisfied that it had not dulled since his sharpening earlier in the week. "Here..." Dunlup tossed that dagger over to Merl, the Rat looking at him curiously for a moment. "My knees are getting to bad to kneel down, be a good lad and cut his clothes off for me."

"Just his clothes?" The tall gray Rat asked with a smirk, as he knelt down beside the helpless Jaguar. Slipping that sharp blade up one trouser leg, Merl began to saw the edge through that thin old leather. Working his was slowly up that thick muscular feline leg, Arkana shivering in horror as the smirking Rodent stripped him naked. It seemed to take a very long time, to the watching feline who was both intensely excited and afraid at the same time. At last Merl managed to fully open one leg, and then those ruined leather trouser fell to the floor. Exposing Arkana's throbbing male organs, Dunlup, Trev and Merl laughed in amusement at just how stiff and excited the Jaguar was. "Fuck you are wanting it bad huh kitten." Merl giggles wildly as he finished removing those ruined leathers, and tossed them into a rubbish bin off to one side. And then strolled back in front of the big feline, slicing his woolen shirt off as well leaving him totally naked now. "Don't worry that comes next." The Rat assured handing the dagger back to Dunlup, who laid it down on his tool table was the big Jaguar sobbed looking back over his shoulder. Arkana's powerful body jerked, as he felt that big hot hand cup his fuzzy sack in one big callused palm.

"Time for the fun part." Dunlup smirking as he gripping that fuzzy feline sack, squeezing those firm male orbs down into the bottom of the Jaguars pouch. Reaching over with his other hand to pick up a couple of leather cords, he wrapped one around that sack neck tying it down tight. And then wrapped the second one a little higher up in that neck, close to the felines crotch so that there would be plenty of pouch. Merl was going to love his new coin purse, once the tanner had finished making it for him. Tying that second cord down even tighter that the first one, Dunlup listened to the Jaguar grunt in pain at the squeeze. Reaching over he picked up Arkana's dagger, putting that icy cold edge against the hot flesh of his sack neck.

"Ohoho gods!" The Jaguar squealed in fear, as he felt the knife against his male flesh... knowing what was going to happen next. "Do it... just do it..." He invited in a husky voice, his fat feline cock bouncing up and down in excitement while dripping pre-cum on to the dirt floor beneath the stocks. Reaching up Merl gripped those orbs pulling down, keeping that flesh taut as Dunlup got ready to cut.

"Sure..." The fat old Onager agreed, winking at Merl as he began to slowly saw that knife blade back and forth. The big feline warrior held out for a few slices, but at last the burning agony made him scream and yowl loudly. His body twisting and struggling within the stocks, as Dunlup let Merl enjoy the sight of that castration for as long as possible. And then that throbbing cock tensed up rock hard, spitted out a thick spurt of cum onto the kneeling Rats muzzle. A second then third spurt followed the first one, until Merls point Rat muzzle was painted white. And then that proud pouch of male organs pulled loose from the big felines body, leaving him to sag limply within the stocks his eyes rolling back within his head.

"Damn I've never enjoyed anything so much in my life." The tall Rat giggled as he stood up, slipping the cord off that fuzzy feline scrotum. "They really were some very nice balls!" He dumped those heft orbs into that blood splattered bucket, even as Arkana hung there limp and passively within those stocks. "For a cat..." Merl snickered hefting his own fat Rodent nuts, which were plainly much larger than the Jaguars had been. While Dunlup smeared the healing balm over the Jaguars smooth wound, before grasping the felines long slender tail to move it out of the way. Using a bit of scented grease from a small tub, the old Donkey rubbed it over and worked it into the panting feline's tail hole.

"There... now ain't this nice?" Dunlup mused, the homely old Donkey gripped those firm young ass cheeks, spread them wide apart with his thick thumbs. Even as his soft round belly pushed up against the young predators lower back, the older males frothy sweat mixing with the feline pain sweat. The handsome young Jaguar couldn't help noticing Merl watching and grinning from nearby, plainly the Rat was enjoying what was happening to the big pred. "Just relax... push out like yer trying to take a dump. And let my hard cock inside of you puss puss." The old Donkey grunted planting his huge flare against that well lubed rosebud, feeling it quiver against the tip of his thick black fucker. The fat old Jackass sliding his rough hands up to grip Arkana's feline hip's, pulling back on them as he thrust that huge cock forwards. Enjoying the feeling of that tiny pink kitty hole straining, doing its best to open up for that massive stud stick. Dunlup snickered as he felt that feline asshole, loosen a bit so that his big blunt flare could move deeper. The old Blacksmith grinned wide, as he saw how tight and sensitive the young Knight's rut hole was. Suddenly there was a soft 'Slurp' as that huge flare slipped past the young Jaguar's sphincters, Arkana's wide open eyes bulging out of his head. "IEIEIEE."

"Awww gods, you're so big Aww... Aww fuck!" Arkana squealed in pain, as that big blunt cock flare pushed inside of his tiny feline butthole. Slowly by fraction of an inch, the horny older male worked his hefty fucker into that trembling pucker. Feeling it spread delightfully slowly around his throbbing flare, the sensation so pleasant he had to bite his lower lip savagely. Fighting with his own desire, to keep from just plunging in and splitting the young feline Knight wide open. At long last he was able to push past the Jaguars clenching sphincters, and his thick shaft sliding smoothly into the handsome felines depths. "Ohoo my gods... Uhu yes... fuck me." The big black Jaguar grunted breathlessly, now that the Donkeys huge cock had sank deep inside of him. Dunlup knew from the feel and years of experience fucking tight little virgin tail holes, that it would take a bit more pumping to get balls deep.

"Fuck this is one sweet boi pussy." The old Donkey grunted lustfully, pushing his huge cock deeper and deeper as the Jaguar squealed. Arkana's eyes were open very wide with pain and pleasure, as the old Jack was now pulling the massive length of his thick fucker back out. "Do you like getting filled by a BIG Donkey dick?" The horny Jackass demanded gruffly, while listening to the submissive predator meow pitifully.

"Ummm yes... oh gods Yes." The castrated Jaguar screamed out loudly, rolling his eyes the young Knight spotted curious Equines peeking in the smithy windows. Even as new feelings was coming over the Jaguar... feelings of excitement and euphoria as that mighty throbbing organ moving inside of him. "Uhu Huhu... fuck yeah!" Dunlup starting slowly increased the length and speed of his thrusts slowly, until Arkana was almost crazy from the sensation of that huge hard cock pounding against his sissy gland. Soon the young feline was pushing back eagerly, with every thrust into quiver rut hole trying to get in deeper still. "Ohohoo gods yes... Harder." Arkana begged weakly, as Merl laughed at the high pitched moans and squeals the big predator was making as Dunlup fucked him roughly. Like most of these refined and enlightened noble born males, the Jaguar was proving himself to be a submissive sissy cock slut. The old Donkeys big strong three fingered hand gripped the base of that feline tail, the other holding on to the Jaguars hip. As that massive Donkey cock was pounding in and out rapidly, each hard thrust making the feline yowl in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

"Gods your cock's so hard, you're fucking me so powerfully... you're so good at this." The young predator praised breathlessly, making all three of the others share amused grins. Reaching around Dunlup grabbed that fat feline cock and began to jack it playfully even though he knew the Jaguar had nothing left to spurt. That added sensation making Arkana whimper and moan louder, all those females the Jaguar use to rut completely forgotten about now. Gone were thoughts of mounting fem boi's or females either one, all that mattered was that huge pulsing fucker within his asshole. "Uhu Uhu Uhu." The young predators breath was coming out in deep ragged gasps, as he felt those strong callused fingers gripping his semi hard cock. The young warrior bucking and screaming louder, as the feline was fucked brutally hard now. The filthy common born Jack panted into the young noble's ear, pounding in hard, stuffing his hard pole into that hot Jaguar's tight rear. Letting the young warrior feel those sweaty Donkey balls heavily rolling forward and striking the bloody wound on his own feline crotch. Arkana whimpered as that hard, relentless erection pounded his male pleasure gland savagely. As that huge Donkey fucker slid smoothly inside of him, the young Knight letting out another loud scream of pleasure.

"Ummm... like having big, virile balls slapping your sexy ass. Huh pussy." Dunlup panted lustfully into the young Knight's round feline ear, as he pressed his shaggy groin up against that smooth young rump. Enjoying the feeling of that shapely noble born pred ass, as the younger male squealed and humped back eagerly. The fat old Jackass laughed, as this young noble born predator really was as eager and energetic a rut as any gelded Horse. The handsome feline moaned, his eyes glazing over in pleasure as that thick cock massaged his male pleasure gland roughly. "Ugh I love the way your tight ass feels on my cock." The old Onager moaned out softly, even as his strong hip's pounded that clenching hole all the harder. The Jaguar's strong young body jerking, as the Donkey's blunt cock head smacked hard against his pleasure button over and over again.

"Ohoh yeah..." Arkana whimpered, as that hard erection relentlessly pounded his male pleasure gland lustfully. Arkana tried to slow him down, but it didn't take long before the Knight felt the fat Donkey's throbbing fucker start to swell inside of him. Dunlup leered, snorting as he ploughed that hot young boi-pussy, his fat ass flexing and thrusting lewdly between the Jaguars rump cheeks.

"Do you feel that?" Dunlup demanded in a harsh whisper, the old Donkey nibbling lustfully along the edge of the young Jaguar's feline ear. "The way it's flexing and throbbing inside of you, my big ol' fucker is lovin' that hot little boi cunt of yours. And make no mistake that is what it is... a boi cunt for a real males too fuck." Dunlup snorted into that furry ear, enjoying the feeling of the horny young predator's body pushing eagerly back against him. "Take it sissy puss." The horny older male growled, shoving his huge fucker balls deep once more. And began to fill that shapely feline ass, with thick sticky streams of common Donkey cum. The hefty old Blacksmith collapsed against the young feline warriors back, struggling to regain normal breath his huge cock slowly softened inside the Jaguars clutching butthole. Finally the homely old Jack pulled that throbbing organ out, it slid out with a soft nasty sounding 'POP.'"As you know I break in every new neuter..." The old Smith grunted as he began unlocking those stocks, moving around in front of the big Jaguar as Arkana gulped for breath. "Of course that don't mean... I'm the only one who gets to fuck." The young Knight eyes flew open wide, as he felt a big flare push up against his aching cum leaking tail hole. Glancing back he saw the big Mule grinning down at him, the Mules massive draft Horse size cock throbbing eagerly.

"Err... Errr... wait that wasn't part of...Gwak." His protests were cut off as Merl stepped up in front of him, the tall Rat cramming this long thick Rodent fucker between those lip's.

"Shut the fuck up and suck..." The Rat sneered, looking down into the big felines startled eyes as that fat cock lay throbbing on the young warriors tongue. "And if I feel any teeth... I'll take a hammer and knock them all out." Merl snarled coldly, plainly he wasn't going to take any resistance from the big feline.

"Ummm... Ummm..." Arkana moaned, as he began to suckle on that throbbing Rodent cock reluctantly but very carefully... It would be several hours and a half dozen mountings later, before the well used predator limped back to his room at the Inn.