Floral Frolics 6

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#31 of Tik Tik's Tower

With her friends all soundly whupped by the warrior bee, it's time for Tik Tik to step in

The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! Its development is funded by the readers through sources like P@treon and Subscribestar. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and being able to help produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that, but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories that I write.

Cover art is by @heckabun

Check out more of my work through my Linktree

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The kobold stands with her eyes obscured by the shadows of her hood, her fingers twitching not in anger or annoyance but in a calm and calculated series of movements.

The soldier hovers opposite her on the field, two hands casually grasping her polearm. Her insect face is a mask of professional resolve. Syrup drips down from her rear, pooling onto the floor.

The forager sits behind the kobold, her wings buzzing, her antennae twitching, and her hands grasping at the ground.

Baker sits on his knees, a hand upon his pierced chest. Cynwrig groans, rolling on the ground, covered in goo. Eshere's body jiggles and wriggles towards her core, forming a tiny-faced blob rather than her fully-fledged body. She whispers out a low, "Be careful, Miss Tik."

The two remain in simulated stillness as the wind whistles by them. It's only when the soldier grips her spear with tighter intention that Tik Tik raises an arm up before her.

The soldier zips up to her, thrusting forward, the spear tip about to strike the kobold. Tik Tik lifts her other hand, and from the ground erupts an ethereal wall, which knocks the spear up and out of the soldier's hand with its pure force.

With her extended arm, Tik Tik etches runes into her wall, drawing arcane symbols of swirling and ponderous script.

The soldier buzzes around the wall and heads towards the scripting spellcaster, her syrup-soaked stinger shining in the sunlight.

Without taking her eyes off her formula, Tik Tik's free hand raises up to the soldier. A ghostly kobold grasper materializes, grabbing the insect woman by the antenna, letting the momentum of her flight cause the hand to tug.

The helping hand dissipates at the moment of tension. The pain that hits the soldier at that moment is enough to change her trajectory, and she flies over Tik Tik's head, stumbling on her feet on the ground a few paces from her.

Tik Tik flashes a grin over at her enemy and slaps her palm upon the scripted circle.

Cracks form along the ethereal wall, glowing with a thick, yellow light. This light illuminates Tik Tik's grinning face, which gives a smile a much wider appearance than its natural ability.

The soldier spins around, sweeping a kick toward the kobold's face, her leg nothing more than a smear of motion as it turns in Tik Tik's direction.

Until, of course, the thing in the wall stops her momentum.

A writhing yellow fabric wriggles from the cracks in the wall, wrapping its elf around the soldier's leg, lifting her up into the air, dangling with her head down towards the ground, her eyes level with Tik Tik's jawline.

More of these tendrils of tatters tear through the hole, latching onto the soldier's multiple arms and legs, pinning her back and preventing her from buzzing herself to an upright position. All she can do is thrash around uselessly, buzzing with such a loud and sharp cadence while the kobold stands, hands behind her back, her broad grin turned to a satisfied sneer.

"Now Tik Tik has you where Tik Tik wants you," the kobold purrs, raising a hand toward her captive foe.

The soldier flinches, but Tik Tik grasps an antenna, squeezing it, stroking the segmented length with her thumb.

The soldier gasps, shudders, and finally lets out a little moan.

Tik Tik giggles. "Tik Tik knew it. Eshere. Write down. We find out more about bees here."

"What about Baker?" Cynwrig says, rubbing his head.

"Oh, don't worry about me," Baker says. "I think I've congealed enough for now. Want a taste before it goes stale?" He holds a finger out towards Cynwrig,

The beetle declines with a grimace.

Eshere gathers enough of herself to grab onto her pen and journal, scribbling away.

"Now, let Tik Tik try up-close magic, yes?" Tik Tik places a finger and thumb upon the forehead of the soldier. She closes her eyes, concentrating, humming, and finally, whispering a string of commands.

The struggling stops, and the soldier dangles from the fabric.

"There, soldier feel better?" Tik Tik asks, her hands sliding to the bee's cheeks, squeezing the carapace.

"You are... invasive... dangerous..." the bee responds.

"Dangerous, how?" Tik Tik giggles, leaning in, whispering close to her.

"Aah....mmn... no, dangerous to... to me."

"And your station?"


"You watched the forager."


"You wished to be her."

"Mmm hmm."

"You don't have to work to have Tik Tik," the kobold says, her voice husky. "You just need say word."

The soldier's wings flutter, and she pushes against the bonds. "Plea-mmmph!"

Her words are interrupted by the mouth and the tongue of the eager kobold ambassador. Tik Tik's muscle dances around with the soldier's, her hands clasping tight enough to keep her from pulling away or shaking too wildly.

But the bee isn't going anywhere.

Tik Tik pulls back, saliva bridging between the two of them. The soldier's antennae reaching forward, tickling under the kobold's chin.

"So eager to play now," Tik Tik says. "Remove your worry, and you enjoy sex too."

"Dude..." Cynwrig breathes, sitting on his knees. "No way..."

"Please," the bee says, struggling again with her binds. "Release me. Free me. Show me!"

Tik Tik licks her lips, stepping back. She knocks on the forcefield, and the wall splinters into a spiderweb of cracks before finally shattering into ethereal nothingness.

With nothing to support the tatters, they burst into tiny motes of flame, whisping into a final ghost of a spark.

The soldier falls, but she does not hit her head by the grace of one of Tik Tik's spectral hands. Instead, she is flipped onto the right way and falls back against the kobold, who supports her, one arm around her abdomen and the other at her side. "You're curious about what Tik Tik can do for you," the kobold growls. "You make deal with Tik Tik now."

"Anything," the soldier says, hands sliding up and behind her, grasping for the kobold's cheek.

"Once we're done," Tik Tik whispers in a husky voice, "You show Tik Tik where colony is."

"No!" The forager buzzes. "You can't! That's treason!"

Tik Tik flutters her eyes at the forager. "You want stop Tik Tik? Go and try."