The Hunted by Blizzardwolf

Story by blizzardwolf on SoFurry

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The Hunted

This is a story that i recently wrote so i hope that everyone likes it ^_^ also if your not old enough or you don't like this kind of stuff then you have been warned.

The moon Hung in the night sky a bloated orb of silvery white its lunar light reflecting off the drops of frozen water that clung tenaciously to the trees and grass. Fen hurried home after he had finished his late night shift at the local bar keeping his coat tightly wrapped around his form trying to keep the biting cold out. Fen shivered slightly glad to have worn his warm coat on this freezing cold night. Close by a dog howled the sound of its hauntingly eerie cry sending a bolt of fear through Fen. He shivered again this time not from the biting cold but from the sense that he was being watched. The hair's on the back of his neck standing on end from the feeling of it as he quickened his pace hoping to reach the illusionary safety of his warm home. The cold golden eyes followed the man as he walked home observing him as he walked judging his every move as it followed from the shadows the creature having chosen to hunt this man for its entertainment as it moved fluidly from shadow to shadow its shadow black fur blending perfectly with the darkness.

Fen shivered again as he walked up to the door of his apartment building reaching shakily into his pocket as he pulled the key out almost dropping it in the process. The fear that he was being watched overwhelming him as the lock finally clicked open startling him as he pushed the door open stepping into the warm interior of the building leaning back against the door with a shaking sigh of relief. The wolf grinned wolfishly as it watched the man stumble into the building content to watch him for now imagining what it would do when it had its prey.

Fen sighed softly as he stumbled into his apartment closing the door behind him with relief as he stumbled over to the sofa collapsing onto it gratefully too tired to even move as he drifted off to sleep. Fen slept fitfully his dreams invaded by golden eyes that seemed to follow his every move and no matter how fast he ran were always close by. Fen gasped and whimpered as the dark creature pounced on him pinning him to the ground letting out a whimper as it growled menacingly as he stayed perfectly stilled fearing that it would kill him. Fen cried out as it gripped the front of his shirt the material shredding like paper as its claws made short work of his pants and boxers. The creature murred softly and growled again in Fen's ear warning him not to move as it moved down and started to slowly lick his cock that responded instantly hardening at the touch of its hot warm wet tongue. Fen whimpered again this time in pleasure his whole body spasming in intense pleasure at the touch of its amazing tongue. Fen shivered as he felt the rough tongue slowly lick the length of his hard member lapping up the drops of pre-cum that began to form at the tip of his hard cock before moving down to lick his balls the animal breathing in the musky odor of his sex.

Fen gasped with sheer pleasure his hands gripping the soft black fur of the animal trying to get more of its tongue. Wraith murred softly as it lapped at the human's member tasting its sex and breathing in its heady musk as it turned around so that its hind quarters where over Fens Face. Fen gasped softly as his vision was suddenly filled with the smell and sight of the creature's hard red cock. The huge veined member throbbing with need as it throbbed squirting pre-cum onto his face a drop of cum hitting his lips as his tongue darted out tasting the warm slightly salty cum. It was like a switch had been flipped inside Fen as he groaned and reached up taking the throbbing cock in his hand as he guided the hot shaft to his mouth engulfing it with his lips sucking greedily for more of that life giving seed. Wraith gasp murring with pleasure as it licked harder as he felt the human's mouth engulf his hot member as he started to hump instinctively forcing more of its hard cock into Fens's mouth. Fen gagged as the massive cock was forced deeper into his mouth feeling the tip hit the back of his throat the huge knot trying to push its way in as he groaned with sheer pleasure at the depravity and sheer wantonness of it all.

Fen moaned and whimpered as he felt his orgasm fast approaching as he gasped around the huge cock. Whimpering with pure pleasure as his orgasm exploded out of him his whole body going limp as he covered the creatures muzzle and face with his hot seed as it continue to lap it up. Wraiths murred as he lapped up the humans hot cum not letting any of it go to waste. It too was close to Cumming as it thrust harder into Fens's mouth before rearing its head back letting out a howl of pleasure that shook the walls of the small apartment. Its hot shaft thickening as it exploded in Fens's mouth filling it with a wave of hot canine sperm. As Fen struggled to swallow it all much of it leaking out of the corners of his mouth covering his chin and neck with hot wolf seed. Fen groan and gasped as he passed out from sheer pleasure of it all as Wraith grinned pull his cock out of his mouth as he covered Fens naked heaving body with his cum biting down on his neck to leave his mark claiming him as his own before quietly slipping out of the window into the dark night a satisfied grin on its muzzle.