The Start of a Vacation

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#13 of Stories of Lakeview

Happy New Years folks, last story of the year and just in time for my neck of the woods to nearly hit the new year. It's been an interesting 2022, anyway I hope ya'll have a safe and happy new year and I'll see ya'll soon with another story.

A exasperated sigh escaped the throat of a goat, sitting in a chair head in hand, she was listening to the insipid droning of one of her shareholders, Kawamura assumed when she assumed the role of CEO of her father's company that things would be more exciting, instead she'd dealt with nothing but animals who did the following things: Try to force her out of her own damn company, despite being the raised and trained by her father to take up his chair as CEO when he retired, or they annoyed her with wild ideas that were supposed to revitalize the company, this was in spite of the fact that Kawamura had brought her father's company from the brink of financial ruin and made it one of the top earners not only in her native home of Japan but in the United States. But she tried her best to pay attention to the old men who were currently talking to her,

"So how do you find those terms, Mrs. Akihito?" One of her shareholders asked. It was a man by the name of Shinji Okada. Kawamura sighed as she spoke up.

"Mr. Okada, while the plans you brought forth are... interesting, I think our current course of action is the best one so far." Kawamura said without showing a hint of emotion on her face, that was something that her father had instilled in her from the beginning of her upbringing and her training to take his role as CEO, she was always somewhat stoic but her job turned this up to eleven, she would smile when she needed to, give off the sweet, somewhat demure look if the situation called for it (despite the fact she was the furthest from that) and sometimes she could look fierce and stare down any animal who even dared to try to talk over her (something that she'd had to deal with too many times in her career, especially in Japan,) the other animal a fox scowled at her but didn't speak his displeasure towards her, she was still the CEO and while he was a shareholder and held a lot of power she still had final say with a lot of things that went on in the company especially since she was of the founding family of the company. Looking at the photo on her desk Kawamura held back a smile, in that photo was her and her husband, Jonathan the wolf and her had met when she first moved to America, they'd seen each other at a small bar, and Jonathan had decided to take the initiative and hit her up at the bar, she was apprehensive at first, it was a predator and prey thing, Jonathan was a wolf when their kin were more feral and wilder, his kind hunted her kind. But he managed to put her fears aside, and the two started dating and two years later, in a ceremony in her home of Japan, they married in a traditional wedding and Jonathan took her last name.

Looking at her phone, Kawamura let out a sigh of relief as she ended the video conference bidding her shareholders bye, and prepared to head home, she'd normally stay as late as she could to work on any extra work, but her husband had insisted that she come home and actually relax for a day or two. And she agreed, she needed a break, she'd been working non-stop for the past few months, and she'd wanted to relax with her beloved. Getting into her car, she undid the bun that was her black hair and let out a sigh as she drove up to the apartment she shared with her husband. She and her husband lived in a high-rise, a rather posh part of the town she lived in since coming to the States. She could see her husband's car in the parking garage and so he was already home from his job.

Heading up she greeted a few of her neighbors and entered her apartment where she could smell the succulent fragrance of cooking food. In the kitchen, she could see the gray-coloured fur of her husband and he turned to her and smiled.

"Evening, my dear. Glad you could make it home in time." Jonathan said happily as he continued to cook their dinner for that night, Kawamura walked up behind her husband and hugged him and he kissed her on the cheeks. He was cooking pasta for their dinner that night, one of his favorite dishes to make for her. She loved pasta, or maybe it was the fact that she loved her husband's pasta. Jonathan was a chef, and she loved watching him work the way he would cook and on their second date he cooked for her and wowed her with his culinary skills.

"Same, the shareholders were bastards." Kawamura said as she kicked off her pumps, she was glad to be in her home again, be around her husband and soon eating the best food on earth. She sat down on the couch and tried to relax; her body was still tense from working. Her husband, noticing this, put the food on a low enough fire to not burn it and head over to her on the couch, standing behind her he began to rub her shoulders, the goat let out a moan as he worked through the knots of her shoulders.

"Well, you're home, and around someone who loves you." Jonathan said happily as he kissed Kawamura on the neck and began to massage her shoulders even more, the doe was in heaven at the sensation of her husbands' hands, the kind of hands that were so good at making food, were also good at many, many other things. With her body now more relaxed, Jonathan headed back to the kitchen and finished the food for tonight's dinner, which was pasta Alla vodka, her favorite dish. The two sat down at their dining room table and began to eat and discuss their days, with Jonathan talking about the annoyances of having to train a new sous chef at the restaurant he worked at and of course the annoyance of her CEO job was also talked about, they also talked about what they would do for their vacation day, and they also ate and drank lots of wine. When dinner was over, and the dishes were done, Kawamura and Jonathan sat down on the couch together, watching television, but soon, the mood began to change, from one of relaxation to one of more intimate wants and desires. It started with Jonathan moving his hands from around Kawamura's back to her thighs, his slender fingers tracing up her thick thighs, sending light shivers down her spine. Stopping just short of the small of her back,

"You know, it's not nice to tease someone." Kawamura said as she pulled Jonathan into a kiss, a deep, deep one her tongue mingled with his long canine one drawing a moan from Kawamura's throat as she felt his move around her mouth, the two continued to kiss each other, with Jonathan pulling Kawamura into his embrace, the one thing that Kawamura loved about her beloved was how he treated her during their intimate times, being in charge of so many animals at her normal job, she didn't want to be in charge when they had sex, and Jonathan was happy to oblige, to be the dominant one in the bedroom was something he excelled at. The two's mouths parted

"I didn't intend to tease my beloved, at least... not for long," Jonathan said as he kissed Kawamura again, this time he switched from her mouth to her neck, digging his sharp canines into the soft supple skin of her neck, drawing a minute amount of blood from her, this tinge of pain and pleasure mixed inside Kawamura and made the goat bray and moan at the same time, meanwhile his hands roamed up and down her body, his hands touching and groping at her thighs, voluminous ass and her breasts. Each one combined with the sensation of his kissing making the doe moan again and again as he began to move from the outside of her body to inside her clothes, starting with removing her jacket, and then he began to unzip her skirt, pulling it off her body leaving her in a shirt and pantyhose and panties. He then pushed Kawamura on his knee and then began to rub and play with her fat ass, then he reared his hand back and gave her ass a nice hard smack, this made the doe bleat out in pleasure and pain, "Tonight I'm gonna do more than tease my little doe bitch." Jonatan said as he smacked Kawamura's ass again making her bleat.

"I'm gonna make sure you have the best night ever," Jonathan said as he tore off Kawamura's pantyhose, she didn't care about those they were cheap to replace, he then pulled her panties to the side and began to finger her, "I'll make sure my little doe bitch bleats and moans like the slut you are, and then I'm gonna knot you and breed you like you deserve." Hearing him said he was going to knot her and breed her made her body squirmed and writhe in delight, she wanted him, she wanted to get fucked and bred like the bitch she was. Jonathan's fingers plunged in and out of Kawamura's dripping wet cunt, with each plunge making the goat moan and moan and moan. The sound of his fingers going in and out of her cunt could be heard mixing with her moans.

"Tell me, who's bitch, are you?" Jonathan said as he stopped fingering her and went back to spanking her, making the doe moan and bleat again, the pain and pleasure mixing once again he waited for her response and it came out too light for him to hear, and so he spanked her again, "tell me, who's bitch, are you? Jonathan demanded her to say, and she yelled it as loud as her mouth could carry.

"Yours! I'm your bitch, I'm your breeding bitch!" Kawamura moaned out, wanting nothing more than to be his, more than his she wanted to be a well-loved bitch, and to be well-loved by him.

"Good, I'll give my good little doe bitch what she wants, and what she needs." Jonathan said as he moved from the couch, making sure to not make Kawamura fall off it, he then undid his pants, which at this point were tenting with his thick cock wanting to erupt from his pants, he then pulled off his boxers and his thick red erection sprang free. Jonathan's cock twitched and throbbed with want and desire as he looked down at Kawamura and he smiled with a devious grin.

"Prepare to get bred, bitch." Jonathan said as he grabbed Kawamura causing the doe to let out a yelp of surprise as he carried her to their bedroom, depositing the doe onto the bed he climbed atop of her kissing her as he went from her cunt to her stomach to her face, kissing Kawamura deeply as he lined up his cock with her cunt. He plunged his member into her pussy and this made Kawamura moan in delight as her husband's cock stretched out her cunt. She clutched at his back as his knot nearly entered her pussy. He pulled his hips back again and then plunged back into Kawamura's cunt making the doe moan again, soon he began to find a rhythm in his fucking. Plunging in and out of Kawamura's pussy with each thrust, making the doe moan and moan and moan, she could feel him bringing her closer to orgasm with his cock.

"YES, YES!" Kawamura moaned out as she began to get close to release, her cunt soon clamped down upon her husband's cock and she came hard covering his cock in her pussy juices, but this didn't dissuade Jonathan from continue to fuck Kawamura, as he continued to fuck the goat. He was close to his own release, about to cum inside Kawamura's cunt. Biting into Kawamura's neck, the wolf let out a howl of pleasure as he fully knotted Kawamura. The doe came for the second time as she felt her husbands seed flood deep into her womb, spurt after spurt of potent and virile seed flooded into Kawamura's womb, no doubt breeding her like the doe bitch she was, she loved every moment of his cum entering her, she felt her body go limp as the last drop of his cum filled her, Jonathan collapsed atop of her, licking Kawamura's face as he did.

"I wasn't too rough with you, was I?" Jonathan asked as he stroked Kawamura's face, comforting his wife after the rough fucking he gave her.

"No, you were perfect." Kawamura said as she snuggled up to Jonathan. The two fell asleep soon, their vacation just starting.