A Thing for Star - Chapter 6

Story by Kahedro on SoFurry

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#6 of A Thing For Star

Chapter VI: School Days, Part 1

I had wanted to stay at that river forever. Alas, we had to go home, as in rabbit culture the 4-month school year stars on New Year's Day, so we needed as much asleep as we could get. That made the whole week uneventful, except for one of our dads leaving for a business trip. In no time it snuck up on us, and we were already on the bus. Since neither of us knew anyone there, we sat together in the back seat. We were arguing about what was the best videogame, when the bus hit a big pothole and Star fell on me. His warm cherry-red pretzel soft lips were on mine for the first time in public on accident.

After a minute Star got up and said "Well, that was fun."

"Very" I quickly added. "But why'd you get up?"

"Well we're supposed to get off here, right?" He said. I looked outside, and, sure enough, we were there. We picked up our bags and went to the office to get our schedule. There were eight periods: Homeroom, language arts, social studies, science, lunch (which wasn't really a period), reading, math, and two classes that changed every quarter. I had them in that order, but Star had math when I had language arts and vice versa. And neither of our last two ones was together. I was devastated that we only had 3 classes together, but then Star pointed out it could be worse. I hesitantly agreed, and we went on our way to our separate homerooms.

Unsurprisingly, our homeroom was the same as out second period class, so for me it was language arts. After the teacher took roll call, we watched the announcements, which were broadcast on the television. The principle came on and in the most boring monotone voice ever said "Hello kids, it's great to have you back after 8 months. The afterschool program sign-up sheets are in the gym...." after that I just tuned out.

"Ugh this is so boring!" I thought. I couldn't help but wonder if Star was as bored as me. Then I overheard some nearby students, and I decided to listen in.

"...no way, ChristPanda could totally kick NorrisPanda's butt!" One exclaimed.

"Please," the other said. "NorrisPanda can whoop ChristPanda sideways."

"Excuse me," I said. "But what exactly are you talking about?"

After they pause a minute they both said, almost in sync, "Oh my god NERD! Its ONLY Pandas Ensuring Nothing Is Superevil, the BESTEST TV show around!" I wanted to ask more, but then the teacher came over and gave them detention. After announcements, the bell rang starting second period. All we did in Language Arts was just read "The Raven" (which was difficult since I still couldn't read) and discuss the components of a poem. After what seemed like forever, the bell finally rang. Me and Star met up at the water fountain and talked about what we would do.

"So math is gonna be boring too?" I confirmed. Before he could answer, the bell rang, and we looked at each other and sprinted to social studies. But we were still late. There were no seats left together, so I had to sit in the front and Star in the back.

"Class, the seats you choose tomorrow will be your assigned seats" the teacher said. I looked at Star and he had a hopeful smile on his face, obviously thinking we could get here first without water. I was a bit skeptical, but I didn't say so. Then the teacher took role, and the lesson started. "Now class, the Pythagorean Theorem says that A2 + B2 = C2, so if we have a triangle with one leg 6 inches long and the other is 10, how long is its hypotenuse?" I was confused; this didn't seem like social studies at all. I looked around, and everyone was confused. Then the teacher said "Ha-ha just kidding". The class tried to mumble a laugh. She then started the real lesson - about politics. I couldn't stand it.

"Ms. Teacher?" I asked. "Can I go use the restroom?"

"It's Mrs. Teacher" she said. "And yes, you may." I was bored out of my mind and just wanted to try to pass the time. I got in, locked the stall, and I took out the machine my parents had not even known had came yet, by now I called It a "shaker". Trying to imitate the gorgeous feeling I could feel nothing but less than a week ago, I started to gently push it up my butt. It felt pretty good, but it just wasn't the same. I looked around and remembered I was alone, so I continued anyway because no one could help me with it. It was almost all the way in, and I felt at the very top was a push button. Neither of us had seen it before, so I cautiously pressed it.

To my astonishment, I felt it squirt out - well, not cum, probably just tap water. But nonetheless it felt amazing. It was cold from being in there so long, but not as cold as the freezing river water. I kept pressing until it ran out. I carefully pulled it out, and saw that you can easily refill it by unscrewing the cap and putting in more water. Once I had done this, the bell had rung. I couldn't believe I missed half the period, and I hoped that the teacher would not notice me. To my luck, she didn't. I met up with Star, and he asked "Geez, what were you doing in there?"

I had a satisfactory look on my face, and after a minute I said, "I'll tell you at lunch."