project wolfsoul: chpt 10: All pain is gone

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#10 of project wolfsoul

All pain is gone

I slowly opened my eyes... god my head hurt... for that matter my everything hurt. I looked about... my eyes still fuzzy and unfocused.. what was clear was that I wasn't in the alley on the cardboard bed... and waking up's a good sign... means I'm not on my death bed... yet.

I looked to my side... someone was there... it was a she... she smelt so familiar... there was another smell a clean... surgical one... yet it was mixed with the tangy scent of blood? What the hell is this place? The person then stroked my head. I cringed expecting pain.. yet the touch was soft... and pleasant. The person spoke "you're going to be okay... yeah... you're a tough little guy aren't you?" the voice... it was that of a woman's.. a young woman's about twenty five? That voice and that smell... it couldn't be...

"Miranda!" I yipped with joy. Miranda was defiantly one of my favourite people in this world...

"shh... calm down boy... you'll hurt yourself" her very voice was angelic... it made me feel safe... like everything was going to be okay... I closed my eyes and shifted myself closer to her... basking in her warm glow. Part of me wished this moment would last forever... and if I were to die right now, right here... I would die happy. But the other part screamed at me.. find Arctic! Jess! Tony Jeeves! And Sarah Weirman!

A small voice nagged at me... fuck. Where's John? Is he still out there? In shit hole city? Maybe they have found him! For all I know he's bleeding out in some dark alley!

Then Miranda stroked me again... her voice soothing me "don't worry boy... we picked up your friend... I don't know what Mrs Weirman was thinking... letting you two out alone... let alone in that town."

"but don't worry. I've all ready called her. She seems adamant that she only has one pet. Who coincidentally is also a wolf. A she-wolf at that. I've got a pretty good feeling you're going to get on well." my heart skipped a beat It was defiantly Arctic. It had to be!

A boy of around fourteen walked in "Miranda, Sarah Weirman is here to see you." he smiled and walked out again.

"thanks Jason!" she called after him. I sat there confused by the age of the boy. Miranda scratched me behind my ears. "I do like the year ten work experience. It's another set of hands to help out isn't it? And he's getting experience in looking after animals... Oh well, come on boy."

I leapt off of the table and down beside Miranda. "hey man!" I looked around and saw That Jason kid walking towards us with John on a leash "dude. I thought you were a gonna. I heard yowling and whimpering and shit and I was like... fuck. And then some guys like kidnapped me and I'm like fuck off you bastards! And they're like don't worry you're going to a better place now. And I'm like shit! They're going to kill me! But then they like... fed me... and that woman there kept on hugging me."

"yeah. Miranda likes hugging people." Jason handed the leash over to Miranda and stood there crossing his arms.

We walked through to a room where jess' mum, Sarah was sitting. Miranda offered her hand which Sarah took and shook. "so... you say you've got two of our pets? But we only have one pet."

"this is John and Caesar." she pointed at us as she said our name

Jason spoke up "there was a note tucked in their collars saying that they are gifts for you... they must have gotten lost in town..."

"did it say who sent them?" Sarah leaned forward intrigued.

"no... I'm afraid not."

Miranda waved Jason off "So would you like them? If not we just don't have the room or the food and they would have to be put down."

I looked up at Miranda with a mix of emotions in my eyes. Fear. Horror. Anger. Confusion. "oh... that's... unfortunate... I don't have room either..." I looked up at her pleading. My ears flat against my head "oh... please don't look at me like that..." she reached down and stroked me. John then licked her other hand. She sighed "well... it would be rude not to accept such generous gifts."

I jumped up and nuzzled her "thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

she hugged me And stroked my back. "Jess is going to be so happy. Well I suppose I'd better get you two home." Sarah was given the leashes and she lead us from the building to her car. I hopped up into the boot like the good dog I am. Besides, First impressions are everything. She started the engine and turned the CD player on. Sarah and Tony's taste in music differs.. I like rammstein but then again frederik chopin's nocturne op.9 no.2 is a nice soothing song.

I looked out the window and watched as leaves fell from the trees and onto the road, which is absolutely perfect. The golden road to paradise. John broke my trail of thoughts with a question "so what's this Arctic Chick like?"

"well... she's a beautiful snow white Arctic wolf. Her fur is so soft, her hazel eyes are warm and inviting... her voice is that of a choir of angels'! she even smells beautiful!"

"wow... she sounds like quite the girl. Lucky bastard..." John muttered

"she is brilliant! She's smart, kind! she's-"

"yeah... you're a bit excited then.." John interrupted

"oh... you don't know the half of it!"

"I don't know... I think you're giving me a pretty good idea- holy crap- look at the size of that house! It's huge! It's... it's... is this our house?!"


"well fuck me... no wonder you wanted to come back here... a hot chick, a nice house... dude! Is that a?! Holy shit! It's a fucking butler! No fucking way!" I smirked. John never almost never swore... but now he's swearing like a sailor. It must be the shock.

"what's wrong John?"

"I... but... we... but..." I saw his eyes widen "holy- is that?" I smiled as I looked at what had stolen his attention.

"hello, hello, hello! Who's that adorable white ball of fluff walking towards us?" I mused as I watched Arctic walk towards us. John drooled as her tail swayed from side to side with every step she took. "see? What did I tell you John?"

"she's... she's... she's beautiful..." he stuttered as the boot door was opened. John hopped out and walked up to Arctic "hi... I'm John... but you can call me John..."

Arctic looked at him "er... okay then John... I think I'll call you John..."

"she said my name..."

I laughed as john made a fool of himself. It was my turn to introduce myself "hey there Arctic. I'm Caesar."

"how do you know my name?" she cocked her head to the side "have we met before?"

yep. That hurt... but then again... it's a chance to start anew. A chance I'm going to take. "yeah... we've met once or twice... but you probably wouldn't remember..."

project wolfsoul: chpt 11: who are you again?

Who are you again? "Really? When have we met? I'm sorry but I really don't remember you... Or your friend... Is he alright?" "I'm... I'm... I'm fine Arctic. Thank you for your concern" John stuttered "John's fine... He's just... Not used to meeting...

the playhouse

WARNING// this story features snuff if you don't like it. don't read it. The playhouse. The German shepherd hit the floor with a thud. He knew what he had done and he also knew that they were going to make him regret it. In the year 2050 the...

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full metal lingerie: chpt 2: the room.

the room Thoughts flooded through my head as I followed Alex through the twisting corridors of the base. "Jen! What the fuck have you done? I leave you alone for a matter of seconds and you're on your way to see Vicky!" we both turned around and saw...

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