A new friend!

Story by Firman on SoFurry

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Here is another story starring our favorite two siblings! Terra, and Firman! However, this particular story does not happen during Winter. Oh no. I do plan on continuing that series, don't worry! I know what I want to happen in the next chapter, but can't put everything together so that it makes sense. Plus the fact that I've been working 13 hour days with no relief isn't helping. Anyways, enjoy! And look, we have a guest tonight! Also, like the rest of my stories, this will be first person, but not through the eyes of Firman this time. Nope, I'm just a secondary character this time! Also, this was based on actual events! Granted I had to edit some things to make it look less like a Yahoo! log and more like a story. Which is why I'm doing this, and not Winter Break. Everything's already laid out nice and easy! And it's a great refresher. Should things go better this week, I hope to have the next chapter up before Monday!

And I seem to be slipping. I had to edit to fix a few... mistakes I made :P Not used to typing from Terra's point of view!

Also, people seem to be confusing Kharivas for one of my characters. Afraid he's not! However, that doesn't necessarily mean the stories will stop. As long as he allows me to story-mode our RPs, there might be more!

Kharivas is copyright his player, and Terra and Firman are mine!

Just outside of town, or more particularly downtown, is a park. It's a small park, doesn't really have any kid stuff like jungle gyms, see-saws, those merry-go-round things that kids hop on and push around, etc. This kind of park is geared more towards grown-ups. Though there is a nice open field to run around in, or play with the pets, or even play ball with the kids. It's got a running trail, several benches near some mini-gardens, a nice little koi pond, and plenty of places to hold a nice little picnic. It was also the perfect place to do some studying, right out in the open.

It was here that I found myself, not really in the mood for studying, but with an assignment worth 1/3 of your overall grade due by the end of the week, I wanted to get it out of the way as soon as possible. I had already put it off by several weeks, and Friday was only three days away. I found a nice little place to sit down, near the running trail. Partially because it was the most peaceful area, but really I just wanted a good spot to watch the hot guys run around. And boy was I in luck, because running around the track was a real hottie! And a rarity at that. You don't see too many intelligent avians around these parts. Most of the larger avians are gryphons, and they stick to unpopulated areas. Othewise, you do see birds, the small creatures that chirp and tweet and hop about excitedly, looking for seeds, or other edible treats. So it was quite a surprise that a large golden eagle was just running about the track.

I didn't notice him at first though. I was too busy trying to get into my book so I could at least accomplish something today. I didn't even realize he was running by until I felt his eyes on me. Seems I caught his attention as well. Considering I was wearing a thin sweater that graciously showed off my curves, I can't say I'm surprised. I look up to see who's staring, but before I can say or do anything, the eagle has already run by, not slowing down at all. I did get a good glance of him as he ran by, and I must say he was quite the looker himself. He kept his feathers neatly preened, and though he wore nothing but his feathers, they did quite a good job at keeping him decent in public. As much as I wanted to finish my work, I really would rather study something else at the moment. Something tall, and making his way back towards me!

I needed a good run anyway, to stay in practice for track, so while he was making his way back, I ask, "Hi there! Mind if I join you?" I was delighted to hear him say "Sure! Come on!" Smiling softly, I place my books on the bench, not at all worried about them being stolen. After all, it was just a gen-ed college book. Who would want to steal that when they're practically giving them away to students?

In no time I've caught up with the avian, and set a pace even with his. "Thanks, been looking for a distraction from my books. I tell you, my professors are evil, giving me such big assignments. Oh, my name's Terra, by the way!" I give him a good look in the meantime, going over every detail, from his crest, down to his tailfeathers.

"Kharivas," he replies, and chuckles at my statement about my professors. "That's why I didn't go to college."

"Nice to meet you!" I say with a chuckle. "Sometimes I wish I hadn't. But, my parents wanted me to make something of myself. I guess it's not really all that bad, I just was never really all that great at math and composition, even in high school. Thankfully, my brother helps with the math. It's really kind of embarrassing! He's still a sophomore in high school, and he's helping a junior college student with her math!"

Nodding, he chuckles and replies, "Well, whatever works, y'know?" Grinning, he picks up speed, and waggles his tailfeathers, as if challenging me to keep up. I grin, always liking a challenge. Picking up my pace, I slowly catch up to him, quite easily keeping pace with him. So, a little challenge, huh? Too bad for him I placed first in track this year. I start to get ahead of him, tail twitching excitedly, giving Kharivas a sly grin and a wink as I pass him. Unfortunately for me, what I don't realize is he's also quite fast, and has lots of stamina from years of survival experience. We run like this for a bit, one always passing the other, until I suddenly falter, nearly tumbling head over feet.

Stopping, I end up sitting down, rubbing my left calf. "Ow **** that hurts!" The bastard had decided to cramp up on me! Kharivas stops and backtracks to where I'm now sitting. He kneels down next to me, catching his breath. "Are you OK?"

After trying to catch my breath and a small string of curses, none of them pleasant, I look up. My eyes were watering somewhat from the pain."Y-yeah, I'll be fine. It's what I get for not warming up first. Damn. Thanks."

"It's alright. Get on up." He offers a helping hand, which I graciously accept, pulling myself up while minding the still sore leg, wincing as the offending muscle jumps back into place.

"Damnit that hurt... Ugh, my track leader's going to kill me for this.. Ah well, it was a good run regardless! Shame we never found out who's faster, though." I give him a wink, chuckling. He smirks playfully in return.

"We'll figure that out later. For now, we should go get your books." I agree, and with his help, we walk over to the bench where my books lay. "Good, they're still here. I guess everyone knew that they can't get a die from selling them back anyway." He grins, and I nod, giggling.

"True, true! I'm surprised they're not retired. You'd think with the money the college gets, they could afford better books than these hand-me-downs." Picking up the books, I look at him. "You know, you are a pretty good runner. Where'd you learn to run? Older brothers? Swarms of girls?" I give him a wink on that last one.

"Heh, I sort of learned through necessity. Mostly predators and xenophobic gryphons actually. I've had something of a rough life. But I didn't come here to talk about that so..." He chuckles" I don't have any family that I know of. Well, one sister, but I don't see her very often. What about you?"

Nodding, I reply, "Ooh, sounds like you lead something of an exciting life. Well, I do have my parents, who let me stay with them while I'm in college. I do have a younger brother, though you'd never guess if you saw him. He's... different from the rest of us. A rarity even. Not too many humans around these parts in this day and age."

Kharivas nods. "Hey, nice. I like humans." He beaksmiles softly. It's really something how they manage that. Something you'd have to see for yourself to really understand. "But that begs the question of how you're related, heheh."

"Heh, well.. he's my adopted brother, really. Even though he's not biologically part of our family, he's certainly treated like he is, and really, we're quite close regardless." Heh, closer than most borthers and sisters would ever get, even.

Being a telepath, he hears the added thought, and blushes a bit. Seems he and his sister had a similar relationship, and finds such situations to be quite, sexy. "Hmm... I see. Sounds like he's lucky to have such a good family!"

His blush does not go unnoticed however, but I just assume it's for other reasons. I'm not telepathic, and I have no idea he can hear my thoughts! "Oh yessss... Er.." I blush myself, not quite wanting to vocalize that thought. "He's had a very good life with us." Especially recently! "We have no idea where he came from, or why he was left at our doorstep one morning, but we've taken very good care of him since, giving him all the love and affection we would have given a draconic member of the family."

Kharivas nods. "I've never had much of a family. I had an adoptive father, though, whom I'm very thankful for." Nodding, I nuzzle him affectionately.

"Shame. But at least you do have a father, or someone to call father, who seems to have done rather well with you! So... is your sister related by blood? Or your adoptive father's child?"

He blinks at the nuzzle, but returns it. "We're related by blood. But our blood parents left us to fend for ourselves when we were young, so we hand't even met until recently."

I realize I might have been a bit forward with the nuzzle, so I apologize. "Sorry, just felt like you could have used it. Kind of a shame your parents would do that, but then I don't really know your customs or anything. What is she like, your sister? I imagine it must have been surprising to find out you had a sister!"

He chuckles. "More than you know... She's a lot like me. I guess growing up like we did does that to you."

"Heh, I suppose. I wonder if my brother and I would have turned out the same way, if we lived like you two had. Probably wouldn't be much different than now I suppose. Sounds like you two are rather close, even if you didn't know each other existed until recently."

"We're quite close, my sister and I ... We have a lot of trust for each other."

I Nod and rub my stiff leg somewhat. The bastard's insistent in letting me know it's still there. "It's the same here. I'd trust him in any situation. Heh, sounds like we're quite similar really, with our siblings anyway."

"You could definately say that." He smirks wryly. "But anyways, where are we headed?"

Chuckling, I think for a bit. "Um.. I hadn't really quite planned that far. Was just going to be study for a bit then head home and relax..* My stomach gives me an excuse to stick around for a bit longer, just at the right moment. Yes! "Hmm, how about somewhere to eat? Unless you don't mind sandwiches. I pakced a few in my car in case I got hungry while studying."

"Heh, let's take care of those sandwiches then. Why pay for it when you can get it free?" A good point!

"True!" Heading over to my car, an old beater that is really much sturdier than it looks, which is parked nearby. Pulling out a small cooler, I take it back to the bench where Kharivas waits. Opening the cooler, I pull out a sandwich from the variety made, ranging from peanut butter, chicken salad, tuna, grilled cheese, and bologna. My personal favorite is the chicken salad. Mmm, chicken. Though I worry that this might be offensive, I don't have much to worry about. After all, eagles were predators, and chickens, if one could be attained, do make easy prey for them. Anyways, I also pull out a can of root beer, while my newfound avian friend pulls out a few sandwiches and a coke. While he does this I give him a better look. And he was quite the looker! His feathers covered him well, but certainly did not hide his lithe, atheletic shape.

He also gives me a once-over again, which certainly doesn't go unnoticed. Females do seem to have that knack of knowing when they're being examined. This is why I like to go around in my tight sweater. It's not just to keep me warm! I like showing off my, "assets." Though really it's just to tease my poor brother when we're out and about. Kharivas leans back and stretches his midsection a bit, relaxing. "So whereabouts do you live?"

I stretch a bit as well, which stretches out the poor fabric of my sweater, giving the guy an eyeful. "Where do I live? See that building over there?" I point to one of the downtown district's buildings, the one that stands above the others. "I live about 15 minutes from the other side of that building. Small residential area just on the outskierts of town. You?"

"A longhouse out in the middle of nowhere."

"Ooh, sounds nice. Not sure I could do with living so far from civilization though, having grown up in the city."

He chuckles, and seemingly out of nowhere states "Um... don't take this the wrong way or anything, but you're quite good looking."

I blush a nice pink, and shyly rub my neck. "Heh, um, thanks. Not sure how I could take a compliment the wrong way. Especially from such a cute guy!" Which of course, gets me to blushing even more. "Of course, running around almost naked certainly helps give you that look." I wink playfully, thoughts idly straying to how my brother and I are at home normally. Then straying to how we've been recently, which makes me blush even more.

He chuckles at my statement, and grins. I swear I don't know how they pull that off, but he does it well. "I don't have anything to hide, heheh."

"Heh, wish it were so easy for me. Kind of hard to keep people's eyes off of these," I lift my breasts slightly and wink slyly. I swear I don't know what was getting into me at the time, but I certainly liked it! "Even with clothes on! Not that I necessarily mind."

"Heh, well, they are nice breasts" he says with a playful smirk on his beak.

"Heh, thanks. I actually kind of envy you. I'm something of a, well, home nudist. Not something I can do outside of home though, would attract the wrong kind of attention. Not to mention the indecency laws and such." My scales on my face are at this point tinged a deep pink, blushing from his comment, and the fact that I'm so freely talking about my personal life. Something I normally never talk about, even to complete strangers!

Kharivas grins slightly at this news. "You go around home naked? With your brother around? Kinky." Which gets me even redder around the scales.

"Well, er.. not completely naked. Mom and Dad would have a fit if I did that! But yeah, he doesn't seem to mind. Why would he? After all, we ha... erm.. are somewhat of a nudist family." Never in my life was I so embarrassed, and I did my best to hide it. I almost admitted my little secret to a complete stranger! "Mom and Dad don't participate much, but we're all comfortable with it."

"Heh, you have no idea...Er." Oh shit, there I go voicing my thoughts aloud again. I end up blushing even redder out of pure embarrassment. He sighs, and decides he needed to get something out of the way.

"Ok, you need to know a few things about me. First of all, I'm psychic. Secondly, I know you've had sex with your brother. Thirdly, no, I'm not disgusted by that. It sounds hot, actually. And anyway, you guys aren't even related by blood.."

My voice is just a bit shaky, realizing how much trouble I could have gotten myself into. "Oh? So.. you, knew then.. That's a bit, heh, embarrassing. You won't tell anyone, right? Not too many people would share your opinion, or care that we're not siblings by birth. And if my parents ever found out, we'd both be in so much trouble!"

Nodding, Kharivas assures me that he won't tell anyone. Hugging him tightly, I sigh in relief. "Thanks, that means a hell of a lot. I've never shared any of this with anyone before. ..Mmm, you're softer than you look." And indeed, his feathers are quite soft. As a result, I start to thrum lightly.

He chuckles and hugs back, gently pressing my head against his warm, soft chest. "Yeah. Feathers."

Mrrring softly, I find myself stroking his soft feathers, and nuzzling into his chest. "I never realized before.. Don't have to many avian friends after all."

"Most people I know don't have any. Avians are quite rare. I'm glad to be a friend though, or... or more, if you want that." He blushes, and I glance up at him, a bit surprised at what I just heard.

"I certainly wouldn't mind an avian friend. But more.. Hmmm..mmm... that might be nice." Flushing pink around the edges of my cheek scales, I bury my head back into his chest. He smiles and softly gives me a peck on the cheek.

"Hrmm... and your brother? Do you think he would like me?" He grins slightly. "Just a thought, heheh."

"Hmm... I don't know.." Grinning, I give the tip of his beak a soft lick. "Truth be told, I don't know if he'd go for you in that way," I say with a wink. "I don't know if he swings that way or not. Though, it would be interesting to find out, now wouldn't it..." There I go with voicing my thoughts again. But I don't mind this time. Neither does he it seems, because he gives a grin.

"Yep. We should go find out."

Grinning, I shiver a bit in amusement, images of what could happen running through my head, and I rather enjoyed what I was thinking. "Mmm, why not? He should be out of school by now.. At any rate, he'd probably want to meet you anyways!" Picking up the cooler, I lead the way to my red car, putting the cooler in the trunk. Once making sure the trunk would latch again, I open up the door for my newfound friend, and let him in. "Shouldn't take too long to get home, assuming this old rustbucket holds up." I really should be nicer to my car. It runs extremely well for its age, and has yet to fail me. He gets inside, and I hop into the driver's seat. I turn the key, and am welcomed with a slow cranking start. After a few seconds the car springs to life, as if denying anything was wrong with it. We pull out of the park, and get on the main road into town. "So, any chance I might be able to meet your sister sometime? Heh. If your relationship with her is like mine with my brother, I think the four of us could get along well." Giggling at the thought of this, I give him a playful wink, and get a laugh out of him.

"She only vsits me once in awhile, but yeah, I'll introduce y'all next time she shows up."

"So you don't deny it then?" I give him a playful smirk. "That would be nice to meet her though!"

"Heheh, I can just see the orgy now," he responds, smirking right back at me, getting a grin and a blush out of me.

"It would certainly be something!" We pull into the driveway, and then into the garage once it opens. "Heh, won't my brother be surprised when you walk in? He's not expecting anyone, so he'll probably be prancing about in his underwear by now." The mere thought of his surprised reaction causes a giggle to escape my lips.

"Ooh, yay, I get to freak him out." He grins and gets out of the car.

"Hee, yes you do!" Closing the garage door, I open the door leading from the garage to the house, and walk in. "I'm home!" At the end of the hall, my younger brother appears, just as expected. He waves excitedly, then freaks out as he realizes that I didn't come home alone.

"Geez sis, you could have warned me you were bringing a friend over! I'm still practically naked!" He makes a vain attempt to cover himself by hiding around the corner.

Kharivas smirks softly and assures the poor guy. "At ease. I know all of the important stuff. Afraid she didn't tell me your name though..."

Peeking around the corner, he realizes that my friend is even more naked than he is, even if nothing does show. "You, told him?"

I chuckle, and reassure him. "It's alright bro, he's actually quite like us! Only he's a bit bolder by walking around completely naked. Speaking of which..." Feeling far more comfortable with Kharivas, I feel it's alright if I join the party, so to speak. I pull off my sweater and toss it aside. Undoing my bra, I slip it off, exposing my firm, pert breasts for all to see. Most females probably wear a bra for better lift. I don't. No need when they look quite fine on their own after all! It's more so the fabric of my shirts don't irritate my poor nipples! My pants quickly follow, leaving me with just my pink panties and my white socks.

Kharivas blinks at first, not quite expecting me to be so bold so quickly, then ends up staring at my breasts. "Um... wow, heheh. Nice." He chuckles and grins." ...Hrm.. why the socks though?"

"Heh, dind't think you'd mind." I wink playfully at him, and blush. "Oh, the socks? Floor's cold by the door. Oh, I should do introductions, shouldn't I? Firman, this is Kharivas. Kharivas, Firman!

Firman just stares at us both. "Geez sis, you seem pretty comfortable around him. He wouldn't happen to be d-" He never gets to finish, as my sweater flies into his face.

Smirking playfully, I say "Now now brother, he's someone I just met. And he's pretty comfortable with the idea. Besides, he already knows more about us than you might think, and he seems cool with everything."

Kharivas just laughs and nods, going to Firman and offering his hand. "I know all about you and her. Don't worry though, it sounds, sexy."

Firman chuckles nervously. "Heh, so you do know, then. Er.. well... can you blame me? Heh. Um.." Taking the offered hand, he shakes it warmly. "Nice to meet you!" They hugged, and Firman squirmed ever so slightly, Khar's feathers lightly tickling his bare skin. "So, how did you two meet? And become such close friends in just one meeting?"

"I read her mind." Kharivas smirks softly, showing utter seriousness in those words. "...unintentionally of course. She was thinking too loudly."

"Heh, so.. you're a mind reader then? Heh. Guess I should be careful what I think."

While they stand there and chitchat, I walk up behind Kharivas, and wrap my arms around the both of them, pressing my chest against the avian's feathered back. "Soo... how about we get ourselves comfortable in my room, huh? Parents are out of town for the day on a business trip, so we shouldn't have to worry about any kind of interruptions." I give them a wink, hinting at possibilities the three of us can, "indulge" in. "We could even go all out nude if we want."

Firman grins at this. "Better hope they don't come home, or Mom and Dad will kill you for this!"

"Oooh." Kharivas purrs at the soft warmth of my arms, and wraps his wings around my brother. "Mmm.. oh well. I think I'd die happy." We grin, and Firman giggles a bit as his back is tickled by feathers again.

I begin to walk slowly, kind of dragging the other two along to my room. Once outside the doorway, I let them go, and step around into the room, snaking my tail around the frame seductively and invitingly. Once we're all in the room, I slide out of my pink panties, and kick them and my socks off, and wander over to the bed. Patting the silken sheets, I give a seductive smile. "Care to join me boys?" Firman is obviously nervous; though we've had sex plenty of times, he's never been naked in the presence of a stranger before. He slowly steps out of his underpants, and joins me on the sheets, sitting to my left. Kharivas on the other hand, is much bolder, and sits behind me, wrapping his arms around my midsection. Grinning, his talons rub my belly, but I could sloooowly feel them creep upwards. "Ooohh!" Thrumming happily, my tail coils itself about Khar's waste.

Firman just grins, still nervous about the whole situation, but slowly getting used to the idea of, "playing with others." He turns a bit, so that he's facing me and Kharivas, not quite sure what to do. Kharivas on the other hand has a fairly good idea of where he wants all this to go and shows this by slipping his hands up to my breasts, rubbing them firmly and nibbling my neck gently at the same time. This gets a shiver of pleasure out of me, causing me to arch my back and neck. I was really enjoying the attentions, and showed it by thrumming louder. Firman finally seems to find his nerve, and starts to caress my thighs, though I was still unsure if he was ready to play with another male, though he did seem just a touch curious about what it might be like. I shiver and start to pant as suddenly my nipples are rubbed. I look back, and see Kharivas grinning slyly. My tailtip snakes about his midsection, slowly probing for his birdhood, deciding to see how far we can take things. My search is successful, as my tailtip comes into contact with a rather warm bulge in his feathers, his arousal becoming apparent as he continues to massage my mounds.

Firman seems to have the same idea, as his hands slowly move up to my nether regions, lightly rubbing against my very moist lips, my arousal very apparent from the attentions of the two males. I moan softly, my head lolled back and my tongue just wavered in the air lustfully. My tail lightly prods and caresses the bulge, coaxing his shaft out of its hiding place. Smirking, I notice that Kharivas and I aren't the only ones aroused by this, as Firman's malehood starts to stiffen. His fingers dip lightly into my nether regions, lightly playing with my clit, causing me to breathe faster and harder. Kharivas's cock emerges, and he leans against me, pressing it against my back with a warm lustful grin, rawring playfully. Grinning, I run my tongue along his beak. "Rawr yourself, sexy. Mmm.. how about we take care of a... 'pressing need?'" Before he even has a chance to answer, I get up and roll onto my stomach, lightly pushing Kharivas against the pillows behind him. Firman certainly gets an eyeful of what I'm talking about, and takes a good look. Getting up on my elbows and knees, I move up so that my breasts rub teasingly along his shaft. Spreading my breasts just a bit, I slip his birdhood between them, and slowly rub them up and down it. My longue pink tongue snakes around the pole while my soft lips wrap around the head, suckling lightly on the tip. He shivers and moans with the feelings my breasts and maw are giving his pride and joy. He watches me for a bit, then flicks his eyes to behind me, just before I feel something deliciously pleasurable.

Firman had moved behind me, and had started licking my mound, sending waves of pleasure up my spine. Moaning around the tip of his cock, my tail rewards my brother by rubbing all around his manhood. Grinning, I continue to treat Kharivas for awhile, quite enjoying the somewhat salty taste of bird pre. Pulling my lips away from the delicious trip, I give a wink while continuing to rub my breasts against him. "Mmm, enjoying yourself there, my fine feathered friend? Oooohhh..." Moaning, I buck my hips against Firman, who's eagerly pressing his tongue firmly against my sopping vaginal lips, brushing my clit with his tongue. My tail gives his member a squeeze, his hips bucking against it eagerly.

"Oooh... yeah.. it feels gooood..." Kharivas purrs and reaches down, rubbing my breasts, paying special attention to my nipples for what I was doing to him. This brings out a loud moan, as I shuddered from the intense pleasure felt at my breasts, and my groin. I continue to rub his member firmly, my soft scales almost like silk rubbing along it.

"Ooh gods that feels good..." I run my tongue along his paws, coiling around his fingers seductively. ~Mmm, gods this is good.. wodner what else we can do before Kharivas has to leave? Ooooh... gods Firman, you're going to make me cum too soon if you keep that up!~

Kharivas apparently hears my thoughts, and grins deviously. "Mmm... Hey Firman, we should mate her, don't you think?" He gives a wink to Firman, who looks up from his duties. I just shudder in intense anticipation of the pleasure to come.

"Hmm? Mmm... I think that's a good idea..." Firman grins, and gets up on his knees.

"Your call then.. Pussy, or tailhole?" Khar grins in what would have been a toothy grin if he had teeth.

Firman grins and thinks. "Heh. Hmm.. I think I might take the tailhole, since it's so readily available.." The sneaky bastard brushes his hand against the underside of my tail deviously as he says this, getting another pleasurable shudder out of me.

"Ooohh... I am right here you know..." But both know I don't mind, and want this quite badly! Knowing what needs to be done, I stand up on my knees on the bed, and spread my legs, allowing easy access to both holes.

"Alrighty." Kharivas grins and watches as I position myself, then kneels in front of me, teasingly rubbing his member against my swollen, red slit. I moan lightly, arching my back as Firman sidles up behind me. He raises my tail and pins it between the two of us, his hard member pressing lightly against my tailhole, the juices from my dribbling sex trailing back to provide what I hoped would be enough of a lube. His hands reach around to hold me for support, and to fondle my breasts. Growling half playfully, half due to sexual frusteration, I practically beg for the relief I so desperately needed. "Grrr... you two are evil... oooh... stop teasing m-mm..m-e already..."

Kharivas giggles at this, and grinds hard against my clit, just to tease me a little more the bastard, before finally showing some mercy and thrusting his member up into my wet dragonpussy, moaning. "Oooh... this feels nice..."

Another fierce growl escapes my lips, my teeth baring in feral pleasure as I'm taken, Khar's member sliding easily into my depths. At the same time, Firman pressed slowly, but firmly into my tight tailhole, groaning softly as his cock slides deeper into me. Kharivas wraps his arms around me, but instead of feeling his hands on my back, his hands reach out to Firman, gently rubbing the sides of his body, from the chest down to his hips as his member caresses my sex, thrusting easily into me. I feel Firman shiver against me at the unexpected, but pleasurable, touch from the avian, takins his hands from my breasts to rub Khar's sides, while keeping his body firmly pressed against my backside. Once hilted in me, Firman begins to slide out of my tailhole, stopping when just the head of his shaft remains in me, and pressing back in, his pre combined with my running juices helping to ease the process. Slowly rocking in and out, he allows me to adjust to being anally fucked again by my brother. Kharivas rubs Firman's hips gently, not quite his rump, but pretty darned close to it. His head bows down and starts to lustily lick my nipples, while he fills me with his birdcock.

Firman shivers, his muscles twitching at the gentle touch, his own hands continuing to rub the avian's sides. He slowly works his way down to Kharivas's finely shaped rump, while his gentle rocking slowly changes to slow thrusts as he picks up the pace. Trembling, I arched my back pleasurably, allowing the bird better access to my now very sensitive nipples, my tail twitching excitedly. Never before had I been worked like this, and gods did it feel good!

Kharivas licks and suckles my erect nubs, moaning loudly as my vaginal muscles begin massage his throbbing member. He starts to thrust in fast and deep, rubbing against my sensitive depths with every stroke. "Oooh... Terra..." He groans and clasps his hands around Firman's rump. Firman jumps a bit as he's fondled, but this merely urges him on, and I daresay excited him more.

Moaning loudly, I wrap my arms about Kharivas, pressing his body against mine firmly, loving the feel of both males pressing against me. My hands clench Firman's tightly, and guide his hands to Kharivas's rump, where both of us grab firmly. My silken pussy continues to work Kharivas's cock, my slick juices practically pouring onto the silk sheets as I'm hammered from both sides. Firman, emboldened by the butt-grabbings, picks up the pace, groaning and panting, his balls slapping against my ass with every thrust.

My head thrown back, my longue tongue lolling, and my eyes practically glazed with pleasure, I feel myself building up to an intense orgasm fast"Ooh.. ohh... oooh ghhoodds.. you two.. I can't.. I ca.. I can't... keep thi.. ooohhh... much longer..."

"M-me.. either... oohhh..." Kharivas plunges his cock deep into me, stroking against the deepest, hottest, and most sensitive part of my folds, trying hard to make me cum before him.

"I-i.. I don't think.. I can hold on much longer eith-oh gods..." Firman lets out a gasp and a deep moan, shoving his throbbing rod as deep as he can, filling my ass with his hot seed, gripping Kharivas's rump tightly as he does so. The filling sensation of his seed, coupled with Kharivas's cock hitting me in just the right places, elicits a very loud squeal out of me. Trembling, my vaginal and anal muscles work both shafts inside of me, attempting to milk every drop of seed possible from both males, my juices gushing from my stuffed nether regions as I cry out in sheer ecstasy.

"Oooh... yessss!" Kharivas lets out a loud moan as he feels my powerful climax around his cock, my hot wet pussy squeezing and tugging and rippling around it. After only a second of this it's too much, and he moans out my name as he climaxes as well, filling me with warm thick birdie cum.

Trembling hard, I cling tightly to Kharivas as I helplessly ride wave after wave of climax, the feeling of both bodies pressed tight against me, the loud pleasurable sounds filling the room, and the feeling of both holes being filled with warm seed by my two lovers almost too much for me, as orgasm after orgasm rocks my body. Firman twitches as his balls tighten, the last of his cum finally drained from him as he collapses against me, panting heavily.

My body finally loosens up from the intense climaxes I had just experienced, and I find myself falling forward from the weight of my brother's body against me, the three of us collapsing in a twitching pile of satisfied bodies. I smile softly and thrum deeply, as the three of us start to fall into a light sleep after such an intense workout. Before conciousness escapes me, I manage to somehow wind up on top of both of them, snuggling both of my lovers close to me as each of us slips into their own pleasure filled dream world.