Jason Wolfe Trilogy Fanfiction: Prologue

Story by yanma on SoFurry

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This story is a fanfiction of an awesome series: Jason Wolfe Trilogy (which consists of Descent, Transcendence, and Mortality) by nex_canis. If you haven't read his works before then I suggest that you do now. They were AMAZING. And if you don't read it then you might not (and should not) be able to catch up with the story here. You have been warned.

Jason Wolfe Trilogy and all of its characters belong to avatar?user=82690&character=0&clevel=2 Nex_Canis

The story below; however, belongs to me.



R3's office**

Naught - the home reality to the entity that controlled reality itself; the reality of endless white that could not be measured by any of the five senses. No one knew how large it really was or how far its edge reached; no one but the No One that owned this reality.

'No One' was a name they used to call themselves. They were powerful entities that transcended time and space. Each of them was given one aspect of reality and existence to take care of, in order to encourage support of one another in their work across realms of existence. They were 'No Ones' because, theoretically, nobody knew of them, despite being all powerful. Not that they minded, though; they could function more smoothly under low profile anyway.

The owner of this vast whiteness was a No One called R3 the Writer of Reality. As the name implied, he can manipulate reality, or even realities, just by a flick of his hands. He had been off duty, taking a short break from his position as the most powerful No One of all until recently. Nobody complained about that, though. He was their leader after all. He even had a good reason for his decision as well.

Now that R3 returned to his position, big loads of works that had accumulated over the time of his absent bombarded him. R3, also known as Jacob Reaper by some or Sam Wolfe by others, sat at his desk in his office located somewhere in Naught, going through the files the Secretary had prepared for. His leave was for only a short time but the workload he had to handle easily exceeded one year worth of it for an ordinary manager.

It was a good thing that he transcended time and space.

One file got his attention, though. It looked the same as all the other files on his desk but when he glanced past it, he caught a name out of the corner of his eyes; a particular name that he knew so well.

Jason Wolfe

A not-so-ordinary black wolf and one of his fathers who gave birth to an existence that would become him later.

R3 chuckled. He had finished dealing with his 'dad's' major problems, which involved many others around the wolf including: the entire world of Enria, the whole reality, even him and the safety of all existences, only for a short while ago. And here he was, facing with another trouble big enough that it required his attention.

He began reading it, slowly but steadily. And when he finished the intercom on his desk sprung to life with a familiar voice of his secretary, announcing the coming of a guest.

"Zenith wishes to see you, sir."

The timing could not be any more perfect; just when he was finishing the report of the wolf in question. Jason Wolfe was his father and when the stories of him and his mate - Brett Sykes Wolfe, his other father - finished, they became his Advocates - simply speaking, individuals who agreed to help and serve their designated No Ones - and adopted new names as Zenith and Nadir respectively. They were important figures in solving the problems of their past selves. It was quite a paradox but it worked out eventually.

"Good, send him in." R3 set down the file; a grin swept across his face. He had a plan. He was good for that. A plan that would solve this little case regarding Jason Wolfe.

The wolf and his very own existence relied on the success of this plan.

The plan that R3 would observe from ring side as always.

Mortal fate shall and always will be in mortal hands. Even if that mortal was to be his own dad. Even if he really wanted to solve it himself for the one he loved.

He had to trust Jasons in this.

But first, he had to contact the Librarian...

A soft 'ding' of an elevator could be heard as Zenith, or Jason as he preferred to call himself, walked into the office. He came to visit Sam as usual. Being a father to an all-powerful entity was awkward, but it didn't change the fact that he was his rightfully dad. And like any good dads out there, he had the right to be worried about his son's well-being. Especially if said child was overworking himself to the limit.

"Hey, Sam," Jason greeted cheerfully, "Doing good over there?"

"Pretty smooth, I think," Sam answered through stacks of files looming over his head. "It's nothing, really. I've been through much worse several times before." Jason could see him walking out from behind the desk, wearing a soft smile.

"Like the time I tried to patch Connor up, for example. That was really tiresome. Not at all hard, but definitely not a cake walk."

His face slightly frowned at that.

Ouch. Does he need to bring that up now?

Connor was Jason's first boyfriend. He also was the one who helped him accepted his orientation better. There were so many fond memories of them being together. As they went through high school, they became a foundation for each other to grow up mentally and emotionally, and had crossed the line several times for that cause.

Both he and Connor had made their mistakes at one point in time and put their relationship into tight spots. Many times he had wished he could turn back time just to correct those mistakes, but through the support of those that hold him dear, it became clear that was not necessary.

They were their mistakes, and it's up to them to DO something about it, not just sitting there and contemplating about it.

They managed to pull through the crisis and they had been closer than ever.

Though, all good things come to an end.

Due to unfortunate circumstances, Jason accidentally erased his love from existence. Again the wolf wished he could go back in time and fixed it, despite knowing full well how impossible and irresponsible that was. So he begged Sam, or R3 as he knew him at the time, to piece him up instead, wishing to apologize for what he had unintentionally done.

However, when Brett became a big part of his life, he completely forgot about it altogether.

How selfish of him when he thought about it again.

At least, it all ended up good. Connor became a No One and he periodically visited him at his reality - Legacy. No need to say whatever happened at those 'visits', though. What could three, or sometimes more, gay men possibly do when they were under the same roof?

Jason quickly put that thought aside as his groin stirred. 'Hot male actions' were not his first priority right now.

But maybe he would try and invite Sam for some later....

"Haha. Just pulling your leg." And here came the laugh that could brighten up even the largest black hole. Seeing that smile made his brief visit worth its while. "So, what can I do for you, dad?" Sam motioned himself to another table, clean of all the work, sat and gestured Jason to come sit together. Suddenly, this looked a little bit too formal for a normal father-and-son moment.

Jason kept it to himself though, and took the seat offered to him. "Nah. Just come by to see how my lovely son is doing." He leaned over the table, resting on his arms, examining the young wolf-Rottweiler hybrid face. No signs of fatigue can be seen; only his usual innocent bright smile, which he found himself returning the gesture. At least he didn't lie about the workload being little. "And it seems I don't need to worry about it at all."

Sam just smiled and Jason can't be anymore happy than to see it across his face. Oh, how he loved that adorable face, those shiny eight-slitted sapphire-blue eyes, that alluringly sweet crystal scent, that hot muscled body under the armor....


"So do you want to... You know... Come for a dinner tonight? It's been a long time since our last family time together."

Yeah... Our happy family time 'together'.

"Hey, I'd love that!" Sam beamed with glee and enthusiasm. He can practically hear his tail wagged about wildly. "I'll definitely be there!"

"Great!" That went well. Now what? He really didn't have any real business with the No One. His son seemed fine and his offer got accepted. Seeing no point in bothering with the hybrid's time anymore, he proceeded to stand up only to be stopped by a paw on his shoulder.

"Aw, why leaving so soon, dad? Let's talk for a little while." Sam pushed him down to a sitting position. "It's not like we've got a chance to be together often."

"Can't it wait for tonight?," Jason asked, then realized how heartless that sounded and quickly added, "I mean, you've got your hands full of works and it's not like Brett and I are not gonna be there when you show up."

Sam, in the other hand, didn't look hurt from Jason's answer. "I'll get to it eventually. Right now, I want to have a talk with you."

Okay... That sounds a bit fishy. Why does he want to talk to me so badly all of a sudden?

"Like in the old days. Just you and me, father and son, spending time together."


At least he knows how to win my interest._

Jason finally set in and started talking. Their conversation was about everything and nothing in particular. At one point in time, the Secretary came in with a tray of tea and snacks, and they stopped for a short break before another conversation started again.

"... And then they just kinda take over the world and go for-" Sam was telling him about a particular reality where horny gay werewolves went on a mission to convert people into one of them when he was interrupted by a voice coming from the intercom.

"The Librarian called, sir. Said he has finished what you've requested." It's the Secretary's voice.

"Good. Please give him my thanks," Sam replied, louder than usual in order to make sure that his voice carried over. He regarded Jason again. "Dad, I've got something to show you," he said with a smirk in the corner of his muzzle which sent shiver down his spine. Jason knew that smile. It was one of those 'I've got a plan and a big one at that.' smiles.

So that's why he insisted on speaking with me. He was buying time for the Librarian to finish whatever task he was asked to do!

Gulping hard, Jason watched Sam stood up and put his hand up into the space behind him. A bright vertical line of light appeared before his hand and quickly formed into a rectangular frame with a vertical line splitting it in half. White material filled up the frames, creating a heavily decorated white double door. He didn't have any time to study the pattern on its frames as it opened up into dazzling white rectangular portal, blinding him from whatever was hidden beyond.

"It's in here," said Sam, as he gestured him to go on forward.

Jason didn't know what to expect. He hated it when Sam had a plan, especially if it involved him. He knew that, in the end, his plans were always for the best; but to went through them was another problem altogether.

But he also knew that he had to comply, either one way or another. How can he say no to his son, after all?

The wolf let out a sigh, his body and facial expression drooping a little, and then puffed up as he embraced himself for what to come. Jason stood up and took a glance at Sam's face. It was laced with a reassuring grin that made his racing heart calmed. He could almost hear, 'It's gonna be alright. I promise,' without it being spoken.

He smiled. The doubt in his mind faded a little. "Alright, Sam, this better be good," he said, half playfully, as he pointed a finger toward his son in a friendly gesture.

"Oh, I'm sure you are going to love it!" His grin can't be any wider. That could also be said in Jason's case too.

"Ha! We'll see."

Jason stepped into the light, passing through the door slowly. He was blinded temporarily by the impeding white, but he kept walking forward anyway. When the piercing light around him seemed to die down a little, visual gradually returned to him.

What he saw was dots; thousands, maybe millions, of black dots floating freely in the blank space of the room. They were everywhere: in his front, to his sides, above his head, and behind him where the door was now nowhere to be seen. Some of them were smaller, the smallest he could make out was just a tiny speck of dust; some were larger, but not any larger than the size of a book, indicating the difference in distances between him and each dot.

When he could focus his gaze again, he had to gasp in surprise.

These black dots were not just dots.

They were books.

Books with black hard covers and no writings or designs visible on any of them.

He knew what these books were in an instant. He didn't even need reconfirmation from Sam or anybody else.

They were the one and only book to his reality.

All the books here were Legacy.

All millions of them were.



Prologue: The Name that Spells Trouble
