What It's All About

What It's All About. Christmas. The time of joy and celebration. When family gathered together for the holiday and enjoyed themselves and the company. Presents were given. Stories were told. A grand meal was served. And all hearts got warmed up...

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Jason Wolfe Trilogy Fanfiction: Prologue

This story is a fanfiction of an awesome series: Jason Wolfe Trilogy (which consists of Descent, Transcendence, and Mortality) by nex\_canis. If you haven't read his works before then I suggest that you do now. They were AMAZING. And if you don't read...

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A Debt

A Debt In the middle of the night, a young man, twenty in age, wakes up into the darkness, colored with all the light of the city. He can't sleep. No matter how hard he tries, he simply can't. He even takes sleeping pills and it does not help at...

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Timmy's Backpack

"Where is my bag?" A young boy of age six asked no one in particular. He had searched his house all over and he couldn't find his beloved backpack. It was not a usual backpack too, for he was given that by his grandfather whom his parents told him he...

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Quest of the Braves part 1

The Granadat cavern was as eerie as the rumors had been. Situated at the foot of a volcano with the same name, the cavern entrance was adorned with unnatural obsidian pillars that jutted out of the earth in ragged, dangerous patterns. Dangerous was not...

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C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. with Additional CM

C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. With Additional CM Peter was enraged. His older brother refused to do his part of the chore again and he was forced to do it, or else faced the wrath of their mom. Alone. It was unfair. But what was he...

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Quest of the Braves part 2

The sound of explosion echoed through the obsidian cave. A body of a brute blasted into the wall and collasped. Huffs and puffs accompanied every motion made by a human with sweat-soaked red hair. Daniel dodged a blow from another brute and froze its...

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