Rising Anew -Chapter 12- Train & Realize Your Life

Story by VioletTiger on SoFurry

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#8 of Rising Anew

Rising Anew -Chapter 12- Train & Realize Your Life

~The sparks flew from the blade, clashing, crashing. Each blow as heavy as the last, sapping the strength from Narcenac's arms, making every movement more difficult than the last.

"Im losing.. i just cant go on... if i go... then he will go after her.." The next blow clashed as the blades collided again. "I... cant let... that happen.. I WONT!!" Suddenly one blade crashed harder, swung faster, became all the deadlier. A howl of anger came from the failing blade, Its owner struggling to keep up now, this new determination from the opponent throwing off the fighters smugness, realizing it was a new fight now.

A roar of strength errupted from the blade growing in strength until it sent a cold shiver down its opponent's spine. With a final blow, the cruel enemy lay on the ground, trembling. "Surrender, I am not like you, i dont want to kill, but if you dont surrender then, i will hoist your carcus above the trees to feed the crows for the horrors you have brought to my family!"

The beast coughed and growled visciously, "Ill surrender this blade when my bones are dust and my soul no more!" Suddenly it lashed out with its giant blade in an attempt to catch its opponent off guard,

A voice filled his head, a strength his arm as the noble fighter slid to the side and with one arm, ripped the blade through the beast's midsection, the other slamming into its neck with a resounding crack.

Solemnly the fighter stood there as his enemy fell, hewn in two. "You wasted your life.. seeking the deaths of others.. and now you face an eternal judgement that no one can imagine... may you rest for eternity."~


Narcenac woke with a cold feeling in his heart. This dream kept coming back to haunt his dreams, but this was the first time he had won in the dream.

It had been 6 months since they had arrived to the glade. Papaw was healed now and Purrma had explained everything. He was glad to have his grandparents back.

He stood and walked to the water basin in his room. Staring into his relection in the clear water, he remembered his old life. With a chuckle he smiled and washed his face. His life sure wasnt quite as simple and boring as it was then. Narcenac had been training to use weapons and fight, but more importantly in his opinion, he was learning to be a scholar in the clan. Hours would pass by unnoticed in the evenings when he sat in the library going over old scrolls and books, learning all he could about their race, their clan and how they came to be. His mornings were spent with his trainer, the large reptile he had noticed that evening he explored the glade.

Tripoa, his trainer, was a Depotan. As far as the animal species he resembled the most, he resembled a Kamodo Dragon. He was strong, and more often than not, very silent, but when he did speak, his words held deep meaning. Tripoa learned to fight when Papaw had taken him in before he had traveled to America and then helped set the glade in the northern Canadian region. Tripoa's family had been taken by hunters for their hides and killed, but before they were able to take Tripoa, Carnisian had killed them. Since that day, the young reptile had never questioned his tiger saviour. He remained loyal, an adopted son.

Narcenac turned back to the bed slowly and looked over Narina as she slept. He chuckled a little at her messy hair and then smiled softly at the look of serenity on her face. It had been a lovely night before the dream. Dinner together in their room, cuddling by the window and the summers warmth, then sweet tender love making in their bed until they had both fallen asleep in each other's arms. It was the life Narcenac had always wished for.

Looking to the window, he saw the first rays of dawn peeking over the trees. The young tiger walked to the rack where his training armour sat and picked up a glove. "This life is so different... honour, glory, love... they still exist here..." he thought to himself as he started to dress.


"Narina, bring me those blue flowers." a stout middle aged squirrel commanded.

"Yes miss Rollesta, here you go." Narina obeyed with a smile. Today she was learning how to make a special medicine. According to her mentor Rollesta, this medicine would heal things like pneumonia and the flu, but if the ingrediants werent right, it could make a very deadly poison.

"Lady Rollesta? May we practice archery again today?" she asked happily. Narina had grown fond of archery, even though she still needed alot of practice.

"Not today, we have to go to the obstacle course. Im going to teach you how to dodge arrows and stones." the squirrel said with a grin.

"Dodge... arrows.. and stones... ouchies..." Narina grimaced.

"Dont worry, i hear Tripoa has the same thing planned for your lovey dovey tiger boy." Rollesta said, chuckling with mirth.

Narina had been learning from Rollesta for a month now, basic survival skills and the such. She enjoyed the learning, in her spare time going and meeting the other young ones around the glade and doing things like learning to cook. She had to relearn all of her cooking skills to be able to make things safe for her and Narcenac to eat. She had even learned how to make Tunics. She made one for Narcenac with Purrma's help and had given it to him at a feast one night to his great happiness. He had worn it for a week before he finally washed it.

As she kneeded the petals of the flower with her grinding pastel, she lost focus and starting thinking to herself. "I thought this kind of love was just in fairy tales... but its real, he loves me, and i love him... and we are so proud of each other, we made it here... with eachother... i am truly happy finally..."


Narcenac ran, jumping and bouncing off of the obstacles as fast as he could, his arms and legs aching from the hits he had already taken, he was determined not to take another. He could see the end up ahead. "Almost there, i can do it, not another hit!" He laughed and ran harder, jumping onto a branch as the little projectiles pelted the trunk beneath him. Then he flung himself off, passing behind another tree as he flew through the air, landing only a few yards from the finish line when suddenly a single projectile slammed into his ear and he yelped his way across the finish line.

"Ouchie! That hurt Narina!" he exclaimed as he held his ear.

"Oh you big baby, its only old marshmellows!" She replied with a giggle and tossed another one at him.

"Narcenac, Narina is fast, but you have the ability of a squirrel when it comes to using your surroundings. Training is over for the day, go do your studies." Tripoa announced in his deep strong voice, right before chunking a pawfull of the old hard marshmellows at them both.

The two young tigers ran off laughing at the big lizard and did as they were told.

Rising Anew -Chapter 13 continued- Learning About Your Enemy

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Rising Anew -Chapter 13- Learning About Your Enemy

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Facing the Darkness

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