Rising Anew -Chapter 13 continued- Learning About Your Enemy

Story by VioletTiger on SoFurry

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#5 of Rising Anew

Rising Anew -Chapter 13 continued- Learning About Your Enemy

The smell of the deer's spawn had made it fairly easy to follow them. The fresh tracks told the little group of hunters that they werent far behind the herd. It had been four days since their excursion into the summer forest had began.

Narcenac, the twins Didge and Dadge, Soma, and Menota had left the Glade with high spirits. Narcenac had spent the past few days learning more about them as they often spent their time patrolling the area around the glade and he didnt see them often.

So far he had learned that the twins were homosexual, and beyond that, they were also in love with one another. It took him a few hours to take that fact in. Soma was from the tribe of Native Americans that had helped the clan find their way through the country. She was brought to the glade as a young girl and had not had many encounters with humans. She was very shy, but entirely loyal to her mistress Menota who had taken her in. Menota was very outgoing and intelligent. A master swordsman and talented writer. She wrote many poems and on the nights she did not patroll with her troop, would recite them for the glade's inhabitants at dinner times. Menota was devoted to those under her command, and would defend them and their lifestyles vigorously. However, she also liked to put herself in the middle of things at times and would jump into things uninvited. Including the twins sexual endevours.

Their efforts had gone unrewarded until the third night when Soma caught sight of some branches that had been broken and bits of deer fur left behind. Narcenac began to understand how lucky that first hunt he and Narina had shared really was. It had taken them most of the next day to close the ggap between themselves and the herd.


"Weapons or claws?"


"Do you want to use weapons or claws?"

"Oh heh, claws, i have a feeling that weapons are going to get in my ways."

"Right on Purple kitty!"

"Mistress Menota... SHHHHHH!!!"

"You shhh Soma."

"Yes ma'am..."

The group slowly spread out and circled the herd grazing in the twilight of dusk. The clearing was fairly open and the wind was in their favor tonight, blowing their sent away from the prey. Everything was going perfectly.

Suddenly an explosion of activity errupted inside of the clearing as a mind crippling roar spread throughout the forest and from out of the shadows in the opposite side of the clearing burst forth Marcerous and a pair of monsterous golden snakes. The deer scattered like a rain drop as the trio of creatures rushed them. Narcenac and the others quickly fell back to a hiding spot and watched as Marcerous slammed his blade down on the head of a young buck and the snakes each picked off a bambi.

Narcenac shuddered with rage at his foe. Here was his chance to get revenge. To set the record straight by avenging his mothers death. By destroying the one who murdered her. His feet slowly began moving on their own as he started through the trees towards the clearing. A silent paw stopped him.

"Stop young cub. You arent ready to fight him. And until you find a better motivation than revenge to fight him, i wont let you..." Menota slowly dropped her paw to the hilt of her sword. "Now, lets go back, he is too close to the glade for us not to war.. " Her sentance was cut short as a horde of goat-like creatures resembling themselves rushed forward and slaughtered the remainder of the herd. Menota's eyes grew dark as she watched and her knuckles popped as she gripped her sword. "Dammit... this is very bad, we must hurry!"

"Stop little kitties!" Marcerous shouted tauntingly. "I know you are here!"

"RUN!!!!" Menota ordered as the horde turned its attention to the trees Marcerous had shouted to.

The twins rushed to draw their swords as did Menota. Soma ready with two large, wickedly curved hunting knives.

They ran, with all their heart and souls. Narcenac wanted revenge, but he knew he couldnt take on an entire horde of fighters. The trees and darkening sky seemed to blur as the four companions ran for their lives. The sound of crashing tree limbs and heavy swords filled their ears.


Narina was slowly walking along the wall, enjoying the night breeze and the thought of the fresh meat her lover had promised. It would be nice to sleep in his arms again, she thought. It had been a long four days without Narcenac and she dearly missed him.

"Wishing he was back dear?"

"Yes Papaw, i do, i miss him so much." Narina replied, turning to smile at the grey tiger.

"You know i spoke to him only a few days ago here. We sat in a tree and talked about his past for quite some time. Are you ready to tackle that past with him dear?" Papaw said, his smile becoming a bit softer.

Narina closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Narcenac was adamant about moving forward now, but she knew until he could put the past behind him, that wasnt going to happen.

"Yes grandfather, i am ready."

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