Olivia's Shortcut

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Olivia runs into trouble while taking a risky shortcut, but not in the way one would likely guess.

Olivia was just minding her own business when it happened.

The human girl was innocently taking her usual shortcut home from work. A gravel path that cut through the otherwise wooded, undeveloped land between the mall where she worked and the apartment complex where she lived. Even with an unusually powerful full moon casting its otherworldly glow onto the world, a moon so bright that night it was overpowering some streetlights across the city, the path was dark under the thick foliage of the tall trees.

Olivia's loved ones had pleaded with her, more than once, about finding another route home. She understood why, even a tall and unusually strong girl like herself could be a target for any predators on the hunt. However, even knowing the danger, Olivia's shortcut saved a half hour of walking, and that kind of time savings was too tempting to pass up! Besides, in the year that she'd been taking her shortcut, nothing had happened! Why inconvenience herself over nothing? So, just like countless nights before, the human girl headed down the dark gravel path with music blasting in her ears. She didn't even consider checking over her shoulder, as she was too busy thinking about what she might cook for dinner when she got home.

That was until Olivia was about a third of the way down the path. Suddenly, walking through the still darkness, the human girl got a funny, unexplained feeling. A sensation which caused dread to rise like bile in the pit of her stomach. A shiver ran down her neck and across her spine, which caused the fine hair on Olivia's fair skin to stand on end. Something, although she had no idea what, had caused her subconscious survival instinct to flag danger in the immediate vicinity.

She quickly checked her surroundings, but saw nothing amiss and decided it was nothing more than an overactive imagination. Still, Olivia was not blind to the danger a woman alone in the middle of the city faced. She decided it was probably for the best to get off the path quickly, just in case. The human girl increased her pace and walked smartly along the path, gravel crunching beneath her sneakers as a gust of wind picked up from behind, cutting right through her coat. She shivered and started to walk even faster.

About halfway down Olivia's shortcut, there was a small grassy clearing without any trees to darken the way. Some nights, usually when the moon was new and not casting much light or concealed by cloud cover, the clearing was just as poorly lit as the rest of the path. Tonight, with that unusually bright moon in the sky, Olivia felt as if there was a searchlight bearing down on top of her as she stepped into the clearing. It was filled with so much ghostly, blue light the human girl actually had to squint! In the middle of the clearing, Olivia stopped, the strange feeling so strong she couldn't bring herself to walk another step. She popped a bud from her ears, pausing the music, and called out into the night.

"Hello?" She called out in a quaking voice.


Olivia urged her feet onwards, really desperate to get home now, only her legs wouldn't move. The human girl was rooted in place as if her feet were glued to the ground. Hard as she might try, she couldn't take another step. Fear overruled all thought and emotion until suddenly... the fear was gone as suddenly as it had arrived. Stuck in a trance, Olivia felt as if someone had pulled some sort of plug in her brain. All the feelings in her head, the thoughts she'd been burdened with, simply draining away and replaced by a general feeling of dull euphoria. No longer was she concerned with her shitty job at the mall, what she'd eat for dinner from her empty fridge that night, or even what hidden dangers that might lurk in the darkness. Next, Olivia felt a strange sense of weightlessness. It was as if her body had been filled with helium, and she was actually floating up towards the sky! Olivia wondered if she was really floating, or was that just part of the trance? She almost wanted to look down, see if her feet were still against the ground. Instead, that intrusive thought was wiped away as she simply stared up at the moon. From there, the transformation happened rapidly as Olivia's body began to grow.

Already the human girl was a plenty tall, full figured woman. Her curves were generous, her stomach perhaps a little rounder than she would like, but still plenty sexy. Now her body was swelling outwards in every conceivable direction. Her body rapidly growing wider, stronger, taller... bigger in every way possible. Olivia's growth was so extreme it actually caused her clothes to tear away from her body. Her bouncing boobs tore through her shirt and snapped the band of her bra. Her ass caused her jeans to split at the seams, and, ripping the fine fabric of her panties: which had grown wet with arousal. Olivia, whatever conscious human thought remained in her emptied skull, almost felt like a wild animal in rut. Even her shoes gave way, the soles splitting off to make way from her growing feet. She glowed almost ghostly in the moon's bright light, almost brighter than the sun, its magic was so powerful. Although not for long...

Now that her body was done growing outwards... more or less, Olivia's body started putting on additions. Floppy ears poked through her hair, a massive cottontail shot out from the base of her spine and small dark furs started sprouting all along her skin. While her body had grown all over, her boobs now sized like beach balls and stomach looking practically pregnant, it was Olivia's lower half that seemed to grow the biggest. Her legs had become thick and corded with muscle, her ass pushing out to give her bottom heavy, big round haunches reminiscent of a rabbit. Even her face had shifted, completing the look. Past the curly blond locks and floppy ears hiding her face, the flat muzzles, big teeth, and tiny nose of a rabbit looked out into the world.

With that, the magic faded almost as quickly as it came. Transformation complete, the eldritch energy left her body all at one, allowing the freshly minted bun to fall to the ground, like a puppet whose string had just been cut. The curvy, naked girl landed in the tatters of her clothes on the ground. The only thing left of Olivia seemed to be her round blue eyes.

For a while, Olivia simply laid on the ground in the dark clearing. Job done, the moon had receded back to its normal brightness, which seemed so dark after its intense beams from seconds ago. She was in control of her own body again, but with her skull still empty of thought, and she didn't know what to do or where to go. Still, her body was still alert, her new pink nose twitching as it sniffed the air and as Olivia laid there in the dim moonlight a sudden, wonderful realization struck her. A scent so incredible she could hardly believe it was happening.

A boy!

Somewhere off in the distance, Olivia could tell there was a male just like her around. The new rabbit girl leapt up onto her powerful legs, using them for the very first time, and hopped up and away: eagerly following the small and determined to have a mate for the night. She dashed through the trees, following her nose, but didn't have to go far. After five minutes of sprinting through the woods she could smell the scent she'd been chasing, floating on the wind out of some stranger's backyard. Without a moment of hesitation, just a wiggle of her new tail, the bunny girl leapt over the fence into the backyard.

She had found her mate!

. . .

Olivia's mate to be was, or at least had been, a somewhat lanky yet reasonably fit human male named Ben.

By day Ben was a computer software engineer and by night he was an amateur astrologer. As such, the unusually bright moon had caught Ben's attention while relaxing after work with a beer: a Blue Moon, appropriately enough. He'd been standing in his backyard, writing an inquisitive post on one of his astrology forms, when the same spell that hit Olivia had struck. Thus turning yet another unsuspecting human into a wererabbit. When the moon magic hit him, the transformation had begun instantly. His body ripped through his clothes as he grew taller, more muscular, with the same thick and powerful rear haunches as Olivia. Ben, of course, had grown the prerequisite floppy ears, massive cottontail, and was covered in a thick coat of white fur.

Now, freshly transformed, he was laying among the shredded remains of his clothes, alongside his spilled beer and dropped phone.

Ben's mind had been wiped clean of almost all thought. His sluggish brain slowly churned its way even though simple thoughts, mostly revolving around sex and wondering how to find a mate. The new bunny's throbbing, massive erection already drooled with pre-cum, glistening and rock hard in the moonlight. He had no idea his musky odor was traveling throughout the woods or had gotten Olivia's attention. The wind was carrying her scent away from his nose. Ben's current obliviousness wouldn't last long, however. Soon after, he heard the wild fem bunny beast crashing through the woods, drawing his attention to the fence just in time to see Olivia's tall figure sailing over it, her massive boobs bouncing wildly with her heavy landing.

For a long moment the two rabbits looked at each other, getting the other's measure and flirting with each other like wild beasts. There would be no small talk or flirting, no offering to buy her a drink or even asking 'your place or mine'. There were no words, as no need for speech, even if they could talk. Instead, there was a long, needful stare, the waggle of a tail, and the posture of a beast ready to fuck. Running on pure instinct, Olivia spun round, pressing her ample bust to the ground, shaking her fat ass back and forth seductively, presenting her dripping wet pussy as if to say: Come here and take me, big boy.

There was no need to ask twice.

With surprising grace, considering his body was so far removed from his human form, Ben moved quickly across the yard. There was no need for foreplay between the two rabbits, Olivia was dripping wet for him and his cock ached for her. Ben inserted his girth into her pussy without hesitation, sinking balls deep inside his partner for the evening as he grabbed her by the shoulders.

Their breeding was wild, very beast-like. There was no foreplay, no warmup, or any other measures of a civilized world, With their brains drained and bodies hyperized they were a far cry from people anymore, which was why fucking like animals in Ben's backyard after all! Luckily, such niceties weren't required. Both Olivia and Ben were revved up and ready to go.

Oh fuck! Olivia thought as what felt like the world's most perfect cock sank inside her. He was the perfect length, the perfect girth: hitting all the right spots as he plunged into her deep folds. It had been too long since she'd known the touch of the man, which made the sex all the better.

Ben was likewise having a good time, Olivia's wet pussy milking his cock for all it was worth. A far away voice in the back of his head told him to hold back, to savor the moment... but there would be no holding back or savoring the moment this night. Locked in their lewd coupling, the two wererabbits howled to the moon as they climaxed together for the first time but hardly the last time that evening. None would be getting sleep in Ben's neighborhood.

No Time To Cum

"I think we need to talk to the teacher about getting Riley placed in advanced classes. I know every parent probably thinks this about their child, but she is so smart and seems to be so bored with her current course work." "Uh huh..." Nathan...

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