Three Wolves for a Buck

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#2 of Little Buck

This took longer and was more challenging to write than expected. But with it done, I feel pretty satisfied with it. This is a sequel to "A Little Buck and a Big Bad Wolf", but I think this story can be easily read stand-alone.

An anthro buck agrees to play the prey for three horny and hungry werewolves.

This story has a heavy emphasis on predator/prey but contains only the most mild of violence.

This story involves sex acts between a male anthro buck and three werewolves, two male and one female.

Birds chirped and a warm wind blew through the buck's slightly damp red-brown fur, on a beautiful spring afternoon. Arwin inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet scent of the pines around him. He sat with his back against a tall tree, looking out through the forest, trying to keep his excited nervousness in check. His legs were stretched out in front of him, bound just above his hooves with rope. His arms were likewise tied behind his back.

The young buck felt incredibly vulnerable. Bound as he was, if a predator found him, he was helpless. He felt himself shiver at the thought of what a predator would do with a poor Little Buck, who couldn't run away. His eyes scanned the trees and under growth before him, desperately searching for any hint of movement. His long ears swiveled under his antlers, figments filling his racing mind at every rustle of leaves. He both dearly hoped Smoke would return soon, and was filled with anxious dread at what would happen when he did. The werewolf wouldn't be returning alone.

His breath caught in this throat as he heard the sound of distant voices approaching from behind, his vision blocked by the tree. He felt at the bindings on his wrists. If he struggled, he thought he could get free, but as the voices neared, he knew his chance to back out had passed. His ears strained to make out what was being said.

"Seriously Smoke, we've been walking for half an hour." The voice was a deep rumble, with more than a hint of a growl as it was filled with exasperation. "You say, you have something to show us, but you won't tell us what it is or how far we're going."

"I've told you, Flint, it's a surprise." The second voice was a bit lighter than the first and in a teasing tone. Arwin didn't need to see the speaker to know he wore a mischievous smirk across his muzzle. "And we are pretty much there. You'd smell it if the wind wasn't blowing the wrong way."

"Your last big surprise ended up getting us chased by a pissed off forest drake." A third voice said. It was significantly higher pitched than the first two, but still deep relative to Arwin's own. "I don't know why we keep going along with your damn games."

"Because my 'games' are fun. And I promise, Cloud, this game is going to be very fun." Smoke promised.

They were close now. Arwin could hear the soft sound of their paws crunching on pine needles come to a stop. His heart pounded in his chest, and he held his breath to silence his panting. His eyes widened, as a single set of pawsteps rounded the pine he leaned against. Frightened brown eyes met golden ones that sparkled with a predatory glee.

The werewolf towered over the seated anthro buck, standing on two large light grey paws, that extended to powerful digitigrade legs, covered in thick fur, mottled in shades of dark grey. The werewolf reached down towards Arwin, with a long fingered, light grey hand-paw. Much of the apparent length of the fingers came from five centimeter long black claws, that were lethally sharp. The palms and finger tips were covered in thick black pads. Arwin was effortlessly lifted to his hooves, by a long powerful arm, its heavy musculature concealed by fur the color of a storm cloud.

"Are you ready to play your role, Little Buck?" Smoke asked in a whisper, leaning his broad dark grey muzzle close to Arwin's ear.

Gulping nervously, the buck nodded. Grabbing an antler, the werewolf pulled a stumbling deer from around the pine to present him to his companions.

A male werewolf, amber eyes wide with surprise, and a female, blue eyes narrowed, looked at a grinning Smoke, holding a trussed up anthro buck before them.

"The fuck, Smoke? You kidnapped one of the locals!" Flint growled out, shock turning to outrage. The werewolf was colored similarly to Smoke but a few shades lighter, and stood a head taller and was even broader. "The settled folk are already terrified of us. If we go confirming their worst fears, they'll stop being willing to trade."

"Flint, I'm hurt." Smoke said melodramatically, bringing his free paw to the lighter fur covering his chest. "I would never do something so heinous as to kidnap some poor innocent anthro." His look turned sinister, as he regarded the buck in his grasp. "No, Little Buck here was spying on our camp when I caught him. We can do whatever we want with him, and those anthros need to learn not to trespass where they aren't invited."

Flint looked at the buck, uncertain. The deer was dwarfed by the two meter werewolf he stood next to, at only 160 centimeters tall, not including the antlers that added another thirty centimeters to his height. The buck met Flint's gaze, with scared brown eyes framed by creamy off-white fur that contrasted with the red-brown fur that covered most of his body. Another patch of creamy fur marked the deer's throat. The buck was naked, not normal for an anthro. He stood with his arms bound behind his back, bearing his red-brown chest and cream belly.

The white furred female werewolf looked unconvinced. She looked between the frightened anthro and a too pleased looking Smoke.

"Is what Smoke says true?" Cloud asked, addressing the buck.

"P-please, I was just curious." The buck whimpered, looking between Cloud and Flint pleadingly.

"See?" Smoke said with a wolfish grin. "He's all ours."

"Oh? And what exactly is your plan for 'our buck.'" Cloud asked, clearly still suspicious. Smoke was far too smug.

"What else do we do with prey? We hunt him." Smoke looked hungrily down at the buck, licking his chops exaggeratedly. With a razor sharp claw, he cut the deer's bindings.

"W-what do you mean, 'hunt?'" The buck asked nervously, rubbing his wrists as he stepped away from Smoke.

"I know you like your games, Smoke, but isn't this going to far?" Flint asked, placing himself between Smoke and the frightened deer.

"Not at all!" Smoke exclaimed, placing a paw on the larger werewolf's shoulder. "Those anthros signed an agreement with our clan; they need to learn there are consequences for breaking it. Here, follow me for a bit, where the prey can't hear us." Smoke placed his paw on Flint's back and started leading him away. "Cloud, watch the deer for a sec. We don't want him running off too soon."

Arwin and Cloud watched the two male werewolves walk away before the deer turned to the white wolf.

"Please, what did the dark one mean by 'hunt'? You wouldn't really eat me, would you?" The buck looked up at Cloud, hands clasped before him, in supplication. He tensed, as the werewolf stepped close to him, bringing her muzzle to his neck and inhaling deeply

"Your fur is a bit wet, like you've recently washed. But I can still smell Smoke all over you." Eyes like a cloudless winter sky pierced Arwin. His mouth went dry under her intense scrutiny, and he began to squirm.

"I don..." He began, but was interrupted.

"Tell me, how did Smoke get a hold of you?" Cloud loomed over Arwin. She was only slightly shorter than Smoke, if a bit slighter of frame. She still dwarfed the deer.

"He caught me peaking at your camp, like he said." Arwin answered nervously.

"And why would a deer snoop around werewolves?" Her expression turned curious; some of the accusatory tone left her voice. "Haven't you heard what we do to prey like you?"

"T-that's actually why I'm interested in werewolves." Arwin felt his face flush with the admission. He looked down at his hooves, not meeting the white werewolf's piercing blue eyes.

A clawed finger touched Arwin's chin, lifting his head. He gasped as his muzzle nearly met Cloud's; she was leaning in so close. The coldness in her eyes was gone, replaced with a predatory flame.

"You are adorable." She growled out, with a wolfish grin, flashing ivory fangs. "So small. So vulnerable. So tender." Cloud brought her muzzle to the buck's neck and let her teeth graze Arwin's soft fur.

Arwin's breath stilled. The feel of the predator's teeth lightly touching his thin hide, knowing that at any moment they could spill his life's blood, sent a thrill down his spine. The werewolf's hot breath on his throat made adrenaline spike. His heart pounded, and blood roared in his ears. It terrified him. It made a heat build in his loins.

A pink tongue licked out against the off-white fur of his throat, and Cloud pulled away. Behind her, her tail swished. Her eyes were bright with excited need; her toothy grin full of self satisfaction.

"I owe Smoke an apology. You are a treat." The wolfess said, to the panting buck, trying to regain his composure. "He isn't forcing you to play this game, is he."

"No, he gave me plenty of opportunities to back out." Arwin replied. "He said you and your other friend would like it if I played the scared prey. And I am scared. You werewolves are terrifying and I'm completely at your mercy."

"And that turns you on." Cloud said, licking her chops. "Well, Smoke knows me well. I'm more than happy to play the predator. But Flint is going to need persuading. That big lug is such a softy."

"Is there anything I could say to him that might help?" Arwin asked.

"Oh, I know just what you need to do to really push his buttons!" The wolfess said with a vulpine smile.


Smoke guided Flint out of earshot of Arwin and Cloud, wanting to maintain the pretense that his kinky Little Buck wasn't an all too willing participant in his game.

"Smoke, this isn't a good idea." The large werewolf growled out in frustration.

"It's a great idea." Smoke replied, with a cheeky grin. "It isn't everyday we get a cute piece of meat to play with."

"Its sadistic." Flint spat, clearly not liking the other werewolf's flippant attitude.

"Nonsense!" Smoke dismissed. "We won't actually eat the little guy. Just give him a good scare." Smoke put a paw on Flint's shoulder. "You can't tell me you don't find him the most delicious looking bit of venison." Smoke saw a flash of uncertainty cross Flint's features, so he pressed on. "Don't your instincts scream for you to tackle him to the ground, pin him, writhing and bleating, and have your way with him?"

"I don't want to see the deer hurt." Flint repeated lamely, his resistance to Smoke's scheme crumbling.

"And you can make sure we don't take things too far." Smoke reassured. "He's prey, and I caught him trespassing. He knows we can do whatever we want with him. He'll be grateful we only had sex with him. He might even like it."

"Fine." The big light grey werewolf sighed. "You've roped me into another of your games. But if things go bad, I will put an end to it."

"Excellent." Smoke clapped his paws together. "Now, lets get back, before Cloud eats the buck herself."

Alarmed at the thought, Flint led the way back.


The two male werewolves returned to find Cloud looming over the buck, pinning him against a tree. The buck's eyes were wild with fright, as drool dripped from the white werewolf's chops.

"Good, you two are done with your chat? I was considering starting without you." Cloud growled through her slathering jaws.

"P-please don't let her e-eat me." The buck whimpered, struggling weakly as the white werewolf held him in place.

Flint hurried forward and lightly pushed the female werewolf away from the terrified deer, putting himself between her and her prey, eliciting a growl from the smaller werewolf.

"Easy, Cloud. Easy." Smoke said in a calming tone as he came up beside Cloud.

Arwin placed a hand on Flint's arm, getting the large werewolf's attention. Amber eyes met brown as the buck looked up at the werewolf with a desperate hope.

"You won't let her eat me, right?" Arwin said, petting the fur on Flint's arm, standing close to him. "You're bigger and stronger, you'll keep me safe, won't you?" The buck didn't seem to see the burning hunger that grew in the amber eyes, as the deer seemed so weak and helpless. "I'll do anything you want, please."

While Flint was looking down at the buck, he didn't see the wink Cloud gave to Smoke. Catching on, the dark grey werewolf turned to address the deer.

"No need to fear, Little Buck. Be a good prey and behave, and we just might let you go." Smoke said, giving the deer a smile full of teeth.

"Is that right? If I'm a good prey for you, you'll make sure they'll let me go?" Arwin asked Flint, clinging to the big werewolf, and reaching up to place a hand on his white furred chest.

Mutely, Flint nodded, not trusting himself to speak as he swallowed the saliva that built in his watering mouth. So close, the prey was so small, his eyes so vulnerable. It was an effort not to throw the buck to the ground and... He wasn't sure what he wanted to do. And the heady mix of fear and arousal coming from the prey confused his instincts further.

"Get running, Little Buck. And run fast if you don't want us nipping at your hooves." Smoke told the deer.

"Be the one to catch me." Arwin said, as he stepped away from Flint, letting his hand linger for a moment. "Who knows what will happen to me if one of those two get to me first." With that the buck was off with surprising speed.

"Taste you soon, Little Buck." Cloud called after him, tail wagging in excitement.

Flint had to hold himself back as he watched the prey run. He stared as the deer's lithe graceful form wove through the trees.

"Ready?" Smoke asked, glancing between Cloud and Flint. Cloud nodded; Flint didn't respond. "Flint?"

With a start, Flint turned to Smoke. "Yes, let's go."

A trio of howls rang through the forest and then the werewolves ran. With long loping strides they pursued their prey. Keen noses picked up the buck's scent, a strong mix of fear, sweat, and musk. Sharp eyes tracked the deep imprint of hooves in the soft spring earth.

The trio split up. Smoke angled off to the left, while Flint diverged right; Cloud carried on straight ahead. Flint's heart pounded with excitement more than exertion. The thrill of the hunt spurred him on as his long stride carried him forward. A bark sounded to his left, the prey had been sighted. He kept his course, paralleling the fleeing deer. Another bark, lower and further away than the first, Smoke driving the prey into the trap. The sound of crashing brush grew near.

The buck burst through the undergrowth, fleet hooves bounding forward. Flint surged and sprung. The startled deer tried to turn, but despite his grace, he couldn't dodge the predator taking him from the side. Arms wrapping around the buck, Flint bore him to the ground.

Jaws closed around the prey's tender throat. Flint could feel the bucks racing pulse on his tongue. The deer panted in Flint's ear, as he lied helpless in the werewolf's grasp. The scent of the prey's fear filled his nose, clouding his mind. The buck stiffened as the jaws around his throat began to tighten.

A crash from behind startled both predator and prey as the other two werewolves arrived. With an effort, Flint parted his jaw and released the buck. Flint met the buck's eyes, wide with shock, and looked down at the marks in the deer's hide were the werewolf's fangs started to pierce skin.

"A bit over eager there, Flint? Save some for us." Cloud said as she knelt next to the pinned buck. Grabbing an antler, she pulled the deer's head back, baring his throat, and displaying his light wounds. "You'd better tend to those."

Flint brought his muzzle back to the buck's neck and tenderly lapped at where his canines gouged the deer's flesh, tasting iron. Cloud brought her own muzzle down to the deer's ear.

"Either you did a really good job working Flint up, or you are just that tasty." Cloud whispered in a low growl. "Lets find out."

Arwin watched, as clear blue eyes held his. The wolfess's broad white muzzle engulfed his and her tongue invaded his mouth in a domineering kiss. His tongue was overwhelmed by her flat broad one, as the predator tasted his mouth. Another hot tongue ran over his throat as the big male soothed his bite marks.

With the two werewolves occupying all of Arwin's attention, he didn't notice Smoke until he felt warm breath was over his groin. His moans were swallowed by Clouds muzzle, and he writhed weakly in Flint's grasp, as a tongue ran up his balls and then over the length of his creamy sheath. His long tapered pink member began to emerge. A second long lick went from his balls to up the underside of his growing shaft.

"You've got yourself a delicious bit of venison, Little Buck." Smoke rumbled with satisfaction.

The dark grey werewolf opened his muzzle and took in the buck's pink length. His broad tongue curled around the underside of the shaft and despite the length of his muzzle, the deer's pointed cock reached his throat. Turning his head to the side and inhaling deeply, Smoke pushed his head forward and swallowed the shaft.

Arwin groaned into Cloud's muzzle as he felt tight muscles circle his cock, as Smoke swallowed. He tried to buck his hips but the two male werewolves held him still. With his muzzle inside one werewolf's maw, another at his throat and a third swallowing a part of him, he felt like he was being devoured. More of his length went down Smoke's throat, and he could feel the werewolf's cold nose press against his balls. Smoke relaxed his hold on the buck's hips and allowed the deer to make short thrusts down his throat. Arwin cried out in whimpering bleats, muffled by Cloud's muzzle and the tongue filling his mouth, as his orgasm quickly built. When he came, his seed pumped directly into Smokes hungry gullet. He struggled to get enough air, as bliss consumed him. The dark grey werewolf pulled away, allowing the last few spurts from the buck to coat his tongue.

"Tasty?" Cloud asked, with a smirk, after breaking her smothering kiss, leaving the buck gasping.

"Very. Want to try?" Smoke replied, licking his chops.

"Later. I have something else in mind first." Cloud looked to Flint. "You take the buck's rear, I'll stick with this side."

Arwin was positioned on his hands and knees with the large light grey male behind him and the white wolfess sitting in front of him with her legs spread. She held him by his antlers, and forced him to look down at the pink triangular folds of her vulva nestled in her white fur.

"I'm not in heat, so you'll have to put that tongue to work to warm me up." Cloud said, pulling Arwin's head down, so his muzzle pressed into her sex.

From behind, powerful paws seized his hips, and he felt Flint's hot breath on his tail hole. Arwin closed his eyes and began lapping at the cookie before him, as a wide hot tongue ran over his rear. Cloud murred with pleasure, and Arwin found himself pulled against her tighter. From behind, his backside was slathered by a hungry tongue, and Arwin moaned into Cloud's pink folds.

Arwin felt his insides invaded, as Flint's powerful tongue spread him open. Imitating the werewolf, Arwin split the wolfess's slit and worked his tongue into her passage. The wolfess growled, and bucked her hips, mashing Arwin's broad black nose into the white fur of her groin.

"That's it, Little Buck, just like that." Cloud panted.

A silent Flint pulled his tongue from the deer's insides, and lifted Arwin's rear from his knees to his hooves, aligning Arwin's ass with the kneeling werewolf's sheath. The big werewolf held firm to the bent over buck's hips, while the wolfess kept the deer's head firmly between her spread legs. Flint leaned over the buck, and ground his sheath against the deer's cream furred ass. A red tip poked from white fur, as Flint brought back his hips. Taking a paw off the deer's hip, he aimed himself, and felt the pointed tip of his cock kiss the hot flesh of the buck's entrance.

Arwin groaned into Cloud's vulva as he felt himself penetrated. With a single motion, the werewolf behind him, unsheathed his cock only to resheath it in his ass. The impact of the werewolf's hips against his forced his muzzle against the soft fur and wet sex of the female in front of him. The hips backed away, and the cock inside him withdrew, only for it to be slammed back deep into his depths, the impact shoving him into the wolfess once more.

A growl cut through the air above him as Flint began fucking him with a brutal pace. Only the iron grasp on his hips, and Cloud holding his antlers, kept him steady. The cock pistonning in and out of him, rapidly grew. With each thrust, Flint's shaft reached deeper and spread his inner walls further. Arwin unconsciously let out muffled bleats, as his prostate was pounded again and again. He felt his anus begin to burn as it was stretched wider and wider as the werewolf's growing knot popped in and out of him. Then, when Flint pulled back, the knot strained Arwin's hole but did not escape. The werewolf's grip tightened, and his pace redoubled, with short bucking thrusts that sought to bury the knot as deep as possible.

With a snarl, Flint pulled the buck back into a final thrust. Arwin weakly whimpered, the pressure inside him was beyond even what he'd experienced from Smoke, as the larger werewolf's member pulsed inside him. Shot after shot of watery cum was pumped directly into his colon. His struggled to breathe with his mouth and nose forced against Cloud. Above him, Flint panted heavily, amber eyes half lidded as his orgasm washed over him. Arwin's legs ached as the werewolf rested some of his weight upon him. Cloud let go of his antlers, letting him pull away, gasping.

"Flint, hold the deer and lie on your back with him." Cloud told the spent werewolf.

With one paw on the buck's hip, keeping him pulled firmly impaled on his cock, and the other paw on the deer's chest, Flint lied back, pulling Arwin with him. Arwin lied on the werewolf's belly, his head on the predator's chest. He stared blankly up at the sky, as he tried to catch his breath and adjust to the feeling of the massive tool filling his guts.

Lost in the moment, Arwin was surprised once more, by a tongue running up his sheath. He lifted his head and met sparkling ice blue eyes and a predatory grin. A pink tongue lolled from a white muzzle and licked up his creamy sheath again. Arwin lied his head back and groaned; he could feel his member begin to emerge.

His view of the sky was blocked, as Cloud crawled on all fours over top him and Flint. The grinning wolfess gave him another muzzle consuming kiss, before reaching back and grasping Arwin's long narrow shaft. Pink tip met pink vulva. Cloud murred as she sat back onto the rigid cock. Arwin moaned as he was engulfed in the wolfess's folds, his shaft squeezed by her inner walls. Arwin's hips met Cloud's, as she impaled herself to the hilt. Cloud's weight on top of his hips pushed him down onto Flint's cock, still throbbing inside him.

Arwin watched, as Cloud raised her hips, and his cock withdrew, tugging at her pink vulva. The wet heat of the wolfess's sex was replaced by the cool spring air, before Cloud lowered herself back onto Arwin's lap and he was once more enveloped in her warmth and pressure. He placed his hands in the lush white fur of her hip, As she rose again, he instinctively tried to buck his hips and meet her descent, but was held firm by the knot buried in his innards.

Large paws covered Arwin''s hands, as Flint took hold of Cloud's hips, over top his own grip. On her next descent, Flint thrust up into the deer, raising him to meet her. Cloud growled in pleasure and picked up her pace, and Flint matched her.

Arwin was just a passenger as the werewolves used him. He let out bleating cries, as a too large, too deep cock ground inside him. All the while, a hot tight sex slid over and squeezed his own shaft. Cloud was panting heavily on top of him, fucking him with a wild fervor. With a keening whine, the wolfess slammed her hips on top of him. Her walls clamped around his shaft, as she ground herself against him. The pressure sent Arwin to his own peak. Cloud's contracting walls milked him dry as he came into her. His own ass squeezed around the wolf meat inside him.

"You're a real treat, Little Buck." Cloud panted ,as she caught her breath.

"He is, isn't he." Smoke said, looking down at the three; the red tip of his cock poking prominently from his grey sheath.

Cloud lifted her hips, and let the buck slip from her folds, leaking the deer's seed. She moved back, so she could get her muzzle to the buck's spent cock.

"Let me clean you up, Little Buck." Cloud said, tenderly licking at the deer's retreating shaft, and lapping up the mess coating his fur. "You were right Smoke, he is tasty."

"Little Buck got a chance to taste you, and we've both tasted him, I think its time he tasted me." Smoke said, as he knelt straddling Flint's and Arwin's legs. "Flint, sit up."

With a grunt, Flint lifted himself up into a sitting position, lifting the buck up with him. From this new position, Arwin found himself staring straight at Smoke's swinging black balls, plump grey sheath, and the glistening red tip of his cock. Smoke grabbed a hold of the buck's antlers and looked down at the diminutive male.

"Be a good prey, Little Buck, and open up." Smoke ordered.

Arwin leaned forward, pink tongue extended. He licked the werewolf's tip, tasting the tang of his pre. Taking a deep breath, Arwin wrapped his lips around the tip. He brought his hands to Smoke's hips, and he could feel his muscles twitch with the suppressed need to thrust. Pre began to spray the inside of his mouth, as he flicked and circled the tip with his tongue.

Growling, Smoke held Arwin still, as he slowly pushed himself into the buck's muzzle. The werewolf's sheath bunched up around Arwin's lips. Inch after inch of already growing cock pushed into his mouth. He felt the still soft knot pass his lips and his nose press into the light grey fur of Smokes groin. Arwin gagged slightly as the still enlarging shaft touched the back of his throat.

Smoke pulled back his hips, his knot popping free of the deer's lips, before smoothly thrusting back inside. Arwin choked as the lengthening shaft was forced down his throat. Smoke pulled back, and the buck gasped.

"Take a deep breath, Little Buck." Smoke warned him.

Arwin filled his lungs and held it, as the werewolf's cock thrust forward once more. He screwed his eyes shut as the tip went down his throat and the knot passed his lips.

Smoke started very short thrusts, not letting his knot leave the mouth it quickly filled or his tip from escaping the tight throat around it. He fought to contain himself as his orgasm built. He was impressed the small deer was handling this much but didn't think the buck could handle anything rougher.

He held himself as deeply inside the deer's mouth as he could when he came. Euphoria crashed into him as his cock pulsed and shot after shot of his seed was sent straight down the buck's gullet. But he couldn't remain like this long. Still cumming, he pulled his knot free of the buck's muzzle and his tip from the buck's throat, letting Arwin breathe. Releasing the gasping and coughing deer's antlers, and he grabbed Arwin's hands and brought them to his knot.

"Squeeze." Smoke ordered, and, feeling the buck obey, he began petting Arwin's head affectionately.

Arwin felt the thrum of the knot in his hands, as salty cum sprayed the back of his tongue. He suckled on the shaft and drank it down. Flint had moved his paws to Arwin's chest and belly and was slowly stroking him. Cloud was sprawled on her side beside them, watching.

"Alright, that's enough, Little Buck. You can let go." Smoke said after a while, pulling himself free of Arwin's mouth and standing. His erect cock hung in front of him, starkly red against his grey fur. Free from the warmth of his mouth and the pressure of his hands around the knot, it quickly began to retreat back into its sheath.

Arwin felt Flint take hold of his hips and braced himself. The large werewolf lifted, and his partially deflated knot popped free, followed by a rush of the werewolf's cum. Smoke reached down, and helped the buck rise on shaky hooves.

"You alright, Arwin?" Smoke asked, a hint of concern in his voice. Arwin looked up and met golden eyes that looked upon him with care.

"I will be. Just need a bit to recover." Arwin answered, still breathing heavily. "Fuck, that was amazing, even if I doubt I'll be able to walk tomorrow."

"So we definitely aren't eating him, right?" Flint asked, as he got to his paws.

"I don't know, I do love venison." Cloud teased.

"Don't scare the little guy." Flint complained, stepping closer to the buck.

"You're the scary one, Flint." Arwin replied, looking up at the werewolf and touching the scrapes on his neck.

"Sorry." A look of remorse crossed Flint's features.

"Carry me, and I'll forgive you." Arwin said. "Besides, you're the reason I can barely stay on my hooves."

"So, what is the plan to do with him anyway, Smoke?" Cloud asked, as Flint effortlessly lifted the buck, cradling him to his chest.

Before Smoke could answer, Flint interrupted. "No more plans from Smoke." Then, he addressed the buck in his arms. "Arwin, was it? What do you want us to do with you?"

"If I get a choice, I'd like to get a look at your camp." Arwin said. "If that is allowed."

"It will turn some heads." Smoke replied with a grin. "But you'll be fine, so long as you're our guest. You might not get a chance to recover though." He finished with a wink.