YotR - January- K.I.Angel

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#1 of Year of the Rabbit

So, here is the first on what will be a year long project. Every month will be a story following the same black rabbit, Angel Kenderson. And it is the same rabbit. How? Find out later.

This one follows Major Angel Kenderson, AKA Engel-8, a special forces sniper. While on an assassination mission, she has a run-in with a rival sniper, Rex Kardia, the King of Hearts. VERY loosely inspired by Enemy at the Gates. Take a wild guess what happens.

Year of the Rabbit - January


By XP Author

The Barrett M82 rifle. Costing over 8 grand, standing at four and a half feet in length, and weighing just under 30 lbs. With an effective range of up to 1.8km, firing .50 BMG cartridges originally designed for a heavy machine gun, it was designed primarily as an anti-material weapon, able to pierce solid brick and thin metal armor plating. To say her choice of weapon was overkill was an understatement, but she didn't get where she was by half-assing things.

Major Angel Kenderson, codename: Engel-8. She was technically a member of special forces, but in reality, she belonged to a sub-branch of black ops that did not exist on any books. Wetworks and assassinations were her specialties. To date, she had 281 confirmed kills, nearly all of them off-the-books. Her longest kill shot was 3.1km, missing the record by only a few hundred meters. It still put her in an elite group. At 27, the black rabbit was one of the best snipers in the world. And no one would ever know her name. At least not for 70 some odd years, when the records would become declassified. Some of them, anyway. She doubted her government would be keen on letting people know she had killed a dozen other world leaders on their orders.

Currently, she was laying on the floor near the top of an under-construction tower. Not on the very top, of course, that was a rookie mistake. Second to top floor provided cover from any air patrols, such as the infrequent helicopters that flew about. The tower was the tallest of three being built as some new project by the nation's Prime Minister, Tishkani Orineaux. Officially, he had just been re-elected for his fourth term. Unofficially, it was because there was no choice for the citizens. The bear was a dictator through-and-through, and gaining an unfortunate amount of popularity with many other nations on uneasy footing with hers. He was to give a rally speech in front of his new monument, spouting propaganda and slogans about why spending money on this was more important than things like housing and food for his citizens.

It was her job to make this his grave. She had set up days ago, just after the workers left. She had secured three exfil options: The elevator being the worst option as it put her in a box; the stairs being not much better but at least something; and her method of choice, a dangerous rope-drop off the back side of the building. It was a little more flashy than she would prefer, like something out of a bad action movie, but it was the quickest way to the ground short of a free-falling. From there, she could vanish into the jungle and hoof it across the border, or head to the coast and commandeer a seacraft. She knew her country had naval ships stationed not too far off the coast.

The last several days had been quiet and uneventful, save one near-scare when a patrol of local police had done a sweep of the area. Thankfully, they were exceedingly lazy and only used binoculars to look at the buildings instead of actually walking through them. Today had been much busier. Crews arrived early in the morning to start setting up for the speech to be broadcast. She had been busy, too, making sure her own gear was ready. She used a low-intensity laser to gauge the distance from her position to the podium where Tishkani would be standing. The distance was a little under 1km. An easy shot for her.

She heard the sound of a helicopter overhead. Glancing up as it passed by, she saw the splash of blue and red on the side, along with the country's emblem. The PM was here, and right on schedule. She did one more check on her rifle, then propped it up on the low wall. Looking through the intensely powerful scope, she got a close view of just where the podium was. They were even generous enough to provide flags for her to gauge the wind. Clicking the dial a few times, she pulled back to watch for where the bear was going to be coming from. A moment later, she saw him walking forward, flanked by a pair of tigers in black uniforms, obvious bodyguards.

Something was wrong. Years of black ops had given her something of a sixth sense. There was something off about the man... his fur was the wrong shade of brown. It was close, but... "Decoy?" Without thinking, she suddenly ducked under the wall. Not a second too soon, as a piece of it erupted into shrapnel directly above her head. She rolled to the side to get behind the thicker part of the wall, cursing under her breath. "Fuck..." It was a setup. Somehow, they found out about her mission, and now SHE was the target. They must have posted an enemy sniper in one of the other buildings. She should have looked out for that. "Getting sloppy in your old age, Angel..." She berated herself.

Of course, this being an off-the-books sort of mission, it was not like she could call for any kind of backup. She would have to find her way out of this situation on her own. Glancing at her rope escape, she vetoed it immediately. She would be too exposed trying to get to it. The stairs were an option, but if they had a sniper posted, they would have others looking out for her somewhere. It was a wonder they hadn't already stormed her position. She expected a hoard of armed thugs to come charging up at her at any moment, her hand brushing down to her leg, touching her sidearm.

"Get a hold of yourself, you idiot." She again berated herself. Taking a deep breath, she listened. Being a rabbit, she had excellent hearing. There were no boots marching upstairs, no whispers of anxiety from soldiers in waiting, only the wind outside. She scoffed. "They're sloppy, too." Maybe if she could take out the enemy sniper, she could pull her rope trick and vanish after all. She glanced up at the piece of wall that had been hit, doing a quick judgment which of the other two buildings the enemy was. It didn't seem like he was using a rifle quite as powerful as hers. If it was, he would have fired through her cover already.

She wondered just how good he was. If he had skill, he could anticipate where she would shuffle herself to next to look for him. If he thought he was good enough that he didn't need thugs coming charging up at her, then he must be at least halfway decent. So she would do the last thing SHE would have expected. Grabbing her view lens, she popped back up exactly where she was. She would have seconds at most to find him, quickly scanning the building she figured he was in. She saw something that stood out, and her blood ran cold. "Fuck." She dropped back down, her heart racing in her chest. "Fuck fuck fuck!" On the second to last floor, she saw a playing card stuck to the wall. The king of hearts. A trademark of Rex Kardia, a mercenary... and another elite sniper. If he was after her...

She grabbed her rifle and moved. He had probably seen her, clearly taunting her by leaving the little card out for her to see. She crawled her way along the wall, staying as low as she could. She glanced again at the rope, only to hear the echo of a rifle. A moment later, the rope swung, seemingly on its own. She frowned, seeing the nick his round had made. Enough that if she tried to use it, it would snap under her weight, sending her falling to her death. It was also subtle enough that she could have missed it. "Cheeky bastard." He was taunting her... but also underestimating her. She was paying attention now, and heard exactly where the shot had come from.

Crawling a little more forward, then backing up nearly two meters. She gripped her rifle tight, taking several deep breaths to calm her heartbeat. With practiced speed, she suddenly popped up over the cover, setting her rifle down and looking where she had heard the shot coming from. "Gotcha." She saw the streak of black and fired. A large piece of the wall exploded inwards, sending debris all over the floor... but she saw no blood. He must have seen her and halted his run or shifted just enough at the last second. It would still disorient him enough that she could move. Which she did, making a b-line for the stairs and letting gravity take her down then more than her feet. She hit the floor hard and rolled, quickly scrambling to a thick pillar to hide behind.

She had expected for him to start shooting at her while she ran, as it left her exposed. Maybe she had hit him? Or he was taunting her again. She had no way of knowing from here, but she had to assume he was still there. If she had hit him, she would have turned him into a spray of blood, after all. She got her answer as she tried to move, the side of the pillar erupting into fragments. She rolled the other way and dove to the ground. Another shot struck the wall, but on the wrong side of the pillar. He had judged she would roll to the same side as the previous shot to juke him instead of diving away from it on instinct. She chuckled, remembering the words of her mentor: "Sometimes doing exactly what they expect is the last thing they expect."

She made her way over to the exterior wall, once more staying low the whole way. The smart thing to do was to get the hell out of there, but she seriously doubted she could make her way down another 20 flights safely while Rex was out there watching for her. So she waited. If she got lucky, he would think she had gone to another floor. After nearly five minutes, she heard another shot, a piece of the wall bursting somewhere two floors down from her. She smirked. He was trying to flush her out now. Another minute, another shot, this one hitting somewhere above her. She had debated going back up. Another shot hit somewhere else. He must be getting frustrated.

She took several breaths again to slow her heart rate. Gripping her rifle, she popped up. He had fired from the same spot, so she knew exactly where to look. Saw him, his gun propped up against the low wall like hers was. Her eyes went wide as she realized he was not looking around for her, but directly at her. He was not trying to flush her out, but bait her. And she walked right into his trap. Her only hope was that she was faster on the trigger. It was the last thought to go through her mind before her scope exploded into glass and shrapnel.

* * *

Rex sighed, getting to one knee and setting his rifle down. "Why is it always the pretty ones?" The skunk shook his head. The bunny's dead body lay on the floor, a bloody hole in place of where her right eye had been. The back of her head was simply missing, along with quite a bit of her hair. Most of the girl's brains had been splattered on the far wall. He reached down, touching her arm gently. "You were pretty good, Engel. Nearly had me for a second there."

He sat down beside her, leaning his back against a wall as he lit a cigarette. "Really wish you hadn't been the one sent. Always wanted to work alongside you." He had heard about the pretty bunny girl through the various underworld contacts of his. She was much like him, so he hoped she would also grow tired of the rules the military set and go rogue. "We could have made a good team..." He shrugged. He was not really all that torn up about it.

Taking another drag of his cigarette, he blew out a large puff of smoke. He had already called in the kill to the team below. They were so busy with their little act down there, they had completely missed the firefight happening over their heads. They would want her body, but he had a condition to his contract. He got her first. Reaching out, he rested his hand on her thigh, squeezing it through her clothes. "They will do terrible things to this pretty body of yours..." He smiled. "Rest easy knowing at least one man will appreciate it while it is still whole." His eyes glanced up at the piece missing from her head. "Well... mostly whole."

Flicking his cigarette away, he started to undress himself. He wore a grey-black body suit with light camo markings. Not too different from what she was wearing. His vest and shirt were removed and set aside, followed by his pants and underwear. He stretched a little once he was naked, enjoying the cool breeze blowing through the concrete hallway. "Your turn, little bunny." He reached out to start stripping her. Her vest and gear belt were removed quickly enough, but he was much more careful with her shirt. Pulling it up, he gently slipped it over her head, pulling her arms free and resting them back on the ground. Her black bra was next, opened and pulled away to reveal a pair of small breasts.

Her boots came off next, followed by socks. Only then did he start working at her pants, opening the waist and pulling them down her toned legs. Last was her panties, black to match her bra. He pealed them down, revealing her slit. Sitting back, he looked down at her. Covered in black fur from head to toe, she was quite well-toned, though not overly muscular. Her abs were well-defined, but still soft as he trailed his fingers along them. Her thighs were much the same, firm as he squeezed, but still with a lovely softness. "Mmm... you are quite lovely, little one." He leaned down to kiss her breast.

One hand slid up her thigh, until his fingers touched her pussy. He slipped two digits into the cooling folds. She had already lost several degrees of heat, and even the inner reaches were more chilly as a result. He spread her lips a little, feeling the natural resistance, even from slack muscles. "Mmm, you were not the type to sleep around, huh?" He smirked as he kissed her neck softly. "Well, that or you preferred the company of your fellow women." He sat up, shifting himself to kneel between her parted legs. "If that's true, then I'm sorry your last lover will be me. But trust me, I'll be the last to treat you well."

His cock had grown rock hard, standing proud at over 7 inches. He leaned down, rubbing the tip against her lower lips. The difference between his hot shaft and her cool entrance was clear, sending a shiver through him. He preferred his partners warm and moaning, but it was a special treat when he got to lay with a cooling woman like her. So few soldiers were women, even fewer worth his attention. She was a rarity in that. Beautiful and skilled, and tragically motionless under him.

With a thrust, he slid several inches into her. He let out a loud moan, his voice echoing around the barren hallway. "Mmm... still so very tight." He gripped her hips and lifted them up as he pushed deeper. She took every inch with no resistance. He slid himself in until his hips touched hers, his balls resting against her ass. He pulled back and started with a slow pace, as if he could still pleasure her. He preferred to take his time. It let him watch how her body shifted under him, her small breasts bouncing and jiggling every time he thrust deep.

He slowly picked his pace up, gripping her hips harder to drag her back against his own. His large, fluffy tail twitched behind him as he moaned. The cool inner walls still felt like they were gripping around his shaft every time he plunged deep. Instead of imagining her moaning for him, he thought of how she would more likely be cursing at him for using her body like this. Somehow, that made it better. The rough bunny spewing vulgarity while still being driven by pleasure. Hate sex was quite fun.

He felt his legs getting a little cramped with his position. So he slid his hands up under her back and lifted her up. Leaning back, he lifted her body so it leaned against him, setting her in his lap. He thrust upwards and made her body bounce against his, feeling like he was getting even deeper in this position. It also let her breasts rub against his chest. Her head still lay back limply, her arms dangling at her sides. He let her lean back a little more so he could lean down to kiss at those perfect little tits. He always preferred them smaller like this.

His cock started to twitch within her, and he bounced her faster, thrusting harder up into her. He moaned as his kisses moved up along her neck. "I'm going to fill this perfect pussy of yours." He grunted as he felt his pleasure rising. "Ngh... take it all, little bunny!" He slid his hands around her back to hold her close, plunging himself upwards faster. With grit teeth and a loud groan, he let himself go within her. A moment later, his cock started to spit and spurt his spunk deep into her cold cunt. His thrusts turned to slow, hard, jerky movements. Each time he thrust deep as he shot another blast into her, emptying himself.

He still clung to her as his cock finally stopped blasting his heavy load. He felt his cum drooling out, running down his shaft and dripping off of his balls. "Ah... you milked quite a bit out of me..." He chuckled, kissing her neck again. "I was a bit pent up. You were worth the wait." He gently lay her onto her back once more. Only then did he let himself slip free, sitting back and watching the small stream of cum drool out of her pussy. His messy cock still twitched, a few last drops running down the length. "Mmm... that was good..."

He moved around to her side, gently turning her head. He pushed the tip up to her mouth. "Here. Help me clean this off." He slid his cock into her open mouth, moaning as her cool tongue ran against his length. "That's a good girl." He closed his eyes, using her to clean the last of his seed off. "Yeah. Enjoy this. It'll be the last time anyone is nice." He gently pat her cheek. "I'm going to have to let them have your body after this. But don't worry... I think I can convince them to let me do one more thing..."

* * *

The door burst open, an out-of-breath tiger stepping through. "General!" He hastily gave a salute after that, almost as if he forgot.

The three-star general looked up from his paperwork with a sigh. "You better have a good reason for bursting into my office like that, Corporal."

The tiger nodded. "Y-yes, sir."

When the man said nothing else, the general motioned at him in annoyance. "Well? Spit it out."

"Ah... y-yes, sir." The corporal cleared his throat. "We received a mysterious package earlier this morning. Addressed to you."

The rabbit sighed. "Yes, I am aware. I assume this has to do with the tests?"

The tiger nodded again. "Yes, sir. The tests showed it was not a bomb, poisoned, or otherwise dangerous. But they did have to open it, and... uh..." He seemed suddenly very uncomfortable. Almost ill.

Again the general sighed, getting very fed up with the young soldier's seeming reluctance. "What about it?" He hated people that didn't come to the point quickly. Didn't they know how busy he was?

"W-well, sir... I think you need to see it for yourself." For a fleeting moment, the young tiger was sure he was about to be yelled at. He could feel the glare the rabbit was giving him. "The unit that opened it insisted, Sir..."

The general just grunted and stood up, grabbing his hat. "Fine." He strode right passed the man without another word. The tiger would stand stock still for almost another minute before realizing he could go back to his own business. Striding through the halls with annoyance more than purpose, the rabbit ignored most of the salutes he got along the way. It was not until he got to the room he knew they had been testing this mysterious package that he bothered acknowledging anyone. "Lieutenant."

The zebra stood up, saluting in return. "General." He motioned to the only table in the room. Upon it was two boxes. One was a wooden crate that the other had been within. The other box was a plastic medical cooler. "Sir, the... package... is here. But... I knew you would want to see this." He was reluctant to get any closer. "I made sure no one but those in the room when we opened this know... I wanted you to see it first."

The man sighed as yet another was not giving him a straight answer. "Fine. Let's see what has everyone so on edge." He moved over to the medical cooler and lifted the lid. He flinched back the moment he did. "My god! That's..." He blinked a moment later as he actually looked at the contents. "That's..."

The zebra nodded. "Yes, sir. We double-checked everything to make sure, and..." He winced. "I'm sorry, General Kenderson... but that is your daughter's." Sitting neatly packed within the cooler was the severed head of Angel. One eye was just a hole, the other frozen in shock. Held between her teeth was a playing card, the king of hearts. "There... was also a folder with other photographs. They are... of her body..." He swallowed. "They are... gruesome."

General David Kenderson took a breath, his stomach feeling like it was going to turn out at any moment. He still kept a brave face. "Show me." The lieutenant was about to ask if he was sure, but thought better of it. Instead, he just set the folder down and stepped back. Opening it, he saw the pictures of his daughter. Her body, lacking the head and any sort of clothing, was strung up between two posts. The words 'assassin' and 'invader' were carved into her belly with a knife. It was clear her body had been used, something drooling out from between her legs that was not blood, more coating her chest. Another photograph showed her body being shot at by soldiers. Another showed her being carved up, her limbs removed, and her guts exposed. The last was what he assumed to be the pile of her remains being burnt in a fire.

He closed the folder, not wanting to see more. Without looking at the lieutenant, he just said. "Dismissed." The zebra nodded, saluted, then left the man alone with his daughter's head. As soon as he was alone, he fell backwards into a chair. His body felt numb, and he barely noticed the tears running down his face. "Oh... my sweet Angel..." He hung his head. "What am I going to tell your mother...?" He knew one thing for sure. He knew what that playing card meant. Another casualty of Rex Kardia. And due to the nature of Angel's job, no one would ever be able to know.

* * *