A small town welcome, Pt. 7

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#7 of A small town welcome

I'm trying short sections with this story, call me crazy but I have a feeling people on here don't want long length between the smut to search through. Let me know what ya think.

Comments, compliments, critiques, insults, leave a comment.

Cam felt a soft fur brush against his hand. He barely opened his eyes and saw Levi laying in bed with him. Cam just slowly moved his hands through that fur. His eyes closed and he smiled.

Cam sat up a little, looking at Levi laying there in bed next to him. The big jaguar's deep breathing had a calming effect on Cam. His eyes slowly moved side to side, evidence of some kind of dream going on in his feline mind. Cam just stuck out a hand and slowly pet Levi's back. Levi's throat rubbled as he made this low rolling growl sound.

Levi's muzzle gently lifted into a smile as he opened his eyes. Still laying on his side allowing Cam to pet him. "I'm really sorry, I should get going and leave you alone." Cam just looked at the laying jaguar. "Only if you come back tonight Levi." he teased.

Cam stood up and walked to the kitchen checking the pantry. Nothing, not even any leftover chicken from the day before. "I'm sorry Levi, I don't have anything for you to eat for breakfast." The big furred arms wrapped around Cam from behind. "I would never accept a handout from you Cam."

Levi stood up and gave Cam a hug from behind. "How about we walk to school?" Cam's face just lit up in a smile. "You forgot today was saturday didn't you?" Levi just looked down. "Don't be upset but I am gonna head back to my place." The jaguar said this and opened up the front door to Cam's house walking out. Cam paused, 'but his place is just a spot in the woods? It has to at least be nicer in this empty apartment with me?' The fox fidgeted uncomfortably, he grabbed his jacket and headed after Levi.

"Levi, hold up. Can I come with you?" To this Levi stopped walking. He turned and stood staring at Cam. "647 Glen road, that's Freds address. Go visit him, just let me go do my thing ok?" Levi said powerfully. Cam paused, "Uh, ok sorry levi. Have a good rest of your day."

Of course because he was new to town Cam had no idea where that address even was, but he found a bus stop with a pretty good map. After a lot of staring he finally found Glen road. In his luck, the road wasn't very long so it would be easy to find 647! Without thinking much on it, Cam hopped on the bus, and rode it all the way to Glen street. "Hey kid, You gonna pay the fare?" an old terrier driving the bus angrily said. Cam just looked down embarrassed. He pulled out his state voucher showing the driver. "Alright, your good." The Terrier closed the door and drove the bus off. Ya, it did take like 40 min, but Cam got to Glen street. He thanked the driver and stepped off the bus.

Cam looked up and paused. There in a perfect line stood four immaculate mansions. 645 Glen street, 646, 647. Walking up to the door Cam took a deep breath then knocked. "Don't worry Dave!, I'll get it." a voice behind the door said, then soon the handle turned and there stood an older kangaroo woman looking at cam. "Can I help you?" She asked nicely. Cam just paused for a second then replied embarrassed, "Is Fred here?" Her face lit up. "Fred! It's one of your friends from school!" she yelled up the stairs. "I'm just in my room!" Fred's voice said in return.

The Kangaroo waved Cam in, and walked him up the stairs to a door. "You two have fun now ok! I'm so glad Fred finally has a friend." She said, probably not thinking about how it sounded when she said it outloud.

Cam knocked on the door. "Yah, Come in" So following what he was told cam walked in the door. Phone up to his ear, fred was talking to someone. "So krissy, what are you wearing?" he looked up from the phone at Cam then immediately said "I'll call you back Krissy gotta go!" slammed the phone down in its base angrily. Walking over to Cam and stood right in front of his face "What the fuck are you doing here faggot? How did you even find out where I live? It was a one time thing! I told you I like girls!." Cam looked down. "Is your girlfriend coming over? I just wanted a chance to meet her." The fox said, trying to be as quick on his feet as he could, making up plausible excuses.

Letting his guard down Fred spoke, "Krissy? I keep sending her money but she just won't make the trip. Doctors appointment this weekend, Family was sick last weekend, She was in the hospital the weekend before that. She just seems to have the most rotten luck." Cam just smiled up at the beaten down kangaroo. "Tell me about stuff you've done when she has been around?" Fred just took a deep breath. "She hasn't. We, uh, haven't met in person yet." He said, his head looking down. "My mom's been telling me but I just didn't want to believe it. I think I'm just being scammed." Cam reached an arm around the kangaroo, to which he immediately said "Dude, I said I'm not gay, I don't like guys." Cam just shyly replied "But couldn't we just be friends?"

The kangaroo just stared at him. "Wait, you, you want to be my friend?" He asked. "Oh, I forget, you're new. Haven't been in town long yet have you." Fred sighed. "Thanks for giving me a chance though, but you probably should go." Cam just stood there confused. "I guess, I'm sorry I have to ask but why don't you have many friends?" Cam said this going quite the second the last word left his mouth. Fred fidgeted, then looked up. "My family, we own this town. The school, the stores, the factories, it's all owned by my family. No one wants to hang out with the son of everyone's boss. Never know when you might piss someone off." Cam nodded. "You wanna be friends with me? My family doesn't live here, I don't work here, you wouldn't feel like I was here just to influence your family to do something."

Fred looked at him, then smiled. "I haven't had a friend in a long time. So, I don't think I ever introduced myself. My name is Fred Cole, thanks for coming over Cam." Cam slid a hand down Fred's side. "So, what do you do for fun Fred Cole?" Like any good fox Cam used this time to reach down and unzip Freds zipper. Not stopping it Fred just replied, "Well, I usually just talk with Krissy on the phone." The Fox pulled Freds fat cock out of the slot in his underwear so it was out in the open. "But what do you do when you're not using the phone?" Cam said this immediately following it by bringing his lips down to Fred's penis softly sucking on the tip. "I ohhhhhhhhh..... [He moaned] I like to Read books......" Fred leaned back letting the fox do his work. Pulling his mouth off that cock for a second Cam said, "What are your favorite books Fred?" Fred just stuttered, "I... I.. I... I just like the stories in the playboy magazines." He followed this comment by grabbing the back of Cam's head and trusting into his throat. "They have really good stories" Fred joked as he started thrusting harder into the foxes muzzle.

Cam could feel the slide of the foreskin with each thrust, it gently rolling inside his mouth, the glans had a distinct taste once uncovered in the back of his muzzle. Then just before the fox gagged Fred would pull his rod out and slowly shove it in again. His thick kangaroo meat warmed up the fox's mouth. Cam closed his eyes and focused even more on the feelings of having that now slick cock sliding around in his mouth. "Yu ugh ji" Cam said as he attempted to ask another question. Fred just used this as a moment to start fucking the foxes face faster.

Really plowing away at it, Fred sped up and started moaning continually. Until it happened. With a loud sigh Fred dumped a giant load right down Cam's throat. The passage was already held open by that thick cock lodged in there.

Then they paused. Cam slowly pulled his muzzle off of Fred's groin then he laid down next to Fred slowly petting Fred's side. Fred just layed there, taking comfort from interaction and the thought he might have finally made a friend.

They both dozed asleep gently caressing one another.