The Wolf & The Guardian

Story by LoveableFoxey on SoFurry

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Created & owned by Foxxie (Aka Me Aka LoveableFoxey & Also A friend Named No-Were-Fox)

Outside of civilzatino is a long mountain range that it was once believed that guardians would watch over the inhabitants of the mountain, but as time goes on fiction fade and slips between the cracks...? It's upon this mountain many come to camp for the wonderful view and the call of nature.

The Wolf slowly returned back to his camp site he finds a traveller who seems to be lost up in the mountains.. And he calls out "Hey Stranger what you doing around these parts" You'd get lost where you are... Why are you up here"?

The wolf spoke the stranger didn't say a word, upon closer inspection it was only a trick of light between the trees, nobody was actually there. Out in the distance was a soft whimpering sound as it was hard to hear.

The wolf noticed he was unable to hear himself speak so he walked a lot closer to the stranger, and yelled in his ears "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" ^_^ Can you hear me now?

The stranger was nothing but a black feral fox hanging by a loop in a rope... it looked like he was a victim of a cruel trap as he was fighting to try and free himself

Looks at the stranger; and wondering why is he hanging there. Grabs his spare knife and cuts him free from his silly trap he feel in.. And waits for him to get his breath back..

the wild fox got to his feet looking at the wolf and bowed almost like showing a sign of respect. He ran off into the bushes and disappeared from site

The Wolf wondering why he would run off after he saved his life. So unlucky for the fox he was a tracker and was following him from the tracks he left behind. And found him at a nearby river watching him drinking from the fresh water. And Stood behind him and *yelled* "HELLO AGAIN"

The fox disintegrate into ash the moment he shouted flowing away with the wind.

The Wolf spoke "seems it must of been my imagination oh well" *Rubs the back of my head* and returns back to camp to get some rest.

As the wolf returns to camp there was a roaring fire in the fire pit which he didn't light. Pieces of ash raised up into the sky.

Some of the ash blew past the tent as the fox reappeared. He poked his head from around the side curious about the wolf... but worried about him too.

The wolf had some meat above the fire from meat he prepared from earlier, slowly turning it over. As the wolf smells the meat roasting he hears a sound and turns around noticing a small shadow in the background*.

The fox raised his noise into the air smelling the meat as it smelt good. He came a little close as he was in a pouncing position.

The Wolf Gets up and notices the fox trying to get his food and asked him "What are you doing here I didn't expect you to return, so soon? Would you like to join me no need to go stealing other people's food you know?" As he clearly points out fresh fruit and meat and smiles at the fox with a welcoming smile to his camp.

Slowly the fox walked closer to the fire. he looked ready to bolt at a moment's notice if something were to happen. He sat upon the floor just out of arm's reach of the wolf

As the Blue Wolf noticed slowly that the fox had came in range of the fire to keep warm he asked "Would you like some food, Because the meat is ready?" If you don't like meat I have fresh apples I picked. (Smiles at the shy fox)

The fox looked up and went on his hind legs in a begging position looking up as his tail swayed from side to side as he looked at the meat.

*Looks at the little fox* Cute but no need to beg come sit up and relax said the wolf passes you a plate with meat and some slices of fruit on it.

The feral fox put his paws on the plate and began to eat from it much like a hungry dog would, it seemed it was some time sense he had a good meal as his tail swayed as he ate.

The Black Wolf smiles at the fox while he eats, and grabs his share of the meat and begins to slowly eats his meat, and swallowed his meat. And asked again what are you doing around these parts are you lost? Last I saw you seemed to be stuck in a trap.. "Reason why I saved you cause you seemed you wanted to die which is just silly* and passes you some more meat and smiles at you.

The fox looked before hopping up putting his front paws on the wolf's chest and began to lick his maw.

So you don't want more meat... *Growns a bit* what are you there little fox*

The fox was on his hind legs as he began to lick the wolf's lips softly murring lightly.

"Looks at the fox in shock* and slowly slides my paw down to the foxes member* while slowly pressing my lips to the foxes mouth and giggles

The fox's sack was massive for a feral as it looked as if it housed golf balls, the fox's sheath was swollen as the tapered tip was just barely poking out of it.

Smiles at the fox and ask "What do you want to do"

The fox smiled as he went back. His cock was hard an amazing 8 inch member as it hung below him. He lay upon his back and had his tongue hanging out and gave a licking motion.

The black wolf sits next to the small fox and starts poking his 8 inch member making him even harder and reaches over to kiss him.

The fox murred as he seemed to understand the concept of kissing as he forced his tongue into the canine's maw murring deeply.

The wolf closes his eyes embracing the kiss of the happy fox it seems, and slowly moves his tounge around the fox's mouth growling while being very frisky at the same time.

Slowly the fox broke the kiss with a murr. He grabbed the wolf's zipper pulling it down letting his cock come out to the exposed air.

Noticed the fox is being naughty and watches as his cock flops out of his jeans being about 2 inches long, wondering what the fox has in mind.

The fox smiled as he began to lick the exposed member slowly before he wrapped his muzzle around the cock suckling upon the tip

The wolf got hard very quickly to a point of where the fox kept sucking his cock he cummed right in the foxes mouth by mistake

The fox laid down on his back with his maw open and smiled as his tail wagged... it seemed he wanted something else... his legs were apart as his large cock pointed straight up.

The Blue wolf gets the hint and sits on top of the cute foxes cock and slowly slides his tail hole down his cock seems the fox is enjoying himself while smiling at the fox.

The fox whimpered as he felt his cock slowly push into the tight tail hole He whimpered in pleasure closing his eyes tightly.

The Blue Wolf grabs the foxes paw noticing he is enjoying it and holds his paws tightly and moves the cock deeper into the tail hole..

The fox moaned as he bucked lightly as his paw wrapped the best it could around the wolves; it seemed he was enjoying himself quite a bit.

The wolf moves forward with the foxes cock inside his tail hole trying to reach over to give the fox a kiss on the lips and felt a warm subsistence in the wolfs tail hole as he believed it was the foxes cum and also has an reaction of his own and cums on the foxes body while giving him a kiss on his lips.

The fox indeed climaxed filling the tight hole with warm seed filling it as his knot pushed tightly against the outside of the wolf. He murred in the cum bath as he panted lightly.

The Wolf slowly gets of the fox and trying not to feel massive pain from the knot from the foxes body and warm seed and smiles at the fox and ask *Do you speak* while smiling at him.

"I do now.." he said lightly with a pant as he was in a very pleasurable state of mind.

"So why did you come here?" Sighing at the Fox while wondering for the 4th time of asking.

"I couldn't understand you before... but I can now.... in case you were wondering... I need a piece of myself inside you." he said with a smile and wiggled his cock. "I'm a forest guardian."

The wolf looks at the fox all stupid like, "So if you're a guardian why are you down this part of the woods nothing has happened?"

"I'm the guardian of restoration, it's... hard to explain." he said softly.

The End

Thank you for reading please give feedback and comments.