Lost In The Forest

Story by LoveableFoxey on SoFurry

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( This was created by LoveableFoxey & his friend No-Were-Fox! )

It was a foggy morning as Nishu, a black fox with white tips on his ears and tail, was walking through he woods. He had his bow over his back and an Axe over his shoulder as he was heading off to cut down a tree for fire wood. As he walked he heard something off in the distance. His curiosity getting the best of him he headed towards the sound.

I'm a red fox with red fur and a bit of white on the tip of my ears and on my tail. At a young age of 18, I ran away from home after realizing I was gay because of my parents where catholic and would never accept me into their house hold and them already thrown me out because they saw some unapproved pictures on my phone. I ran far away from home and discovered myself running in a forest it suddenly became foggy although it was still mid morning so that's what you would expect in the town of Nishu as its weather is somewhat random.

I found myself in this very foggy forest area a few minutes away from my home. The year being 2010 and I was looking around for traces of water to have a drink as I've not had anything in my system for a few days now because there was no food or money in the house as my parents were using it for gambling purposes. Anyways a few moments later I discovered a nearby spring with fresh water. I walked up and noticed that I was stuck and unable to move. And it seems that every sense in my body was removed from me. Moments later I awoke lying on the ground that looks like the 1700's medieval days of Nishu, although the location of which I am still remains the same.

Ducks! And looks behind him and wonders why is he shooting at me? So I asked calmly! "Why are you firing at me sir Fox", "I'm not exactly food you do know this"? "But yes I am lost I ran away from my home". "Although why would you be out he with your axe and rifle I wasn't aware this was not a safe place why is this"?

The fox laughed lightly. "I know you're not food." he smiled. "What do you take me for?" he asked as he lowered the axe. "Look it's not safe out here... why don't you come with me?" he asked looking at the vulpine who seemed scared and alone. "I got some breakfast back at the cabin... you look like you've been here all night."

The scared fox smiles and nods! "I am starving I do hope I wouldn't be too much of a bother I can't offer anything when it comes to money although the best I can provide is company if that would suit you good sir" Rubs head The scared fox smiles and nods! "I am starving I do hope I wouldn't be too much of a bother I can't offer anything when it comes to money although the best I can provide is company if that would suit you good sir.

The fox laughed lightly as he waved him along. "I guess the fire wood will have to wait." he said as he began to walk. He took the fox's paw in his." the fog is really thick I don't need you getting lost." he said as he was heading back towards his cabin. "My name is Nishu, what's yours?" he asked.

Smiles at the fox while holding onto his paw tightly, "My apologize the name is Adam pleasure to make your acquaintance" "I'm sorry if I interrupted your firewood hunting I wasn't expecting to even find anyone here yet alone a friendly fox like yourself".

He looked back and smiled softly and nodded. "Well... I got enough for the moment, but the cold weather is setting in and I like to know I can stay warm all winter." he said as the cabin was coming up in the distance.

Adam looks and tries to see Nishu Cabin in the distance but can't seem to see it through all the fog! "Nishu how can you see the cabin in the distance I can't see a single thing ahead of myself and yet alone us" Realizes when we get closer he finds a small logged cabin with a quarter of fire wood left lying around outside of the cabin. "Nice place you got here Nishu have you been living by yourself ever since you found this cabin or did you build it with your own paws"?

Nishu smiled. "I was running through these woods as long as I can remember. I know it like the back of my paw." he said lightly as he got up to the door. "And I built It." he said as he opened it up. There was a warm fire in front of the fireplace. The whole seemed cozzie as the living room and the front room were one as there was another room in back with the bathroom and bedroom. He slowly let go of Adam's paw. "Make yourself at home." he said with a smile.

Adam Nodded. "Thank you for your hospitality Nishu" I slowly look around where everything is and I find the bathroom Nishu spoken of and I take a long bathroom break. After flushing I went to go wash my paws and clean my face up from the awful night I slept out in the forest. I walk back into the fireplace area. And ask Nishu "This is very nice I'm surprised no one else has discovered this"?

"I get a traveller every now and again... I got a dirt road that leads here." He said as he unloaded his gun hanging it above the fireplace. He reached into the fridge and turned on the stove heating up pan. "Do you like pancakes?" he asked as the fox looked hungry.

Looks at Nishu as he drools after hearing the word Pancakes "Yes I love Pancakes but I hope I'm not too much of a trouble? Would you like me to aid you in making them since you brought me into your lovely home"?

He shook his head lightly. "Your my guest... and I don't get too many." he said as he put the batter in the pan and it began to sizzle. "So... why are you out there... I mean really... this is one of the worst times you can be wondering the woods."

Adam looks at Nishu; "Well I guess that's fair well you see as you may have figured I kind of ran away from home because I got sick of my entire family trying to convert me to being catholic and this was after they realized of my sexuality which wasn't in their approval list. So I would have been kicked out of home regardless even if I stayed." I start to slowly cry and rub my eyes with my paws. "But it's good to know that there are some people out there like yourself I assume you're not closed minded like many people in this world" "So I am happy in that sense so I thank you for offering me some food Nishu."

Nishu looked up slowly with a small tear in his eye. "Family should be there for you regardless." he said softly as he flipped a couple of pancakes upon a plate. He opened the fridge pulling out the butter and syrup as it was in an unlabeled glass jar. "Well... It's alright to stay here a few days if you wish. At least until you figure out what you want to do, I'm happy to have the company." he said as he poured a glass of OJ and put it all in front of the little fox. "You know... its ok to like the same sex." he said softly putting his paw upon him. "It can be rough, and some people run from it..." he looked down a bit as his tail as between his legs." but... there's nothing wrong with It." he said as he sat down on the other side of the table.

Adam smells the food and OJ Nishu put in front of him "Thank you for the breakfast I tried hunting for some fruit but I've not been able to find anything eatable in the forest" "Nishu I agree on that very much so I don't see the problem of having feelings for other people of the same sex" Giggles and begins slowly eating the freshly made pancakes that Nishu kindly prepared for the both of them. "Great Pancakes Nishu" smiles while eating them. "It seems you have a lot of practice in making great food Nishu thank you very much and thank you for your allowance of staying in your home" *Smiles and drinks his OJ.

"Well... I can't just let you stay out there." he said as he grabbed the unmarked jar. "The syrup I actually made here in the cabin... it's sweeter then you can get off the shelf. I try to be as self efficient as I can." he smiled as he looked a crossed the table with a smile. He had a couple years on him but he was still in his prime. "So... where do you plan to go from here?" he asked.

As Adam looks into Nishu eyes with him seem to be caring about me. "Well I don't know I really don't have a place to go Nishu. I left my home and I know I wouldn't be accepted as for what I am now, so I truly don't know just yet." Adam sips the remaining of his OJ.

"Well... I do have to warn you." he said lightly. "If you stay here too long you will be stuck here until the spring thaw." he said as he finished his plate picking up things. "The passes get too dangerous to cross in the winter and the only way to get to town is by snowmobile, and even then you got to be picky about what days you go." he said as he rinsed off his plate. "Cute lost little fox..." he *said lightly under his breath.

"Well... Since I have no were else to go and winter is very close by if you're willing I would like to stay here and help out as a return favour for you saving me from whatever is out there in the forest plus I would of died even when winter came along, If you don't mind the company"? You can hear Adam making a small sigh under his breath, "I have disbelief Nishu would offer me a place to stay in his wonderful home."

He thought about it a moment. "Well... the winters do get lonesome." he said as he tried to hide a smile. "Alright, but we will have to head to town for more supply. It will be a little too tight for just two people to live on what we have now." he said softly as his tail gave a playful yet happy flick.

Adam tail started flicking in a very playful and happy motion. "Okay I am fine with that and would understand that we would run out of supplies when the winter comes" Smiles at Nishu. "I am wondering however where would I sleep"?

"Well... I'll be honest... I haven't figured it out yet... I guess I can see about a bed when we are in town..." he said softly. He took a soft breath as he walked up to the fox with a smile looking down upon him.

Adam Blushes..... While looking at Nishu "What's the matter is there something you like down there?*

He slowly looked down and smiled at Adam before he slowly pushed his lips towards the red foxes with a soft murr. His tail flicked softly as it brushed up against the vulpine before he slowly broke it.

Adam was in shock and was unsure what to feel so he slowly closed his eyes accepting Nishu's shy kiss and slowly stepped away while blushing... While looking up at Nishu "I am not sure what to say or how to re-act towards this. Slowly rubs the back of my head "Do you have feelings for me Nishu"? *Giggles softly under my breath*

He gave a light smile and a nod. "There was a reason I wanted to hold your paw on the way here.... and it wasn't because I thought you would get lost." he said softly as he backed up a bit. "If you want to go... I'll drive you to town, but... I though... that might be a way to fix... that problem... you know... where you will be sleeping?" he gave a little smile...

As Adam's tail flickers even more you can see a big grin on his face. "Well since you put it that way I'd be more than happy to sleep with you if you don't mind a little fox like myself napping with you" *Looks away blushing.*

He smiled lightly as he walked over to the sofa taking a seat. "Come over here..." he said softly as he patted the spot next to him with a warm inviting smile.

As Adam nods in accepting his invite slowly walking to taking a seat on the sofa next to Nishu. Cuddling up to Nishu on the Sofa and relaxing next to him.

"I... don't know why, I don't normally warm up to people like this... obviously since I live this far out... but there is something about you... I can just trust..." he said softly as he wrapped a warm black paw around the fox as his tail overlapped Adam's.

"I understand what you mean Nishu, there is also something about you that I sense all over of trust and honestly in your words and in your body signs also which I hope nothing would hurt our possible growing friendship." *Nuzzles my head into Nishu's Black Fur slowly closing my eyes to get some much needed rest.*

The fox smiled softly as the fox fell asleep in his paws. Slowly he stood up taking the little fox in his paws and taking him to the bedroom and placing him in the soft king-sized bed pulling the covers up. "Rest well you poor little thing." he said as he was thinking how hard it must be for someone who's family rejected them. Nishu bent down to kiss him lightly upon his forehead as he let his large ears fold back lightly. He walked out the door to collect the firewood he needed and left the fox to rest.

Later that evening Adam awakes and find himself in Nishu's King Size Bed and very well rested, and slowly sits up and rubs his eyes with his paws and yawns. Gets up and finds a spare robe left out for him and he puts it on "This must be Nishu's it's nice and warm" I find myself having a big smile on my face with tears coming out of my eyes and slowly rub them. I slowly open the door and find Nishu not inside the house and sits down on the sofa.

Nishu walked in slowly as he put the Axe down by the front door. "Rest well?" he asked with a long yawn as he peeled off his shirt showing off his six pack and toned upper body. He wasn't overly built but it was clear he was no couch potato. "Shower time..." he said softly as he was walking towards the back as he looked over his shoulder for a moment.

Adam ears lifted up heading Nishu coming in "I did thank you for asking, and also sorry for not helping you with the fire wood earlier with our unexpected meet" *Smiles* "I hope you enjoy your shower, even with all your sweat you do look very nice" *Smiles politely* "Would you like to make you something to drink and or eat while you have a shower then"?

"Or... perhaps you can join Me." he said with a little smile as his tail swayed shily between his legs as he gave a light chuckle.

Giggles "Sure I will join you" As Adam and Nishu head to the bathroom for a shower Adam takes off his robe that Nishu left for him on the bed and revealing his slim naked body to Nishu for the first time as far as he is aware. Adam isn't as strong as Nishu but isn't lazy either pro active just very tired because of what he left behind holding Nishu's paw while heading in the shower.

Nishu smiled softly as he pulled off his blue jeans as he exposed himself to Adam as his large sheath was already swollen. He slowly bent over turning on the water in the tub as the black sack dangled between his legs as they were the size of a pair of golf balls. "I do enjoy a good shower." he said with a murr.

Adam's mouth dropped when he saw what Nishu was hiding down stairs and wonders how this cute, caring and funny fox is still alone. Nishu slowly steps in first as his already naked and waits for Adam to join him.

Nishu smiled and stepped into the shower pulling the lever up as the water began to rinse down his fur. "Come on in... ya can't get clean all the way over there." he said with a smile as he offered his paw.

Adam steps into the shower with Nishu and holding his paw as it seems very wet and begins to feel the hot water dripping down the fox's fur feeling very nice "Could you past the soap please" Adam asked Nishu nicely.

Nishu smiled softly picking up the bar in one paw. "I could... but do I really want to?" he asked as he slowly began to run the bar over the smaller fox's chest. He smiled softly as he placed his lips upon Adam's lips kissing him softly and passionately.

Adam quickly felt something he never felt before but was unsure of what he was feeling and wanted to try to explore after a few minutes of kissing with Nishu their lips moved away from each other. "I was wondering if you would be interested in mating with me Nishu I know we just met but I've never felt this kind of happiness before and I would love to share that with you, however not here what about the bedroom?" *Adam Smiles and turns off the water in the shower and slowly walk out of the bathroom naked.

He smiled for a moment and nodded. "I would be honoured." he said lightly as his tail swayed from side to side haply. "I do need this shower... if you want... you can wait for Me." he said lightly as he leaned forward stealing another kiss.

Adam smiled and looked up at Nishu eyes getting a second kiss from Nishu, "Okay Take your time you sure look like you need it I'll be waiting" As Adam walks away and closes the bathroom door. "I wonder what will happen tonight after Nishu's shower" Softly under his breath lying on the king size bed under the covers in order to keep warm.

After a good 15 mins the shower turned off. Nishu walked out as he was drying his head with a towel as he was in the buff. As he walked Adam could see the pink tip of the fox's member poking out of his sheath as tapered cock looked like it was quite thick.

Adam sits up on the bed and looking at Nishu's member as he didn't expect it to be that big. "So what do we do now Nishu I've never done this before" Is it safe, and will it hurt?

Nishu smiled and sat on the bed. "So this is your first time..." he smiled."I'm glad I get to be your first." his tail rested against Adam's. "It might hurt a little at first... but it will go away..." he said softly as he slowly pushed his lips against the red fox's kissing him once again but this time deepening the kiss forcing his tongue into Adam's maw.

"As it seems Nishu clearly felt very lonely at the time and also very caring towards Adam I closed my eyes and embraced what Nishu was trying to show me." "I also noticed that my own member started to become increasing large although it was uncut unlike Nishu's who was clearly cut, Although I had no experience I trusted Nishu enough to show me what love is really about even though I was scared I believe that Nishu would be there for me every step of the way."

The End