The Best Day in February

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For a lot of couples, there's no more special day in February than Valentine's Day. For Dominic and Maxie though, the best day of the month comes a couple of days later! :3

This story was written for Ebni as part of my themed Patreon request day for February 2020. This month's theme was "discount candy!" and the story contains M/F sex and chocolate related food-play between consenting adults. :3

The Best Day in February

February fourteenth held a lot of baggage for some folks. Either it was a day of stress, a day where they felt obligated to seek out a partnership just so they didn't have to face the supposed societal pressure of being alone on that day of all days, or it was a day of expense, of being urged to spend excessively for those you loved regardless of financial security or the heartfelt desire to treat those people as especially special the whole year round. Sure there were those that enjoyed it, and for them that was great, but for Dominic and Maxie the best day of that month was yet to come. The fifteenth was better. Discount candy, the various displays promoting love at the behest of capitalism being pulled down and replaced with whatever the next promotional holiday was in the endless rotation. But, as fun as it was for the two of them to make their weekly visit to the grocery store and load up their trolley with any box of candies that even remotely caught their eye, the fifteenth still wasn't the best day. After all, they had to put clothes on to go to the store, and any day where they had to leave their home and do chores, even the more fun kind, wasn't ideal for either of the pair.

For the hyena and the lioness however, it was the day after that, the sixteenth day of February, which was their most special day. It wasn't their anniversary, it wasn't a date of any particular emotional significance to their relationship in any external sense. But, because of the little post-Valentines ritual that they had come up with a couple of years before and now performed with regularity whenever the sixteenth rolled around, there was no day in February that the pair of them looked forward to more.

At seven AM on the sixteenth, Dominic slipped out of bed with a lingering glance back at his lover, only Maxie's head visibly sticking out from beneath the covers thanks to the slight chill in the air even accounting for their apartment's heating. He could feel the cold biting at his bare body, his morning wood in particular feeling the chill ache through it as he hurried to the hallway and cranked up the thermostat. He heard the whirr of the central heating kicking in, and grinned as he hurried through to the kitchen and began to prepare things.

Just a couple of minutes later the hyena returned to the bedroom, already a little warmer than it had been, and after gently placing the large plastic tub he was carrying in one arm down on the bedside table, he slipped back under the sheets and cuddled up to the woman he loved. She stirred at his touch. She stretched within his arms, purred, and curled back around him as her body loosened up again.


Dominic whispered with a gentle kiss to the tip of Maxie's nose.

"Mmm... hey..."

Maxie growled back gently, a hand sliding down Dominic's chest, across his stomach and soon finding itself wrapping around his still stiff cock.

"Do we have time before work?"

The still sleepy lioness murmured, blinking and widening her bleary eyes a little when Dominic chuckled, kissed her again, and whispered to her tenderly as his shaft twitched in her grasp.

"Given that we both took the day off so we can celebrate the best day of the month... I hope we have time, yeah."

Maxie's eyes grew wider still, and she seemed to be roused more towards full consciousness as a giddy grin spread over her face.


She giggled giddily, Dominic smiling, nodding, and leaning in to kiss her yet again.

"Mmmhmm. So, wanna get started?"

The lioness grinned as the hyena's lips pecked fondly at her own. A soft, joyous growl escaped the back of her throat, and she nodded back at him.

"Heck yeah."

Thirty seconds later the covers were thrown back, and the two naked lovers were sitting directly across from one another upon the bed, cross-legged with the tub resting between them. Dominic's cock twitched as he regarded his lover in all her glory, her ample breasts and the curves of her stomach as she sat filling him with awe, not to mention desire over how impossibly gorgeous she was. They regarded each other for a brief while, Maxie every bit as eagerly and hungrily devouring the curves and more firm, stiff regions of her lover's own body, before finally Dominic's hands drifted towards the tub, and he peeled off the opaque lid. Immediately from within the wonderfully rich, sweet aroma of chocolate drifted forth. Both of them looked down, and both murmured in delight at the sight of no fewer than half a dozen different boxes of chocolates all poured in over one another. There was way too much chocolate there to possibly be eaten in one day, but eating it all wasn't the point. There was no pressure, no expected path for today to take in terms of specific activities or volumes of candy consumed. But the sheer bounty, the sheer variety of chocolates available made their stomachs growl in anticipation, and their nether regions ache with the foreknowledge of how much passion and sex would be interwoven throughout each delectable taste of those sweet treats.

"Close your eyes."

Maxie murmured first, beaming as Dominic grinned and immediately did as he was asked. She reached down and dipped a couple of fingers into the tub of chocolates, though her eyes turned away as she delved, not wanting to purposefully pick to try and make it either easy or particularly hard for the hyena. Her fingers soon emerged clutching a smooth half sphere of white chocolate speckled with pink dots, and the lioness' stomach gurgled slightly, Maxie playfully pouting before she realised that Dominic couldn't see her doing so, thus couldn't know that she'd picked one of her favourite candies for him to taste first.

"Open wide."

She purred, and a few seconds later found herself tenderly feeding the chocolate to the man she loved. His eyebrows rose though his eyes remained shut as the sweetness of the white chocolate met his tongue, and after a few seconds of rolling it around inside his muzzle, Maxie heard the soft crack of the tempered white chocolate shell breaking to reveal the aerated strawberry filling she knew would lie within.

"Mmh... white chocolate strawberry crème."

Dominic growled with his mouth still full, then tilted his head towards Maxie playfully.

"Kiss me."

Maxie giggled in delight, and hurriedly leaned forward to press her muzzle to the hyena's own. Almost immediately his tongue slipped between her lips, and Maxie moaned as Dominic shared the remains of that chocolate with her, knowing full well how much she loved the flavour. For a solid thirty seconds they made out, huffing and moaning through their chocolate-filled muzzles as their bodies begged for more contact, clit throbbing, cock straining, but restrained themselves for the time being. When their muzzles parted they savoured the lingering flavour of chocolate and strawberry for a few moments before swallowing, and only then did Dominic's eyes flutter open once more. He beamed at Maxie.

"Your turn. Close your eyes."

She did so, and much more swiftly, Dominic either taking much less time to randomly search for his own chosen candy or simply picking a particular one on purpose, the lioness felt something brush against her lips. She opened her mouth, and a grateful, tender whimper escaped her as she tasted the same incredible mix of smooth, creamy white chocolate and fresh, sweet berry crème all over again, but this time for her and her alone. A breathless moan of gratitude escaped her as she savoured the treat, but a moment later her already intense satisfaction at the mere taste of the chocolate was catapulted sky high as she felt the touch of fingertips against the soft fur on her crotch, and soon felt two delicate digits starting to rub circles around and occasionally directly upon her clitoris.

"O-ohh... Dom, yesss... thank you... oohh..."

Maxie gurgled as Dominic touched her, and for more than a minute she slowly, deliciously savoured the chocolate within her muzzle as she panted and huffed under the stimulation of her lover's gentle touches. Her hips rocked even where she was seated with her legs folded before her, and she almost wanted to scream when just as she swallowed and swept the now melted, thoroughly well enjoyed remains of the candy down her throat, the hyena's fingers swept past her clit and just barely grazed at the opening of her pussy itself before withdrawing teasingly, and glistening wet before Maxie's eyes as the lioness opened them up again.

"I love you."

She growled happily, her chest heaving and her body aching for more pleasure, but neither Dominic nor herself moving to address it directly in that moment.

"I love you too."

The hyena responded, not needing to be told this time as his eyes fell shut, and Maxie's hand began to blindly root around once more. In the end the candy she pulled forth wasn't one she knew by sight alone, somewhat loaf-like in its shape but with a domed cap of milk chocolate. She fed it to Dominic, the hyena taking half of it between his teeth and biting down before being offered the rest. Immediately slick caramel began to ooze out over his chin, and as they both cried out in surprise and mirth, of course Maxie lunged forward to lick the dribbling overflow off her lover's chin. Despite her swift response though a few droplets did fall beyond her immediate reach, and Dominic gave a strained, giddy cry as he felt one drop of the caramel land squarely upon the shaft of his cock.

"Look at the mess you made..."

Maxie teased.

", I wonder who's gonna have to clean that up?"

Dominic trembled, and grinned as with his eyes still shut he shrugged non-committally. The lioness growled, but playfully so, and sure enough just seconds later Dominic heard the tub of remaining unidentified chocolates being shifted aside. His eyes opened just in time to see Maxie slipping forward onto all fours, and bowing the upper half of her beautiful body so that her head was practically resting in his lap. He barely had time to cup her face in one hand and tenderly stroke her cheek before the first sweeping stroke of her tongue rasped across the underside of his cock's tip. She took the whole head into her muzzle a moment later and suckled upon it warmly, but at that point made no effort to slide down further to actually clean off the droplet of lingering caramel. Her eyes turned upward as she flicked her tongue over Dominic's tip in a rapid back and forth motion and watched the hyena's face contort in helpless ecstasy. She moaned around his cock, and as one hand slid back down the length of her body, pressing two fingers of her own to her clit in a mirroring of Dominic's recent contact, she reached out to fondle Dominic's balls with the other. Her head pulled back, her muzzle freeing itself from his cock with a breathy moan, and she grinned up at the panting, trembling hyena as he glanced feverishly between her and his now much more rapidly and intensely throbbing cock.

"You should have another. I might be here a while."

She purred as she glanced between him and the tub of chocolates.

"I know it's only a drop, but I really wanna make sure you're clean before we do anything else... don't wanna get caramel in... well, places."

The lioness' cheeks flushed, and she trembled as she watched Dominic nod and reach out for another chocolate to devour while her fingers continued to play pleasurably across her tender clit.

"Besides... I'll be more than happy to catch up on my share of the chocolates when I'm done."

She licked her lips, and kissed the tip of Dominic's cock just as a dribble of pre-cum oozed forth, the hyena whining happily at the contact between those soft lips and his intensely sensitive head.

"Good... ah, idea!"

Dominic grunted as he blindly reached out and stuffed another chocolate, a rich, dense, dark chocolate covered fudge, into his muzzle.

"...and, a-ahhh... when you're eating yours..."

He licked his lips as he watched his lover's ass sway back and forth further down the bed, her tail flicking from side to side and her buttocks jiggling ever so slightly under the motion of her fingers against her pussy, now starting to grow more adventurous and more rapid in their explorations. Such an incredible sight, and something he knew he'd be able to see time and time again in all manner of lewd and wonderful ways throughout today. Definitely the best day in February, and one of their favourites of the entire year without a doubt.

"...I'm sure I'll find something to keep my own muzzle busy, too."

By Jeeves

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