To reach the top 1: Prologue

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#1 of To reach the top

The first chapter in this training story.

it doesn't have much of sexual activity so consider it a prologue and world setup.

i already have rough plan how it will go forward but it depends on interest both your my dear reader as well as mine.

What this story is about? it follows a Mienshao as she tries to improve the quality of life of her and her retired trainer by working on a brothel

Did you ever think about what life has had trainers that failed at becoming the very best like no one ever was? Yea, me neither until me and my trainer become one of them. People like him start traveling early, never get any experience or knowledge useful in their day-to-day job and once their journey ends they have nowhere to go but the very bottom of society. Yes, drug addicts, criminals or simply homeless, that's what most often awaits failures like us. The very reason that poke centers are free is that people that need them would not be able to pay even a small fee for their services. My trainer is not a bad person and achieved some serious victories and successes, but he is not an exception to this. He wasn't simply good enough to reach the top and being a trainer there is only reaching the top or nothing is left. He had no choice, he looked long and hard for a job and he miraculously found one but it's paying so low that it was barely enough to support the two of us.

Most of our teammates left by now, either being released back into the wild where they can live from the bounty of the forest or were transferred to other trustworthy trainers, there was simply no way for him to support us all. I had remained by his side not because he didn't want to let me go. He very much tried to find me a better place to live knowing that he can't offer me anything himself, but I refused to abandon him. As a Mienshao I knew that I can at least help him at home, keep him company in this hard time showing his love and affection. I knew that I won't get anything for it in return but his love and enough food to survive but it's all that I ever wanted since the day we started our journey.

Yet even this tiny happiness could not last forever. One scary day his workplace was being closed permanently and he lost his means to pay the bills. He tried to find another place to earn some means to sustain our lives but it's a difficult task to accomplish. That meant that we run out of money quickly and without any way to earn more making us desperate. I could not bear to see him beg on the street for donations it hurt my heart. I had only one choice and after making sure that he doesn't expect anything I went out of home, it was not the first time I did leave like this so it didn't bring any suspicions. Soon later I arrived at the beautiful-looking building that I wished I would never need to enter.

Where trainers spend years with Pokemon learning their ins and outs the remainder of society is not so lucky, some people have their pokemon but not many people decide to have them for financial and safety reasons. It is costly to take care of exotic pokemon needs, we weren't simple animals to keep on a leash and most of us need a specific temperature, diet, or environment to live in. most of the people using this place weren't trainers, they had no clue what to do with us what often caused the pokemon to bring them to harm either on purpose, from desperation or by complete accident. That caused the institutions like the one in front of me to be made. A pokemon oriented institution that was taking care of their pokemon needs, these few rich people could meet their partners and take them with them at any time they want and they had guaranteed the best care for their pupils as the employees were the few lucky experienced trainers that succeeded on their journeys, for example, retired gym leaders.

But this facility had two more kinds of services. They had the option to lend a human one of the pokemon they take care of, this pokemon is like a mascot that you can spend time with while you are depressed or lonely, but to become pokemon like this you need to be trained and verified that you are harmless. Most people never knew how it is tested and it doesn't bother them as long as pokemon aren't hurt in the process but not many ask how these Pokemon are selected. This brings us to the third cause for this institution to exist... the one why I am here.

I take a deep breath and step in through the side door, the big one designed for pokemon of various sizes. The Interior was elegant having this expensive look to it, in the middle of the room was sitting a Braixen at what looked like a reception, and here and there walked pokemon and human employees alike, as I was taking in the sight I heard a polite voice calling me in.

"Good morning, I don't remember seeing you before, are you new in here?"

Braixen asked me politely taking out a file from behind her. It had written on it I couldn't read its cover but I see similar ones in the past, it was an index of employees.

"Y-Yes. I am looking for a job."

I looked down with a strong blush forming on my face walking toward her. Upon closer inspection The file was filled with human writing. as understanding poke speech was not this there were existing specially trained Pokémon that could read, write and in some cases even speak with humans, I did not doubt that this Braixen belonged to this group being able to read this.

"Ohh, I see. Let me help you to fill out a new employee form okay? Just walk to the room on the left and wait for me in there."

I nod to her while smiling back, I tried to hide my embarrassment as best as I could. Said room was made for anonymity purposes which were quite obvious as it had thick walls and a silenced door. It had two soft chairs, one of them being big enough to accommodate bigger-sized Pokémon and a table in the middle where the assistant could write. I took a sit on the opposite side of the table on a big universal sofa assuming its where I was supposed to sit and awaited for her to arrive for a few long minutes.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. My name is Ember and I am one of the overseers here. my job is to hire new employees and organize work for current ones. If you are here I assume you know what services this company provides. But let me explain to you how it works before we start okay?"

I blush even stronger than before, of course, I know what's going on here, that's why I was avoiding this place like fire.

"Here at 'Love and Care inc' we are providing various services. Currently, as a newcomer, we can hire you only at the lower paying one of the service girls. Your task would be to satisfy humans and pokemon alike. By this, I mean that you will serve them with your body"

As I audibly gulped looking away she put the paper on the table.

"I know why you are here, you are not first and most definitely won't be the last. I promise you that is not as bad as you think it is. There are strong rules in here put to keep employees safe and happy, rules that you decide and no one can hurt you until you let them do it."

What she says is scary for me. I don't want to do it but I have no other choice at this point, we need money and I see no other way to get it, it's either this or die from hunger on a street.

"Sweetie. Could you explain to me your situation? It's clear to see that you are not here willingly."

I nod to her swallowing my tears. I explain to her everything to her with a pained voice, I know that it was no more than one of the stories that she heard by now but I needed to get it out of my chest. I needed to explain to someone what I am going through. I tell her about our past, about our happy adventures, and how much I miss it. I explain to her that we are barely holding together financially and that I need to do it to survive.

"I'm sorry to hear that, your trainer sounds like a wonderful person. But hear me out as I may have a way to help you both out. there is a secret that I don't often share but for some reason, I think I can trust you. Almost every other pokemon does it to become independent, to escape their trainers while remaining among humans but you are different. Tell me, do you want to help him?"

With hope in my eyes, I say that "yes, I want to help him, I love him" As she hears it she moves closer and whispers to me.

"You heard about our rent pokemon program, did you? Where trained pokemons are lent for day to humans? Pokemon like this can't be used for sexual purpose working as companions but that means that there is a lot of requirements put in place for becoming one. its to make sure that they don't bring harm to our valuable customers. For example, only pokemon that are working here for at least a month can get promoted"

She cleans a tear from my eye with her finger continuing with a quiet gentle voice

"The reason why I am telling you this is that they can pick a trainer that takes care of them, they are like pokemon VIPs so they can even make us hire someone they want."

I look at her with wide-open eyes and mouth slightly open from shock, that would be exactly what I... what we need!

"Is it true? Is it really true?! Please, tell me what to do!"

She pats my shoulder with affection speaking normally again.

"You have a beautiful smile lady, but slow down. As I said there are tests in place and I can't tell much more. The only thing I can say for now is that you need to show us that you are trustworthy. Now please, listen to me for a moment. I will explain to you how the first week of employment works okay?"

I nod eagerly showing her that she earned my full interest, I am ready to bear through pain or not if thanks to it the future will look so bright!

"First week is a phase where we don't trust you yet, nothing personal but remember, we need to provide safety for our customers. That means that we need to restrain you a bit, we will put you on your back and shackle your arms and legs. As I said earlier they can't bring you harm so you don't need to worry about that. Are you okay with that?"

I think for a moment, take yet another deep breath, and say "yes" almost sounding like I am crying from how embarrassed I am. How could I not be? I am for the first time in my life casually talking about how I will be fucked!

"Do you allow pokemon to fuck you as well or just humans? Some humans take their pokemon to release their sexual tensions in here or rarely do we get a pokemon client. You don't need to do it but it's paid extra."

I bit my lip but I decide to refuse for now, I wouldn't want to be fucked by a knotted dick or something while I can't move.

"Shame, if you change your mind you can change this decision at reception. Now, where are we? Ahhh right, do you allow anal sex? Vaginal? Or both? Before you answer let me say that anal sex is paid double to you per client and that you can say a safeword the moment it gets too much, most of our girls at least try this."

I take a moment to think about it being a virgin down there but if I can say "stop" when it hurts I think I can give it a try, so I nod.

"Do you allow impregnation? It's paid almost tenfold and we take care of the egg afterward. Before you ask, yes with a new kind of drug that humans developed it's possible to have an egg with them. "

This question was so unexpected that it made me choke on my saliva hacking loudly.

"W...What? i...."

she smiled yet again at me and continued.

"Don't worry, I know how it sounds but it isn't so bad. Most longer-working girls prefer this option as it makes the finish more enjoyable without the risk of needing to raise them afterward. Besides each egg brings them a small fortune. I know some cases of girls begging clients to finish inside for that reason."

I gulp audibly and nod with resistance so strong that my neck made an audible crack, I already decided to sell my body, pride aside if it pays this much... I need to do it. I heard it's not as painful for humans, smaller eggs and all.

That should be in for now. We will talk again once this week passes. As for your work, you can start right away but I would suggest your first time be a bit later after lunch. People at this hour are more exhausted which makes them easier to handle for amateurs."

She takes out a red card from her fluffy tail and writes on it the same pattern that is written on the form, I don't know what it means but I understand that it's a number. Once she is done she gives it to me.

"Once you arrive there please show the human employees this card, try to not lose it okay? it's proof that you are an employee and it may cost a bit to replace it. Also, we didn't test your capacity down there so they will need to take your measurements, its to make sure that no one too big tries their luck with you causing unnecessary pain in the process"

She stands up and rubs my head between the ears like a mother.

"Don't worry, you are a beauty and have a wonderful character, I bet you will get a promotion in no time. I quite envy your trainer having such a wonderful and kind partner."

She left the room first, even as a girl I could not look away from how round and sexy her ass looked. Once she left the silence took over the room once more, having no reason to sit there anymore I left the room as well and walked to the nearby human employee. He was a young kind looking boy with black hair. I showed him my card hoping that he will understand and show me a direction.

"Hello cutie, is that a red card you have? Ohhh a new girl... I see I see~. Please follow me, let me show you the way."

He grabbed my hand having me follow him, he was more gentle than I expected holding me like I was made from glass. The corridor that we were passing through had rows of doors on each side. They were color-coded for us pokemon, and the room that we were looking for was at the very end colored in bright red.

Inside the "red" room or rather another corridor were lines of booths that were filled with various Pokémon. Booths were designed in a way that they were open when were free yet provided privacy for clients once occupied, people paying for service had the option to close the entrance providing them some personal space. The booths were having various sizes from big ones like one in which I could see Lapras lying on her back while being fucked anally balls deep knot included by Arcanine, to small ones like one with Emolga jumping on similarly bound Eevee dick. Each room had a small screen at the entrance displaying the species, allowing sizes and preferences in a way easy to understand to everyone Pokémon's included. Inside there was another screen showing the price list. Booths were occupied mostly by girls but here and there a guy was offering his services as well.

"As we have a moment, let me explain how it works. As you will be bound you obviously can't protect yourself, that's why we put multiple safety mechanisms in place, the booths are unable to be monitored with cameras for privacy reasons but we put special "distress" cameras inside, they can recognize your expressions and if they deem that something is wrong they will automatically call the security, we also installed voice recognition microphones that are able to partially understand poke-speech. If you call for the action to stop they will register it and inform your partner. Additionally, every client needs to sign himself before starting using the same kind of card that you have, that way we know it's someone that is not too big for you and within your preferences."

It's a bit worrying but I guess they weren't lying, if what he says it's true then it's hard to be forced into something you don't want to happen. But it's only logical precautions to take, some Pokémon can get very aggressive during mating.

"that will be your workplace for today, please climb on top of it as I prepare the room."

He scans his card onto the panel unlocking some hidden features, a shelf opens having a set of toys in a vacuumed bag and a second panel for employees slides out of the wall. Once he takes his card out of it he presses mine to the panel making my species head appear on the display. At this point, the door closes behind us giving us privacy.

"I'm sorry but for his test I need to shackle you to the booth just like the other girls were that you see on the way here, we wouldn't want you kicking me by accident or worse. I don't like having to do it as well but it's a safety rule."

I exhale loudly. "so that moment I dreaded off has come," I think to myself and lie on my back. I don't understand how the shackles work fidgeting with them for a moment, but he noticed it and assisted me in securing my hands in them. Then he lifted my legs into the air putting them into another set of suspended shackles and securing them as well. On instinct, I covered myself with my tail like my body wanted to protect my dignity long after my mind abandoned it.

"What a cute and perfectly normal reaction, but lady... what you do defies the purpose of being here you know? Could you... well... take the tail out of the way?"

he giggles giving me a wink if I was thinking that I was blushing previously then right now it's on a whole new level. My face looked red like a Charmelion covered with ketchup but he was right, I needed to do it. Very, very ohh so very slowly I moved my tail away letting him see my sacred place.

"What a cute sight, you are beautiful down even more than I imagined, if I was out of duty I would love to make you moan myself~

he gave me the most innocent yet equally lewd wink I had ever seen in my life, my shame made me feel my heartbeat so strongly that I felt like I could die at any moment. But that was only the beginning as he knelt in front of me and used his hands to spread my flower.

"So you did the deed in the past, sorry for doing this so suddenly but I needed to verify it, I don't want to cause you pain during tests. You know, popping the cherry by accident hurts."

He opens the bag with measurement toys and takes out a golden and weird-looking device and covers it in lube while explaining its purpose

"That's a speculum, it's a toy that lets me spread you without giving much pain. Once I will push it in I will try to open it as much as I can, please tell me when it starts to hurt okay? Don't worry I will do it very slowly"

I lie my head back. The last thing on my mind is to see his face as he tests the limits of my body. I could not even begin to imagine how red it would make me from blushing. Once I lie comfortably I give him a vocal agreement and bite my lower lip feeling a cold device touching my flower trying to push its way in. I could feel it being pushed deeper and deeper until its ring got pressed to my outer lips. It surprised me how far it reached and how easy it went in but what surprised me the most is how needy it made me feel, did I crave attention down here so much?

"Okay, that's as far as it goes, you are quite deep for your size, most of the girls can't take it whole up to the base. Now, remember, tell me as soon as it starts to hurt."

I could feel the toy stretching me from inside getting wider and wider with each move of his hand, it was a feeling that I never had before. It felt like something was growing in there yet still making me feel empty and wanting more attention. He kept his word and did it so slowly that by the time it started to hurt, I would have plenty of time to warn him. But it also meant that the duration of time in which I needed to endure it was longer. As the warm air started to tickle my sensitive walls my mind drifted back to that Lapras I had seen on my way in, did she go through the same tests, do every girl do or only smaller ones? Do they have toys like this one in her size? In fact... how big she is in between the legs? It must be at least as big as me.

Lost in the through and with closed eyes, I didn't notice how interested in my woman parts that boy was, his sight was focused on my insides his eyes were following the fluids dropping from one wall to another making him look like a cat hunting down the mouse, each squeeze and press of them made him twitch in need showing his internal struggle leaking out to the outside. He reached over to me but stopped himself short of pressing his finger to my clit and whispering. "No! remember Dave, you are working, focus!" Hearing this as well as finally reaching the point of pain made me bend open my eyes making a gasp, he rapidly got back into the elegant, professional position he was in just moments before looking like a scolded child in the process, he reached to the panel to input my dimensions to cover his shame.

"Q-Quite impressive milady. If I can say you could take someone with quite impressive gear yet you still are as tight as princess... oops pardon me, I should not say stuff like this."

"Yes, you shouldn't!" I screamed in my mind trying to cover my face with my ears. It's too much... it's really too much to handle by poor innocent me. Not only my mind just now understood the position I am in showing myself to a stranger, but not only I could feel a breeze of air tickling my aroused insides he clearly wanted me and even talked about it so casually!

"Emmm. Yea, sorry again. Let's... let's move on."

he tried to change the topic seeing my reaction but the only way he could do it is by talking about something even lewder

"I see that you agreed to anal sex as well. Let me measure it for you, you know the drill by now do you?"

He picked the other toy from a bag in such a hurry that he almost dropped it onto the floor. It was a phallic-looking toy that started thin and was bigger and bigger as it went. After covering it in lube just like the other one before yet double the time as his inner fight was shown on his face.

"Try to relax your muscles, it will make it easier. Just like before, tell me when to stop pushing it in."

I felt it pressed to my pucker, the feeling of being stretched down there was way different, this being my first time getting attention down there didn't help my situation as well. I could feel it stretching my tight sphincter more and more while the toy explored my insides, to make the matter worse he didn't pull out the other toy from my pussy making me fill sensitive in there at the same time.

I was about to ask him to stop when the toy stopped pushing itself deeper as it reached the furthest point.

"Brave girl, for an amateur you took it surprisingly well. Not many girls can take it whole on the first try. But getting it in is easy, now tell me if it hurts if I move it."

he pulled it out and pushed back into the same depth he did it fast enough for it to simulate sex yet not so fast to cause pain, I winced a bit at it as he did so what he immediately noticed.

"uncomfortable? Yea that's fair it's still on the big side, how about now?"

He moves it a bit more shallowly, this time it feels a lot better not stretching me as much as before. I give him a nod to confirm I am okay with this.

"A bit below average, but perfectly normal sized. Now let me help you warm up for clients as I finish the configuration."

Before I had time to ask what he meant he toggled the button at the base making it start to vibrate deep in my ass, my claws did dig into the table as waves of pleasure rocked through my body and spread through the speculum into my vagina. It took just moments from how heated I already was and from strong the toy was set before I arched my body and finished with such strength that both toys slipped out loudly hitting the floor and scaring the crap out of the guy.

"What wha....? Ohhh... whoops? Too strong?... I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

His blush fired red like a volcano, he collected the toys and stormed out from the booth in such a hurry that he almost fell over. On his way out I heard him speak

"I... I will make it up to you tomorrow!"

And so I was left alone, ready to take my first client yet already having an orgasm wondering what I did get myself into

To reach the top 2: The first day

"W...what just happened?" I muttered into the void that was created after the escape of an employee calling himself Dave. I was still gasping for air from the intense orgasm that I just had because of him. An employee that was supposed to help me...

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