Passions Flames Chapter 2: Celebration

Story by IllusiveAshira on SoFurry

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#2 of Passions Flames

(I got a few complaints about the varying pokemons sizes and such and in all honesty I aint seen a pokemons stats since I was around 12... So... if you got issue chalk it up as creative leeway... anyways hope you all enjoy the next chapter)

Chapter 2: Celebration

Mistress Eon smiled at me as I layed curled in the back seat of the victory limo that was taking us home while my flaming tail tip hung out the window so as to avoid ruining the interior. She had said she was proud of how id handled the Alakazham, though she had added that my delay during the confusion attack had nearly cost me and that I should've reacted faster. Still the fact she was pleased with me made it all worth it as I layed my head in her lap and she watched out the window while the wind blowing in played with her hair and facial fur, making it seem to ripple like the waves on a black sea.

I loved the way she looked as I stared up at her, the gentle curves of her breasts easing down to the subtle outline of her hour glass frame. Her fluffy though short vulpine tail layed across my stomach while she idly stroked my face eliciting a gentle murr from my body. I knew my affection for her was more then the simple devotion most pokemon felt for there master. But would I ever tell my mistress how I truly felt for her? Not fucking likely. She always gave the impression that she preffered being alone and I was going to respect my mistress wishes, even if that meant ultimately my feelings would go unanswered.

With a contented sigh I closed my eyes and dozed off in her lap as the victory limo continued along the way to Mistress Eon's Celadon penthouse. The ride was smooth due to the recent resurfacing of the routes and such so it was easy to let my tiredness and the comforting company lull me into a relaxed state.


As always I don't recall what I was dreaming about only that I feel empty as Mistress Eon rouses me from my slumbers looking down at me smiling once more. "Thrisk," she said nudging me as the limo came to a stop in front of the Penthouse Apartments in downtown Celadon, "I'm heading down to the gym to speak with some journalists, I'll be home this evening." she finished before opening the door for the limo and allowing me to crawl out before she climbed back in. As I turned to head for the Apartment entrance she rolled down the window of the limo and yelled out to me "By the way Thrisk, you won so be sure to take some time to relax because tommarow we begin the serious training before we face the Elite Four."

And with those encouraging words from Mistress Eon the black tinted window rolled up and she sped away in the back seat of the limo leaving me to watch before I headed inside. The apartment complex had been made so it offered the maximum space for little fuss as well as specially built as a home for pokemon trainers so I didn't have to worry as the desk intern simply looked up at me before returning to her paperwork. I walked to the back of the lobby and tapped the penthouse button with a claw and smiled lightly. It was rather rare for Mistress Eon to give me permission to relax after a good fight and even rarer for when she was gone.

Normally when she was around my relaxtion usually involved massaging her feet, preparing her bath or making meals. But with her gone and being told to relax I had the whole afternoon to myself. As I leaned against the wall of the elevator as it climbed towards the penthouse sweet, However as always my mind began to drift back to Mistress Eon. Her gentle curves, the smell of her so close like she had been in the car. I couldn't help but sigh gently as my thoughts drifted to thinking about how close shed been and still I couldn't bring myself to confess my feelings towards her.

Thankfully the elevator reached Mistress Eon's penthouse faster then those thoughts traveled to certain intimate areas, otherwise I may have had a issue in the elevator. As it was I barely managed to get out as my reptillian cock began to ease from my scaled sheath. I loved the way it looked with the row or bumps running down along the ureathal ridge on the underside and the way the pointed spade tip glistned in the afternoon light of the apartment. The deep blue almost black charmelion meat continued to ease out of my sheath as I headed for the bathroom, a bit or a twisted idea creeping into my mind on how to enjoy myself.

A while back Mistress Eon had bought various Oils and things that shed have me work into her fur once and a while. They always made my talons feel all warm and tingly and this time I figured id use a drop or two for myself since she had told me to relax. Thus it was with a great burst of speed I ran into the hall and ducked around the corner into my Mistress personal bathroom.

I made sure to keep my flaming tail high so that it wouldn't burn the linolium in bathroom and keep any trace that I had been in here hidden. The wrack of oils and such was over the bathtub and while none of them had any labels I knew it was the green one that I was after as I climbed into the large basin and grabbed the small bottle.

With a grin spread happily across my muzzle and my cock throbbing in anticipation of what was to come I uncorked the vial and was immediately hit with the almost over powering smell of something along the lines of mint. For a moment I took shallow breaths until my ability to breath wasn't so hampered by the strong scent before easing the bottle toward my cock, the thin oil fluidly moving rapidly towards the open end. I figured that like my claws to get a good tingle out of it id need atleast a olive sized amount to smear on my cock but when the wonderfully tingle fluid hit my sensitive rod it was like fireworks went off in my brain as a lustfull haze slowly shrouded my senses. Thus in this lust filled state I didn't notice id applied the entire bottle of rub onto my cock or the large puddle of the slick fluid pooling around my feet.

Coarse at the time I couldn't be blamed as I reached my left talon down and gripped my cock firmly and began stroking the fluid into the sensitive skin with each tug on the meat. the sensitive nubs along the under side each screaming out there pleasure in vicious waves as I moaned weakly while the excess of the fluids dripped over my scaled sheath and onto my large scaled balls beneath that swung gently with each stroke of my cock. The mint scent buried itself into my nostrils mixing with the smells of my own arousal as images of mistress Eon in the nude danced evilly through my libido wracked brain.

I groaned lowly ignoring the soft plink of the now empty vial of mint massage rub hitting the porclean of the tub as my cock began to spurt thin lines of clear pre all over the wall my now empty right talon soon occupying itself by gripping the rack as I nearly doubled over form the mind boggling pleasure of my mindless stroking. I barely noticed my muscular tail swaying side to side scattering the shampoo and conditioner bottle lined up along the edge of the tub as my golden eyes clenched shut.

A slow building pressure at the base of my cock told me I was getting close to what would like be the best orgasim I'd ever had while I struggled almost in vain to hold it back, even going as far to grip my cock almost painfully to try to stop the seed from spilling out of it. Sadly it was a battle that couldn't be won as with a half stifled roar I came shooting ropes of near boiling semen from my body in grand steaming white archs through the air before it splattered with a audiable splat on the faucet and porclean. My cock continued to spurt as the tingly from the mint almost seemed to drive me to a greater and greater high until finally my pendulous balls managed to finally unload there full worth the archs slowly lessining until finally it was nothing more then a dribble from my cock that splattered at my feet adding to the mess of the mint oil and other fluids.

It took me a little while of hard breath to finally calm myself enough to be able to move again. And it wasn't until I took my left claw, now stick with my cum and the mint fluid, from my cock that I heard the elevator ding and Mistress yell out "I forgot something important ill only be a second!" she prolly assumed I was on the balcony training or something and as her footsteps drew closer I paniced. I went to lift my foot to climb from the tub and the shifting of my center of balance made the foot still in in slid in the oil.

Obviously from there things just got worse. Gravity being the bitch that it is brought me straight down slamming my still hard cock and freshly emptied balls firmly onto the porclean rim making a very unmasculine cry of pain scream from my muzzle. Trying to be intelligent about it this time I put both feet in the tub and tried to stand again but the extra weight on the rack that I was now using as a steadying post pulled the bolts from the wall and slammed me to the bottom of the tub and was followed quickly by dozens if not nearly a hundred vials of sensitive massage oils in tiny glass vials come crashing and shattering all around my head.

When mistress finally came into the restroom and found me laying in the various oils, the wrecked remains of the rack laying in the fluids around me, and clutching my aching balls and cock like my life depended on it I couldn't help but feel like I was going to die right there and then. Sadly when I finally managed to open an eye through the pain the anger on her face for having thrashed the bathroom told me that likely death would be a reprieve form the punishment she had in store for me.

(well theres chapter 2... Hope your all enjoying this and I hope to have a new chapter up on a relatively steady basis.)