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#310 of Commissions

Anonymous shipping commission!

Cat burglar Mahiri knows all the hidden triggers, all the secret alarms, but that's not going to help her when they know she's coming. Four big, strong canines are about to teach the thief a lesson that leaves her broken, bred, and begging for more.

Contains: gangbang, rough sex, noncon to con, condom play, humiliation, impregnation, and more.

Mahiri was very good at being precisely where she wasn't supposed to be. They should have seen her two-timing as a natural expectation of working with her. The feline burglar got paid well to break in and pick up whatever the big gang needed, but she was always a contractor, never a full-fledged member. That meant she owed them no loyalty, and sometimes, just sometimes, she needed to do something for herself. She was an artist after all.

Eavesdropping and poking through documents and computer files she wasn't supposed to see eventually led her to the tower. The looming titan in the middle of the city was known as an impenetrable fortress after dark, but only on the inside. They didn't account for just how well that leopard could climb. Being forty stories up on a breezy night didn't bother her much. The hood kept her bound hair in place even as the cold wind gusted over her tight black outfit. The mask kept her face warm enough too. She cut her way through the glass and slipped inside, carefully avoiding all the sensors and other such tricks that would have easily tripped up a less experienced thief.

Three steps forward, then two to the left, and repeat. It was an easy pattern to remember, but the only reason she ever knew about it was by secretly swiping a schematic for the pressure plates in the floor. She breathed softly. Any noise, any movement beyond a certain threshold would have set off the alarm as she crept through what looked like an old library. The books weren't the real objects of value. She had to prod their spines in a certain order to reveal that dark room's secrets.

A satisfying click came with the operation of a hidden mechanism. Something rose smoothly from the floor, sitting atop a pedestal. A gem like that was worth millions from the sheer value of the rock itself, but she knew it was even more than that. There was something about that particular stone that made it the most valuable thing she'd ever stolen. Now she was stealing it back. As long as she covered her tracks right, they'd never know it was her.

It was only when she actually laid a hand on the incredibly valuable necklace that she heard the crashing of security gates and the blaring of alarms. The warning lights flashed so brightly she was temporarily blinded, recoiling in surprise. There was no way it should have gone off. She'd done everything perfectly. Every single security system in place had its weakness - unless there was one she wasn't aware of. While she was recovering and trying to figure out what had gone wrong, some familiar faces appeared.

"Knew you wouldn't be able to resist someday, cat," taunted the tallest of the bunch.

Allegra wasn't the oldest member of the gang, but she was one of the most intimidating. The hefty, muscular wolfess strode in from one door to inspect the caged leopard, smacking a fist into a palm. She was not the sort who Mahiri wanted to fight even one on one, and she had backup. All of them canine, curiously enough. She wondered if there was a reason for that.

Marya strode in cloaked and looking as cold as ever. Her coat no doubt concealed some sort of weapon as she glared that distinct husky glare towards the cat. She didn't have to say a word. Her disapproval was evident. Lucifer meanwhile looked absolutely pleased with himself for one reason or another. The big-bellied black wolf flashed his nasty grin, staring lecherously at the leopardess who could only glower right back.

"This one's gonna be fun," he growled.

Mahiri didn't give him the satisfaction of responding. She was surprised to see the fourth member of the group enter. Takoda wasn't someone she'd ever associated with the gang itself. The quadruped wolfdog was a massive example of his species, imposing whether or not someone knew he wasn't a feral beast. His intelligent eyes looked her over while he padded in, a slight smirk on his lips. His voice was slightly flirty.


"Takoda," she responded, knowing there was no sense trying to deceive them. Even masked, it was clearly her. Who else could have made it that far? "What brings you here? Didn't think you were one of them."

"And I thought you were. But that doesn't matter. I'm just here for you."

Mahiri was as good as trapped with all those bars coming down so rapidly. The next step was trying to talk her way out of it. Restoring her status with the gang and the boss was something she could think about later - if not assuming a whole new identity and disappearing. That all depended on a lot of things. First off was coming up with a proper excuse. She could be very persuasive.

"This is all very awkward. Don't you know how important it is to have your security system regularly tested by an expert? I was ready to give a full report on the flaws I discovered, but here I am, in a situation I've never been in before. I must say I'm impressed. What's the secret?"

"Simple, really. Added a little something just to detect you. Your DNA, your voice, your silhouette, your movements. Something set off the 'Mahiri' indicator on someone's console." Lucifer chuckled. "Good story by the way, but I'm not buying it. I know what you're like."

Mahiri gave a squinting look at the heavyset wolf. She always thought him one of the dumb grunts, but the way he said it, it sounded like he'd done the work himself. That was a mystery for another time. More concerning was that the gates were lifting. Four big dogs were approaching her, some of them balling their hands into fists, some of them licking their chops. The situation was going suddenly from unfortunate to dangerous with those four bruisers bearing down on her.

"Boss is gonna want to see you about this. Don't think she cares what state you're in, though," Alli mused, flashing her fangs with amusement.

Just one of them would have been a difficult enough fight. Even, or especially Marya. The husky was smaller than her, but one of the most experienced in all sorts of fighting. She was the one she had to keep an eye on while she dealt with the brute force of the others. They surrounded her and circled for a moment before moving in all at once.

Mahiri fought well. She managed to squirm her way out of Luc's attempt at a grab, and she ducked Takoda's attempt at a pounce. When Alli tried to knock her down, she managed to strike her right back, but the big wolfess simply shrugged it off like she was made of stone. They grabbed at her and she fought them off, giving the occasional snarl to make sure they knew she wasn't afraid to really hurt them if necessary. A few more of the blows she managed to land on them sometimes staggered them, but it didn't do much to keep them from coming at her.

It wasn't until she found herself grappling with Marya that she found herself outmatched. The husky ducked under her arm, clutched her around the thigh, and swept her off her feet in a perfect, disorienting takedown. Mahiri had never dealt with a martial art quite so swift and efficient. She found herself on her ass with her wrist in the husky's clutches, and before she could recover from the impact of hitting the hard floor, the dogs were upon her like the pack animals they were.

"Get those clothes off," Takoda rumbled. "I'll use my teeth if I have to."

That didn't prove necessary. Despite the tightness of her outfit, the light material meant it was easy to strip it right off of the thrashing leopard. They tore her clothes to shreds, piece by piece, even as she tried to aim a kick at them in the midst of their combined assault. The alarm had long since silenced itself by then. She knew no one else was coming. It was just her, alone with the four of them, and her violation of trust meant they were free to violate her right back.

They kept going, discarding the various gear she brought with her, and anything that might have been used against them. Eventually, she found herself wearing little more than a few scraps of her former clothing. Her naked body got plenty of greedy grabs and gropes from the pack, even some slurps of Takoda's big wet tongue while she struggled. Alli held her arms, kneeling just above her head, and Luc held her legs as she snarled and complained. That let Marya gag her into silence and then render her mostly helpless with some precisely applied bindings.

Having her wrists and ankles tied together was the sort of thing she could normally escape from, but not when they were all over her like that. She fought against their every touch and did her best to claw at them, but nothing could stop them from getting what they wanted. A handful of her tits there, a squeeze of her thigh there, and even a spank of her ass from the side by one of Luc's heavy palms. They got their dirty paws all over everything that was soft and jiggly about her and didn't let up until their bulges were too tightly constrained to stand anymore.

Alli went ahead and just sat right on her face, knowing that the gag kept her from biting. She laid the heavy outline of her fat nuts right on the leopard's muzzle and got grinding. Even through thick denim, she caught a hefty dose of the smoky-scented wolf's dense musk. It was enough to derail her thoughts for half a moment, to make her forget all about resisting. Only when she glimpsed the sight of three canine cocks pushing out of their sheaths between the humiliating bounces of the wolf's balls on her mouth and nose did she remember the seriousness of the situation. She wasn't about to just let them have their way with her so easily.

"Hey, quit squirming so much. We probably won't get you pregnant," Alli insincerely assured her, pulling out a handful of condoms. "See? We'll wrap 'em up. Pretty sure one of 'em has a hole in it, but eh, probably don't worry about it."

She stretched the latex over her stiff cock, looming over Mahiri's face the whole time. The other dogs followed suit. Luc gave Takoda a hand with his own, teasingly jerking the wolfdog off a few times while he did. At the very least, they were covered, but just looking at them all throbbing like that, with their bright canine shafts dripping into those condoms was already awakening something in Mahiri. She felt a few inner twitches, a few clenches of anticipation, the steamy warmth of lust overtaking her despite everything. Not just desire either, but one fuelled by a distinctly heated need that rose up a little higher every moment she laid there breathing canine musk.

Marya offered her a disapproving sneer and the first words she'd spoken since arriving, heavily accented as usual. "You are such fool for trying to steal. I will enjoy this."

Though she was the smallest of the pack, she was the first one on top of the struggling leopardess. Her look of disdain turned to something more like aggression for a moment as she got between Mahiri's legs. Alli and Luc held the cat down the whole time. Takoda's occasional snarls ensured fighting her way out of the situation was less appealing every moment, even when that meant getting a knotted cock shoved against her pussy. Marya had a big enough dick to give a satisfying thud when she slapped it against the cat's bare pussy. The resulting quiver of arousal was one entirely against Mahiri's will.

For all the outrage at being put in that situation, she couldn't resist the thick scent of horny wolves and dogs alike all around her. When Marya started grinding on her, squishing those folds up and down, skimming against her clit, she was suppressing a yowl. It would have been muffled by that gag in her mouth anyway, but she didn't want to give them the satisfaction. Not yet at least. They'd barely even done anything to her. If they were going to make her moan, they were going to have to earn it. With her thick cock pointed between the lips of the leopard's pussy, Marya seemed poised to work for it.

The physicality of the smaller canine wasn't to be underestimated. It had already left Mahiri sprawled out, and now it was making her squirm and thrash. She went tight around that knotted shaft, squeezing the precum out of it and into that condom. Or maybe into her. She wasn't sure. Getting wetter just made it harder to tell as Marya sank in down to the knot while Luc pulled the cat's legs apart all the wider. A thump of that heavy bulb against her pussy lips shook through Mahiri's curves. She made eye contact with the husky's icy blues, admittedly intimidated by the intensity she saw there. Wronging that gang was going to prove her biggest mistake, and this was only the start of paying for it.

The husky fucked her nice and deep, ramming into her body to make sure she knew she was being used for pleasure. It was hard to tell if Marya was enjoying it or not. Maybe it was all business, punishing her like that, judging by the stern expression on her face. It never shifted. Mahiri half-closed her eyes so she wasn't staring into Marya's own condemning glare the whole time while she got her pussy stuffed, smacked with a big knot again and again. She only got wetter, hotter, tighter, squeezing down while the heat overtook her. The longer she took that dick, the more she knew that one little slip, one spilled drop of spunk would have been enough to breed her. She just had to hope those condoms held up to the harsh rutting she was getting.

Marya eventually curled her hands under Mahiri's thighs when she decided she wasn't deep enough, forcing the writhing feline into a mating press. Luc clutched her ankles the whole time, keeping those legs up while the husky plapped that ass with her nuts. She slammed her knot deeper, kissing it against those dampened lips. The wolves snarled their approval while the cat got fucked hard. She saw them throbbing while they awaited their turn, flooding that hidden library with the scent of horny dogs. Her own lustful aroma was wafting thicker the longer she got plowed. That heat was locked in. She was primed for breeding, maybe even secretly hoping the condom broke inside her so she could feel a load of husky cum flooding her womb.

The one time Mahiri had ever seen the husky lose some semblance of control was when she was thumping between her thighs. Marya just kept going faster, falling off her steady rhythm to instead shove her cock inside the cat as hard as she could. That knot stretched her, wrapped up by the quivering folds of the leopard's increasingly soaked pussy. Marya rammed against that resistance again and again until their finally came that deliciously slick POP of it getting slurped inside. Mahiri clenched down on it instantly, holding it in place, milking that cock, draining it with the needy contractions of her sudden, forced orgasm. The pack got a yowl from her after all, even if it was a muffled, drooly one.

Something feral briefly awoke in her when she felt the rush of heat that came with Marya's cumshot stretching that condom out. Her eyes went wide and she bit down on her gag harshly as if to chew her way right out of it. No small part of her wanted it all inside her, no matter the consequences. She only snapped out of it when the cumshot subsided and the intention stimulation of the husky pulling her knot out suddenly shocked her back to reality. If it wasn't for the thing in her mouth, she would have screamed. A muffled groan had to suffice. With her eyes slightly watering and cunt quivering, she watched and waited for whoever was next. She knew they weren't done with her.

"Get her on her face. Let's show her what a good bitch she can be," Takoda said with a light chuckle, shortly after Marya was out of her.

With her pussy slightly stretched by that fat knot, her juices poured out of her, dripping down on the floor as the wolves turned her over. She struggled a little more when she felt them handling her so roughly, as if reminded of the situation she was in. Nothing she did kept the great big wolfdog from mounting up on her from behind, weighing her down beneath his bulk, sloppily licking her on the back of the neck. Then came his teeth. He caught right by the scruff, biting precisely where it made her the horniest, nibbling away as he sank his cock inside of her from behind. He didn't provide so much as a warning.

"This is how you like it, isn't it? Face down, getting chewed on," came the wolfdog's teases.

Mahiri could feel him throbbing, could feel the veins bulging even through the condom. Such a covering seemed oddly unnatural on a big beast like him, but he was as civilized and intelligent as anyone else in everything but fucking. Once he got going, he was pure animal. So was she. She couldn't help but let out some suppressed snarls and yowls of need once that big canine started thumping her from behind, rutting in a rapid, rhythmless motion. It was just a matter of ramming his cock inside her drenched sex as fast as he could, plowing her with the rapid-fire strokes that thumped a thickening knot against her outer lips in a spine-tingling kiss.

Her tail was the only thing they didn't have under control. It wiggled where it stuck out beneath the big dog's belly. Takoda threw himself into mating her just like she was his wolfess, treating her to a wild session of plapping, stretching sex. Something told her he'd been waiting to do exactly this to her for a long time. He was at full speed within seconds of starting, yet only seemed to get faster, to fuck and rut her harder. A great big paw on the back of her head ensured she was facedown on the floor, getting degraded by the big beast using her.

Somehow, that condom seemed to stay on his cock. She couldn't tell if she felt his precum squirting into her or if that was her own juices pouring out of her. Takoda milked her over another thigh-quivering orgasm after just a minute or two of pounding her with his knot. He wasn't holding back. She was going to have to stretch wide to allow him to tie with her, but that just meant slamming into her until she accepted him. He was drooling on the back of her head, biting her neck and shoulder alike, especially her tender scruff, ensuring by the time he finally sank balls-deep in her cunt she was squirting for him like a spotty whore and not the master thief she was supposed to be.

He simply laid on top of her, pouring a hot load into a condom that bloated up to dangerous size inside of her. One false move could have burst it, but she was pretty sure it didn't leak. It was hard to tell for all the mess he made her make, still dripping while his nuts twitched against her thighs. His orgasm went on for another minute, filling her with heated seed until he finally started to pull out. That meant planting two paws on her shoulders and yanking hard until he finally started making some progress. She squealed into her gag, thankful the sound was muffled so she didn't fill the room with her screeches once that knot finally popped free of her.

"Hope you didn't ruin her," Luc said, eyeing up that dripping sex. "I've been wanting a piece of that ever since she started working for us."

"I bet she's fine. Cats are stretchy, right?" Alli finally let go of Mahiri's arms. The leopardess forgot to use them while she recovered from two orgasms in such a short span.

"Dunno if it works that way," Luc chuckled. "Girl can take a lot though."

"Wanna see how much? Bet we could both fit if we get real close." Alli grinned, and Luc grinned back.

"Hell yeah I do. Get ready, dumb slut. Let's see how easy you break."

She flailed about some when they wrenched her back into their clothes, but it was more a matter of trying to find her balance. Her struggles had degraded to something more like squirms. She objected, but she wasn't fighting them quite as much anymore. It would have been a lot harder to pull her into position, bent over with their fingers in her hair while they stood behind her. They got hip to hip, glossing wrapped-up cocks along her tenderized pussy lips, streaking, stroking, humping. Mahiri gave a muffled mewl, bucking away from them as they lined up. They couldn't possibly be about to attempt what it seemed like they were.

One of them was enough to make her squirm, to make her gasp and writhe in their grasp. When she got two canine cocks slowly stretching her wider, she could only jolt in response, pulling away to make their job harder. They sank inside nonetheless, pushing her to her very limits. Even gagged, she got plenty of sound out. That strap was wearing away by then with how much she'd been gnawing it. Maybe if she kept it up, she could have broken free and tried to bite them, but that didn't seem likely. Not with two wolf dicks shoved so deeply inside her that her toes barely touched the floor.

Pulling her even closer allowed her to bath in their scents, all campfire and leather collectively between the two of them. She felt their tongues as much as their teeth, teasing and toying with her while they fucked her. Neither of them seemed to mind that double-penetrating her meant grinding their cocks together with every stroke. They slicked back and forth along each other, grinding away the latex. Mahiri knew the likelihood of those condoms holding up through a rough double-fuck was next to nothing. With her pussy dripping so much her juices were streaking down her spotty thighs, there really was no question anymore. One of those wolves was probably going to get her pregnant - if she wasn't already.

The dangers certainly didn't slow them down. Alli and Luc worked together in unison, pulling back whenever the other gave a hard, deep thrust. It left Mahiri with the feeling of getting constantly fucked. There was no reprieve, no time to catch her breath. They kept her tits bouncing with the constant thump of wolfcock into tender leopard pussy, grinding their knots against each other's as much as her. She felt their nuts smacking each of her thighs, heard those growls rising up in Alli and Luc's throats. She wasn't sure whose was deeper, nor who was fucking her harder. They pounded her as if constantly one-upping each other, driving her to the very brink of another soaking, clenching orgasm no matter how much she objected to the treatment.

A back-arching, lip-curling climax rocked through the cat's body once the constant pounding had worn away enough of her resistance. She curled her fingers, clawing at the air, gnawed her gag, tugged against her restraints as much as she could, but nothing could break her free. She was just going to have to thrash there in the powerful grip of two big, muscular wolves while they filled her with their cocks. They were tensing up, throbbing inside her, pounding with the urge to breed with her even if they were supposedly protected. One good snarl that spread from one wolf to the other, filling both her ears with the aggressive sound, and then the heat inside her grew all the hotter.

Alli and Luc didn't knot with her, but that didn't stop them from filling up those condoms to nearly bursting while they unloaded inside of her. She was gushing for them the whole time, shuddering with more pleasure than she could even properly handle in the moment. Her steaming pussy was squirting for the third time, all thanks to getting roughly pounded with canine cocks. She just seemed perfectly made for them, fitting them perfectly, squeezing them dry all throughout those risky cumshots. All it was going to take was one single slip to make her a mom.

She was pretty sure she didn't feel any cum inside her by the time they finally pulled out. Getting two cocks wrenched out of her at once was just as much of a shock as getting unknotted. When they let her go and set her back down on her feet, she immediately fell to her knees. She was shaking all over. Her pussy was still quivering. Maybe with the afterglow of all they'd done to her, maybe with the desire for more. She couldn't tell anymore. Wet, hot, and smelling of horny wolves and dogs alike, she eventually just collapsed onto her face, unable to get her hands up in time to slow her fall.

They were upon her in an instant, surrounding her, pinning her just as soon as they'd forcibly turned her over. She looked up at them with her vision blurred, eyes open but partly blank, too dazed to say anything. Their anger or disapproval had turned more to amusement. Even Marya wore something like a smirk. Lucifer was grinning even more broadly than before. He was already stroking his dick again, sliding that cum-filled condom off his shaft.

"I could feel you squeezing on us the whole time," came Luc's gruff taunt. "Trying to milk us dry, huh? Want some wolf cum that bad?"

"I think we're just going to have to give her what she wants so much." Alli spoke as she moved into position, kneeling atop Mahiri's chest.

Making a seat of those tits quite effectively pinned the cat in place. She had her arms above her head, her legs still bound, and four cocks soon pointed right in her face. Marya took to loosening the bonds of her gag, and then shortly after the rest of her bindings too. Mahiri had her mouth free once more, but there was no chance to speak or snarl alike. She felt some fingers curled into her mouth, prying her jaws open while the pack got their cocks bare once more. One good look at those four cum-bloated condoms dangling there in her captor's hands - or from the jaws of the wolfdog - was all she got before her whole world went white.

She got the taste utterly plastered through her senses as they dumped those loads all over her face. There was no choice but to guzzle some of it down if she didn't want to end up choking on it. The rest cascaded down her face, clogging up her nostrils, smearing her fur. She was stained with the musky scent just as much as she was stuck with the taste on her tongue for the foreseeable future. They rest they poured out all over her tits once Alli moved back, making sure she was utterly marked and claimed by the pack who'd caught her in the act of stealing from the gang.

That might have been lesson enough. She'd been humiliated, shaken, a little broken, and there remained the distinct possibility that one of them had got her pregnant. If they left her like that, she probably wouldn't have managed to pick herself up and leave for a while. To say nothing of how she was supposed to get out of that place with her clothes all ripped up like that. They made their point. But they were far from satisfied. Even through her blurred vision, she could see it in the lustful looks they gave her.

Coughing up some of their cum, she tried to sit up, only to get shoved back down flat by one of Takoda's big paws.

"I don't think so. There's no chance you walk out of here," he grimly told her, punctuating with an ominous growl. His expression lightened shortly after. "Or, at least, we're not leaving you until you can't walk. That's what I meant."

She always knew him as such a tease, yet she took his threat completely seriously for a moment. It was only when he flashed that grin that she got the idea. She still wasn't completely done coughing. There was no chance to get a word in. She wasn't sure what she would have said anyway. The time for talking them out of it had long since passed. Calling for help certainly didn't seem like a good idea either. If anything, it would have just meant more reinforcements wanting their turn with her naked body.

"Got any more condoms?" Luc asked, squeezing at his knot. He still hadn't managed to get that inside of her.

Alli feigned checking her pockets even though she wasn't wearing any pants. "Nope. Just brought four. Guess we're going to have to go in bare. Not like it matters now. Someone probably knocked her up already. Hope it's me."

"Perhaps," Marya said, leaning close, running her hand along one of Mahiri's splattered breasts. "I think by the time we are done, we will each of us make her a mother."

"Ladies first," Alli asserted, grabbing the cat under the shoulders. "I want that pretty mouth. You'll be a good girl and keep the teeth away, right kitty?"

Mahiri could only groan in response, as much as she wanted to protest. When she found herself bent over in front of Marya, mounted from behind once again, she simply accepted getting shoved into Alli's smoky crotch. Inhaling that densely intoxicating wolf musk was enough to stun her all the more, to leave her feeling weaker, more accepting of everything she was doing to her. A murmur of objection escaped her lips before all was muffled by the fat wolf cock Alli jabbed straight into her gullet.

"Wai - hmmmf!"

She choked on it at first, overwhelmed by the taste and size alike. Marya certainly didn't help matters. The husky snatched her by the hips to pull her close, then by the bound wrists and sensitive tail. She used that grip to yank her back into that knotted cock that penetrated her completely bare. The cold dog's aim was perfect, shoving inside right to the very hilt all in one stroke, kissing that bulb snuggly to the leopard's pussy lips. Mahiri was starting to get a little sore from all the knots bashing against her. Marya wasn't any gentler with her, and she had to admit, it made her quiver nicely inside. She was still in heat, and now she had a bare cock pointed at her womb, along with one bulging out her white neck fur.

The tears in her eyes came with the strain of swallowing all that wolf dick. Alli tugged her hair and humped her face. She really didn't make it easy. Mahiri gagged briefly but she adjusted with surprising ease, much to the amusement of the pack. She heard chuckles and namecalling, but mostly she just heard the glurk of her own throat working around that thick, knotted cock, kissing against the huge bulge at the base of that. She was pretty sure she couldn't swallow that, but every succinct, precise hump from the husky behind her just shoved her face deeper and deeper into the dark, tufty fur of the wolfess' crotch.

"Heh. Dirty dog slut, isn't she?" Luc teased.

"She will be when I'm done with her," Takoda assured. "Better hurry up or I'm going to just have to cum on her again."

"Don't waste it," Alli said, grunting with her every thrust. "If she's going to learn anything, we've got to make sure she's full."

That much seemed plenty likely by the way they were going. She could already feel the heavy spurts of precum jetting down her gullet and inside her pussy alike. It was enough to make her wonder if they were dosed up on something to make them all the more potent. They still had so much to give her. She gave some more muffled complaints the longer Alli fucked her face, worried she might end up drowning of the wolfess dumped her full load right down her throat. Swallowing that cock was something she adjusted to quickly enough, not even choking anymore but for the occasional sloppy glurk as she dealt with all that wolf meat, but her belly could only hold so much.

Which was to say nothing of the husky absolutely rutting her from behind with all the precision of an assassin. Marya was slaying her with pleasure, leaving her thighs quivering just as much as her toes were curling involuntarily. The husky knew just where to touch, where to slide smoothly and slowly and where to slam herself in with full force. That knot caught against her lips, pushing deeper and deeper each time. So did Alli's. The two hung ladies were going to drive those into her and keep her there for a while, no matter how much she squirmed, no matter how much noise she made around the big wolf dick in her mouth. Alli couldn't help but tug those crimson locks some, just making things all the harsher for the leopard she was facefucking. Mahiri couldn't even defend herself with her wrists still bound behind her, arms tugged taut by Marya's grip.

In the end she wobbled there, barely able to stand on her own two paws. The dogs suspended her there, impaled on their cocks while they jammed those knots inside her, ready or not. Mahiri's skill at swallowing was impressive, but she had to flinch a little when she got a thick wolf knot jammed in her mouth, locked behind her teeth with that dick plunging down her throat. She could breathe, for the moment, but that was about to get even harder. Alli's cock bulged and thumped, flexing hotly in her throat just as Marya's swelled up and locked inside her, balls deep and knotted.

Another quivering orgasm like that would have made Mahiri's legs give out beneath her if they were actually supporting any weight. Instead, she just slumped down, desperately guzzling the cumshot Alli directed straight towards her belly. Her throat bulged all the more than it was already while she chugged for her life. Meanwhile, she got filled up and most definitely knocked up by the jets of husky cum hosing down her womb. The warmth filled her until her belly started to swell. She sloshed and she swayed drunkenly between them, still knotted, snuffing down pure wolf musk, drooling around the knot wedged into her jaws. If Alli didn't pull it out so quickly she might well have passed out.

The wolfess wasn't done cumming, but she was merciful enough to pull out halfway through. Of course, that meant jerking off in Mahiri's face, adding another layer to the creamy mask dripping from her features. The cat all but vanished beneath the torrent of wolf seed while she got fucked full of husky spunk. Marya made sure to drain every single drop inside the leopardess, nuts clenching up against that nicely creamed pussy. Nothing spilled thanks to the seal of that knot, at least not until she yanked it out. The squelch was enough to make Mahiri writhe in place.

Juices poured down the back of the leopard's thighs, jetting out of her bred cunt as the husky left her briefly stretched open. It didn't take long for Mahiri to seal back up tight, but not before gushing much of Marya's cum right back out again while she coughed up some of Alli's She didn't have room for all of it, but plenty stayed inside her, giving her a slight tum, a slight wobble beneath her jiggling breasts. Getting swollen with the seed of her attackers meant she was going to be moving even more slowly than before. The tingling satisfaction of being definitely, undoubtedly knocked up by that point helped her get over the embarrassment of it all.

That didn't mean she was any less in heat. If anything, her body just wanted to get more pregnant after her first taste of a bare cumshot inside her pussy. She wasn't sure if it worked like that, but the sensations and urges crackling through her nerves like lighting certainly seemed to think it did. When Alli wiped her cock off on the cat's cheek then let her go, Mahiri dove down towards the ground, held up only briefly by the husky. Marya dropped her too, leaving her to sprawl on the floor, crawling around in the cum they left all over her, drooling, coughing, panting, and maybe even purring a little.

The pack certainly didn't waste any time. She felt a solid spank on her spotty ass and then a foot kick against her side and took that as a pretty clear indication to roll over. They didn't have to force her anymore. She obeyed well enough. Takoda was on top swiftly enough, then so was Luc. The great big wolfdog mounted her face while the black wolf got between her thighs, leaving her with her nose soon mashed against the underside of the quadruped while a particular fat cock rubbed against her creamed sex. Luc didn't seem to mind the mess. It just meant sliding inside all the more smoothly, penetrating her this time without a condom to keep her from carrying the dirty bastard's pups.

Maybe in an effort to show the ladies up, the guys were especially rough with her. She choked down Takoda's dick in seconds, feeling him bottom out on the first thrust. When he pushed his knot into her mouth, she expected him to lock it in, but he just popped it right back out so he could keep hammering it against her lips. The constant smooch made for a solid smack, right along with the plap of wolf nuts between her thighs. She got bounced and bashed against the floor by those greedy thrusts, guzzling wolfdog precum while she was still drooling Alli's jizz. Eventually Takoda relented enough to push his cock between the soft rise of her cum-streaked breasts, but the big beast was hung enough to fuck her face and tits alike in one single thrust.

Through it all, she found herself not just laying there and accepting it, but starting to_please_ those scoundrels. Fucking her mouth probably felt good enough, but she took pride in sucking off that wolfdog to the point his thrusts briefly faltered when his hind leg twitched with pleasure. He gave a gruff bark and slurped his chops, doubling down on his efforts to grind her cleavage and tongue alike while she worked those lips around his dick. While the wolf claimed her overflowing pussy, she slowly curled her thighs around his waist, pulling the chubby guy closer, deeper, making his knot thump against her all the harder. She wanted that inside her. She wanted to get knocked up again.

The harder she sucked, the harder Takoda fucked, jamming his knot against the base of her breasts so he could get as much of her mouth around his cock as he could. She swallowed it and kneaded it with her throat, gulping around it, draining it. He tasted so good. What was it about being utterly taken by canines that she so loved? She'd been lusting for him on sight, always assuming she preferred them more like himself. Not the case, judging by how hard he was using her, how much precum he was spurting down her throat. She guzzled every single drop they gave her in loud, heavy swallows.

Lucifer might have been smarter than he looked, but he still fucked like a big dumb brute. Thumping inside her like the beefy enforcer he was, he eventually got his knot inside with a great wet lunge. That sent him lurching forward, snarling above Takoda's lowered haunches. He drooled with lust as he thumped the cat with those inch-long thrusts, pulling his stuck knot back and forth, yanking the cat's hips up and down along with it. She squeezed him tighter with her thighs and pussy alike, refusing to let him give her anything less than everything, milking him, holding him deep, pulsing all around him. She was going to cum again.

The climax possessed her body like an evil spirit, sending her thrashing, shaking, twitching like mad while she erupted for those big wolf boys. A fat cumshot from the black wolf fit his general heft. She got her pussy splattered all over again meant making a great big mess of her thighs while she drank cum right from the tap of Takoda's cock. The taste was getting better and better. She was feeling a little hooked. That explained why she so generously guzzled down in great, heavy gulps. The intoxicating feeling of drinking his jizz left her barely coherent, lunging for more when he pulled away to cum all over her tits.

She thought she couldn't get any wetter, but the layers of cum plastered over her bust just made her feel all the more soaked. The scent sank down to her skin while she licked up everything she could get. She was desperate for it. Slurping it from her face was one thing, but she wanted more. When Takoda shoved his dick down her throat again, she groaned with an odd sense of relief. She wanted more from it, wanted to keep sucking on it no matter how much she'd already made him blow. He was content to keep fucking her face a little longer when her lips were working so eagerly on him.

She kept working him over until she felt those distinct flexes and twitches of anticipation looming closer and closer. He was going to cum again. She wanted it down her throat, but he wasn't going to grant her that gift. Not when she was so breedable. Eventually he yanked free from her shortly after Lucifer pulled his knotted dick out of her pussy. The wolfdog wanted some of that too. He slipped from her mouth and instead laid himself between her thighs, penetrating her with a certain haste. Grunting, growling, rutting her to completion while her body jiggled beneath the forceful strokes of the powerful beast.

For all the cum already flooding her womb, she absolutely knew his seed was taking. Hot ropes of wolfdog spunk gushed inside her while he humped away, still thrusting even while he drained his nuts inside her. He didn't stop until he was completely done, shoving his cock in and out of her overflowing sex, leaving a puddle of cum all around her hips. When he pulled out, he left her steaming, panting, drooling all the excess she couldn't quite swallow. Her sneaky dignity had long since been fucked out of her after such a thorough breeding. She was going to be smelling like horny dog for weeks.

"Look at her," Luc simply said as he stood above her, still stroking at his dick.

"I think the kitten wants more. You should have felt how hard she was sucking." Takoda roamed around her, circling her with his tail faintly swaying.

"Then we will have to give it to her." Marya almost sounded playful, for her anyway.

"Will the kitten crawl for us?" Alli teased, nudging Mahiri with a paw. "Go on, mewl for us. I bet you can make such cute sounds."

It was a big ask, given how much energy they'd drained from her. She put her everything into cumming for them. Yet she still wanted to be their good girl. Something compelled her. She rose up slowly, turning over first so she could push off the ground. Wolf cum trickled down her rosettes as she did, soaking the floor further. Crawling was easier than standing, and that was just what she did for them, moving on all fours, swishing her tail weakly. She purred, she mewled, she made all sorts of soft cat noises. The more impressive rumbles and bellows that came with being a big cat were well beyond her capabilities at that moment, fucked right out of her.

Her show inspired some collective growls that only grew lustier the more she performed for them. They were all around her, ensuring no matter where she turned, someone was always behind her, ready to pounce. It was Alli who grabbed at her first, dragging her down to lie atop the much larger wolf. Mahiri buried her muzzle in the tuft of fur just above the wolf's breasts, her cum-filled belly pressing to Alli's taut middle. The muscular wolfess squeezed her close, gripping that spotty ass to help position her tender pussy against that stiff, knotted cock once again. She could fuck the cat just as hard from beneath as from any other angle.

While the wolfess penetrated her smoothly, the wolfdog seized his opportunity to mount up on her from behind. Mahiri found herself sandwiched between two wolves, getting fucked and humped alike. Takoda wasn't exactly precise with his body draped over the cat's spotty back, plapping his dick against her butt. He made those cheeks jiggle until he finally found his way to the middle, slipping his sex-lubed shaft against her rim. It slipped in with surprising ease, pushing deep to leave her double-stuffed, fucked from both sides.

Soon their thrusts started blending into one another while she got pressed back and forth between them. They didn't bother to sync up, instead just using her holes as roughly as they liked, slapping knots and nuts against her and each other alike. Cum splashed off her fur with every stroke, tits jiggling, ass bouncing with the steady clapping the wolfdog gave her. If they had any mercy or sense of restraint, they might have thought she was getting enough, but Luc and Marya were both crowding together to get some of that pretty muzzle while she got bounced and bashed between the other two.

Alli sat up a little, planting her palms on the floor to support her weight while she fucked the cat from below. That helped point that muzzle over at the other two. Mahiri knew what to do. It all just came automatically to her thoughtless self. She gripped those cocks like handles, stroking them, squeezing them, pulling them closer to her lips. A kiss on Marya's tip before she copied the gesture on Luc's was how she started it, but she quickly moved onto a much more extensive tasting. Those two stiff canine cocks were still streaked with plenty of feline sex. She was just going to have to make sure to clean them up as thoroughly as she could, from tip to knot to balls and back again, before making them a mess all over again.

Neither Marya nor Luc was content with just her tongue for long, no matter how skilfully she wielded it. The pace behind and below her only quickened as those wolves fucked her numb, and soon she had a husky cock stuck straight down her throat to work on while she endured all that pleasure. Marya clutched her by the head, humping between those soft black lips, never slowing her pace to let her adjust. Lucifer was no less selfish about taking her mouth for himself. The only generosity they showed was to each other, trading off the use of that warm feline muzzle back and forth, ensuring she kept them both stiff and pounding with pleasure, their tastes mingling on her tongue and running down her throat with every spurt of precum she helped milked out of them.

Her consciousness began to waver in time. It wasn't just a lack of air - she managed enough gasps between sucks to keep herself relatively steady - but also the sheer ecstasy that came with serving them. They fucked her dumb, leaving her shuddering with pleasure in the midst of them all. Their scents sank deeper into her skin. Alli rammed her knot against those pussy lips, intent on locking inside to ensure she bred the cat like all the others. She was going to be a nice soft mama leopard for them all, full of their pups, ready to suck them off anytime they wanted just to have their taste again.

The more she faded the harder they fucked her. Just because she was slumping down between thrusts didn't keep the husky or the black wolf from fucking her face. Takoda rutted her hard enough to force her onto Alli's knot before the wolfess was even ready. The solid schlurk of that knot popping inside of her came with a sudden twitch of absolute pleasure. It was like a spark setting off a total catastrophe through the feline, shaking her into another mind-wrecking orgasm that rattled through her entire body, one nerve at a time.

Squirting, spasming, losing herself to a feeling unlike anything she'd ever had, the cat gushed for them while they fucked her to completion. She wasn't sure whose cock was in her mouth anymore. She took a knot in the ass, feeling Takoda and Alli's bulging and stretching her to the very limit. Her orgasm just kept going. Tasting cum and then feeling it enter her overstuffed womb once more just kept her squirting, kept her erupting to her very limit of pleasure. Broken by their lust, she slumped down to nearly unconscious, a vessel from them to cum on and in, filling up to a bloated size by the time she'd swallowed and taken all the rest of the cum they had for her.

Lingering in the steaming aftermath, she could only drool for them. Her expression was totally blank. The knotty cocks wedged in her ass and pussy alike kept on flexing for a while longer, finishing off those extended orgasms until she was utterly engorged, immobile, pregnant-looking with all the seed sloshing around inside her. Only when she was utterly spent did they pull out of her one at a time, POP POP, and leave her to recover. She was so utterly destroyed she didn't even seem to notice when they clipped something around her neck.

"There. A little something for the pet you are," Luc taunted, tugging the new collar. It said Good Girl on it.

"We'll see you around the club even after this little violation," Alli explained to her. She didn't indicate which violation she meant - the crime or the punishment. "You just won't be our burglar anymore. Everyone's going to see that you're our knocked up breeding slut."

"We'll take care of you, don't worry." Takoda tugged the leash attached to her new collar with his leash, dragging her along the floor briefly just to show he could.

"And do not think of trying to remove it with your thief tricks." Marya's tone was as cold as ever, even with her cock smeared in drool and cum, dripping on the floor. "It is utterly unpickable."

Steaming in the heat and musk of all the cum and canine scent clinging to her, writhing, mewling, rumbling away, the broken cat could barely comprehend what was really happening to her. She was just happy to feel so good, and to make them feel so good. Especially when it meant she wasn't in any real trouble for her feline curiosity.. Even when her mind eventually cleared and she came down from the pleasure high that was being gangbanged by four horny canines, she wasn't going to regret anything. They were right. She was much better as their mewling whore than she ever was as a thief. They were going to keep her and breed her as many times as they wanted, and she was going to purr for them the whole time.

Something About Cream in Your Coffee

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The Dark Park: Chapter VIII

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