Making her Feel Loved

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#14 of Stories of Lakeview

So this story is one I've been wanting to write for a while now, it's a sequel to my first Lakeview story, and it's a very heavy story idea that I don't normally write. Anyway I hope you all enjoy and if you want something like this for yourself remember to hit me up, I'm open for commissions.

Many things change when one becomes a parent. Your free time goes down massively as you have to dedicate time and effort to taking care of a mini version of you and your partner. Nights become sleepless as you try to deal with a crying child who could be woken up for a myriad of reasons. Then there was the fact that if you took your eyes off them for even a second, they could get themselves killed or hurt. Then there were the changes that were invisible to everyone and anyone who didn't know you, and even those who you knew well and even then sometimes those who knew you well, those who were your love, the ones who you had vowed to cherish, hold and love till death do you part couldn't see them. Priscilla had become intimately aware of this life as a new mother.

At first, she was so excited when she found that she and her husband Desmond would have their first child, the excitement of shopping for baby clothes, the wondering what the sex of the child would be and all the other new and exciting things that she and Desmond did to prepare for their child's arrival, then the day came, her labor was a particularly hard one, the pig had spent months preparing to give birth to a wolf/pig hybrid but still it was a hard and arduous process, and in the end she had to have a C-section done on her to make sure the child was delivered safely, so it came that Priscilla and Desmond welcomed into the world their daughter Aliénor Wilks into the world. Desmond was ecstatic over the moon and back about his daughter, his new pride and joy, but Priscilla? She felt... distant, empty nine months she'd waited for this day and she didn't feel any love for this child. Her eyes in the photo that was taken with her Desmond and Aliénor she looked empty, hollow and there was a pain that was bubbling, waiting to burst forth from the depths and unto the surface. But she would keep that to herself for the time being.

Still, it did not stay this way for long, she eventually came to love her daughter, looking at her child with the love that she was supposed to have with her when she first laid eyes upon her, still there was a tinge of melancholy that permeated Priscilla's mind, something that was in the back of her mind as she tried to raise her daughter. She was lucky that she had Desmond with her. He took several months off from work to help her raise Aliénor. It was lovely to watch him play with her, hear the small piglet laugh and giggle as her father ruffled her little tiny wolf's ears. Still, there was something off about her feelings about her life. She noticed that while her husband was still kissing her, holding her with care, he'd not touched her sexually in months after the birth of their daughter. And it was making the pig who was already feeling dour about her life, it was making her think that she's gotten ugly, or he stopped seeing her as attractive, it was a nagging thought in the back of her head, something that she would hear a voice in her mind say when she was especially down, but soon that nagging voice turned into a gnawing, thrashing thought it began to thrash its way out of the back of her mind and started working its way to the forefront of her mind. Looking at herself in the mirror three months after she'd given birth, she noticed every single flaw in her body that she figured out made her husband hate her.

Her gut was big when they started dating, and while it got slightly bigger when they got married her gut and body had grown to accommodate her pregnancy, her stomach, her thighs, her legs: everything had grown in size from the pregnancy and it would be a long while before she lost the baby weight. Then there was that scar, that big, glaring scar across her abdomen, the scar that said to her 'you failed to do this right, are you even a mother?' she traced her index finger across the discolored skin, tears welling in her eyes, the stinging of these tears were something she was not used to, her body, it was so... different, so ugly to her. Falling to her knees, her soft sobs turned into a full-blown wail of hatred for herself. That's when her husband walked in.

"Priscilla? Are you okay?" Desmond asked, concern dripping from every inch of his voice, he then spotted the pig curled up in a ball, crying like there was no tomorrow, kneeling down to comfort her he spoke up again, "Priscilla, what's wrong?" Desmond asked, and his wife didn't answer. He reached to touch her, but she batted his hand away.

"D-don't." A soft sobbing voice said, Priscilla's voice. Desmond tried again. His wife didn't bother to stop him as he held her closer to him, the warmth of his fur against her pink skin.

"Priscilla, what's wrong?" Desmond asked. His wife didn't answer, so he asked again, and again she didn't answer. Holding her tighter, he then asked her one last time and finally he got a response.

"Do you still find me attractive?" Priscilla asked, and Desmond was taken aback by this.

"W-what?" Desmond asked, not sure what she meant by this.

"You haven't touched me in months, do you think I'm ugly?" Priscilla asked and Desmond looked at his wife, his eyes soft, caring as before, like when she was going through the worst of her mood swings from her pregnancy, the ups and downs of those nine months. He pulled her into a tight hug, his soft fur again being so warm against her body.

"My love, I still find you beautiful, God, if anything after seeing you become so radiant during pregnancy you've become more beautiful than any woman in this whole world," Desmond said as he began to pepper kisses up and down her neck, face and cheeks. He then began to kiss her lips, his soft, soft lips, "I'm sorry I made you feel unloved, unwanted." Desmond's words felt like weights being lifted from her chest, her shoulder, her body as a whole.

"I love your body," Desmond said as he stood up, bringing Priscilla along with him, the two were now facing the mirror that Priscilla was using to critique every inch of her body, to hate all of herself, he then began to speak, "I love your belly, the thing that carried our daughter, and the thing that I love playing with." His words were earnest and kind. He held her belly in his hands, squeezing it lovingly.

"I love your thighs, thick, inviting and lovely," He said as he traced up her things, past her maternity panties and then stopping at the thing that made her the saddest, the C-section scar on her abdomen, "And this, the sign that you gave us our treasure, our daughter." He said as he traced the scar. He kissed her, held her, and made her feel so loved. Turning Priscilla around, he kissed her lips again and then he picked her up bridal style, placing her on the bed. He was going to show her just how loved she was, how much she meant to him. He kissed every inch of her body, her thighs, her belly, her legs, her hooves, all of it was kissed and touched. His claws traced against her skin, his warm lips left soft embers in the pool of her core. He then moved to her snatch, still covered by her maternity panties, a wet spot where her cunt was dripping with anticipation. He moved them slowly down her thighs, kissing them as he did. When her panties were fully off, he made his way back to her sopping wet pussy. He kissed her pussy lips. She shuddered with delight, her hands clutching at the sheets of their bed as she writhed in pleasure as he licked her inner walls. Her cunt was being thoroughly explored as he licked, kissed, and played with her.

"F-fuck!" Priscilla moaned in delight as she felt better than she'd felt in months, better than she'd felt about her own body in months, his mouth was doing things she'd not felt in so long, things she craved and so desired. She was so happy for once. For the first time in months, she felt elated. Feeling herself getting closer and closer to release. She was ever fast reaching that wondrous place, that glorious release of all the pent of frustration and emotion she was feeling for months on end.

"Cum for me, show me how much you love my mouth on your sexy cunt!" Desmond growled, taking a moment to remove his mouth from his wife's cunt as he began to play with her cunt and rub her sensitive clit. Priscilla cried out as she came hard, her juices flowed and Desmond hungrily lapped up his wife's essence he savored her taste, one he'd not had for months, he missed her in this way, in the way only two animals who knew each other in such carnal intimate ways could, when she came down from the intense high of her orgasm, Desmond went back to kissing and caressing Priscilla as he continued to make her feel loved, wanted, to show her rather than tell her just how much she meant to him. He moved to remove her bra, the bra barely held her already swelling breasts, the massive mammaries were soon exposed, a dribble of milk leaked from her nipples and he took it into his mouth, sucking at it to get more of the liquid out of his wife's tits, Priscilla moaned as she felt such intense pleasure from her husband sucking at her tits, soon that moan grew louder as she felt him plunge his fingers into her cunt, still sensitive from the orgasm before. His fingers reached deep inside her again and again, making her moan more and more.

She was about to reach her second orgasm of the night just from her husband sucking and fingering her.

"D-Desmond!" the pig moaned as she reached climax for the second time. Her back arched and she let out an oink of pleasure as it mixed with her moans. She hoped that how loud she was being wouldn't wake Aliénor up. Removing his finger from her cunt, Desmond licked them, savoring the taste of his wife one last time. He lay to her side, stroking her head and kissing her again and again.

"I love you Priscilla, I won't ever, ever stop loving you, not until this fur turns white and we're old and our children have long had their own," The words from Desmond's mouth were something that she needed so desperately, "And you can always come to me, to see you hurt, hurt me." Desmond added, and his wife cried again, and he kissed her tears away. The two stayed like that until Priscilla fell asleep, wrapped in the warmth and love of her husband's embrace.

A few months later...

Priscilla had made some strides after her and Desmond had talked the day after they made love after her breakdown, therapy had been a godsend for her, her therapist had managed to help her in her depression, while things were still hard for Priscilla she was in a much, much better place. The two had become closer after that and they were already contemplating having a second child, maybe not now, as Aliénor was still only a few months old, but hopefully when she was a few years old they'd have another, until then they'd enjoy their time as three before they became four or five.