ID - Intro and Prelude

Story by Kitani on SoFurry

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All characters in this story are figments of my imagination. Any resemblance to real persons or other fictional characters not owned by me is purely coincidence. Trust me... I'm really not all that well read.

The only exception, so far, is "Chris". He is a part of my multifaceted Fursona.

Also, all business names and brand names used in the story are there for purely immersion purposes! No sponsorship or product placement is going on here. PLEASE don't sue me for writing this...

This story is set in a fictional depiction of the real world. Real locations are used.

For a vague description of the past, and how the world evolved to it's current state, please read the following...

The year is 2112. Approximately one hundred years ago, sometime in December, people realized that those stupid disaster movies about the Mayan-predicted apocalypse were a sort of foreshadowing that nobody could have ever imagined. The world more or less ended, and was never the same. Similar, but not the same.

There was something called The Veil. It was the spiritual border between the world of reality, and the world of dreams. The disaster wasn't some sort of earthquake or flood, nor an apocalyptic event that turned the planet into the Milky Way Galaxy's newest asteroid belt. Instead... The Veil was lifted. Realities merged. People changed.

The most common change was anthropomorphizing. A merging of a person and their spiritual, more feral self, resulting in varying mixtures of human and animal features. Of course... other creatures emerged. Creatures of lore, of myth, and of horror. Some people didn't even change physically. Instead, Magic was discovered. That mixed things up a bit.

It took close to a century for people to accept what had happened, but in the end life continued on as normal. Things were different, but at the core... people were mostly the same. Greed, gluttony, lust, envy... Hope, joy, love, compassion... Human vices and virtues were all still there; now mixed with a healthy dose of instinct.

That's the past. How we get to the here and now.

Now... here's a story...

The primary focus of this story is a cheetah named Chris. He's not perfect. He wears glasses, is a bit fluffy around the edges, somewhat socially awkward and irresponsible, but generally goodhearted. I hope you learn to like him!

The doctors worked diligently that night. Surgeons removing unrepairable skin. Medi-Mage working their magic to grow more in it's place. By the time he woke up, there was barely any evidence that Chris had been terribly burned in places best unmentioned, all the way up his belly. When he -did- awaken, a doctor was there to greet him and give him the bad news.

"So... I was raped."


"And... set on fire... with chemicals..."

"... Yes..."

"And now I'm infertile."

"Yes, we did everything that we cou-.."

He cut the doctor off with a raised finger. "And I can't remember any of this?"

"It would seem so."

"Great... Thanks..." All he could think to do was lay back down. Not remembering anything made it difficult to feel traumatized over the event. He was very itchy under the diaper-like cast covering his lower body, and his head was feeling... confused. Gaps and blurry images plagued the back of his mind for hours as he tried to remember something, anything about the event. Thankfully, they only kept him there for a few days to make sure he was healed, before sending him home with a warning. He'd be dizzy for a while. The chemicals needed more time to work their way out of his system. He needed to be careful.

* * *

His room mate, who also happened to be his best friend, was there to pick him up on that awkward Sunday afternoon. Karina. A somewhat 'fluffy' figured arctic wolf with (in his opinion) some of the most lovely and pure white fur he's ever seen.

"Feeling better?" She asked as he settled into the passenger's seat. Which, he noted, was pushed back more than usual, with a more comfortable relaxed angle as well. No complaints!

"Not really... Well... physically, yes, but still confused. I don't remember a damn thing."

"Ouch..." Her face scrunched with a sympathetic wince. Her right hand reached over to pat his arm in reassurance as she drove off. Before long, they were home. Not the best of places, but it felt like home. She even awkwardly held the door open for him.

"You don't have to do tha-.."

"Shoosh!" she said, nearly pushing him inside and up the stairs. "You have resting to do before work tomorrow."

"What?! They called me in?"

"You didn't even get the days off. I guess they think they were nice enough to not just let you go." she corrected, fishing out the key to unlock the apartment door.

"So much for that bullshit orientation propaganda... 'Our people make the difference!'. Fuck you, Wal-Mart..." Grumbling as he walked in, he immediately moved toward the bathroom. "I need a shower."

"Sure. Take your time..."

Without another word, he went first to his room to fetch spare clothes, then to the bathroom. Lazily closing the door, he started stripping down the clothes he had at the hospital. The same clothes as the day it happened. His nose wrinkled, the fur along his tail stood up a little, and he idly considered burning them.

Such thoughts were shaken free of his mind as he started the shower. A moment taken, splitting atoms to get that perfect temperature for the most comfort, and he stepped in. All was well for what seemed like a little while, but as the steam gathered, and the air grew thicker with heat, his head got heavier, body got weaker. Feeling it coming, he slowly crouched and grabbed the edge of the tub with one hand, rubbing at his eyes with the other.

"Ohhhh damn..." He mumbled to himself as his legs wobbled, before they slipped from under him. He landed with a thud on the tub's floor. "Ow, shit!" he hissed, tail curling up and draping over the edge of the tub lazily. Leaning back against the wall, he looked up at the shower head, still spitting water at his legs and stomach. It felt good. Then the idea hit him. A -bath-. Clean, comfortable, lazy. How could he go wrong? One leg lifted a little, foot-paw prodding at the little tab on the tap to make the water stop showering on him, and start filling the tub.

Thankfully, the side of the tub was high enough to obscure most of his lower body from view as Karina bravely tried the door, and succeeded. Apparently he'd forgotten to lock it on his way in. He slumped, hands dropping to cover himself from the gaze of the panicked wolf.

"Are you okay?!" she hurriedly asked, keen blue eyes scanning him for signs of injury and... nakedness. Oh if fur could blush she'd have been bright pink right about then.

"I'm fine! Just slipped a little... Takin' a bath now... If that's okay with you..." Words slipped out awkwardly as he tried to explain.

"Yyy-yeah... Fine with me..." she mumbled, lingering in the room for a few seconds, before slipping half way out the door. A moment's pause, and she peeked back in, causing him to shrink away from her view again.

"What?! I'm naked, go away!" he cried, nearly hissing the words at her, thinking she was going to chastise him for not being as careful as he should have been. Instead, she nervously fumbled a paw against the door's handle, peering off to one side of the room with a shy look on her face.

"... They said you got all burned... Is there new fur...?" she asked with a soft, curious tone.

"... Yeah.. It didn't take long to grow back. Belly fur isn't that long anyway..."

"... Is it soft...?" She took a step back into the room, peering at him with shy curiosity.

That was something he hadn't yet explored. Interesting thought. One paw fell to his stomach, slowly stroking downward over the thin layer of fur that covered the area just above his groin. To his surprise, it really was soft.

"Yeah... I suppose... W-wait, why?" he asked quickly, giving her a quick look that told her he was catching onto her curiosity.

"Nothin'!" One word barked back at him rather quickly before she retreated, closing the door behind her. He sighed, slumped again, and lifted that foot paw to turn off the water. Finally, time to relax.

* * *

After that awkward moment in the bathroom, and soaking for just over an hour, a happily relaxed Chris made his way to bed. Before laying down, he put on what he lovingly named his 'Lazy Pants' (a pair of loose elastic-waist, very soft material track pants with a white stripe down either side), and nothing else. He was ready to just fall over and sleep.

Knock knock! Knock knock knock!

"What?" he called to the door, glaring at it in frustration.

"Can I come i~in?" asked Karina from the other side. As usual, without actually waiting for him to reply, she opened the door a few inches and poked her head in to smile at him with a sly innocent look.

"... Fine." he grumbled, sitting up a little in bed. The blanket covering his lower half more than enough to be modest in his barely dressed state. With the window closed and the window-blind opened a little, the moonlight spilled through letting both furs see clear as day.

"I just was wondering if you're feeling better..." she said, taking a few steps into the room. Hands folded, fidgeting in front of herself, she inched toward his bed. A glance at her awkward movements told him easily that she wasn't saying everything just yet.

"Mmhmm... I'm pretty good. Just a bit tired really..." Finishing with a shrug, he shifted on his bed, a little bit away from the edge. Taking the unspoken invitation, she closed in those few final steps and sat on the edge.

"I can imagine... After all you've been through..."

"If only I could remember it, I'd have a reason to whine... All I feel is tired... and a bit fluffy." The last bit was added as he trailed a paw over the fur along his belly. She leaned in close enough for shoulders to touch, before reaching out to brush her own paw slowly across his belly, just behind his own hand.

"Ohh... It is soft." she said with subtle glee in her voice. He could only chuckle a tiny bit, and shrug. He knew where this was going. It wouldn't be the first time that she'd come to him for some cuddling in times of distress, or just to try and make him feel better. She didn't disappoint. An arm wrapped over his waist in the front, and he took the hint to lay back comfortably once again. She snuggled up to him, lowering her head to nuzzle lightly at the soft belly fur.

"Ehehe'... Remind me to do this more often, now... Your belly is more comfy..." she said, earning a little laugh from him.

"No complaints here... but... can I go to sleep now...?"

"Yep! I'll leave when I'm sure you're asleep..."

"Mmkay..." He closed his eyes, let out a deep sigh, and tried to relax again. Her presence helped. Despite his reassurances, he was still somewhat nervous about the next day. The fact that she was there more or less put his mind at ease about things. Before long, his mind drifted off, and he fell asleep.

She waited until his breathing slowed, and his body relaxed. His tail started to do that little twitchy thing that said he was starting to dream. That was her sign that she should go off to her own bed and sleep, so she could be up in time to drive him to work in the morning. At least... That was the plan. Just as she was about to leave, a thought crossed her mind. One that made her blush beneath that pretty white fur.

If the fur on his belly is softer... what about the skin on his...

One of her paws hooked a few claws into the blanket, tugging on it slowly until she saw the edge of his pyjama pants. A few fingers hooked the elastic waist and slowly, carefully tugged them down a little. For some reason, she could already feel her breathing heat up a little bit, tail wagging a little bit against the bedsheets. She had to know.

As her paw tugged at the pants, she first caught sight of his sheath. Covered in soft fur just like his belly, and sporting a somewhat predictable little bulge from the cuddling. She reached out one paw, drifting a few fingers down along the side of it, though jerking it back when the entire thing twitched with the sensation. Despite this, she reached out to continue, slowly and softly stroking from near the tip to the base.

It didn't take long. After a very tiny bit of squirming from Chris, as he was teased in his sleep, his member responded. Slowly, it slipped from it's hiding place, springing free to stand proudly before her. With wide eyes on her face, that paw dared to reach out and touch, letting the gentle pads of her fingers touch along the under-side of his cock.

It really was softer! She couldn't help but grin. Though now she was feeling a bit heated, and one of her paws had found it's way into her own pyjama pants. Pads of those fingers started slowly probing out for that sensitive treasure between her own thighs.

I shouldn't do this! He'll wake up! He'll be all weird, and think I'm crazy, and hate me... Yeah, right. He'd never hate me. We're best friends... Best friends... why am I doing this...? I don't like him like... _ This... _

As her brain struggled to convince herself to stop, her curiosity drove her forward. Her paw wrapped around his member, stroking slowly up and down it's length, and making him squirm a tiny bit more. Boldly, she dipped her head downward, flicking her tongue out to taste the very tip. This made the member twitch and throb in delight! Unable to help but grin, she continues, spurred on by his unconscious reactions. Lips kissed the tip of his soft-skinned, but still very hard cock. Her tongue slipped out to lick along the side slowly, the paw parting to allow such on the way by. Parting her lips, she took him into her mouth, tongue wriggling just a little under the member. Suckling lightly, she bobbed her head, grinding the palm of her paw against the base of his shaft.

The blessing and curse of him being so sensitive after all the re-growing, was an increased amount of pleasure coming from freshly re-grown nerves. Mere minutes after she started, he was already throbbing between her lips. It only took a little smack of her lips, and a tickle of pawfingers against his sack to set him off. Mid-dream, he blew his thick plentiful load into her mouth.

Eyes popped open wide, and she almost gagged. She hadn't expected that much to come out, nor this early in the show. She didn't swallow. Instead, she climbed over him, holding her breath, to the bathroom to spit it all out in the sink. For a few long minutes she looked at herself in the mirror, guilt on her face, wondering why she'd done that. Without finding her answer, she went to bed.