I Will Follow You Into The Dark

Story by cold turkey on SoFurry

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#3 of Highschool Sucked

Just to let you know, I couldn't get to sleep so I decided to do some spot checking in my story... right now it's about 3:30 in the morning and I am kind of tired...

Part 3: "I Will Follow You Into The Dark"

When we got home, it had gotten to the time in a CD where we started to make crappy puns about the songs. Finally making it to the song "Wish Me Well (You Can Go To Hell)" we were pulling into the driveway. Turning off the car, I looked over to Tim who was slowly beginning to open the car door, almost expecting me to say something.

"Aren't you going to hang this thing over my head?"

Turning back in mock disbelief and trying to keep a straight face, he stared at me for a second then broke down laughing. "Now why would I do a thing like that?"

Shrugging a bit, "I dunno, cause you're an asshole and that would seem like a thing an asshole would do."

"Yeah, but not this asshole, don't worry."

Now getting out of the car, I shut the car door and slid my house key into the lock.

Walking into the house, we were confronted by our mom who was sitting at the kitchen table drinking some tea. "So, where did you guys go?"

Waiting a little bit, I said: "...we got pizza. What did you two do for dinner?"

"Same, but we ordered out. It seems your father had a craving for it... Anything else happen?"

Tim came out rather quickly "Got a girl's number..."

Our mom's face lit up "Really? And what about you Shawn?"

Shrugging "I got dinner."

"Nonsense. Shawn turned her down first, then she came over to fall back on me." He said, staring at me and grinning.

I looked over at him giving him a puzzled look, but mom soon began interrogating me. "Now why would you do a thing like that Shawn?"

"Well, she wasn't really my type... (try to think of what else to say...) I just wasn't that interested." Our mom huffed then shooed us away. Walking past the basement door I glanced over at Tim who was wearing another ridiculous grin... "You're a dickhead."

He opened the door to the basement and started walking down the stairs, popping his head up saying "Well... I guess I am." and then he disappeared into the basement.

Climbing the stairs to my room, I glanced at my watch and decided it was still a little early to be gong to sleep so I put on The Postal Service "Give Up" album and pulled out my anthology for my British Literature course. Finding I needed to read a story in it and answer some questions, I figured I would be the diligent student and do it before I fell asleep... that would only work so long. After about an hour of reading and making a small dent in it, I gave up.

Lying in my bed, I replayed the previous night in my head and felt a sudden emptiness not only in my bed but in my heart. I started thinking: "I had only dropped him off at his house no more than two hours ago and I was already missing him this much, well at least there is something to our relationship if I feel like this." I tried to fall asleep despite the void, but sleep wouldn't come easily.

Finally after laying in my bed for a while and the CD long since over, I managed to drift off to sleep knowing that tomorrow I'll be able to see him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning, I woke up even before my alarm went off and with a smile on my maw: tonight was the show and I was going to go with Robbie. This was a double whammy, I loved hearing my brother's band and I loved Robbie... it was shaping up to be the perfect day.

Hopping into the shower, I felt that empty feeling again but knew I ignored it the best I could, knowing that I'll be able to be with him again.

Stepping out of the shower into the steam filled room, I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked to my brother's room. Knocking on the door, I cracked it open to see the lump of blankets that was him. Walking over I began to prod at the lump saying "Wake up sleepy head, it's quarter of and we need to leave soon."

The lump shifted and a long moan followed. "Five more minutes"

Shrugging, I walked away saying "If you don't want to shower that's not a problem. But let me tell you something..." again I walked up to the lump and put my muzzle close to what I assume was his head "- if you don't get up now, me and Robbie will yiff in your bed."

Springing out of bed, clad only in his boxers he landed about five feet away and leered at me. "Don't you ever yiff in my bed... remember that public domain discussion we had? The same applies to my stuff..."

Turning back towards the door, I looked back at him. He immediately became self conscious and tried to cover up his crotch, I laughed and said "I may be gay, but I'm not sick. Go get in the shower so we can get to school in time to warm up."

Walking into my room, I grabbed my pair of black, white and gray plaid slacks and a lime green polo: part of my uniform for the last two months of school, they let the seniors wear whatever pants and polo/dress shirt. Walking past the bathroom door I put my ear up to it making sure I can hear rushing water, hearing the shower turn on I made my way down the stairs. Walking into the kitchen, I saw my dad eating a bowl of cereal and my mom drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper.

Walking past them I said "Good morning", more than my usual grunt and mumble. My mom, upon noticing my unusually upbeat mood, looked up at me a little suspicious. "And what are you so happy about?"

"Tim's show is tonight, I'm looking forward to it." trying to play off the show as the reason. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and started small talk with my parents.

Tim soon came down clad in his wrinkled khakis and an even worse wrinkled dark orange shirt. He quickly ate a bowl of cereal and put his bowl in the dishwasher. Finishing up, I grabbed my bags and tossed Tim his. Saying bye to our parents we walked out the door into the sunny, but deceivingly cool spring morning. Hopping into my car I turned on the radio and we started on our way to school.

After a few minutes of silence, I looked over at Tim and asked: "What time is the show supposed to end?"

Hesitating a little bit, he said "No idea, there are supposed to be a few other bands playing so probably to till late, at least eleven or so."

"Groovy." A smile began to creep onto my muzzle.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pulling into the parking lot at school, I saw that Robbie was standing by my parking space with his regular school bag and another one. Parking, I hopped out of the car and walked up to him, hugging him. Unsure how to react to this because he didn't want our secret to be out, he started to blush furiously. Breaking the hug, I backed away and started to blush, putting one hand behind my head and scratching it I started apologizing.

Tim pulled himself out of the car and patting me on the shoulder saying: "Smooth..." gesturing to the new bag in Robbie's paws, he asked "Hey Rob, what's the bag for?"

Clearing his throat "Oh, um. A change of clothes for tonight. I figured that the show wouldn't be ending till late so I decided to grab another shirt for tomorrow too... if that was alright."

Breaking out of my trance, I started to bounce on the balls of my feet. "It's no problem at all... I'm sure my parents won't mind."

Hearing the warning bell go off, I tossed Robbie's bag into the trunk and grabbed my school bag that had all my books and my bag with my instruments and music. Seeing that nobody was in the parking lot, I wrapped by arm around his waist and kissed him. Breaking it off a moment later, we walked into the building together.

Leaving him at the stairs, I winked and slowly made my way to the wind ensemble rehearsal.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Walking beside Robbie out of our calculus class, I moaned "Oh my godddddd, that day couldn't have been any longer..."

"Well, at least it's over. I can't wait for your brother's show... and the show afterwards." He gave me a seductive wink and a grin.

A smile broke crept onto my maw and I began to bite my lower lip. We passed the band room where I grabbed my instrument bag and we made our way to my car.

Walking through the parking lot, I saw that we were beaten there by Tim and two of his band mates: the singer, a black lab named Kenny and the bassist, a cougar named Tom who was leaning on the back hatch of my minivan. My guess was that none of them saw us walking up to the car so me and Robbie hid behind a little black coupe and I pushed the button for the alarm to go off. Tom jumped about two feet in the air, his tail bushed out and his fur was standing on end. The conversation Tim and Kenny were having was cut short as they jumped back from the beeping and whistling minivan.

Appearing from behind the coupe, Robbie and I were laughing as we walked up to the group of startled furs. Turning off the alarm, I looked over the group and pointing at the two newcomers I said: "Let me guess... you two want me to drive you to the show too?"

Kenny, while clutching his chest said: "Jesus, don't scare me like that asshole."

Tapping my foot-paw on the ground and raising an eyebrow, I said: "Awwww, calling the person who you want to drive you somewhere an asshole isn't a good way to ask."

"Well, you scared the hell outta me." Calming down a little bit, he cleared his throat saying: "But yes, we do want a ride from you if that is ok. I guess if I needed to I could drive but I don't really know where the place is."

Shrugging, "It's alright." Turning my attention to my brother, "When should we leave?"

"Probably about five-thirty if we were going to get something to eat before we play."

Unlocking the door to the car, they all threw their bags into the trunk and piled in. Seeing Tim try to hop into the front seat, I shouted "Tim! Backseat."

Reluctantly obliging, he hopped into one of the captain's seats pushing Tom into the bench seat all the way in the back. Robbie climbed in the front seat next to me and I put on some music: Hepcat, seeing as how I was in a good mood.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pulling into the driveway, we all piled out of the car and walked into the house through the garage... straight to the kitchen. As always, the parts of the band that were there were like a plague of locusts; they pretty much ate every cookie we had and drank all of our milk. I caught up with my brother when he was walking up to his room to drop off his bag and get changed: "Hey, is the crazy-coon chick coming tonight?"

"Umm, I kind of did invite her last night... is that a problem?"

Laughing a bit, I said "It shouldn't be I guess it would be more fun to screw with her a little bit. But heed my warning; if she slips up it's your ass... got it?"

Turning his back to me, he walked into his room and before he shut his door he turned back saying: "If you say so Cap'n"

I returned to the downstairs to see the last of the new bag of Oreos disappear into Tom's maw... stopping in my tracks, I pointed a digit at him saying "Did you just finish the last of my cookies?"

Sucking his paw digits to get every last bit of flavor from them, he replied meekly "...maybe."

Walking up to the table, I plopped down into a chair saying "Don't you furs have any food at your house?"

"Well, I'm hungry..." he said as he pulled a bag of chewy Chips Ahoy in front of him. He pulled out a few from the row and started to cram them into his maw.

Kenny was abstaining from the cookies and milk saying that he didn't want any goo in his throat so when he sang his voice was better sounding. Kenny was also in the chorus at school, but wasn't picked on as much as Robbie because he played rugby as well (he was pretty damn good at it too). He pushed away from the table and made his way over to the cabinets and started to fish around for our bottle of honey, returning with bottle in paw he started to squeeze some into his maw and gurgle.

Reaching over to the bag of chewy Chips Ahoy, I picked a few out and tossed one into my maw saying to Kenny: "Real attractive there..." offering my stack of cookies over to Robbie, Tim came bounding down the steps. Apparently he had changed but it looked like he still had his uniform on, taking a look down at his shoes I saw that he had put on a more comfortable pair. "You wearing those to the show?"

Looking down and shrugging "Yeah, I'm comfortable. Besides, I don't want to be the only one who won't be wearing their uniform..." he gestured over to Kenny, still gurgling some honey and Tom, still cramming cookies into his maw; both of whom where still wearing their uniforms.

Slapping my paws on my knees, I got up saying: "Well, I'm done. I'd better get some homework done before we leave."

Taking a moment away from his gurgling, Kenny looked over at me a little cross "Aren't you a senior?"

Looking down at him a little confused I nodded saying: "And why do you ask?"

Shrugging, "I always thought that in the last full month of school, seniors never did any work."

"Not this one, normal-" (by normal I mean stupid) "seniors don't have 2 AP exams to study for next week, and I want to get out of school with honors, hence why I have to do a lot of work." Walking over to my bag, I hoisted it onto my shoulder and looked over at Robbie. "Hey Robbie, could you come help me with some calc. problems?"

Nodding, he pushed up from the table and grabbed his bag too "Yeah, sure."

Walking over to the stairs, I shouted over my shoulder: "Hey Tim, when are the other two supposed to be getting here?" I motioned for Robbie to start up before me and as he passed, I gave him a soft tap on the rump making him give a little yelp and giggle.

"I told them to be here by five..." Looking down at my watch, I saw that it was about three-thirty. After a moment's pause, Tim shouted "STAY OUT OF MY ROOM."

Making my way up the stairs, I shouted back "AYE CAP'N" and made my way towards my room.

Walking into my room, I quietly shut the door and crept up behind Robbie who was sitting at my desk. "Hey there foxy." I whispered seductively into his ear.

He let out a little yelp and turned around panting "What the hell was that for?" Getting up from my desk, he walked to the foot of my bed and turned to face me.

I walked towards him and put a single digit against his chest, starting to slowly push him closer to my bed. "Oh, I don't know. I felt kind of..." I pushed him backwards, landing softly on my bed "-frisky."

Backing off, I peeled off my polo and tossed it into the corner. Making it back to my bed, I climbed onto it and I straddled him, putting my hand down next to his head and lowering my muzzle. He met me halfway, our lips pressing together and tongues exploring the other's. I put my other paw onto the side of his muzzle as his started to fumble with my belt buckle, finally getting it undone he made short work of the button and zipper and started to pull my pants and underwear down, releasing my hardening cock.

Getting the waist of my pants just below my sac, he abandoned the pants and started to stroke my cock; my paw moved from his muzzle to his shirt as I started unbuttoning it. His paws left my cock as I pulled the sleeves of his shirt over his shoulders.

Returning my paw to his muzzle, I stroked his chin and started to bring it away from the side of his muzzle down his chest, finally resting on his furry belly. Scratching a bit at his belly, he started to giggle into the kiss and broke it off saying: "Don't, that tickles..." undeterred I continued until he was laughing and squirming, a tear starting to well up in his eye.

Getting up off the bed, I backed away hoisting my pants up and zipped them up and buckled the belt saying: "We'll just save this for later". Biting my lower lip, I started walking back to the bed, admiring the scene of my fox lying in it, the front of his khakis badly tented by his erection.

I climbed up between his legs and undid his pants, pulling them down to his ankles. Looking down at his badly tented boxers, I saw a dark wet spot where the tip of his cock was leaking pre. I looked up at him and bent over slowly dragging my tongue across the dark mark; my eyes never leaving his face, I saw him as he closed his eyes and his head fell backwards onto a pillow moaning as I lapped at the point of the tented boxers.

Craving more, I hooked my thumbs into the elastic waistband and slowly pulled them off, exposing his leaking cock. Not hesitating for a moment, I brought my maw down upon the head of his cock and began to swirl my tongue around it. Sliding my head further down his foxhood, soon the head of his cock was poking at the back of my throat. Having never throated before, I gagged and backed off a little bit but made my way back down, determined to throat him.

Once again, his cockhead reached the back of my throat, but I suppressed my gag reflex and began swallowing. Robbie began moaning louder and louder as I went further down and gasped as I took his forming knot into my mouth. I pressed on a little further until my nose pressed up flush against his crotch fur; and backing off, I began sucking harder and soon began bobbing my head up and down his length while squeezing his engorged knot.

Moaning louder still, his cock began pulsing, sending wave after wave of fox cum into my maw and down my throat. I took it all, not letting a single drop fall from it. Still stroking his cock, I milked him for all his seed and came off him.

Pulling myself back on top of him I kissed him deeply, giving him a taste of his own cum. Rolling off, I lay down beside him and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss on his nose saying "I love you so much".

He looked deep into my eyes, he smiled and said "I love you too Shawn."

Smiling, I rested my chin on the top of his head and he fell asleep in my arms. Lying there, I looked down at him seeing a wide grin on his muzzle, his body rhythmically rising and falling as he slept.

I don't really know how long I was lying there, but when I looked over at my alarm clock it was a little past four so I snuck out of my bed and sat at my desk, pulling out my math textbook. Looking back over my shoulder, Robbie barely stirred and pulled my blanket over himself. Smirking, I got to work furiously scribbling down notes and answers as I said to myself... "Alrighty... find the center, vertices, foci and eccentricity of an ellipse..." my voice slowly trailing off till I was just mouthing words.

Finally finishing up my work and looked over at my alarm clock, seeing it was a little after five. Packing up my textbook and notepad, I went over to my drawer and grabbed a green t-shirt and slipped my arms through the holes. Pulling the shirt a bit further down, I sat own my bed next to Robbie and gently started to stroke his head.

Looking up at me dreamily, he asked what time it was. "A little after five. Get dressed; the rest of the band is probably here now."

Throwing off the blanket he looked down at himself and started to blush, realizing the head of his cock was peeking out of its sheath.

Ignoring his growing erection, he stood up and ambled over to his underwear quickly pulling them up. He walked over to his bag and pulled out a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Pulling them on, I stood up and walked over to him wrapping my arms around him: "You ready to go yet?"

"Let me just get my cell phone from my khakis and we can go." Kissing him, I let go of him so he could fish out his phone from the pocket of his other pants.

Opening the door to the hallway, I walked out of the room and started going down the stairs to make my way to the kitchen. Finally walking into the kitchen, I saw that the other two were just walking in the door.

Sitting down at the table, my brother asked where Robbie was. "Uhh, bathroom..." He shrugged and said that he needed to get his equipment into the van. But before we moved anything, we had to get the backseat out first so everything would fit (guitar, cab, bass and a bass amp)

Hoisting the back seat out of the van, I set it down in the garage and asked Carson (the drummer who was going to be driving too) if he could take Tom's stuff.

"Why do you need me to?"

Rolling my eyes, I turned my back to walk to the door saying "Cause everything isn't going to fit into my car. And you got a huge van so I think maybe you could fit it in."

"Dude, I've already got Paul, his stuff and my kit..."

"Oh, and by the way. You're going to have to take Tom too."

Giving in, he let out a sigh saying "...fine. I guess it'll all fit."

Walking through the basement, I saw that Tim was already packing his guitars and cables, and Kenny was with him grabbing his mic. "Hey Kenny, you think you get grab the head, I'll get the cab."

"Yeah, sure. Is it heavy?"

Shrugging a bit, I looked over the slightly muscular dog saying: "It shouldn't be."

He put the mics into his pocket and hoisted the head up with a grunt. Picking up the cab I followed him up the stairs and through the doors eventually ending behind the van. Tilting the cab on its side, I slid it in and finagled the head next to it. Tim walked up and gingerly laid his guitars and Tom's bass next to them... "Good to see you're not exerting yourself too much; I mean three whole instruments..." I said sarcastically.

"I'll go back and help Tom with his amp and the synth... do you mind?"

Tossing my paws up in surrender, I walked back inside and sat at the table where I saw Robbie. "Should I be helping or something?" he asked sheepishly.

"Nah, let the band sort it out."

Standing in the doorway of the garage, Tim yelled at me "Hey, could you go get some copies of the EP and the merch box?"

Shouting back at him "Yeah sure." Turning back to Robbie I sighed saying "Duty calls..."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Finally everything was loaded and the seven of us congregated in the garage trying to settle on a place to eat. Tim, in a tone that could be described as final and resolute, said: "I say we go to Wawa, the subs are pretty damn good. And if you don't want a sub, there should be some other stuff too." Everybody nodding in approval, we all turned away and climbed into our cars.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After eating the subs from Wawa and filling up the tank, we pulled up to the venue at six-thirty and unloaded all the equipment. Tim, Kenny and I started talking with an old graying wolf that was the sound tech. "So what kind of sound are you guys?"

Backing away, I went over to my fox, beckoning him to follow me outside while the two talked with the tech and the owners about policy and stuff. People began filling into the tiny room where the bands were supposed to be playing as the first band was setting up.

Leaning up against the back of my minivan, Robbie came up next to me and gave me a small peck on the cheek. Laughing a little bit I said: "My how bold you've become since this morning..." He shrugged a little bit and leaned his back against the car. Standing there in silence we watched as the young crowd walked passed us to the front door; spotting crazy-coon girl in the crowd I pointed her out to Robbie who laughed a little. No more than a minute later we heard the first band start to strum out the opening chords of one of their songs.

Pushing off the car, we walked into the overcrowded room as the band's first song ended and the second one seamlessly began.

When they had finished their set, my brother's band made their way towards the stage. I ran up to my brother and grabbed his arm "Did you guys ever do a soundcheck?"

Looking at me a little concerned, he shouted "Not yet, you know Streetlight Preacher right?"

"Yeah. You need me to check the balance from in the crowd?" I could guess this was what he wanted me to do because this wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened.

He hopped up on the stage nodding his head. He slung the guitar over his shoulder and turned on his amp. Turning around, I headed back towards where Robbie was and pulled out a slip of paper and a pen. Walking passed Robbie to get to the center of the crowd he asked if he should come with me. "You don't have to. I'm just going to be taking notes for their soundcheck."

Mouthing "Oh" to me, he started to walk closer to the stage to get a better view of the band.

By the time I finally made it to the center of the room with pen and paper in hand, Kenny approached the mic saying: "We're Cult Hero, thanks for coming out."

Tim broke out in the opening riff for Streetlight Preacher; waiting for the rest of the band to join in before I started scribbling notes down on my slip of paper. By the time half the song was finished, I had a good idea of what they needed to do so I slowly pushed my way through the crowd towards the sound tech. When I finally made it to him and handed the slip of paper to him, they were finished with their first song giving him time to play with the dials and fix the sound. Giving Tim the thumbs up from the tech booth, he nodded gave the count off for the next song: Miss Whoever.

I began my journey back to the stage where Robbie was, slowly pushing against the crowd. Brushing up against crazy-coon girl I said "Hey, remember me?" She scowled at me and pushed her way from me. Laughing, I resumed my trip back to the front.

Finally making it to the stage, I pressed up against Robbie and shouted: "Having a good time? What do you think of the band?"

Slightly startled, he turned around and grinned. Leaning my ear down closer to his mouth he said "They're amazing... I can't believe I've never heard them before."

Shrugging I pointed back towards the stage where the band had broken out in the final chorus leading to Tim's solo. Thrashing around the stage, he damn near snapped the neck of his guitar against one of Carson's cymbal stands.

Ending with Kenny's falsetto passage, they paused before their next song to let him say a few words. "I just want to thank everybody for coming out tonight. This next one is available on our EP... if you want a copy of it, go see Shawn, he's the tiger with horrible plaid pants on-" he pointed at me and gave me a playful wink "-he will be selling them out of the trunk of the minivan..." he took a swig from his water bottle: "Ok, this next one is called Moments in Grace."

Carson started the count off, finally opening up to Tim, Carson and Tom. Deeper into the song, Kenny came in singing in a lower register than normal... Finally making it to the chorus he came back up into normal range, occasionally jumping to falsetto:

"As the rai-hain

Falls upon your face...

And I kno-ho

I'll be alone in this place.

When you're go-hon

I count the seconds in the day

Wishing you'd come back, and make this rain go away..."

Tim using his wah pedal to create the perfect bridge to the next verse, Kenny came back in:

"Well I kissed you

In the middle of the storm.

Just to

Keep you war-horm

As my lips pressed, against your fae-hace.

I knew these were all moments in grace."

Sending them back to the chorus.

Coming to another bridge, Kenny started singing as the band moved into cut-time:

"Never looking back, never looking back.

Never looking back, never looking back...

And you're never looking back, never looking back.

And you're never looking back, never looking back."

Slowly, the band started to build up adding layers and layers of sound:

"The rain is pouring and the rain is falling and the rain is coming down.

The rain is pouring and the rain is falling and the rain is coming down."

They jumped back to the chorus, the rest of the band dropping out leaving just Kenny with my brother playing over him:

"As the rai-hain

Falls upon your face...

And I kno-ho

I belong in this place.

When you're goooooooooooooone

The band came back in, this time in full force:

When you're go-hon


Make the rain go away (never looking back, never looking back)

Make the rain go away (never looking back, never looking back)

Make the rain go away (never looking back, never looking back)

One last kiss to send you off"

A moment of silence followed, soon erupting into a cacophony of cheers and clapping. I thought to myself "Hm, looks like we'll be selling a bunch of EPs today." Looking up at my brother he had a huge grin plastered on his muzzle and he gave me an excited thumbs up before he took his guitar off.

Kenny came back up to the mic saying "Alright folks, we have one more. This next one isn't original, but it's still good no less.-" Tim walked over to the side of the stage and picked up an acoustic. "- this next one was originally written by Death Cab For Cutie... it's called I Will Follow You Into the Dark." A few cheers here and there broke out.

Pulling Robbie over to the side of the stage I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a deep kiss, not caring if people saw. Feeling as if time stopped, I finally broke it and stared deep into his eyes. Soon becoming aware of my surroundings again, I only heard the final chorus of the song:

"If Heaven and Hell decide

That they both are satisfied

Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside you

When your soul embarks

Then I'll follow you into the dark

Then I'll follow you into the dark"

Having finished their set, the whole band walked off the stage to loud cheers and clapping. Robbie and I started to walk back to the car knowing that a lot of people were going to be waiting to get a copy of the EP.

Approaching the minivan, I wasn't too surprised to see that the first in line was crazy-coon girl.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

By the time the line had ended, we were down to three EPs left and the show was almost over.

Packing up all the gear and shutting my trunk, I got a tap on the shoulder. I turned to find myself staring into the eyes of a particularly angry looking wolf. He let out a low growl saying "You're that fucking queer aren't you?"

Cocking my head to the side in confusion, I said "How do you mean?"

"I saw you fucking kissing that queer over there-" he pointed over to Robbie who was leaning against the hatch of the minivan. "Just wanted to let you know that I hate people like you... fucking fag"

Tim walked over and gave me a punch in the arm "You ready to go yet?"

The wolf let out another growl and looked Tim up and down. "You know this guy's a fag right?"

Looking the wolf over, Tim stepped up saying: "I don't see how that would concern you. He's my brother, I don't really care if he was gay or not..."

"Him being a fag doesn't creep you out any? It's just.... unnatural." he spat at me, and snapped his teeth.

Tim walked a bit closer to him. "Don't you fucking do that. Like I said, I don't care what he-" There was a dull thud as the wolf's elbow caught Tim on the side of the muzzle, he fell back onto me covering he nose with his paw.

Setting him against the back of the car and lunged at the wolf shouting "YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD"

A punch caught him on is left temple, sending him flying to the pavement. I kicked him in the ribs making squirm and cover his stomach. Using my foot, I turned him onto his back and was soon straddling his chest sending blow after blow onto his muzzle, unable to make myself stop.

Getting up from his chest, I grabbed him by his shoulders and dragged his unconscious body to the curb. Propping him up against the side of the building I walked back over to my brother. "You alright?"

He pulled his paw away and upon examining it saw it was covered in blood but shrugged saying "Yeah, I'm fine. What about him?" he looked over at the unconscious wolf on the curb.

Gingerly wiping the blood from my knuckles, I looked over my shoulder finding that there was a crowd gathered around him, some furs pointing at me. "He should be fine... eventually." Unlocking the car Tim, Kenny and Robbie climbed in and I got into the driver's seat and started it up, driving away without saying another word.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pulling into the driveway a little after eleven, Kenny and Tim climbed out soon followed by me and Robbie. Unloading the car we set all the equipment in the kitchen to be taken downstairs tomorrow.

We all sat at the table me and Robbie on one side, Kenny and Tim on the other. Looking at my brother I asked if he ever met up with Cacie (crazy-coon girl).

Shrugging, he said: "Meh, she came by and I said hi, but I was loading up the car at the time so I really didn't get a good opportunity to talk to her."

Kenny, confused about who we were talking about, looked at me saying "Wait, who's Cacie... and why did you beat the hell outta that guy?"

Ignoring the question about crazy-coon girl, I looked at my brother who still had dried blood on his muzzle and said: "Didn't you see that he elbowed Tim in the nose?"

"Well, yeah. But why did he come over in the first place?"

"Cause he was just being an asshole I guess..."

Nodding, he stood up and stretched, cracking his back and yawning. He looked down at my brother saying: "So, where am I sleeping tonight?"

Pointing over to the couch in the TV room where our mom had put out an extra pillow and a blanket he said: "On the couch..." Waiting for him to leave the room, he looked over at Robbie saying: "I assume you are going to be staying in Shawn's room."

Robbie answered with a shaky voice. "Umm... yeah."

"Ok then, making sure... don't be too loud I want to be able to sleep." He got up and smirked as he walked into the TV room where Kenny was getting settled in.

I got up from the table and walked to the stairs, Robbie grabbed his other bag and closely following behind me we made our way towards the stairs. Saying goodnight to Tim and Kenny, I noiselessly made my way upstairs hoping not to wake up my parents.

Walking into my room I turned around and kissed Robbie, only breaking it to lock the door and take off my shirt. Picking him up, I laid him down onto my bed and started to undo his pants. Breaking the kiss again, I looked at him: "Robbie?"


Sounding determined and resolute, I said: "I want you to mate with me."

Slightly concerned, he replied "Are you sure."

"Positive." A look of elation shot up onto his muzzle and he kissed me again.

Crawling out from underneath me, he got out of my bed and kicked off his pants and walked over to his bag. I took off my belt and started to unbutton my pants when he came back with a bottle of lube in his paws. Smiling, I took it from him and put it on the nightstand beside my bed as he sat beside me and pulled my muzzle closer to his, our lips connecting and tongues intertwining.

Completely undressed, I grabbed the bottle of lube and started to rub it up and down his length. He pushed me backwards up against the wall and lubed one of his digits, settling between my legs he took my cock into his mouth. My head rolled back and I gasped as he slowly sunk the slicked digit into my tailhole, loosening my virgin hole.

Pumping the digit in and out of my tailhole he was soon able to squeeze a second one in immediately heightening my pleasure and almost making me cum right then.

Thinking I was loose enough, he came off my throbbing member (much to my dismay) and crawled back on top of me, kissing me again. Backing off, he looked down at me saying: "Flip over.-" Nodding my head, I turned around and got on my paws and knees. He positioned his cock at my entrance saying: "...I'm going to go slow. No matter what it will hurt a bit though. You ready?"

Nodding again, he pushed his hips forward until he was just inside me. Pain starting shooting up my spine making me wince, contorting my face; but soon the pain began to dull a little bit and he started to push more in. Eventually, the pain was gone entirely, leaving indescribable pleasure although he was just halfway in. He placed both paws on either side of my waist to keep himself steady.

He slowly pulled out till on the tip of his cock was left inside, pushing in again, deeper this time. Brushing against my prostate, the sensation sent waves of pleasure up and down my spine my mind became racked with pleasure and my cock began leaking pre. Making deep, slow strokes he pumped in and out of me making me moan in ecstasy.

He began to speed up, each thrust brushing against my prostate more sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body. I closed my eyes and began moaning loudly as his member was effortlessly gliding in and out of me.

Feeling one of his paws leave my waist he wrapped it and my throbbing cock, which was leaving a puddle of pre pooled on my bed sheets and started stroking it in time with his thrusts. Feeling myself on the verge of cumming already, I bit my lip trying to hold it back in hopes of cumming when he does.

Soon I could feel his growing knot begin to bump up against my ring. Craning my neck back, I said between gasps "Robbie... I want you... to tie with me." Nodding, he gave several hard thrust, each time his knot violently bumping against my tailhole until it eventually popped in making me gasp in pain, but at the same time doubling my pleasure.

His thrusts became shallower and more erratic and his cock began twitching in my tailhole, prodding my prostate relentlessly. I couldn't hold back my orgasm any longer as I let loose a torrent of cum, the first ropes hitting me on the chin but the majority ended up as a pool on my bed sheets. As my tailhole tightened around his knot he let out a loud moan and started cumming, coating my bowels with his seed.

After his intense orgasm, he flopped down onto my back and let out a long drawn out sigh. Laying on my stomach, we turned onto our sides and he put an arm around my shoulder. He fidgeted a little bit causing the knot to put painful pressure on my ring. Wincing a bit, I asked "How long are we going to be tied like this?"

In between gasps, he managed to say: "I don't know... I've never tied... before."

I wrapped my arm around his saying: "However long it is... it isn't long enough."

I felt him kiss the back of my neck and whisper into my ear "Goodnight love." A moment later, I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my muzzle.

Well, here's some shameless promoting... if you guys are interested here's the website for my brother's band: http://myspace.com/cultheromusic (I highly encourage you guys to check it out). All of the songs mentioned in this story are on their website (I'm trying to convince them to put up Moments In Grace).

If you do end up checking out the music, I would very much appreciate it if you did not mention where you got the link from seeing as how nobody seems to know about me writing this stuff.

Thanks for keeping my secret.

much love