Getting Hyped

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Some are interested in Garlan's powers, so the nexus lord bear decided to give his brethren another little demonstration. Fortunately he has found the perfect volunteer when it comes to his abilities in the form of Geordie.

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"Hey, I have a question for you."

Garlan suddenly saw the face of a black spandex bull that was looking at him, which prompted the black-furred bear to set the massive amount of weight that he had been lifting and sat up on the bench. The nexus lord of growth had been checking out the gym that his fellow athletic enthusiast Modino ran along with one of their other brothers, all of them getting friendlier with one another now that the nexus war was over between them all. "Yeah, go ahead," Garlan said. "What do you need?"

"I actually have a question about one of your spheres of influence," Modino replied as he sat down on the bench as well, which bent slightly under the weight of their combined muscular forms. "Now I know quite of few of Santer's minions as well as my own enjoy having really big cocks, but some of them have been really wanting to push the envelope. We're talking more than the usual throat stretchers too, I mean like really, really huge..."

"Oh, you're talking about hyper," Garlan replied before he glanced around at the others that were in the gym. "Are you sure we should be talking about nexus stuff around people like this? I mean I know I'm relatively new to the game but I'm not sure how secretive we should be."

"Don't worry about that," Modino replied with a wave of his hand. "Most here are either already our minions or will just ignore what we're talking about. So about this hyper cock stuff, I'm just wondering what the appeal of having huge, unyielding junk is, no offence of course."

"Well the problem is that you're thinking about it in the realm of reality," Garlan said with a chuckle. "When I work with those that enjoy such things I can make it so they can still function and then they can have fun with the massive assets that they want, which doesn't just have to be relegated to just one's member either. In fact, if you got a few spandex creature volunteers with a decent disguise I can sense someone nearby that would be useful for a little demonstration..."

Meanwhile on the nearby boardwalk Geordie walked along with his hands in the pocket of his pants. As he looked down at the wood the breeze that wafted through the black hair and teal fur of his head he let out a sigh as he also looked down at the bulge that protruded from the somewhat tight leather. Normally a walk would cheer him up but as he made his way around the area that bordered a rather popular gym he had seen a number of other men with their merchandise and short shorts with their cocks almost clearly outlined. They were all huge and mostly horse and bull men that had a number of ladies and most with other smaller guys that were practically fawning and stroking them.

It wasn't that he wanted to be with them, the wolf thought to himself as he walked away from the latest group where one of them had a shaft that was poking beyond the bottom of their longer shorts, it was that he wanted to be them. But there was no workout plan that would help with that and anything that was seen on television and delivered through e-mail was a scam. He wasn't even sure of why he was even thinking about something like that at the moment as he shook the thought out of his head. As he did however Geordie wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into someone that had stopped in front of him.

"Sorry about... whoa..." Geordie said as he looked up and saw an absolute unit of a bear standing in front of him, which as he looked up he found an absolute unit of a bear looking down at him. At first he found himself retreating slightly but the rather intimidating man just gave him a smile that seemed to put him at ease. As his eyes went back down he saw that muscles wasn't the only thing this guy was packing as he looked down and saw that if he had hit him from the front his bulge would have acted as an air bag as the bear only wore a speedo that left little to the imagination.

"Hey, It's alright!" Garlan replied with a grin as he patted the smaller wolf on the shoulder, which caused Geordie to look back up as he realized he was staring at him with his mouth agape. "Don't worry, you wouldn't be the first that was caught looking. Perhaps you might want one of your own?"

"Oh, I uh, I already have one," Geordie replied as he back up, though as he did he could feel his heart pound as he felt his arousal build. "I mean, I don't know what you're selling to say you got something like that but I doubt that it would help me."

"You'd be surprised," Garlan stated with a grin as Geordie found himself looking up and gasped as his honey-colored eyes were glowing. "I can tell that you want nothing more than what you see here and more, and that's exactly what you're going to get. You're going to get bigger every time you get excited, and as an extra bonus anyone that gets excited with you will experience the same effects. You're going to have a lot of fun."

Geordie felt his own eyes widening slightly at the declaration, looking down at his shorts as though expecting him to suddenly burst out of them. When all he saw was the crotch twitch slightly he looked up to ask the bear how he could make such a declaration only to see that they had vanished. How strange... but as Geordie shrugged to himself he decided that it was someone that might have started enjoying the night a little too early as he started to walk down the boardwalk once more. After a few minutes he forgot about the experience completely and thought about trying to find something to eat, though as the wolf looked around for a stand to potentially eat he happened to notice someone that caught his eye.

The woman was a fine looking mare that was in a bikini that left little to the imagination. As she leaned over on the bar and sipped her drink she sat in a position that showed off her curvy body in a way that had not only Geordie but several others looking as well. Being of the equine variety she was a little bigger than most and as the wolf found himself walking towards the bar area himself he could see that she would probably stand a bit taller than him. He sat down at the bar and as he waited for the bartender to go over so he could make an order he couldn't help but continue to glance over at her.

Suddenly he felt his cock wiggle and despite being out in public he found himself putting a hand on it, feeling it starting to swell. He was suddenly glad that he had decided to sit at the bar as he could feel himself throbbing while he tried not to get caught staring at the mare like some others did. She had a great body, the wolf thought, with her sizable breasts being hugged by the top of her bikini where he could still see her nipples. More than once Geordie found himself licking his lips, but suddenly he felt something tap the head of his maleness that caused him to jump slightly and look down.

Geordie let out a slight gasp as he found that his cock had started to press against the bottom of the bar he sat at, though even if he was fully erect and without his pants he wouldn't have been able to do that. Though it was hard to see since his balls appeared to have swollen a bit as well it looked like he had gained a few inches as the outline of the head could be seen in the fabric. He was suddenly glad that he had decided to wear his stretchy pants, but that still didn't explain how something like this could have happened. His attention suddenly turned back towards the mare as he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and saw that she had gotten up out of her seat. Hopefully she didn't think he was perving on her, Geordie thought to himself as he tried to calm himself enough to slide the thicker slab of meat into his pant leg in order to try and hide it.

"This seat taken?" a feminine voice said as Geordie looked up in surprise to see the mare standing there in front of him, the wolf suddenly finding his throat dry as he merely nodded and watched the equine woman have a seat next to him. The wolf nearly doubled over as he felt his own cock sliding against the fur of his thigh as it surged further while the mare smiled at him. "I couldn't help but see that you are sporting quite a package down there, admittedly I'm a little surprised to see something like that on someone that's not a horse or bull."

"Oh, I... uh..." Geordie stammered slightly as he felt her hand press against the growing lump in his pants. "I'm admittedly a little surprised as well, to be honest."

The mare chuckled at that and introduced herself as Jasmine, and as the two talked for a bit he continued to feel her stroking along his length. He suddenly remembered what the bear had said to him and as he tried to keep himself calm the mare was not making it easy on him. "Hey... maybe we should go somewhere," Geordie said as he felt his balls swelling and pushing between his legs as his pants were starting to strain. "If this keeps up I'm going to bust through my pants."

"I can certainly see that!" Jasmine replied with a snicker. "You certainly are a grower aren't you? I'm wondering just how much bigger you can get."

As Geordie tried to explain that he wasn't sure how big he would get either all he could do was let out a groan as he felt his thick cock practically stretch out his pants as the head was slowly pushing its way down to his knee. As the mare continued to tease him however Jasmine suddenly let out a gasp as her bikini top snapped, causing her breasts to bounce freely. Neither of them had realized that her boobs were starting to inflate until that moment and as she suddenly pressed up against his chest he could feel her nipples press against him. Now that they were exposed her chest was even more gorgeous and in turning to face him Jasmine had practically hopped up on his lap, or rather pressed her tight bikini bottom and the pussy behind it against his throbbing cock.

Geordie leaned out against the bar and let out a very loud moan as he orgasmed, feeling his thickening meat surge with each jet of cum that came out as he felt it soaking his pants and seeping out of the cloth. The mare pressed against him and as he hips thrusted up to the point she was practically bouncing her on his lap it caused him to pant. The wolf had just came, and from the amount that he could feel dripping down his leg it was more than he had ever done before in his life. His hands went down to his bulge where his sack was and he swore he could feel them churning to replace what he had just lost.

"Looks like we both need a change of clothing," Jasmine said with a grin as he felt himself starting to soften, though even with it retracting it was still much bigger than before as she got up and lifted him off the stool. "C'mon, I know someone that I think can help us, just follow me." As Geordie found himself nodding and being led by the mare he could feel himself blush as his cock was practically swaying while he moved. He noticed that there were several that had eyes on his package and as he could see the envy and lust in some of their eyes he let out a gasp as his bulge wiggled and grew even more...

A few minutes later Jasmine led Geordie to a spandex clothing store, which allowed the wolf to get out of his pants and the mare to no longer have to hold her breasts to try and cover them. The owner was a cheetah that seemed to take their predicament in stride and told them that they could just change in the store and to try on what they liked. While he was grateful that he was able to get rid of his cum-stained pants he saw that his green and orange patterned fur was a bit sticky. What had really drawn his attention though was the fact that his cock hung nearly halfway down to his knees while soft while his sack almost looked swollen. When he felt the furry sack he huffed and marveled at the size, which only seemed to get bigger when he played with them before he let them hang down.

As Geordie put on a pair of spandex briefs he found that he might have had a bit of a problem as he saw his cock hardly being contained within it to the point where his shaft was bending upwards and preventing the waistband from reaching his fur. "I think you might need to find something in the extra large sizes," Jasmine said with a giggle as Geordie found himself grinning sheepishly, gasping slightly when she hooked a finger around the elastic and let his cock spring free. "You are bigger then some horses that I've been with, mind if I give that bad boy a ride?"

"You mean right here?" Geordie replied as he found himself starting to grow again as he found his cock was so big that it had to be a few feet long by this point as she came up to him and pressed her naked body against him. In the back of his mind the wolf realized that the two were also seeing eye to eye with one another, which was strange but not noteworthy enough as she continued to stroke his length. "I'm not sure the shopkeeper is going to like that."

"He'll be fine with it," Jasmine said as she wrapped her arms around him, those pillowy breasts once more pressing against him and causing shivers of pleasure to go up his spine. "Go ahead, you know you want to." The wolf felt his maleness rising and as she bent over and showed off her pussy lips he nearly bucked forward as his shaft experienced another surge of growth. It was like he was reaching out to get into those folds and though he found that he was getting bigger to the point where he wondered if he would even fit he went for it anyway and reached for her hips.

To his surprise the tip of his cock reached the mare's pussy before his the tips of his fingers pressed against her sides. She was incredibly wet and though his cock jumping slightly made it a bit difficult initially he eventually began to spread her open. Geordie began to pant as he found himself sliding several inches in before Jasmine tossed her head back. At first he thought that he was right and was too big for her, but as she arched back the wolf was surprised when she actually stepped into him and allowed his growing cock to push so deep inside her pussy that even with his cock being almost two feet long she managed to take most of it to the point her lips were completely stretched.

That still didn't stop Jasmine from telling him to give it a good thrust and as Geordie did so he reached around and groped her breasts he could feel that she was still growing. It wasn't the only thing either as he could feel his balls growing bigger while they slapped up against the back of the mare's thighs. She continued to moan loudly as he thrusted up into her and even with his shaft still growing he managed to hilt inside of her, though her flat stomach was stretched to the point where he could see the outline of his cock inside of it. It didn't seem like it was possible that her pussy was able to swallow up her thick shaft she was more than eager to do so as her breasts grew so voluptuous that it was causing her to lean forward from it.

After a few more times pushing out Jasmine's stomach with his cock Geordie once more felt his increasingly massive balls pull up and let out a cry as he came, feeling the pussy of the mare quickly fill and started to spurt out. She practically fell forward and had to support herself on the nearby chair as she was filled to the point of her stomach bloating with it. At this point he couldn't contain himself and all he could do was hold onto her hips as he continued to jerk forward with every get. Eventually Geordie felt his balls empty completely, though he could already feel himself starting to recover as he pulled out of her snatch while she continued to rest on chair with her huge breasts hanging over the chair.

As Geordie started to pull out of the mare's pussy he found himself taking a step back, then another, and another as his cock seemed to just keep emerging from it. By the time he had finally felt the head pop out, which had caused both to tremble in pure pleasure, it fell back against his leg and practically hung there between his knees. His shaft was also incredibly thick and he wondered how Jasmine had managed to handle it all. As he hefted the soft cock up it was like holding a python, and just as he hefted it up he found himself staring at the cheetah shopkeeper that was staring at him. Before the wolf could say anything though he saw the look of initial shock on his face turned to a sly grin.

"So... you got any gas in the tank for one more?" the cheetah said as he went up to the wolf, reaching up to rub his pectorals as Geordie saw in surprise that he was nearly a foot taller than the other man.

"I... uh, think I might have something left," Geordie replied as he felt his already huge cock starting to grow again. "I'm going to warn you though that I think anyone I'm with grows too, especially down there. Plus I think that I might split you in half with this thing."

"Well, I can think of something that we can do with a shaft that big," the cheetah stated as he unzipped his pants and let his own cock flop out. While it wasn't small it was practically puny compared to the massive dong that the wolf sported. "Now just calm down and relax, this is going to be an experience." Though Geordie wasn't quite sure the amorous shopkeeper had a lustful look on their face while he stroked the fat shaft that was pressing against his stomach. The cheetah continued to stroke against it and the wolf couldn't help but marvel at the fact that his tip was as big as the other man's entire groin and was only growing bigger.

The smirk on the cheetah's face grew as he took his own cock and gave it a few strokes until it was completely hard himself before grabbing onto Geordie's length. The wolf continued to watch in rapt fascination as the feline took the tip of his maleness and pressed it up against his own, and after giving him a wink began to slide his cock inside. Geordie's eyes nearly went crossed as he felt his slit opening and something pushing into him, bulging out his urethra as the cheetah let out a moan of his own. This guy was actually sounding him with his own cock and it felt intense, his knees going slightly weak from the pleasure.

As the cheetah got the head of his cock completely into the one that he was penetrating it caused a reaction in Geordie, the wolf groaning even more as his length swelled and his length pushed out even more. That only caused it to push itself down and have more of the feline's length inside him, though as his was growing he could feel the inside of his maleness getting stretched. By the sensation he knew that the other man was growing just like Jasmine had, except instead of boobs he could see that the cheetah's maleness was growing when he started to thrust in and out of him while his balls started to swell and grow. It was becoming a feedback loop that was causing both men to grow, though Geordie was clearly becoming the bigger man as his frame visibly stretched and he grew another foot right before their eyes.

The shopkeeper quickly announced that he was orgasming and at first Geordie thought that he was pulling out, but that wasn't the case as suddenly he felt the throbbing cock inside his own start to spurt. The surreal sensation of feeling the guy coming inside him was enough to cause him to reciprocate. Both men grunted and groaned as all the wolf could do was hold onto his growing shaft as he could see his and the cheetah's cum spurt over his groin. At this point Geordie had to look down to see the cheetah as both of them panted heavily.

As Geordie and the cheetah continued to stand there eventually both managed to soften enough that one slid out of the other. It took much longer than its initial insertion and as the feline's cock finally popped all the way out it had already grown to nearly a foot in length while his was probably like four feet by now. His sack was nearly the size of a bean bag as well and he knew that he far outstripped those that he had originally seen at the boardwalk. By this point Jasmine had recovered as well and as she hefted herself up she admired her new tits while looking at Geordie and asking him how he felt.

"I... this is incredible," Geordie said as he found that even with his impressive girth he was still able to move around with his new size. "I know this shouldn't be possible, and I doubt I could really go out in public like this and there's not a pair of spandex shorts in existence that could cover this."

"Not sure why you would want to hide something like this," the cheetah said with a chuckle. "Perhaps since you enjoyed our last encounter you might want to expand your horizons even more? With a cock like this I would hate to see a shaft like this go to waste."

At this point the lust had permeated through the wolf's being so entirely that he found himself nodding his head as Jasmine nuzzled against his cock. When Geordie asked what it would entail the feline just held up a finger and then pointed at the amorous mare, then at the heavy shaft that was already starting to wiggle with anticipation. As the wolf continued to watch in question he saw as the mare licked up to his tip and pressed her nose against the slit, which as she did the cheetah grinned and pushed her head right into it! To Geordie's surprise as a wave of pleasure coursed down his shaft he could literally see the equine head outlined inside of it, and it wasn't long before the cheetah continued to push the squirming horse inside.

This was impossible, Geordie thought to himself, but with the pleasure practically paralyzing him all he could do was sit and watch as the feline fed the horse girl to his maleness. Even if he could move he couldn't reach the two with how far out his cock stuck out, and admittedly he didn't want it to stop either as he could feel the tongue of the woman still sliding around inside of him. He let out a loud groan as Jasmine's shoulders were slid inside of them, and once they were securely inside the cheetah pushed up his cock with the squirming horse still inside. At first Geordie wasn't sure what was even happening but as the other man lifted him up with surprising strength the wolf shuddered as Jasmine was lifted into the air and began to slide down into his shaft.

All Geordie could do was pant and huff as he watched the horse slide down inside of him, seeing her outline, including her huge boobs that bulged out his shaft, continue to travel down as though his cock was swallowing her up. Everything about the wiggling creature inside his massive maleness felt so good, even her legs kicking around before they were swallowed up as well and she disappeared completely. He found himself so completely erect that he didn't need the cheetah to hold it up anymore to keep her inside, though as the head of the horse began to push into his mammoth sack that touched against the ground Geordie found that it was good thing since he fully intended on joining her.

If one creature inside his cock wasn't enough the addition of a second caused it to grow out of control, to the point where he could have fit the entirety of the slimmer cheetah inside of him without his head going inside his balls and his feet poking out. For the moment though he seemed content to just start sliding his upper body inside as Jasmine's hooved feet quickly followed the rest of her body inside of him, his sack stretching out to contain the creature before her features started to get lost in his continued growth. While his body also seemed to get bigger it was only enough to keep his cock off the ground as the erect shaft throbbed hard and seemed to jut upwards to let the cheetah follow the same path the horse did.

"Looks like someone is utilizing the gifts that I've given," a voice said as Geordie managed to look up even as he was deep in the throes of pleasure, seeing the bear man that had spoken walking in along with a bull that looked like he was actually made of spandex. "That is the benefits of a hyper cock Modino, and I'm sure your minions are having the time of their lives in there."

"Minions?" Geordie managed to say, seeing the two extra people causing him to snap out of his lustful fog and looked at his cock to see the spotted tail get slurped up like spaghetti while his feet also popped inside. When he pressed down his hand against his bean bag sized sack and felt the horse still moving around inside of it. "Are they... are they going to be alright in there?"

"They're going to be just fine," the bull that Garlan had identified as Modino said. "If you think that them going in was something you should feel when they come back out, though I can only imagine with the power that Garlan gave you they might just be able to walk out at that point."

"Nah, I think our new friend here has grown enough," Garlan replied as he patted Geordie on the shoulder as the wolf realized that even with his newfound height that the bear was still slightly taller than him. "Or maybe you're looking for something a little bigger? I have some that aren't happy until they can fit an entire skyscraper in there, though I find that most are just satisfied with being bigger than those that they are having fun with."

Geordie looked down at his huge maleness and as the bear pressed his hand against the back of his head he could feel the tingle of energy inside of his body, finding his frame growing even bigger until he found his head starting to get close to the ceiling while the bear joined him. Even though his cock grew larger as well his form finally outpaced it and he was able to lift himself up with the two spandex creatures inside of his sack. As he felt them squirming around he couldn't help but rubbed against his balls now that he could do so and could actually feel them squeeze around his fingers. He played around with the two for a bit before he turned back to Garlan and asked what else he could do.

The bear just grinned at him and said that there were all sorts of fun things that they could do while Garlan also fondled his sack and stroked along his cock, which surprised him with a bit more growth that caused it to practically cross over the store. While the two continued to talk Geordie was told about the nexus realm and all the amazing creatures that were there, though the one that he was definitely interested in was the one that he was talking too. Garlan was the nexus lord of growth, which he could clearly see was the case as he gave his hefty cock a pat as part of him wondered just how big he could get...