New Risings.txt

Story by Reaper_Shadow on SoFurry

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#1 of New Risings*

Death...that's all he could see, as far as his eyes could see it was nothing but blood and bodies, strewn about as though caught in an explosion. And the most prevalent bodies, the ones that were at his crimson boots, were his parents, and a strange blue fox.

"All you'll bring is death! You're going to be the death of us all! You're cursed...cursed!" The old gypsy was screeching the words as the wolf backed away, his dark fur bristling in fear as he tried to get away from her outstretched claws and fangs, she looked like she might try to kill him herself. He quickly scrambled back, turning and running from the little office and down the street, all the while wondering what in the world just happened.

"Wh-why...?" Those strangled, gurgling words greeted him in his dreamscape. Bodies lay scattered, strewn about and at the strangest of angles. Almost all of them had visages that expressed sheer agony and terror, those that didn't...well there wasn't a lot of them left above the waist anyway,. Buildings reduced to flaming piles of rubble, those that stood looked as though they'd fall apart with a gust of wind. Around his feet, lay many figures, but two stood out in particular; The furry, sleek blue dead body of a fox gazing up with only half a jaw, and the darker one, barely clinging to life as she gripped his pants leg before collapsing to the ground.

From her paw tumbled a locket that fell open to reveal two figures, the first was her, the second was -

A dark figure jerked awake, his black fur letting him blend into the darkness that filled every inch of the cargo hold he lay huddled in. Now, forcefully jolted from his nightmares, he sat up with his knees pulled to his chest and his fur drooping. His figure gave off an air of dominance, but also malnutrition. His stomach seemed sucked in and he didn't seem to be willing to move too much, almost as though movement caused him pain. The cargo bay rumbled violently and he was tossed to the side, crying out as quietly as he could as he was jarred against a large metallic box. He hissed slightly in pain, gritting his teeth as he rose slowly, looking around to see if anyone had noticed the noise or was coming to investigate. Happy that he was still undetected within the ship, he looked around to see if there was anything that he could eat within the cargo hold. Seeing there was nothing, and then seeing that there was a door partially obscured by large boxes, he slowly opened it to find a functional spiraling staircase that traveled downwards. He followed them down, a bit confused since he didn't notice this before, and paused at the door at the bottom as a sense of foreboding swept over him.

He reached the bottom and paused, his palm a few inches from the door as he puffed a few times, steadying himself for whatever may be behind the door before he opened it, and froze. In front of him lay row upon row of cages, some of them stacked atop one another but each held only a single occupant suspended several inches from the bottom of the cage by the stasis field, protected by an energy grid. Turning to his right his eyes settled on a female squirrel, her fur almost as dark as his own pitch black fur. Her large bushy tail obscured her more intimate parts from view and the longer he looked at her, the hotter his cheeks felt He slowly walked towards it, leaning down and pulling away a panel to reveal plenty of wires that controlled the energy flowing into the fields as he began trying to disrupt both fields.

He tried to keep his gaze steady but found it trailing slowly back to the squirrel. It took a few minutes but soon the stasis field flickered and failed, releasing the girl. "Nya...what?" She fell to the ground, flat on her face with her rear in the air as the field dropped her.

"What happened to you?" He asked and began trying to disrupt the energy grid that kept her imprisoned within the cage. She pushed herself up into a sitting position, looking around worriedly. "I w-was...captured? I...I can't remember." Her tail and ears drooped slightly as she watched him work. He gave her an odd look, almost as if questioning the truth in her statement before he shrugged.

Unknown to either of them, when he had deactivated the stasis field he had sounded a silent alarm aboard the bridge. Now the shipmistress, a sadistic piece of a work who was as likely to have sex with you as she was to murder you in cold blood, gave a very annoyed growl before dispatching two guards from her side to investigate this disturbance.

Two floors down, the wolf groaned and leaned against the side of the cage, clutching his stomach as it growled loudly. With a mix of hunger and pain from before shortening his patience and making him irritable, he slashed at the power cords with his claws. "Are you okay?"

As soon as the last bit of the energy grid collapsed she rushed out, momentarily laying her head on his shoulder. "Yes...thank you." With that, she rushed quickly into the dark and out of sight. He looked after her for a moment before he turned and began working on the next cage.. He had almost gotten the stasis field down on the cage when he felt a large fist connect with his jaw. He yelped in pain as he crashed to the ground, disoriented and stunned as the two guards advanced on him before one shouted and crashed to the side, trying to throw off what looked like a biting black ball of fur. "Leave him alone!!"

The furry fighter was the squirrel that had just been freed by the wolf. As he looked on, she kept sinking her teeth into the head, neck, and shoulders of the sharpclaw guard that struggled hard, his armor and scales doing well to keep him alive. The other guard, a powerful looking woman lunged towards them, swinging her scaly fist at the squirrel who yelped and jumped away, scampering and squeaking slightly as she crouched behind the wolf who growled angrily at the guards, a warning that he planned to protect her.

The two guards growled and advanced as the girl leaned close to the wolf's ear and whispered softly, "I have a plan...move slowly to your left."

He complied, moving slow to avoid drawing attention before she suddenly shot forward, clamping down on the ankle of the male guard in front of the empty stasis field as the wolf realized the plan and charged, slamming hard into the guard and sending him crashing backwards into the field. But before either of them could attack the other guard, a large powerful hand clamped down on the back of his neck, lifting him almost a foot off the ground as he snarled and kicked madly, but in his half-starved state he was a lot weaker than normal. The squirrel looked on in terror before she started attacking the sharpclaw's legs.

The guard kept snarling and stomping, trying to crush the squirrel underfoot before she swung the wolf. "Stop or he dies!" She squeaked and immediately slid to a halt, quaking as she looked at her captured savior. He was struggling to draw breath through the iron grip of the guard as the other, recovered from the attack, snarled and roughly grabbed the squirrel, lifting the whimpering furball by her scruff as they started carrying the two up the stairs.

Both furs stopped struggling in the grip of their captors, resigned to whatever was to happen as the door to the bridge slid open. The two were thrust towards the shipmistress who stared down at them with a mix of annoyance, surprise, and intrigue. She leaned towards them, her palms laced together beneath her chin as she smiled a bit. "Well well...what have we here? A starving wolf, and our newest slave...together?"

A nearby guard was eying the squirrel with lust as she whimpered and slid closer to the wolf, cowering beside him. "Nbow what shall we do with you two? I could keep the wolf for myself, and let the girl be taken for whatever punishment my guards think would be acceptable..." That threat made the squirrel squeak and shrink in size as the wolf growled a deep defiance. "Or...I could let you both go free?" Both black furs perked immediately, staring at the shipmistress with wide eyes. "hmm....yes, I might do that...if you," A point at the wolf made it clear the target. "Do one thing."

He stared up at her, biting his lip before the squirrel squeezed his arm and he sighed. "What do you want me to do?"

An evil smile spread across the lips the female sharpclaw as she pointed to the girl. "Fuck her."


Wolf+Squirrel: O.o

Me: Hehehe...not bad eh?

Wolf: ....*Is hiding erection*

Squirrel: *Has been toying with her tail absently*

Me: Hehehehe....totally messed with them. REVIEW THIS! REVIEW OR DIE A PAINFUL DEATH BY MY MONKEY OF SUPER DOOM!!!!