Sean part 7: sunday

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#7 of Sean (old)

I woke up and opened my eyes to a drumming vibration and beeping, I closed my eyes and rubbed them then I turned over so I was laying on my back, I put my paws on my sides and pushed myself up then raised my arms up and stretched arching my back, I heard all my bones cracking and it felt good, I stopped stretching, leaned over and grabbed my phone

Hay whatcha doing today cause I was thinking

I could help you with your IPod???

Love Sean

I smiled yawning and looked at the time my phone read eleven thirty seven I then replied

Sure that be awesome come around twelve

Love Dan <3

I turned around and slipped my hind paws out of bed, stood up then walked over to my draws and grabbed my dark blue jeans (previously bought last night) then slipped my boxers off and got into them then I stretched again, my back cracked a couple of times then I stood up straight and was about to leave my room when my phone went off, I giggled then went over to it

Kay Hun

See ya in 20 love ya xoxox

I smiled as I saw all the hugs and kisses from him I giggled as I thought soon they were gonna be real hugs and kisses

Can't wait love you too xoxox

I put my phone in my pocket and walked down stairs to the kitchen and got a bowl out then looked up at the cereals deciding on which one I should eat unaware I had company

"There he is" a girls voice came from my left, I looked over too see Carol and I smiled

"Good morning" I said, Carol walked over gave me a hug

"Good morning Hun" Carol said then she sat down on a stool "What are the plans for today" She asked

"Seans coming over at twelve to help with my IPod" I said grabbing the Milo cereals then I looked over to Carol "Did you want some cereal" I asked, Carol shook her head softly and I nodded and filled my bowl. I to the fridge and got the milk while I talked to Carol when there the door opened

"IM HOME" Jason panted; I smiled and walked over to him with a glass of cold water in my paw, he had gone for a run and I knew that because he was wearing short running shorts and a sleeveless shirt, he looked so hot, his abs were showing, his musk made my maw water and the shorts showed his bulge off nicely

"Water" I offered, Jason smiled and tussled my hair then downed his water

"Thanks mate" Jason thanked, I went back to the kitchen and ate my cereal, I had finished my cereal and was washing my bowl when there was a knock at the door, I smiled and quickly padded over to the door and opened it to be greeted with Sean smiling

"Hay pup" Sean said holding a laptop case in his paw, I smile and let him in Sean walked by and kissed my cheek, I giggled

"Sean and I are gonna go up to my room" I said as I walked by the kitchen

"OK hay fun you two" Carol said

"Thanks Mrs. Jenkans" Sean said

"Oh Sean just call me Carol" Carol insisted

"Okay thanks Carol" Sean said, Carol nodded and Sean went into my room, I closed the door and when I turned around Sean put his lips against mine, I murred softly and closed my eyes as I kissed him softly, our tongues danced in our maws to no music just us showing how much we wanted this, Sean lifted me up reasting me up against the door and wrapped my legs around his waist. Sean held me up against the door and kissed me for a while then he softly broke the kiss

"God I have been waiting to do that since I texted you" Sean whispered softly, I nuzzled him softly and Sean purred having my muzzle rubbed against his bear neck, Sean kissed my fore head softly then put me down but grabbed my paw then walked over to the side of my bed, Sean sat down on the floor and put me on his lap, I giggled while he typed his password in to his computer, the computer screen showed a window of music.

"Okay so what kinda music do you like" Sean asked

"Well I'm into all types if it has a good beet, Rhythm, tune I'm all for it" I said, Sean nodded

"So where's your IPod" Sean asked, I got up then went to my draws and got it off the top of them. I walked back over to Sean and sat in his lap, Sean smiled and pulled out a white cable from his pocket, one side was rectangular while the other was a USB, Sean plugged the rectangular end into my IPod and got the USB end into his computer, soon a window popped up named ITunes and it had an empty screen then Sean clicked on a little button that opened up to a full screen of music. Sean and I talked about what I liked and played music while we did it.

Soon I had all the music I wanted and Sean dragged it all onto the IPod symbol then a window popped up

Copying 523 items to Dan's IPod

Time remanding 24 minutes

"Well this is gonna take a bit so what do you wan..." I said but was interrupted by Sean putting his lips against mine, Sean purred while I murred as he kissed me, Sean then lay down with me on top of him, Sean ran his paw through my hair while my paws were wrapped around his neck and Seans other paw slid up and down my back. Sean tasted like chocolate and that taste with the feeling of his tongue against mine was divine, Sean broke the kiss and looked into my eyes

"What" I giggled

"I'm so happy you said yes" Sean said rubbing my cheek, his soft paw caressed my cheek and I pushed into his paw my eyes closed and me murring. Sean giggled a little then gave me a quick kiss then looked at the screen

Copying 523 items to Dan's IPod

Time remaining 10 seconds

Sean sat up, my stomach was still pressed up against his and his left arm was wrapped around my waist as I kneeled in his lap, Sean then unplugged my IPod, put it on my bed side table then put his other paw around my waist and put his nose against mine. Sean smiling and purred as he looked into my eyes rubbing my back

"So what do you wanna do" Sean asked I was about to say go for a drive somewhere when I heard a knock at the door

"Yer" I said and Jason walked in

"Oh sorry was I interrupting" Jason said

"No no its okay" I said smiling, Jason nodded

"Umm I was just saying it's a hot day perfect for a swim and we have a pool out the back if you two maybe wanna swim" Jason said, Sean smiled

"Yer thanks for telling us" Sean said standing holding me up, and I looked at him

'How the hell did he do that' I thought then smiled as I saw his big massive arms. Jason left and Sean put me down and took his shirt off, I drooled looking at his massively built body, then he took his pants off to revile black and red board shorts

"I could find any underwear" Sean said embarrassed

"Well I have no board shorts" I said but then realised I had old shorts in the bathroom "However I do have something to swim in" I said going into the bathroom and seeing them on the floor, I took off what I was wearing and bent down to pick up my pants when I felt a set of paws against my butt

"And what is my cub doing" I asked giggling

"Feeling my pups butt" Sean said pulling me up and rubbing my exposed chest, I giggled as his paw went up and down my chest, Sean gave my neck a small peck then grabbed my shorts and slipped them onto me "He he ready"

"Yup" I said giving his maw a kiss then walking out the door and down the stairs, Carol and Jason were sitting in the lounge holding paws and watching a movie "Sean and I will be in the pool" I said

"Okay, towels are in the cupboard next to the back door" Carol said smiling

"Thanks" I said, Sean was waiting next to the back door and I opened the door that was on the opposite side of him, I grabbed two red towels and Sean and I walked out into the melting day. Sean dove in and I looked around. The back yard was only pool sounded by a 2X2 red and blue tile set it was massive, in the middle of the pool was land and on it was a big tree taller than the house that shaded the pool nicely.

"You coming in or do I get to enjoy the view all day" Sean said giggling, I put my towel down and dove in next to him, when I submerged Sean put me onto his shoulders and spun around, I laughed and grabbed onto his maw for balance, Sean fell backwards and we went into the water I submerged and I watched the sneaky lion underneath the water, he was moving towards me slowly as if he was stalking me, I moved back slowly, playfully till I was against the edge of the pool and that's when Sean made his move he shot over to me then submerged "Rawwz" Sean said, I giggled as he then took his prize. My neck. Sean softly kissed at my neck and he wrapped his arms around me and ran his tongue up and down my neck purring, I murred my eyes closed my paw on his chest and the other on the back of his neck.

Sean then moved to my maw and kissed me softly, rubbing my sides and stomach softly, slowly teasing me. Sean broke the kiss and looked into my eyes deeply while I got lost in his; His eyes were so hypnotic just so amazing and blue, Sean giggled then kicked against the wall and floated on his back, I smiled and watched as he floated away then he sank and I couldn't see his shadow

"Sean" I asked, I didn't hear anything, I swam over and stood looking into the water then I felt a set of paws on my lower thighs then I was shot up

"SNEAK ATTACK" Sean yelled, I laughed as he spun me in the air and then he spun me around and looked up at me, I giggled then let go of him and I slipped through his grip, I swam through the water then the corner of my eye I saw Sean swimming with me, I swam to the middle of the pool, submerged, climbed up and grabbed a branch and pulled myself up then sat on tree looking down, Sean looked around for me

"Dan" He asked, I whistled and he shot his head up

"Not looking hard enough" I said standing up and continued climbing, I watched as he followed me I remember being a very good climber when I was younger and I'm glad that trait didn't leave. Sean then got my tail and stopped me then got me in a death grip, he squeezed me tightly I giggled as his arms were around me. Sean then put me down then walked out on to a strong branch and dove into the pool, I smiled as I looked down and he submerged

"WOOOO" Sean said "Dan you gotta try that" I smiled and jumped off. As the air went through my fur I smiled and a tear escaped, I was free, I was happy, I was loved and most importantly I had somebody to love. As I hit the water I didn't swim up I just sunk to the bottom and laid there, the water around me waving through my fur was incredible, I opened my eyes and Sean was coming down to me, he smiled and laid down next to me then put me on top of him and pressed his lips against mine, Sean purred while I smiled and kissed him then Sean submerged with me in his arms.

"I love you" I said nuzzling him, Sean purred and petted me softly

"I love you too" Sean said stroking the back of my head "Oh do you like Ice skating" Sean asked, I nodded softly "Do you wanna go tonight, I heard there's a place called the roller drome and its Ice skating tonight from seven till ten so maybe you wanna go" Sean asked, I looked up and smiled

"Sounds awesome" I said, Sean smiled and swam. Sean and I swam for an hour or so then we got out and had a shower (together) then went into my room, Sean lay down holding me stroking my stomach softly purring. Sean gave my neck a lick, I giggled then turned around and put my neck into his neck an closed my eyes, Seans purring was so calming that soon I fell asleep.

Sean gently shook me and I opened my eyes

"Hay" Sean said softly

"Hi" I said giggling "What time is it" I asked

"Around six thirty Hun so do you still wanna go ice skating" Sean asked

"Yer I do" I said standing up and arching backwards, Sean smiled and sat on my bed and I got out of my damp shorts then slipped into some underwear then long jeans. I slipped on the white and black Shirt I bought last night and turned around smiling, Sean smiled as he walked over to me, Sean bent down and gave me a soft kiss then hugged me tightly "Everything okay" I asked hugging him back

"Yer puppy, I just loved holding you is all" Sean said, I smiled and looked up into his eyes, those gorgeous blue diamond's that always sparkled when I looked into them and that smile he constantly had on his muzzle that always made me feel safe and warm. Sean stroked my cheek softly making me murr softly "I love you" Sean said hugging me again, I smiled

"I love you too" I said. Sean took my paw and we went downstairs, I went to the living room where I found Jason and Carol asleep, I smiled and turned the T.V off and wrote a note

Hay guys

I didn't wanna wake you just letting you know Sean

And I have gone ice skating at the roller drome we'll

Be back at like ten fifteen latest

Dan xx

We left silently and we walked to Seans red Honda civic, I got in and we took off soon we were at the large building, we went into the building and Sean paid for it all, I felt bad but he told me I didn't have to and that he liked to do these things. Sean and I went up to the skate hire and we then moved to the seats and put our skates on then I walked to the ice and looked out. There were only a few paw full's of other furs that were skating around in circles passing the massive screen that played music videos of the songs that were playing, I stood out onto the Ice and started going around the Ice but not to log after Sean joined me catching up to me easily then putting his paw around my neck

"So you have ice skated before" Sean asked, I nodded

"Yer used to go every Saturday with m-mum" I sighed, Sean gave me a squeeze and I looked over and smiled, soon a song came on and Seans eared perked

"I love this song" Sean said, I listened to it and looked at the screen and it read

DJ got us falling in love again

Usher Ft Pitbull

Sean and I had skated around the rink a couple of times when a voice came on

Okay welcome all to the Caloundra roller drome tonight we have a couple of games planned and a lot of good music but right after this song we are gonna have some speed skating

The next song played and Sean smiled

"Can you skate fast" Sean asked

"Yup prefer it actually" I said, Sean smiled and stated skating a bit faster, I followed passing him and smiling as I did, Sean caught up and grabbed my tail "you right their cub" I asked

"Yes puppy I am" Sean said still holding onto my tail, Sean then pulled on my tail and shot off I smiled and waited for him to return, Sean soon came back

"You bore" Sean giggled

"Hay we're gonna race in a bit so settle" I said smiling

Okay now it's time for the people who can skate and skate fast to line up

"See" I said and went and lined up with Sean right next to me, we lined up and I bent down ready to go

Okay you speed demons ready set GO

As soon as I heard it I shot off, I turned with the cold air brushing through my fur, I put one paw after the other as I speed round the corner I looked back and saw Sean only a few paces behind me and gaining speed, I went faster, I went as fast as my legs could move, I looked back as saw Sean was still were he was, I looked ahead of me and turned the corner smiling, I put one paw in front of the other like I always have but this time they collided and I skidded across the Ice and into the wall with a thud.

Sean stopped and skated over quickly

"Dan, are you okay" Sean asked getting down to my level; his eyes went all over me cheeking I was fine. I was. Sean sighed "You crazy MoFo" Sean giggled helping me up, I got off the ice and sat down Sean then went off to the canteen; I sat down and waited for him looking around. Sean came back with some hot chips and two slushies; he put everything down and took his seat

"Thanks" I said Sean smiled

"Its okay pup" Sean said smiling, I sighed at his smile, again it was so perfect and warm making me feel safe and secure. Sean and I soon went back on the ice and didn't get off it till we were told to leave, Sean and I returned our skates and left, Sean put me on his shoulders I laughed as he walked to his car, when we got to the car he crouched down and I got off, I was about to walk around to the other side when Sean put a paw on my chest and pushed me softly against his car.

"What are you doing" I asked giggling, Sean came closer and put his lips against mine, I murred softly as his lips were against mine, He tasted like hot ships and lemonade slushy. He wrapped his arms around my waist and mine were around his neck, His soft, moist lips pressed up against me, his paws rubbing my sides just felt so right, so good and everything was till we heard a voice

"HAY FAGS GET A ROOM" I rough voice came from across the street, Sean didn't stop, he didn't care he just continued but one of his paws left my side and shot them the finger, I giggled as I knew nothing could ruin this moment. Sean opened the door for me and I got in thanking him with a kiss, Sean went over to the other side when I noticed the figures walking over, Sean looked over and I saw the figures paw move speedily towards Seans face, Seans arm went up and I guess he blocked it because I saw his other paw move towards the figures chest, palming the animal away from the car, Sean stood there for a few seconds then got back in and drove off.

"What happened" I asked, Sean shook his head

"Just a homophobic ass-hole" Sean said, I nodded and rested up against his arm, Sean put his arm around me and drove me home, as we pulled up Sean put his maw against mine, I loved how he tasted, he felt and how he smelt. Sean broke the kiss softly then smiled

"See you tomorrow maybe Hun" Sean said softly his paw under my maw, I smiled nodding

"Okay cub" I said

"I love you" Sean said licking my nose, I smiled and kissed him then grabbed for the door handle

"Love you too" I said getting out, I closed the door, kissed my paw then pressed it against the window then I smiled and I walked to the door and went inside. I was greeted by a hoof on my shoulder

"Hay buddy have a good time" Jason's voice was so calm and happy, I turned and smiled

"Yer it was awesome" I said, Carol hugged me

"Thanks for leaving the note sweetie" Carol said, I nodded and hugged her back I nodded and walked upstairs, got into my boxers and lay down on my comfortable bed murring. I rubbed myself against the sheets smiling till I heard a knock at the door, I sat up

"Yer" I said, carol walked in smiling

"Hay, Jason and I were about to watch transformers do you wanna watch it with us" Carol offered

"Yer sure that be awesome" I got up and walked down stairs with carol "I thank you labour day" I said to carol who smiled

"Why" she asked

"Otherwise I would have school tomorrow" I said happily, we went into the lounge room that now had a bowl of popcorn, three glasses of lemonade and a block of Cadbury chocolate, I sat down next to Jason and carol took a seat next to me. Jason put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a little shake smiling, the movie started and we sat there watching the action packed movie and at the end Jason and I played our air instruments to new divide. After the song had finished Jason turned the TV off and we went up to bed, I slid into my bed softly and Jason and Carol said there goodnights then I closed my eyes and soon feel into my deep dark sleep.

The next thing I know I felt a warm rubbing on my sheath, I moaned softly as the warm flesh coaxed my length hard, I opened my eyes softly and then they shot open as I saw Jason sitting on my bed rubbing my member smiling

"Hay buddy" he whispered

"Umm hi" I said confused on what was happening "what are you doing" I asked, Jason lay next to me and sighed

"I think I maybe bisexual" Jason said, I looked over shocked, I wasn't against bi's but it was a shock.

"What makes you say that" I asked

"Looking at you and Sean kissing and rubbing I dunno I guess it turned me on and I'm just so confused s-so I was wondering if y-you could h-help me out" Jason asked, I was still so shocked I just lay next to him looking at him, Jason sighed "yer it was a stupid Idea I'm sorry I just hope this doesn't change anything between us" Jason got up

"Wait Jason" I said, it didn't feel right but Jason had been so nice and warming how could I say no, Jason was an awesome father and I would be glad to help, plus he had an amazing body and package. I got out of bed and walked over to the stag, I saw he only wore tight red boxers that showed his bulge off greatly, I got over to him and Jason put his strong arms around my waist, I looked up running my paws up his abs to his neck and put my arms around his neck, Jason leaned in and put his lips against mine, I kissed him back then he slowly shut the door and picked me up and brought me to my bed.

Jason lay me down on my back while he lay on his side facing me, Jason slowly ran his paw down my body making me murr softly, Soon his hoof came to my underwear and he pushed them down to let my member loose, Jason pulled my underwear off me completely and stared at my naked body smiling

"Looking good buddy" Jason said, I saw his bulge grow bigger in his tight boxers and I undid the button that kept the hole shut and his member came out, it made my mouth water just looking at it, when I knew it was fully hard it looked around 10 inches and I ran my paw up and down his member making Jason moan loudly, I gave his neck a kiss then softly and slowly made my way down his body kissing every few centimetres, Jason rubbed my head as I reached his member, I gave his member a lick and Jason moaned in pleasure as my wet muscle run over the tip of his meat, I put my maw over the top of his cock and went down slowly.

Jason arched his back in pleasure moaning and I went as far down as I could without choking, I started to move up and down his length my tongue rubbing the underneath of his member. Jason's eyes were closed, his back was arched and his member pulsating in my maw as I moved faster and swallowed some of his member making it go down my throat, Jason moaned and pushed my head down, I didn't argue I went as far down as I could. Jason then patted my head, I looked up

"Turn around bud" Jason moaned, I spun around and moaned as I felt a warm, wet feeling against my member, I looked back and saw Jason had my member in his maw, I moaned and went faster. It didn't take me long to start pre-cumming in his maw, Jason lapped everything I gave up whilst I bobbed and painted it with my saliva

"Buddy c-could we try something" Jason said, his words muffled as he asked with my cock still in his maw

"Mmhm" I answered

"Could I maybe try receiving a-anal" Jason asked, I was so shocked I started to gag I pulled out and coughed

"What" I coughed

"I just wanna know what it feels like" Jason asked, I stopped coughing and moved up to Jason again and grabbed his legs, I prodded Jason's hole making him squeak in pleasure and surprise. I started to push into his tight pucker and its tightness still surprised me

"Ohh god Jason you're so tight" I said, Jason winced yet moaned enjoying the new feeling, I kept pushing till I had my entire member inside of his velvety, tight hole. I looked down

"Y-you okay" I asked, Jason moaned in response so I pulled out till I had half my member inside of him, Jason moaned loudly as I pushed back into him rubbing against his prostate coaxing more pre to shoot out of him member. I saw he enjoyed it so I started to move in and out of him getting faster and faster every time, Jason threw his head back in pleasure as I every time I dove into him spreading his hole apart he moaned, I moaned as I soon felt my climax rising

"Fuck Jason I'm close" I moaned and I lay down in his chest

"Me too bud" He moaned, every thrust I felt my cum rushing to the tip of my member till soon it shot into Jason's hole. Jason cam not to long after me after I started to rub his member in between our stomachs, Jason then sat up and pushed me down pulling me out of him, as I lay down Jason cleaned my stomach off any cum he saw and I murred as his soft tongue ran all over me, as he finished I brought his head to mine and I kissed him, we murred as we kissed each other rubbing each other's body, I ran my paw down his stomach as I went into some wet patches

"Ohh you're not clean yet" I said smiling, I kissed his neck then made my way down his body and clean his body of my white cum that clung to his fur, when I finished we lay on my bed and put our lips together kissing each other, soon Jason stoped

"I have to get back to carol" Jason said happily

"do you still love her" I asked

"What kind of question is that, I love carol with all my heart I was just confused about my sexuality was all" Jason said, I looked down then Jason got my maw and kissed me again "I'm not going to leave her if that's what your worried about I'm bi not gay" Jason said running his paw across my cheek smiling, I nodded and he gave me one more kiss and left "sleep well bud"

"Goodnight Jason" I said as I lay down and closed my and feel into my sleep.

Sean part 8: the figure behind the door

I woke up to my back being rubbed; I grunted softly looking around to see Sean lying their smiling "Hay" I crocked turning around and kissing him, Sean kissed me back and as I pulled back Sean pushed his head forward and held me to the...

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Sean part 6: the birthday

I was woken up to clinks on my window; I yawned and rubbed my eyes when I heard the clink again. I went over to my window and looked out I saw Sean throwing little stones, I lifted the window "Sean, what is it" I asked...

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Sean part 5: a good night

It was seven o'clock when I felt my phone vibrate it my pocket, I pulled it out and there was a message from Craig, _Hay buddy how's things and how was school_ _Great I have a date tomorrow_ _Oh Daniel that's...

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