Rayner's Way: Chapter 7 - Morning After

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#7 of Rayners Way

Rayner and Gab wake up to each other after having an exciting night together.

Gab woke first the next morning to the sound of the shower snapping to life the next morning, followed quickly by Rayner. He looked up over Rayner's chest toward the door, but seeing it closed, he snuggled back down into the musky, off-white fur of his wolf. Rayner's shedding probably tickled his nose. A good lick and a nudge would keep it at bay long enough for them to get up.

This was the third time that Gab had woken stretched out on top of Rayner. The larger wolf's body would support Gab's weight much better than the other way around. Rayner could feel Gab press himself against Rayner's chest trying to get even tighter. Gab's cock flexed underneath the sheet, dragging itself across Rayner's furry leg inside his underwear as it expanded but Gab did his best not to make a noise.

"Good morning," Rayner whispered and snuggled into Gab's now tense form, "would you like help?"

"Sorry," Gab whispered and started to part but Rayner held him close.

"It's okay," Rayner whispered. He moved his arm a bit to support Gab's back better and moved his other arm to rest behind Gab's head. Pushing Gab's muzzle further into his neck, he added, "it's okay if you want to just snuggle like this."

"I don't want to dirty your boxers," Gab whispered quietly; he'd probably start leaking soon if he wasn't already. "I'm really not this bad. It's just... well, it's hard to take care of myself in the dorms."

"I remember that frustration, but honestly, I had to buy more underwear a couple of weeks ago because of you," Rayner chuckled softly. He felt his own sheath fill at the thought and stretched a leg out on instinct.

"I'm fine with the mess when it's my stuff," Gab whispered, "It's just I think my roommate is starting to smell that something's off with me. Wish he'd leave more. He gets a desk and a chair, and I barely get to fit in my bed."

"Well, you're welcome to take care of yourself in my bed whenever you like," Rayner whispered, "If you want, you can just snuggle as well."

Gab seemed torn as he froze in place. A lick to his nose made Gab snort, and then sighed as he snuggled back into Rayner's neck. Rayner relaxed back into his pillow, laying on his back with Gab pressed up against him. Gab's arm across his chest was a good weight. It wasn't enough to hinder his breathing but firm enough to provide comfort.

The apartment was starting to get busy. Rayner could hear Jack still showering but now there was some noise coming from the kitchen and music coming from another one of the rooms. Liking the idea, Rayner grabbed his phone from beside the bed and added his own music to the apartment's white noise. Gab watched but went back to Rayner's neck after the playlist came on.

In the added noise, Gab moaned into Rayner's fur as he shuddered and snuggled in tightly. It felt like just him and Rayner again. After Gab made the noise though, he bit his lip and looked over at the door. Nothing happened. Rayner, Gab saw when he looked back up, was smiling at him and Gab felt the paw on his back moving now.

"Shh," Rayner whispered, moving his paw up to rest on the back of Gab's head just below his ears, "use my neck. I can wash it later."

Gab didn't say anything and allowed himself to be guided by Rayner's paw. He shuddered as he opened his muzzle wide and clamped down on Rayner's neck. Gab didn't press down hard enough to be of any danger. It was just a secure feeling and Gab moaned into it.

Between them, Gab's pulsing cock flexed hard at the connection they made. Rayner had felt it bobbing before but now it pushed up against the wet fur on his leg like a pick. He flexed as Gab moaned into him and rubbed one of Gab's ears as he hugged back.

"I love you so much," Rayner whispered as Gab squirmed, "I can't believe how lucky I am."

"I'm the lucky one," Gab said quietly, "You honestly don't know how much you've done for me."

"I'd do it all again," Rayner responded and laughed before asking, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Gab said and sat up. He got a hold of Rayner's paw and held it briefly before continuing, "I wanted to ask you some... umm, some stuff."

"Oh?" Rayner asked back.

"You said, umm, when we are ready," Gab whispered and looked down at Rayner's paws, "umm, but what are we going to do?"

"Same thing as last night," Rayner reassured, "I really enjoyed that."

"No, I mean what we talked about a while ago," Gab whispered.

"Oh, like, when we are more ready?" Rayner clarified as best he could but added, "Like that line.

"Yeah," Gab whispered and nodded.

"I sort of thought we'd know, you know," Rayner whispered but stopped to think about it before adding, "That's probably not helpful, is it?"

"It's just a big step," Gab whispered.

"It is," Rayner whispered and smiled at Gab, "it's when we are ready, though. I don't know, do you want to talk about boundaries? We don't have to. We can just keep this simple."

"Sort of," Gab whispered. He took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay, well, do you have anything you want to start with?" Rayner asked and tried to look at Gab, "Anything you're worried about?"

"Just getting... disappointing you," Gab whispered and rubbed his paw up and down his arm, "I don't think I can do... anything like... just, like too fast."

"Agreed, too fast isn't a good way to start," Rayner whispered and put his paws around Gab's shoulder, "Just throwing this out there. What would you think of just saying nothing internal our first time?"

"Internal?" Gab asked and looked up at Rayner.

"Nothing muzzle or tail related?" Rayner clarified.

"Oh!" Gab whispered loudly, "You sure? That's... takes out a lot."

"Not everything," Rayner said softly, "And I'd enjoy everything it doesn't. Would you be okay with that?"

"It would," Gab whispered and swallowed, "I'm sorry."

"No, no, Gab look at me," Rayner almost cooed, Gab looked up at him but he looked scared or sad, "Look, again, I liked Wednesday and I liked last night. I like kissing you. You know? Making this simple is good. I don't want our first time to be scary, or painful, or something we regret."

"What if I don't last long?" Gab barely whispered.

"Gab," Rayner leaned closer and matched Gab's volume, "I don't expect either of us to last long."

"Yeah," Gab whimpered, leaning slightly so that their heads were now touching, "but?"

"Nothing butt-related, remembered?" Rayner whispered and smiled. Gab chuckled softly. "Gab, when you buy a, like a wrapper and give it to me. We can put them on and hold each other until we finish. Whenever we finish. The goal the first time is just to be together through it and support each other after. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah," Gab whimpered and nodded.

"Is that too much?" Rayner asked, "We can do something else. We could just do stuff individually on either side of the bed."

"When we are ready?" Gab asked back.

"When we are ready," Rayner confirmed with a nod as he hugged Gab.

"The goal is just to finish?" Gab whimpered.

"It is Gab," Rayner whispered, "The goal is just to be together when it happens."

"Okay," Gab whimpered and pulled himself out of Rayner's embrace. He looked around the room and then back at Rayner for a second. Rayner worried he went too far. Gab scratched the back of his head and started emptying out his little bag of stuff he bought. He sat back down on the bed with something and looked at it for a second before turning and trying to hand it to Rayner. In a near whisper, he said, "Rayner, I want to be together when it happens this time."

In Gab's paws was a small pack of wolf condoms. It was a generic brand without anything extra to them but Rayner recognized that Gab had bought the right size. For some reason, he had been worried about it. He had more than enough for both of them in his drawer but the idea of not being able to use the ones Gab had bought had been troubling.

Rayner shuddered when he took the package from Gab. Looking at him, Rayner saw Gab was very raw emotionally and he realised that he was as well. This evening had been more than he had dreamed of before coming back to the apartment. The idea that this would happen never crossed Rayner's mind.

"Gab," Rayner whimpered and then cleared his throat. He looked up, then around, and then somewhere far further than the room would allow. Rayner swallowed hard, then laughed, and said "come here, let's just cuddle first. I need a second."

"I do too," Gab almost whined and almost fell into Rayner's arms. The two breathed heavily into each other and hugged each other as hard as they could. Snuggling his head into Rayner's neck, Gab whimpered and then moaned as he brought himself closer.

They slowed the movements down over time as they got comfortable. Rayner was still trying to maintain steady but shallow breaths as Gab pressed himself tightly against his middle. Gab's breathing was quite stable, he was just catching himself on his emotions every once in a while.

"You really want to do this?" Rayner asked as they held each other, "with me?"

"Rayner, I've never not wanted to," Gab whimpered as he hugged Rayner tightly and looked up at him, "I wanted to that Thursday in the storm. I just... now I am ready to actually... do... because of you."

"Gab," Rayner whispered happily.

"Rayner," Gab whispered and then swallowed hard, "Are you want... well, me?"

"Not want, Gab," Rayner said clearly, "I love you. I want to be with you in whatever way we are. I like being with you."

Gab whimpered as Rayner spoke. Slowly Gab leaned back and tried to unfasten the buttons on his shirt. Before he was able to though, Rayner leaned in and kissed him softly. A soft tongue felt along the inside of Gab's mouth and he moaned quietly into it. Parting, Rayner helped with the top two buttons on Gab's Polo and lifted it over him.

Running a paw through the fur on Gab's chest, Rayner smiled as he felt the warmth radiating off his body and the softness of his fur. Gab's grey and brown streaks melted into a warm beige across his stomach. Reaching down to pull him closer Gab shivered at the sensation of Rayner's paws working their way through his fur. Rayner paused.

Gab looked up at Rayner and with a free paw, moved Rayners down waist. There they sat, frozen and staring at each other for a moment. After this point, they both figured it was real. Rayner realised it was real enough though that he wasn't sure if he could continue. Gab held his paw and tried to move Rayner's boxers down. Rayner undid the button at the back.

Before Rayner could try and take Gab's boxers off, Gab reached around and tried to get Rayner's further off. The feeling electrified him. The feeling of Gab wanting him in his fur sent a hardening shudder through his core. Rayner's sheath ached; it was so tight. A small moan even escaped him when Gab pressed against him in a gentle nuzzle.

Rayner wasn't sure if it was Gab who moved first or himself but they came together in a hug, both seeming to have the idea to get to the knees to slip their clothing down further and then finally off. They hugged each other firmly when they were successful. Rayner took a deep breath of Gab's scent and soup as Gab tried to find some hint of the hearths at Pinewood Hall still clinging to him.

Again, thinking of a moment where it became serious they parted and looked at the pile of clothes on the floor. Rayner's erection made itself known quickly after being exposed to the air by bobbing happily for them. Rayner wasn't sure if he should try and get it to stop or if Gab's smile was reason enough to let it keep bobbing.

Gab looked down at himself after enjoying the sight of Rayner's manhood playing in the open. He didn't move but swallowed hard and took a very deep breath. As he exhaled, he looked down to see the light beige of his fur that covered his lap and shealth. His own erection was firm and filled his sheath. Gab started to bob shortly after sitting back.

"Do you want... have you tried this?" Rayner asked in a whisper but when Gab shook his head he had to take a shuddering breath before continuing, "Would you like to try or do you want me to show you?"

"If you could show me?" Gab whimpered and leaned back, exposing himself more.

"Okay," Rayner whispered happily and smiled to himself between breaths.

He picked up the package of condoms and checked the expiration date on instinct more than anything else. Seeing that there was still a good six months left on them he opened the box, separated two of them gently so as not to break the seal, and then tore into one of them. Inside was a fairly standard looking condom but it was more shaped than standard cylindrical condoms due to having to accommodate a knot.

"You ready?" Rayner asked, holding up the condom. Gab gave an almost cartoon-like nod as he braced himself against the bed and wall with his paws.With practised paws, Rayner pinched the top of the condom and brought it down to rest on the top of Gab's leaking tip. Shuddering as they connected, Gab started panting out Rayner's name and increased the volume as Rayner pulled down the condom and Gab's sheath. Below his knot, Rayner tightened up his grip as Gab moaned into just panting.

"It's okay if this is it," Rayner whispered as he watched Gab stretch out.

"What?" Gab whispered, then groaned and looked down at his fully exposed member in Rayner's paw, "No, it's just a lot having you touch me."

"Do you want to try putting one on me then?" Rayner asked timidly.

"Yeah," Gab looked up and smiled. He took the condom package from Rayner and tore it open to find the latex inside. He looked at it and Rayner saw it was curled the wrong way. Gab was able to notice it and flip it around. Rayner mimicked Gab's stance on his side of the bed and braced himself. His wasn't leaking as bad as Gab's was when they started but Rayner could see his sheath was now wet.

"Here, I'll move my sheath as you put it on," Rayner whispered,

Gab nodded and climbed up onto his knees as he moved forward. Trying his best he was able to connect the condom on his first try but had to switch hands to roll it down. Rayner moaned as he felt Gab's tighter than necessary grip followed him down. At the base of his knot, Rayner moaned louder as Gab's vice-like hold held him in place.

"Good or bad?" Gab asked quietly.

"Good," Rayner admitted and squirmed a bit, "You're just holding me really tight."

"I'm sorry," Gab whispered and let go entirely. Rayner's knot was well enough formed that the lack of pressure at this point didn't stop him from tieing to it.

"Shh, come here," Rayner whispered softly and tried to motion Gab to get on top of him. "Here, put yourself on my stomach and just thrust gently into me like you did last night."

Gab did as suggested, keeping their pelvises inline and his knees bent through made it a bit awkward. Rayner didn't mind. He could feel Gab's length sliding through his fur and bumping into his own swollen manhood occasionally. Rayner gave out a couple of shuddering breaths as they rocked back and forth in each other's arms.

Rayner took a moment, though, when Gab seemed to slow down to position him differently. Lifting Gab, he moved one of Gab's legs back and out so that they were under Rayners and tried to position Gab's paws so that they rested above Rayner's hips. Rayner hoped this would be a more secure angle. Gab moaned a bit when he tried thrusting in this position making Rayner smile at his success.

Reaching down, Rayner gently grasped Gab behind his knot as he thrust. A whimper came out of Gab as he firmly bore down on Rayner and increased his speed. They were a lot shallower from the angle however, Gab's little whimpers said that the sensation was better. Rayner changed the angle of his hips so that he could feel Gab's fur running across his length.

They rubbed against each other in this rhythmic dance for longer than either of them could remember. Rayner started to notice that little pulses were starting to ripple through Gab when he slowed down either for a rest or because he was overstimulated. Rayner moaned at the thought. It wasn't until Gab's thrusts started to get erratic that Rayner changed his tactic. As Gab pulled back, Rayner started to try and hold him tighter to him. In response, Gab let out little moans when he panted.

"Rayner, Rayner, oh shit," Gab tried to say as he panted hard, "I think."

"Just relax," Rayner whispered and watched him go back to his erect humps, "I'm here when it happens."

Gab moaned long and his thrusting turned into a firm set of plunges. They didn't seem to have any real sense to them. Some were short and quick. Others he dragged out then pulled hard against Rayner's paw holding him in place. Tying him in place to Rayner's body.

"Oh shit," Gab gasped, pulling harder, "Rayner."

"You feel so good," Rayner quickly whispered, panting hard and holding Gab's knot tightly, "Oh Gab, that's it. That's it Gab. Oh Gab, I want you. I'm here when you're ready."

"You want me," Gab leaned forward, thrusting hard into Rayner's stomach, and whimpering into his neck. A shuddering couple of thrusts, a gasp, and Gab went stiff. Rayner felt the shuddering pulses start behind Gab's knot before he felt bob and spurts of Gab's milky seed start to fill the condom between them. It was warm. Rayner was warm. Gab's small whines as he went over the edge made Rayner shudder as he pinned the wolf above him. Gab looked down at what he was doing and whimpered, "Rayner, oh my god, Rayner, that's my. That's me."

"Here, Gab, could you move your paw to help me?" Rayner asked softly, Gab didn't answer in words. He just lifted one of his paws off and guided by Rayner's free paw, Gab reached past his own spurting manhood to Rayner's knot.

"That's it," Rayner whimpered as Gab held him.

Rayner's small thrusts didn't have to drag through Gab's fur to get the sensation. He had a pulsing knot in his hands and a whimpering wolf above him. All Rayner had to do is run a paw over Gab's thigh and about how good that seed would be if it was inside him. How good it would be to have his mate inside him. How warm, and soft, and filling his seed would be.

"Gab," Rayner whimpered and shuddered, "hold still, I'm almost. Oh fuck, Gab."

Gab gasped as Rayner went over the edge with him. Moaning into Gab's chest Rayner felt the pressure within him spill over into the paws of the one he loved. For the first half dozen spurts, Rayner was positive that he was tied to his mate. It was only after about twenty that he started to relax and feel Gab's paw again.

"Did I do that right?" Gab whispered as Rayner came down.

"Perfect," Rayner chuckled and moaned, "just don't let go."

"I won't," Gab chuckled through his painting, "I can feel you. Rayner, we did it."

"We did," Rayner whispered as he tried to change his angle, "here, try and lay down. We are going to be here a while."

Gab groaned as he moved but was eventually able to lay down beside Rayner. Their arms crossed each other so that they were still holding onto each other's knots but Gab was able to lie and bury his nose in Rayner's neck. Rayner lay on his back and with a slightly awkward angle, held Gab to his stomach. The flow coming out of each of them had slowed but both were still spilling their seed into each other's paws.

"Mates," Gab whispered.

"Happy Pre-Mateship," Rayner whispered.

"Do we say anything?" Gab asked quietly and snuggled into Rayner's neck.

"No," Rayner whispered, "All it takes is to be together when it happens."

Nuzzling Rayner's neck, Gab whimpered happily as the two held each other close and firmly. Part of Rayner could believe he was there with Gab's paw holding him. Gab's firm knot was in his paw and it was warm. Rayner couldn't believe how warm Gab felt. This felt like magic.

"Sorry about last night," Gab whispered into Rayner's side, " I wish I had been brave enough to do this."

"That's okay," Rayner whispered sternly and hugged Gab with the arm he had wrapped around Gab's back. Softening he added, "We don't have to be at the same place to have a good time. This isn't a race or a competition. I felt you finishing last night. Felt you moaning into my neck. Then this became the best morning of my life."

"But," Gab whispered and took a shaky breath in.

"You start playing with butts again just know I want to be able to, too," Rayner whispered, half-jokingly.

"How?" Gab asked quietly.

"Gab, I'm kidding," Rayner whispered back quickly, "I'm just playing with the word."

"But I want you to be happy," Gab whispered, Rayner wasn't sure if Gab was intentionally trying to push the subject. Figuring it was Gab, Rayner shifted a bit and pulled Gab into as much of a hug as he could. Whimpering, Gab hugged back.

"I am happy," Rayner whispered slowly. He released Gab a bit and then added, "I love you. I love this. I love feeling this."

"But," Gab whimpered, "I just, I don't want you to be mad."

"Well, how can I be mad that you like me?" Rayner leaned in and whispered to Gab, "That's what I want."

Gab looked down between them again and looked back up at Rayner with a sort of puzzled look. He didn't say anything and Rayner just smiled at him. Nuzzling back up to Rayner's neck, Gab mumbled something into Rayner's fur that Rayner couldn't make out.

"If the first word out of your muzzle is but you have to show me yours," Rayner whispered as he lifted Gab's head.

"But," Gab whispered in reflex and then grumbled. Rayner chuckled. Gab swallowed and whispered, "So you... like you aren't upset?"

"No Gab," Rayner whispered, laughed quietly, and hugged Gab again, "I want you. As you. We are trying to figure this out, build the scale, feel out the path, or any of the other cliches."

"We are?" Gab asked.

"Yes, regardless of whether we want to or not," Rayner whispered, "At least that's what I read. It's all about trying to understand what we enjoy. Individually and as a couple."

"How long does that last?" Gab whispered.

"Well a ten-point scale needs ten points of data," Rayner explained, "So we'd need eight or nine more filled condoms from you to have a scale."

"That's a lot," Gab whispered, mostly to himself.

"Well, I mean, we could try and get it done today if you're in a rush," Rayner whispered. Gab chuckled into a sigh and nuzzled back into Rayner's fur. "Granted, if you need about half an hour to an hour to cool down we are probably going to be pushing this into the evening. May need to take into account that the last couple of times you cum may take longer. I'm up for-"

"Oh my god, you aren't stopping," Gab interrupted. He was shaking his head and laughing quietly. Rayner smiled and hugged him gently.

"Neither are you," Rayner whispered and squeezed Gab's knot slightly harder. Gab let out a whine that Rayner was barely able to hear. Rayner licked Gab's nose before adding, "I usually don't go this long."

"I don't either," Gab shuddered as he whispered, "you holding me, your fur... your warmth it's just keeping me going."

"Even if you're scared I'm mad at you?" Rayner whispered.

"Actually," Gab whispered, "I was worried you were going to let go and it made everything more intense."

"I won't unless you ask me to," Rayner whispered and pressed as much of Gab up against him as he could.

"And even then," Gab whispered back and chuckled.

"No, Gab, if you ask me to stop I'll stop," Rayner whispered back quickly. Looking up, he thought for a second before adding, "To be honest, with everything we should really agree on a safeword."

"What?" Gab whispered back.

"A word that if spoken means we stop what we are doing," Rayner explained, "A word we wouldn't say in really any conversation but would recognize if spoken."

"Sounds like when dad yells my full name," Gab whispered, "I stop instantly. I don't think I have ever heard my middle name other than that."

"That works," Rayner whispered, "I don't think I have ever heard mine used any other way either. So if you ever need me to stop, just say Victorsen."

"That's a neat name," Gab whispered, "Mines just Damian."

"Gab, it's just a Pack thing. Victorsen is literally just the son of Victor," Rayner explained, "my dad's name is Victor. Damian is cool though. Gabriel Damian Wilson. That's a neat name."

"I wish," Gab muttered, "my actual legal name is Gab. I always thought of changing it but I don't want to deal with whatever family drama it would cause."

"Sorry, I should have probably left that topic for another time," Rayner whispered and looked down between them.

"Oh?" Gab whispered.

"You stopped," Rayner answered.

"Oh," Gab whispered, he glanced down for a second and looked back up, "I don't think it was because of that. I relaxed when you said you weren't mad. You can let go if you want."

"Only if you hug me," Rayner whispered close and released Gab. His paw was a bit sore from grasping that long but that paw was well trained.

"Actually," Gab whispered and pulled away.

Rayner felt his heart sink a bit as he watched Gab crawl away from him. He wasn't sure if it had been the talk of family or the safe word that had done it. Rayner pulled himself up a bit to a sitting position and tried to think of what to say. He didn't want the morning to be left with an uncomfortable end.

Gab though had other ideas. He only crawled to the end of the bed and then leant down a bit. Facing away from Rayner, he hesitantly moved his tail to the side and then with a shudder lifted it entirely up. As the cooler air reached him, he reflexively tightened himself but kept his tail high.

"Because I played with but," Gab whispered quietly, "What do you think?"

"I am absolutely gay," Rayner whispered to himself as he stared wide-eyed at Gab's winking tail hole. Any picture he'd seen of a woman didn't compare to Gab in front of him. The dark fur under his tail changed suddenly to the light beige that flowed over his balls and into his thighs. That dark red pole of a manhood swung gently with the ballooned bag of seed tied to it. Rayner took a deep breath in and could taste Gab's scent now in the air. Through a shuddering whisper, Rayner asked, "Gab, can I... I just, can I just smell you."

Gab didn't answer verbally but nodded his head, raised himself a bit, and lifted his tail further. Rayner slowly approached, never taking his eyes off the base of Gab's tail Rayner bit his lip and tried to stifle a moan as he got closer. Gab had an earthy smell that Rayner could only describe as smooth. Like his musk, it wasn't the typical sharpness that Rayner had nor the sourness that seemed common among others. Gab was gentle from his soul to his seed.

"Hold my tail," Gab whispered back.

Rayner thought it almost sounded like he was begging but Rayner realised suddenly that Gab wanted this too. Gab wanted him. With his left paw, Rayner slipped his thumb around the underside of Gab's tail to cup him and held on. Rayner almost gasped desperately for Gab's earthy scent an inch away from Gab's rump as he slipped his sheath down with his right paw and held the base of his knot as it formed.

Gab watched Rayner with his muzzle open losing himself in his lust. Gab's back was already starting to get sore from the angle but he felt himself get more submissive. He hadn't felt wanted in a long time and to have this wolf behind him, wanting him but wanting to protect him, set his heart and groin on fire. He watched, mesmerised, as Rayner lost himself in the scent

"Kiss me," Gab whimpered quietly, closed his eyes, and stretched back into Rayner's embrace.

Rayner felt and heard himself moan when the heat of Gab's tail hole touched his nose. The gentle kiss he reached up and gave the flesh under Gab's tail was all it took to send his mind reeling. Gab's eyes went wide and he whimpered into the kiss. Turning to see Rayner's smile and a quivering ripple wash through him, Gab turned. Rayner never let go of Gab's tail as he moved and pulled him in tight as he got close.

"I don't think I have ever wanted a scent like that so badly," Rayner whispered as he settled down. Gab moaned something that Rayner didn't hear. Rayner snuggled up to him and asked, "What was that?"

"You kissed my butt," Gab whispered in a half accusatory half-amused sort of moan, "I can't believe you kissed my butt."

"You said too," Rayner whispered.

"I meant kiss me," Gab laughed quietly, "like my muzzle."

"Oh," Rayner whispered and pulled away a bit to look at Gab. He seemed stable but Rayner added, "Gab I didn't mean to go that fast. I'm sorry if it was-"

"I liked feeling you," Gab whispered slowly. He relaxed a bit when he whispered and rubbed his muzzle against Rayner's collar bone. Gab shuddered, squirmed, and snuggled before moaning into Rayner quietly, "I liked you touching me there."

The two wolves twisted a bit back into the position that they woke up in. Gab had a bit of difficulty turning as he stubbornly held onto Rayner. Eventually, he realised he had to switch paws but after some careful manoeuvres and more than a little time with both his paws on Rayner's knot they were settled.

Gab snuggled back up to Rayner's neck and gently place his still swollen cock on Rayner's side. His shallow breathing slowly became closer to Rayner's deep breaths as the last of Rayner's orgasm finished off. Rayner sighed deeply and relaxed into the pillow, his tail happily flopping back and forth between his legs, and enjoyed the new scents in his room.

At some point Jack had finished showering, he had even finished drying himself off Rayner had guessed. Not that that was important. Rayner was more interested in the time and whether today was worth rushing around for or maybe just staying in and relaxing. A quick look at his phone he noticed that they were supposed to meet up with the group in just over an hour.

"Anything wrong?" Gab whispered as he glanced at Rayner's phone.

"We are getting close to decision time," Rayner whispered back, "Do we go on an adventure with the group down the river valley or do we continue our own adventure?"

"Do you have a preference?" Gab whispered as he sat up a bit.

"I could easily spend the day exploring your body," Rayner whispered and took a good sniff of Gab's chest. Gently he put a paw on Gab's hip and moved to lick his neck. More than a little of Gab's fur came away with his tongue though and he had to pick some of them out. Rayner laughed, "that time of year. Umm, like I said but, I mean we don't have to. If you want a break or time or space. What are you thinking?"

"Everything tingles," Gab whispered. He lifted a paw, flexed it, and then put it back down. He took a couple of deep breaths then looked down at Rayner and added, "I don't really want this to stop but I'm not sure when I'm... when my mind is, you know... be less fuzzy?"

"Well, are you okay?" Rayner asked as he ran a paw through Gab's chest fur.

"I think so. Everything got really sensitive when you touched my, umm, held my," Gab tried to explain but trailed off trying to figure out how he wanted to say this. A couple of seconds of silence later he gave up. Leaning close he continued, "my tail. I just... I didn't know I'd be so sensitive."

"Did you enjoy it?" Rayner asked quietly.

"I, I did," Gab whispered hesitantly, "I just, you know, it's dirty and nothing is protecting you... it's just very gay and I don't want you to get sick."

"Gab, we are gay and we are both came back negative," Rayner whispered gently, "We won't get sick."

"I know," Gab whispered. He let out a deep breath and nodded as Rayner held him. "I just. It still feels like we will sometimes."

"And it probably will for a while," Rayner nodded as he whispered, "And mating is about feeling more than thinking. I want this to feel right."

"It did," Gab said just above a whisper, "All of this, it's just a lot. I get scared of how close it's getting."

"What?" Rayner whispered.

"Back in heat," Gab whispered and shuddered, "Oh god, I can't believe I'm saying this... Back in heat, I had a dream. You licked me, you were licking me there and then, and then... You held me... we were mating... you were tied to me. You were in me so deep. Then you weren't."

"That's an awful time to wake up," Rayner whispered.

"I was making a mess," Gab whispered, "and I was scared of how bad I wanted you in me. How bad I needed you in me."

"Was?" Rayner asked quietly.

"Am," Gab whispered quickly, "I'm still."

"Gab," Rayner whispered and hugged Gab close, "I'm kind of scared too. Mating like that... It means a lot to the Pack. I know it's not the same. I know your fear is a lot more than mine. Just know, I want you to feel safe when we do and that it's worth the risks."

"I think I do," Gab whispered, "Still don't know why you want me but I know that you do."

"You're smart, kind, and interesting," Rayner whispered, "You don't care that I'm a Pinewood, you seem to like me as well, you're hot, and you smell good."

"Hot?" Gab almost scoffed, "say's the one with huge muscles and nice fur. You could have any wolf you want."

"And I want you. I searched for you. I found you. I have seen more than a lot of both men and women in the fur," Rayner whispered, "unfortunately, a lot of them I'm related to but even the ones I am not don't hold anything on you. You're my Gab. I marked you and you are mine. I love you so much."

"I love you too," Gab whispered and closed his eyes.

Exhaling, Gab leaned back and stretched. Rayner looked between them at the shrinking rod attached to Gab and gently removed the wrap around it. Gab looked up and shuddered as he did but didn't say anything. Tying it off, Rayner covered it in a tissue and placed it in the garbage. He quickly did the same with his own and massaged his sheath back around himself.

"Was that dream when you started avoiding my texts?" Rayner asked as he laid down next to Gab again.

"I'm sorry," Gab whispered and nodded in response.

"You were scared," Rayner whispered and shook his head, "that makes sense. Between your fear of getting sick, your family, and everything it makes sense. I'm just sad I wasn't there for you when you needed me."

"It wouldn't have been good if you were," Gab whispered, he looked down and wiped up a bit of seed that had leaked out of him on the tip of a finger, "I would have thought I could kill you with this."

"How about now?" Rayner asked quietly, watching Gab's finger.

"I guess I know it won't," Gab whispered and looked at it carefully, "I'm not sure if I believe it though for some reason. Do you?"

"I do," Rayner whispered.

"Enough to risk your health for me?" Gab whispered.

"Remember the safe word?" Rayner whispered.

Gab looked up and over at Rayner with a frown but nodded. Rayner held out his paw for Gab's and then slowly as Gab reached out brought it closer to his muzzle. Opening his mouth, he let his tongue fall out and got ready to lick.

"Rayner," Gab whispered, "You sure?"

Rayner nodded and brought the finger to him. The first taste of Gab's seed was mostly slimy and salty with a bit of an odd, almost tangy aftertaste. Rayner happily let it play across his tongue and brought the scent into his lungs and then his nose. Gab's seed was in him now. Rayner's sheath ached a bit but swelled the best it could.

"How was... umm, it?" Gab whispered as he watched.

"Smells better than it tastes," Rayner whispered and smiled. He looked down to see the tip of his cock now poking back out of his sheath with a bead of his own seed on the end, "but you smell pretty good."

"Did you want me to?" Gab asked as he looked down to where Rayner was looking, "As well?"

"Only if you are ready," Rayner looked over and whispered.

"I don't think I am," Gab admitted quietly.

"That's okay," Rayner whispered and smiled, "thank you for letting me taste you."

"No problem?" Gab whispered, "I think. I'm not sure what to do."

"Well, we could put on another condom and go for round three," Rayner offered, "or we can grab a coffee and some food before meeting up with the group. What are you up for?"

"Honestly," Gab whispered quietly and looked away, "I'd really like some food. It's not that I don't want to do-"

"Food sounds good," Rayner interrupted, "plus, we are pre-mated now. If you ever want to come over and be close, I am more than willing."

"Thank you," Gab whispered and smiled. He breathed heavily though at the thought. Gab looked away and almost to himself added, "We are marked and pre-mated aren't we?"

"And your seed is in me," Rayner added with a smile. Gab's head snapped up to look at Rayner but then looked down at his own finger. With a frown, he swallowed hard and tried to say something but didn't seem to find the words. When Gab didn't seem to find what he was looking for, Rayner added, "Again you won't make me sick and I can't get pregnant like that."

"Rayner," Gab whispered as he looked over with a shocked expression. He laughed suddenly though at the absurdity of it all. Sighing, he let out a long breath and shut his eyes before adding, "I just thought I was the, well, that I'd... that you'd, you know like my dream."

"You didn't think I'd be willing to receive you?" Rayner asked simply.

"Well," Gab muttered, "sort of. There was this thing I read. It said you were a top. I think."

"This a guy-girl thing again?" Rayner asked quietly, "I'm the guy, you're the girl but top and bottom?"

"Maybe?" Gab whispered and looked at Rayner anxiously, "I don't know. It made sense though. Like last night with the acknowledging lick. You're courting me, paying for my food, helping me feel. It said I was a bottom."

"Do you want to be?" Rayner asked carefully.

"I want to make you happy," Gab answered far faster than Rayner had expected, "I'm trying to."

"I am happy Gab," Rayner whispered, "and in love and all of it."

"But why me?" Gab whispered.

"You let me?" Rayner asked back with a smile.

"Well how do I make that better though?" Gab whispered, seeming to get more desperate.

"Let me love the you that you are. I love you as you. Not you trying to be the you that you think I want," Rayner answered as gently as he could. He wasn't able to stop the a thought from entering his mind and with a chuckle added, "Don't get any hotter though. I'll need to buy even more underwear if you do."

"I really like trusting you," Gab whimpered and chuckled at the same time, "and it's terrifying to think about but... my dream."

"You want me to be tied to you," Rayner whispered.

"If you want me," Gab forcefully made himself whisper.

"Do you trust me to do something?" Rayner asked as he moved a bit closer to Gab.

"Yes," Gab answered and nodded.

"Okay, lay down on your back," Rayner directed and moved a bit so that Gab could.

Stretching out a bit, Rayner moved between Gab's legs and lifted them a bit so that they were over his own. Straddling the increasingly nervous wolf, Rayner moved his paw and guided Gab's tail to be underneath him. Having Gab presenting to him now, Rayner sat down, sighing hard at the sight in front of him.

"Rayner, what are you doing?" Gab whispered shakily, looking back and forth at Rayner's sheath and eyes.

"I won't ever hurt you," Rayner explained, "You tell me to stop and I'll stop. And it's okay to stop and to wait. I want to stop if you aren't feeling the same desire. I want to wait until are both ready."

"I really want to wait," Gab whispered.

"But is this where you want me to be?" Rayner asked, trying his best to be as still as he could, "is this like your dream?"

Looking over himself, Gab saw Rayner's bulging sheath lined up with his tail and part of flexed hard at the sight. Rayner was ready to tie him. Rayner looked like he wanted to tie him. Gab felt mildly light headed as he continued to look down but when he looked back up into Rayner's eyes there wasn't that feral need that was in his dream. Rayner looked concerned but in control.

"I really want you to tie me," Gab heard himself say in a shivering whisper.

"I want to be tied to you," Rayner whispered back, smiling brightly, "Do you trust me to wait till you say you are ready."

"Yes," Gab said with a nod.

"I'm really glad," Rayner whispered back. He let out a long slow breath as he looked down at the wolf under him. He probably shouldn't have done this. It was probably dangerous and stupid. Thinking about it, Rayner whispered, "I'm sorry I scared you."

"I could move," Gab whispered, "I trust you. You aren't the wolf from my dream. You want us to actually mate."

"What was different in your dream?" Rayner asked curiously.

"It was like I was there but things happened that I had to accept," Gab whispered, flexing his legs a bit and wiggling underneath Rayner, "I enjoyed accepting them but it still felt different than this. Rayner, this feels weird."

"Weird?" Rayner asked.

"It's weird being able to relax like this," Gab whispered, "It's weird to think that this is safe."

"Something new to think about then," Rayner leaned in and whispered close, "if you want coffee though we should probably get moving."

"I am actually hungry," Gab groaned and nodded. He even laughed a little.

Rayner smiled, jumped off the bed and started to collect Gab's clothes as Gab watched. He wasn't trying to do anything specific until he turned to see Gab still staring at his tail. With a bit of an exaggerated lean down, Rayner lifted his tail out of the way and heard Gab take a shaky breath in. Knowing he was fully exposed Rayner wagged his tail a bit before standing back up, turning around, and handing Gab his clothes.

"Did you like the view?" Rayner asked playfully. Gab laughed quietly and nodded. Hugging his clothes he got up and looked at himself. Hopefully, his erection would go down before they left the apartment.